HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-03-06, Page 5"ft " • . •
tie a fiVe
t. The
'me you
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Our OWEi
eer etre
be they
• bitzger
Ida with
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n „your
Rolf from
E kick-.
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he no».
8g, set tie
yon are
con boy
self filen.,
to tied,
kis that
hen yo&
bed M night
metering and,
f so send at.
We soothing
UI intsLut:
6; there Is no
et Wind COW;
on, and Idles
M. Win'.
,n teething
tion of one et
and aunts in
all druggist,*
live cont* i.
. Winmoros
eer myths„,
nt forth
he Arabs.
ur gaited
fel garden
a main-
the Holy
s ruled he
purpose of
of thorns
id. 400'
y had pre-
iful garden,
far ite to
oats across
the /Icily
the fire
the woman
man oursei
as almost
huge block
enesie, xis„
rgiving than
ck up the
•hen imme.
land began
she touched
stilt just
the waters
hat day tta
ocean hat?
,ow olianuo.
tacitly weal**
,t was onoia
the bulk of.
$t diminished
eved that the
the Ware of
the Elebfew
hat &miler,
Pey helitokeit
sed by' tfie
;ed de*nand ter
coneiderably 114
de tion,Toreete;
tot before the
treble ena»tity,
.r them petrel/A
utaffs priee,
auy ever pre-.
$ between the
th id vrealth,
ea et indovirtii
, bat the leaet
of the latter le
peorset miss
Ai for voomiaa
y*rt wrth
temPaRANcs coLurvxR,
tiONIMOTfilt 111r WM T. W. 0. T. II,
tie total p tuber 0/.0004 lieralptior
leaaes in Ir. is 112,with uiami,
Oi-* Sho 1 This old newt ain't
'un (loan' know.
13tit it would atop the squeekiii".
Yee,1 reckon,bot the eakin" (loan'
It weuld save your wheels,1
A remelt parliamentary return Diaait you ever gone ?
shows that in 1a89 there were 168,$80
liquor liebnsas issued in (heat Britain.
A junior prohibition elute with fifty
mainnera has been organized in Lima,
California W T 11 bad, lin 1889,
117 local Unions; it haa now istorettee
ed within one year to the number of
M unions,
Out. A Yankee rode to town
me and bought nie a box of stuff.
flow did it work 7
iglatylieh, 'fl t we dun spre
on hoe-eake, and ate it all up
The Saloon as a Itanla. in February, 180U, the (ioyernment
of Canada, cm neominendetion of the
Too depoeit your Looney, and lose it
Your time and lose it. Hon the Minister of Agrieultiire,niade
our cheracter and lose it, provision for alio importation 10,e
Your health and lose it. 000 bushels of twniroweci buriey from
Your strength, and lose it. Bogiaini, to be sold to farmers
Your mainly ilidependence,, and hair °suede for seed. This was imported
fait in 4,000 bags Cif 112 lbs. eaoh, the
your home contiovt, and lose h. Prize Prolifio being the Inn'. let, chosen,
Year wife's !sappiness, aud lose tt. for the purpose, and this barley'svas
Your olaildrezia bappiRStid, and Wee Prtni aethecost of importation, $,L
per b'llf•thie GOverinnis t paying freight
•Your own soul au 4 lose Itchews to the nearest railway station,
to the rorchaser, .uy this atratige,,,
WANTED. farinerd in every part of tire
DOMIlli011 olitained the barley uta
2.820 youso YoLits
an,iforin price, but one bag was aaail-
f both sexes, recruits to take their able to each iudiviclual. This reetrio-
tirst steps and ,lessons io drieking,
tion was made at the Craget SQ asto
sin king., and her bar- secure a wide dieteibution of the graitni.
room 0000111plidliBefits, to tin op tile. and preveut a too rapid exliamtien. of
vecancies merle hy the 2,820 funerals •tue stook, so dist appliososolrool
fOolie provided for..—The Reacue$ taut portions of the Dominiou might
not be disappointed. This limitation
Slavery and Rum.
