HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-03-20, Page 6r,
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Y y yett true p
Q. tit (e1(41' 1„11.4.13(1144 it`4A perestng the fact titer
FI►II;}A 'S • .: t'.11 20. 1891,
The Inveterate. Borrower.
Whwteer John Burr desired to use
fled of a uei'uhbor borrow,
And protniee that he would i acorn
The seine upuu the morrow.
LIe'd Barrow rakes stile spades and hoes,
lieI'd borrow, ploughs and barrows,
la shet, lewd borrow auy4ilint .
ream sickles .to wheelbarrows.
When be went in the tiouse as nights
After his daily labors,
RRemiudera of bout him h e ye ht glibo snd late
lle'd see•the borrowed caudlestiok
That held the buroiug toper,
he'll see upon the window.stlk
The borrowed book mud paper.
Ite'd ne'er return the malty things
The people eiildlyalent him.
One day be wished to use a horse --
fie called his boy and sent hint
To get Squire :killer's cbesnut mare,
Awl soon John Burr was pine.
Re thou wayside
widna lwtasnblowiug.
Re found the horse he couldn't stop,
Ile traveled fust and faster,
Fill miles Bud miles away from home,
Ile met with a disaster.
Tbewagon ran against a rock,
Auci went to pieoes, nearly,
enhurt h out
Arid when fo'r ell he bed to pay
The lesson of his sorrow
Vas this, that evil comes to him
That only lives to bbrraw.
on 1 --labor, 2 -perseverance, 3--,
self reliance, and.l4-character.
Ott Friday, business was restarted at
9 a m, The election of officers was
proceeded with and resulted aa,iol'
lows: Pres, A H Plummer; tat Vice -
Pres, 111r M Blank ;. 2ud Vioe-Pres,
Miss Hellen ; Sec.Treas, Mr A Scott
Executive Committee, Messrs :Mu
grove, Lough, Shearer, McFaul and
Cowan ;'Delegate to Ontario Teachers'
Association, D Itohb, 1 Ix'S ; Auditors
for 1891, Messrs Lough and Turut►ull,
The Treasurer's report was read and
adopted and slioire'd a bttlunce on hand
of $0 80.
Mr Tilleyegate an example of his
method of l teaching reading, with a
class, file held treat the prompt and
correct recognition of words is the first
requirement of ettadtunt, and that pupils
sd whine
1 ' up its parts,
Miss Abraham then ou
What? 1 asked, an este hesitated, combination cued by Ws euovessor. , L (j t
Come along in. While no nne can epoort•he box with +CClt. V•
Reit, never' Mind,
{ e into the $root room, out kuowittg the conbin'fition, an
He took to loose of the poet offt'e oafs open
which did net a(�eiu to be mush need F
by the fancily. As we entered there frorii the insidb simplly vto touching
y enfil)g. tlms obviating
antero a laud. yell Errol the adjoining .
room, and be explained :' shreuld the renter fail to Fet the eom�•
It's only 't y wife boxing the oldest hi ratiatt properly. --•New York World
gal's ears for sassing her; Let m„
take your hat,
He toad searee'•y taken it when a Faraway is a picture of the Farty-
boy Wes heard whQnpin4;, sell he Pt` Seventh Lanoeis. nnr'ty seventh Isar
Veined cern1 Baw lave 1 They must •laevo
II's only my vr'ife pulling young dawneed the whole hloonlillug rtiahtr
'fines hair for not bringing in the ----�
Apneriente. '
'light wood. a ,e1 The nlan'wtlu ohs ante tttlythiva to
yelp arm liaalUCM \•tla
