HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-27, Page 4•
►: ST.
--• ANA —
• \veva etel' :;a1.1lrf+ MiefUllIT,1111s.
Beery vote f vorehlte to the policy
1 of coulpi en. frettlotit t;ta tirado'w►th our•t
iteileh:l,Urs,'letteit prices. for what no
lliave to sell, and bt'ttee. opportunittea IA LARUE Q#Tntl•1R111.0 tali t.>:> t xoYs;
5o'1uty, situuld be netted in the tleotion' patsaa a,
azt lln•9 '1
�?( tial e� d ' , sta3,ing aavra,y 1 The nomination for this Riding wee.
Tim mean Is a;U$l
Ile( t ween.
1 from the held tit the -'l;otvu` Hell, Ga3trie,
Thursday, lliat„ '�.'l1Hrn wag
It he 1S Ca e prices
�1 H trnod atteendaanun, Bihor' ins, (}'l'en't
bine formed to nese prices above the 't* � , ,ext opened thtt truc:r«•tl�n►;s
. T � I Canadian' t" d a Come on Thursday, 26th
C P. TICKET ig61*EU `. ma.ritet rate, eeleentereet should so 1.3 L Dii kin 1 l
R i\ 1i57Gw4 i inlluenee himt thee he will treed hal i ed were The dottlt ittuf • en•
haln, and 1)r Holmes, of Uorler tib .
The nortlinatiuu }.taper of iii. P Mu-
tlotlalcl Was signed by the fs•Ilowin
thecitis ; \V Ie Towler, Geo irebind,
J J IIen yutlt, 1) M Gordure G Peter "nee
Iutyie, 8 Greece, Jas Lot tit, e �,`I
D tens, Timis Casale, 'lobi Orr, 11 t9�
�!t refit T - CO urging to math his ballot for the cern*
�A�.3aA. �. i� • A ��-��t��t didltG�j Nr•itn let �+1a the aide of extended
Rriinew , tildes, lt•duy r+d rax+at.ion and emeneipa•
Y tem from hats Rule,
. A
ink No
Ont 1 The Lt►1ar111s Stara with the advent
age of baying 'a geode square; uuder-
stta,nd,+ble putioa, applioabte to ell parts
�--- --
� . ' of the country and just towards every
I seotlait of rile (,ottlltltilt[ry.
ti.ofingiyain�U ,t$
ymo ;lux VOTE.
may Ito roared that the only
q'lali(itsatioli fur voting on the 5t11 of
Mace i8 'thiel the eleetoi''S name be
entered on the voters' lists made up
in 1889. 1 osideuce is of no import
once. if ilia nettle is on the lists:• in:
more thati one 'coustitueney lie may
vote in all of thein. Farmers! sons
and •owners soles are now„ low,, iu this res-
peat, in exactly the same position as
all other voters. Formerly the farmers,
were o111isreet to
eEti,UAY, 1+G1;RATA.R 27.' 1891..
1)3. MACrr0N/rdi t WXNOnattr.
Pi mass meeting will be held in the
evil ELali, \Vingb.amt on•Tuesday,
,iarclt Sud, to be addressed by Ur,
acdoneld aid others; oiii the leading
eetions of the day. The Doctor
it reply to the assr.rtidris and aorta.
teats of Thos (Cowan Anil Dr Holaties,
Iii are cordially Stivited, especially
lose who hold view diti''ring from
e noliey of the Liberal Party. Dr
I the donservative Candidate,
ttny'one oni Ii.iS hellsif, is invited,
Id ample time will be given. 'ladies
sons and owners sons w r ,,
talcs s speai:Lt forte of oath 1 now
kimith, J'hes .ta„Merv, 1V J e.eli ,, I3
under an act passed in 1888 elle; �.e trergusou, Jas :\i.Ct•e'igtiro! (Ain Cargill,
otil% one forte of oath for all. Here to
S �Couhill, E1 Kerr, John \Lrill'utin:;ll; t*'�"tia
it is : Jasrnlol;r, L It 'E'a;li+OG, Cleo IiilasPll; \i�
t,l (A. E3)eole ronly swear (or iE he is, i e tits, Jas Is taut , H' W l;
fellimtt, W' I.lichl, At Rost, of Wing-
haat; Tiros Gibson, R McGrath, Jas
i11'ttohell, J 11 Williams, ilas 1 dgnr,sr,
,lits AlcLatltiblir, of ilowick , ('Teo Pete
tune, Joliet: Dimon, Wax Douglas,
1.lavicl Moffitt, Jultn tarn#, Wnl C'=sus
still, Alex Hislop, 3 a Stewart, of
WP1lrnberl•V; Thos Ashton, .)011athllt3 rc, :' 4•
ilirod illi;G1.v to submit to a large go loss) �. a'
order to clear them out by that date.