1"seued the sales, and as soon as it
We often botiat of liberty here, and,mowapere ostate with our land ; Dot,
. waa escertained that the barley on
t to
All Men.
young, old, tw middle aged, who find
themeelvea nervous, $yee1. or exhaust-.
ed, who are brokou down from euese
or overwoek, reseithae; in many of the
following ti smptorlui t WIntal tepeewait aotrumteenloairdy, abgaea. dlorsesamosf,
dinineee of sight, palpitation of the
net. heart, emission, leek of energy, ain
lit the kidneys, headalte, pimples ou
the face or body, itching or pecular
sensatiun about the scrotum, waiotiog
of the organs, dizziness, specks before
the eyes„ twitching of the muscles,
aci it eyelids, sod' elaewhere, bashfiuriese,
111 deposits he tire urine, loss of will
g Power, tendernee of the scalp and
spine, %yeah and flabby wimples, desire
to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep,
•constipation, dolsii of hearing, loss,
of voice, desire for solitude, excitit4
bility of temper, sunken eyes stir.
rounded with nesnall 01R0141, oily
lookineskin', • ete are all symptoms
of nervous debility that led to inanity
aneli dead useless cures. Ile spring
or vital power having lost its tension
every function wanee consequence.
Thoeti who through abuse committed
in ignorance piney be permanentely
uuredi. gend your address for book
on Eva diseases peeuliar to man.
Address.r. T. LUBAX, 50 Front S.
&., Tiironto, Ont. Books sent, free
muledi Bean disease, the eyinptoius
of which are faint spells, parple lipsiUtIL,
bness, palpitation, ship beats,
wit flashes, rush of blood to the head,
dull pain in the heart with Leat
strong., rapid and irregelar, lhe seoand
heart beat quicker than the first, pain
abont the breast brim, etc., can
positively be cured. No cure, no pay.
Send for book. Address M. V.
LUB011, 60 Front Streee East,
T.oranto„ Ont.
we, many of iia, appear to forget that 4'1" w°414 be were till"' sutli6ell
there are huudreds of thousandu.met'9' thon the 448i8
Ilia land of boasted liberty, that are one bag only
for each purchaser,
held iu tie most degrading and soul-
destroying slavery that ever crushed
mankind ; 1 mean. the slavery of the
W100 cup, which taaday is destroYing
the peace ofau ere, illsmilies than war,
posti'enee,or fatuille elk together. -
1e17 3 W Jones,
Who Caters to the Young Sten ?
The Baltimore Baptist, speaking of
the seyenty-live thousand young men
,.Baltimore, *asks: Who caters to
iiiem 7 Baltimore Ism 2,000 saloons,
and 250 ehttrehes; fifteen saloons for
each pulalic sohool,eight saloon !teepees
So -every school teacher, mad eleven
410oris to thirty voters ; and on a
recert Saturday, 330 young men were
seen within anthern:. to enter three of
the 2,000 saloons. The ,lext day, Sun
day, three of the largest Protestant
churches had a total of 290 young men
attendant: e.
The saloons are schools of slzepti.
eism, infidelity, drunkenness, idleness
ti,nd dehauohery. What kind of mato
hood ean be. looked for among; the
'patrons of these dens of drunkentiess
and And yet a farg� nitro.
er of
people seem to think that notha
ing is necessary but tojog along in the
aid ways, and: do only the things
which they have been doing forgetters.
• Many of those young, men doubtless
kava Come to reject the Bible and dis-
believe in all religion. And what are
Christians doing to shottethein that the
is tree and that Christianity is a
1064141 is it not thole tag° forth and
not, and assait the unbelief of the
age, and convince youog men of their
errortand, try to. save them from their
in 7'
Grease4 it MOM
I had beau looking •otter thil battle Por Inflizenta er 4,11. GrIpre Wiltenek
• fields around Marietta, Ga., and was 00ttltrOtilid, Syrup ot Wild Cherry is a sure
awl moo remedy. There item bettsr Medi
flVe miles from town when a erecter oine for the mire of Xuilueuza, Broueliltio,
came along with an oz and cart Coughs, Colds,Cripp and kindred diseases.
