HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-20, Page 7,IIIIT�-. SL 1111 L STNEVI ONTARIO. ¶ Jnryeor,irieiltr AI' se 1tATritl mo 1 0mo.I„ On idt I )z0 00 60 a>(1 to 00 1' 00 r; int 12V' i 7Vu 3Vi, tt0 duo aril hrortisetneuts, 8c. par Ore orihm tete:witaub per ? ell type, lot. fret &rat -i• each rulovgn,:ut•.n 1teatica rgc'd less thou 260 •uund,,trayer', snail..tlow*, God, cotemateUtnt; b lino, Me, not exceeding 8 boot, r attbeegtrent urut,th .iia tott,erett LO r adtertiwalcute, or i.t specillc directions, will Vit urged 0ccordingey. 'Iran. et be pail to sat ane° ,drerotaentante MUM, be In noon, In cruor to atrpeat'1 hl i IU'1'T 474. l kin a1nTea r$D PCIThInl iR eltr3.eg o tins and Sur;eoue, Onrtirtioe aunty uP lturutt-- r " t1 nighaeir, Ont .1, of Termite Ltuivereity, and Q�!'hj A,eairn i Ya•iai OU:utoori ..Coru°rufCottle and Plttriciv ht ay tY.: uv.aaue. ua^t: iOL1C1't lt, $t0., EVE uncia to iV n tit Io4 est rat s ,u charged e1u ti;aa,es, iOwtt. ray u1.tatot ono ,ow. WtsoRAr., t,a i , 1FottTON SISTER, ti°., Ontario etSON, C.1 E. L. DicKINSON" 13 Ae 'SOLICITultS, Etc., Etc., Se ittoudtua.,tioatedsewuers. der r Maut.una, Mato, lutes. ilio" tat and sold. Money (private Itga} e secur'itr at ni pct texto pri tate persoua, upuu the bort,. withriut any etpel,sb to O,o aft In knanifeba taw tae btUrt4t ok. tYtu haN. ". H. 9AACJDONALD, WtS.tit r of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy.. Gold, etc etc., Plates, ranttitvg ices from SOW upwards p11 act• ring and bridgework. Teeth est least pain b; the use cif ice, tt Ingham, tide entrance else tote', open daily (Sundays a%sept p m, Will bo at Blyth evei'9' ay of eachmoutlr--Otliceat3llitrt bf and 3rd fdonday$ of each mornt — tel :-`ar'activa 2t cents. J -S. JEIRO dE, MAMAS, . mmmfaoturing Celluloid' I'17 rloanite platen of the ltustlealeri✓t' cheap as they Can be got in ti S minion. All work warranted, ion of tooth by the use of Eleliliett taper. l will extract tooth for 26 cries! to Deaver Block, oppoii*o !tie &L INSURANCE AOENT ttasLAl• iNINGFLi1Sf, INSURANCE IRE AN» MARINE, GUELPH. a„ WixdtIAti, 1CTIONEE1t FOR THE CitI1RNTbt; OF HURON. Id in any part, of the Co,,, Ceetxey' 1t1tIk,, WmNonAtl, ON:c„ rorri:sEEm eon. TIUt VavH : or t at the luxe mike promptly nt e101. reason►ble. +s`_�. WESSON, , ��-- wiosanrt oan t;on:fTfsa 00111 01( !art. $nUulk tpelsd to promptly and on the Whose lorateend Satisfaction Guarantied, y erreneements eau be made it tis. u Get DOLTON ee HAWKINS �e Sumvirrolut /ten „Cit.* AVOnSUE* :$TOWEL stat WtNGHAM,. eft et the come of the xiMtS wlet ry 1100004th Woe peewee toam; Issysfe040. The Weddings. At e end of the brat met liri wedding. At two years the paper. AJ three the leather. At chose of live climes tine woollen, A}'t the aeveutli aunivere;try the friends iesee•trlblte at the woolen. At wen swami the tin, „1A,t13 yeare the silken atld'line linen. 1.5 the crystal wedding. det't the married oouple that hale been r oranies the hue to t1tAi vows The age of a fruit ripe estough to bf Well preserved, Your motto 0 It ib batter to alis, than to betray trust. luau' i'vejjutllea in a lj;otion:try. One of the fureuloas young physio. is of Its Jacksonville, Florida, Oyes lar the u ooiat of the following amusing cunveraatiou with his valet, othetWls0 t- r or it quarter of a, can. buggy boy. `tete are Itwerded with silver gifts. Front He dtdu't have any business to all thitl period femora the tokens of esteem me it nigher, aid he doctor t 'become rapidly more valuable. When the 30th anniversary is reached l'thQy are preseuted with pearls. At the doth comes the rubies.. A# the 50th cotnee the goltleu wedding, , i3eyouti that bllne the the aged couple, are allowed to eujoy their many gifts in a L+gyptian, the Indian, the Chinese, the ft/however, by any possibility they sithitild reach their 75th anniversary they eye presented with the rarest gifts to be ;iibtairtefl, at the celebration of their dia- ',P.ridi* wedding. 