HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-27, Page 7t► Li leo pound. ^iv irk se ft mere with hie Mone at s front 2 Ceuta 2 canna It tarty. If the Bride') '�,tliex�ue„t 1. f er pound. restrict or prohibit the holding of Jive licurl and iniad from cent t4 eartle from /ror,lus the Atliurter it will waifs per pound, , punt's be its it PlatZ'r of ltiittiali.it* ' sef null ton. ete , from' 1 cent up 1 with tiY to )r'rtNc+Nnl # 13 t0 „ a r N will a NH,lll adopt i t. strotit s awl prtane from 1 ce>Ar li 1txpeetiag to be dile to do as !!rite: 0 F1_isl Q,�ifa:'ZURE FOR to s C�r • .:013, al)1v1PTlQN 'i ' H. not 'Vl .1 a X13 i ;� (inti tri PEW p Ulla t iN trilyde ill levo t.tttle ceMed. Wore l -�---V1'0011111V� 11 1, G tppo'' or Iutiueuza vitt) bt*quickly' t) apt 14 p Y p l!" t.P i owed oy toe utieof Wiinon'e Compound of a!prevail matins of 8,'miirt6 tis [+, f tV i (tievey, the aid reliable rainedy'ior i We wish to inform the public that we have these bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup,Cold:r, carc4leses. This is the view Mr Rhin.. !",Celan Alil)s in A 1 running' order, and will this EAou,lis laud other diseases of respiratory twill takes --dud he knows whatnein• saasan¢Ivosuecialattenttonio WIlsou'a bVild Cherry has been i t. . h1 *write n in µfo for ri;eany years and is highly recow- talking n ren - e . tu$niled by all wire know Its virtues, bold which sentimental feellipt H povgrn. En.tlisii ti de - -S io.11lard Cartl- w Light at 'reroute. Owing to the uuprecedented,demond for piete,glaes it has advanced considerably is price. Me(!srs McCausland c%`Sou,'i'urolito, fartuuately made' it contract' before the udvauce for to very oousidertible quantity, and are thus enabled to offer their pi;t ne 1:1Y i)rip otitteut druggieti±, • COMBINES VS, PEOPLE. exert'1 )U3 TRIM UTE PAID JOINTLY TO TWO COMIiilES AND TILE GOyICI;NMENT.. ll ere are a few special taxes impos, ,Itil en Canartiaes at the present tune : { this season a decided advantage lir price, 1 the quality being superior to any evt,r pre - Rice -75 per cent. r viously imported. bl(tlaeseit and syrup -1 cent per` Tee E'oorBoy. jolted aur! 80 per cent. Actual duty, `15to 100 per cent. °Sugar—I't.'ice of white sugar in Liverpool 2fr cents per pound ; duty, fl. eeuce per pound, and 85 per cent. arm 7i per cent, ; in all 99i per cent. Qt,e dollar's worth of sugar will cost tlfe workingmen of London $1.991. AN ACTUAL 1:XAMPLLr. Ia .Tune, 1890, 86 bags yellow sugar Costing 10s 6d per 112 pounds in Bngland, amounting to .£91 3s 9d. . , 6443.75 , Duty on wale, 19,264 pounds, at 1% per cent $228 96per pound ;35 net (tent on cost ....$443 75)155) 40 '7% per cent on duty...( 443 75) 33 321 Total duty Qve1 105 per cent Thi kind of sugar is used by the workingmen and farmers, and is what the present (4overnineitt try to make fop believe is a luxury. Blankets, 10 cents per llonnti end :20 per cent. or 00 to 80 per emit.. Wall paper, 100 to 160 per cent. Above are a few of the reasons why ;times are dull, The actual neeessitiee go ate life cost jou twice their value. 3446 68 "La Grippe" :Te eimpiy epidemic Influenza; Wilson's Viidelierryf 3vt11 cure ft safely aud`quickly. (het the genuine, in White wrappers only,,, 's:ad use it as'direeted for Influenza. /4 r, • BuItiMae and Sentiment, >, You ask me why I wander here, Alone upon Street? In kindness I will answer you, A, home I,oyly seek. My father, be hag spent bis days In dissipation While I din ileft to wander here fits bi,l'y ktarving child, My mother, deter, so good and kind. Il id keep me warm and dry, But uo}v she's taken from sur home, To mausione in the sky. And wtlile,I wander here aolne, To face the storm so cord, And when ;I ask from you miy.(bread, Pray do not think the ziirl. Oh i pity me, kiiid frselid,,p,ruy, And help in my dtstresti, So give rue food and raiment clean, And all my wants redress. Some day my father may return, And seek leis -wandering boy, To bless the friends that gave me aid Will be greater' joy. ph I could I from thine eye a tear, To ripple on thy cheek, When 1 with you do plead so kind, 'Viii cold upon the street. • And may the kindness,thatyoti show To Me a wandering boy, On earth to you great pleasure give, In leaven a lasting joy. Wingham. 1890.Guo. McTAvnin. Pearls of Truth. . Still in ourselves in every place consigned, Our own felicity we make or find. --.