HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-03-20, Page 5ailor, Wing/1a, 1 April 1St stock of `gry9Y Nr ti Cost. it to a large loss .u, fiat. date. ?ick of our stock at ))winThit4 ;I E SA,T.tF . ry ailor ige ort the same place, that Mc. rk get the material of they 01,1 Lige drawn up to near where thiesAk age was, "ud that the Reeve and; Clark let t1,e erection of °the, dge by cuutraet, and that they lure the right of wtty through some until the. bridge ten be built---. ,reed, Misekay--•T.fuhit..—That the ,nice report as' just, read be adopted. Carried. Kautz..— llaukay—That is bGard do tw. ada"U. er1 to meet ale attown hall, Teeewater, ,oil. Ltnrdcey,,the 23rd day. of ?slay, as a aurt of Revision audappeal—Car, ed. T,ht, following Pnthulabters,, oundkeeL er ,, Road Ooultnis-Stulattrs ei lt'euceviewerswere duly appoiut- 1: ., Pathutasteri;•,-•.t%oncee;aion 17-1lenry IuGlynn, Alex Forsyth, Juin, Luttit,, islet.% Tees.. Donald MuCurinick, Joli'u,. lreee, John Mprrison. Cuircessions William .. rt anti 3—George ' a yV, ielty, David, Ireland, Penta Marsbatl,, iViiltruv Garlick, Edward King. Lou- yy .esl;ion 4. and 5--A1i011ael Wiee, Jas:l" ANhitenoau, Chas. aproa:s, Jas Mc- eleughtoi2, '}'hos Russ, Alex Cameron, Wm •Reid. Concessions 6 stud i —•* W}llianr Mna.lientiern, George Wilson, Win Jarvis,.Win. Mckenzie, Andrew Mel ague, 'Angus Mckenzie. Con-. cessions 8.and 9'•-Jusepti Sbapboeh. Jas Bretton, Jas Little, Alex Mee Donald, Alex.. Watson, aobejrt Se 11 Jinni E Serest. Ounceseions 10 and --13enry OppermateDeneld Chisholm, Robert Scott, Joseph Johusou, Rob set Donaldson, George Day, Isiah Ste- wart, Geo Bell. Concessions 12 aqd 137 -Philip. Schumacher, Levi Erb, Samuel 5ulith, 13laltney Smith, James McGlyun,Jemos Murrey. .Concessions 14 and 15e -Henry Monday, Michael Keifer, Levi Good, Benj Medvers, Mex Bannerman, Andrew Wardrobe, Lugald Campbell,; Peter Ruth. Con- cession A --Patrick Ilynett, Patrick Mahoney, John Lean, Jacob Lanlber- •ton. Concessions 12•aad 13 Michael Seitz, Sabastiun Lehman, George Erliewine, Joseph Weigtiter. Road Cumtuissioners—Joseph Moir, Reeve ; Peter Clark, ]'Peter Kautz and Joseph Walwood. s vi ... a •s .--.lex ;t etre or, A fence ew. t MeGregor, Forsyth, Npii, McKinnon, Arch Stott, dDavid Taeine, ;Malcolm ]Leith, Hutton, Jeltia. McKague, Ambrose Diedrick, Wm Coterie, jr., George - Arrntltrong,,Reter Grant, Levi "Krill " ' ie Thomas Thompson, Dugxld Campbell, to John Settler, Sebtistian Lehman. • b LeI ..,,: ,. 0lla , limbed 1. b t g oundkee io r B P p John McRae, dye, ,J t,b n' Boyd, JON I3 `acorn, , ig A.t►dre.w' Adamson, Hugh, II,1•el,..ig e ss •,banes Donaldson, James Smith, Michael Grabi, Geot'ge' MuIvere, Alf; 1fr ` 14.11ldenbk C c ls,BvixTOtr, Of . T:p, clerk, .. en he IIttris►: Pr thettet:iau •, Cleirch, fiSt . wee a t1 b w totally o , tl; a lr e 1'i riia rl y .Yr r r s wit tit the s1e iii hest, 11 III ie 4>w1' -o'>e cm. i Ads, , M . tS ,I tit ...ale being thrown n re tittle o • vY ate e;t (. S,sl:15f1I f.. Witter. g 1" vel ; t,11; Sri, it. +Lilly i' , illy, Reins Utit of Urs:.. ., IIX l.+t, i ,lee;, '1'ite lirettatetl •fruit► the turn. ,1,1j 1 twice. semi lariat have beau, saa oulsteriizg ,: la riestiy *might., The. 'irarlali'ag wa!s.,. 