HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-03-06, Page 7-,-;37iTrallStarsatt.--asst.fas.__•:...a..saferassaara-sarsaasasass .
_ -
1.0SS'''' It ..
itocic at
e here tide week
nes. He has par-
ing town
rinvel people will'
tom of honor andi-t
oitizen..---,Mr •
anupemed k
brother Robert:,
of thoroughbred
nth farm neer
I succeeded
in animals. Mr •
iSki ben 8„4
recent sale of
stock. They are.
. .
core. ,
, for .sont P time-paEst
01 ill this pkee.lina
iorand accepted
Organizer for 'the •
of Foresters. .1.1s"
!y last for the seette
of Toronto--foblow
sishea. of alt,---alr
ds property here nod
Prior to their do.
rs Bainton were pro. .
ae and a verr. cam-
d...teddress from, -th
I Orange Lodge, No
eFeresters, esprie
1.yhielt they are held,
r 'their Itintinp land • •
in the sick room assa.
lectibn with .
g utterance to the
t their departure,. ..
he School report for
ary. The names in
s are arranged in order
Wm Campbell. 3nrOes
u nde I i, Brd Sen--
Mary 'Wier, Itaoliel
un--13ruce Ferguaon,
Mary Anderson. 2nd •
ell, David Breen,isatic
is the standing of S. .
nberry, for February,
in order o merit
Cowden. Forth—S
mdie, Johnston,
aiton, W Mitchell, J
Lorrinth, 0 Wade, W
r, S Johnston, A. Porter,
Johnston, 3 Vyfe, E
floniutb, Er Cowden,
Oaiupbell, Ilonaith,
0owdeo, T
th,, NI • Stark, Second
t3 McCormick, Fyfe,
Mitchell. A. Johnston, ,
3 W. Siti$ lION Teacher.
t Y of the 'United States
I awarded a gold life-stiv•
Capt, Alfred Mitchell, of
, fnrecognition of him
1' mut rettiaekable Skill
aptain and twelve of the
ateanter Armlet. YOting
die of trite- Sisk RV ($910
you expeatus to have all the
moat fashismable,goode m each departpartmealt We havesee' ured the moat
stlecided.Novelthe suitably for the trade,
OUT effqrts in this direction have pros/.
ed most saticesstal and eatisfaotorY aa
every personwhoeXamines Mir goo & en-
domes by giviug u ?ad/ large order,
Our Drees Goods .e has opened IV
aritta a boom, as we ne !Sr bad such value
1 'Wolter or assortment. TIluit$DAY EMIR* SSSSION.
See our heavy Cashmeres at 25o, and lia the evening a free Lecture and
ftp to $1,20 ; Silks, Velyete, Plashes;
beautiful things inPrinta,Nruslias,Ltseeist to a very large audience. The Presi-
awl blosbroideriea. dent occupied the chair, Mr Tilly
A great number are leaving their or- delivered an 'achoiroblo` whiten on
dors tor Spring Suits betels the goods "Bnceess ia HP, wi di speeial reference
to yourigni:4 The address, which
occupied.stbout an. hour In delivery,
,Was Vert instructive and it spiring,
and'aras hatened to with much inter-
est. After the lecture a abort musical
PrOgramme, taken part in by the Glee
aitbah and that Godley Orchestra, was
ciltrieci out,
: On motion of D ()Dorrance, second-
ed by G W Holman, a hearty vote of
thanks was toodeted '1r Tilley, the
Tawn Comma, for the Vas of the ha%
and all those who etecl ni carryilig
mit the prograiulae, 0 id •. Save the
Qneon brOught the•rruceedings to a
M 11 , tilcINDOD, Mose.
"sakstivsIs of mental action," dealitig
wittt Ivo Itaiitoiorl.,,
shies 4W mind act"ii browning?"
so bet evoked a good deal of
dieousaion and riatich mtereat was
manifested in it by -the tete, *
Mr jos Grant then showed his plan
of taking up Canadian History with
begannera. The addreess was inters
eating and inatructive, and was
automated brInepector Torn, Meetira
Balfour, Dorrance, Ross end Latta,
The association then isdportied.
a .3, •
titivaitag ' `**
i(CIMaill notliastefitotoi ye es t' aloe*
torahs atay way terns to, improve the je expreedce tern% ,,so Wm to
fitanditip•of tbe. sehoole, and abould
-be chertged.
