HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-03-06, Page 3c
IntlYklfae thtf, we ,
.tit it isolaMlingt
, 6,11(1 *ISOt11 the;
) have then,
r,a6es Idogg'"'Ne
eXtra, tO bultine
It 0 e,
urchasetl, ' J est
and ,
We s.(41 cheap.,
;• about to givetip hone,
ate Iiesldence toe tialf.
the corner of John 404
Ind cov•sIsts of two nitre
Idris Greeteda tine 1'i.
Nine Lome, Hot
ter, ka.Itleo yeed
ply on the preoises
PRNYN, or toll. DAVIS.
tR SflOP
,copIe Wingtlam and
nenced the Itiedij
no,' out 1r/that/id stee,a,,
per 1.b.;
310eper lb.,
,tart, ,smslo• 44 IQ* 48 5'6 -
alWays on hand.'
v Net
it tile town,
lio solicited.
Eli. ILI
sror of-
1AL of all kintis,
s, lte
twig to onto se the
1114 Dry'
FM Mal figtp•
•Itinds, ,
VOLS XX 7N0. .10
What an improvement &good- Nat makes
in a man's appearance, or how wshabb
:hat makes tite whole man •look shabb ,
• no matter how good .the Mit of his
• eiethee may ?
We have given the'llat trade special
t, attention this season. Ours -Wire MADE
• SPECIA-LLY FOR IJS mad are the
Choicest Productions of the European
• and American markets.
ALL,NEW.—We have not SIO worth
of old hats in the store) and We, prep*
to sell you a becoming hat that wit:make
you look every inch a man, -
We propose to lead the trade in Hats,
Ties, Shirts, Collars, Underwear, Ilmbrel-
lee and Gents' Furnishings, and most
emphatically on or4eri othiug. v?,
....tTI)P finest creaba Oaudies atIR Rill's
at 80 cents per lb,
—Mr Atex Dey, f Emit Wow Dobli, bay-
ing dieposed of .Iiia arm, bias fhOVUd into
town to reside.
--Call atAlex Ross" *colt Store and see
the Laurance speettale. • Solo *gent since
E. F Gereter left towu.
--Mrdehn EIderJ who ha een (mate:tad
to his home for;yo e time h la grippe.,
. .
s able tkr.belst141 _again.
—Frei% oranges, letnoes.
raieins. Malaga grapek a
be found in a first class
...nuts, snot
rythisg to
re at R
—On Sunday n4t. the R il Dr%Shaw, of
Toronto, assistant ecretar .of Methodist
Missions, will pre('h' miss nary sermons
in the Methodist 4urcb h e, at the usual
—For first -cls tailoring and choap
gents' furnishings, try Webster 84 Co,
Remember the place, only two doors noth,
of the old stand and between Ross' book-
store au4 Fisisted & Scott's bank.
—Bead Gotlon
vertisement j this i
—Mr L Lovell, o
Turuberry, will sell'
Implements, by
March 7th. Elb.le at
$5 and under cauls
-mouths credit will
auetioueer. .`
'-'Robert, you m
seine wi1l flower," s
tutv to a hikh Bebe
RObert thought
“Well, I reckon Inj
as near being wi
know of."
—Owing to the
Provincial Grand
the niiit regular
willjee held on
34th March, at 7.
PjarPle and -I3 iu
this rodetinsog.f
• ed, -
—lar T A. Mill '' new /.zdi•erti ment will
It 0 B T. 0 R R,- •
appear in next ek's issue. e is daily
..:• .receiving :large consig0tont of sprin
Direct importer: goods. Coll ;us see thet!,:-an • get price
Vile BEAR, March 6t13,--,.091. . —The 6 ani necond7p s in the Sail'.
' finoonteet a to Witinhom r were both
tROU, bylaws me by R H Sm & Co. of
'1i0O.A.t.' •N Lit Oatherinee. .79. ,Cline et coe solo
agents for their sale Winghani,
-.-„We ar,e now af1II1nP1cn31a dekgbing'— Asial in (tone° on t h Ille o C n
4 .
—0,Yatils..raw, mewed •,or fried, at R gregationalv oh, Wiogise win be held
-laill's city restaurant.
4 At the resided of Mr .-BObt arm, sr, on
--grmunio service its held in th *iiday'eeeein i'Mettel fitli won a good
Pretib terian el rob on unday last. 'r,::.:. "Trograinme w 1 be provide . Admission
. .....•
. ••;--rOtish for eggs at R AGraltamjii Market free. •;,'
, 4 a-Gordon0 McIntyre a, selling
u A y intend 4004
b • rlLoki out e lot ttljoiniug the:0*74e reduetiou. lie sure and itiepoot their stock
, iin•
Aialt.r: , if you want anytung wittLer or early
tiog, balinceiof their lvint• es- stye grdlit
01 yre'S new ad.
