Wingham Times, 1891-03-20, Page 1re
Ise an 13#4
%eth e
, to ',tacit
,teat N asV
Graslitin e'reii
line wh
'anOY 1) rests
s for eveir
e parches „k
:k of Prints;
ileebions for
le it every
are ultve yi
pti,..� V10 '
'ie t; Hai • � a
ow. rt& $0.7;;
before #Ilii'
aped Alfalfa
hard C,lt'aa
as 1 isitetl•
a farther iii
e Seeds, tr ',
(Wtl'f. Pickles
tlltGlla58ti. 11d
all and gut
_Lee eletee.,
11 SHOP,.
ef whiyylt s
d the fitrCcit
et l otte tea **ra t
we noum
o. per ab
EMI* Ware ook:
LADIES.--'-M'r Valenti e Shin esu, Of Listowel,
Our Spring geode are in, but ii+e're not has taken a '' ituation iu the finishing
going i'•otry tatellyen about them. We reeni,.at tee ' , Ion,F QTY, '
'wuldn,'t de • it, if we tried, 'Come you'rdelt —Cash. for=ggo"at R AGrab em's Market
nt4 Reo for yourself. tt will glueyou y
'genuine pleasure, but' before .you. come, 6roo r . ' "
eve want you'to,thinle ill the most beau --,By resolution o 'the keen council, it
tiful design's you ever heard of,andwhb ias been deoidpc1 to !ter the old town hall.
.von get the idea well fixed in your tnhi , for sale by public a, otiou on Saturday,the:
'come tot,hoBear end'set§ how moi It more 28th roar, et 2 o'el k p m.
•, eletaletittd our Dress Goods and Prints are
shall anything you .have been able to -Reit arrived at R Hill's, a fresh stock
imagine, , of 'cetined goods : peas, cora, tomatoes,
G+NTLEMEN,•--We'yeeet:eeee,,etten• bairniin,sardines, lobsters, haddies, eon-
i-eu, either, ;Our. shies of TWeed eltiect deuced coffee, &c, to be sold cheap.
Siblingslast 'season were Merit, than _Conductor Snide hat during the week
tteobis any season we ever had before. been: assisting deem ialservices which are
Thank you, boys. Novi we want you to
v±ome'azed see for yourselves, too, We can
being held in the As in. Street Methodist
•ehow you more in two minutes than we church, London. T e Meetings have been
'lean tell yeti about in an hour, largely attended. an agood deal of interest,
Special inducements to cash buyere. aroused.
Ask for a March Fashion Sheet. • r
—Mr R Reddaweof lot 1, concession
6. Turuberry, will Il his farm stock and
implements by p bila auetion,witheut
rennet, on Sitter y, March 21st, at id
ro'cslock p tn. Ter s—$ii and under, cash,
'nd vn amounts o r that sum tea mouths
roti` will be given Jos Cowan, auctioneer.. —Rev K W,Hrg je , of this town, on -
Mr T T
Mr'T.T Wats , who has carried on ducted the missieeit services' in Blytli,
se grocery store the north enol of the Bolgrttve and Maple It on Satirise. last: '
town for the pest et i lbes diepoaed.of ilia —P SAzi -•A. I`'ruft, Confectionaryan'd
buk'fire'es to Mr A :slbraith, and intends roc ry Business. S&Ltiefaotory roots
leavi' for Man obs about the first of giy for selling. Apply to
ani Keen, Bax r
I4 , 94 Wzn ham.
April. Ga1b ith hal moved Uis,down Q
town stook into re littera lately occupied --London Free Pre :p; Air Samuel Grigg,
by Mr Watson, nd is unw ready to servo of this city, is t Ilb ral donator to the
the public. Salvation Arley, We ]tam, for the ere°. ,
-Fresh oranges, I mo e.figR, nuts, •augur tion of their new bar cka.
rabble, Malaga. gra e, nd everything to —Tbe next Uuifo; . Promotion Exam,
be found in drat a rat las .fruit store at R inatiou for the Coui
Hill's.Y of Bruce will be
held ou Monday and Tuesday, April 6th
'—Janes Quirk,the professional sprinter and 7th. ;
of Brantford, has be ongage'ii;'togive ex-
hibitions with.P T ernum's .snow this
darenter, . Among of res who have beets
engaged eta Farrel, Donovan, Collins and,
a u rnberether u of t' at "elan, The gliow
opens at New York • Moral 26 for a'aix
week' run. • •
�f , .aittr�
fazI tea' Ar''.-
Direct kinporter.•
Vile REAR, Marsh 12, 1891.