COMO earl. and get the. piok of our stock at
minpg�� out oft.Lsi.ne's. W,R' m.g �: ra
--- .! ND ----
3etw'e n Now ani. April lst
We will sett our large stook of
�'� AND CENTS' ' '`�;'
S• A E
Moore, J It Millet, of Morris,
• The nomiuhtiou paper cif Dr Y17
R Relines wss shelled 1 y tIii follovt'intz
Electors : Thos•I tele nos Chisholm,
IL 1?Fivi�1. W Clegg, , 0 1l Uttftiu, '
Kent, R Matelot., 111 El Melftdno,.'
Jotin Galbraith, ltol,t Elill.CTeo Pet.t;y-
piect3, ]i \\''lists, Minh Aliderse)n, S .1
amt ;� `'�'i"s•
f 1 persons permitted by law to Jli I�so y
one a tho
Meyer, all of Wingleinr
amen' in civil crises, solemnly af,
firth) .•—
ur p1) That •1 atit,. person narutd or
am orting to be :liaised by the hang;
of (and if there alio.
More persons than,..otle of . the same
naive on elle:same sae list,, inserting also
§t,=s addition or occupation) on the list
After the atlnat o rl ti ni proceedings
Had b
Meeting Wail organized, with Mr
\\r R •Clt•g; , of (xorrie, as ohui1'nlan,
tithe disdiitargadtid his ditties to the
stitisfa0Lion cif all. .1: was arranged
Mutt 1;r \aaddonalll should speak first
1 for tie.) hour, thou Dr >rin:ules was to
lydially invited to lire titers early. of voters `ftir N
pollif„ district o speak fur one hoer, 'blit 1.r Macdon
This is a C-ENT3 N: SALE.
1 3 It r , l ' gid . iA
suit dtillar,tl chi ed a F1Ghli4.
i3 ti
etingto ,eolniileit..cQ at 7:3D a ' uck in e eleotor,tl (1iattict (or-:tiiuttioipai• aid was. to elrienevlth a fifteen minutes'
Red this arrulitrtluteut writ ear-
•ity) of rept Y, ani
°`t 2i1 That l anti a 'Britiyll ;stthject (by ` rierl utt•,
, a.
' `�; L1 1i
die. case
ht•uaah a
•. ,t� or 1x ,
•� i n
UDl i5I donned salti tie appeat'ed be•
Ht;.13T�Etcfi�s: rrla "bt7 and that Lam of the full age elf seeking re election to the
1; , , .. ) Eyre them
' ; t. • - • .l' their re re•.
'ie•electon of ;Di •lttaodopxld' for tt�e1?.y,,-one(3ll;y;�a st House of Coluuioes. As .t1t lr p
ris:�,. "lint ,I 4;'Ve 'lot "voted before
good 5) .! sHttt,ative during the tact faun years
Homo �'b a ►na a tt ” ., eo1
�.st. u,,
041 \' `etln(elay, the 13th hest,' Me
Peter G 15141+rNu,i, sit Ai orris, was
julnrd 113 ilii; l)und s of ays•(Uot k to lits
aupnrotlia Etuhdr, of 'rovelietr�', l,jr
the Eley E 1: Watliwiri, of this p1ttdti.
The ceremony was performed at six
o'clock in the. presence of a large as-
seenbly of (lemon; of the l,risle's ant!
bridegroom's, T178 eveningwas spent
i )yotlsly, after a dilopan 'us diluter.