10,4] '.itiiilf2144 "pts kh'a IN*. it.o.4 fox , a"t t 41144 (144440 ,v Ael 10t.... ,+tit 0 trrsttl j$rs at iait1aes►a, The 'resb .ter t pfdaitland ?net tut1)791141bl*, Meagre Ross, Murray and. Strachany y , £li „ 9.hyterlan chtl ,. Luokuuwron were appointed to anpport the ,. reshy. ( tery'a petition for a transference of 1' rt'on o trtissien field under the tto t of jurisdiction crf the Presbytery of'Bruce to the care of thia Presbytery before the Synod at its meeting in April Next meeting will be held at Wing- ? law Sda Wa Rt l ,15 a. w. ue 2 1 l _.ou.1,' , , Jowl. hiablABs, Clerk, the tet, Elders ,''cotuttaas131ous wf•re ryjtutved ilk favor of Messrs ]:i rbt Bettors, James 111cSo.ir'aud Alex. Lunar Oawphell. //Messrs Stevenson and Uartley a nd 'liheir Presbytery Elders Were appol lit• ed to ex'untne the statistical end ifgnaiioial returns of the Oan;;re;ation,. atitd report at May meeting. .The Rev Mr 1 allantyne wain invit- ed to sit as corresponding ineuilier. An appeal against the a.etion of the •bessiou of Knox churult, Kincardine, In deciding to introducean o:gau into. Sabbath Y • presented. warm r e the laabbatll hullUGl, p The appeal was net sustained.. Rev '4 Davidson salted and obtain: ► s. vdiaawe of absencesix for x moatL 11,}s brother,astudent of Knox college, 'Toronto, is to take hie!Area during his absence. Mr de.Oouald's m`ltion that Pres bytery meetings be held alternately et Win,bntn and Lacknow was lost, and. W. F. .v1. SOCIETY. tlenfi prow, Mites 13elle Wylie is visiting Mende in HOW ick this week --Air Rently,.of Blyth, was here lash week viaitinr former neighbors. --'Juba Green, Jr, basgone to Wroxeter, where he kn.tends residing during the corning mem. user, --Mr 1i,eddaway will se* his stock and implements, by public auction,. to.. rr►t ere Owi'ng to. alae recent arra storm, the roads in a great many places are uufiit for the wheel% and again iia other places there lotto sleigh' ing, so, that people ere placed: in a dilAwjrna regarding the vehicles to be usi'd,—A social in connection with the M V W sueiety of I3luevale fres, byterian church was held at Mr Fr3sA rx s Wednesday, lith1 inst, Thee bash arondition of the roads did t,ot prevent a Large crowd from gathering fee ln evening's pleasant enjoyment.yme n t. After a short entertainment, a collec- tion was taken up, which amounted to 0.7,35. PEOCEI:DINf3S OF THE ANNUAL MEETING IN Tun painserramest CHURCH,, LUOKNO'Y. The annual meeting of the Maitland Presbyterial Women'sForr.ign Mission- aryr [v e .Frr , r wastel in a oe.ithe P. Hary rldh Y tenets church here on Tuesday after - neon, Horeb 1,0th, There was, a large attend'enoe of delegates end others ins terested in the g •od work, The meet• ing was ripened with devotional ester - (rises, onu/lncted by the President, Mrs DY not wear poor boots at tate season of the year for you will bo alts to suffer for it but ret a ,pair of high out sewmloes. 'mild Kip boots, $old by chum; et Mole. TYPE at the price charged' .by ether house* for common goods. t S„thertueel Mrs. Gordon ave a cor- the amendment to have the meetings g ►, Statedly at Wis, ar dial welcome to the delegates and except. the ,friends, which was responded to by March meeting, was (larded, Geddes. Whit"ohurcla, The 'pee The fullowine were appointed colo- nlissioners to Lisa General Assembly : pons of the '1''reasnrer and Seltret.ary Rev Li..eitirbairn,1) l3 McRae, David were pret+Anted.which showed that the Year ? nst Olnsed baa been one of prog- and Forrest, J L 11tlrray, A Sutherland, y and Elders Darnel Meiklejohn, aubt retie in every respect, The offering Douglas, p'rallcis Mel)oneld, Duncan was dedicated by prayer by Mrs Fairs Campbell, Jolla Flutton; - bairn, of Dnngannnn,• .The President 1t was resolved to make application in an able address reviewed. the work to the Horne Mission committee for of the Society. Urs Ui'son,of Wrox the followiusg grants: BBelgrave, $150 ; eter,read a very practical and suggea. D,ingannon and Port Albert, .