'There is no harm in the word negro, replied the doctor, Negro la the name of your race, your people. Rye; y race has a name—the Ango-Saxon, the i(3 rotated Paragraphs. More people die from eating too iNtileh tltau eating too little. Whena preectier quits studying he iia' getting ready to go to seed, Tfie ,devil has a good deal of fault 'to find with the Salvation Army. The zispel is the only thingon ..earth that the people don't get rid of. The best hews that ever found its 'wayyto this earth is that God loves `till. It will puzzle posterity to make but ;why some wen have been given stat. rtes. One of the greatest victories possible ii},�k,1118 life is to be able to say no, to yb'tirsel f. Water never rises above its level, 'and po roan's life ever rises higher thin his belief. Gee or the hardest things in the world to do ie for one woman to de- ceive another. If your pastor doesn't seem to precah ;dust right, it may be because you don't pray just right. if it wasn't sohard for a woman to tsIce care of herself, there wouldn't be ati many unhappy marriages, If there wasn't any money in this. world it would he hard 'to find outjust 1 low mean soma men ere, There isn'tone man in ten thousand who knows what kind of a man' he kd fie if he had plenty of money. JCt is wrong to love a king any bet- e than,you do yourself, but it is ,aaven's,law that you shall lore hiri> fist as well. A 1tu rian'e Guiding Rates. Aproes of the tate Gen Seliver- lolf, one of the Parisian papers pule. fished sone details about a visit he ade to' the baths of Plombiere gave tin her book of confessions 'and these i' the anewors he wrote to the follow. ;g,, gnesti0n8 What woman's name . do you me - , i live --because, thanks 44 .ilia first ted woman, lt►(,e }ible was written I' know >Iiethipg inure edifying lett to mead it. Who is Tour favorite hero 1 ;pit would be he who shoulu have the curage ,payer to love and never to Vie. . ,Nliat;is your political opinion t tri aid a government to preserve develope all the good institutions u country, provided they Wore cone:• !vative and repeated religion. What is your favorite virtue 1 he capacity of never oornrnitting• put that is not strictly honest --ill ..br'eadest conception of the word esti. hat remail do you prefer 1' at of the woman who would ve one for 111e. here Would you like to dietiy olid theme who leve ole and would test fast. • Vhat is your vocation ? rr take cart of tire girl*. -,1 hat wihkd du you prefer ? 11 those that oan lu;tki) ul.o jolly hoc wey>xld you li%e to have bre en' reform mrvent>`tnt in both enentri.et if e1"s rt free tred^� relatieatit are atabltxllai.l.� �l't.y'ailin 420. 1.11 ,las, it --....A... . t. ,. . . ,.liana _f....._,,.,:.;:, M. name of your people is the Negro race.. You say dat, Doctor ? You thinks dat 1 But no colored folks we know dar ain't but one Nigger—he's de bad man, ?But. thia is the trtlk of ignorance argued • the doctor; you have too much sense tG believe such stuff. You eau read. Bring me the die• tionary, Here is the word Negro ; read the definition, the meaning of that word Negro. The boy read out the words of the definition. Well, isn't a negro a black man ? Did .a white man write this book,. Doctor? asked the boy. Yes. Well, Doctor, you know how itis twixt white man and nigger. You know if de vthite man made the book he glad .ter write it down oat de black loan is a nigger. Hit don't 'stonish me ter read dat right in a book de white man melte. Des 'wait till de nigger make a dictionary !