Gab the genuine in white wrappers,
and offered nis a lift, says a
.restriction was withdrawn. About
3,200 bags were sold to 2,600 pure
oliatiers, leaving nearly 1,800 hags on
• .1 am nosy instructed . to offer theirs -
main ing atock.at three dollars per bag,
freight prepaid, to tho' nearest veil way
station to the purchaser, with no re-
strietioue as to tile ntuntier of hags
which any individual may boy. All
orders intuit be accompanied by a re..
mittance sufficient to cover the amount
of the order,. The applications will be
entered as received and the orders filled
in rotation as long as the stock holds
The germinating power of this barle,y
has been tested from ton samples taken
front different the average vitisla
ity is 90 per cent. and the growth
AN communications should be
dressed to the undo. reigned.
. Director, raperimental Farms,
Ottawa, Pehruary 04'91.
"Int Grippe', •
• Is simply epidemic Influenza; Wilsonas,
Wild Cherryaviii cure it safely and quiekly.,
Get the genuine, in wilite wrappers only,
and use it as direetedIfor Iniluenzn.
A. MSG who has a new thought or
a new light on any subject has no
right to thrust it upon another against
his ViU, nor can he reasonably feel
aggrieved that tici one Will eburs it
with him. Bat neither bus he the
right to bury h out of tilab,t, etill less
to disown or to be *ashamed ot it
bemuse it isnot miller. If it itt.of
any worth, it must make its way
surely, though slowly, into the minds
and hearts of teen, and to assist -its
entrance is at once his privilege and
his duty.
writer in the NewYork Sun. After
riaIng mome.tfistance 1 realized that
both wheels wore sadly kir need of
graase,and leaked why he dittlit.lobri-
sate. •
What Lar? he aalc03.
To make th o oatt drew More ealanY.
494 %Ws OM Olrableti: Mhd. 1.
ape. .8 • • •• .44 ' -I •
P. IV, TIAlle,TA]314s.
Trains arrive and depart as follows
Per Teeswater
10:30 p11 •
.1 -
5:35 a. in For Torouto
2:20 p. rn •
axer.A.zrn Txt-trivi< Ai*
A. 0. STRATUM:11, AOKNt, WiNoirmt.
Through ickets tal' points in Ameica01'th-
Wed, PaoSho Oonta, et,., vie the shortest tuid all
poprant routes.• fintnra,,e chocked through to
destination. Imwest frol,rht rotes to ell points.
- E TABLE. ---
tenet wrsociu. A RItIVE AT Wirronatt.
6:3(ra.m.Toronto,Gueph,palperston. dm. 3:30
11:11). - "c••, • -" • •10:10 "
• Clinton,, ,‘
7:25 " Palmerston, Mixed.. .. _10:15 A.M.
O:45an , ,,London, itc.. 1140 "
3:40 p.m. ,
i:45 p.m.
11:10 a,lit.. ...A..Eloonriline, .. . . 6:30
0 -
11:51 p.m
QItALKTAU and Goa. Medallist of Whitby College,
Pupil of Mr. tidward,iirishor and. Mr. J. w. 14.
Harrison. Piano, Organ,. 'Voice Culture and *or.
1000y. .000m5 in Beaver -Slack. Wingbanzi.
IN8TaVairoXX oX ewe AND OnoAX, AZAD Oran IN
For particulars regarcfing,terms, etc, please ea at
my home, corner Fr. ands and Patrick sheets. •
1 ESTRUM) given on Piano, Organ and Violin.
1.Also 10 Harmony,
ItosIdence en comer Jotophine and atriek
Property ;or Salm in; Mare.