The bride bride looked oh:t;reming and was
the ret ipient'el many valuable l+re•
saute: The h8ppy couple will stake
their 'i�esidenctie `\.lstuitoli•a, wltith.-r
they will ;n about the loth of March.
ed 1,y all, lout all who Are In favor other 'polling place. of his abilit , `a11d lie was glad to Dr Mactinu ld Bald a very sucetiss
i '� I, 1, ;at this election, either s,.1 tails or any he. bead rept t seneed:_thern to the bet
unreetxicteil trade (i•ith'tlee Un tet' 14)1l'ht t.1 have net ''readied any know that #ris4'tllpouents have not
`e8 _el:add atm every leeitattra't
, , a
181 e...
,•i. a
' �naat
� Etre his t
t i
tl��(�..1 e
a 1 y
possible. Ythe watchword from, now
5 o'cilock on the ' ,nail of? >y lith;
t t„
'Vr i Work, �' o11C.,
be.. �' nil
old ,
?The Conservatives are making great
rte to secure the election of Mr P.,,
Her in West Huron; but the tide is
n agni.ust thein amid the • return of
M (J Cameron is confidently pre
Jed, The farmers are ,becoming
the to their interests and are working
. Mr Cameron, many who voted
net hint at the least election being
;, most ardent snpportrrs now.
fir Jo'h•tn ;l•te;,1illan, the old' member,
be retntilnd fol' youth Huron with
old time majority. .
thing, lion has ataythiu„ been premised t ttil:oit c>ite•6 ttoo. to it single, vote
gave cl trio that thee. He referred
he�ae u !�
40 his vdth bn,'the Jesurtrttluestion,and
denied that iin.had asked any • of hie.
eotlstitileutS how he sl3ottl1 votes, as
Etat' bt'en reported, and produced pr o
of lits statements 118. voted as his
eoul;eie14c8 dictated, on. that and on
every other question cotn,lg before
'the house, t•1 a also read a telegram
Trots .on Mr Laurier, do the.effect.
that there was no truth in.' the story
cirefllated that Ile :(Laurier) lead
promised Premier IVleretnr, that
eonsidel.ation of his -(lercier°s). 'sop.
* wiif o of the 5th of March.. 3ii)rt itieihe eiresent campaign that .Ire
country g z o
e t,
', either r
, t e t
toe; �di�ectly ur u_tlu•t et; v,
induce rile to vote at Leis election, or
for lose:of •dints; ti-svel.lir.g el peenSes;
hire of tenni; or for any ether service
.i .
conue..teii a,h,i'asvitlr.
"(5) That T. have not ciirer:tly Mein -
directly paid or prouiised anything, to
arty persola to induce hien tu- ore or
refrain from "voting at this election.
T() T.ElE .1;LLO O1tS.
The policy of abuse tied slander
t.leguratetl and being carried out by.
John A Al eedonald and. his . party
,i}vs plainly that' they tlo not wuart
discuss the 'Ma le§ before tllh enuntry.
Qevernuwut are on trial, and they
'shyly trying to draw attention
In their nurneroie fltisdeed$ (luring,
past few eeeers. Their pretended
f ` t f .,•.i city le only 1 11 w
Renter;, as hits been slrowll. by t11
;echo of many of the Conservative
rdidates mid the manifeeto oreppeal
it John A. Msedonald to the pen
It is to be "tile old peliey, the
THE splentl'td.'avtt..sliy 01 Hamilton
on Tuesday, for J i'J•O bson,ioa•ineiet
Secretary, -is ail iuCliaation of lho.v the.
�i5 g. R. Tnu<i; , ehe :unrestricted wonid, in ease the Reforotei•s were re
+� xlletl to power, grant the I'ruviltee
in F;ust :ice .of uebee tin tidditional aniltial sub-
� a•
Lu ly
Iletriprocit'y crindi(ltxto i3
W A. let c nncctiun with the Preshv-
terieo 0btirelt. was a grant' euecet:s,
siotwithstateliugr the int) .eoleuev of thy:
weatl1•lr. I'.iv tsi Y ll.t.tray tilled the
statin hi his usual Malley manner.
