HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-03-06, Page 4nage- more machinery down !fere to take tt
tweed out Omit menthe.
lie says it will give ns morn work
radii another in milder tonesto 11
don't serge to paean harm.
Don't be a foal, .said the drat. They
would talc. yea dowlt in a week. The
tatt►cititiery cleans so minty men on
of t+nstaloyeteut. We'll sums!a it every
Yes, yes i but its the lalling i'nt
against, said the other.
Wbatte one man's life to the star.,
nation bf.fifty 't said the first. It's
this young - Martin Morgan who work/
these: things in.The old 'elan would keep
on .es they have been doing alis pot
bother, 1 say, kill flim. There are
men alive yet who aro not afraid of
blood. I'm ane; Well, n,ine,to night,
Men. Nin. Qnty Martin Morgan
and Doddlcs will be there by that time,
and crape on our faces, buys, mind
A general murmur of We'll be on
hand, followed, and the smell of liquor
came across the rock as if some one
had produced a bottle, Then the nom
departed one by one, as though they
had resolved lltot .to be seen in eaolf
other's company; and Drusilla began
to wonder what she could' do to save
Martin lllorgakee life. She trust not
permit murder to be don, The mete
might be right about the machinery,
for all she knew. Sat that was No
reason fur killing any one.
' 1 must go to Morgan's frills, if 1
can get there, rule said to herself, and
that at once.
Meanwhile the hastened to leave
the woods, and coating to a laborer's
cottage, asked a wotnan who sat list -
heftily on the door -steep, holuing her
baby on her knee, the way thither.
Them red brisk buildings yonder,
said the woman. Then is Morgan's
mills.. But if you want 'Work 1 guess
you'll waste yottr tkne going up. My
t man says they'll be turning off and
not taking nn soon, en account of
some rnuchines'yoti'il'tiiink"was: alive,
they are so carious f ,:don't 'interfere
• with my man's work; but it will throw
my boys out, and .1 guess all the'
0 `very fortunate to hat's been. Able to do
Alto answereiL
And yen. have taken such A jnurtle3
e 3lr-Moran said.. fot;db's shall driv
yon back lnnr,s... 1 eentlut leave tl
millsnow, as you tarty inlagitlµ, of
would t:? Wyse f, hut my frig is here.
lit a few Moments more he ha
handed her item {lie little vehicle
sluticest bands warmly, assd stood look
ing after hor ire she wag drieen uwav
The sweetest girl 1 ever met, b
said, and tint very prettiest., 1 wonde
who she is l
Whither dill you take her, Doddles
be asked on that funtionary'e ret►tru
To the Scott's mansion, said Dodd -
lea. S1n's a bit of a seamster, the
pools told rite,
Martin Diorgalt 1 the Misses Scott
cried out when they beard Drusillu's
tale. Our cousin Martin 1 To think
that you have eeved his life, you dear
thing! and they all kissed her.
You must etay to the wedding, said
Mrs. Scott as she paid Drusilla, and
make yourself this MAO silk to wear.
But for you, poor Martin might be
lying in his grave, and be ill nay
favorite nephew.
And so it calve to pass that Drusilla
stayed, and that Marten Morgan him-
self took ber in to supper, and that
when her ,girls were away on their
wedding: journuye,• Mrs. Scott would
keep Drusilia on one pretext or an-
other, until. Christmas came, and then
all retuned and there was a groat
party, and Mr. Scott, who Was fond of
customs ofhis youth, hung up a . bit
of mistlntoe.holly,and you know if a
girl gets ;under ,this hanging holly at
Cbristtuas•time, a young man may kiss
her without offence, and Drusilla, who
knew nothing . about it, stood directly
under it, everybody laughing softly,
while Martin Morgau stole slyly- up,
and just touched her .cheek with his
1 couldn't help it, be said afterward.
and T think it. waa Mrs,. Soots who
nianagod that they should be alone in
the Conservatory afterward, when he
told Drusilla that be loved her and
believed he had begun to do so white
he was eltasing that truant hat of hers
ftp the road.
That's a pity,said I3rusille.
'Yes, we think so, you may bet a
dollar, said the woman.
Drusilla thanked her and- kept on
her way. It was along walk and a
(lonely walk and the syn was 'aetting
1 When she reached the milt+yard. The
work people ware gone and an old.
ratan was fastening up the doors.
May 1 see Mr. Martin Morgan ?
asked Drusilla.