[Goldsmith. To be happy meaus to be self-euflici eat:--- [Aristotle., i, TOM WORK is all its branches, and will keep in stook a clapi of tirst•elase reetrde, such as ' Tweeds* Flannels, Eto1 s, lancets, a heetings? StockingYans WINGRAVI MRBLE WORKS I a of aging a retrospect et my thirteen o r f i rte sn an, business in Wineham, 1 desire mos* hearthy to oder my thanks to toy friends and the public gen erally for the liberal patronage extended to ore In the past, may also state Met 109'l ill a poeition to otter better inducements than ever to those oequirine anything in the 7hoe at Granite or Stone Monti newts, 1-1EADSTOlEs, 74,IN,DO W SILLS, STONE ,TRIMMINGS ,FOR rproniG, Eio I would be pleased to have those tiestrqu pro. g ring any articles in may line to milord) examine goods, compare prices and leave their o.ders, so that the goods may be secured and prepared e'art y in ,the season. You can select from the latest resigns and Odell' finest wotlnuansbip at the mist favorable prices. Most respectfully, yours A CHANGE 1,top huu CHAS. KNii;CH TlLt Wishes to lnttu(ate to the people of 'Ingham and surrounding country that he has purchased the harness business lately carried on by Messrs. J. J. nanruth, & Son, and will. conduct it in the building one door south of Mr T A AIM store. DOUBLE AND SINGLE EARIT1?,Sy heavy or light, mads to order. A full line at Mores Llankete, Sleigh dells, Whips Currycomb*, l3.ruehes, ete'v, atwayeon hand. Repairing neatly rine promptly dose The patronage of the public solicited, and lratiefae• tion iu woric and material tuaranteed, C. 17NECHTEL WM. SMYTH, Wingham, Ort. 1 \Yinehnm, 1lai•ch 4 1800. aT tOc k TakillgSaIe.. (made fire n euro ,wool only) c#reap (!or cash•or ex 1ant,efo ,,weeroe! . Customer from a drstan, a elan have their roll home wtthit3 em the same 'day. uro 4i 'Ilighoetmarlcet price in cash for Morchantable. \soot, As to this talk of aneexetiota, I "elt'uk any word of that kind comes partie tlarly ill grace from the fodowers of a man who never, since have known him, for 85 years, has been without.a choice .specimen of a fallkblooded annexationist of 1849 in his ; Oabiuet. (Loud cheers )We are telessed in Canada with a set of loyale lasts, more loyal than the Queen here .self, more loyal than Mr Gladstone or ]:ori Salisbury, more loyal than any geutletntia that L have ever MA. Lot uie tali you what a distin, ;,ttishei English ex -representative said ties other day on this same quesk bi,oeof Oanadieu loyalty, itgr Pitmen wee in &touteral the other day on an el,rand with which I had not much a .sympathy, bectture he was endeavor - ng to attack our exports of uttttle ; awl, although Mr Plimsoll kuliw some. Oleg of what ho was tellling about, it ,appeared, I am sorry to say, that he, fwd !levet heard of Sir Charles Tap- per, (Laughter and cheers ) Well ell of ale, and there loyalists in pare Venter, may as well understand that iu matters of trade the idea of the Beglish people le business, and not INGLIS & CO''Y., Wingham. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. mon will buy the, OQELL TYPE$15 for with 78 characters, and 15 for the SINGLE CASE ODELL, warranted to do better work than any inachinc made. It combines simplicity with durability, speed, ease of operation, wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine. Tins no ink ribbon o bother the operator. It ie neat, substantial, nicket plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of type writing, .Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Two or ten copies can be made at one writing, Any intelligent person can become an operator in two days. we odor $1 ,000 to any operator who can equal the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted, Special nducements to Dealers. For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, &c., address ODELL TYPE WRITER Co., 85 and 87 5th: Ate CItICAOO, ILL, In much va,iedopa,p much grief ; and he that incretoseth.huowledge, increask eth sorrow.-- [Bible. The two foes to human happinees are pilin and boredom.- [Sehopenhauer. The lust of'Fame` is the last that a wise man shakes eff.—[Tacitus.. The moat essential feature in a wok man's life is her relation to man,-- [Sohopenhauer. :. Glories, like glowworms, afar off shine bright, But looked to near; have neither heat nor light.— [John Webster. What,a deal of grief, care, and other harmful excitement does a heavy dullness and cheerful inaensibility: avoid.— [Tliackeray, Women, when they are persuaded That the wildest of exoeaees Are the effects of love, forgive them easily. . —[Calderon. It 18 presence of danger that tests, presence of mind.