$200 ; .tare paper ou some of the hindrances Pine River, $150;' and Langside, to our wort} and how to overcome ;1;100, thin Mitre 'POW:. Arnhibald gaVe all :Knox Mauch, Brusels, will be sup. excellent, paper, subject, closed lips. pliedl/y the probationers committee .Mrs Sheppard,, of Luoknow, slid Mrs for one month during the eneuing Braise Markdale, extended, a very hearty: greeting to the Society. Mrs *inner. ' Mr Hartly read the annual. report McNabb, Secretaree, of this Snciety,was en Tem1}?ranee,whish wasreceived presented in the memo oft the Society, and adopted, and ordered to be trans- with an address and certificate of life (erred to the Syuod's couveuoe of cum- membership of the general society IYiittee on Teln rauoe, neatly framed. The acidness was read It vas resoled thatin,viets of Rev 4',y Mrs Grapiest, of Brussels, and the AllexauJer 11cIsPuzit> es resignntinn avd cert ileumof life membership was pre - also his disoweing the authority of be,ItHd Y Airs ,Anderson, of St the Presiiyterien church in Canada, Helens. The quesicion• drawer was therefore this Presbytery declares hire, opened by Hies :4:nders,in, who gave • 'v r to a • '• Bch A answers 1 n tin vita ala a d. +; 111 yY no louger a minister of this church. y Irl alirwel to agnostic) 1 as to wilati number of prlotacrtl gnestions,beariug •douse a session should pursue in tile on the work of the Society. A •num- •event of a petitiun from the congregaher of the delegates and ft ends ..tools tion to allow the use of an oreem ill the I part in the discussion on the different service of praise, it was resolved that l tnpiee introduced through the gpestion drawer., Seven yopng, tirls from the Harris M'ssion Band ,Ss 13ieleus,rang with roach sw et ess. .F u COPP1t'i g k'sspnies.'' A vote of thanks was tendered, to the young ladies who so eifipienily led the service of preise,aed k .: uc also t,u We ofLno ladies w for thetheir hospitalilty. The present •otlreerR were re,electird.for the enaujng year : Presi- dent, Mrs Sutherland ; Treasurer, Mrs Graham ; Secretary,. Mre, Mc- Nabb. Contributions, foe the year, 161,137.18.—SentiueI. • Morrie. Ou Thursday of last week, a foot ball match was played between•. the pupils} of school sections 5 and 3, which resulted• in a dmaw, after some good playing had been. 'shown on both i+rdes.—The Dominion, Jubilee Singers gave an entertainment in Bolgrave on on Thursday night last week and in Sunshine on. Friday night. Small but appreciative audiences were in attendance,—An entertainment was hell in sebool section No 1 Friday night last. Mr J D Nichol is the teacher in this. school—Mr Peter W Scott, son of Mr David Scott, of East Wawanosh, was united in the bonds of wedlock, on the 11th inat ; with Miss Annie Campbell, second daugh- ter of.Mr ,John Campbell, of the s,uue township. The happy couple are visit Ing friends in Halton county.—Mr.. Ohas Henderson,tof•'the first conces' ` l Sian, near Ingham, has purchased a fine young Durham. buil from that noted breeder, 11r D.• Milne, of Ethel. The bull is a: very fine animal, and Mr Henderson, is to be eonrrneuded for his efforts to improve the block of bis ueighborbood.—Tice Goderich Signal of het week coin:i ln- the followJames t my : Jae: Newcombe,, ed ex -treasurer of I'll erne,. char ed with embezzletnetrtof township funds, come up for triabon Tuesday, March 10, and after a lengthy trial, mid the exanlinnti'nt of it—number—of witnesses, was discharged. Mr Newcombe is in his. /6th,yeure",aild' he judge's rating appears to tithe given general S,ltia- i this fact'ion. -4irr Neil McDonald, th township, has purchased from W J Biggins, Elmhurst.Fenn, Clinton, the. fitsr, clue sl nt oti calf 1 rah all Saxe. White Omen. ,44174LAN LINE ROYA`T, M&IIgrrsompoortr. CHEAP EXCUR D tURCP E , Fortutgh sot'tiolri Portland, or a1 There is: quite an exodusfkotn tllie . TR Derry or Liverpool, place, On Tuesday, Ur Andrew Clow 1 oArtrn RATss,>g4iLittipaud sFsa. Slagle; sac. talo and Mr .Geo T'ettypieoe, of Wingham, I aud erste mtarn, aoaooling ' laxation At shipped a carload of horses an set -f Stateroom/I. INTERMEDIATE, Ot tiers' effects to 't+lanitoba,---Mise NO + 'T xt 'Aa Fi»ai7t sward , I Ptnplitd, Maggie Dawson left for Manitoba, on Steerage atlowtt rates. Tuesday.