--Oyetnra, 'aw stewed ,or flied, at, II
31i1 's city re ' au ant. •
f the e • en•
A lodge e e t nxzial Benevolent
p 8 0
Society. was drgani ed en `Caere last week
'lip Mr Rh:herd B ker, ilrovinciiil Organ-
izer, of Tokonto.
--Call at Alex ROW Wolf tetra and see.
the Laurance spectacle, Sole agent since;
.E F (erster left town.
--At the.: meeting of the town council,
on Monday eveniti the feels to• lie charged
ave rental for the ne . town hall' were tilted'
"lead the teel,.appe a • to; be a fair and
equitable nee. ,
—If your watch or click needs repairing,
go 'to W II Watlaoe, watchmaker and
gu,ytreler.'text 'door to post office.
. —Messrs JosY rut e. of Spuria; sianitoba,
nd Gil " rt Fergie, f •'i'uruberr ehi d
ire � e,� Y, p>Je
to Manitoba ou Tues.
't1tty, per GT
-For first•claes tailoring and cheap
'gents' furnishings, try:.l'4ebeter & Co,
ltarnernht:r the place, only two doors north
-c•t, the old stand and between }doss' book -
$16 a and 17alated & Scott's bank.
--Wood is very s i eo in town, and nn-
her . cosi east there ossa bra
n s ble simply brought
VI/ dnrin. 'the next few weeks, and.the
weedier keeps cold a wood famine will' be
;the .result.
—=Gordoii & Mc ntvre are Felling the:
'balance of their winter stook et at :great
t'edootion. 13e euro and inspect. their stock
if you want anything in winter or• early
't: o.rload.of horses
rpriug goods.
—Messrs R" "angle ne, be Morris, and
«�'as Inglis, of Beet wanoah, left Wing-
le hertz for Matiitoba, • n Tuesday last;takiug
'fifth theta a car of ettlers' Cf Bete, which
included several luable horses. They
went by theC?' .,:::,,
—White kid (;loves, excellent • ity,
stow selling for:CO con taper pair
ties. in muslin and Satin at . tot.
Reid, the tailor's.
'-.7.'he Dominion dub' ee'Singerepl±'6e an
-entertainment 'fie the etliodietolturcleou
Monday eveuing last.:: There was a fair
ettelidttnee, and the c u'tiert proved a rare
musical treat. The are 'seven in the
company and they a took their parts
1 . T ev J an Dun of Chatham,
^vera I The it CI y ,
Ont,'is tllio leader of he company', and it—.The Meyer at ed. at the lett mee'tin
mad to be the only mored ootnposer of of the town oattno that he had lately re-
fnusi0 in Canada.. '
calved a cowman 'ation frons the Settee'.
—anorak Cotizrrxn.—Saturday night tary'of the Cana ian Fire tfudorwritor'e
Feeley Dress Geckle fie,: L'edies kine t",hoes AKtnatattoti, stat ng` that'there was not
$1.60,Job lot of Shawls -4.o Vele and Heel err
Linen and ldilk Iisiidkerotn f, Gents all suf►cient pressu a On our Waterivorite
swool Overcoats for $4,761. Tie. 120 at Matins, The Ma • r said that lie lead had
;ii.o toi¢ a teat of the Watt= works made and that
--Ralvj W_HiPltttes, f Owen novas the prereure was 40, whiolt is ;sufficient
a►torrnatyayed iu town titan ,
tie for ail purposes. z bit result of the tent
bad arraugod to pre `h Ml cry titer• baa' been sent tis lie 'S0oretery of the
rooms in th'e i4'Cetitodia °beech, Exeter, en Underwriters' Aen• station, and the Mayor
that day. On the er
vat of the Canadian di! net appt ehend , at any serious con.
