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Wingham Times, 1891-03-06, Page 2
r • "The Phr. 1; naafi; 4t walled tour l rtla +inerkedf►y. fill is; n k 44 ttttuxa!+l; rrreenl ito a tatrdrrtg'. 3 + wants of , .T videaitlY the hardest p address to dear up Waif. tlhfa• cnitutr•zt:.,Ffa suckle entttaitinft• Into a ',^utile uttlril elat). •aud rilpettee. iraoUer fitriLyic.7i8tatisLlervatiRtni'lil o a way, Mf. Rows d is rep 't,l,el,t; ting` gon, ale tegrity, and. every rector on idencfh in his n t ity to s Carry liberal ide a t1. sets 'Pitt" Proat Nor CIi lt'estern Company hest ,rued ail e:otnmerui�ll bus t The Huh of Indus ry has now well established minium Maale world.,— Found {ir rriillrorl logs in 1. start their milt the lir p (mope has st' l 'confined) • their horns. Jello Can ubelI,Mr•a Henderson, Mrs Kew rind of .rs, "Miss It Cohn nntprtatratel�• atepp .. on a uaodle olid it nenetrate4 the sd) of her foot end thicker)) is inF} very cri ial ectlditieu.--- On .the 1dlit,llr,antt f rs Worden were Ir4efiiy palled to Jri •efield to attend the funeral of their i Free._ IU rant) Mrs ,f .brarbPr d,xe en r visit to friends at aamlaehie —Air Cobert Darker and bride left here of tllonday tor an ea:- tended 'bridal roti , 1i'e wish thorn. Joy..„...Tho nrga t rinestion i$ to be considered at the etihndist church, 27th inst. A full etten' nce is request, ltd, r. Towier's Drug 8 'o Phreennor Anil porn* ert*aril�erne 4 Pitre DTII T. «r te' (Monical � el;tefl line of Tenet loth:len, perfumer, rpouge- a <.,SpectuCtee,.etc, 11111V41,1 61`04-.. fr. ft : • T,EraPlia � : CCNTRAL srrlsuslrle mut OttasaTRn1MTOW$TieffaT Ol+'1rfOn. Winn) in, Ont. ell chosen tl)e topics of eels/wen of ),welt•Ii)It)t,r• ;yeomanry. it of the why lues Iy hese election rely htecos, ;,t. .. _ . invention, . aaxa)a; lalacf•el �c+"i4i u'•lil in chzt)aactirtr! 'ait1r there Furniture ..: Id il��e,trausr' cuTll'kru��y`{cii ltinilta cif Hard. Saari Son 111 climber,i,ture aetori*, we lit= .rj U )Ilan of any ut�'per•ti;"to the contrary, Bird. tviil. pay Iiieharit Prices, the .4tate i�rtlrtrttlti tit ii ech and is In the, tit It llhxtante we ,ot trtllata�lrrr' leer have fuse tilt fuel ehrnatiufauture all our nwu Luittber into Furniture, a lean y , giving us the advantage in every respect.. a and +nista an Gtr to victory p have advertised for 2,QQO, OQ fel, t of Lt ot-J r Logs and we intend Telegraph u t u d see Cat vlrr tohare t ti station. .............p.........6.................................. "„'a ..yolx with the OTC OUR 1"/ ` • over „ a�,artl p:�tranize flea 1 ;• ' � LOG rt *000,000I ss at.th c rig afll tunes FESEITAflY 27, 1801. EAST ; WON. DR MAO ONALD 1Vit1 hold'. Meetings plaeos, for the t the following urPOSe of Diseu;ssjng i e Politica Now before the ountry: Molesworth,' Fri Feb. 27 Cation o have J`atrd, and will ra tit Who increased the in ices fur' 3'oih rax.