•••- Mr Jas Gillies bee gone to AocomTn dation5lftllu4 t. Dakota, and Mr Jolts Gillies wilt APPi' 4H,&,A.+Mb4N, Atoataeal,etr next. \ leave for Manitoba shortly--1VI'ettsrs HENRY DAVIS, Wlxa. Alex and John Ross intend leaving moony to Loam on NoteR,. for Great Falls, Montana, on Monday I • /rotes Discounted Brussels,' AT RN -RATES. Money advanced on Mortgages at per cent. with A branch of the Standard chartered privilege of paying at the and er any Year. Notaa Bank is to be opened in Brussels, on. or about April 1st, It is said the southerly store in .()apt Stretton's new block will be fitted rip at once for it. Inspector Loudon was here this week making preliminary arrangements, -- The Vanatone property, consisting of flour and saw mills, stores, linuses, land, &c., will be offered for sale by public auction on Thursday, April 2nd. the Se-ssiou should take the sense of the cotigreeati0i1•'by vote. . v Report of ill}asiuna,5 Meetings hav- ing be, n held were received from sew- eral members. . 413 .l3'ube+rt. Harrison,arrison, Iu behalf of, Mrs McNabb, sectetary Presbyterial W l± M. Society, read the annual re- port of the Society. 12eesrs Fairbairn and Forest gave unses'ullary address-. •vs. It, was moved by Mr Fairbairn,. seconded by Mr Forest,. and : unani- mously carried, that the , Presbytery. leu.ving heard the annual report of the Presbyterial W I+' M Society read, de• :',sires to express its gratificationsat the excellent work done, noticing in creased prosperity and advance in contributions over any previous year,,. it havingreadied the creditable. ,inns of (61137. The Presbytery come mends the diligence attd Zeal manifest, ed by the Society in the noble work in, which it is engaged. and expresses the• rope that its future will be most pros.'. 1,erous, Sabbath school report was road by; Mr Geddes. leas received and; adopted, and it;3+$',Y'aot 111J,e ldati0,is ape proved. • The recommendations are as fol- lows 1. That the Attention of Sessiolta ?aud Sunday school teachers be called to the fact that only; 205 out of 35,90 scholars are conilnuuicants,aod r,9Gntn- mend that special etfprt$ be put forth by permits and teachers to lead the young for a deoisioe for Christ. 2. That in view at: tlji fact that only 15 schools out of 3;3 oontrihuJedd to benevolent objects„ sueseritendents and teachers •endeavor to euttivate the ` spirit of liberality by giving all in every school an opportunity, however little, to con'rlbute to sotrle missionary ar l,euevoient object: Inds sohrol e ►ld St ss rna Y rtt I Th Se teachers he 1•roommended to see that ttrt, tlttilt,st',0atec iisiai be taught in all . our itchrftile; • The r'emit;on the marriage question ;lied on'tlte+ 'table till.ilext meeting. Messrs eltleQttartic and Stilleben wore appiiinted mtrtnbgrr$ o Synod's sornmitfee oil tliils.auci tivertlareS. It viae' rep'Srted''., Pat t'V 010Swortbl congregation had made p ar alk itb of ill to' their mirislars!agtipantl. The 'congregation was cologent erd`ffOt;tbeir I+b,t yhtrralit ;„ ,, wtritr.