HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-03-06, Page 8•n .•.: at 4-3;..11,-4.'
L'RID .I,. ??1n:7„FJ.cs bh k', 1S9i.
test aura Towed,
Lost -lost -from
our earthly booze:
cbildisli presence rare,
It brightened every derkaouxepisco,
Q.ud. ligbteued every care, .
Leat. -from around our family board,.
Where loving i iutlueos meet,
4 face. Q, Lord, how dear it was 1
�to $
u fair ar d av
1'r and a e.
Beet --froth :ttni6 the grass and :flowers
That graced, the summer days.
A. pair of tittle feet and hands
That, restless, stirred always,
Lest--tort--,from gargeu, house and, hill
A joyous, thriliiug volce;
U, for the aouud that inane our hearts
Triumphantly rejoice.
If we could iiud these treasures rare,
we'd render up our at1,.
Oar Lice itself we'd not hold dear,
Nor doses great or nuittli,
«; • ,
Found—in the realms of I'aradiaq
4 vhildislt preemies bright,
Uejoiciag *a each added joy,
With ever new delight.
ouud-in the kingdom of C}od
face with Tuve-lit eyes,
tied lake a star to beckon us
Through gloomy, unduigut skies.
round -by the river of life
Walking the golden street,
rluoktug the uever•fadwg flowers,
Two laths hands and feet.
round -in the choirs. of heayenty song
A childish voice, to miss
Which heaven atseif would surely lose
A. portion of its buss.
These treasures all IIe'll safely keep,
Aursurety will restore,
When facie to face, and aye to eye,
Xou'll see hial evermore.
• Culross.
In accordance wtth the motion
of adjouruuletlt, the 1lunteipal Ooun.
uxlut Outross wet in the Towix Ball,.
Teeswitter, ou &matey, Feb pth,1S9.:l,.
Mewi,eria all present. Y'he Reeve in
the chair.. The tultiutt:s being reale,,
it was Moved by'4Velayood—lief tz--.
'that toe initiates las just read be
adopcett—Carried. d1ul uy-1futitz
Theft the Audit •rs' report be now read.
iiitr Auditors tiler. rend their report,
`lytta salaries of Gus paid officers for tela
year are is follows. Tf ensurer, . $100
anti mileage znaktng deposits : Clerk,
$1e0 aud, reamer feet, but no other
extras ; Assessor, $60 bud no extras ;
' Col ector, pfd. Applicants 1rea9-
urer, S J. iricl,atid. Ulertr, '1V .McKay,
Geo Wilson, J K M&Leau, Julio Mu -
Rae, Charles Button.�t. Assessor, D
lceteud, s'Y McKay, John, Arutstroug.
flo lea:tor,.1) A 'rotund, Jutta A,rui4
:stroll;;. Kautz---Clark--l:hat Safnuel
,Kirktaud Dtl treasurer—t tarriei:l. i4lc-
Kay-1.(untz--W;1at Chas Button be
Clerk. Moir--Clark-1u ainendlneut,
—Tint John McRae be Clerk. For
size au;entiweut—ittoir and Clerk.
.lfor the utotiou� McKay, Kuntz and
Welwood--Motilin curried, 1twIC'xy
Olatrit--That John Aranstron; be
Assessor—Carried. Moir—Wel-wood
s. -That D A Ireland be Collector—
Oarried, ;alcti.ay-Kuntz—The,+ by-
law No 1, being a by-law for fixing the
offiewrs auci their salaries, be now read
a first t11ine3—Oarrrei:t. 19cKay..
11`untz•-Tii;rt bylaw No 1 be now
react it se coati sails third tittle, pasted.
segued and seated • Carried. %Vet•
wood.•-- a c;l •ey-- runt on atiuount of
the extra Wulff devolving or. the Audi.
tors an making returns to the Bureau
of Indnstries, that they box allowed $1
etell for the +,Xtra wtrk.—Oarried.
