HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-03-20, Page 3TEMPERANCE (COLUMN, •piristnnt suitor,. l What Is phyainel cute
T tare?' 'The prevent aim and the •cartaiu
reHuit of tbie new '"tarAta include the at•.
OltMptnaa tninnYe it of gond:11;4'4l'th and a fine forrn.l
and a this fen) ontra"nka a pretty face in
Tim rrfinlrt reoelit stetiptr,irq^ es els.
-reets,i't+r cirnnkennPR4l1J Mwife' in any
nide year show hot f" ur.Rrrestlllo every
10,000 of tie+ pop( al ion..
An F.iSMlifsh mover has signed the
plAdge .foto his herrn f'fi office, beanuse
WC tither magistrate, be coUlda not reg
ennc'rle.drinlcrua Ilitnsrlk end Rending
Oren to prison inr the Same riling..
The liquor trnfho is no friend'tn the
Wore men, sq far no elllp oympnt
coileert".etf. l.t Nivea occupation to
fewer ,pan than tiny other buss less in
.pinl►nr:hon to its cepltal For example,
rim Rnnaa1 nntput of a brewery es
l all} are. lie took '
I uctiieii you, A ha? he
rionurovsn nT TR
)U. The nidetlee—the
ra t et'uu surely eliuett•tt . .l1
14 du was tit boll. ,
t;th btiruattlt same to ate. I
,;lh to the Britt and tultl liltu all.
ti hue beets 1'1'104;4(.4A to
,iititie ai0 tor lentil lrrnbpi tl•d
d, and how, when he Loitered
u oiler of lith hated, a I ..uresl
id%netllerby ow ill lig tothe trittll,
r1Jt+ 1111L1 11tU11.1aie 11i1
y bieuetnni •l ul the.fulae.uRupba;;,u
f heel, brill n17 NeuLutati4 hits*
JIU wr.
though I never gel' 147san d..oel:ls
chill 1, still 1 `tau utter ltU an*
rau' ti Lio,1?%t , tar 1 Lou: hi to)
as I looked' all the rielt (whir fik
Ut of the Squire's lave, unit I
:fight ,we se lilutJi bt t) LuUre 1,13 13.4
at liietui,tl---'a swung U1LLIL 1n
ittle Agatha Haver loved all', lie
Ah, t+ie 1 '1'hci t.te%ss ie i'itiit.-.1
t 'she did. .toil pslr.tt of
;y 1t higher and a fairer.. have
to give, 1. baid4 2,iiia it"Ab Ata10
baW We.
Liam,. kind and gentle,as tt (Awl,a.
•.tit grieved uluy, be glue nee hip.
.d saw Lae auroes the tuuur, at it
paused and whit:tiered :
it rest, Agatha. 'Tilt: Guldetf
n has hut bailed tet.'''
:e luau better tlou X had ever
defile that night when .1 told
to that 1 }Mould hevtr wed him,
1 but lie was fit to be )ting"
•oddest, tinde'st, best of livid
Ole et%g uN y with the break
xnorroziyAt•q(3 never stopped Litt
tGbed raive:pept and found Evan
i • j'ust :rpae,y to set foot upon. the
Cleorge ajld.told him a tale that
his heart light and sent hien. bads
). lietiven 61115s him 1
idwbq vas it that seJ,told grand -
a. the steed of kt that trade the
ge'his pwu, and who tpobp a kind
to the gentry for yofltlg I)r.
:e that Lelpedl,thiiu into practice `'
uo one but Squire Turner, whole#
taught our 4htldren to prey for
y diff; ]t. For We were married,
in a few years bad boys and girl+'
ar liuees and when the eldest wait
two, the thing 1 needed to.malte
luite happy yhappt'ned---tt[Ld hotel
pier the sea, where Le had been
e twelve months, came the squire,
i the bonniest kidy thattrr.erk:lushed
de bim,and thtd'hall had a mistress
est—a mistress who loved the
ire aft I laved Evan, •
1 but it's au old si ory. She that.
'luernbt'red as girl 1 saw iu Lal;
iu, withered "eiid old. Arid t .els
y up'=uetd the vault wllero the Squire .
I slept t en years to pat her beside."
