HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-03-06, Page 6Elston, WI, . ,&ogas Font of the ferret Io omotivee ver
'.Kell, who ltaeneverting *teeth! ,;,alit in the world aro nearing Ora -
s, returned to pletion at the BeWein locomotiive
u Torrtberey ' ,1� , ,,, ittatlrt,. works in Flriladelphia. They their home in 1dr tr
th Fehrutrry. Jami being built for the ()rend Trot* and
on Saturt"t till will be used in 'the tit Clair tunnel,.
Rumor saywill not bee long ,, whiulr rails under the bed of the St.
they are beck. Wonder Whet feel The
We have this weak to rt•carr�' the AI`iaclti an. river and between Stria,F Otut,iiuron,
death ofd Mies eoIar*y .A Spence), dough'
ter of Mr lelagn'aa Spi 1i'l who passer; engines are itttenc ed to runi can eke '
away on Freida,* 144.•;3ri;er about a tube tunnel twenty feet iu
week's illness. She wee taken with, and are peculiarly constructed. 'Theta
quinsy, and it was t thought
hou ritepence oiat it ®eneb. The wfivepairsot ai r tat,ks are iuchdrivinon each
and family .have the •eYuapatity of the stile of•tlte btaflors,•.and-plr.e cab is
neighborhood in their sad bereave- the center of the Bonet. extending out
ven, ler
the two
Thee locomotive
enp- The entertainments ,8, o.6,t iris, uih- is thus construotedYto allow it to run
the pupils of S. ct No. 5,
der the instruction of &),ieir teacher, lrflok'ward and forward with equal
Mr. G. as. Rt moose ll in eve.' n e 13th ,sense of tach u andcility. ,he the boiler sare :seventy -tour
Fwas a. s r pert eG inches in diameter, with a capacity
tha ward. Those tai{1nt= parts+ esp
' 60 pounds of stetin'pressure,
tally the younger ohildren, accieitted to oierrY +
boys, in heiredahatraeterltof ile the esIder An idea llon'an's monsterof the enormous' eize of the
engines may be formed frond
bees in the
vorsus shouse rwasliCrowed, tt down he their
water tanks filled Anil one
theith.' the
hoose. The of coal on board weighs 200e-
prooeeds amounting to a lithe over suplothe, avt+r'age weight, i,-
$20. -Mr. J. D. Nichol, teacher in S ' ; pounds,
S. No.. 1, and his pupils, intend giving r'unnin border,1with tanks about ,htelf he
an entertainment on the evening of fa lx on which they will run will weigh
March 13th. --News is scarce, every Donde pet yard, The . length of
body being so interested in politics 100 p are of
that they do very little else.- onalrl's run e enriC4it raok f lyw which
hut they aulite o
number attended Dr. Mecd , sic ed to pull tilting r s.
meeting. in Belgfare, Saturday night., They Di'e`d ra G' s to the tunnel.gp
Both parties seethed satisfied wide the tiie steep„pp hp
result. --School repert""The following 'requires 'about three ordinary loco'-
the standing of pupils in S. S. No. motive fere his'e 1 fi a the train,teib e5, Morris, ne
ra A satis 9
Geo.Beilbyftilt Russelor l Fto Lawrence, eines has been made. The other three
4th. (liras••' -Melinda Clegg, Meggie will be finished in a few days.
Watson, Era Parker. ---4th unior---D•
Russell, Joe. Campbell, W. Lawrence.
•3rd -Jas. Watson, Duncan Allison,
Joseph ,Parker. 3rd --John Hasl u
Mi;dggie Beilhy, Chas. Lawrence. 2
ennior--Geo. Lawrence, Small Ruse
sell, Jno, Magill. Part II -Daniel
Halliday, Mabel Watson. T. Corbeet.
—A band of jubilee singers (colored),
will give coneerts in Belgrave and.
Setwhine Methodist cUnrches or. the
evenings of Thursday and Friday,l}2t1
and 13th mats.-•7:lie sebool football
team of .S,' S* No. 5, sire engaged.
in regular practice and see prepared
to accept LballenQes from any public
school tegmen the county,
The Morris coined Diet at the
eouuoil roeineetoreis, 23rd Feb, 1891,
pursuant tn. adjournment. Members.
all present. The Reeve in the chair.
MMinutes of 'mist . inciting read and
ssrs .:i
Johnarol pi P,i.tt`he;udttores
port, which was examined
by the
Council and compared with vouchers.