2 l'hat in the distribution of .the
politic school grants the teauber'st' Per'
Ciftwert was given in the l'own
get ptolted over,
We have taken &front stand, in Fine
Suitiags this season, aa tile goods are
right and at the right prices.
Our Boots and Shoes should be es-
antined and Quality compared. We are
sailing only what we can guarantee, .
'We conduct business on business
prineiples. .Goods are sold solely on their
merits, We rely entirely on the good'
judgment of the trade as to the merits
of our stook Mr the spring and invite all
to earl and look through:
atert out with it, tor it harmonizes pleas-
antly with our surroundings strthe prer-
i3nt moment, particularly in the DrOsa
titionte, the readier's; salary, and the Gooledeportment,
eeniament of the Iteli001 S1101114 he
coasidered We do not Vire or extravagantexpres-
B. That the greets to public schoels aims even ia describing a good thing,
4. That copies of this report be sent hilt We on truly say Of our new Dress itiniabarn. Feb, 16 , 1691. ,.
the Ettet Heron teachers Association, around, the beat, and the cheapest that W2e,44ttlipeuu8ii L Ilsit4greTka of Indus -
we evened in stook. We atart them as v id nbaletiii,elivalv4eg lb thtuceeladtvie ugBttoe(iluiruarie-
The following report of the Reseda. . trY,
ion Conamittee -Was then submitted hy
the chairman James Grant, and on 10c a yard, Several nice .patterns and ilio intleeoes of a Patron ot Inallarrha
Larrou, by ciroul ma fa 0 reports con-
fliction of G W Holman, seconded by ehadesto select frora, but if you desire ea Mug 4 3 Benue our rganizer, desire•
1. That in view of the fact that the or of P of I and
un confidence in
S 3 Latta, was adopted:
law respeeting Public,' Scheel pawl,- tithing labors, in
widens is not adhercrl to by the, major- 'ill gu,ytheeotataiuSueeitti:
iffy or' eecti,mec and because of the
diversity of (Onion as to the benefits
to be derived from them, we would
recommenOthat the law be amended
so as to make the holding of such
exanrinations optional.
2r Teat we resailirm our previous
resoliattim in regard to the 1 ulnae
School' History..
3. That a copy of the above be sent
to the Minister of &ideation.
4. That the mensuration of tile 5th
Nara Examitration ie too inclefiin tely
stated.' •
Mr T A Brown then answered see.
oral of the qnestions deposited in the
tiler:J:1n agte4731 at *tow .0,
r PloaLuti N.ad .
o wars a into property, • ,
P. /0ft. GORDON.
t ttma ',Ootrtion, of OA ,Mem
ers of Trade Wetting of
Patrons le Industry
Ixeid Winglutin
should lie increased. leth mitt,
To 0 /Et bittnm, Supreme tzl co:ataxy,
to the Minister of Ed ecation. and to Goeds,that they are, taking them all
WAIST el.Utt,ON TRA011Ektler'
A66001.A.TION •
The West Huron Teachers' held
tlitur setni-enottal meeting in toe pub.
heasscriool, Exeter, on the. 19th and
2sitil IIt
Mr. G vi. Kiltv, Preeident of the
ast.oeiatiou, presided at all the setistons
sod discharged his duties very Oft -
tient y.
The, following committees were ap-
proved at the first oession, viz :--, of the address (hulling with 'IIu110
Resolutions, HessrS Jas Grant, J School exiincinations. The discussion
FtanAY TrOltIRMON stsatear.
The aesociatiou mot at 915 a M.
The minutes of tho previous sessions
were read and approyed. The Presi-
dent then delivered ,a very pointed
and instructing adatess;,:on "Tito ditli-
ouliies in the teacher's path." The
aciaresa, which was very practical,
that Mr Kilty had gis en care-
ful.attenti .0 to its preparatioit In,
specs or `Intu .00110 mentecl Mr Kilty
and spoke with reference to that part
better goods we have them. in abundance;
they will cost you more money, but you
will find them equally cheap,
For pring Cloaking either in plain,.
Stripe or cheek, we show a nice range,
The prices at which they are marked
should sell them it you require them.
