HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-20, Page 6•7 '
FRU A/e, FE t1II e#ICY 20, 1801.
C,1"A,t4VAIGN WE10 $.
impassable 'barrier to bearing between
Toronto unci the •rural constituencies
Of Ontario,. where tete farmers live who
really have in their elands the issue of
the battle. They ore' plainly told that
reciprocity. es it is conceived f by
the (overuuaent, contains do re y
fox the extortiot► of the ootubines, and
will not open :the Markets of the
/Jolted States to the farmers of Cane
ada if the price of opening them is to
cst the lnanllfbcturers anything. Tide
declaration will haves its effect on the
ousting of the farmer's ballot.
Mr, !eter Bertram, proprietor of
'trio ,a .e faotovy iu Dundas, intoned a
1t1t'etiog of electors there . this week
that he was ready for reeiptracsity with
United. States, and if be could not
the �l`l
kwold. his own in huueet conrpetitiooe he
would shut up. chop.
burlap, the last twelve years. the
(koveruweut has increased the public
debt at the rate of about $00 a minute;
ioell . Avery time a man breathed
�rtlttl y
been 1 act
• a
i e
1878 8a
dollar 'sac
our national indebtedness. Sines 1867
;Sir John Macdonald. is responsible for
4185,631,00Q increase in otir national
debt, and the tibrrela for only ,,
23'3,000. Tttere is food for thought
for the;olet:te1 of Canada.
disetttee is far better thele to invent • I,he listeting to i iespliteny,
•inea►1Sfor lte court. The iloathl l would not whet',t1 nr til,kthe+f diet
Journal toile of a d•tasip'>te,it broken :off wt' h,it, Iovi.t t t
down Young man who when, ho Glyn tree to n t1SDpt)j(11)lill m tlbenne *Waite
od 1t'1'P►l'tt p ) E 11
sutttd 1 celebrated ite� good `to illy 111n,3t ietituite girl bleed, lit
from whom leo received some b
hygetio advise, melrl. suer idiot would would 1 neic her iaupertieent queetione
know he'll ,get well if ole dice that I would not write lsilly'elates to
which you advise, but 1 d lnet welt to youee, mien, or permit them
I ; 1 wan t to do• just tte 1 have fam°liar with me, well011,
do diet .
been doing end have some inedi+:int1 1 would oat g v w weary kr,y ttuueldee
to cure me. This, as ilio atone Who., jaig,---inatend. 1 souk to 1ptvP up to the
joints out is ;Past the Way with a ,ing myself by t F
erect' 1
1'„They want to lire ides,'ides,'ref a woman, god the vett' fetor of
th0 general public. t: �� ways to tryitio bo harts ahold ittake {'rte
on in their utltaaturitt, unh�4ftulc y y v'silNd,-=•The
Caniielit,'.vas nee iteprosperous' as it
a'tianld ibe "'Quo Pri on for th'ie was
t e:.eic4trav tilt, ;expenditure of our
e Guveruut Lit.,
This expenditure should
It 'clot increase f•tater than our popttla
tion, And if•.it does tbB,reSUlt will be
harnnfttl; The net debt has in eleven
years increased $84,948,000, and the
,gross -debt S 06,o00f0oo. The past
time cif commercial prosperity
of ras in
`patt.oaused by the presence
$100,000,000. of borrowed money in
the oouutry, ' and .now the harden of
interest latent be borne on this sum,
The revenue in 1890 was $17,000,000
eitt 'mere tlie'rt in 1879,of which over $13,-
nisi 000,000 was. collected intaaes,—Win.
pilit Patterson at Brantford.
or JteciprociLy with the 1nited States
Canada, and.we
Tlf�i -means prosperity for C ,
rorty:, had that prosperity From 1854 to 1856
°etc+ and the prosperity will prevent any
obi' feeling in Favor of annexation. Talk-
y 12;? ins treason in connection with reoiproc-
uu[ i is red`iculous: and not worthy 'cif a
Ii. roan like Sir John. Were the authors
of the.. reciprocity' treaty of 1854 teal
11 o tors to the country ? Then Sir John
aw, l wee a traitor with all the illustrious
pct atatesuleu of that time. • Oan a man
be a tlaitur to his country when he
favors+ its inters eta and is trying
honestly to pull it out from commer-
cial and fii.anoial difiicultiPs4 J: sec
treason in a statesman wbn wants to
keep his countrymen starving, but not
in those who wish to give then rnehes.
