HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-03-06, Page 9tinarn tato --IS PUilLiSlIED-- y 1'1tiDA't 51O1t11ING ..-AT 7----, FIGS SEPHiNEASTatitttll P.A. ONTxARIO„ ADA` ioe,$Lpoxyear, toadvanea t YDRTISING itATES: 1 1 yr. 1 b uses I G mu. I 411,0 00. qui0 00 1 820 00 le pe I36 00 Zit 00 12 00 $ Oe' LU00 1e001 700 4001 6 Ju _ 8 00 I _2 00 _1 DUB her casual advertisements, Fc. per line ion, non 80, por line for each enbeeyucn* rs, it nonpareil type, 10c, for first hal per Ras for each subsequent, inoertien o will be ohafged let's than 260 nits of Lost, >+'onnd, Stray v4, 8114101004% hauves Wanted, not exceodtng 8 floss per month !''arms for Sale, not exetedhtg 8 lime), Guth, GOc, per attbsoquctit month J will bu strictly adhertu to :s for longer advertiswusuts, or''tr t, wits without specific directions, will be, Irbil and charged accordingly. Twin. sentente must be paid in advance r contract advertisements must be :in Wednesday moon, in order to appeola R. ELLIOTT ---...wed IONALD, IOSEPEINE STREET, WLER. 81,D,C.Ai., gb Phyelcianaond Surgeons, Ontalne„ oronor for County oIIluron-- n PnARkACr " - Whaghatn, onti: MEILDRUM, Graduate of Toronto University, said' e College of Physicians and ifurreoneof ',eeidonoe—Corner of Centre and Pari Fly oaeupled by Lr. Bethune. Otera TONE, ISTER, SOLICITOR, Eto„ Eto !ompany funds to loon at 'meld Mille' commission charged. Mortgages, town arm property bought and sold. aver Block, \VaNauAM,Un'r J. A. MORTON BARRISTER &e., b'ingham Ontario DICKih.SON, OMR Q. C. 1 E, L. DIoKINSON. ti :Qa1 .6 AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., so tank of .ilattailtou.'Commissioners iota ,vits for Manitoba. Farm, Town, and' •rty bought and sold. Money (private - on mortgage security at 61 per cent, cad for priyate persons, upon the beset :entities without any expense to tote ,da for sale in Manitoba and the Norsk-. nt's Block. Wingham. RT.— J a S. JEROME, \Vixen An, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates,. Vulcanite plates of the hestmaterials as cheap as they can be got le the. Dominion, All work warranted. .traction of teeth by the use of Eleetrie- able Vapor. ce.—I will extract teeth • for 26 estate In the Beaver Block, opposite tke, tote' L Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. • - - MASONS BLOCK lite the Queen's Hetet, Wingham. sit Gerrie let and 3rd Mondltya onth. fclltE, ITERAL INSURANCE AGENT Gtaatate CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELP6E. , N, Jn., WINOnAM, AUCTIONEER FOR THE COWN`Px. OF HURON. ended in any part of the Co. CtrliJ e. U11,1:11!1,. Wmouau, ()xT., ' Ar1e'tloNit.Stt holt 'Tint coUriTt Or Slfllt0hi, a lett at the 'bras office promptly at aryl res reasonable, tENI)IGItS01,1, Attt 2iot o ., rote COUxritls lnyao,N ,Abet-:, Rita* attended to he - 't s t promptly sand on iiia t t w Moderato And Satlsfaotlen auarant•twi. &try arrangements can be Made at•th, '6 silts. 0)0 BOLTON Jit 1IAW2sINa StIMMTeltS Atm ,Clyki, lefkl'OWEL Axe WINGt1All. *left at the office of. the Tones trbli !el rpt attention gown DITialter 00trilT, he* or over I4e1.4114a. SIT VA Noit .•1 In. ttl.a Gilzaaberlai'.ia Rt ,'nge, ,.4 rU vane R FALI,s IN w1'rII 11OONSISINERS AND HART TO a"#iAYE UP, pao. Froress, A.§ T was to tt a short cut over rt spur of the Outn',1 n'1 mountains ill , i colored e H at.l a fa 00 . hired » i 2 O s I r a. i • ' CGh 1 s �1 J f .,bey about fifteen years Df age to go Tart of the distance with me. He bad a solemn, serious leek, and 1 soon alteeouered that he was a pbil ssepher. I had been told thatthere were lnnonsllillers in the Cnmht'rlauds,aud that thechances evere I would be stopped and sharply investigated. When reedy to part . from the youth, 1 asked : D 1 you think 1'11. illeot any moon- sliinere ? .Dot depends, sah. On what ? O n whodder somebody ltidin' be- hind de brash or rocks doan' pop