—Li tap on:i to 1 1 ...,s.... Fzrx, Glenfa,. oyer. 3amestowSt, Sa ilyday, Feb. 28 ; J/'t Poi;tics �JIa,A rel I'ol.ities PChltG1CS.t, (i I iyt , itlanday,, r arch. 2 ; 1 p 1. of Cis .sh'iil, is visitin ail:•. W, exam, a=_tiny March l:ttives here,^n; las Maggie Freeborn,o-i s©tingt3 Will 4I1 co •rzieneo at 7.30 � of Wellesley, i vtsrtititr p, m. Yeith'fktPnfls h re -.-Quito a number • Cpposit on invit<td frtruh here Atte, •' the enneert in i3lnr,v;ths on Friday evening.-.tlij:[b rand _. _.• l from Toronto. nut proved . so t anticipated, as heet1 taken off. -+-• u thee. .'tlet-liodil;t cess tinaacle/Iv, . its . well 1t� cit Nervi Ise, The.day had been suint rt�t ,rtstorwy, bu, the F,vet,i )e; Was liengtiftil, so flint !a g r1 crowd gather to to partake ref the roil ntiful repast prepared for theta b the hidisss of tlu cop ret;ration. Aft.r t1hti inner mall %VAR t,a$h ed, tilp Ittirlliaf, the Rev. aielLaug aria) . cttlle t 1,ct aridieupe fa order, nn4 the progr, „r tine of the even. h• • in;�• was trnintne lead is the Wro,Fett . Ts.1• duty elft ir, which supplied. ha music of the e vtro evening, Thera fJ .owed F•xcr (3v eddresses;.full of -tr It ,and humor. Thea . q$.'it) the. Rev Messrs •1ttgers of Atttyr i... Is ...... .,...c...,... t .,n 1)4a3'i&I-UTC, of iVra Ht&r ant.1'!'nrrfl a• dollar, for our f rnlprs to vd,tq of .6101T -ie.; 'A sec i1, for the Jnr against the { n'rier�lflt rat turd for e'1rNn 54horrl Cltildteu, we Iszeici this fdlllo restricted reciprocii,,,•''. J, et^Nttitra: 'tib u p c:es 1 a1:5. ) tatlhCriitity° lien, they Lope ho Workingmen. ) Mr Toth. ewer 8° It �. t tb1 fluff' cif: Cowan tot lrartnNr. of PTPRR t Tnrnberry n rhe 2dElr 1'54 4i',' rFa 4 :it. U Balt. IS net1 htuber t ipr;r • Iz drtuychta r.Yuirrpitre for Lila 'To Glut~ and tl,c,:4,01"'''.„kMr°1, 1" 4t'int;h,In, , •the 2 • 51r h L 5rennnnK, 0th lnst,':1;ho a•rtC P \Ve would .c . 1 the attention of t>tia-Iot.neveery',tett+rn,orrthe ?othrnst,thewrf@ wtlrliin„11rc�Ii in Lli n Mica litieo IV%le) ur 11 O4ar,re ltutt•v;.iteI „hter. bN 'nay via1,1rt1,Sa 31t lL"hr •)tune r it dorm the •' 1 >, t n this 23th IirRt . 4a sr +ai ten' uF kcduler Y' , ti vita ilr4at torden, a tiro, ter, f Iu' first, l)i Cowatl &.. ao p i 1tg�t; IC13 ^' is notorious t f •r` yea tr`entinna n sitinn to t[aNYtllr..t'A..'. - —Th. tt [ni•hnm, on this 19th t`eh rr. Dorhig the , lotion• Inst ,y TlreltCi fl -Th. leo' e !t r•lrai'tim aiaskrus, the toldFS T d+t r1ir+ t'atrltk,tolrnttrct'8 ;the ton Iajivtsi. year or tie Since, T, r Cowan 'filled his Ret fF- d k• eh2t+l tCA SVi .Tt•,gf n',,he 1..t11 IA iieyntn F Rip W' tilt scab wo fabler) • and appetite. ty,Tes.de,.tian,;l lei• of hlr-a, ti,Trriurkur of r'tilN,>ZB. fiCr•dt and declare MtlAre t t$unt.t.