The whoop was follot.Pd.by 1" '
Heersi tee. series rue raid. e`t s�Ne uAW� 18 )floe,
ileac Gttlli11y H't` boast t O;' bet his elite only
lttl(fPF:tors i8 nu},lir,;rerl, wl per neurit t
and a howl, anti. n13'
like a patlt,o; LI1H only gn')(1 byloltg 31,9 Lenaitu1,o1111HJ4 Li Jini.1ui>auiierddto
lslOne :
One t r. •p you ins to him is nuderQrouud.-=[yir ,r loueerpe,'k*na roe loo};dr. awdldr4iaerreuts, also
S,it1P U'� rite d0,d. tat` in the' betty, .. nllPdl'tiatLLlUllte without apsettl,• diren• tiorl8, wi�)u o,,,
see,and she lifted hitt, 1 i ' t I tl t uteu4a moat I,d pa,u iu uuv f
1Dwas trying to male bis"pesitiou a
'little less embarrassing, when there
Were two yells in quick succession,
What picture is Mist in your English
[itter, 14iss..Geraldine 1 'pleat•, A'l.r,
'TI.ItY" k'lill)AY M.U1t
TIMES carr"1r,.E,..lOSEPHfN '•STn1EE't'
W 1 Lg (arJ:l',:Fl l'1t, - 4 *.l'Afa `
subscriptioniviee.Si»et ryeetieetsdventee+'
vt:ilTlHiT\C BATES
Space 1 1 yr. 14 filo, I ii"•rV•,_.;i
Ono tio"'11au vti0 00 !ib4 00 10.4, tin 40 co
ilia, „ dA OK • Pen HQ .%: UR • Irl lilt
quarter " Gu Ob , ig Cie 7 On
_7 rlq
.,o ;f Qc • t
u 114011
Local anti other (Mena auvurtisuP' 114e,:SQ. petf'.ittle
for Lest insertum, ono •, per linet `kr:4elsililbsecfuellt •
fnLoGaltnotices,in nonpareil t1n4,",'ie0,iter first in
'el un be Vet lin: wt.A..eu M teetineltt
• d los than , f t
cerci ., u ., . .
Ao base notice will bo charged
Advvrtieuw, urs u(,.Jat, round, atraytd,tiltuation4,
•nada 11 an1n.U, nut u1UdUU Wp e•+ oto -n
°ver airy• Inserted 4+I, lurbtU Alto r„a,,1;u aet'vMu,,t• ice
A ne•uspnitnr is the 113 ori n' the s+Unaugbdvfosuuul,trte.t eelectlitenents ;MOH he ill,.
world for one day -• [Bishop Morn. tiwu.na uy Netu,teetty 'WWI, in order to a4g.tsa
should be taught tho{tor as a that week
before taking,
The rnost valuable gift that min be R. ELI if{TT
M ' t k a lesson in b and he trussed bestowed upon women is something
►•ttt4 lrton AIM Prsrlsier+
historycert(' a chess;
Huron Teachers Conven-
tion. n -
The resole'=' annual meeting of the
East Htiron Teachers' Association was
}1'eld in the Public School, Brussels, ou
Ttoursday and. Friday, Feb 23th aid.
‘17th, the 'president, Mr Taylor, of
The sulrl2et followed. y � scram te, -
to do, wliici� they oan do wall find it niAt)uurAW�.
matter of c}it3'lessHtil tattle' the farm of � leis legs and remarked : „ worthily, thereby maintain thorn•
e t pupils r was probably booking aosEllll E
y which interested lee p p Phe twins F d ,pt Bel es. [ A. Garfield:
a story iv •t'C iu .. - ' r ernes%
some vittles off° the table and g
v ._...'JatnPa r ar: e,
the map, at the end a 000u the It is better to hold back the troth wtseuAM,
F eared ou the catoht at it. _s •-�- �--� -^
outline of the lesson app . Half a minute later, just ns'T had than to speak it ungruciousiy.-St ��T B. TC7VLER. At,P c.ni.,
blacicbnard. Francis de Skies
111r Robb then gave a . talk ou the
difficulties 1 had et with owing to that locality, ty the door
very'- enrol : She fri gently ref4'red to
got, ready to ask about the crops e Tune.
was banged Tittle, which deadens hatred, Re rosy MomberC000go Physicians anti Surgeons, Ontario, 'T.