[L'tentic•r illcreier at Montreal.
It is remarkable with,'that untin-
imiiy the teen who in 1878. were the
ioudeet int declaring that if the Nation.
al Policy would injure British connee
ions, then so much the worse for
perish eouuectio,ls, are now declaring
sleet INnrestrioted reciprocity is antes
i.heyu}rt, because it turret bring about
oar £,remote from 'tyre E11ipire,. Ft
'i;, l d eettitorous .to take oil a duty,what
attest it be to ;put one o11. The .poste
tion of these gentlemen is, however,
vastly different from what it war in
1878. Then they acre etr<de'at•etiug
to secure the privilege oiF tatting the
people for their private keriel<it,, and
naturally enough they aid not permit
isentineeut to ieterfere with bus'ttiess.
xfuw they are e'nde'avoring to prevent the ttllofe 'family, and that the
bete ,people from thrown,„ of their yoke' weisl ar rilelnUer'uTi it=- b'anner's
afati awn t8.idy,, ill This name of patriot• viety�
tees.. to have s:lixle ortes shot if that will
e* a tlit in from being despoiled.-
aluotreai Witeriee.
Eoo 1oniy,
Who in the average family doesthe
? How many of the
"brethren" are in. the' habit of taking
off and eeamiuinl the
' ' hats
make ak
critically to .see- if oa
clang on another seasou,that the eldest'
son nmy have a new oue 1 asks too
Praotical Farmer. Flow many of you
would be likely to say "Yes, with a
new Binding and a coat of shoe polish
I oau wear it to ellurch all winter;
young fours like to appear well." Ilow
many of you have ever triad turning
your over(^at "bottotli to toot," is or-
der that your lege might 'bavo u new
shawl 1 How moil of you give p
bacco acid cigars that your daughters
may take Music lessons ? ' lloW many
of you shed 'Antic tears in secret be.
Meese you are dying to see mother,
but smile bravely when any one is
looking beeetlie you realty cannot
afford it? •You laugh! Well,
tet nue' tell you some things your wife
has done and is: doing.. She has not
had a nice ,now dress since she was
married. You know you were in debt
wheel you 1 ',,,., afflicted.
lr ea s
t folare
ole las y ,�:,aius ,hat
fOT t Llie fait rP p--
tzir, sunlight, wholeisome food and
teuperance in all things wilt eon-
tiuue to be th'e hese antidotes to dis-
case of all kind*
-to five as they ploase—lnxoriete, ttohteve thtft who'll 1 1 t
l"ordered ttlsttni Ladies dome Journal for Ft bruary.
disexpate, its tael)r its.
dictate-- eat bad food an
d brt,a4ha Raids of r rebiort•
t orsealY th llitve sOtnr+tllltln iujPc4Pd Muffs were in use before theyear1700,
slider their skin, no 111atter whitt, t'o Persian latcb is It .fs�volite meterlai fur.
11C til
1011. rimlx>!
he t
I 1
kill or curd theta.
Velvet calf in all colors. isneed for even
a s naw danG►ng 1vi4h, deli;;bt ill tLP inR shoes.
elope lilac they Gan Ilve 011 ill ttl,!li' evil starching was drat intrudUoee into En',(`•
ways and toed not even try to avo• id land iu liiil#.
the great white plegue, t:ousu'hlptiou ; Fur is tnuoll used Asa triulming for hats
1,1'.1 t;, lett.
iS pilISLISlll:i -•
Il'xTurs' Fltll)AY i11t:?1;NI:Iik,
`WIt�GHA A, - t�i3i''1'lE1RIO.
