HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-27, Page 5771r-7-7Ar,7 6 '
4 a
••• ; .0 •
of Ovoid Oliver Nowa., will, tiotwith. this man of "straw Land wind"
liVieili;DI°°. ,stitinling the tiefatious gerrymander, will'uul,k,Pe llt to) allowhIS aitinillectice ' • VI rn" R a g " Cl" a 14' L" D' S
A very eniQyable ttine trait spent at
'Mho return:a mujority in favor of ; to veld, as soddenly as his great . a Buz social, which was held at the 1
We 'know you expotit its to have' all the gf),)(1,110)oieSt ntrituhlititfitt in 11, of Domio. CDo.tv noun% ry, llistnarck, t he mall of residene"/ 1%1 I jutpmry, 0.0710E,,
, • . MASON%
yeeralltio tisiqiniesea note). Whigh1411..
Van Vika (;(df le lk+t oral al a l'Iondaik
of euelt montla,
most fashionable trivits in each depart- Inn affairs, where the liret vonsidetras. non and b cot , and we also trust
401pc lurtment. Wo have otaiured the most
, lion will bc, the welfare of the people at that ho will yet rise to such an altitude
i,idedNoveltiotablfor tho trado,
large, wh,06i, interests have been bet in the political heavens as will giandly
. dos suie '
Our efforts in thiS direction havo 'nor- aside for t' o aggrandisement ore inW Int'ef his laty aspirations, for ho is a
a 1 ni st Successful and satisfautory as government favorites and 'iloinhilittet. credit to his party. We have beard
, etror,, person trho examinesour goods on- era, who, by the aid of a corrupt ad t be t peaker of the evening, Ur Mae-
*dimes by givieg us a gild, tarp order. I ministration, have fastencd themselves at ove, recetre such applaon every
Our Drais. Wadi tract) hal- oponed aP ' upon the people and lino -Milt them to /band for his tisplendid speeoli” that we
vit.ia boom, and We uavdvbtaauuh value their pt•escht state of lamest abject confess the pride we possessed as critic
i poverty. bag been completely obliterated It
to oiler or assortment
I Much coonnent is made at th n ex,. may he that his is the inauguration of
Slea'uur benvY Caehtnero at 25°. nal pense of Sir John Macdonald. OU a.new style of eloquence, only impart
uit to $1.2t) ; Salta, Velvets, Mashes ; liemet of his f& *lid personal appeal ed to the 4 01 NV and unity he the
boauttful things in Prints, i'dushos,Liaces, to the eleabra. Outinervattves and outcome of the N P or some of the
and Embroideries. RefOrmers clike iidieu e the idlia • of other benign infleenons dispensed by
,A great nuMber are leaving t'leir or- raising th "hal ory” at this time; the "poyerit' at Ottawa., for if that
•"tiers for Spring Suits bo the goodil't and assnilingil a •very questionable was good.sVetthing, then it wan b•e
get picked over.. . manner his politial oppenvnt,s, whom that we are nattily prejudiced against
We have taken'a
Surely it the party. To give A. Musgrove
front stand in rim "unti" ‘)1 altioPthlY•
-7-saitm4s thin ,„anoia, asho tromb aro is a. cube of the.Pot calling the kettle his does, hoWhver, ve must t right Rotolo w-
libtok, or of bitten rebuking sin. It is !dg there. knot that insimiatinc,
a cry of despair, the hist w Lil of- abasive tone about hint, • so common
to speakers Of U.eir partysand it speaks
Grits rejoice IU justice. We rejoiCe.
in fair play. We desire to appeal to
general principles, and not to eater to
a partyism spirit,nor to prey upon the
feelings that tend to lower, as with the
brute creation. , 13tit what di l Mos-,
grove prove ur disprove on Smalley
last ? 1, ask yon, ny ConSei'Vative
friends, Where was the objedt /esti in,
and what. "policy" did he ' upheld.?