'tfi flea to & m t 0. Qea I Rht
r en , Coroner for County of 'tiara: -
in uxakitlg up the reports, strengthens enathens hive: . tc er• Qdtce at "Tan PHARMACY 1e vinghum, OrrO,'
the mistakes were lttdicreus even and a wo►nsiil, who had a fork
i1} t' np
t5'Una9 Cf tl
in the extreme. R. A. MELttite7 o
Hanoi Oruuuutd of Toronto `tr'nlvereity°, and
The printing of the constitution a as youuee copy [G 11 kl ° bot of the tette! a of ktUauu "a eras, aurceuro:01
referred to the Executive Committee. Al d cl- if }Y erem to.
gave his method r bee fi 1 alydRoe,tldnee-CornerotCentrennrPatexC�}5
Mr 111usgrovr+ then t edon't help to F I ptoacli. [ streets,i °Inrotmtei otu\grl
of teaching' "flow we are Governed.'" tV itM
He showed how to grit the .pupils to
understand our system of government,
nwniuipa tty. tseu
LOII'r and it , followed. - la. `..
;t'e gate-et/let ye 'd`• � tt h tS i "+stile• ta'�other - [Sterne.
att g
stinted the fullowih amitrt, rix: -s' • �phite kill stoves, excellent gn+i7ity,
Resolved that the thtu&S of this'll'. cl.a lb'es on her'` `h0 ter hi tantr>itu
�} 1 t one audit you don't mind ?selling for b0 cents llent l:- f
stttuttou has tendered S � id headed, 't •rnuslui aud satin at cost pt{3
assisted at r eu a aril •_ treed. the. ts.ilor's.
given last evening, and to 'the chair „ander shanited, and humped backed, .
Wroxeter;:itt the -chair.
The mitiutes`of'tbe'pre vioos meeting
wire read and apllrc.ved. The follow-
ing cotniuitteeswere thee. appointed.
viz : Reporting, Mexsrs Lowery. Mc-
'Fadyen and Swearer, General. busi
Bess, Messrs Shaw: Wood and King.
Resolutions, Moss's Blackwell, Lough
aud 1itobb.
At the regnest of the West Huron
Teachers' Association, Mr J J Tilley
'hrou+*ht before the meeting 'smatter
one hand Ruda. baby ou her shoulder,
bounced in and shpoted out :
You onery, lazy Jim Murdock,
People le seldom improve when they
have no other model but themselves to
r after.- o r sloe . t.
off thee brats There is no bittbiiaesd{I ke self•re•
you_ [Landon.•
She saw me and stopped and re- An itifv,ard sincerity sal, still, ref convse,
un , e sit lad Boise the influence`' that, outwardw' deportment
by directing their thoughts to their treated, and wit .0 e'` " but where tril�i�.o is wanking, therm is
l' D' ssiou by Messrs husband explained t;
x •. • cv l e r ,eat reas0tr t olttsp1'et the absence of
' at ' wart, tip, t to �, y
Black well t s wh 1,
h BTf
1 t ►1 7 s
q ce ou by Ur. Bethune.
discussed by them arta roger tug a c llanae
The. d tnrnittee on resolutions pees
to. those W Pi, 1P. e P , now'" 9 1 white
ae at
d th• t rtainineni h i g`ciilled squint eyed, ba Bead ,ties in
which be discharged u
esalved that a vote of thanks be' when she sets 'em op and'put tip with roan for the admirable nlaI1UCt ire
and if you can kick the • dogs off
wl d d his deities itl
the council for the use of the the.children `climbi111 over yore, I
Town Hall. try and make it pleasant otherwise.
Resolved that a vote of thanks be
tendered the trustees for 'the use of gat the iiralfy CCM da.
the school tend •,else -t6 the teachers for their It can wear out a paler of kid shoes
tl courtesy in cont action with the
Resolved that the thanks of the In- it can keep its father busy adverti$
in twenty four hours.
lug in the newspapers for a nurse.
I{: can occupy,. 1)011 sides" of the
largest sized bed tnanilfactuted sirodl-
It can make itself look like a fiend
to to show
:4 stitution be given to the retiring t,flt.
in the atlethod of distributitlg the 1 cera for the able manner in which. they
grants to Public Schools, lie thought i have discharged their duties:
'the present mode of apportionieg•the Resolved that no action be taken in
the tuatter'brous;ht before the Insti-
tution by the Waterloo TeachersAs-.
