HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-03-20, Page 4-AND- DRUGGIST, offer, and the painter chosen for this `• EIV4 OYE DITP important task is a Canadian,. 4r 0 . 04 lie an expressive term so, we lilts to Forbes, The great masa of the ps start out with it,for.it haemonizees please pie of this country, irrespective of politics, aresincere admirers of Mr aptly with our surrourdinge at the pros, Gladstone. 1\1 r Forbes the well knows F est moment, pattieularly in the Dress: Toronto artist, will leave in, a snarl'• *bode department. tine for England to fulfil the oom" mission. Wed° net care for extravagantexpres- c Ort Saturday" feretloon last, a mob signs even,in describing a good thing,e Dress of citizens of New Orleans, Louisiana, but we can truly arty of our new Goods, that they are, taking them alk around, tb. best and the cheapest that we ever bad in stools.. We start them at 10e a yard. Several nice patterns acid shades to select from, but if you,* desire better goods wehwve them in abundpttre•, they Will cost yon more money, bolt you will tlnd themequally cheap, For Spring Cloaking either in plain, stripe or cheek, we, slepta nice range.. The prices at which, they are narked should sell tthem, it you require them. Wa.aleo allow a good discount off for cash; please make a note of this when you have money to exchange for goods. GORDON: & McIN ITRE. At i • C. N.W. TELEeRAPH COE ' consisting of se. cers,1 thousands of p"o i 48 pie, went to the prleon in that city, op. BrunswiG1( House, 'forced open the doors and shot down Ont ttwelve Italian prisoners, As a juste- _. (vham; ti E()ECzngilam 1UUtS 6cation for the sot, it is *aid that these prisoners were deb era . J' *ling and carrying out. the murder of, the chief of pence of the city, in (Molter last i that they had. . been tried, the trial lasting 25 days, and they were acquitted,, the jury having heel}. tampered with le is also claim. ed that the act wee justifiable..iu order 'b tel pIan, FRID 'Id AROld, 20, 1891, EDITORIAL NOTES, Tux election of Hou Alex Mae, kenzie, in. East York, isto be protest- ed, it is seal. Tree news comes from Hamilton that the election of Mr J M. Gibson to the Local Legislature is to be protest' ed. Ear the protection of Mir ;led property lin lite city. Trig . Executive Committee, of the; Western Dfairym9r►''s,Aseooi;ation met in Toronto last week, when there were present lion. Speaker, Bailantyne, who resided 0 E Chadwick, Ingersoll, RID,t. � t a,! the. C going, out of I3usiue!$ Wb AND Between Now and April 1st. We will sell our large stockTWEEDS of AND CERTS' FUNIStlian ATa> ntl.xnous blizzard and snow t (secretary) . John Geary, London ; Storni has recently swept over Eng- land, causing great damage and wide- L spread distress•, A rtl r•rnic of the South,Huron 1+'aralera' institute -was held. at Bruce-. field on tide 17th instant. Prof 7aeat s of the • Ontario Agricultural Bobt Cleland, Listowel ; E Caswell, Ingersoll, and A l+ Ivi.o . aren,: stmt. ford, It was decided to found a new dairy at Tavistock under the charge of bar Allam Bell for experimental and educational purposes, where cheese makers and their patrons may receive; °ollege, was one of the speakers. instructions without charge. The IT is reported from Washington prt-sidtnl,l\lessrs McLaren and Cleland. committee to, tusks And London that matters in