; and I've Bathing left of Evan!life and wy ioutt, but hie memory,
1 its scarab as if ,every hope and
vtn, of joy 1 ever had were pu t away
der tombstones. And even the
Iden George, the great strong ship
'Lt would t qv borne my dear front
t, has ntoatldeirt+d away at Lite laottollt
the sea, At 1 thick my wedding
ig is likely to, outlast ue' all, for I
vo it yet, and shall hit 90 twinor-
Ninety 1 It's a ood olid tee, an4 it
u t be long now before 1 moot,moot,l., ,
id the rest in heaven.
Par Intltlenz'L err '"Trio (1, rtpre'1'Wilslln':t
unpnuud :syrup of 'Wild Cherry is a suras
d safe remeri4. These isnn better me•li-
ie forthe oureiof tntl.ienex, 13ronhitis,
plebe. (1n ltiv,Ckiipp,a'i'1 ki'i+hed'lrseaaex.
tit the geuuiue(iu white wrappers,
OIC Wedtiied&q evening of Inst was
a association of Patrons of Induetr;
'atlifrtirnly. l by i+' aI Dewiest, Ot
anizea for linin, at intone sella
arise NC 3, to is known Rid. titian
lanailrld'itri A.tila;' Potitm, Rea ale*
114).,Prstritt!e"-uxCYtltr ' ."sftLl .! w1 Dinars, r,
Alt Son,
young, old,' or middle aged, who find
themselves nervous, week or exhaust*
ed, who arta broken down from excess
or overwork, resulting iu mtytty of the
populun'ewtitnate of ehysidel beauty, who fLlllowing symptoms 141ental depres.
is not Willing'' to nuke Rome;effort for such sfoli, plain&tai's old age, lona of.
Kvitality loss of ►ueruory Ila,1 :dfeatne,
AaLtstrable artaitiment 7 It is not so diflt* + a
atilt, after a.U—if you only know 'how
and if vin wiittt to know' how, you 04U
learn from t•he April number of Demerest'a
Family 1NagaziJle, which contains a spleli* the face or body, itching or peettlar
dirt article on "Physical (',ulture. ' by Prof st'neatiun about the suxoturg,, waisting
FIB Warman, A yr, giving a course of of the organs, dizziness, specks before
exercises, profusely illustrated, which will the,f4 $, twitching of the nluse1es,
to a gymnasium, or even p
help rverpbody— man, wpm, a or child- eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness,:
to acquire a graceful, supple form, and depubitB in the urine, lase of will
without goi'n . °wer, tenietnea of the scalp and
anenliing a cent for apparatus. And this spine, weak and flabby uttsckes, desire
iii not the attraction of this excellent
sleep, failure to he rested by sleep,
uuxtSti )ttti0u, dullness of liearuig loss
magazine: "'rile Laud of Our Next Noi )*'R L r"
her." -The Care of Palate in the Drawing of vakre, deme for solitude', exeittL.
Boom " eHow A.rt Btudeiite Live iu New btlity of ta•uiprr, suu14on eyes sur.
tl'•Jn(rted ab ift,(111t1,Uf1flNtupinyshtlb.6tif) Ynrk." "C3rntl+Hgne Ways of I)ecurtatiuq rounded still L>wADEN CIRCLE, .oily
loakin shin, oto., Lt►li til sylu tutus
ti',en, while In irou ore works' of the Faster7ege." a'I{.Ite..lnyiaq" (forth(' boys) of nervous debility
that led to 1 ►rity
:Siltue e i thl''ra quires 4.800 1.1 borers, 'A'll hi 1sn,n e1v'illuatrnted several onpital and dead uselr-ss cures.. Ilie spring'
p 4 :+stories, a fine, article on "Thinness: its
In the West it street div'des twit " , '" or vital power having lint its tuenett
'Causes and Core," by tusanrJa W Dodds, every ful,utioa, wanes. in CouseqUenutJ,
itnfest--KstotHb end A?iss"'ut'i, '1'tfi% M D. are s. tiwofits otb• llfetatures, and il'flow. who through abuse atimiJeuu ..
slime street also divides lrenanfi flltr',. there are nearly three hundred thistle* iI iguorrince may be perinaneutely
tfonei, including a full page watercolor Kansas City. Me. O
mill hence the have Karnes tatty, Ilan* );aster cared. As an Ltll.arcand "family" cured.c )laud your address for bookots, nodise aide'. 3 an all diseases peculiar to ratan,
City niaL'arine. this one enuunt be beat; there Addreae Ai, '1, LUDAS, 50 Front St
of dila street 1 , in 11.antite l+ity,Kanae, ie Remh"ri►inLi in every number for tether, E., Taranto, Ono. Books sent free
and the other Wig of I be .srreat is in mother, and every One Of the childreu ; sealed: Heart disease, the symptoms,
Iansns City, atissenri. T•ansns is a and it is only 32 Or .near. Publiahed by of which are faint spells, purple lips,.