Knotz�-••lt)eKay.Y-THitt us Wan 11u -
Pherson and iii others have peatitioued
this Board to pass a uy low duieg
away With the Lax upon dogs, tr is
hereby resolved tient the prayer of the
petition be greeted and that the Clerk
prepare a byelaw for that purpose,
---Carried,, Welwuud--illtu•k--That
the Reeve and Deputy Reete be a
tsomrnittee to confer with Mr 2iietettn ;
7:a the Moscow road, with. power to
ao(:••- C1artied, McKay—Clark—That
Goo, Wilaaou'ss Account fur registration., s
into.. uvtr until next meeting of
Licit and that the Reeve get legal
advice w•hethet this •wnnicipality is
liable for the amount as it way ini:lud•
td in the dutiesto be performed by
the Clerk ` •b tri making th lf:i the
appo1 • •.0
Kuutz— i2 tf,. McKay be allowed
the Burn iaif tan tjoltars, being in •iudi•,
dent circtuue.ant:ra, the same to be ,
given t' Jvtreph Welwood to Eland over
r w Titus- Cerrted.
'1i'hkt AA next meeting of Oouuoil pathr'
tittetera, ponnd.•keepxrs, feuce,viewera'
tel, reset comma s oaasts be appointed,
west that the priaatin;f committee get
rated nativists pat up to that stra,:t---
*iad; Moir.-.lt£entz'-- hats the
repent asje ! retied ire boated,
•It,tliz liaitvtad--» 14%.
Ii •, >i ., A . ri
this, Board do now ac+jottrti to meet
again on Monday. .Jth Mardi, 1801
Cries Ilu'rxoN, 'Clerk.
:Bixiter Trading iii, Country Stores,
the greatest obstacle, in the wtiy of
the development of our butter Indus..
try is the present system of butter
trading sq common in country stares,
The met'olient eaalnot, through fear of
Bonne exceedingly explosive termigeet
pity for the butter wording to ita
quality, and thtts nU incentive ia given
to those desiring to make pa;og„oss fit
such work ; and further, Its the dif-
ferent sorts are massed. in one striking.
ly mottled mixture, it is a hopeless
endeavor to 'attempt to develop a
prof trfb10 export trade in a commodity
of •such to ohmmeter, The strongest
argument that call be used in favor of
the creamery system has its strength
in the fact that both of the impediments
now in the way would be wholly ret
moved. As there are many districts
noe fareuouglt advanced in settlerneut
to adopt that in full, we believe that it
might be possible to follow other
schemes with greater Gen&fit. We
are informed that dairymen in the
neat neighborhood of Virden, Manitoba,
Lave started a uew system which has
since lust spring given complete satis-
faction. A meeting of dairymen and
merchant° and others interested in
the dairy trade resulted, in a, uuifor"n
systelu of gradin:; buffet: bei1ie adopt:-
ed. The gracltag is. all, done by an
inspector, flus the merchants pay for
it aecordiaig:t& the marked:fradt,b+sed
oti the.si;itles decided upuu, which re-
quires. that :the price for number two
grade be three 08 ti lower than num•
Icer one, and- the latter he•regulated by
the price at Winnipeg Iutit'ket. The
style of tub, brand of salt to be used
and the various other details are also
unanimously settled. Ilia. Dairy
World sn igests,. ars another Means of
surnxoutiting these difficulties, that the
farmers within a radius of five miles
con)bine, contribute a few dollars each,
erecta sinall but suitable dairy on the
centrally located farin.and buy a baud
separator, and then t;eud all their stirs
plus milk to this station fur conversion
into butter. The east t)f the 'outfit is
put at $500. The .advantages. would
be those of the large cr'eatuery which
would produce a uniform quality., and
it could be shipped to commission, flier
ebanta,in large marts. There i;ir,nota
vestige of doubt but that exgans}on of
our butter industry must ultimately
Come through the establishment and
patronage♦ of creameries; but at the
enols tirne the statement Cannot be
set aside that many ieterruediate steps
must be taken in, itt:ainy districts before
the best results from tlsi.establisbi ent
of creameries may be expected, and
aomar•of these have been enumerated
in the foregoing suggestions, --The
Canadian Live Stock and Fares dour•
nal fat -December,
Intended tot last hreuo.)
On Friday 1aet, 20th Met., the ame
mud examination of the Hetrick told
Turrtberry union school took place,aud
•more than a usual nuinber of visitors
atteetiod. The e2amivation of the
different classes oil various soljeets
commenced about 9 o'clock a in, and
continued, with a alight cessation for
lunch, till live o'clock in the afteruoou,
lifter which, Mr, B. rton being voted
to the chair, several of trio gentlemen
present and teachers addressed the
meeting, the latter of whom expressed
th satisfactory mauner the acboturs
Siad :repltou to the questions aldressed
thein:.fite proceedrnge were agreeably
carried on by. recitations by some of
tl e.pupils, gongs rendered by \Vin.