--At?tap Lea? Patin. .h ',Heft r clare, the es d.blishmeut on the inn it CpitiPri-t ihtirn)t met T ien, daughter or „Mi- ner1tuI 1tt v a1Cl, Ahe ir tteiirl1. Ofytja{vi- This rule is in noon. to i1s5A Isltbolk, .e 1 e force tn.`.la v, AAA y t this glib tonyn ri, halter iirddell lrvpottriiicah, iitrl ter Kite ltftti the nn. ID Z I. E. jrndnt,Ce to get t3 t before the 'falmix In Cuaropa, on t 4th int t, Geerire, trout P on o 1r ()oaten Pbtitelt tired 2' vearsar d it) months. the tfrnriied that t Secures there, fait; 1 Cisltror;ar s o is • Aros rep, 1 danvar.* 8 y Eliza Ire!! tomtit and good wages{-....'I'lle,. eddy'''f"'ti''Fn afDavidI{irks• tell, rood9Jarrnrlr. Ltt1i•'r Advocate. The Vargo, That the farm flet* race Under 3fr Fin is goes wit/toil tion to.il.is ever 1•y his own (love untent) ho in'for>rt.ri to pay hot/0,101 <, the Americans fore ha is allow d t pi•ivrlege'of their fnar•ket. A ntitn lIrrTg 101)' nert•s wnutdi )tare, ort tit: aver;tt ; hurley, 511(1 hesbehi; ; peas 300 'lulslrela; end ira shoul+t have 1' lie, se: per y r •for „lath-. of, "null tender the'n esent errangemen. re pa into tile Yankees' strong barb the dowing amounts, viz ran Two lto,s8s tial, Partin, > l iggins iras returner r ra handicapped ig !ilia lr tired hand lie e pr 'rent arrange aer`Irrtid as w is at ill saying, In adds_ his little fin'ge'r its tTCrea'4irrti taxn,titan , l;,iitl tet:-1rlLptin''' •cheer1i:ir•€18.th raj nfG ''lrM rtt'lrfi, fi jt Maple, .. 4 ...oe0 t)t1„ #S aple, ,d.. ....,., .......• 7 f �• ......... ...iFfl. 0 pluck .j�rlablvatrcl .., .. ., 8 UO Notwithstanding Gl,e report flint we are net 8 00 ..es.....•• 6 00.4., nilr lisle, ?ia above, and will do Ho all tthrou *h the rhe rhi But wL yotr to bring your Logs fro1a other mills. -`� al straion.ght. But we do - u Ileal stt•a,i;irt. ]I)itoh ....... 4 ell Lr oclt.. ,....... 4...• 7 (i0 .h 0 0t) .,7 00 are still 114iyinz all classesa of .1.ri*knot offer you 23 neat' O .eta, .to induce Rush along 'a ;dogs and wo will endeavor to satisfy customers. IRIST, .GREEN WINGHAIW DOG LOST.p, Alin xAN .kIou », L sits nstt t 4;. BLarnr Q an. der lte11y s, !mar cemetery. A. suittibie reward will by kiwi) if left at; the Wing. harp Tannery ` or at the Brick Yard, ..'LI BOLT. . i TE .4 few stood bion to repre- sent fu bits rad 0211011dest enoutl*res,.'the Ord and lie. l R E, g"`" Q Irnhle ticgtVICLAS!! NUft. over. )torr It yourl'Chance ra fgwt ake n known the verb) trutf•t tater eon tmrY tiiantevery 'week Write at oleo for ft territory,) lelars tiny every C I3r1si AROS•. co. Nurserymen, Colha rno Ont. [ ISI eu COWAN, 1 Cnri;x 9'rx Dzv. Coiner Co. Harlow, <` AUCTIONEER, • IsSIIPi't OE' MARRIAGE LTC.L"..i�T�jl Coartal1S8rossu ri1 II; C. J., L�'C,, 1'71104t,F,2'RIa, CONT 'tLoan on ''Not,e. lleri> ' N:oto isco .nye r•T b • A•T R., ASONJ ELx;: Ar,Ct1✓S. l4d, ,+.. hiottr{r attlouccd on Mortgagee et 8 pcc cent. �vitH