' prohibition stat"', t lissntlri ie a liquor W :Ienninis Demerest, 15 East 14tt1'{a3".t, nutiibuess, palpitation, skip beats,
New York, not flushes, rui.i, of blood to the head,
licensing state. Two anlornekeepers dull pain in the heart with biers
from this street, having tilled several "La Grippe" strung, rapid and irregular, the seem
thousand victims' clips with." sorrow Is pimply epidemic Influenza; Wilson's heart heat quicker than the first, pain
and hlested Many horses, '.ri'''oflie'i to Wilcl Cherry will cure it safely aunt Quickly. about the breast bone, etc., can
Get the genuine. in white wrappers only,
positively be cured. No cure, no pay,
:e m their account, sod' ei;±,penr l'''•" and use it as directed for Iuffueuza. p yp
ge ser at the gores. As hr tetra, goes Send for book. Address M. V.
I,talit"asrLtceaee Law, LU BON, 50 Front Street East,
,,ions dud identitie,ntion follow, Peter, ' Toronto, Out.
Rrldreestikg saloon keeper No 1; says . The 15th annual report respecting
On which side" of the street was your
the operations of theliquor.license
li''In "n 2 On the I[iseouri aide. All lose of the Provinceof Ontario was
right ; pees into glory res,}rved fromlaid on the tattle of the Ontario Leff=
the fnandntions of the world for sae waive on Tuesday,. It showed that
during last year 2 792 ordinary tavern
licenses 'there issued. During 1869
hut 2 019 of this class were aile4d
street wag~ yanr sn.loon 1 Suspecting 1 flaring 1890, 81 beer and wind ate"ala
dimness of sight, palpitatjou of the
heart, etllissioii, lank of energy, pain
in the •Kidneys,. headake, pimples on
hal oh band a large stock or
The undorei ped. wish os undue thpip b thank
for the lllierpl, rriatronatit, :c r. r f*1 teat tit3,t' dI1d 1 r
F4 soveralyears prior to tIw burning of our will byin
eendlarlsm. During the, a. t greaser. ;IO here re-
X1XP8, meddelled the towel min' to the latestB marred SYN.
TiIUKe tern of Hungarian Roller Process mil Iirg. Ws be
Bove woean now glve better sacontaudation than
evorbe ore 'Weo1ler
which will be sold at bottom prices Prompt D1s17ate111,
IIARNNESS, double oraingle, trade to order on QUALITY 81100N1) T'. ONE TN I Iilb
short notice, and satiebteutken guaranteed. E31",f,;TIOAr.
1'n0 -,keepers Who fill heiPaith souls
Jtcenrrling to Is w. Ti, sal Ann -keeper
No 2 he revs • Oa which side of the
his fate, with feeble voice he' answers,,
On the fta►isns side. Down to hell,
You lawless villain,; there shall he
weeping and wailing and gnashing of
teeth.—Ot istian Nation.
A Fair A.itewer.
A rumseller was once as -What
tavern iiuenses were issued as af;a"iiret.
47 in 1889. Forty 6,Months' ordinary
tavern licensee were issued last year
as against 34 of the " previous -year.
Nine 6 .Months' beer and wine tavern
licenses were issued hist year, an in-
'croalse•of-3"s''erthe year 188.9 fOlfe
hundred and forty-five retail shop
his Ime.ness was for; before lie:could
} .. _ « licenses we!•eissved last year and 27
reply, a toper who as cv t1' is vfor. a' "
drink shouted, It fattens graveyards.
'Yes, and leaves n0 stone to mark the
lxnbonored spot. Do you vv'hnt" to be
one of those who help to do the fatten-
ing 1—Ex.
No Drunkards There.