dispute were named as a com it+ llz tttsnPee. all arrangements. k'our between Euglaud . and theUnited Statesin regardto the Behring Sea question are in such a state that a sates• factory conclusion is looked for at no distant date. Tui::. London (England) Daily Graphic gays Mr. Ohamberlaiit has consented tPact as 33ritisli Commis- sioner m the event of . the United,' States Goirernn ent itgreeittg to discuss trade reciprocity with Canada, and that his colleagues will be Sir Chas,' Tupper and Sir William V. Whiteway, Premier 'of• Newfoundland. -` JusT.prinrto the Dominion elections, a good deal of interest was taken in. an agitation at Mount Forest for cheap money. Apublic meeting was held and the question. discussed pro. and con, but the matter appears. to have dropped; during the election. ,fir John Robinson, of that town, has issned a pamphlet dealing, with the question in a practieal way. Tax Ottawa •correspondent of- the Toronto World is an . iinaginative genius; Among the other silly things he Sends from Ottawa, is the state. - moot that the Government have keen urged to ask Lord Salisbury to station • from five,to ten British regiments in Comilla, quartering them at Half,tx, Qeeh'e, Montreal, Winnipeg and Vianeouver, in order to put, down the annexation m,vetneut in Canada 1 Tee Conservatives of Goderich were sn demorelized on election night by the landslide that overtook them that day that they were not able to "clem- ouatrttite." Oat the following night, tto .vP.iRt, t}"y la4ibonfire, and dtl they den eltahed 0 0,11 U,, Annexation, ad ; Cameron's rooster. The other rooster was so badly beaten that he has taken reinge in a s vanp iri Situ,. eoe'nu n£y.,. it is stud.. 'rErs,Montital Witness says that a, a of ° the I4ading Conservative iitsnlefOteeera of Montreal are quiet. t the Grand Tired* Railway, , oti , e ground of `the.tapi itiaia,•.ti. Sir John Mite-4orease of 401%000,b iebele t hell togs will be. appointed to;be:the prose - cetera in every, pane W;ltc�r,8 milk, is tampered. With, with the sale and management of Crown, clergy, school, free grant and mining lands;_ the sale of timber berths, issuing licenses to cut timber, collecting timber dues, grou,ud rent, etc.; wood ranging and tire ranging ; Peeelneial, tiaheries ; 'colonisation road,";, surveys., and the examination and admission otProvinciel land sur- veyor,s. There are now '797 townships iri On>;ario,, representing an area, of 41,096,809 acres, outlined and sur- veyed ;, but more ttlian. twice as, Much land is yet untouched, the whole area of the Province, being, ] 7,000,000 acres. The office has recently acquir- ed additional importance on account of the discovery of•the;enorntone. mineral wealth of .Ontario • • TORONTO Globe,: It has taken the Liberals of Ilur.ou nine years to over- come the effect OE gerrymander, but .the herons struggle has ended . in tri- ' umph at last. ` Three . Liberals will noW alt for Huion, and each of them is a„ man of whom any constituency': might be proud. •The' Liberals will lie glad to,welcome back to the hose pitable walls of No 6 that old warrior, M. C Cameron, who was beaten by a 'small Majority in 1887, blit now re- turns with adecisive one. Dr Mac- donald,w,ha• redeemed, the East in X18$7, has bettteed, that victory, and :lits a majority., of, seine 300, John' 14Ic11llan, one of tie 1}get. farmers