yon r ti ler bolo you kin meet. Ifhe'un's .gun hangs flah yo'un will probably anent. It was a hot day in duly, but I ask_ yd him if he thought the weather would hold, and he lookedat the sky .and replied : Dau want to say, sah. If it ,,abould hold, you'n wouldn't give me no credit ; and if it should enow,you'n ivould cuss me all day. Good day, i ah. Reep to de right arter you cross lir branch. if dat duan' bring you ,oat, dext cum back, ,an keep to de left. 1 had gone about a mile when the trail branched, and, after debating the Cease, I took the right band again and went forward, with the comfortable .feeling that I had half of a big state at my personal disposal to get lost in, the path suddenly ended, and about that time a mountaineer stepped from fi thicket on my left and coufronted me, and inquired : aVhar' from, stranger ? I told him. What you'n doin' hyar ? Travelling. 'LOA °hyar !` ' he said,`" ria 'iie" Ctithe .tftearer, you's.kin either prove up or ye can't. That's so, t: 'tou's either all right frissi n'. Well E;in ye prove up? 1'11 try. 'Then walk along. He walked beside me,or behind me, through thickets orover rough ground to a ., shanty jnst at the mouth of a Navine, !'here was a man, a woman d olid It Roy of twelve there, and my these dl'taehed the odor of a still. The three people mentioned stood at the .door as we came up, and the jueried of my conductor Who's he'un ? ()wine ter prove up. I sat down on a rock, and, leaving -the boy to watch nfe, the other three 4 withdrew a few yards and held a con- ..sultatetion. This lasted about five -minutes, and when they returned the atit.an who bad captured me said We'uns is agreed on it. Yowls ,a*ether revenue or not. You's kin prove up or ye can't Oan any of you read, I Raked. We kin or we can't, replied woman, who was smoking plug tobacco Tu.a clay pipe. Well, perhaps you've heard of-----, Mt Monroe' We mought or we noughti't, replied tits husband of the woman. Well, here's a line from him. If yell are moonshiners yon bate sold ii'tut whiskey, and known hint to be a1 right. t. Y0 a my card,rd here are Otters addressed to ine at Monroe, :word you can overhaul soy kotfpssack. They couldnit read a line of writing, In all telfwdiocipiine perhaps there is uoue more important than the dieeiplind atffd put up at job to catch me. After of our w shes. If they do realiy weave thct cinitsulting together a bit the Newso t web of our future, it becomes of infinite said : Illi' consequence of what material they are asonrpoi:ed. Te test thein and prove them, What did you. say he'unr iirst.uan3o , to disdavur whether they are worthy or vl't'. e...Gleorge or Wittiest) 1 uuwortlty, r sunable er unreaeenable. Neje her r'lic ; it t !Parry. beuato at es Mittel, generous or aelflsb,to And drtvr I' hill .ivy in K Mingle of cultivate the oat and repeat* the other, le Iia or you's cud 10 frame house. Willett eye is he un blind in ? Neither one. Colne, now, he's a big, fleshy man, wears long whiskers, is bald on top of the head, and has n front tooth out. His wife is a little cross-eyed woman, and has two children, That settled -it, and I was at once given a bite to eat and told to make myself at home. I had some tobacco for the man and pine and needles for the wonian, and the present of a harmonica Net the boy wild with delight. Sposin yon'n had shot he'un down tbar 1 suggested the woman to my captor. Then hewn would hey bin dead, of mese, he calmly replied.. By and by the man went up to attend the still, and the w nnan un. rolled the paper of pins to. the hast row, opened the papef of needles, and placing the two spools of thread be- side therm, she called to the boy : Danny., cum hy'ar. Yeas. Look in my eyes. Yeas. Is I flighty 'I Siceercely, ma'am. Well, I'ze either flighty or the richest woman on these yete woun- tair,', an' I wish pop would hurry back au' tell