lot , concession 8,
f rip stook and
etio , on Saturday,
2 4;1 lock, • Terms—
vex at amount ten
ive oa. Cowan,
y give the name ,,of
id the tescher i het -
i, boy the other day,
ile and then said:
n meal 'comes about
.1dour as anything I
faunal -meeting of the
odge'being postponed,
estIng of L 0 L No 794
dneiday evening, the
inatead of the 25th.
degrees will be given at
•11 attendance is'kequest-
Amongst th former Winghamites
110 were in tow to vote, were : Messrs
Walter Scott. Sit • uol Smith, Wirs'Seett,E
Smith, of Toron n;•joe Youhillv of, ,Win-
nipeg Richard Coad tted ,Ltetit Young,
Bengali ; J L Co tts, St ;Tfionatte, A Bit,
—Ur John C Trite, w111 sell by public
auction, on Fri ay, .6th .10e,„the farm
stock aka staple ants of Mr' • ell 1. Rib::
elinLarendo;sh t,,44,0,;rtPO414o;ltc
10 roiontlionredit be7givec,:je
tool, of Lot 21',
nosh. Sate, o
shayp. o and.
—Avery. Wom
spriug goods
etylee are illuetrat
, Vrayer ankd 4eolitheifk.ii
Mpray for Vetter f tuna and
E ugh to keep we ,eterif
- he BaW. inOls of Mr A.rch
Pah4ley,•. formerly f :this t
is interested jiiit-now
In -what to -wear r spring: The latest
d, neWest Materials
righteet ideas einhod
basa..elihf40,4-1)` '
n Wine over One na-
tin fashion • tan.
o home, stitl•the wow.,
an •
cu do without ft.',
enticalwith that pub,.
Sighed from New ik, a. year. Address
.tlio Delineator, To onto. •
—•-The numerou 'friends of Bev Robt
"Hendersim, of Bd. iHa, brother of Mr E
1tfenderson,of W •teeburch,w ill hi gra,ti-
fie'd to hear of the 'eat success which inv.
der God's blessing asatteilded his labors
since his ordinatio and induction to the
• Charge of Bayfiel acclBethany in the
Presbytery of Hu n, eight months ago,
During that time • e has received66 into
meMbership ; 44 •it profession of faith
and 12 by. certifio e. Of these 46 werE
received in f.layfiel and 10 in Bethany
tthZ , , a 460 • • , ,, .. ...I
--C,F Sters-47,ow; stewed er friWAIT f
ed,- riVas .
-0, • • . , .. Leht, g,,4ayc
'deeefibed and
--Tho East anrors etteherseAssoeuttion 'And so auLtt131 apyi ch I have This issue
,held their re tar tat mit ine'etitigi0.1.305:'
eel's ou Thar daj.kp griday of last we04.
—If Ybar_ifiAtetl0;011init iicieti', repairing.
to W • Id WialscA,;;;Mittiliinaker and
foiltt d0Or'tt stefd•de. , .
_ itist churcheslant
-: Hiiiiclty.The ev job Scott, hi A,preaeh-
`' '1.0d.sePropriat sereno e tho Methodist
.,chureli here.
•Irou eAnt,,--A.Pleasant home convepient.
,,ly-situated, fine vie* of the town. Terms
t•o suit purohaser. Willbe sold eheap. Ap-
ply e els? to DM. Goebert.
tirr4Tain Lemin x, who carried on
he blacksmit ing an 1 carriage making
in town for m ny yei re, has purchased
liin brother's f rm iu 3 act Wawaaoth. and
intends to re love el ortly) Ile will eon,
. •
, them his Ijuii ess ill t
—White kid gloves, trecellent quality,
now selling for 60 cents per pair,als0 white
°deeiO muslin and satin tht coat price at
au& 1:1, the tailor's.
ring last, w.0
a tendanoe• ot
good, and ever
$ Factory Bend
With choice selflctioilth of
ley, caretaker f the Tit
in hie power t make A
•icomfortable possibl .
in the rig
s a grand.
skaters in
hint; passe
on Monday
%room. ' The
aohume %vas
off *ell, Dell's
e prOneedinge
este. AfrWhite.
did everything,
red pages of ititere
or atteh• Priloilesi hints for
der 18 any wo
of Canadian edition, i
• ,
wn, were
burned a few 4tyo -ago, entaill
a • lose • of upfvardn o $4,000.
sVisher has the s mpathy o his man
friends 'wads vioiniy.
—lust arrived at It Rill's, a fresh stook
of scanned *rods peas, corn, tomatoes,
salmon, sardines, lobsters, haddies, con-
densed coilee0;ku to be mold cheap
iC.Spar1ing last y
btisiness, han just rot
Ttlanitobit and the N
bilsiness very dull i
fact. in all the towns
_ •
was engag d with Mrf,
Hu the Et .130406*
rued from v1Sit to
thwest. reportsi
• Wiunipe id, in
roughout ti toba.