There is'a baautiflit.libud, we are told.,
With rivers of sliver and streets of gold;,
I3right are. the beings wh00e suinieg fees
'o.Wander slang each quiet street;
Sheet 14 the mucro that tills the air --
But no drunkards are there.
aVo eari':ets are there,where the Cvearywait,
Wilerethe room is cold and the hour's late;
No pttle"raced wife With looks df fear,
"(Wens for steps she dreads to.hear;
The hearts are free from pain and care —
No druekards are there,
All the•1$ng day, in, that beautiful lanae
The clear waters ripple o'er Dads of sand ;
And down on the edge of the water's brink
Those win te-robedbeingswancleruorslikink
Nor fear the power of the tempter's stlare,
MOTOR To blomssRs.—Aro you dlehtrbsd at night
For uo wine is there. and broken of,j our rest by a sickchitd eutfbj;ittie and
' eryhig with pain of Cutting Teeth't .If so aged at
Owing to the unpred.8dented demand for once end get a bottle of • Mrs. Winslow's trooj,lzing
plate,f lass it has adviinced oous;derabl in Syrup" for Children Teothing. Its yalueis'I nelaj td.
price': Messrs Me(et4lilana:dc:,o0,'1'orutito, njiuAdittii ly.illl pend apo itpinol,ersieth1 .is iso
fortunately made 0,• contract before the mistake about it. it cures Dysentery and niarr hues,
roaulate5 the Stomach and Rowels, Cures tVint' t ol!c,
softens the Gums, reduces Inilamin01ton, audxetis
stye anal energy to the whole system, Min. ,)Vin-
loow"s Soothing Syrup" for children teetlitti'g- Is
pleasant to tho taste and le the prescription of onti,ot
the oldest and best 'female physicians and nut sea. i i
the United States, and is for este by all druggistt
throughout the world. "rice twenty-five emits it
bottle. Be sure and mitt for "Alas. 1VINsbow9.
SCmaiNG Sous .had take nn other hind
Now, Tom, said his sister as they
were coming; home from a New Year
eve party, I want you to begin the
new year with the resolve to get
out of debt. You mast ; inl'e up scdie
of your expensive habits—now, woo't
you promise rue to give up at least
onel Ohl I goose so, said '.Com.
What 'ehsllit be 4 said she, resolved to
stripe when this,.' iron is tt1 Buying
theater tlttkele for you,
wholesale. Fifteen vessel licenses
were also issued Inst. Year.
The report shows the • revenue'deriv
ed from licenses and ire?; H
hast year to
.1 „•
ba $307,281 and in 1$$9, $832,511.
The report also shows the amount
collected oo account of licensee and
fines, intruding the sums imposed by
municipal bylaws and duties (derived.
from vessel licenses, ail' $680,560 last
year, and $470,855 daring 1889. •
The fines collected during the',past
year amounted to $21,073, as compar-
with..18"454 .in 1889.
The total number of persons com
mitted to jail during 1890 for ' drunk-
enness was 4,573.
C. P. R. TIMI TAB`1 J1.
41TA call eallcited,
01'—Opposite the Bank of Ilamilton,
ngnam, Feb. tth, 1800.
And by close personal attenti,in to the 'business
hope to be again Inf..red with a trial by all old
friends and many uewmnes.
Yours most rrspectfuliv,
IiUTTox :t.¢ CA's
wtnatham MW. 0 'tt°9, men.L, i tlAkbiAN, J. GOLLY,
0071C11--" Sig" Bookstore,
Money to Loan. on Fari» Security at Low Rates of
interest. No commission charged.
Trains arrive and depart es follows: n, •.'
5:35 a. m ..........For Toronto ...... ; 5:35 a. an
2:20 p. an 2:20 p.m
,2:20 p. m 1'or Teeswater 2:20
10:30 p. m 10:30 K
&PSA t*T:DTP tT .N` Z2,7M
Through iokets to ell points In America—North-
-West, Pacific Coast, eta., via the shortest and all
peguar 0005:. Baggage checked through to
destination. ' xsowest freight rates to all points.
,.„t . --- ,TIME TAt3LE.
1.E,!v 1 01OI1AM ;.. - AIIa1VR AT. WINOUAM.
0:30 n.iu.Torantoifluelph,Palinerston, are. 3:80 p.m.
11;L0 ” •' • • S 10;10 •”
3:40 p.m. "" Clinton, ,,
7:25 " .. 'Paimerston, .Mixed... ..10;15 a.m.
.441 5a.m...,..,.....Lotulou, deo....... 11:00 •'
8:41) p.m. "' 7:45 p.m.
11.10 a.m.. ......ti•fneardino, deo ........ 0:90 a.10.