Cooper, and inttrupneutal duets, Miss
Maggie Fletcher, presiding at the organ
Anil Master Joha,Merkley,eceonlpauy-
ins on the mouth otgun.Qn.tlie.urllule
Mr Davidson, She .ltattcher,,, Iqust lze.
congratulated on the sutees& ;Mewling
:4i , the first examination mild dariitztg
Lis rraai:ettthit of this li¢11oel.
Address to CirtrifittiOtio
sr Pima nolo
Aenexation, word still cheeriest ;
Who to BBritain'Ia axruwn will oliu14
8/3.01,11 the world, ye loyal Cianeadi;ans,
Make the embed welkin. ring,
Down with cringing slaves of treason,.
S n t:,s
, nuolrtl a r '
tutor ,uae't
Down with (latitude who would vilely
Cast a slur on Britiiitx's newts,
Tho' we claim tree trade for Laster,
For the produoo of our toil:,
Firmly we demur a union.
With the sons of southeraa soil.
A egadto s
outhern:land, how lowering,
Crushing sentiments of trust,
Who would seethe dear old standard
Trampled', trodden in the dust ?
F,toist our flag to main mast gallant,
WRVS the Union Jack on high,
And if battle tempest lower,.
Stand for freedom, will or die.
Tice, Canadian sons or loyalty, ,
Tho' opposing ranks deride,
Show your veteran zeal for England,
Canada is Britain's pride,
mums= s= our 01 oast Is40n.)
MrYoe,whospentthe winter tuonths
.in Cuba, tis forenxau of a umber cif,
;been putting the waterworks its the
city of Ravenna, returned last 'weetr,
looking a little bronzed by the
tropical heats—Mr Somerville-, of
the Woollen 111i11s,11as blade au assigu.,
•lint on. iteeeuut of one of his credi-
tors. tiot
redi-tors.rot accepting Mr S's terms of,.
settlement.—Mr Fowler iutends boleti•
ing auother brick block in the spring.
Mr Fowler is the kind; of a man a
town wants. --Solve old buildings in
the village are a disgrace to the owner
-There is talk of a union betweentit
two Presbyterian churches. We se
no reason wily a union should no
take place Let both churches cas
aside their petty differences and colo
together Iike christieus onght. -Tile
Rev Ater Rolston, from Walkerton,
officiated in the Methodist church last
Sunday, Mr Starling being sielc.--Tile
Public School Board btul..ofered a re-
ward f,r the conviction of any party,
or parties foetid tnatrkirig or in any
way destru )ng the school property.
This is a mach needed stem. \!V 0
would uow like to see the village coun-
cil pass a;ltyi. maw :.;that ilii children'
found On, the streets after, say half
past nine, be put in the lockup or
filled:—rA person .heir ini• through our
village After eight would think that, be
was., passing through some nation
village in Central Africa.
s is+tit at, pilus,
A term t ,; la mulish -looking
bons. ntt< - t•.: ttf :all old time catty•
all, Csln,. t,' ;.:, wu, etenares Taxes Sift,
ings. fits issiee stepped in front of tl
corner ttit:i refused to go on.
rho farmer weed the animal arld then
proceeded to 'he•ttf ilia; with .a rope,but
without ave+il. Of tours°, hundrflda of
Leen came ftp Bud Wiled advice, a,
bulky horse is perhaps more fruitful of
suggestion that; attythinr; else can hope
to be, 011e roan told the farmer to
twist his tali ; alld another one said
that a bundle- o€ fotiOer held before Lie
eyes would have the desired ailed.
After to Willie the farmer turned to a
quiet man standing oft the edge o£ the
sidewalk and tasked::
V1' illa *RUNS you ;,rot to say ?
Isn't there some mistake about
that ?
Nene WI) fttever,
.i .Are you sure
I: ata certain,
Is it possinlo, said the farmer, that
you stolid there and see a bulked horse
and have Ito suggestions to Make I
It is not only po.nsible, but i,is. au
absolute fact I
Where do you live
.111. this toWu.
, Are you going florae soonf
Yes. Bat why i'
Well.„I have is bushel of fresh egg's
that I want to present to you, Here
s. take this basket, aid when you need
e 'ally farm truck let rue know atidit
e ellau't cost you a cent. I admire genius
t and must bay that you are the most
t remarkable man I ever saw.