'We also allow a good discount off Mr
cash; please make a note of thiswhen you
have money to exchange for goods,
hereby to express o
his ability as an Orga
Our appreciation of h'
ouunetitieu with int*
this eonoty, and pr
labors attleag
J' llontgato -ry, lEto
Bennet ies, Turnb ry; •
Jolio Ellio , 4 Woman h;
BlYInson, Wavtanosh ;
Labatt W tiers, Morris;
Latta; 1E 1-1,„88., misses Pringle and was further earned ou .by alossrs R R
Gregory. itoss, G W Holman, W Ai..„ Johnston
(4w:scions Orawers—Inspet3torTom, land ti Baird, dealing priucipally with
Matisse 1) 0 , norrance and T A the usefulness of Public School exatt-
upen which a diversity of
opinions existed. Mr D 0 Darrance
them arldreabed the, association on;
oklow to make si,heol attractive,"
dealing, with settject in, a very
oractieal manner, . Dorrance held
that teachers a' a role are too resort oil
and should , Melte ..themsekiset inore
iatniltar with,thi ir pn016;4th1s would
talo to, not take fronhis
more attention' slat:mid 1e paict to
,Sebool ireeorchions„,;i.,
rey t1ten "OltiStFaCO.,-. bis'm 4th -
od of iiitrodueing, "Jammer to a., chits
of ateginnorsa- .This,preved,a very -1n4
teresting paet of the programme. A
cants of -small boys -and girls from. the
1,1,,sequently, after giving tine no-
tice, a, special cunt int nee composed of
Inspector 'Torn, Messrs b ti Latta. J
B.Bt1foor and R It Ross were appoint-
ed to inquire into tho'subject of scbuol
grants and their disi rihntiors,on
motion of W El. Johnston,aeconcied by
Jos Groot.
Tlie•iirat subject on the programme,
phonics, was taken up by luspector
The• inspector atated thift the phon-
an method of teaching reading' , (maid
.`not be carried out aucessfully, but a
,700Auninstniti•of the look and say and
.the phonic methods would produce.
• %satisfactory results. • A class of small
pupils was theu put through various
eXercises in word building, making,
the subject very intereatiog and in-
structive. •
This subjact was further discussed
by ,Messrs J Grant, J W Hogarth•and
J Wrena ,
UW Ein'tnan, who was on the,pire.
gramme for Teachers' Unions; excused
hioasel, and asked to be relieeettsfor
the preseat.
It was moved bye3gPillgttl and
resolved that the subject of Teachers'
. 'Union be laid over fors the. presetrt.
'with the uuderstandingsathat, it kilt
taken tip at the next .association meet.
In answer to a question, the Inspeess
tor explained the caustrofsthe falling
oftin the government grant. to public
schools in this district. As she diatti
bution,is made upon the population of
the municipalities if was urged that
'Assessors should be more taarticulat
ill this part of their work.
• la response to a motion ofluspeotor
Tom, seconded by B, E. 'Raise, Mr JJ'
Tilly, Model School Inspector, address-
ed the Association for a Short tilue.
Mr Tilly pointed out that the *present
system of school ,A$SOSseasets Was
faulty and that far better results
would follow were the Muuunipal
.0081101,1s to levy it balk stint by a
uniform rate :tad distribute this on
the fellowing bash: first, according
to salary paid the teacher ; second;
according to certificate held by teacher
employed ; thita, according to average,
attendance, the balante required by
each school action to be raised as at
The Association then adjourned to
meet at I BO .
A t00* 33ESSItirt.
The Association mot pertinent to
adjournment.' Mr W Harrison took
lip "tittle tables for ungro.ded
sehool" and illustrated Ids
srryin utAhe SAMS
Meows Latta, wr(m,
and the President discussed
Quegtion4)6,wer, after wkihIli the As.
oation adjourned to meet at the call
of the
of Committee.
G. W. HoLmAN,
Atetbcdtut Statistics.
The fnliowing Is a summary, of the
Mr 3.0 Burt, who. has been in the
dry goods bissitiess in this town for
many years, lifta disposed of his busi-
noss, to Messrs Ottreon McKee.—A
court of the independent Older of
Forestere- was organized in this toan.
tuteiy, with a good list of member/L—
A great deal f interest bas been
taken in the electiona hynite people of
this town.