me which. man the riso'e Remedy for Catarrh la the Beet, Eales. to Ilse and CheaperG, Sold by druggt1str or scut by 1na11,00o. E. fisrcltfne, Warren, i'a„ est Huron tV1in Mills, We wish toinforrn the public that we have those Woolen Mills tin A 1. running order, and will this season give special attention to The rcxetent Aute. The fastest mile run by a railroad train was made in 40 1-4 seconds. The record for the fastest mile made on skates is 2 minutes and 12 3-5 seconds. The fastest mile made in rowing in a single boat took 5 minutes and 1 second. The fastest mile ever made by a running horse was run in 1 minute 36 seconds. The faatost mile by a man on a tricycle was made in two minutes 48 L 5 seconds. The fastest time on pA;o, v ehges a toile is recordedas 5 minutes 39 3.4 seconds: Tne fastest toile ever made by a man on a bicycle is recorded as 2 minutes 29 4.5 seconds. The fastest mile ever made by a man awinrining was done in 26 minutes 52 seconds. The fastest mile ever accomplished by a Ivan walking was made in 6 min- utes, In running, the fastest mile made by a man was accomplished 4 minutes 12 1.2 seconds, CUSTOM WORK in all it branches, and will keep in stock a. class of tirot•clase Goode, such es Tweeds, 'lannels, Eto'ffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex - (Mange for wool. Customers from a distance can have their rolls home with them the same day. Twinkle. Twinkle. Miss Emersonia Osgoodson will now favor the company with a recitation, announced the teacher to the friends who had aasemhled in the school. room to enjoy the regular Friday after- noon exercises.' Little Miss Etnersonia stood forth and recited as followa : Coruscate, coruscate,dimunitive stellar orb! How inexplicable to me seem the sta• bendous problem of thy existence! Elevated to such an iwmeaeurablo tance in the illimitable depths of space apparently in a perpendicuk lar direction from the terrtiqueous planet we occupy! Reserbline in thy dazzling and unap- proachable effulgence aorystalized carbon germ of tlusurpassing brit, Raney and impenetrability glitter- ing in the ethereal vault whose boundless immensity we endeavor to bring within, tuo Compass of the human intelleetual veep by the cousectate term firmament! 'When the dear little Boston girl lead finished reciting these totichitrg lines in her rapt, soulful, Bostonian way, and sat down, there wasn't a dry spectacle in the school room. Sir Highest market price in cash for Merchantable Wool. II\ GLS d; 0O'Y., Wfnghem r THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. $20 will buy the ODELL TYPE WRI- TER with 78 characters, and $15 for the SINGLE CASE .ODELL. warranted to do better work than any machine made, It combines simplicity with durability, speed, ease of operation, wears longer without coet of repairs than, any other machine. Has no ink ribbon o bother the operator. It ie neat, substantial, nickei plated, perfect and ,adapted to all kinds of type writing, Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manusoripts. Two or tun copies sah bo made at ono writing. Any intelligent person can become an operator in two days. We offer $1,000 to any operator who can equal the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special nducemente to Dealers. For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, &c., address ODELL TYPE WRITER Co., 85 and 87 5th Ate CHICAGO, ILL. ,# isle fog tmusel sat ]tire rltretag'th seed sweetmeat) to the elh9trreter. ZETLAND- S W MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car toad Orders a Specialty. 