al:Set�i'pttonnrice,silior'year,inader k#to
1 1 t ct deli trochee this season.
apace ._ i.1,)r 1•.0Mo 1 31110.1�
nuc l o' it,a Sn uu x11 00 1 ie uu a 5 Isilied " t
quat,luurtur " 'L[i lit• 1C UI I i' Vu 4 t;q
uta 111th D Jt• 3 Ot 4 U0 Ice
Local nod other c e'Jtt eAleertleen,o,tl. Sc, per lire
for not .'tet tien,1100 Ju. perline lora e h uubstr tW f
insertion. hl nonpareil typo, sot tar ihaf .kt
Leval i ••rices,
section,l lid De. pe' 111.0 for etch.',locumatea:'aettie%
fro 1otn1 notice ,t ill uo eliurt:ed lose churl ks
Ad reltisenioma el Lont, Found, zitrtW'xd+, gitNtlis4ion •,.
nee tsuoutr1S t:,lameas 1lttll1r'd, nit ime00Utng e flue„
nouvereli, rI l'rr I t IIth
iiuuts4 t,nd t a.ltta our Salo not exceeding 8 noun.
SI ler that i loath, Dal. per sume,mcnt mourn
Tnese tu•n.a sail be atwetty stwereu to
apeend rates ler ,uogor advertises nente,. or l.t
longer periods.
:tat erttseulul.til without specilit direct 01ts, kmi
. •die x
C40t �
• da d
'►lit a
' •1 4 {+
i l i0
• dtl
Indus it •e
sitovy iN1Ve1'tleellie,ittl lnl,at Ile 1>ald 111 a01a t
OItaUgee for OWttfaet etiver1Ieentente tttust be in
the cul �, y Wednesday noon, int otuor 10 gr',{ivn1,n
Wet w +, .
1t E1 i Lt 1 T
t 1101 a1MTI/a 4 tD PDDttM,iliF
DR. ilACOONal.,n,
JOSSPiAINE sect ni
eri frac
iyt;can.tsr, •
that w esti t cep con rtk _ ' p . o utwr than
Par 1)as never been ntor p p
they •can 'gt•t cured of it by A few it is this yeitC,
drops of Koch's lymph, Rude wtls t►. is this of trrtarregwt. iu pelcrls makceN
nreat mltn airtl s'I t'Vi,s' Jt'►1.nri„ tvb0 a pretty ftcurfe''llt.
first applied taccination to the. telsrl n^ Go1f,,*s a genie for ladles is itumousely
it► + of the s'nortatit,y trent smallpox. popular in England. eha led h,ckeli is the
But it is no longer doubted that if A tiny gold bears 1
newest thing in watch chr.rie s.
tiotiLit39tiolll i9oltttlon ai►ti jslfpctiot The teagowo is giving place to what is
had been practised in Jeu:ogee tithe new kt,nwtaa'tlie "housil drenp
as they carr 1e and aro now, the At tree ooronatiou .of t�reorge. ILL there
mortality would hove been greatly were only two hairdressers iu Loudttl.
The bird off paradise iu diamou(irt is
reduce(! WitlI0llt elle' a'lll Of yaCCilltt-
e is too reat ` a physioiatl soluethlue otigival.iu orteneeeta fur bhe
tityla. Iio.h g hair.
to `hold theft the stronl;est prPvelltittivP In Paris jackets httt a taken the place or
measures will not -bR as touch ne(td other wraps with wornou who wails,
ed 110 the future as in the palet• Bazaars have been Cite order of the shy
1 blase if not lute eveuiu'g, for the last furwight.
T'{rouglt hili lymph tnay ttid 1t ltleaqu ee Muss are of a length which
• irould fol tnerll have been ceusiderod outre,
brought her here a dozen years ago,
and you have'rnanaged to keep in
debt for something ever since. She
had a nice broadcloth 'eircular when
she became your wife, and it has done
ssrviee every winter since, till two
years ago, wht.n she cut it up to make
Bitty atid Williejtickets;' If
In its place she weras a shawl—
cotton—that cost $2 50; you remem=
be r how magnanimous yon felt when
you settled the bill? 'Two-thirds. • of
the time she has to keep her feet
drawn up under her skirts tlittt no one
may sae how shabby hl -r shoes are.