Capital Iota been subscribed, the
statistical ismort presented at the
last, giving the figures for the purehaced, and the plans
CS4eluatidi'ad.: !irtawotEnofecnb. uthirdsitiTgnsillItuti?eti°wiloorlfdtillue tak.
rennium 1886 -- 1890.
cago. It will he • 34 stories high dis-
tancing the tuwer of the Auptorium
by six stories and the Masonic Temple
by five. Steel Will be the child' uia-
tarial, ,
Number of ministers and probatiot ers
for the onnietrye lo -al preach-
ers and. extiorters,2,142; leadersonate,
6,198. fernate, 9.15, total, 7.148; mem
leers. 233 868: Sunday schools, 3,17;
of -Boers and teeithers,28,411 ; schoiont,
226,050 ; average attendonce,scholets,
129,811 ; yoluinea in 8 la' librarias,
217,838 ; churches, 3,092; other
preaching places, 1,158; parsonages,
967 ; burial grounds, 1,117 ; tole
value of property,e1.1.5 97,49 1;'
oontrittoteti for quinistorial support,
$071,941 ; for missions, e8271086.:
for all purposee, $8,063;967.
•Z• .Tfic •Lotteify.RVGxtbas in Cavities.,
Air. • I
blivas parttheos lias- htf a math n
that the lirstioliN of,' the Lotiisiatio
-Lottery Con4polly) wbit4i was removed
iront this city to Montreal some weeks
*go,. iS doing quite a, 'lege Ameba -ere.'
The. pratticei.is to: Bond tickets.. and
oirculars through:the ma:ifs-in staled
envelopes, which .of course council, , be
opened Money. orders, notes, eto.,
sent to Oanada . are cashed by the
postal authorities there. While tilts
it not a violation of the Canadian
postal laws, it is a siolation of tine
spirit of the postal laws of this coun•
try.' 11 is probable that an official
representation will be Made to the
Canadian Government of the facts
brouaht to the attention of the Pest.
Unice Department, an effort wik be
anode to ascertain whether the Cana-
dian Government will countenance an
.open violation of the United 8tates
laws; * •
Eiteter Public School afforded Mr,
Tilley a good opportgality Elinotving
the practibility. of his mathod •of in-•
struotion. In dealing with sentences,
at first the teacher sbould conduct tiia
work in two stages : 1st, the teacher
naming.the rise of the words end the
pupil owning the words ; 2nd, the
•teacher naming the words and the
pupas their uses, 6°nd/tiling the first
stage some tine before introducing
the second. The association then
adjourned tq 1 30 p
The association met pursuant to ad-
journment. Ten minutee of morning
session were read and adopted. Mr ,f,
R Balfour than proceeded to solve,
probletns in carpet, paper, Sic, accord.
mg to the' method •adopted iu the
Public School Arithtnetio. Thi's
proved very interesting, and a • good
deal of discussion took place as to the
advisability of 'following out the meth-
od laid down in the prescribed text
The next on tlio programme was
."nusthode of inspection"
by L J Gills-.
.land, .air Gilleland deyotert himseti
rather to the discussion of "tants for
tealthers.'"Ibia paper showed that
•the writer had devoted much time and
care to tile subject and many good
practical hints were given. Machine
teaching was denounced -mid physieal
culture commended. Vila stbject
was further diet:mai/eel bp, tTa§ Grant,
who Showed hathe also- hall given
the subject' eureka tand titontlitful
attentioo, s On tuotiotrof Cs'W Bola
man, seconded by 1 \V Ilogarth, G
al l'allty wits tinanimottely electea • as
delegate to the Provincial,: :Poachers
Assoeiatioh for the present.year. Me
Kilty. briefly thanked the association'
for the tuition
The soteisiceis of Wool, anti hall
were granted 61 50 each f it. their sae*
vies,. inspector Tom,. chairmen Of
plan of tile op 0
tkbOVe then brought in sfie following
Brown, report, whtelt on moth% of ,
Envied by 8$1nuel tiattelt,
•,E1.1.1' AND IA
it the
' JO'S KERB....
°Imes, Turuberry
Jeremi SU:Kinney, Howicit
• Jatne Morris;
m Montgomery, 1-lowia;
Wil am Nelson. Rowiclx;
Jo] Turuberry;
G stet Wray, Morri R
G- (letephell, Mortis;
ro Filialo,ter, 11 Wttwanosht ,
Geo Bannah, Morris ;
Babb Carrie, jr. kJ WaWallOsh.
• .
--.— ....
wishes to state that bo is selling fitit.class meats of
all kinds as low In price as anyone else in Wleghon.
always outland.