Ile never mentioned the ".National
Policy" and a substitute was not eveu
Oij13ootii and Shoes should be ex- , •
1 ,r 11i»Selq) Ulhelf algrat
anlitted and Quality culaParta 1,Y° am to he einolphell the great (mean 13i.
collftig only what wo can guarantee. pnlaio opinion,' Where be will loge his
We n011(.11161 , business on businesspolitirat life, tiltid no 'doubt the
principles. Ociock.4 aro sold solely on. their thong,' come to him of 'What miiat
• merits. We rely enterely on the good good be might belie dune, how he
fudgiriont of tho trade as to . the merits might hove inrolb Canada a great. and -
of our stookfor the spriog.and invite all tie pyy.alttina, [far people contented
to call and: look through. and prosperous( but doubtless roil:1003o
, se;xes hint when be looks to the past
iatA, contemplates what he has done
uiid Whet b w�uhl Bove done, aim ill
LEeTrrEp. tiespnir, like all droWning he
• Oitch, h at, a straw awsh
l ootS ot to
To the Ectitor'of the Toirs.•
the int olligent electors of Canaria to advanced. Tilers was not a Fiala,-
• ,
—The '1“Alejlt"Lit reg'n'a ttr.. 8.1Ve 111111, b081111.6e he is 10781. • LOV1.11, argument advanced but what could be
the Coatill4 lealaa$ very grw"a
, ""' feretooth 1 it reminds us ofthe Ciller- as gallantly refuted by the 'principles
of FreeTradc. and Mubgroirn made
Many achnissions where reciprocity in
the Products of • our count) y with the
Stathe tvould he. a benefit to re and
out 'oalih as u. State aeoe' Prated 13 it
it IS not our intention here to dilate un
the Trade Question. as the leading
paparg of Oar country are discussing
it in all its phases, Free Trade bts
many inlvocates in the widest known
political eoonairists of the day, whrtie
arghtill‘hts are so conclusive and -amuse
reasoning .so profound that they dare
not be disputed, and cur cosi.; as a
nation VA ILA completek • the pole
of thcir theory. We feel sure as any
case they ever specialised or det
mined on,. We rather complimented
Ir Mtlsgrove 011 8inea,ure of tuler.
enoe lie happens to poetess towards
au opprincut on the platform in a
liter. oat attViipit. htlr,ire renoot• say it •
as regards•blia running the' alma.' and
lint grL1; 0 up of a programme '60 (Its
cuss the queiitignis of rho thiy.
narrow nuliddiiesti asserted itsea et‘
twee, crio reftil :attention in cadet'
nekt day, treated consterolitiun among to see th t we and colnpany" ale
00114ague8 ly throwing the pron.. golorr everything our own way,
litairr the auspices of tho OrangeAiU
Sunday 801tool. There
being a fortp.secouci theatre at Gerrie
the sante night, the attendant's u ne
not so great as Pxpe,ot The receipt s
of the evening were 014 tiO
Roeial was OOticitioted on principlee
Battering to any chin oh oltanis aloe.
nothing being iildtlige11 that would
cause the least doubt of its prilcalstY
—Teo Patrons of Industry are flour-
ishing at Orange 11111. Live and let
live is their Motto.. They wish to he
granted the pkivilege that they
accord to others, namely: Organite ion
without molestation, by °insider's and
those having fokelgu interetit to Le
'cause. When Merchants, 11:tillers,
(to, bawl their meetinge to combine,
farmers never get an opportunity to
bigness their viewss:in the suitabtlity
oi unsuitability of the schetne. They
Maintain that they should be con-
sulted on what would cause thein
unnecessary expeuditure--Oex.
Yotd for Dr. Aim:clonal andtC.
Cameron, farmers, and secure an
open_ market for your surpluti
rod nee.
14.1‘i the tittle approaches it 8(11118 to he
increasing —,11 very trong inditmtion
1 hat the Tories are hilinning to thiok
that the pro4peuts for theik twat intuitive.
iil,.Offiee .1.re ilot very 111.4111. . uerfection, the bosom frietid of the
)14,t of the - Ministers are away \lcGreerys and tits Rykerts,
np the,, whites of his, eyes and invys,
Llow nittch mere royal are we than
itlidte bad; wicked .0:rtits ?