— Martha Young, 'iec*t ilontedy tor Catarrh is the et, Easiest to Use and Oboe pest, '—Mr Dsan TniEs,—Had a Canadian Rip Van Wiukle gone to sleep some twelve years ago, when 1 came to Canada and were to wake up now when the C P it ib au accomplished fact, a: line of steamers plying from Vancouver, nickel nines in full blast, thousauds of voice singing Mt.: tioual sougs written by national bards,eti united Methodist Church, with sereason•.' able prospect of Canadian Christendom husbanding its'atrengtVi kr united effort, and last but not least Old Country journals like Chambers eouttiining:serial'stories by 'Canadian authors; verily he and your humble servant would exclaim in co ueert Prodigious! h W Llrgoow. Louis Ovr, the Canadian strong man, gave 'anexbibiti'on of sonic of his muscular feats at Moutrsal a few even- iugs ago, and was presented with a costly and artistic championship belt.' Oyes big lift was raising a pletforui on which stood thirteeu parlous, a to. tai weight of 3,152 pounds.. Among other performances he lifted a barrel containing a weight of 218 pounds with one hand, lied p!aced it on his shoul- der. Ho, lifted a,245 pound dumb bell three times in euecession with one band, and shortly after he raised by meant of it strap, two dumb bells weighing 490 pounds, with one 'finger. pile of his most dilillcult feats was bal- een**on his chin} ladder oil which his wire stood Tete Tarim Z sefarmorm Movement. Protectionists who have gone so fee as to tax duplicates of the Royal coat - of -arms imported into Canada, who follow taxing as a tine art, view with horror the possibility of Canada adopt. Ing freer trade relations with ' the United States. They forget or they wilfully suppress the face that the great Democratic party is rapidly be• coming a free trade party; that prop. Lection is the moat abhorret,,,of words among the members of the Fanners' Alliance of the middle and Western States, and that the next House of Congress will be pledged to the utter, most for tariff reform. They forget the wave of popular indignation that swept tbeRepublicau party into a hope- less minority in the [lease of Repro- sentiltives. The Reformers of Canada believe that the free trade movement in the United Status has come to stay, and that Me Blaine, the moat power - fel of the Ytepublic;tn chiefs. recap.nizea title and has framed his reciproc- ity policy as it cooliter bid to tarn'' reform. It rill! strengthen the tariff �_.2.. 1.3 by drugglata or seat by man,see. T, naeettiuo, Wawa; ro,, U. s. rt, ut Wok IdE, Wo wish to inform the public that we have these Woolen Mills In A 1 running order, anti wilt me season vivo special attention to CUSTOM WORK ORK is an its branches, and will keep in stook a clattered erst-olass goods, such as Tweeds, Flannels, Ftotrs, Blankets, 9heetings, Stocking Yarns, &c., (made front pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex. °haut,e[or wool. Cueton,ore from a distance can have their rolls Immo with theta the same day. 01,111ghest market price In cash for Merchantable Wool, • INGL'1'S tL• CO'Y., Winghem THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. $20 Will buy the ODELL TYPE WRI- TER with 78 characters, and $1 5 for the SINGLE CASE ODELL, warranted to do better work than any machine made. It combines simplicity with durability, speed, ease of operation, soars longer without cost of repairs than any other machine. Has no ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is .neat, substantial, nick°, plated, perfect And adapted to all kinds of type writing, Like a printing press, It produces sharp, entail'I'e`gillloinanuscripts: Two or ten copies oan lie ,aide atono writing, Any intelligent person can +b8come an operator in two days. Wo offer$1 ,000 'to any operator who canequal the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special nducemente to Dealers. • For Pamphlet gtAog indorsements, ko., address ODELL TYPE WRITER; Ca., ,85 and 87 6th Aso C516ICAG0, ILL. ZETLAND S.in.W' MILL • GEORGE •THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. V.'OOD delivered to any part of Wingham. MT by mat promptly attended t0. GEORGE THOMSON, W Ingham P:o is the time to paint your houses, and RUBBER Y PAINT the -- BEST in the WORLD, None genuine unless atanlned "Rubber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohio," We Mohave the beet Ready Mini