It was moved by S Oaldbit k, seconded
by Geo Kirkby, that the Auditors
' re -
Bort as now read be adopted, and that
the .Abstract'. be ' published in the
Brus$els Post:and Witigham Advance•
arried.• Moved by Jas `Proctor,
seconded , by C. A 'Howe, ;that' ' the
'Treasurer be instructed to deposit
$120G•in the Bank of Hamilton, in
W ingham, to the credit of the Corpor-
ation ; also, to depositemerued interest
on .$10,000 now in, Bank -Carried.
The following accounts were ordered
to be paid : 0 McClelland, 'Auditor's
salary, $10 ; R Johnston`, do, $14;
E win, nomination posters,
I•I r
$1.25: Trustees';3.-S No 1, use of
School house at Local Election, .$4;
Albert fughee,damage hauling gravel,
$1 ; Samuel Walker,, gravel, $5.25 ;
.Misses Elford, charity;.. $10 ; John
Hnysf...keeping Comity ward, $15 ;
Robert •S'hottreed, keeping Wm, Pale
mer, up to date, $24; Cerperationof
Blyth, hall rent up to 1%t Jan '91,
$7.50 ; Lewis Bolton, Engineer's ex-
penses, re Wilson` drain, $12 ; Thos
Miller, repairs for :hall, $1.04 ; T 8
Brandon, salary and expenses, '$100.
Moved by Jas Proctor, seconded by
Geo Kirkby, that this Council do now
adjourn to meet again on the 30th
Brunswick Mouse,
Winghar, - - Ont
Oetitlingam vLaanes
FRIDAY. MARCH. 6, 1891.
tAID theTaOr,
Is gping out of Business in Wins -ham,
•,•---•AND-•-- •'
Between 'ow and 11,pril 1s
�4r will sell our large stook of
T ' . EDS. AND GETS'-`
Tan Provinoiel Spring show of
stallions will be in Toronto on
the., lth and. 12th of March; ' at the
drill shed 'Toronto. A meeting of
the Agticulturate and Arts Associhe
tion Will be held at the same time, to
which visitors' can, 'at , their own
station, secure standard certificate
receipts free, to attend, entitling them
to return at • one-tbird 'fare. Horses
not old will also be rem a free.
getttiontifoe Prohibition and the Disaoia'
tionotgari• menti. •
Owing to the dissolution of Domin-
ion Parliament and the agitation corn
on a new election, a word
seqwent u p ,t
to all friends. of . temperance, 'end all
Parties : engaged in the Prohibiti'on
movementia necessary.
1.., Do not cease to. 'canvas, fbr
signaeoees, but push thework fttj •theer
islare diligently..
• '2; if youhave.olosed'your petition
lists, 'swing to the short time given in
• bn4 first oirculer, and have not . done
the work as fully as you would, have
done had more time. -been given, open.
new listsand take, such• steps 16 in-
create the number of-sigttntures• as.
you may think best.
It is notenough to, place the
eetitlens in the lecture room or at
door the
a churoh,ald say to the people
they can sign them if they so sire
Qui,the atittion;form& : into, Ike hands'
of•earnest, intelligent canvassers, who
wilt- patiently and: faithfully do the
vrafk. Institute: a• house -to house
canvas, and give.; every.; person an
opportunity to attaehenia-nattinto the
4. - Have the same names written
upon both forms of • petition -House
of Coratnons and Senate -as we petie
tier both acuses.
.5. All petioles dtho have • sent
complete petition lists to any eeelefele's
will please send them a stamp asking
for immediate return of said list, as
said petitions ire seriously liable to be
6. Withoki tdlpetitions until the
new parliatereet,opens, and then send
them on the Booed week of sessinn to
the M ? and Senator, Ottawa, repre•
outing the constituency in whioh.the
petitioners reside.
7: We would .'respeotft 11y'ask' the
W 0 T `t7,'anil'ooli'other temperance
organizations, as well as all other
parties having resolutions or petitions,
or both, to observe tbo directions given
above, so far as they may
8, In case any person
addifiozial. supply of petition forms
apply to eitbsr-o . the parsons whose
names are given beluw•antt they will
be promptly sent,
6. 1)o not forget the &Dances, March next -=Carried.
tvhiclx are. imperatively needed t0 pay i t1lnr Cw.i ic, Clerk.
Friends shout holy canoe keep at
this work with tireless energy, and by
the blessing of -Almighty Gud upon
our work we will have good success..
13 Semes t'n zn'a,
Upper Stowiauke, N, S.
D. L 13ne rnoUlr,
Thorold, blit.
ess T" an Cost.
We are Wi13. g to submit to va large loss n •.
order to clear them out by that date.