Mr letiko Wright, tiny late Mem,
ler Ottawa 'County, Quelitb, has
actor in, an old play, who, with &dog-.
ated countenance And an asaborifid atr
of pious tuperiority, would SaY, am
holier than t hon ;" 80 this hAragoii of
eleeti(lnoering, their atteiltani
bing Oiven to their 0,80 Oonstitueri
eies lion Mr 1)ewiiney late, )Ltt td
the Northwest, where no *doubt rs.
rid have some difficulty in explaining
MS fortifier trostnatiageineut ill that cp.clised. to ran semis. Mr \V wa.t. a
region that resulted in the exlJeUelve very impalar mad and represerited.the
N W retiellio4 l.• 111" .1.1r th","404 , count-. for -'tars lie is a COnser'va
has gone to New l'itiViswick to , try The Liberals have • iinihhiat'ed
elld Convinen lois con81i811e11t8 ot Ole Mr"Devlin for tile county. Al r Devlin
l'enelioial eff.q...ts a1120 Li P, a very is ii, rising Noting, man tom). uetiv
inflict:it task, indeed, tiriii.111sti to show Ave„,r, arid an 108rt,,„ iii,it. lie will be
1 WW1 the folly of asking to have Mr '1Vright'is suceellsbr. • .
the privi1ege..t4 selling their products There has been 1,12,1,4,4,6 480,at 661..i6.
to across the line ---even if th-ey:ave a .the dissolution. 'One ttoryw.iii: that
little out of Priortet,--tbfl' -ca„lt'._11'4:1 Al
heabinA, ,w,`s' iet loggernelid'‘.,, tad'
afford to make some eiterifia 191 11)0 won d not agree about certain ituatt,ers,
gi,,,ri tins privilego of being 11. I
....ritisi,,, and _t:tir.,
i Old Man, tired ot thti
e wit;og.-
'salijects, to live ander the "ola 11.0g,- - ling, went to 'ilia Exeellency.. arid.
asked for 4ist.olittion. N'Yllich !W... got,
.i3nt some troubit-sonie .pi,o'pre will and,*entering the ,Oonto.il • Oliamber
.,,Ndoubt ask iiiin if they can't be true
l's itish subjects and bell to the
"Yankees julat the same. Tile Yank eos
buy because th -.3, want the stall, awl
. the I'0W f3 ritaliwie.i. al's Bell becanse
' 'they Want the money. Whether the
lion gentleman will lei able to convince
those (to lion) misguided peciPle of
the folly a saeli a disloyal preceeding
.. 'remains to•be seen.
',Sir John Thompson has. takenhis
. .
departure for 'Aritigonisli, N. 3, to
.11.2ramie f Or IfigVettirn its th4tt riding.
•'..Ne'enuttl majority he received in
.18$7,(58 1 think), gives hint no great
lopes. and the ease wettre still v. orse
when ids old opponent, Mx NieGillit -
ray, ii' popular local 1,10111, Of 110 mien
Ability, who Isla present in the llov,i,
t:leetitt 'er iverntneh1,,a3 the Liberal can
. f16h I; it Chfeen 18 1» lAie Province
of q4e1ite tly2n1,10 offset tin' groat
•:work 'that is haileillyne the -ie by .
Sw kdolplie Cll'ron i.,,i'alSo etigtoged
in the limn 1 tliffictiLt task, itud it is
said 'that both hifi awlt.'`..ir -Atilt...tor
• 11080 110111e trdiaAA h1 gettiog ix .'04411 trials Of a -Dintiitib' than 'enjoy the
tatititVtiev. Lib. Tresotor's eSoliarity in -- .. -
dillikhh Iiiveis 'vt ill), So itad$, IA41S7 . . it te,..4fi•Ag was lorld in the town l'r rlast",Pg of It e81110i=4" 14 8
pvi.gitug tfO t;:'10k to your school, Mr Miing,rove, r,
t tik't 'las rUnro.:Er41. that pla,6 it iimy hall, Wroxetce, on H itnrilay
. , - last, in'tbo interests of 1)r liolinee, and- 4' 11.f,)t go *12 tile 411344) 4" 411- (.1
1 lull trlid Oat 11St1 to il$01 0 tfie the 'Coftti&vative caninee for this rid. 1°11"A" 1,'4 :1011 /411(v hi Y°11r
, , ,..heart
dou'ot fol.