'WOOD delivered to any part of Winghem. re Orders by mai promptly atter!ded to. GEORGE THOMSON, Wiogbam P,o is the time to paint your houses, and RUBBER Y PAINT ----is the— BEST in the WORLD, WING -HAM MARBLE WORKS! akin a retro ee t a thirteen l R p of My tl in n oY fourteen ars,business in Wingham, I desire 1noat heartily to oder nay Macke to any Mende and the public gen orally for toe liberal patronage extended to me in the past, I nutty aide state that 1 ant in a position to offer better inducements than ever to these requiring anything In the line 92 Granite or Stone 1l(ouumen.ts.. mee,D$TONES, WINDOW SILLS, STONE TRIMMINGS FOR FENCING, ko 1 would be pleased to have those tiesirou pro- curing any articles in my line to call and examine goods, compare prices and leave them o+dere, so that the goods nnsv be secured and prepared elrly in the season, You can select from the latest 'insigne and obtain the dnest workmanship at the meat favorable prices. b1oot respectfully, yours WM. SMYTIH, Wingharn, Ont. A CHANGE le- the I ...sines Boge.; KA`I %OX-iTae►A,A Wishes to intimate to the,peopie of Winghaten and surrounding country that he has purchased Oho harness business lately curled on by Siesars. J. J. Demuth /it Son, and will conduct it in the building one door south of lir TAASille' store. DOUBLE. AND SINGLE MANa:ss heavy or light, made to order. ,A full line of horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whip+. Currycombs, Brushes, etc„ always on hand. Repairing neatly ana promptly dear. The patronage of the public solicited, and eattetae. tiouin work and material guaranteed, C. KNECHTEL \Vinabarn, March 4 1800. - Groal Stock Taking Sale, Combines All Broken, And so are the prices of Goods We are bound to reduce our stock be fore Stock -taking, if prices will do it. None genuine unless stamped "Rubber Faint CO, Cleveland, Ohio,' We also have the best • CANADIAN Ready Paintl You can get any ohmic you 'Seeire, le quantities costing front 10 cents up, For Whitewashing and Rtalsontininti, ask for and don't titre anything she, Cline & Co trALD WARE 11Q11 ANTS, 3:11 is l VI»4S Has been doing a rushing business for the last three weeks, and We Sale still continues. Such Bargains Were Never Heard Ofr If you want a. Remnant of any class of goods CHEAP, come and see us. 500 Remnants of DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, &c., must be sold at any price. Goods all Marked Away Down. So as to give everyone a chance to secure a BIG BARGAIN. Cheap Flannels, Cheap Dress Goods, Cheap Tweeds, Cheap Overcoats, Cheap Furs, Cheap Blankets, Cheap Carpets, Everything Cheap. CHEAP IS NO NAME FOR IT. Come and see for yourself what we are doing for Cash. Cash wig want, and for Cash You can Buy Goods Cheaper from our Large Stock and have a Better Choice. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF We want to show the people how to SAVE MONEY. A, dollar aved is a dollar made, so just try us and save the dollar every time. T. A. MILLS: A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT These remeotee have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best !Medicines for h'amily iso, TES ILLS purify the blood, correct all disorder, of the LIVER, STOMAOIT, 1{IDN1s't'S 4210 ROYALS ail *Vol invaluable in all complaints incidental' to females of all ogee. +}�;`i n. y for had lea sores ulcera and old wounds. IrOR 'BRONCHITIS, !1*'Rt:. $a tib only reliable ramal, n legs, , , THROATS, COUGHS, HOLDS, GOUT, RICETIMATISM, GLAbt'LAR SWELLINGS AND ALL ) Z11 DISEASES IT IIAS NO EQUAL, Manufactured only nt 78, New Oxford. Late 688, Oxford Street, Lonfoh, and told by all Medicine Venders throughout the world. t 'l'nrhasere should look to the Label on the Dome and Pots. If tite ttddresei Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. , ... THOUSANDS OF BO '► CURE FliVEN AWAY YEARLY, 'Whet. I slaw ours I do treat eterelyr to stop tinvrn at t us lhereret v*g- M"itANAttuattALcults. Ihave Me the —e2 ' itvis I or nouns loan., We lertyr sway. I warrant tny two,* a� .leers oaeaw, F3+aeaa of e n ad is no reoeon fee not now act edging * re, ihrifettlibile It* rataatLl►: (dirt tlit,