•tn o erit wee nestroet d to Wroxeter. The severe snow storm which raged during the latter part of last v,eek•anci the beginning of this week, did not .forget our quiet burg, blocking thee 'roads acid giving the merchants and .mechauicb enemy time, The 0 P R tnana4ed to get through every day, •although a little late. But that is not to be wondered at. Why 1 le les the Government at its back,—Rev 'Thos Davidson, presbvterisil minister, intends going ou.an extended visit to Scotland about the second week of April. llis brother,ate present a stu>: delft at Koox °Wive, will occupy the 'pulpit during his absence. FA.R1VxS POR S.ALE. MORTGAGE SALES at the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, on TUESDAY, MARCH 31st, at 1 o'clock p. m. There will be sold first, Lot 32, in the 12th Con, Turnberry 183 ACRES, And second, the South Half of and aCGounts collected, RQBT, MoINDOO, Manor, -.heaver Bock. wineham, Ont. 1891, Lot 31, 10th Con. Wow nosh, 100 ACRES. For furs part:oalare, see posters or app1, to PETER DANS, CRONYN & BETT'e, Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitors not London, L 5 o We do not wish, says an exchange, to say anything derogatery of anv- body's buitiness, hat we will just` say this regarding the usual armee. ofpede diers who tramp the country and small towns every year. No doubt those who claim to have "bass aitis" la claim we will not dispute at present) are now waiting the appearance of the wily peddler. To those as well tis others, we would ray etop and thinit, just for a moment, are you doing juss. tice to.your home dealer 't Has he not ;given you gond Vetlue .0V5,011” money 1 ;lies he•not. given you, 8. 6, 9, 12 mouths time, or even morel Has he :not accommodated you:with small evert large favors in more ways than 'cne? Such being the eros, we would lade, is the hornynlerehant not writ* led to at least.0 ehsnce for your, cash ;transaction, ani keep your money. in ,circulation at home and. among your initnecliate neighbors What does the peddler diel 1{a hives you what appears to.1he a bargain; because you take a large cash order. Does he give you time on those orders, or world he give you.goods at a low price if nought on time, or does lie extend your cash by helping to build up your uearoet pro (knt: market `t . No 1; His money goes to the cities, thereby, decreasing bust• nese in your bent town. Encourage yoiu' borne dealeret.help to.buibt up a market that will be a credit to the con uiutiity, B1uevale. A meeting of tile l! arntnri,' Institute of L' hst Huron will be held in the F,lreaters' flall,on F'riclay commencing at one o'clock.. Addresses will be delivered by Me Thomas tieMillan,of Hallett, Mr, Thomas Strachan, of Grey, and ()there. In the evening a good programme will be carried out of speeches, readings, songs end in- strornentat music. ---Messrs Duff & Stewitrt are busy cutting and shipping Itheir ntaple, Mr W R Thompson. of ,Teeswatert is, the buyer and he is ship .. of Che. -epi 1e ' it totleolalcountrv. p p lit 3 t1iis place were quitet disssapointed en Saturday evening when on aceonot of the storm theennoert its the )lothodist charoh by the O'Banyoun :Jubilee Siricers was ahotldoned. They came to the Statinn,lhtit could gat no fur- thers the road. to the vill:l,fe being blocked, tpoi. tltfi of the Total. U Mr Etas'C1;talherts , MI 'Evening TF'Ieftianrr. and Orland Masteer of: A. Ie' laird A M, cf' Canada,, tl'iller l'a:pat;gtvaiit ten 'tlttltteeand sI to the N thee nos%'; ket icle' Batas f' t little oblldern, tths gtr tions in **retails to ti a tSygy y . yyg 001.1 a scent }iil+t for Melt ehil'dttt+rt It e'Ir 6 Y tF,AF•i-"brit b,✓M'itl R'1 y/1 .1 ('.. i ., , ' i 11 s,, 1 I took Cold, I took Sick, I TOOK • 1 RESULT: Y take MyMeals, Rest take 1*f , X " ) AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE ANYTHING I CAN LAY MY HANDS oN; , shins fat too FOR Scat's ver 0 I1. mu lsi on o fP a re C tId Li . and and 1lypopho5pliltos ofLime Soda NOT ONLY CURED MY 1111e1p- )ient ConsumptionBUT BUILT , nIE UP, AND IS NOW PUTTING ) F LEAH ON MY BONES • AT TUE RATE OF A POUND A DAY. I I i '' Wta IT )UST AS EASILY AS I DO MILK." i+ irev+aalp Emulsion is put up'Inly 1n Salmon na.r..o.r wrappers. Sold by all Druggists at 1 ,, y m.aawui, rii,QO, ?