u• .Ontario and a fine. debater, has: a "Hive," but he recognised that the `possession of a safe seat, brings. with it the obligation to.heip•Eriends not so fortunately situated, and, h,e did gal - lent, work hi the east and west ridings. Less T an. Cost. We are willing to submit to a large loss .n; order to clear them out by that. date. Come early and get the piek o' our stock at, s� Tou Owt Piee t34 This is a GENUINE SA,� e he alio school siteteend building and the large bridge 11 the to same r rpltteo,f tied. ole inerease i,l the teaching staff, 'of.the - Clare get drawn up. at near where the. - 'slightly tlie.cost per pupil has but , b. 'slightly advanced iu thirteen years. bridge was, sad that elle Reeve and; the average cost per pupil ou the Mr Ol k contra t, the erectionmid of they number enrolled in 1889 was $8.4 bridge by for the ' Provience, 1,t 1877. the secure the right of way through some average cost was $6.26 for the Prov' lot watt the bridge eon be l,nilt--- ince. The number of Roman Oath Carried. a utG usyust '' zd be _adopted t ulic schpols open daring' the year finance report just al ubThat 'were 243., .pupils 32,790 and teachers t--Carried. is bo d d( Kautzadjuure t meet 546, The numl,dr of bigh,so11oo1S, includ• agate ae town n rd hall, dTe swater, as iti. ing colt,'xiate ewe -Aires, 'wait 120 8atnrdtly,, 2 •le tu,ci:427 teachers. Court of Revision ad appeal -Car, with ls,bda,pt}pi Tile.attt~udauct+ at the high school has tied. . Td4st e following oacl (7c►„tnit•stuti �.rs doubled in thirte'u cease. In 188,1 1 oundkc•ot,et ,, the pupils preparing for ulatrirctlation and k ei,ceviewers- were duly appoint. uuutbered 1,446, 583 f..r the barites ed ,�,1 onceKoionl---Fleury professions and 7.816'frr teacheri:' ex- Fathinasterx Forsyth, John Henry. p atE,it►utic,p8. Total number of • wipes 1lc(xlyuu, max Y ,tttc•uciiu the several classes of t4cltuols James Tees, Donald A1cC,,r►nick, Johu,. g iu 18i19(exciudin•� e.,ilege5 and pyloric ()mine, Jo�u�ri171,rldlncecty, Ouiiceseions schools), 5.20 827 ; grand toed temp. 2 an x „ e expanded for alt. Educational purposes Ii '1`�y, tD! vi Lick l nd, Root Marshall,. in 1889. $5,145,370, Witham , In 18,R9.there were 1,293. teacher$ cession 4 and 5. -Michael L J, ae, 'Jae in trang• in d3 county model Whiteman, Oboe. 8proa , schools, 1,2'2&: passed. the final Naughton, Thos Ross, Alex Cameron, examination. In. the seine year Wut •held. �Concessio co 6,o ytic ls- there were 411 students in attendance Vililiiatn 1%1uelwn e „ at the normal and 12 teachers' Wu) Jarvis, •Wen, idc,Ifenzie, Andrew schools, and 048 model school and Nl. ague, 'Angus_ McKti zic. boon- `' kindergarten pupils and. 22 teachers. cessions b.and 9 J ,s p p There are now 5 training institutes in Jas Batton, Jeis Little, Alex lelc. the Province, at Guelph, Hatrtilton, Donald, Alex,, Watson, Robert Scutt, Kingston, Owen Sound: and Straehroy. John E Bente. Oen ► eseionsl 9 act 11 The attendance in 1980 was 59 ; the --Fleury Opt ,I? nurr;!Jer who wrote at the final examen- Robert Scott, Joseph Johnson, >Rob =,rt ation was 1,25 tied the number who Donaldson, George Day,ia Isiah 12 Std passed 33. te- wart, Geo Bell. Conte 18 --Philip Schumacher, Levi Erb, Samuel ►`iutith, Blakuey Smith, James McGlyun,Jrames Murray.. Concc'.ssions 14 and15-Henry Monday, Michael rs Keifer, Levi Geos, Benj McFva , Alex