Tile hro r1n11nn', w'tiu13 was nu •1 xeep*.
tioually.good 07,e, was well carnia.'
Ont: The selt'etions by the Q'tlartetto
Club were Well recteret1. and Mr Jos
Mollies somas snags elictted much
atiplviste. ',tire teueie produced liy
Dir:; and Miss S•a!;ts on 1117 meshed
glasses and bottles iv to relIiy ex-
t1nieite and *lei grtea:ly appreoiuted I7
twee Targe audience. 1%.1.r owl :lits Grey
'gaveh 1 citrate 11 y.ul style,
au pr3
_ \Ir (zeuriie 151 Dnilleel rendered t,;
'it, in Tile .i;'tirezlters II;til 141 1 e'mple of 801(43 111 a 0) tliuer Jilin, .
the niece] rt:t ' .it• _ lir • " Is tea
this ,t"tiitlio° evening Of the. 'tett' I cin,}rated .tI1F3 ud ixt.r.. A it tut
1 [sleepq-i (nigh ,ilia and' rtbsott. jr, r- d,1 stint :t trot ttl:.i,t 11tn.'_
itastr the holt rna to . v
', rile�t
r Vale ani,* IIIb,solc,S Wt.t(, aS 0837ILl,
1 tier
.tt t .: =f r:°�o3e
Ie l f
it 1
L Ali
�• ,
1 .
.115. 1 11t'r r.'
r. 'Pe (r I a
t la d. t}
v' 11 t.r
Mr Andrew Little, of 1'ttrnlistry, avit',
milted to the c.ltai8'•.- ,,I -iii a feW
will be retaruetl with a'p,00cl minority • ridy of .3100,006. Dr Maddouatld said
'' given that state.
' • that lair Z.auriar had
The enemies a1 011 vend for true meat en •emphatic denial iia Montreal
trade this time.
. Gazette over a - vesk ago.' The Doctor
then took upthe policy of the Liberal
'Hoke li. M. (1 11so.r, Provincial party —Unrestricted.. Reoiproeity--and
Secretary, was (netted iii Hamilton on ointed out where the farmers and
et1tl in fact all elasses, except the lnonotlo-
T uesday, over Mr ltinson, rec y lists, would be benefited by the addeltiou
unseated, by a minority of 070. of that policy. lie showed the fallacy
of the statemotlts of the • Coaeervrr tit+bs
Da. 1\Inono ran D has been lidld rig that our cattle rbarlcets would be d:etroy-
meetings every night: this week, and is ail ; that we would have the Sarno'" quer-
with groat ry Many who initin.0 regulations under nurestritte
-s we now 8n ny potato
words 'I''ronies, rendered a conele of soler;
lnel'odus:eth 14x'1 W C.Tibseli, of Wroe• surd was 171414 applauded. Mss Me"
stet, the /lest spe,r.tc.er. Mr. G11,aoe1 11a"dy presided-t)t the (entad;
stielce for upwarde•of three quarters of
an 11001', expoaitii the 1lolluwttess t.t
tbe:pt•otnises'incite by the i.xov ertlnletit,
apd showing the evil elects of the N
P chi :thFxa .tottntry. 'lie urged the
farmers to s'ti)Zport't13re polity, of tete
Liberal ptirty,. which will give thein
thr natu'+'dl lilarkets for their pro-
ducts. Ile also dealt with the t;itray
agance• of the.G )a'4rn iilolIt' end with
their policy of bribing the cile rocs