► ,t.'c' 7'7t 6. ,BOWNE, Bellevule. ;rill JELLY AND JAM, ALL KINDS, at the "ECLIPSE," JOHN KERR.. M. .Lb., M. A„, L. C. P.S. 0., M.'O:.P. S. M., THE SCOTTISH SPECIALIST TORONTai Specialist for the treatment. of all Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Diseases of the Brain and Nerves I' of town Rre tile newly elected oilieers of the Canadian Vain Associ- ation t—C R Smith, Hamilton, presi- dent (re'electe'd) ; E Jackson, N,ew- nharlteet, le'trst Vise*President; G 1. Cook, fngertooil,Second Vice I''reesidet's; A;i43.c1?arlttne, Ottervi;lli ,Secretary* y;iseasesot`)lkivate stature r,au lit 'rreasurets, (re e1ected) E ILERS' TRAI WILL LEAVE ON FEBRUARY 24th, 189l ora. AT 0 .00 P.. AND EVERY TUESDAY THEREAFTER DURING MARCH AND APRIL WITH COLORIST SLEEPER ATTACHED FOR MAN A TfiE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST F'or'patkbASIvtthoUrSt0e lesGtifor3,0 Sleeper; vJt"Ji be, Ftached ,g` 0eseP T,rain;,sea ihi'trorant•o t°t,. rlt `die ' Manitoba, theT orrhaox. -'•txh i...,tia i.ad C,•Iumbla, apply to any C, P. It. Agt n•.. j (SEPII COWAN, ? Ctaiut gen Div. Coat Co. Buttons, 1AtCTIONEI:It, ISSIUTB OF Ma.1U11AGE LTOL1vSE CohunsSIoNEE 1s 11. O. J,. 1,Te., ViROxETER,OOT. 0 S Lk LE, Ver,' desirable areii0000, with Large Ornan1 A, highly cultivatud; r$tluudtl Oro•ttti3 ; Hand- some E, urrtePt Ledges;Gouei Outbuildings; ard and Solt water ; Piowant and Cucuitandute Situation. Within three minutes walx of tttl town. irate chance to secure a fine property. D. M. G'IRUON. OTIE. In the Matter of the Estate. of JI MES k,LOSS, Netleo is hereby given r..,* . oaring cheats against tile estate a the hat ', Rosi e diel are requested to seed or oesor t to r:' , T o of tha Exretttors on u: oe[ore the •. • , ; c batt APRIL next, Ali parties ,ndebt b 11111bestate upon promtssorr rioter. or ppay the said amounts upon lnatut"t t . 10011 1 11/00111111005, Diseases of the heart and Lungs, i eon. alnzwttue., i3e• evale P.0 And 1)lSeasea o0-11. Women j7oezi- INOndM, Marrh 10E. Wins, Wingham P. 0. H , th,'iSOt. tively 'Treated successfully. Joiiathan Buschart, Listowel, says t ".A.tter. spending all illy motl- ey and property to no Purpose on fur what they termed .a hopeless case of consumption, Dr. Sinclair cured Mrs. Mary l+'ut'lotlg, Woodhouse,. says, t "When all others failed, Dr.. Sinclair eutte.d ine of tits." W. McDonald, ,Lakefielai, says "Dr. Sinclair etyt'ed.niet•of catarrh, (sleo, Rawer), Blyth, says. "1)r. ciaie cured DAP of heart, Idiseese and dropsy, when'all utheXs'failed,' Y Pnso 'aee Cletnmitte--.Tnhtl nrt,'.ot1 6y fully, 0rti. Sinclair eerratinly t)it i, Giafifor e Daniel Stewart, brussels ; i S , y.y ,• •• a • 1'i1SY'. •A CONSULTATION 1J 1' . .a n S L e od 4 1 •olh 1 t:,,. (x 142ober}ey, C 13 t, s 'wlr « n r J '•k1 'i r v ,, el t n 1 ro tl L Brown*, Dunt•1'alte Ira Ciotti 8t, ...John. It 1 1)11., il lfll Al11'wit) benat't'to 7 81 °Apt :4ltrotir,etet./Tclrotltn I IlobarI, i e usrm15 HOTEL, W'itnghil , Re'nrtri_ Brautfuta ; ,t, '>:'hilusssLi mut;. ex i >S'u oa apd 1laory,w Iitkthlla+v, 01 ply, t L EQPLE'S POPULAR S.. pARTIE! British coilirr'ftrbia, WASHINGTON Oregon And. *al !font' ]eels,.' u` 03 it. lt.ro. m irrklays, sen 'erne iMtARCr'.• 113Q1.. LPittL.8, l'el ; 19a 111 oto troy*ltt Wool ty" '1itR SstG1lN► ifirid a►Tl lrtdtiitotoltwaotk,,.