Bannerman, Andrew Wardrobe, .. liugald Campbell,: Peter 1.utii. Coti- cessioii A• --Patrick leynett, Patrick Mahoney, John Lean, Jacob Cambay tori. Concessi„ns 12,and 1,3 -Michael Seitz, Sabastu.n Lehman, George .E,ruewine, Joseph Weighter. Road Commissioners -Joseph Moir, Reeve ; Peter Clark, Peter Kautz acid J oseph W alwood, Fenceviewers -Alex McGregor, A tt Arch to , faun Ar i ni11c u Forsyth, Nell If, Fr David Tgyh,G, Malcolm Eeith, 8.. Button, John i tcii`cigue, Amoroso Diedrick, W m ()chin, jr.,, George • Arnlatrung, Peter Grant, Thomas Thompson, Dng.>wltl flaitrpbell, John Settler, Sebastian Lehrman. Pouatdkeepers, :.• Robert 13aClil ll, . John:lklcllae,;3n,1111 Boyd, Jae Beacom, , Andrew Adamson, tingly, WIeK. gue, •.lames Donaldson, Jetties' Smith, , Michael Grab4, George' Mulver's, Alf; I-uldenbx. Cni .BUr•Tolt•, P 9p, Clerk, Tt E annual report'",nf the Depart - milt of Inland ae�reitue for the year 1890 shows the total:revenue to have been $7,779,61.61,: au; increase over 1889 of ever $80000. Spirits con'. tributes $3,620,393;• an increase of'. ;$780,9Q0. The consumption of spirits increased from 2,960,447 proof gallons in 1889 to 3,5%1,1;94. gallons " in 1800i, against an .average consumption of 2,641,132 during;the last fotir years. Ontario consumed 1,868,796 gallons ; Quebec, 1,254,860'; New Brunswick, 117,615; Nova Scotia, 102,597 ; P ,L+' I., 2,535; Manitoba, 101,411. and British Columbia, 73,876. Licenses were taken out by eleven distilleries, the total, num),er, in,Canadc. Of malt liquor 17,19331'it gallons. were menu - featured, an, inRro.ise fr ui 1889; of over 800,000 gallons,. Tohaeco son, tribated $1,896,859 to the revenue. nds l,here was consumed 9,875,387~eau + 'egeinat anaverareeoweepptionforehe Mast foul' yew of C% Q80,2�98, There wen: a falling off• in the. nee of Cahadian tobacco. Ther. were 98,9.70,l17 eights consumed; during the year, an increase of over 8,000,000, aiiovo , the average of the last four years. The consumption pcir head was of spirits, :.803 gallons, against .776 gallons the previous yelit; beer, 5.860 gallons, in 18 8g wine, 33 d 11 on s , $ 'against 1;04 gallons, against .097 in 1889 tobacco,. 2143 bs., against 2.158 lbs. hi 1889. Tut report f the, 11'Iinister of Ede, cation for thr� Veer ,1830, and, the statistics for 1:f389, have peen rilede ata , r U1at•ion of.,the public. lits' 'hoot pqp Province for 889, Was, 616,028, •of which iittitibe! GI1)0.815, pupils were Ti na:ha3 lieen.a, sudden advance in wheat the teat few, days ail over. Various reasons have. been assigned for this suddenxise in, the price of wheat, among which have been runlets 1 anticipated, between that trouble was France and Germany, while others have attributed the suddenly develop ed strength to the bad outlook of the winter wheat orop 1n the North-west, owing to the thawing and freezing processes, which it is said hag killed the plants in many sections. This. together with the strougth of, the English market, where prices have ad; Danced, no doubt aeoounts for the pause of the rise. According to latest advices the visible supply, of wheat, on Ns continent east of; the Rocky 'Mountains, along, with thee afloat attd on p tBsa;;e;, amounts to 47,9.2,000 baslie1s, agaiuet•47,535,00G bushels a. bushels„ week previous, and 50,924,000 lq orr�nnizitist a hoycatt against ' th ro and at this