The undersigned alien; Mr Ottlo a desirable pre
porty in the village oi Delmore, consisting of at good
dwelling 11c0se4oitico, stable and driving Shed, with
One mire and admit of laud .111 connection. Bplondld
garden, with an sorts. 61 fruit tree Will be sold
at ahargain, For particulare, sm.y to
pulmo e.
,000,000. Ref3t4450,000.
. nient—JOtiN Sto+It$,.
loo-Presitiont—A. 0Ana410.,
ham Pawn)); CUM., atnikItY. Geo Ildx00,,
Woo», A. 3P Loa tToronto),
Casider-4. TOIttflitita•.
Savings Iseult home, 10 to 3 ; Saturdy, le to
1. Deposits 01 51 and upwards TOnah cd and, lute met
Special tooposita also received nti correct
rates of interest.
1).:Atte on Groat Britain And the Unita, State*.
bought and sold
13. WfttiflOtT, r.
IAMB de IncitINta0b1-, Amo
111/103 ixDrT •t -•
Please! rrt yfmr readers the r mow* peiftlre remedy for Gus
MK** Belts Wilily U16 ttt StillAcit of hopeless oases b0.4:4 brunt pornaftttenvy out ad. '.`
e s
gladly send twirl:wines of my.reeledr rain( any•!' your rAfair.rs. ••,.•''$! ha. '.•
e win 104_00 taw Et:totem lust ..t. e hos,ce
61148811041 t • VAC vOtrfai,"th, (Oita
Rauuss zamEn
aae baral a aqui ate* of
Willett will be sold as t+otteo prleetk
WARNSESS. tleable or elngla 1110410 le Oyler 40.
Short notiee, and satietdontie“ ifitarantOod,
tiefr,it call satiated.
OP—OPPOdDis She Dank or naientee.
arioronw 4ntzik
want; fob. Eth, 1800,
eueLic, C'ONVEYANOElt, aro.
Big" nookstore,
intrTAY. tortzelOgilliislir:IeteZPat
_ •"'
44. AA. ••''' *1•141 .• -41.11V,.; • •
Titg' 04470 I* WWI fte feraerst theft boat thank
ter the liberal patronage IrWan to 001 Atm. durleg
Iterfirelyears prior tetho burning of out udIl b we
cendlariens, During the Islet Renton we have Pk.
morldelled the tow., um to the istestappreved syn.,
tom of Hungarian Boller Proems Mii Sag, We be
lieve wecan now „give bettor swootursodation thee
ever before, We *Set' • •
Prompt Diepatok
r -air Retains
gtf4tITY 000$1) T.0 liONEI TRIf$,
And by ohne pommel atteetiesi to Ma buoInaeti
hope to be again favt•red with A trial by all ola
friends And many new Ono,
frunon &C
Wean Xilt. Q0610.164
• J • Gorairi, •
Honorary, Graduate ot GAtaririVoterinar,y Collegt•
Alm Graduate of Dentistry Scheel, Teton 410 Pr*.
Fared ID trent ail Diseases ot neuseetieste Antionlir
in Moistest ectentsiti manner.
Calle promptlyto
attended . Office Infirmary
, , and
.Callare by night Wel Snit him at Moo.
• •
ocazAnsi, CUFFS,
12V S T E S
Cheap for K
Has removed to Garster's old stand, where he has a large and
nicely assorted stook of
etches, Cloaks, 37e,,,,,allery, StiverwAro and
Which he is selling away dOwn. in price, and will tbe pI4se.d. tc
bave you caIt andtake a look through his Stook,
Repairing a Specialty
tW`All work warranted and dene. promptly,.
Ed. Dinsley,
—Saw...neon to 31 X Salaam,Ms' teulsetstrinefe c!4—•
n: 444. 040sitalt:Ripa4t,,,
Athriatled to• ,
, ifirA(41NIS JIL WItiTgLA W'SAllitiOtaTlaitAL.
AM..% BIN t Etz8, PACIORY: XN04:11
1,04,41,B,s, 4;w. •