--1"'resh oranges, lemoun.flgs, nuts, sugar
raisins, Malaga ;rapes, and everything to
be found in a first oIaia fruit store at It
If 1 Were You My bear.
I wouldn't turn nay dead to look
after fine frocks, or impertinent hien. .
I wouldn't forget to sow the braid
around the bottom of my skirt, or the
button on my shoe.
r wouldn't conclude that every man,
who said something pleaertat tonne,
had fallen in love with ul
I wouldn't feel diet I was an il'le
treated personage because though 1
could play pleasently,Iny friends didn't
count me a modern, Mozart.
I would not, when I could only Have
one frock, choose a conspicuous One
that would mark Ito as the girl in the
red plaid.
1 would not, becauseI was tired
itnd nervous, give snappy, ill-natured
reptiea,to tluestiona asked toe by those
who really cared for me,
1 would not get in the habil; of
speaking in.a,fainitiar way, of the leen
.1 know when you stylar them 1otn,
Dick or Harry,they are apt to consider
you as Kate, Neil or ;lolly.
1 would not permit arty girl friend,
to complain to we of her mother—it
is like listening to bltspberny,.
I would not when, I brush the dust
obi try haat forget the cobwebs of diet,
trust and suspicion in niy brain,
1 w.utlld.uot toll illy most. private
affairs to eery most intimate girl friend
tior. would .1: tusk her impertinent gime.
1 would not wrote silly letters, to.
young men or permit thein to. be, fa..
rtnliar with me.
1r Would not grow Weary iu wttll,cloir,
tug-•+inateed,iwould keep encuum.,;.,
1ng,r1)yself,by trying to bvn mei teas.,
crying so hardAvouldnaalte airy
. 0,14," 400
Apamphlet of Information andab-
straot of the laws, showing Roto
Obtain Patents, Caveats. Trade
Marks, Copyyrights, sent iree.
Addrass MUNN ik CO.
361. BrundwaY,
:few York.
MCLAno0Lts & Emma •
Ravinr porch: sed the Custom Boeinesa of Messrs.
McCormicil, &'Co, Wtah to intiittatb that they have
opened out in the shop two doors south of TA Milts
store, Wiugham.
Boots and Shote made to order from the Best
Stock, on short notice. Repairing neatly and
promptly tions.
The patronage of the publIosalleitod, and ail work
a D NI S
d..1_V, Z
Wtsatikti Dermot 4•rll. xsss
'itosep Mtie Street'-Wttghalltr,Ott
J A, mime, 1 , W. stem,.
tlount rarest, 1 Liatepaei
Deposits Received a51ct. Interest,
il+loney Advanced to rannera and
IlUSllless M'eity
orn a time, obautculll ssaor urity,3atu iof bought
ata fair vttluittion, ,"bey remitted t 1
parte of tlrnar;a at rei'.sottaoleelapse;es,
f31)0:3114 ,A.ttontirI1 t iv s, t13I. Cot.
loctn6 Accounts olid,* ,ittltle
'rr/Ifit.1 it" Uttsw.i..a'irgioX'ti tieettal V•ank.
it t trl'iittglyam gittits
+( •,yB#.Y•x.v-,•w PUIR.1181Isn-..y,T'r /y
E I itIDJ {µ T,R t4'4 •F T47,
WINON A,, U.INlt 1
subso iptiouprice,litpeeretett,tauadvaniser.
VESTASLNO itz1!1 s:
space j 1 J 1. k o ❑.o, 1 4 mu, 1_
One Go' unit Sufi 00 $4,; 00 1 520 00 — q8 ser
flair "` 86 00 s0 00 12 00 a Off
Quarter ", ;40 00 la 00 7 00 4 esa
O ulnnti::' 6 eu
t 300- 2
Local and other casual advertisements, Ac.Iter line
for first lnsurtion, uuu Se, perllneforeath subsequent
Local notices, in nonpareil type, 10c. for first lei
aertion, and Se. per clue for smolt suhsequeut 4ltbagtien
No loml notice elle be -charged less than 20o
Advertisements nrf.oet.1Onnd,Strayed, 8iauationts4
and Business Chancels Wanted, not ekeeeding s litta4
nonpareil, t41 per mouth
houses and Fanuc for Stile, not exeeedhn;liee4,,
51 tor that month, 000. per suhs:sluoht month
These tctins will be strictly adhertu iu
Special rates for longer advertisements, or vs:
longer periodsiu,
J.trurtieounte without specific dilutions, hilt ba,
inserted till forbid and char and ACoordiagly', Tina.