time leet year, showing an in. dein i tube recant , election. They propeefete go about in a very iluit,t way, tittle: said, but, they have the eventually and is decrease of; 1,982, tis a Cgiross• Ip accordance with motion of, ail, J 'ou'anmeut, tnu;liolpal oouneil of Oulrosa met hi town hall, Teeswater, ou Monday, March 9th; 091. Mem- bers all present. Reeve ie, the chair. Tne aninutes having been read, it wag moved by J Welwaotl, seconded by Y Clark, that the minutes as just read be adopted- •0trried, Moved by T, Moir, seconded by J Welwood, that as John McDonald, Lot 2$,; don. 14, has applied t>b this. $oars for, assist- ance to aid him in raising two boys, aged 8 and 10 yeare, left with bitu in indigent circumstances, he it resolved that five dollars be granted hint and ,that the council, try to get thein adopted -Carried. Clark -Kuntz-- 'i hat having earefally examined the Treasurer's Bondt,we 'find the sante ample and suffiyient, that the saine :he accepted by the corporation- Car- ried. Meekly -Volute -That having tiiiaity audited do Treasurers books. land fotittd them sonnet, that the sante: be •accepted and► that the printing' cotnniittee get two Imitdred copies ,of the auditor& rep,ttt printed at ata early daleC;ar'ried. Welwuotl- as (louvered with twelve months 'age Of the O tario De � t'yin, 3 ,T nMt7tttysrl<tl, pertinent of,Crowix Lends 1'40,nutt1pit=' ea .the We s, is department, ;Rhea them in a volume of 800 raps. orders rests er4d, 2ii.9 .4.7 'were boys and 23fi68 girlie'. number of pupils 92 though C No.8 f the prtiatt, drill they will arts reasiCattous onlyr 675 The wvetraq; atteardantes Cerro rrfr i„•+er,► bpi r ow read first. r�itrdu,ek 0}ut+abH off, water; r i,etng thrown • crush ibt: ClC'aTrunlc oi:i of +a>x•tat• t a prtlt• rural twptitiofsu ee , i tw loin, tit of or relenting to b d nae tbire ln�t u o ,tt b ti 2,ruW► ttmetetn,w l , The e fi lrll ata til f the Earn The the were''► 11 ,bt autt' (Meec 'their k ed to Manuel and re They ed to Art S'essio in dee the Sl Tree aIl BeJ wit+et i;itfa `fibro his iaaa byte Win; the s state 1art Tl miss Rev Fort Land Don Can 1' to t the Da; Pin 1.( 1 pill tot iri, en nu. fes mi 'ah St t r It'p�►` �rliteli+ ea.tau• Chu ,. rP istoied had increaar!d4,4 , t long Moir -That byelaw, , ur.. nfat, ,se was totally sea ro • i1 f6 ynrt! the increase of eohogl, poi,'nlation Weis pgrp:lse.b'f appointing patnutasxerae y x inc>tally 1, tr yvitli• ut iti , u3 cute p ars and:road, ‘Mo*ail Y g l , it ttrrte.- littatC4 + �t'tal3iYdllV+�+' Tit'. tv +l"' per cent. cr tag +) t•l, ,tr , r pat#ties t g u tan+ regiarered etwn . a • , en i re i t t ' • rur3t figs tete ri itf;, un , to " lr if ;. 'tii L. boely of, Cakrdltlar+r, l rnw Varied end itwas Go ,pet • :,crlpt, w t tltt "tames :l t 17, vr_,q ,stirs#, 4 a'v,p` ,imy El ,- aim I nuts:: nem must lair' beats, 51 oufderin to tq»rlt tli t'��4iLttUttiliti alto* la ,,re , slurs i iieh.it,11 50111' of tr ',11 Ht it in �' tS t d��+ t the duties of ties '(gym i►' amt ' .�r�sr fF y '_ 3� ,• ` l erl lt'rlllt,i lit., 'Tina.'lsui'laliag ir*C.,. 1* tela h avail+' i tlMi i iiia% 'i•W+�:,ttai+ t ft* �' A A'fl lid, nil '1i( yet .e a ., .tElt,i (.0 : i'e fU } 7 1.00 ,count. , ' 1�P has lionmet ?t ter 1.,r L. lvirsk lailmt jppprtttn' ; r +�E. 'piesis wq t , �,( t ot ot., • coon las ,es,,►tl, t. , ' tl ill Sti4 Pule � • P1 1 Al al: tit tb ii 1