with their own inat?ey In the sfitipe of
subsiiltee, I7r ML0tlonatd followed LoudiYII is t•i3tSug 81 ins hrtxtba5 Altai;
l ,
in a rattling epeech,ill which Ire 11011)5. 1 bait's; 7131s wash,—:\tr 11 \la1sil tl lea (
ed eirlt the benefit.; to b8 derlv,'d 1)y' let the contract of the sham, work of
Ca11Rthnit8ry-1 T.,vltresti'tcted R! eiproCity t
his liar to a lira, of brathprs front uhe
seaurtld. ire gt'e a utttiilinr of north. I3ulr lues tli9 tlinbt'r for tris barn'
illnstratione and rt1)I1e the Matter:: all oi, the r'oullil: 'Phis has t)ecu thN
lain•to tall rest'et• r1'11e1t is 1In die- g
este trod itt tL 1VhU, •prays 1110 C1lit3' on; l Merit winter o8 i3+ 10 rd -. r getting ' ,tit
p , ttttiberrwood amid toss. `.Chute is u su shi
hurley, s(Lid 1,1,, for Iasi f:i11: lerfnrn' bre"'''' milting 111 the 731in!)i)or•ltocd ;
the 11It:Illutnv gill_ went into eflwect,1 perhaps sutrietlrirlt '»1i1 ti'aa I3 it3
111 f.;)•lner and O'rnlservattve
alike wore i , p
Werth notine
every '� rt to get t'ie'rs lr'arfterj t °'
succor.. r pointed
' - d
votedagaixn t Prim tit last electionare
t o tpllcet additional revenue would be
r4upf)r'tting , hint, and 7 will vote for f•ree raiarrcl to Make pp for deficit that would
trade. • lie &used` by fide adoption of free trade,
TihrrirattGxr1tr Resiproeity iq the tied't'batrt'ocetettlid1 t adoption
too l#otivily
ta. on this fanners and pannier olu;ees.
e said tho Lileateltl ' 'shod to abolish
the National Policy boeaned it is a piilidy
that'enriches the few at •tete expense of
the many. It is true that ltlam made dt
few millionarle$, but the keowlodgr3, of
lighten the burcleh.of
that fact does not 1S"
taxation help sod upon the people. The
R,efor)*taxa believe it will be in the inter-
ests of the country that Huth a , polley'
should be abolished,
Ur Ilolrnee retie he hal been a hie•luua
'C11onservittive. Ile stood befcrrtr the peoltle
as the Liberal 'Ccnaervatire otte$lriate fur
't1ie'I;aaat itidtnp 't,t 11ura31` and *mod
the support of, the people tteraose the'(. v
v:tamert t)1` Sir Jahn A. Macdonald bad
built the Cal,edirn .'aciricltitilw11v 871(1 iu-
eutttlra.tod the National Bossy, by which
ct the country he wed list iaaew ,made pees,
Y titieltir - 11 • the
peroual, tie l;t>IictvCci Int >K Y
ra11 by an overwhelmingminority. deeiev'e people, seta Are tlsrd llv ppnplt• pollee of the '(outtervnti10 party tt,r (tuna-.
r `
0.„„, nn rti nit of .the: t'o 1(s, w1rr1 have t,x,tIlitittltwteee.-to pla~u)e b "esrR elated, my Sir .Toon A. Axacdfleel1t. ¶1Ite.
1..p the elect ore. t1 revetll4 IYf reortetel:t,I dentin, f,:td ilourixltecl 14)311(4' alai pelicv.