Paints You can get tin p nha00 YOU deal °, In quantities costing 110310 10 rent, op, t or 11"hifewoshlnK 0nd l:plsomintat, ask for LA13118 TINE, and don't talcs anything. alae, 'a. A, Cit:° et Co 1 iiAl� iiiAREMERCHANTS, VY4Itingin. A - WING -HAM I MARBLE NORKS F Ohm a retrospect of my thirteen or fourteen are business in Moghatn, I desire most heartily to manyrforytrie liberelripatronageaextendedutoitl veto liber el past, bettor iriducteiilentsltl ee atit'eritoa thoseoiequhfar anything In the lino of Granite or Stone Monuments, t3EADl>TONES, WINDOW BILLS, 8TONI TltIMlttINGS FOR FENCING, tto I would be pleased to have .those de.siron pro- curing any articles in my line' to call and examine geode, compare prices and leave their Indere, so that the goods may be secured and prepared eirly In the season, You can select from the latest !Merle and obtain the dnest workmanship at the most favorable prices. Most respectfully, yours • Wm. SMYTH, Winxham, Ont. A CHANCE 1 • t5b TaiIgss Bulitot� CHAS, /;(--ty� r ,rr•r�•7� /4!i Wishes to inthuato to the p00p1e of Wingbatn :.nd surrounding country that he has purchawnd' the harnose business lately carried on by Eosins, d, .1. Howutli di Son, and will conduct it Pathe building one door south of lir T A Mills' stere. DOUBLE AND SII'1'nLE IJAiiNisisl heavy or light, made to order. A full iine of Iforse Blankets, sleigh Belle, • WhiFvr Curracombs, Brushes, teM., Always On band, Repairing neatly on u promptly iter', The petrortgee of the public solicited, and 04461, 1' Bonin work and material guaranteed, C. K$ECHTEL Wineham. Naroh 4.18i0. rent Stook Taking Sale. Combines All Broken, And so are the prices of Goode We are bound' to reduce our shock he fore Stock -taking, if prices will do it. T. 4 • MILLS Has 'been doing a rushing business for the last three weeks, and tile Sale still continues. Such Bigains dere Never Heard Of. If you want a'Remnant of any class of goods CHEAP, cone and see ns. 500 Remnants of DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS, FLANNEL!..;—, &c., must be sold at any price. Goods all Marked Away Down So as to give everyone a chance to cure a BIG BARGAIN. Cheap Flannels, Cheap Dress Goods, Cheap Tweeds, Cheap Overcoats, Clleap Furs, Cheap Blankets, Cheap Carpets, Everything Cheap. CI-1EA P IS NO NAME FOR IT. Come and see for yourself what we are doing for Cash. Ca.vb want, and for Cash we You can Buy Goods Cheaper from our Large Stock and have a Better Choice. CAME AND SEE FOO YOURSELFI We want to show the people how to SAVE MONEY. A -della;+ aved is a dollar made, so just try us and save- the dollar every lime+; T. A. MILLS. A Dler.sing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PIU.S AND OINTMENT Those remecics have stood the teat of flfty years experience, and are pronounced the best Medicines for Family nae. 1111 -IM 1?I ■. r r tS Purify the blood,' correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND ROWEL* an and invaluable in all complaints ineidsntal t0 females of all ages. ir, the only reliable remedy for bad lefts sorra, niters, and old wounds, loon ItRONC1I1718..w rr; THROATS, 00147,118,' OLhS, GOUT, Rt'E10tIA1I8M, CiLAMULA11 SWELLINGS AND ALL 5tfl.. DISEASES IT IIAS NO EQUAL. Afonufactnred only at 78, Now Oxford, Late 588, Oxford Street, l.oution, and sold by all Medicine Vend0rsthr0ughOnt the world. ksg"X'urhatoera should look to the Label on the Doses and fats. If the rrddresse is Orford Street, London, they are spurioun. 1 CURE FI ITHOUSANDS OF HOHX glV1I AWAY YEARLY. When 1 say Crier. i' de not *Ulu morel), t0 stop thou' for a time, aid t • vethemireturnagain. 1MEANAfADIb4tC5JRtttt Ibavetndothediseaaraof pilepiy or Falling ateknela a itde-tong stu.ty, 1 vearriwrtt rtr raw* to ow* r Stott cases. Bockats others inters failed is u6 season for mot nous eir+1g a errs. Se a the and &rr's oet-t i 4Ail Infitfllblao illotrrrriti•e. Ex ob. rifttott patlan fora art -1, and it will rgrst ittf >r. -H.