Come early aid get the pick of our stock at:'
This is a G +;NUINE SALE.
shorthorn Breeders.
The Dominion ,Shorthorn Breeders'
.Association held its annual meeting
in Toronto ou Feb 24. There w
a large attendance, the president, Hen
John Dryden, presiding. The execu'
tive committee's report shows that in
1899, the associntton was paid for
3165'.registrat1ons, 9212 certificates,,
and 25Q changes of ownership. Froth
theme 2.9 registrations, 28 certifcettes
and 2 ehaitges of awriership were rt
jested, leaving 3166 registrations,
2889 oertitieates' and ' '848 transfers
against 2729 registrations, 2552 cer-
tificatesaud 367 .transfers in 1889
The registration fees increased f ote
$2668 50 itree.18i19, to $8043 75
1890: The tinancialsheet shows a hal
once of $446.09. lt,wae decidedtotttake
a worthy d .,platy'' at- the Ohioag ”
World's Fair ine1e93, and the�eo op, r
ti. of the Of tilele and • Duiniuion ,
asked:. 'The
'(ioveriituelrt will .'bre+• ,,
` llo
we :
• ,, tel .
,� c
$.i'S L.
1 affi
e8i 4
1 l.t ..
President, Rielntnl''Gibson, Delaware,.
Oitt; vice-presidtnrs, Q1tario, James
I Da'Fidson,' Batson, ; , Queeec, : 3 0
Stockwell,' Danville : Nova : f8coi r,
Prof George L'itsyson;• Prince Ed re
Island; Hon D.'• M L
British Columbia. S ft. Ladner ; New
Brunswick, J E Fairweather ; Nord
west Territory, James Geddes, °ale
gary , Manitoba, JE Smith. 'Execu-
tive Committee•-A�• list --David Rea,
Fergus• "jL Oo wan, Galt; James
Talton, Whlkr'rton y.' William Linton,
Au ,'.
t-l.dward Aurora , • D
Beam, on
Jeffs, Bonehead ; `hsrancis (3-reen, ln-
nerkip ; joules l.E1upter, Alma ; T
Russel,. Exeter ; John I Hobson, Mos-
boi'ough. C list-- Arthur Johnson,
Greenwood; James .Russel, ILichinond
Hitt; C 14I Simmons, Ivan; W
P4-ttit, Burlington ; John 'Isaacs,
Markham. Agriculture and arts list
-et Vance, Ida ; A Rawlings, Forest ;
Jitmes Rowend, M 1', Dunblane
William Dawson, Vittoria; J (, Snell,
Edmonton. •
On Sunday morning last as Firs
Curtis was returnine. home from • the
Presbyterian ehurollt,she slipped and
fell, •striking her bend on eke bard
ice. See was carried into er. Wat-
• son's and on Monday was nngonscione.
She is being attended by Drs, Sloan,
Blyth, and liaedoteld, Wingham. It
is not yet known the extens of her
At the annual general meeting of
the Toronto Board of Trade, the
president, John I Davidson, said in
his address :-"No merchant can hope
to build up or inaintltin ,a 'successful
,:business who does not adeertiee liber.
ally, and we can forty some ' idea of
what that means by a glance at the
well filed columns of oar daily jourti.
ale and' trade papers."
Mr Laehiin McN il, of Grey, the,
well-knotet itorseuian, has. sold his
:splendid Imported etalhori t'Challenw
ger" to a gentlepnail in,the the 'United
States, 11e is seven retie of age and
was imps r•ted by..Carlton, of
'4Vawanosee Meetfe'Neil has had lying
9 '11 e color
East Wavtitt,Xtosli•
Culross• -
The directors of the O lross Mutual Mr Wm Reach
httwa s perk' telee. Ile eek
Fire Insuranei'� Company, inet-in the renewing 9
town hall, Teeswri,tiir, 28th Felt; 1891. ohm
a fon' aedjoining
he town of ,
Members: all.preeent, except Mr Reid,
who was ,absent owing to sickness. find in Mr Roach a man'of zN►i honor aYnd', i
resident ,eel a chair. The rninutes integrity and a geed accompanied "ill
of 'previews meeting' having, been read
�,��rft!you and,hisotbr�titer. Robert.,
and adopted, it was moved by'
Ka ue-Little=-Teeet alt applications attended the sale of r tb£ron hlwed
g lesuraiwe be -new laid befero the. stock at the Bow 1' i k v a bleier-
ii. nr•
for Brantford lately anti Anse eded p
Board for tpspectiic�u=Cilrried. Arm;."�
strong -Little- Timehavin crammed, chasing three veru erre. ,,nihil a ,e
14 a lications;one is fnuud: re! eels R ()oily also prirchitsed n sale of the
able, are.'r:turn' For, Lovreetiun _two females at the recs o'i t Theyare.
th,• newt perk farm t
and eleven are ftsc�rl?satl,;'f:1r,r.;iry,
President nett; S1.e,reteep to prepare registered. sho•.t-homes:
and issue •policies ft,rserene—C iii rigid ole.