Not at this !lour, said the matt,
'You'd orter hey better settee than to
think it.
1 most see !lily, said ttrnstltan,
lie ain't seen folks after Sever.
o'clock, said the than.. You kin come
back to -morrow.
Tomorrow will be to late! cried
lantana. She lifted her voice a lintel
in her sterni.
What is that Doodles? pried a gay
Voice from within the building.
A woman as will see ye, replied
boddiee, though L keep on a telling
her it's onmtossiblee'
Nevar impossible tit oblige the
1 ladies, tried the voice'. i,,.
Soule COO came quick! 'ora., the
resounding floor, and steppe t into
the bare; yard now lit by the tact A red
ray of tinned.
Alt 1 he said, with an air of sur,
prise. And teking off his, hat added
You want to see me, madam I
Alone, sited Drusilla. Alone if you
11 She had recognised the young
gentleman who had,assisted heir to
capture her hat, but that flag a minor
patter now. it took few words to telt
the story, and the young neon's action i
was prompt. There+ wises a polioeeoall
in the (Atte, and his touebod it.
We shell he prepared now, he avid. I
And 1 wilt not he head with the lateen»
It Is only that tltt►y do not ulrderetend. i
Bat how !*hall 1 Omsk you I
ronly dfd k , 1Tail mirrelt
atav there,
Third, Save money, The eowarsl
rails iii drat, the brave iznn has a five
tloltatr anrplua in; hie pocket. ¶$'he
e world may laugh atsin,. beeanse ,lieu
to can't have a foer•i nd ne'cittie. dlfl
I richt, let it laugh 00Are your twie.
world, and the people who eneftr are
d l=imply outside bnr'harietis, -When they
" 'see that five duller !sill growing bigger
they will all want to shake hands with
" you Wild seed you to . Oen-.
' grecs, JCeep well within four
r itacnmr' and you will Leave yonreetf froak
skulkin round the corner like a kick,
? ted deg when the dun is on, the traek,
• The handiest ,hint? on the planet is the'
penny laid up for n rainy day,
Now, young sir, get rid of the none
sense that you are a genius, natio
down to theconelneion that you OS
just an average North Ainericiin boy
and then start in. Keep yourself alert,
look after your digestive apperntuat
don't smoke, cigarettes get to heti.
early, be square toed in all your deal
ings, and we will wager a cookie that
'at sixty you will have to look backward•
for those who began the race when yea,.
Are you ready ? Then go 1
At all events, the whole warm-
hearted family declared that if they
'marched the world over they never
could have found a nicer wife for
conain Martin than Drusilla. And so
it came about that the little dress
maker never went back to the cold
ball -bedroom at We. Genitive but is
loved and cherished by a husband who
adorns her, and will while they two
shall live.
"I+a Grippe" or Influenza can tie quickly'
cured by the use of Wilson's Compound of
Wttd.Cherry, the old reliable remedy for
Bronchitis, Whooping Cough,ttroup,Colds,
Cougba3 and other diseases of respiratory
syatetn. Wilson's wild Cherry bas been'i
in use for many years and is highly reootn.
mended by all who know its virtues, Bold
by all prominent druggists.
Good Advloes fop u `l oUng M*n.
The New York Herald having been
asked by a ybnng mala front the coat
try how to win wealth and fatne io the
great city, begins by recomwending
its eorretzpoudeut to get rid of all
"excelsior" nonsense, stay dawn below
and let the glaciers and the mountain
peaks take care of themselves.
Second. Do your work well. Ito
hatter what it is. Study your hind -
nese. Make yourself master of it by
putting your head and heart into it.
lf:it is book�keeeping, then keep books
in such fashlou'that the angel Gabriel
will want to lend you his crown as a
token of approval, If you are n me-
chanic, or artisan, or farmer, be proud
of yourself and the rest of the world
Will soon corm, to be proud of you,
Nothing ie needed so much in tires
generation as tt gnat with skilled flue
gem. Yon may have a long pull, but
the clack will strike aft unexpected
rotir and tho opportunity....which.
coulees to everyl►od:y'in ttitla, but which
tit :people prestrrt..iteelf,
Pittidy the hulling, and when you last
yoga t' tiN i t> a legs admit Jet th'a'wna
Auviee ro atorusss,—Aro you disturbed at nttht.