Paden Rrilway from Orangeville, wtaloll ' a ? ' gees would e sue to the town. It
Hwf+eevaral boatel
, the aftattnoom trete app ,. .r bat severs of the insurance acme
te�JJ�te'tonden had dept: tel, Ito it ltv team paaine doing bullies e• in pawn bad bee
Vlfelt_i,rnttght into ser +o,
attempt to t tri koro t th far
ti between leave ,
*VP/ fled tie retorts bel mewl* priors
'f'lte''fine..t •etheati Dandies at Xt, l:ill'ti, - I'ldmonds tf, eve's big gift shave Dora.
0130 cents per pang, who are at sent holdiugf rt n
—The pricb;;ol vele tip Winglzam ons Abetown hall, and ar doing good business:
Thursday tvals,. 1.01 er'bushel. :The Show is ene of e beet of the kind we
Brussels lost, pert says Levi Lott bare ever seen, eygive away a number,
intends removing to ingha,m before long. of handoome i.ree is each night.
—eTwo Tei aweter optimums per. —The final, cpm etitions for the Waste
chased the eteetrio Ii ht plant in that vile era Cfutatio Carlin Tnukardd' took place in
tape. London this. wee _.Brussels, Forest. and
—Oyetera-•-Rn.w, stewed or fried, Maas Chealey clubs fail to put in an appear-
McKelvie'a Star lefetauraut. mice, forfeited the' claims on the tankard.
--Tho Auntie *feel ill Diose for >atister' The Anal game w s between London and
holidays, on Thornes. the 36th ivat, and St Marys, and exulted in favor of St.
will not be opeiie til Tuesday following. Marys by 21 shot They hold the Tankard.
--Tile Rev G • ey, of Bl th, reaoht fob. due year.
ad two interesting a mons itt St Peers
oh'uroh in town,;orz eddy iasat; Wh hesitates t
: and "Optihie the new Town Hall rT p the t e Lady Wore. I es, on Tuesday, 24th
in .: For partioule, see posters.
/,Messrs S'�Youhill and J R Ferguson
ltav`e been appointed numerators for the
town `of Winghetn
Bob aniriss'''�Fticrtt$,-• , 'p : ,'enitlaEY )
a este lie aecommedated with fillet/
lfoard.and rooms;' Residence oppos
Atral School,
—Tho worst storm' f the: season struck
this section on Pride last, and continued
almost incessantly ut it Tuesday bf ilia;
week: The north a id south roads are
badly blooked up, au there its none too
much snow on the e stand west roads to
make good sleighing.' •
—Some people`ar all: torn up over thin
problem a "It itehan ells a horse for $90,
buy; nim back fin $ 0, and then sells him
r 106 how
mush oes'be
#0 •$ , make outof
the traueaotion i! orae say $10, some $20
some '630,'and som that it is'a,tirobiern
impossible to solve
Fon SALE—Apleaeant home convenient-
ly situated. fine view of the tows. Terms
to suit purchaser: Will be gold cheap. Ap-
ply, early to D. M. Goanos.
—A grand exhib ion of paintings was
given in Torouto 1 et week. in the Art
Gallery. There ere ou exhibition 186
paintings in oil, 83 n water colors and i5
architeotural,desig c.. The Toronto World,
thug refers to stile re of iif r Geo.A Reid's:
"Mr G A Bide" ' amily Prayer" occupied
ry central positio, and deserves ib. At -
though not as bo d a piece of work as
"Mortgaging the d Homestead' or "The
Other Side of the Question,' it will not
detract from Mr aid's re'putatieu as an
artist of great ab lily. Tie grouping is
good, strong, but h nest." Mr Reid is anon
of MrAdam held, . f Morris, acid is well
known to many of . ur readers.
se—On Mon ay night between the
b .thodiat chura and Agnoet's Livery's
able,a act a bla k '
1 mitten. Finds will
iudly lova it. at is offiee.
lint of aysil,ae emitters by mnttM sterna or I,aer�tt*1 at
Ptrtms'}t the isuow' ?ragoutroan n the w* water.
Disigf°atl1t bb to6,ts works'(vare tarot in a
tmete a bet fat'th¢ rc'. t
- tRarci l 1 a�vnrwfdC'ra6Ie le,� rm,t
—Air Al:Tremain,.
tion iii' the,paten• u:
year, or so,iutends le:
M%r3tscigi i, •i» a'short
he has filled t, poai'
+iture factory for a
ing for Kamen City,
I life.