— Peep. Death is a remedy against all evils. It is a most assured haven, never to be feared and often to be sought.— [Mon- taigne. The happiness of hien oanaists lulife,. mid of life in labor.-- [Tolstoi. Nature has tlo kindness, no Hospital- ity during a rain. In the fiercest heat of sunny days she retains a sweet mercy and welcomes the wayfarer to ZETLAND SAW MILL Combines All Broken, And so are the prices of Goods. We are bound to reduce our stock be,c fore Stock -taking, if prices will do it. • Has been doing a rushing business for the last three weeks, and the Sale still continues. MEOW THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. 'sympathy.—(hear, hoar)—and this is shady nooks whither Idle sub. cannot how Mt Plimsoll gives vein° to it :-- penetrate: but she provides uo shettler against her statin$.-tC'Iawthorne. k"sorne peop'e who hare spoken to tiro *spume that the reason why Canadian cattle are adonittttiree l lialsind wlii`fe t'bei catele afe ' ex`c ude'rl ie because &trade is a, British colony, because gouda is loyal. 1 do Trot wish to he tfisagreeal,le, but i think it is simply usc&ittte Canadian cattrre are, or are supposed to be, free from contagious' disease—nothing also, (Cheers acid laughiter) And he goes on for the bluetit Of Inperiel Fedeh :tionists in gerceral, 1 oone in Dritaitt, lvertlraeru,t of protection ; the pedple wotild not Wove it on any etcmint t it is like tying age hared an'd attet leg Reid theta WOOD delivered to any part •o# Winghatn. 'Orders by ,nal promptly attended to. GEORG1 T;k10MSON, wtngbam, P.o li'or there is auoh pleasure in complaining, That 1*philosopher I've heard maintain, !n r1 i One ought to Hoek a sorrow aad he vain of it, iu order to be privileged to Complain of it, [C,eldereu. lir 4. Is the time to paint your houses, and Sllchaahis Were Neuer Heard Of, If yon want a Remnant of any class of goods CHEAP, come and see Us. 500 Remnants of DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, &c., must be sold at any price. Goods all Marked Away Down - So as to give everyone a chance to secure a BIG BARGAIN„y , fleap'Flanneip, Cheap press Goods,, ' Cheap Tweeds, Cheap Overcoats, Cheap Furs, Cheap Blankets, Cheap Carpets, Everything Oheap. CHEAP I5 NO NAME FOR IT. Come and see for yourself what we are doing for Cash. Cash we want, and for Cash Mai. can Buy Goods Qh.eaer from RUBBER v PpINT Ottawa Free Press : Deprive the farmers of tariff' protection, but leave them at the tnerey of the coml,ines. Such is the policy winch the Tory leader's; ask the knurls uf °uta rio to endorse. — —is the -- BEST in the WORLD, None genuine unless stamped "Rubber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohio," We also have the best , waited. Wanted erat aawa,ta,a umber of y rworking uu { ca tl a and t t t, It Lsxxsy cattle wird aliaep. Appy a Winghturt. `tlt ANIeIt+llG rY,AN Mimi C8 ?atn11 '5 oe can get coet shade t i t10 desire,i in otiantities nor Whitewastifrrlr and tfalso(ninint , soak for and don't tette anything else. our Large, $tocic. and have a Better Choice, COME AND. SEE FOR YOURSftF1 We want to show the people how to SAVE MONEY. A doltaw veil is a dollar mile, so just try us and save the dollar every tune. T. A. MILLS.. A Ble"sing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT Those remectee have stood the test of fifty years arp ri ire , and aro proneimoed the best tMedirines tr t E PILLS t'urlt3 flee blood, coned all complaintsLIVER, cidet al to fort ales of all ages AND BOWELS an red am A. , Olin & Co tAL"J i4 A BE tel Lmott rt: Ts. Wisgllam. OY1\7'Y'1,1M1N'Z' xn, the only n1 remedy for had legs; sores, iirtrY, and old wounds. 1aa Pelt � r CIIItOATS, Cio19!OLDS, GOUT, ItFstMATlSy, . fiL<1UI1t,Aft elti'1:LLINC>S AND ltt.t, Ntii3 DISEASES IT I*AS NO lsQt1AL, Manufactured only at 78, New oxford. Late 188, oxford Street, Loudr,:, and Bold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. reerurilitsere 'Amnia look to the Label on the Boxes and Nets. If the ad(1resti 1A Oxford Street, London, they ate spurious. t --- I CUBE FI- Y`HOUSANDS QF 'BOTTLES SAVED AWAY YEARLY, NE When i say Our. lib flat tom pIsIi lti►to stop thorn for a tin*, rf�bhent tatunt again. sknAABADL. URIvdsth r OrlaH1fl% a ruE! gitrira gremedy to Waist c8.166. ecanee ir others have felted Is Se reason for not no* "k al'vi1 i[ a ret• i�uuoa rota treatise and a Fre* Bettie of my iinfaalilible► Reenietl,,rf. +iatric i k"(Met Mad. It oe.14,y6u for a trial, and P. cure on Addree1rill. 144 brae's ISO 411`010.11,4Di 4 l rr% WON1 As