and broken etyma rest by a siokehfld eurering a9*
erring with pain of Cutting Teethif so send Alli
once and got a bottle of "31rs,tt'inelow's aoothitt
Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is iuealsu]=
Atha. 11 will relieve the poor little ntiffets'r
immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there la ttc,
mistake runlet let lt, It cures Dysentery and Diarrl,tea
res ulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind cubo,"
soften the Gums, reduces inflammation, and XII rs.
tithe and energy to the whole system, " Mrs. Win
loow'a Soothing Syrup" tor children teething
pleasant to the Mete and 9 the prescription of one „Of
the oldest and best female physicians and aures st
Rho United Staten, and is for sale by all dtuggis a
throughout the world. Price twenty-five omits's.
bolt;e, lie sure and ask for ""luak. Wntsr.owa
iioe'raun, Seip ...d take no other kind
Why The Sets is Salt,
There are hundreds of queer myths,
and traditions, give;:, to account' for the
fact that the sea is salt. The .,Arabs
say that when the first pair sinned
they were living in a beautiful garden
on a tract of land jollied to a : main..
and by a narrow neck or isthmus.
When it became known to the Hour
One that .his people had. sinned he
Went to the garden ,. for the purpose of
rivingtheout and acrossthenarrg
eck of land into the patch of thorns
nd brambles on the other side. Anti.ipating what would be the consequence
f their heinous crime, they had pre -
tired to leave their beautiful garden,
ud had actually gone so far as to
end the children and the goats aeroaa
tto the thicket. When the Holy
ne appeared on the scene the lira
air started to run, but the womita
eked back. ror this ,the man curse;
er, and for such a crimevas almost
mmediately turned into a butte bloc;;
f salt. (Compare with Genesis, xii5,,
6) The woman more forgiving than "
er husband, stopped to pick tip the
apelosa maga of salt, wheal itufne
tasty the narrow neck of, land began
crack and break. AS abs touched
hahad once been her , companion
e, too, was turned to salt just 14to neck of land saint Sud the watery
shed through, morn that day �tl
tin, the waters of the ocean hate
shed through that narrow channel
least once ft year, constantly west
g away the salt of what was once
r first parents, and yet the bulk of.
rt two tatty objects is not shrill;idler!
the least.
The Pythagoreans believed that the
A Was made •salty by the testa ' of
tong, father of Zeus, The fiebt`ew
planation is somewhat similar,
*ugh more poetic. They belieiv .
at the saltiness Was caused by- the
gra of fallen easels.
Owing to the uupreeedetnted dataand ter
ate,glato it has advaueed considerably 19
ice. Items lalcCautettied fibliattrufsto;
rtunately made a Contract before Wu
vaso for a very Considerable, ua»tity.
d tete thus enabled' to offer dicer pi teens
is reason a,deeided nave -Wage in price,
e quality being superior to any ever pry
usly imported.
is d
-There is it great difference between the
two tempora blessings, health and weeltas.
'Wealth it lest envied, bat least stdovad;
Health it frequently enjoyed, but the least
envied; and the euperiorityof the latter ie
etas more obvious that the poorest tram
woteld not pert with ate health for rootsMy,
but the richest retold zala * plitrb with 404
td*wery brit -Mate
The total
briars in Int
' bprtf,itt of L,
A re00(11
;Moo delft iia
liquor license
A junior pi
tdltiietale ham
17 local, unit
eel w;thio Glia.
1f3O unions,
The a
P '.irs
yourondepotapeit a
' 'ourobarac
Your health
Tone strep
'oqr mainl
Tom bonne
Year wifete;
otra child
f -)f both sexes
first steps ai
gambling, an
room accolnp
uaoancies their
shove provid
We often b
0antopare our
we malty of
there are h
this band of
`held in the u
mankind; 1
Wine cup, wit
the peace of
2+.ev:J W Joe
Who Cat
'Fite l3ttltin
the SP vent y.
teem I Balti
and 250 Mtn
each.publie si
,to -every sch,
*Algona to ti
recent Saatur
seen within
the 2,000 sal
defy, three of
t+tturehes ha
r3 atteadafic
The satoo
aiiim, infidel
and debauch.
!rood ertn Ia
'patrons of t
tRlid Niuk"d*t
bee of people
ing is nocess
old ways,
which they
Many o
have come, t
believe in al
Ohriatiane d
]$ible is true
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*pa hitt 601
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1 had bee
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#are .miles .fr
carne aloe
Ana offs
:'seiner in t
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loth wheel
What fo
To mirky
%.e. ,