Iflinety' of this tomo, was
awarded iifecond prize or lady character
costume, at a eerie -tee! Id at.13rusaels on
W0411048,1+ Of: latsfArtse
From ir,.:rate issue of the Winnipegp
.Tree Press it is
l+eerpe � that our former
townereau,MrJ J Anti rson,now ofMelita,
Manitoba; is one of the `chathpion'ohecke>•'
players of that praviu
--The Canadian E. rens Company :wit
commence. April 1st' . issue money ordera
payable at all of;thei agencies, also at all
offices of con,uectieg .. mpanies it United
--'.Che ouly' first el. ss Fruit and Confec-
tionary eters in. town where you can get
Pius Apples, Banauas, Bitter Oranges,
Lemons, Maple bykup &o,, is at R 13zLL s.
�` We retui'' thanks to Afossrg John
-Gatto & CO: d goods importers, of Tor-
onto; for a 00 Alimentary: copy of their
interesting p plilet, descriptive of the
Tartans of So land.
—What goo times ;time of, our journal-
istic friends h: ve. Now, Bre john Bober*
son, editor of the Harriston Tribune, is
away to. Mani oba in charge of a (1 P E
colonist train, nd will not be back for a
couple of wee s.
—Mr W s Snider pterelled in the
Methodist oh roh,on Suudtiy last, teeming
anil evening, There were large .congrega•
tions preeen at both services. 'The Jubilee
Singers saug a couple of pieces at tbeeven-
ing service,
—A. terra le•warning comes from the
town of C Ilingsaood to gum chewers.
cor,aged 15,'dieci suddenly. A
examination showed that her
mused by swallowing a 'piece
ch had produced h violent in,
Bertha Spe
host menet
death wet;
of gum, wit
fie atio
The u
uesda t
cert will be
of this tow
diet Cliuro
talent haw
atone, of
For parti
townhall Will beopened 1 sed on
e 24th list, when a grand on.
given by" the Little True Bluets
. •!Tbo services of the Metho-
Orchestra and otber local
be en tenured, Bev ,las Living.
stowel., will deliver an address.
has tee bills.
rbr. ifiolatr Coming.
Dr Sinclair, the well known spreialfet,
who was by m intake advertised to ee et the
Queen's lie 1, Wingineu, ',natty, March
18th, ins ' d of Saturday, 14th, will be itt
the lieu We on Monday Maroh 80th, Let
those ho are tiuffiriisg note the 'lay. Coo -
belt iou free,
wffioiam�t statist ar<uci
tion of the Merit., `Y
have Lawes,O1 talars , 1ig 1rzrmm•n e•
i't. d know frena t
tangrfr t1
at ..ave
Oh, What Or esu* ll.
Will you heed the wee -Wog? The soignei
parbees of tihe tare aper sah of that niers
terrible i3i3eis}te Go
+ iom, Ask ewer
eaten if eta Oen to
ifs�r" tete Wee of
1C etuii
t if 0' t ' 'e 'islet
e. •..Y .,.....
as nistkiwo.
--Ile lives for Self and self alone
Who esita es aid a brother
Anti will not crud . his owe
• o spare t e fee ttge of another,
'T1s not the thee and worldly wise
'Who human ill and burdens lighten ;
The heroes of self eaorifice•--
Ther are who lif 's darkpathway bright*.
FIRST ' .CONGRE(aATIONAr. ' CNtra l,..
WettensAnt;--_W. H. Watson, Pastor,' Ser-
vices eaoh. Sunday, at 11, a. M. and 7 P. m,
Sabbath Scheel at close of Morning Ser-
vice. Prayer Meeting every. Wednesday
at 7,30 p. m. • Seats free. Strangers wel-
come. Subject next Sabbath Morning,
"The Greatest Light in the World."
To. Young People: '"Lessons from a Lad-
der." Evening subject, "A Glimpse into
the Treasure Chest of God." •'
—An experienceschool teacher isgnot!'