sltory edvertisernents toilet be paid in at:ranee
Changes for contrat•t advertisements must be an
the oxime by Wednesday icon, in order to Apgar*
that wduk
It• ItLI.tOT'r
Paosarlvroa Asn PusIes1474
H. TOwLEit, Bens ,•st„
jMesuber Ooliegb PPhysluranaa and Surgeons, Ontpeie.,
-..Coronor for County of`Huron-
" TM:
Huron--"Taft PuARYAar " - R'hsl;ban;, anti;
It' J, A. MF,LDRuM,
LI Kronor Graduate of Toronto University, and
Member of the Collego of Pbyeiolans end iigrKe010 Gaf
Quite and iteaidenoe--Corner of Centre and Payrk ,E
Streets, foruieriy occupied by Lr. Bethune.
Winauau • • . • ON^i'1;
Private and Company funds to lona At lowest sailer. �t
intermit. No couuniseion chanted. Mortgages, towel
and !arm property bought and sold.
4orFICE-..13eaverniook, waficuax,(151
.L A, 11ORTO3
BARRISTRit ,he.,
%Inghaoi - Outnrio
1 imat . DIOKih8O11,
H. tikE.,,G. MMRaY[tt Q. C. 1 e, L. DioieNeoN, AS,
Ii.:itom for Battle. o; •tturtailtou.:':Cotquaisslu..crs foot
taking agldavita for Manitoba. Farm, Tow, and
Village property bought and sold. Money (private
funis; lottatui on mortgage security at 6} per mint,
Money invested for priyate persons, upon the beet:
uyortgugo ee unties without any expense to Oaf
louder. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North".
Olacc,,,.,lient's Block. Winghain.
Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates,
Vulcanite plates of the hestbiattrisla
as cheap as they cnn begot in tae;
Dominion. All work warranted.
Painless extraction of teeth by the use et Electric•
Ity or Vegetable Vapor.
TAKn NOTICE. -1 will extract teeth. for 26 rents
OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite tie.
Brunswick hotel
Wm. H. Macdonald) L. D S.,
Opposite theQueen's ILotet. Wingbam.
Will visit Glorrie 1st tiled 3rd. Mandela
of enela larval).
WnrauAae, Q217A0tae
/raw o*m mzonAdr,
DEAN, Je., rvtxanAli,
Sales ntttndee in any part of the Co. Ctdtiyrer•
j0IiN CUE1tl. , WINonAla, WT., •
• LIomeab ♦eonotaltzil rola frill CORSO Sr
All orders lett at the Tasks office promptly: at sial
ed to. Terms reasonable,
•1''Aik11118 ItICNDSItSOiit,
I,nnrstiise Atiorlsissss„ Yolk CGtr1t71lti Ilyratelf ,earls•;,
' Ballet
All sales attended totprontptly and en the Sztattstre
Charges Moderato and satislaetlof Guaranteenl,
,j. .Alt utcost:toy arr.uigeruef(s cn0 he 'wade at its.
Totholl °dice 4
Wn ieieAu A CS%
1101.TON Ai ifairallal
1. Santos Asa ,Oirit Jilt
IttliTOWEt, Axe WYlfiettAY;
it'All erdar4leaft at the °Cies of: tt»'Ylitltt wIN r t
ref,►• N,c,ttlya °hastens
to ? •-•1troett . ' . 01. to f. n
that which I . Wtelied.;ere:. ?...;: i•ii,t , t) ` vtrrr
llmifarr or !bells ratrstio r dosew, Ionia
• sheer I.JvC.1 rt,
'1r4Ngiffiq .,.a
lipnr of
',bey alp
1)act of
bad m tic
d iscouer
e60 )bet,
i1te Oban
acorn 1 w
fr.um tiro
shiner. ?I
Pat de
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Laud de
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It w
Ice 'him
would b
and •rept
,°Mould 1
no credi
trvould c
4I h.
de brat
out, de
I bad
trail ttr
vatic, 1 t
went fo
itivy p
The pati
:that ti •
,st, thick
true, and
"rotes e
£Z1SSI I1',
a'JI t
tet a .tial
talose dt
'throe p
I tett
' -tlhe bo
ANStl tvl
prove it
We '1
44j •tA el
the hu
Bei" Wel
yott lir
big* w
tall, rigl
And yo
end pe
aorta ui