/inspects for the ilefortit c'titsc in 'tile s mil., :11:1;sett 111fIfiftrive giktl Denman `4 14 111Y‘' r '-tirt.t 6120 OonsarYetil'e
:Mr tierrier's success it rave .16eoviie. while the Opposition caNuliddee WAS. alt, rigkiulinde4 trl" I'liew IV el:1)(1."'
.t rOvW,a0 Of Quebec aro very good.
.eial elections, and till fact that be and invited to araend, it wris plainly nt43ent -1441114!41 t° vli 4' "ate
Mr Laurier are working 'laird in bawl, from the very start that 8 hearing.
-gtve strongindi.eatioits that the old Was not in store for Ouse speaking
, ,, ,, . _ , 13zIgratro.
Province Is ennui to return to tilt' iit ate interests of J.)r Atm.:dim:tut 1.-110 •tempnranoc entertainment, no
.. principles anaialvneeted by the groat -nod the preform party. Air Tho; G lb- I Untiday et eilin.4, was to successful
leferinersof illOr own nutionality. son objected, sod rightly, too, to the all'air. The hall was crowded` to the
1 cannot Say much as to the peel8+ inittn1100 of the prograliarke at; laid doore, awl ail appeared to enjoy -teem.
ipeets in the r, iw..r Proin,„,.w.., hut 1),Ivni 1t4 the bottlers of the meeting, selves. Air W 1? BrOcli^lnailre,! of
if they havt* stay both ill I:0 'il...vocity,, f„9.,;.1,11,4 the' Refortours • are always Wingliant, otimipied the choir. Thh
if th"v think their condition would he ii.ady to in, qt i.holf' ni1P0114,1161 ill (Alf t1114.1W11)14 1 riele4nInie" Wad givan ii
tottered he trio tItule wail th-eir argonicit*, ihey wis i t ii us LII- e Ilusto by, Mr Latimer and Min; Bain. 1
Acialtiiors- -Ana they ought to loicah, nta i,. o-lsv t toiti to stift.r too ; reettation by Ati• J as 0.10VI.t i 1
froth experience and •th- (duel pe.o.t- Ito la -vat's at their hands, an petth., recital ion by Miss II llnover 1 re..d,tig
iniity".tiley will Lot 1:4 ale noportun f , wry anti Joltheri. are 1In ptintly bv Mr W ti Lloyd ; music, by Mr ntsd!
. ,
187. tintif without *Ate essitix „Mira eiat,tstefiel to the principle of a (lett M233 liaiiitan liti.1 Mr It taii.rnitil ;t
4Noinioes In 1% riNi.r.t1':".4 ot,i'il, ., el Itice aro ogreenole and in perfect reit inn( by Mr RI •Mtlir211.1414 ; Vttel 16 i
It1 ' q%1 !fer 81 it .,,..m. inifie.. .i,I.,, , "ten.] .vii.t ere machinations of a tt•011 hy i'ar .1 •.t$ tit ; nioaic by •M r n
l'rupl T r* 'Ol.:41+06 a 40s.t.ett, v.11 ' , Nrise..t.attlit.... Ain canteen, if poor Mcel:finotit, Mies Balaton tii rl Mr 3
di dit11/ fr $k tbil 04110 litiouh by di 0014. Nir Dowarat'd p0I((201 career, hitherto Angus ; di..loune hy three. members If
A ' tintliffhl til 7464. , Art...ioliotafi, 1 onairog a Not. b.iok" in 1 Wit:gamin lei 1...... ; resitaion. Inp M.,74. 1
*utVIIIV illift Vast }Ala Oa 0,019,Parti upottottiati, %e vast ha la Bituattilaut ; tunei I bv Mr All Mi..II
in tea* ' • IP_ , 44,410:3044 A lattir10 tlat El AI e laft'lissAii‘11,,
- trrvert...4414 . r
ions do -con -lent on the table. A.rtoclier
rumor is that if the Government is
defeated, Sir 'John will resign •tlie
leadership, appoint hiniself 11 igh
t)itiniistionor at London, which of
eenrso will retain, as the nelw G,,v-
eminent w 'u d net distort, 11101.