,id' by a contempor: y to the effect that
pupils' who have : •cos to newspapers at
home, when ,
m h n c
pared with those� who
have not, aro be readers, better spel-
lers, better puuctu: ora, read more under-
standitigly, and o. sin a pnii'tioal ;know-
ledge of geograp ,, iu half the titne
it requires others. ec
—The entertain'. ani; given in the Town
Hall,T on Tuesday '� . sear venins last by Field &
Green's Orientel der Co, was well ed -
tended. Threugh't death eta relative,,
_ die notput"it,
an appearance: Aa it as the show was
well worth the price ' f admission. The
wreath was drawn by ltlr•R Swan. Mr D
!shit itid's orcieeetra r ndered some' choice
aelect Dnp.
Petit'ftyntis late It neirculated in Leck-,
now, Ripley and Ki sardine, askiug the
railway compauy to 'un the =ruing train
from Londonthrou•,;h to Kincardine,,in-
stead of waiting her for the noon freight)
This change would b. a great couvenieuce
to parties having. b these in 1Kincardine
and intermediate aontts, and' the mail
would reach thea places• several hours.
earlier than it does e e atp resent,
—Any person ho furnishes reliable
items to a news» er is looked upon ea a
valaable friend tohe editor, •Many per -
sofas hesitate 'ab t .eudiug a postai card
or other informs•; ori to a newspaper re-.
garding the innv mita of his friends or
themselves lost ,he editor should think
them anxious to e their names in print..
"le will think no ling of the kind. Lie it,
glad to get sunk ores.
—A. meeting • the Directors of the
North Western %air Association will be
held in the isle htuice' Institute rooms,
Wingliatn, en T =day next, 24th instant,
at 2'o'olock p in A. good attendance is
requested. It 1, expected that the date of
the holding of the tiringelrow well infixed,
and also other it. • ortaut business will be
before the nheeti
—The editor of be Iltyth Staudnrd, not
having in mind t e evils of the iltckiulee
bill or other bttrd'
of tide bouutty, j
week, But, path
he wished to learn
said she is agood
the event of ever
lives hoe tkkef ii
Town ' oaau.• .l
A special meson of the Town Conueil
was held ou Mon' y evening last. Present
'"-W (Clegg, ¥ai•Yo ; C'ee MnKenzie, Reeve;
H Kern,. Deputy -it ,eve; and Cotuoilltlre
MesitrsAgnew, Spa ling, 4uderson, 1Fic..
Leap, tintyth,. }lo"nth *me Hill.'Tee
Mayor stated tea he meeting ,had- been
called to arraug . 'anent taking new tofu
ball off the co, tractor's bands, end any
other busine s oonneetiou teerewit .
The 'fnopect+ s' report was read, showing
that there wa • certain work to be; elute,
which they tho tit would require *bout
$1,08 to complete. The Building Coinuet-
tee also reported, oomwendieg that $ e0'
out of the contract +doe be retained by elle
Council ufittl the ork is fully completed
and that the alt be ocenpied . by
the Council o the contractor }signing
an agreement to complete the blind-
ing as soon as the weather will
permit, Tbe 0tuwittee also recommend-
ed that an ace a ut tit :tho cootreetor of
$42.60 for extras paid. Moved by Geo
McKenzie. second-- by 'With ',Smyth, that
the II mpeotors' ra ort and the report ,of
the Building Cor . ittee re etiw town ball
coetraot be adop ed,aud that tee contrite -
tor be paid, bal
less $200, by sig
plete' the contra
•J ane next Oarr
ing a tariff of fe
taken up, whe
was una imo
u u
C} pierhnk, sem
the tariff of fees.f
hall be as fellows.
and lecturers w
of the town oru
night, $10 ; third°
eaoli eight fot esti
three nights -up,
concerts and lectu
►fcl;.by Leel McKeuell
Agnew, that the fol
appointed to see aft
ing audlighting of t
Mayor; Reeve, De
;tillers ' Messrs Spar!
tied. Moved•;by
teleLeau, that the o
public auction ou S
nee. of octttraet amount,
lug au agreement to corn-
ea or, before the '1st of
d. Tbe question of fete
s. for the town hall was
the following retolutiort •, ,i
d ted : do
adopted Moved;'t
Y p d by l
ed oy Win Smyth, that
ental of the now town
For all travelling troupes
ether engaged by citizens
t•st inght,01Q , seowid
ight, $8, aitd'`.1 less
successive n tt after
sixSi ni li ' .`
6 etteleteneeti Mese
owing committee Le
r the beatfng,furuiitL-
e new town hall; The
ty.Reeye and Coui,.