;, :,,..i „ t,;,,,,.., AO ho )t•avr tie 114744 of cl,sn oust, illi Jolid tlt.nted by uolne. Irl tho Unieedi 33ta1,C8 tlrre +'bis ri•iri' 9xpoiln•l the 011ie']`
- 47o.r. `e !t,.i p, fee,• rower
'tl•lrti will Fire's? of aiid e...:tlt), Ilevelti':1 a,*tteint se 'frees:maitre ver of, tui(Fr;reilt 4t4tn8 have
filar ntir7X3t'' '
t y d would Ioklic# nt the, campaign. -,A. great
ftp y for' rpm It ro 1 . 1 a to n j free interchange between Canada tend
•e tete United States of 'all the natltral
and nianutaetured products of either
country, it11 that *either grow/1,fmind,
raised, built, mnnukaictute(, trained,
marled oe clog ill ;utly-`pert of till'
•lag inti the eel leader.“. The'old tilted Stites or Canada --7 -'•holt► the
cy of I7'gislatine fir thct classes enrl. North Pule to 1•I,rxicto,
'net the tnSsees,n)a'.tirlg fewrntlli:u3•,
end impaverislling the rest of the
10.. nail a policy should not re
e the estme:ilat of the people, anti
indications are Out the GOvern-
1 will be defeated oil t'lte .rrth n(
.at:eaatta Shirai( fitly 11.0 ftttelli 1(111
to storica l t3)i3eal'to distract their attene
tion from the main issue Pr,ce:'.Trade
with ilio United fitatr rt, No reliance
should be placed ill the hist minute
are Weer! 1 til t
They t tine r
I a only 3'
• Culross. `
Election natters er3grosIed the alt`s
teution of the ratepayers at the pros -
mit, to ttie exelusui1 of everything •
else. Tire faruterie ere goit'g sold' for
free trade, a111 Air Truax to meeting
wvith ennui success, --lair and , \1rs
flolume, from near Ripley, ore visitius;
this week at their hrotltsr's-ins'lrw,
Mr Joe'\Vetwood —\lr John Oastich
le laid tip with a lanae bene, (nused'
t,y,overllttti,Ig --•;lit• Win (lobe!, froth:
)114tt QVeI i , o , r.:. ,
marketed,. o as'not to be compelled to Turttherry',
take a hien' f rice. t� s soon S$ the 1 r'ir Peter bowler• 111ts a line young..
t. ,, ,.
tl i t been duty lie.ut on l:iifeiiey over 80 (.t11., a �l.ydestlalu alta 1 oil, Ilya hail 1,st.tt to'
bushel; awl now the price of barley in , \, iTtgllanl one day Bret week, and 1\,r
;;stint) 14 the duty and cost of freightl'les greatly admired by all who . saw
highrst' 5131441 in '.Toronto, or abaut 5`s ; hint. .Ere is but eighteen menthe old,
conte per litisbel., The doctor exposedgtitid tipped the scutes at 1300 gouache.
tufa aissL:etinilt3 tf stole t1# itis+,J1i>o11eC1' .`; rteo8v3'A.ter.
tTI:Lt• tbr3, lllit r al ISra1.E.A ai as ter taSauen,tx ' '4V e tin dors tuilcl that Rev Mr \'Vartl-
tliti i:xr'ifI tar' Ilio (uplrud' titf+a. \Tnact; rope ititetrds returning to the village,
Uli,restiietred l.1eclpfueaf', ti081ratin—«(lttr tiva iiitiv • mills are rtlttteiu
would reti3iri f ll ;FNatidi of 11e{e tariff flight 151id dtiy. Wilt says our vlllagr3
' r nhttions tnitli till t,itfiitt,t'11 Ptcept deg o.r .
le„ c. �..'' 1' t�„ ',, t8'iltit floatiiln,y . (l,ttt'dq 'tltrellyted'•
•svitll the tnitesl Stitte.s, ili.0 taut t h . the rrttl'inn'linnet on 1'ltuPdny 11 g11t.;
tariff wall would simply be {?t,tti .4ed rife seek. ion tf�euig the tertriltg tri set~
betyvaeat the two otlnn't(ea, anti` 'Yti i,11e'-;.13c:trio iia i. lt1('the etr':etlttutltn
could shod t)u'rn ell of}r . commodities iiiict tilt' 3xrIn ti,t' sort tit We shoe light*
enld 3jUt'cil'tatl fvsgo tautly What ave ie- Wert/ i1i i ':lhd1'431; 17 w)t, 11')t Lc v ot:
g8)ire. Els lilao n 11 Jltitrl that tits err ti'I yMonday'' iiit;liti '('Ins lIgulte erw
o-lclilEltiors of 384iproaiti+ dors riot platrin is 'g,rand 8ncctlati, b. ►n1; Vc1 +'ready atn:l
us iu au otlu r po§ian11 thins '(O i5rt1 l,fillitwt rand full tt til any
alis. lt"nv7
y y ll; y
rr In ,
.1 xhi nn r't .
a <l. ) ,
`r .r a r. .»,.