$ 30.p.tn' 11:10, "
10.10 l`, 0:50 p.in
advanbe for a very considerable gllatiti.ty,
and are thud enatbieti to offer their,putrous
this season a deol(ed advantage in price,:
the quality beiue'superior to auy ever pre'
vioualy 'imported,
A. St 111ary's lady who is teacher of
a public school` in Toronto, hail . a
Many experience tIle other day. Three
'children presented tlieirelves fol? en%
rollinent as pepils, The first oil being
caked bis name. , and sage, answered,
John Thompson, age thirteen, the
second, Richard Thompson, s
, a ed
thirteen. Oh, then, you are twins
Imagine the teacher's astonislnitent
when the answer was given, 'till, . 'sir,
urease ma'am', we are triplets, and
three's the, other feilol;w'.
On Saturday an Orilla lardy entered
the post Attlee to post a letter. Open.'
stag her rnek buals she took therefrom ..
tt. piece of veep pl'abter (mistaking.
it. for a three Cent stamp), and stuck.
it tin. Mn' letter. . Cht retiring''itt night
She put rile stamp on her corn, rtti>>of
*Outset the letter turrq tip (food
lwtE;fli,+•>lt'3(iN;1ll Itllwr„;.
Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary coalegq;
Also Graduate of Dentistry School, Toren .is .rr;-
rursd to tr„at all Diseases of Domesticate Aninale
in the latestreientit8r manner.
Calle promptly attended to. OWee and Infirmary,
moo's nl.1) CTANP, Wtngbam..
I S3t,Callers by night will find him at the oboe,
GRAUUATS and Bold Medallist orcin 1ttl17 College,
Pupa: of Mr. award Platter and •Tiir < J. W. N
Harrieou.. !;fano; )rgiun, Voice-. Culture. and liar -
many. Rootnelt,nexavfrSl00 Whighdrii;
Iv US•IO.,
oil Plano` ANO ORGAN, ALBo 01,605 IN
For partipulare rogdrdiug.terma, ote, Please call et
my home, corner Yr .ueis and Patrick attests.
Cheap for KASI.
YY B S T .4dy ,S
kuliNVED 1
Has remoye4 to E. F. G rstera old stand, where he' has a large and
nicd1y assorted stock of
lireAehei,Gleelsis, Jewellery, Silverware aid
ape deals,
Which he is selling away down in price, and will rhe
f'dve you call artdtake a look: through h's Stock.
7 NSTRUCTIQ''gt,4en on Plaine, Organ and Violin.
1 Also in Iiarniony ,
Residence ern bolt '
eii$ine and . atrick
Streets. l
Property ear Sale 11Pielmore.
The unders;gnedl. Are for sai9•' is,desi1al}fe pro.
in of a ud
e • nota consist s,
v It *e'
3ah F.
tie l
” a
urC n . ,
dwe11h3R hotiso, oino +sttible mid drivinji shod, avitib
one acre and a•lialf Tod in con no. tion.. Splendid
garden, with all sort rt fruit trees. Will be sold
at a bargain. For pa. oculars,11)ply to..
, IYtED111uuoK MAR,
i nelino.e.
BANK ABB kzmXl'4N,
-;capital, $1,000,100. Rest; '450,000:
..Prosidont—Jona ST ART.
Vlce•presideni,-A. A,ta6s4
Iona Pti0
OR, (OSA$' GVRN.58 I` ",!s 'Routh A, T.
Wool), A. I1• Lsl ( Toronto),
'ashler J, TURrr blit{.,
10 to•
• Saturdays,
a'triii a
>saraTc h u
1. Uetros[tb;'of el and uprt arde received andtnteroat
>50001. l Depoll also received at current
totes of interest.
D:at'e$-on Oren t item and the United States
bought and sold
WIL'LSON, Aott,iT,
btItYDIt & DTC i TNi30N,
iteeue, ' r Mt,ati+ttt re tern
tPleasWorn' lottendert that time.
ratbo tedthite
54lesfirts esSybeip
1.1440/4441 a
y ter the above nit,. 4>
itiently eared X :leu`
dere Wheft ...
Repairing a Specialty
pleased to
A11 work warranted and done promptly.
Ed. le v.,- - eon's Block.
--Successors to R let Robinson, inanufacturerert of-•"
Cis. dflccriptn l 1
pan and
o. `
'''AixE ' •1 OE,'fl, Wt-IITR ;AW4 AQMOUl it L !a
06 14;8 A.Nl.s 13t)I'l',b117ajCl-l4lt'!L;4L II;,d C QRT.
t a,pa itl ,.:iyti;XIi " an l 11:1+ak7444, r