g and linin uth—tlar-
err, seconded by J A
town hall be sold by
urday, the 18th, ins;t,
at 2 o'clock, p tn,aud ut( the sate be prop.
erly.advertised, and bat Peter Deans be
the •auetioueer—Ca- led. _Moved by Geo
lslol euzie, secoude' by Thos Aguew, they
the Ula town hall : not let 'foe any put -
pose, after this date .March 16th,18e1:—
18J1Carried. The questi'ti of couliritiingtiia
leas et tared lute t , r
es• t u options u I -c
f the tit, v
town hall was take • up, and after coneait-
erablo diecussiou, i was "inoved by. Geo
McKenzie, eeconde by H kart, tint .e.
Councillors Hornet , Marlette andAgusty`
be a committee to air on ex -Mayo[ „'i ;-
,Ludoo to euquire i ito alleged lets ameba
new town hall oowb--t3arried. qts?
Couuoii• then adieu •sed.
T3rta is an Easy One*
Feet TBD!*--Tlie successor our 1@ t}Yq.worc
findiu„ a utoeat, just cloned, encoutagail"',i�
to gaffer auothasr.tree tripAnottan tbg;'prl,x..
or its 'cash eq uivaleu t to tine :pr peer..teuaiai ;;'
iu the largest list of words Apart the sai.:"i.
forward aid beckwa.ds, eneh as ' Pfp,''
"13ob," "liaunalt." Tate tautest cleans
May 15. Three daily prizes fot the theta
largest lists reoefveti. Coiteat is open i
'the wonnn.: Everyone eeudiug ten worr:e.
will get a prize, Nearly 1200 won l+rizsi -
iu our recent contest .teee ,nil. At.U.ip.ta
paper 12 tenth, togutoer with ti1ar i.` tri:av-
lrated cxtulogue. Belies Meet.',
zine, Graeae Ont. ,
Sale of iz>Jit,Tc'tarxi Balt-
slioknsby the beuedint s 'Tbe old Town ELtil
team will o offerc
liters - I40tr racks lust '
aunties 5aturday�
he tit tike many others 2 o'olt p tie Go
by experience, ttud it is eft t to of sale.
sober, ' W ell, now that
a iii his and Mrserwiu'e A largo aeptttat``ofi front the Alai=
Vile Toms extends . ?�
i'maitre !Arid Akan pbsooiatitit., repo,
sentiet•' TV JO( .rc L,t•a, and over 40,OO i
—We take the allowing • from Last Week' farifiMit of tire•: r ;.�v-resented It
Clinton New Er Dr Macdonald, iii , ttlsotatorial to fes'. , ' 10130 tnirster' ui rl.gricnl-,
.blast iturort, pas:.d south on Saturday tote in Toronto; cz a tiny .stat wept,.
last, en a visit , bit father z a t trip' rlspr'et►tig the g ,ts given to ewe.
Neil Roes, of T kersinith, (u eco• Cu lturttt Ic to d. 'flit' drputllt.rf11
fieldl. Mr Rotes has be honor of beilrg airs ask':ti til , :.'' .spot to it.ef torn, Ibis
of the oldest voter.* Ii thin county, leaving grant to rat ti5ts4t to t a t►'i:
cast his ballot iut a .first election, whop cultural Ar►oi ; u $ i llo ititj(1
the 'counties of iduleeex, Perth and nod to order
Huron were in one •up, and he has per- half of it shill
formed the Sewn du •, at every eubeetl,ueut ttfuong tnwiesltip
election. Mr Urals .an give feai:y intents. souiptiet,' 1134.
ting eletleinieeeno' ; ooaoeruing tbealiifi'. divided is tOr'ei► h
mita* vf *neer , g, mat states that premissed to gii•a
et the Bret ah►ottou, •r the ytitt+eve a of team- etneat'c1'rratiun,
tieiz metttioued, the • mute tram hold epaulet
zn teottei eels Ate a w - - pard nerettrf•s were
eacr Irvety ttrat ie
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