. o w , although the reform cause is
lookieg very Might, sh,,u141 not, be
mailo itself pailiftvoy , evident and the
green eyed inbristeti jeannsly ro.
tending eyes arm astiug COnliteildnee
WUS ani11111 hVi-e 1111 tfi 111 miler and
deftsit justice 13nt who is Milsgroy3
that lie should even receive our critic-,
lieu?. why, to hear people Lai k; One
4111.41 think' him more then nuirtal,
a Veritab Jupiter. 'Upon
too couticient. Let eVery than poll i what meat digit this our Caesar eat
that he is grown so great. NV hy, man,
he ilotb hetride t. is narrow
like it, eolosam.., omi tvti i.iPtry mei)
,w11,1.1t Wider Inc hizi311sgh. Ahd 110t111
abditt otirgelt•ea disliOnorable
gravts, We expecteii t(1 On resting
on 1.11,1 hbow “deliberation" and "Iiblie
itel'e." We thought to l'Ce tw:iited to
the fih.;14 of a Min Of' "prineely
8)11113(11 1" Whose look drew audience
1111(11a/bitten still a'a riiribb-dr shininees
noontide air ; but what *ere we out
to ElPt` : 111(1 s'ialVen irr the wind, a
ettrylver of the 'of the “Nittional
Pulie,y." clinging lb 6. Spar hi mid
ocean, who saw heitbi; eitahre
Tim Youlig people of the Stone
Scholl held their regular debate last
week, ou the subject : "Resolved that
the • printing press has done more
good. to mankind than !be. stesin
engine." The affirmative side of the
gnestion vi as handleil by Alr John
Perdue and Mr \Vim Elston, while,
Mr F Wood and Mr ' Obis Oanielh-iii
npheld the negative. • After tanking
the several speeches, thn iflAroilig-, by
skew of hands,' ,decided favor of
negative —Tho young people pi-opose
holding a grand entertainnitint.
which will no doubt inaititalli • 1110 lost
18 nitation which titbit:. SdllietY 'has
his Note and SIP that loam -tell or does
so ton. 17.11111 wait to 1.e invited or
to get a ride. It is our &try tb oak.
country' and to ousselves- tti attest
in this praf,tical and effective manner
our cutolent.Nion of the. present
corrupt iirlininibcNition, and to placb
hien ollice who will 001141006 11214
oillairs o..itintrY` for the gomenol
vie -teary of the people, 11d not in the
interest of It fttroralfew.
Otiftwa, Peb, Iluncitri
# .
COpe'eta,t tante fyre4tidiltortz,Oefettleg
ratrons of iinchastry
held in liirmt.,Jiarit
..°1-4W1160tailltaiiO4.'lkl:',.• .b 16th, 1891,
To 0 U 1,v1h,trun.. tini-reine iiecrutaiy,
Patume ot Lanvin),
Ws. the outlet ragued. Putrouv ot Urine -
try, believing that certain nacreAve indi-
viduals, have been einhaveritig te enure
the influence Of the ',Amalfi of Induatt in
Ronl. by oiroulatug reporta 01,21-
,„ ,
oeruinu .r penitest. our Organizer f4euo
hetshy to expresa our fav o.dith4nee
11(8 ability ee 0,0 OreettiZt,r k Of a0d;
oar apprewatiet, of Ins init,44.,, labors, In
latiars animal
einuteotion with iiitroilucing tlit came into
this county. arid pray be may continue hie
alle.ja'121;L:;11, Fti41.?;rt"leerflY:1:71 r7biCelVY
Edhott. Wavitul."111
)4 Mason. B Wawanosh ;
Labati Walters, Morrni;
wi..);.votitn1 411011711Tthaervn.blierorwYio:k
JAnicA Goiley. Hems; •
IVilharn Ntontaamers. Rowlett;
•Wilhotai Nelsen, Rowiek;
Jobe L Little; Tornberry;
Win iidlater, r, NA/amain:1rib ; „
bee rit.,nuah, Morrie
itobt Currie, jr, E Villtwaneritt.