prh•littre of paying at tits mill 0 uny year.' Note 1)Cti, alai acuvuatb e' ti t11ay WyIGS d1 to Vote for Th C%. (!4ln:tonalr lWOHiCyt', Whit R� t wINCk:tLAM M.A.1tIchlT8. iclrata #?7 ak1 FtttTl Cnrrettted.1; • r . ' 1) s rltrAar 1eb„ 20^1B t,4Ans, t"roihlcai)edlon ,our per uin flsr., 2 t 0 to Ute,' cart i,weedl ecly htdi ibhcatper fueled olntng ., 0 113 to I 0 03 to ntae3 40 to 4 ehU!di2. Peon, 3.i to 4 11/1x01. t 1,4 to 1 14 to t 13 to t 1 •,tq 1� t1 OO to fi est, rr0oto fit at 51) OC tit t (enowi to , r Or rum 49iL`11 } (In ' 11...414, l••p't1on !Mitt .r8 net; 4111 tan )foe eette l,,ie!trnfi amusing , e 2tautrelt Conser, geed ' t eagerly ti etc 111) re9PNti 1't�14'g ,� the 1�'Titl• �,�,,.,,».k..�u 's, 'Prat; the condition of htecl ,lruti ;Cal reign Are soitit'• ting o . Deep the: hail txtil ::.. We are Rlrty lute the earn~ ,1'k hot. Tito tithe �` ehort. A )rine{ .rr•Iti etrohg pull on e fill) ittf" March mo It l�pset tblat U+tt offal ithrl reatriGtw orate. .+4 pity fit tti it or tale country vv tlh 061.1 likfl r d c,f uflpital, bon eon 01001f1.. Mr J : Fea ltowend, the rtt,nj7ilitdrr,{ tihar)td ,xndidate for the bf rails Great Cough Cats lir 'Weer )Biot of Brno . dropped in upon arithottt u parallel in the history of medicine, �rar �aLfrr. altailrionly, dee:lay igsralying, kit,* ar tecruggists a&testthatn°ethercurecansec.' 17"11• anti opened ter hie first . of n ceaefutry stand. , That it may become known. ttPtrivpu ,aidd�r,,ae!fi> eleotgl'atrf the.the PeeprietonT, et sea enormous er'tpettse, are los, rk loamy aminbor solnl filacing.a Sam la Bottle Free into every bottle , r #tt he United sad Caned 1f�'thtintvrr t ' a ' her t the+ burrittrr4 s rl h. tierce y +fti t' 1nf,clilda, 11, for Ji Fit (4 - h,ER tip* ehoern . It rill etre yen. a hos the ere* , of the mrHar 1R, )flier K t.vl f t., C , zraaltptotttn Iw.sta 4....rpai ' ""'lalrlill, d 'il'r.Cidr'0� Mr, � that Insidious disease the ang1,drrte "` aaB fk. Slil,� �#:f.�rti'ice��d.: CONSUMPTION • sore Or o ecttd. ,,t0131”. MOf2JIDeo:. fr,,ures,-ffcnr o gloe11 SVtn;thetn.Ont. VI p TANNERY 7 — inti-•- _-- GT..,fiV rU oo WING -•. , 1..�✓+�, 4 �.✓ 1 -. •J , �r .r � A I ., 0100 :8•111111 ,1 r _,,ICJ `,r . UIr'. ALL, A C(irVER.Gtv:Cti'.1r'.RI1:A] with ev tZltl thilil; to preserve t -be books arid • et4, book pi) re Based. Just keep tlliln clean, .... 'ULr T.INE;i, rode -ail Papers and Stationer „rlta tt When needing. a ny^thint; in our 4pe give t >�tsn ra,l:i: We �.el! cheap,.szt NOTICE. As I understand it bas been. very �W•ooly circulated around Windham awl i.-,6itrity,. to the injury of my business,' that T was not 1n the marivet to worts In nook, )lent, Calf,\a 1 n or buy saw l0 1 do custom ;sawing r ti , Serena*, Frr44r lir ii1s11 o o say 1 a sawing in 140” l�r'SxrnR tlleves alwryb Td, atoc.Fr' or the market to do tail meets jo ardor, thecal may be -o 7ers JIs cuatoau aflhe rEuettl d, Ono, e ro uh the )hoe Z,4; '. rAN'c.11' that IL LY be brought to Also et, f a w ;,..