in f3 it aye t
atpresent1: .h. , 1 #: .ter 1 Ata very ,t� here
pl �' quiet �' lr r
to tilt, 014i,ctlalltryr'li?I.arkettnag hire helm yet. We ,uryllld like to 11e.tr rlti:lle of
► ee t l t nt t y In mental notelets and u
r,, ,, Y re,..1.,,,, r.,• •,, ff,” nro fetp;retie the ',Reform thirty by el,r John A gen- r,,,1ei is ,Te'regeti n, Gr eiirneleeeteo to maks nt10t10841 101114"OW 41°8", 1 fl1 ileal CrE 1iUPllrl:t tt MC C)tUsetl fry 1115' ail•
1 tl tit 1 ilio Villa t 1
vele welt the 1Ttisxs d :' t ttterl, they (1orip1(d t,(7Mast4 with boil grime fr 7W3 Y1 s im aet.ty Sita ±itt krlleriettu Govmrtinont hist dere1
t wit a ,1e le, 1es►1•A before
Z 1 1 1• rt • tl
melt era 1nEt it nt r eperrty ( Year elieer a"' 1. 341$ i i til uKtu;
Yr ,t3 r o. r , hen 'pit i};4lorbi lP.•1 will) rn „e
the people, and Rites' ley sDt1u. r,tlr' the tlttt tatter U lll!a4'1yp# ItQttyttl tie, al a sitter
- 1118 i viii r h 13! l>r t1fx,.irnr't4t4n ln)rrlrnllrspt npPrrel,, di votes of the rilectars u4 ilia •'Bili , of -w lahi Ff st'ar't lie all: 'flail eoeueYit
•,�„ _ 4 f t13 twit ' all the olpieewirms reread by err arc r .a k ii14r» t Ar
. r,lmett 1r91rtlr,at' q„rr.,tritstK(i' rt=otftrtreiGY. d
tl3fit�'b('ltlnrir$tft a ata ad nw t
' 11 riaxr 'lar rsy 'will tad he *boo iniad to Anita DU14 fee
w . -. y tar: � • ,
,) le Ire/0.11.0r titer. with tlMb%1.irreted Wettt8r. aa'renieY$tiriet epee oval r� el po toots Y,t 4, tt {� ryy j�
.�. .y`M :,+.•..• - '[T'r, {t�ir�.�rt /xt t�Wtt tlU Vl�ert Ji V�•e1R 14 I'lerl'I'tt��rL ,t�,'IV L�•S,YrI.RV
r,,,t. a,, Fe •,..�ji1, t;I•;li 1ree{it. Is 418317! w1,b 41i8 rf Maeda t
t'il'l r►�1trtN ,«lntw,tt!'but it would.
ire % h11wr l,ttpstt,}tePFt)Ll •r, a1r+. Cy • 1 nce:16ufotableArs lir?ft►1+ v gni en
►: 1. Y *'ilio' R OIC f 'ttrr! the } .. •r[ 7,7 ,, ;, t. 11 r•» the elesft!','3 h'41e,-•)t'yea e4inael by to `'Pt for (be l • "ii i, a � Y$ ffi Q 111 ktF, ' r el 1
rl a• 1 f
Souse ba tri mai sloe iia Aye tree tree wtNP, mod 'lriolostriu'tod. �retilyeee iiet NockormL of, the l, fF 4it
Wo know yen expoott18 trY bite
most fashionable gouda 1n enol,
111rtnleut, WO ltave riocnrt.Sl t
daeiyio1I Noreltios suitable for 51.
Our efforts la t11is: direction hi
er 1 lord successful and intti.lfatl
Ktrorporson who examines our 4.
it3r.10s by giving us -301.1,, larf.
O tr Draw Geode trade hal oi.
_ a4"it..a ?t booin, a3 we never hitt an
to offer OP itssot'tulent
See'our heavy Oaolttnnron• at
uri, to $1;:0 ; S11ke, 'Velvets,
11niiuttful titins in 1?rinte, Mueli
end P••,tabroiderios.