Resolved' that this Institute reeoln-
grants unfair to highly taxed sections,.
rind silgeested that the amount 'each
Bohlen receive depend On the qualifies
cation of the teacher and the expenses 1 mend that $100 be raised bythe cowl
keeping upthe school. try •'for each school therein, and that
incurred:. in F g a further sum of $100 be raised by the
The niiltrer was referred to the tom- Township• Obuticil for each school,
mittee On resolutions, and'tliatl thele islative grant be dish
Mr Tilley then addressed the assn- I tribitbd'on the basis of salaries and
elation on the suliject: "Principles of
litlacatiou." Ile held that printtples
are of'more importance than methods
of teaching, and that we should'foil'a'w
ntttare's law in educating the" child,
oet tl1lchtris.
t• The A.sseciation adjourned to meet
itt the' salt of the Lxeoutive ' Com-
It'wit lir Rmetnon who said "the
The four'prrnciples'noticed Were, (1:) first wealth is .health," and it was a
wiser thenethe modern philosopher who
mind and body are fnter�depend(tnt-- said that "the blood is the life." The'
tete physical must keep pace with the syatem,rlike the clock, runs down. Iit`
tnetlttil ''(")' a faculty grows only be° needs wending up. The blood gets
,i- . aeulti ;(8)p refeotiottl 'poor and scores of diseases• result. It
oxer l.ise of that f yp
in physical end mental action can betneeds atopic to enrich it.
A certain wise doctor, after years of
Fecured only by repetition of the act ; patient stu ay, diFcobered a medicine
if) tnontal action not only produces which puyifed the bltood, gave.toner to
development but results in the acquisi• the system, and made men tired,
Moo ofknowledge. He warned young nervous, brainewasting t'nee-feel like
teachers against telling a child ton new. He called it lis An"Golden Medi.
It as
Ytini lI. It %s the r.workof'a tr sobcul Discovl'ry.er to years, sold i,y the million of bottles,
-select the kind and amount of wort; to and people found such satisfaction in
dirset the child's efforts, to stimulate I discovered it
him to a greater eftort when in. dines '
catty, and to make cireui'nstancea"fav
oraltle for learning. The able address
was hittily appreciated by the teachers
The roll -call-° allowed'an ettetiatinco
tl,f 4El
After the reading of a humorous se
eetion in the Scotch 'dia'vet by oIr J
('11.1'eLeod, the report of the Caminittee
f,pprlinfra+td tci draft a t117ustititin, Wats
•.rH,,ttd •iry - •I.r Lough. The report,
after- a 8llttht' (Avenge, war adtepttid on
t . t lfttest "tP>° "Mess! S Lough and Itobh.
Il,, tile evening it public meeting was
, to tare Totltn hall, at which Mr'l'
presided, The prog(tmine tion
ad ItMt 1MtTatnt*l iodate,
irsidowe , - , fn4d a %etaI'«'
itt'Llie: fie
jpst when mamma wan *
what a pretty :baby she Itis.
It can make an old bachelor in the
rboin a:djoiniilg use language that, if
uttered on the street, world get liim
info the penitentiary for two years.
It can:'gn from the farthest end of
the root&to the f tot of the stairs in
thee h~altl adjoiriizt 'quicker than its
nutter can just•step into the closet
,and out again.
ThSse are some of the things a 'baby
oan do. But there are others as well.
• A:'baby eau make the' commonest
louse the brightest spot on earth.
Veen lighten the burdens of a loving
tt ltlrer's life by adding to them.
1C' can flatten its dirty littls face
ageing the Window pane in such >s'
way'that the tired father oan see it as
a piijtiee before be roundel the corner.
Yes;'bal,ies'are great institutions,.
particularly one's :own baby.
Apampliletof fnformatttm'' dab-
stract of the laws, ehoeing ]low to
Obtain Patents, Caveats Trade
Marks, Copsrigbte, sot
MUNN & • ,O• ..
361 New York.
7i•. . VA 1STOlvE,',
Etc -
Private rani Company funds to loan at lowest rates:
interest. 1,0 Ud,an,teetun ebaf}ree. ttloltgay;ee;'tOiNn
and !arid propert; bought and suits.
OFFICE -Beaver BIoc1;t Wi0oumi, ON•r
rsoi,icrroa, Ftc., Ileo
1It0I,A44011LIN 8t HAUGIH
Iiavinrpurehasod the Custom Business of Messrs
McCormick & Co, wish to intimate that they have
opened out in the shop two doors south of T A Mills
store, Wiutihnm.