-.7-....- As I ate Utit bound by any combine, I am afliberty to ttko all kinds of either . '..-- .# hard qt. sort *Tied and pay full value for Don't hay it 1tehe until you see them. mom. Ibing along your logs. Zetiond, Dee. 30t12.1890, • A, hilt Atook of Kid, Freholi sad Comeatio Calf, And 40 TAX:141),IXt STZ.A.111$11IPS. gidereptelleitedi ,. sl • t eTbe Undlersit;nad Tara Prepared to pay 1. tlto . u a l est Cash Priv Mor .5 k. li le of fleet) Sound WARD 4'WD SOFT WOOD NOS Pal;roroil of thoir NW Yard In Wing:nun. 1 :4.130 ter Basmoori Heading Bolts i CUSTOM SAWING ak. a. conevs,'Ire-ing-sbout to give op idnice Tbis oroporty Is siuisted en thts tether of John 001 tifumom.reeie, ttinehero, end ont.eists of two finite Storey Plume Houre. with Nino nom!, not Alr Furnace, liar d cud 411 Water, 4.0. also a 4reed Stable, Vol, tet ins 40.1 aPPIY on the preinises hr NEW DUTCHER SHOP. withealo Nth -nate to the ppopto c,1 Wingiuun And vichraki% that, ho has immure:peed the autottering a fin', door* Plot tif oi the 11runewick flown,. Portland. or Hall. a , and $13.0 littartf, tocordmit• to looetioli of Mesta doli pared to any port ot Olt tOWO. IVA ;1441 NTIatiiltintATL, Outward rge; Prepaid #30. . eteerage at lowest mete. ktiply to R. It it,, ALL irit, Itheitrool, et 1-1ENRY DA1718, WxxuritAx. 1 n i . i, ti , REMOVED I REMOVED 1 ir LA .'ihG 114 I 1 t iornoth's Mock. directly opposite the hank of Raw, aim, u here 1 will keep a full stock of tho ' . yr ' As well a* a iftv of the cheaper linee, t an supply Needier!, OliZeTt.71 Repairs for elt Wads I BilitillitiG tifil_Ta!flAai, of ell kinds As ,I intend to Omit Knitting NH Kinds et Hosiery, is A 1.1 ILI) 00/1, DLI,x1) fe First Clam Stile turd on the !shorted notice, etit.1 - '" i'k j'4 3/ 1111 t CI V1'411alsoltsep a *took of ter Machin tbrot In the tio0/1,) art hang] tor void at roasonahlo twice*. ' hot* frying ono, as Okay wM knit br bawd in too Oboe tho Nosier rttre in* *Week Who hank HAVE VO What aur impr in aa11aA'sapp :hat snakes the no matter • h clothes may bt We have giv attention thirss Choicest Prodi and American ALL NEW. - of old hate in t to sell you a h you look every We propose Ties, Shirts, his and Gents emphatically BEAR, L0 -We dune n ()pathire,,r $))f'a'ulty res churelt .hero. the blaeks Itoad! for a brother's -White • nett,' Selling 'ties in must Mei& the to Ding last good, and ev Finitory Bat ivith choice ettretiiit "' its hie panto tic ' ft1 the year , Tor it but ge fla lid kip, be Yhtt at the .f or 00fx1fritlii Mr 4t) 'meeting of 1 -attend the Chapter of Ireland, * place, 011 t,b leave Wing And p Good coke irostelliteettre factory, in tibiae of lets arena. tatinghtie "their mot u tog reebtel