McKie'the=L•ittieeeThat by-law ,No
19 be. inti atio'.'it and' read a :first, .`h.Z,. B, J Barton,. for seme time. pest • .
second and third tiin'e':•-Carried. • By teacher. in the,schonl'.ln this plec.e,bu
We No10, . tneeee 1y 1aw • defining resigned his sitration and accepted la , •'tarte:•ofe•rcrl ei a• wars then'reeri '},he position. "of: 'Oeganiznr for "' the
-Psa .1 •
k 1'&
tt .•,4
d +� Fors.
a' first, eecpiicl•rtid; third: •Bute, passed. Ctnnadiau' Order . of
signed and settle'. Armstrotie-Kirk- started on Saturday last for the emcee
laud -That the Treasurer's Laud. be ae of his labors -east •of Toronto_fotie
opted', being considered inutile secure 'pd by the good wishes. of alt . --Mr
ity-Ctirried.' :-Itirkland'-Armstrong liainton has sold his property here and
-That the•Selnetn'ry • be instructee. ttt moved to Beneath. ,Prior to their cle-
notify all parties in arrears, warnit$ parture Mr. and`' Mrs Bainton were pre. .
them of the ri'slt they run and Beamed- l;ented'with . it, pi'ttie and a very,• corn
ing immediate• payment of alt such plimentary wtice/ed' edema fro"+ • -the
d'tihts-Carried. Little Arrustron members c.f Loyal Orange Lodge, No
-That the Board now adjourn to meet 852, also from the•Fokesters, express -
again in Teeswater town hall on the lug the esteem in which they are held,
last Saturday of ttieeeh, at 2 o'clock, thanking them for their kindneterand •
• i
sick pont �'v n in the slcl
p m --Carried.
willing aid 6t e
Anux 4DAusest, Secretary. well as in connectibn with • •Dacha •
affairs, and giving utterance to the ,
Lower Wingheaxt. deep regret felt at their departure,. .,
The following is the result of the
examination held in Lower Wnigharc
school in the month of February : 4th
tierce., -F lorenoe Green, 87.
xt is said that Mr A Brown will es-
taltlish a flax mill ht town. next sumo
finer. On the 21st utt, there died at
hist home in':this village, Dardis B
McDaniel, the last of a f to tyih tof
seven, ell of whottegrew up
hood and womanhood, but one after
another fell victims to that fell die.
Aaser consuntptioh.: The . deceased
`-"''" had been failim;Z in hlenittr for some
There ;ll a peculiar society , in the ,time, and last fall fineiug.'thet lie was
Chanty ref Wentworth tamong the far- no lonsxer able to manage his faun, he
triers very of as tiro Society for . the ga,O•op .farming and moved,• into the
11,tica ry of tolen Horses. The ear village. -The electric light it.Working
itiation fee is $1 and 25 cents a y • weB,
is +oolleatsd afterward. ,r When the
. . 'tlie:nteutirers of the Thos•, Harbly,, rather of 'Charlli
aE an of r fame . while walk.
h a4ttfor . bl of Mho , ,
tultdrt thew Society pays 'Ratti y�, , Docks to
the ra area on the from
the lb1e t o. rind if res vtlug' of..the on eMondayr evening, broke:
flriaaiblp taro»thirds bf t t borne
animal it laid from. the,Ittreral Henry"ra�ad thirortglt the tee. Not retnrteirig , cMtaful its ci t+tortk Irt>s,N'tr'tc ie war In
teethe totter., The rtettidtctxt is h • M, Arch was betide and his body wall l . ,,,rep k � wlli>f6n iw, telt It tosrt t r . irs It a-' 's
Aridl-rum' 1'latnhttr7r And true' trawl in 1St feet of water :hat tinder ?'fA tr'►1bw tOt,,
:aFJ'oktt'8tock. , I t141 break ir:Atbe'1?9,,., f
Following is the school report for •.
sen- month of February. ' The names hi e
4th Jun -History �1150hol Day, 50 : L respective classes are arranrXed in order
Emma I ettei field, $J. 3rd son -Hie• of merit t 4th -Wm Oumpbetl. James :
tory -Minnie iiiktater, 78.; Thos ! 9J goott,.Thos Mundell. 8rd Sen -
Graham, 72 ; Bela Morrison, 68 ;1 Albert Aitken, Mary Wier, ,coolie,
May Linklater, 60 ; Alfie King, 55 ;
Lizzie King, 52 ; Jane Barrows, $8 ;
Luke King, 81; Lorne 'MacDonald,
31. $rd' Jun -Geography -Eva Hal.