_Boots and Shoes made to order from the Best
Stock, on short notice. Repairing neatly and
Tile llatr,onage of the publianolioited, and ell work
guarafited:. McLAUCI•HLIN & R 113GH
J. A.
whigham Ontario
H,sW G tanyeR Q. el C. L. Dtok4N$AN N Lt'
itrt(tRISTERS AND St'tj,IC1TORS, L'i0 , kto.,, two`r•
11e tore ter Banit a: liantilten. ConntrtAsteaers •1o?;
tattle.; atifdavite for. Aitauituba. leant,, TOW% ate
Tillage property bought and sold. :coney (private
funds) loaned on mortgage secant\' At 55 p
btisftey invested for priyatc pe15005, upon the bar . ".
Mortgage ods for s without 114anitOi,a expense
the Nottk•
lender. Lands fur sale
Qltica-xi oat's Block. IY Ingham.
SEn3 if x
weictia' OcrouIa 4741, tt1Sb
Is 1oyM:factoring Celluloid `plates,'.
Zrulcadite plates of the hest4uateriai
as el 14 as 1.1(01 Call he got in the
Ooniihlon• All Hurl: warranted.
c riTT
Painless extractiolt of teeth by the use of Electric -
icy Or Vegetable VAI
TAKE No1L0s.-1, will extract teeth for 25 cents "
each. oche •the
OFFICE : In the Beaver' Block* opposite
Brunswick Hotel
Wm. H. Macdonald, +L• D. S.,'
Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Winghsm.
Will visit'Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays
of each month.
1f'CFIN nI1'x'`.ti,IE,
�tyINenAtf,' ..
Every busines man is familiar with
nw e is Pierce, who eIt i ''the worry and exasperation caused by
now feels warranted in selliti'g�it under •
a positive gitprantee'ot its doing good in i the lots of the keitto the privated rawer
all cases. in ille:post office. W e11y ; this is altlto
if'5 Tier Medleine for you. be _ with in the Hear future.
• 'Perhaps I� t done away ttl
Yours wouldn't be the first' ease of Ineentitrg genius has solved the prob-
scrofula oe salt'rileutn, skin disease, or
lung disease, it hits Cured when nothing lem and lie will soon have a letter box
Ilse would. The trial's worth making,! without any key. Like all truly val
and costs nothing. Money ri.fttniOd if, uablo',inventions tiliss5ne is simplicity
it doll't'duyon good.
itself. The lock for the new box halt
111f>. ite itP .sats no tumblers and is therefore not likely
• e of names of to get out of order: Itlltas two dials
Cltl+ing to a cati.usian ou ivhick are ttlerked two 1PtCers f
etatiens' 1 gut WI' at the wrong one in i the a'phtiliot. Sn , ose the contbiltiO 1
Tennessee, eyed es there wad' no pulite: IlP +fdpecial Attentioki Given. to Col -
hoose in the hamlet, the station Agent tion to be set on 13 and C. All you lent g gQtictp.;,11 Notes.
go Motile' with hien,' lits have to do is to turd one of the dials .., Beira pet.
anid 1 oauld r t ynni`
items wet tt * ltttitslllt3' 0111, ad ~ s(Ctl in 1 to 'B and the cyber to (i and olt'i hztttt tela ifla•• T11e Icrc+halt isa nx• y
t: e'f}Itll`k11C$ , ralxd all we reached • tlib'' hoz. The lock is Citpitbla of ;),titlil of awalta.t.41 lis ltA
•ate ori halted and said c : different cOnrbi40ll fes, raid tlr're is I6 ,r ,ay„,,, , Irma 00. tie. u, i r. w. vow"' ex
tin possibility of may 'tn,v' wl,. 1Jrld• Irv.; ,a "' ;�•
$ br11401Xar, perhaps 1 ought to tall'; F y y ,k
,14seph1ne Maid et Winghaiiirtnt,
J. A. ilsts' i , w. Scorn,
Mount Forget. I,istoirel.
Deposits Received and rrtterest
• Allowed.