(lateral Conference hold in September groi,„ason hand it. e5on.
' Wevelteard of a woman who said
she'd walit five milts to get a boats of
Dr Pierce's Pasanits Prescription if
she cottain't get it, without. That
woman Inso tried it. And it's a wed:l-
ei/le wham makes itself felt in toning
up the system and correcting irregn.
levities as soon as its • flee is begun.
Go to yonr‘dfilwature, pay a dollar,
set a bottle and try it—try a second,
a' third if necessary., Before the third
one's beer .taken,•yon't1 know that
there's a remedy toalielp$ sou. Then
you'likeep on and 'e ture'll come.
Bat if you shoulclit'l, 'feel the limp,
should be clisappoioted insthe result'
—you'll find a guarantee printed oti
the. bottlo wrisper that'll- get your
money hack for yonaa
many women are there who'd
rather have the money than, health /
And “Favorite ?Inscription" Produces ,•
health, Wooder is,that, there's o
weinan willieg to rectferwlierr there's ,
;.' •
a guaranteed remedy .
in ,the,.nearest 4
As usual, meats delivered to all parts of the town..
itemember the shop—Opposite the Bonk; ot
Bingham, november dth, 1890.
FEBRUARY 24th, 18(31.
AT 9.00 P.M.
ro'r• TC,oloni
- sleeper .yv,i11 Ittichr,d tXpr'es*
7,6 ea v irts . 'Kopp :rn ,4••
No' full Infer elation and Descriptive Pam ohlets of
Nanitoba, the Northwest territories and British
C olunibia, apply to any C. E. Agent.
Britsh Columbia
dregon and California
'Leave Toronto 11 p.m on FridayS;
as under:
1891 1 NARCLi. Li, 20. f
For Berths and allinformaion,
apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent.
Sitfotil tlatett
sninptive,,• rot • Consumption, Soofuht,
For it ado ao tot It ma' became on-
Genetat 'DeWitt! and Warding Diease,
• thi?ro to nothing like
drug store. , Of.rtire,coa river, on lot&
, Dr riorr,o'g rienilta vpiztlioto tho
Stomaeb, Liver and. Bowels...14,U
40r Xaltaaus, ito.3a4:1 .118Q.AA. • I
add effective, 1:.
Vas almost as palatable ati Inn, Vat(••
an The Congress-eenference repert oil. bettor than' other no,ctilisa Ittuutatuniic•
a ini committee' referred to tbe hill for the reoeganicieg of ar. A, volopeauemi producer,
Br. Sine
M. D., M. A„ L. C. P.M 0.,
M. O. P. S. M.,
this Bab- Iolinstrur
tiller, and itallaairy forces ot the
Ainitairlit.atea artily haft beet: agreed
,to, The report provides tnerel7 fare
f t 'citation esz fos- ft 4k"
1 ',t,s ou•r oe in a starrum ooto.i;acropper Alii
11.14re iota tie( the I
los at 80o. and $$.00. •
Atir•-.7.1110., tUVItti,•• 9401 ,417d, t+Itt# preatta•syst4wer .,t4t iiaOrtketeel‘iekt414,,,,I. ft,e4rft lie
111' • w.os attelfitfi;.viz:, •eltanatt )utir
Fr,'Sg *thick •A•,.
Specialist for the treatment of all
Chronie Diseases,
Private Diseases, -
Diseases of the Brain and
Diseases of the heart and Luti.„;.,
And Diseases of Women pos..
tively Treated successiel:7,
,Tottat ban Ettaehart, Liqtrite.e.
says "Atter spending all My rot—.
ey and property to Ito purpot.e
for what they termed '8, holattt•N,
case of consumption. Dr, bitteika,
cured me."
Mrs. Mary rolon,g, Wooilhn,*e,
says "When all others fAiled, 1..
Stndajr cured the ot' tits."
W. McDonald, Lakefleld,Atyvs
"Dr. Sinela,ir cored inc of eaten
Geo. Rowed, Blyth, slays :
8inciair eared tne of heart distam.
ar.d dropsy, when all there faill it,
Diseases of private mauve 6044)10-I
on by folly, 1.)r. Sinclait Oertala, vi
, •• ,
STICIA111, will be t, q•t
1,ultabrs 14L1TV.I., Whit
114/r13 12"