'stead, 86. 2nd --Arithmetic "1 as Parr,
Dunkin•.. 3rd Jun -Bruce Ferguson,,
Agnes Mundell, Mary Anderson. 2nd •
Belts• Campbell, David Breen,Isaac .�;
85'; Lester Adams, 68 ; . Jas , .Lock - ,
ri his. 51 ; Mabel Halstend,51 Sten- .. The following is the standing of F. _ ,
do, � February.
lay 'Watson, 34; Oliver• Watson, 17 , S: I`lo; 6, Turnberry, for k y
Eadie Welsh, 17. Part 2nd--Arith-lrrhe'naines are in order. of merit:
nietio-Julia Linklater, 190 ; Jas ?Fifth class --O Cowden. Foust; ---`d
at `80 ; Minnie Campbell, 60 ; • shell K Ilerdie M. Johnston, _ AI
'LEg� � r Mit r ,
Jno King. 60 ; Mary MacDonald, 40 ; Wade, Ar Johnston, W Nlitebel',
Geo F,Iford,. 90; 4Vrn Iiaybe. 20, Johnston J I•lornuth, 0 Wade
First Class-•-Arithmetic--Maud Net. eieneeth Third --H Jahngt�n,A htit�
terfieid, 100 ;. •,Fannie Green, 100 ; (hell, A 'ortar, S Johnston, A i'orter,
Geo Campbell$; X08;. Hannah bug- E Wade, I1 Johnston, J Fyfe, 1
land, 80; ,tleneun Cruickshank, 60'; I�beolags,,A 1lotnuth, L. Bowden,
Geo Ansley,'80:;•° mb•Potter, 80. The Wheelaps,,:Gi`'Campbell, H 1lnntuth,
attendance of Lower Wfnghahi school M Bryce. ,. Tbtr4 -.jr ._:A Clowdeu, '1,
for the month of February was lin Ke11v, L If CCM. M Stark. Second
average of 5`2 pnpils per day. ..$1'artt' ,, :McCorniictt, Ir+ Fyfe,
Was E-Aa.'rttsx,• Teacher, .rt Lowry, t ;1rtoheit,11. Johnston, J
C oxton, F McCormick.,+.,.
* owlhk. - ' J. Jl W. ,Sui4 0N, Tepcher.
"�Itoyat Oak" aseociltiti6n, Patrons i •.-?7,.t rates
of Industry, No 1 S. S., of which Bro. ' Thal S-teeitetary of the 'Cln tett S
Johnston, is president and Bro. Wallis, Treasury has awarded a gold life.aay.
Secretary, is showing si,tns of bosom- ing medal to Capt Alfred Mitchell, of •
ing the banner Assnciationof the sufl:alo, N ..Y,., it'k -recognition of hie
He, .soya he hna tneen'.hip. A rru,nlier of canclidntes trent ennragr, end reinarkahlo skill ill
about six •„gears► nv �ther ar'-lleiuiG initiated at each meeting. saving erne captain and twelve_a �+ , •
taken mors red ttnkttistl•ty a ' The 0outreets givr•Yi to settle of the crew of` the stsnmer Annie g
horse in, tl°re etrttlttyc'aridaNrtre its ser`” ° anutwrsthArtts in Winghain is.grving t-liefr Wtt,�`i ri1s of 'rho :ire at• : e.
moat fashitna
partmeat, W
decided Novel
Our efforts
ed most silo
avert/ person
domes by givi
Our Dress
vitt. a. loonz,
to olfer or as�
See our bee
ftp to $1.20
beautiful tbit
and Er rbrokk
A great nl
ders for Sprit
get picked of
We have t
Su,itings thi
right and art
Our . Boo
amine(, and
ceiling only
•We Don
merits. W
judgment o
or our stoO
it to oil and
ThP W.
tihtnr spar`
2x)tu alt
Mr. G
'and elect
Tuts fo
proved a
Latta, 1t
tii;e, w, s
eu to in
inQtio n
Jae Grt
.: `ills•
, et
"Trot tie.
' `tilte pi'
• satisfa
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... huti
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