A great nulili3or aro leaving
tiers for Spring wits before t
get picked over. _
1We havo taken'a #rent stand
1 Salitiugs 5171: eaason, as the
eight and at the right prices.
Otte Booth and ilioes Mimi
ambled and Quality compares,
scalp only what we tau guar
We conduo1 , business on 1
principles. Moods, aro sold solei
merits. We fely onteroly one
viiginent of tho trade tie to 't`
of our stook for the spring •ant
to Gall anti look through.
-M. ii %s
Ts Ole 8dlter of theTlsred.
hilt, --The r'1;00ejni Ut in
*the comil1.. • leetio08 le vt,ry,
IAN the three appt'oeullt's it set
iteol'easiug--L very strclug
that the Tories a1't' liogi:tnlil
that t -he pt•ospeuta 10r thoil• tit.
int office •tre not vs.ry. b:ielo
)1ust of the • 151i1,istcrel
elect thril' Ile.it
1..wit1g given to their 0:Vit (
ties 1Jun Mr thiwtioey lid
the Northwest, est, where no
wlil have 801818 difficulty ill'
ills fortn7'r I1litimanagen,eut
region that retuned in the
i'e W reoellitee e 1i. -1n 1'Ir.
bas gone to New 13' utiSWis
t'ltd e0iit'in0s3 Ms p,mt813(33e1
beneticial t'ff•ets 44 the bi 1
iltlict It task, tidG
d, find 3
1':girl the folly of a;lci71
1 he prili:ege..of sal ling 1hee
to aeruss the lime—even if
'ittle .otit of pnoket,--they
effort) to melte wine $ t t ertfi
glm•tans privlh �Y,t. of gain'
eiahjects, to hive udder the
&e. .
J3utsorne tronbi'oonre •1
,doubt a*k Hite if they c',
itislr sul,jecte and 1,
Yankees. jest the same. Ti
bay beeline° th ,y avant the
the al:', Brune vieeere 34
''Went `the money. t\
Boit gentleman will he 01)14.1
(hose (to hot') misguided
the fully of such a disloyal
'remains to -be seen.
. •''Sic John 'fhollrpson line
'departure for Amtigonisb,
'ar'ran(?P for liis'return in tl
".l'he'snlaaiI Majority . hse
113357.(6$ 1 think), gives h,
'hollers. and tl',te ease :]"811111
when his 0173 Opp -neer, ly
ray, :i popular lashi note,'
ability, who is'1Lt',prwsent
fc0t3tt'(v'r,vet'n.nue t,iii the'
iliil$sti1. .
.111iin Mr Clleelle<ai1 'sin
of 1.`uebec t i S iiig; "to ot1' el
ovorti'that is b) i'ait'd(r1a0'T
•Laurii`r, e,
in 1re m 111t11th :V It teek,
*raid hitt both bill tied
have 'comm trotibh iia Leet
31tltil3?'tiey, Life L'a'csetor'a
4i' h 1181i.i vets '57 Fe fro tiara
t tit 'bi't yawn •.1rat.3n tililt
doubtful. .
1 aha Ulla that .4'.311 flit
1Ir,'1spectn for t'ite Reaortil
1 rat•itice of Quol.ec ore
Jt1i' Mereler'e success Lt
•41181 t'lettiOilS, Luna tilt fat'
Mr Laurier urs wit'kin;•,1
.l;ive stro11CS itldWlttl,rlt) t
rrovitl,re is comet to rS
.EirirlUtl)lea azh 7Ltien0lit4d 1
1 eefurtne.rs of their C3v1I.
1 atlunet say ►uuOlr Aa
heats in the Lewt.r Pi
if they herert.., tattle id
of they think their corid7ti
tittered by 1580 .ti'trtla
1►te1glflitlra.-aritd they fru,
from experielloe and the
virility eethey will 1.175 `lot t
iter toes wttbutat ('xkt
,tr;llntr3l'44 151 Ap,7,tl 1t 04 0
B,' q4 ,xy *IV, If ,,7
,I't's t 'r l.� til ice nit e
r1,15��d fi ata' the i •bt,et iii