Vote for Dr. birtedontibi aril M.
C. Cameron and art open market.
J. 0. FIELT)
Winos to st4e that ho 7,8 linirt•claqs moata of
all kSels-e8iuw in pito 44 onfuile uloo Wiughara.
FEBRUARY 24th, 1891
'AT 9.00 P.M.
I 6)
f •
n halld 401,40114,
Ai nnmas titan ore, to an p1114 51 Ole
Roniouitha, .1101110tvrilta the ".118eX 61
Wthirhoiv, November, ath, 1$55,
a, to:17,i
brilderf boWiratida
Orceon'arld Callforni 2
Leaveldiroxiio 11 p.iii3On Fridays,
its andoi-!-
. 11391 I MARCti is, '40. 1 1891
Rtliiii910 TIIRMOH rtLVAntritIVEctlihrtiatIT 01)81181
For Bertha and all InforroatioE,,
apply to nearest C.P.B. Adenb.
M. D., Al. A„1.1. C. P.S. O.,
114. C. P. S. 14.,
THE scirir risH SPEC1AUST,
Specialist for the treatment, of ail
v er , k...e.ntIlltni v PUIIIIItli11111. 01
'atiit011a, the Nottowett etztit9rieh and Brit1.5
ohnodtt trpw to soy V. it. Agent.
we).4 sy„,„04.,iit.cot; tuimonent, .0:11(1 party know to he failure and- what
Chronic Diseases,
P21 vale, isea see,
Diseas-?s °FOE. Maid ati I Nt?rs:8:c
Disease.; of the Heart and budge,
Diseasee of* Woliallit posi-
tti ifeiy 'fl'ented stiesefut
Mfro God
Lir Oil anti
oY Little and
Setit's E9,u1stotelk
im a terratiorg tom ro goer. Zt isnot
nom Remo's' for CIONSOMPTIOIsto
"wrong*, nrsziolgtia,Wasting
*sou, Chronic (Wight exa cola&
r AA Lg.
.n 7,6 only novo in vaInmircOnt
wmPP‘r. A�.1$8 I altift,ounnr re3oltubli.o.n.
Sad :nr• Dn-,,11t 08N. wont t1.0.
MOM Ai Saint. Balliti.14.
Joutthat Baselisti t,
says "1 Iter spending till tni mon-
and ilropeiv ti) Ito
f1,11' tertne.i hop • •'(4
ease -of tionsuartition, De, Sitielair
eared rue."
1 Mra. Mary Fut lorkl, \'2911 .UM'
.-pays "1‘. hen a rs h6th,, ;Jr.
it3inelair mural 20814 iits.”
•11;1)..tlatid, 1.414.131/vIti, tirt, 1%
'T)1.' I-1110'14131 CAI 1110 01 'entail It;
1 Goo, 1.1,,tv1al, th„ says;
1;1:dot:lair Cured hie 4$1 helirtr .tisewee
1..4i drop.,‘, whe a All (31111 relit) i,*.'
Het...aces pr; V(ile until I c12
nit b„vtth4 1.)r. h3*h81-( 381, 1t,111.y
CoN LTATix ys
t1LSA.,11',A I it will I...3
Q*1..‘:4'.3 ..."IrtgIttiAsiiik1
'r .1i. I 1-