H. Watson, Pastor.' Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p.
:Sabbath School at close of Morning Ser-
Preyer Meeting every Wednesday
at 7.30 p. m. Seats free. Strangers wel-
eeme. Subject next Sabbath . evening,
*L'Ari Old Time Sceptic."
sposed of the
ed by Ur It P
Mr Geo Paylp has
ritish Hotel, forjieniy ow
Sininions, to llZ4 Alex 0
who took posses •on W
John Patterson,
nesday. lkfr'
ho -haf occupied the
who attended as' hotel for the past ear or so, we under-.
!stand, intends I' ing pr in town
for a time, at lea t. 1;4
—De not wear took boots at thili season
.of the year for you will be sure to suffer
, goy it but get a pair of 'high Out seamless
solid kip booth. Bold by Goanott & Mole.
T YR% at the price charged by other houses
for tlerrrt013 goods.
Mr John X
:Eteen appointed a
eneetteg of the
Ontario Wept
Thonise ou t
=attend the 'ant
Chapter of th Royal
Irelatid, whilI will
place, on the etd ir
0, T • rains
'MAIM Wing' *t 6.80
v ; • ia W %kohm, .•
is of L 0 L, has
to the annual
reed Lodge of
II be held in St
eb. lie will oleo
..g of the Grand
Bloc* Ithiellis of
, held 4n the same
event° and east
Amid 11.10 a.m.
a at 6.46 a.m.
lad Guelph.
Good connections . all trains.
4000,—fgeetrre Butt
'factory, in addi
'businees, are no
title* of maple
shipping to the
lore ore needin
reanglim Re
their as* Mit
&Mg retvitiolf
a delegat
hich w
e „ 24th '
al Mee
S ta 8•40 Citintoit
.1z Peasant,
on to their '011
turnieg Mit I,
toilers, wlii
Vire statottl.0
e tic's) &
sal 1045-F"
the °hair
r making
te tputn,
they are
este, r01.
'e Of cleanse
ut have
ta now, tray*
Elerr„ They
• --The Liberal me
on Tuesday eveeit
The hall was crew
• many could not .gai
Morton Occupied th
were delivered by M
ISbn dohti
and Dr Ileaolonald
favor of unrestrio4
• speakere Were conVI
reeived. An oppor
any one to address
Holtsies, interest, bu
-invitation extended,
,eiseod that Mr Thos
61 Bruseels, was itt t
was there tO reptes
ting in the town hall,
R. was a grand one.
d to the door, asa
• admission. Mr 1 A
ehair, and addresees
ThOs Gibson, M PP,
2, for South Huron
The arguments it
recietocitypby the
fag, d welpo wel
city was 'given fei
the meeting itt Di
no ote accepted tht
hough it was under.
arrow, postmaster
e hall, and that hi
t the Conservative
--Auseetti Cousres.---Saturday night
Feuer Dress Goods 6c,Ladiee Pine Shoes
$1,5011ob lot of Shawls,Goves and Mei ery
Linen sea Silk Handkerchiefs. Gents all
wool 0Vbittpots for $476, Gents Tio 12a at
—An ingen i awindle.a-On
teat scheme, swindleism is
',Photograph ,eulttrged life s'
Seed a hall portrait
yourself." T e small portri
Ate amulet h re after a ti
eked photogr 'ph is ready,
magnidoent %tura, and tr
be framed. With this it
catalogue eh wing prices of
with a reed rceudation of
what expen vet pattern, as
end figere o to great adv
one tit the f tete be soot to
the Mlly lo heart( no mor
eisel phot aph for not
vinaef If."
Oh,Wh&t1 tough.
WiItyon heed the warning ? The signal
perhaps of the fore approyeah of that Inert
Werittb distal% Coneunaptiars. Ask vont-
esivel if you 044 *Nord far the, nuke of
satati*btee to run the tisk and doe trgiN,
of the le.
to advertise
ea for noth.
nd convince
t being sent,
that the life -
at ibinakesit
bit ought to
r acmes a
reut qylet
40 of a some..
it setsthe face
t " if the
bit erbieer,
of die
g," bat
tro 419410
—We take th t following from th
Walkerville Merou Mise Ireland i
the daughter of i?le ease Triltnd, of this
town On Saturday •veining lett, one o
the most pleasant so al events of the sea
son took place at the esidence of Conezil
'Ior W A and WS th. a, SOOORd 4.000he
Walkerville, it being the occasion ot
birthday anniversary f Miss Hattie lr
.laud„ Mrs Oates' Siete • Alien Ireland
very popular gout* • dy itt WallterVilk
Windsor and Detre , and' a talents
musioian. ITOWLirds of #0 guise% wer
present on Saturday wish leer ',Man
happy returns of the ay," owl a charm
ing musical evening was ,bpettb„ Sbr
lutes had net forgott tbat 'even singer
Atee u ire aeateimeea, a "datbet Ibriei01
vino *lone," and • ott sumptuous bac
quilt ase Sproid du ng the •evening fo
her sietorli gueste. los Ireland's bird
day preterits were •Y„, beiaitiful an
ir▪ eteawk. ,
Wantedo nntArses, P#01 ayarktil