Nfoney Advanced to Partnere and
$"us11!1CSS M2Yt,
On long or $itrt times on endorsed notes
or collateral security.' Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation, coney remitted to all
t+atts of Ctlnade at reasonable ohargee.
ss DEAN, a0. west 11 M,
Salto attonded'1 'arty putt 8106 Co.
3O111I CtRRIE, WINonet1, 0140.,
LIC>trlett. A'tr8Tr8N1tE)t roil Tt1tt 0001050 01'
1• atretic
All orders 16ft at the Tata ofiico promptly nt .etf3
od to. T000s reaso+labid.
J AbIN'AEN11$68011,
L101N0aD AUCr4ONliza rot( C081(11 so bloRorl Ass .,
A11' sateintt0ndod to prompts; and on the Shatter
t;ftargde tulodcrato and Sattett)btion quat4(nta6d.
Alt ueewssary .4(rrantannonta tom he mads at eft
Tullis' 004110 BN"t
t�'INelriiX •
•(�,.i X1. .SURVItr0Rb A7tR,,Crtvtl' xas
UStOWItt. Ann N110Z1AiI
Mt ordersleft soba aloe of thevt
uutlt 4(1.1.005108
• . . • ,• • this ll re'ntis "times hoer
Biota wow
MOO eu Gat .
4lig i$ ChM 4,11
n 8
a� r
tl. a aI v un k tet
)f✓Ver east altitttrtle 41410
,,,err frit, t oil exotdin.; 1
{actuate tete the vermin ti
trot ta,i aud time Bull
'lieu liud etre 01.1. aawtle.
sotto by a cause, staring
oil of auv'tied except ke.
esti over the lode lava tui
tet the soma time duatr
that lnay ba ilviug. A
aittion a few duty' latae t
tiest haku.i out after,
iefen4.htou )110g VA
Toronto, J1al'cli 12.--
ta,014ml 411rati1tf! of rely
Bral'lterf3` c . S 101&1.1. lu ll
evkiitig tild.pf•edideltt,3i
Ni. P. of Poet, l;
of tile prngreds made
lt,,;coltlitiuus of} t ho
clave suint' vft attlfltf hit
trattun of tiups, 5ru
t1 idoutl read his ansae
til,ll, tt eetisfrtetOry coed
Fite futl0wtes ofleers
;were cuestas ; Pro
11 eetlaeratone, M, P. (r•
prl-413 1e1t, J. Y. Orn
b', Jt. OEodson ; audtte
acrd Fraftk Snore ; d
shire. R. . tell ; Sul'%
Yorks, J eiereeti, jr ; t
D, DetJvar ey' : 1. elft!
„luiuil ; Fairfield I
Jtall, L'Afparox ; Vic
lar, Dorel►a'n Oe est'
reit+l,es are Wni. irleA
J. hutlel e, Hyde
Dairy N
Tbe conceuous of
late Woodstock Dab.;
'haat more and bette
get front milk thort
cooled in A,purse utu
coining ttlupe. '
15 tasty be said
4tot ve carried house
ices' fuilketianef but i
Ontario that iii ,the,
and will likely preva
.u0t11e. Patrons are
washing their taus
;how. many fuctoryn;
the whey tanks on
,of thein ere never
;dog days could tl►ttse
ii100011i1 a syntposi
;that'll sour and pts
-lti,l nieiuls let the
Dirt don't forget
The presses of
iltust be kept rape
jud iiig by the we;
typographical clot
tiro it donned .a I
similes to hand in
than ever. The b
.for the dairynsen c
nvideutty Tise Got
lisOlulnns a,,e packs
;latest facts from 1
- During the petit
.butter ; average g
.27,87 cents; aver
A farmer going
,waking should ge•
thinker at work r
Cows, stabling, fc
,stile told tttarltetiif
• "Ln Grippe" or 1
'anted by the U'le o'i
Wilts Oherry, the e
)ironehitiq. Whor,p
(Semite and other'
systole. Witsnn'tt
in use for rnliny y(
molded by all wit'
by' b.11 pronuuent
The 'foaling se
l,rt wares Must
.can't strong trill
light to have d
+o 'all the better
worked regulari
;woCktd eau be
i+:ury to them,
,PMd, tor it is to
:tits ,ntare are lead V9
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