If site 'gets new ones Kitty' will have
to wear old ones. All the while she
is planning self denial that the hue.'
band•may: have his grasping ambition
satisfied, or that the children tnay have
better advantages. This state of
affairs dols not exist in. all homes. but
in the great majority if any one eeow'
omizee at is the wife and mother.
Half the time the husband neter'real-
izes it, though • he may be duly ,con•
scious that she is quite a manager;
sometime the woman herself seemly
knows,it. In the average boUie of
I the laboring man economy is a ,neces-
sky and all should boar their' share,
`Parente should ;not bear it all either,
the chil'dren are the better for doing
their Share, Where all are united and
an unselfish spirit prevails, economy
and self.sacriflce became a pleasure.
There are worse beings in life than
honest ;pov'erty, but there is nothing
worse than the neglectful, selfish
sin'rIit that. lets one bear the crosses of
What a blessed day is Sunday to
the weary man who necessarily cat'hes
but brief glimpses of home during the
toiling week ; whois off in the morn-
ing while little ayes aro 'still 'closed in
slumber, tend does not, get hack at
night till they are agarfl sealed by
sleep. What would Ire •knew of the
very children for whom he toils, were t
it not for the_ blessed breathing respite
of Sunday l •
What .honest working men's child
will ever forgelt the blessed Sabbath
day, when, clean and neat,it is privi-
leged to climb papa's knee, alld hang.
about his neck, and tell him all the
news which goes to make up his nar-
row little world 7
Narrow, did we say t We recall the
word, for it widens out into the bound,
les§ ocean of eternity. Sunday for
the -working man's children! So would
we have it—a day hallowed, by sweet,
pure' home influences ; when the little
band'iluite'complete, shall rest fro,
labor, Itnd Lore shall write it down'
the most blessed day' of all the seven.
Wer(' You. MY Dear.
1 wouldn't turn my Bead to look
after finer frocks, or iinpertinent men.
1 wouldn't forget to sew the braid
around the bottom of my skirt,. or the
beitton on my shoe.
1 wouldn't eonolttde'thnt every mute
who said something pleasant to nese
bad fallen in love with ins;
1 Wouldn't feel that 1 wfre an ill.
'UT B. Towl.1.it,
. AI,ll,C.Df.,
Member Cotlogo Pbyeloi0lts and Sor;•eone, Oniiztio4
Coroner for t, aunty of ltutun-
011100 at " Tun 1'i,atttlat'Y!' • S1llttg'11auf., onel,
1)R. J. A. EZI,IniU:t1,
r el limier
,,tcutbt,r e, the 1,ol,U0t41 s ( i"t•5stcautd Nod u: Ir,lrr6 ,f
Ottitemid ltusidence—OenlorofCent'ennA maser
streets,lonuerly uuu0itit'tt 01' 101.',oe.a lie.
W tr.ivaw r t?a'i:
• li ur4 duu
to lir Toronto University, „3,')'
"La Ortrpe" or iuiiueu'Gt tett be quickly
cored by the use of Wilson's Cu,nplrtud -of
Wild Cherry, the old l'el'table remedy fol
Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup;Culds,
Coughs and other diseases of respiratory
system. Wilson's Wild Cherry has been
in use for many years and ishighly 100001-
mended by all who know its virtues. cold
by all prominent druggists. .•nolusio
�11tiUtyeal Wttt.ees ears: Sir John
'.fl,untpsonbets eteared up the situatieu
74y hes bpeech at the Toronto Antidote
tilt,. til as trimly words lie stated.
t 'f t' e='t oeerutnent Were victorious
Vsf sands of "Aims Saori fineei.
'l'be Canada Health Journal rtt ellesl erected personragrr because, though I
the eonelasiotisteoul the return of the .could play pleasantly, • my friends did.
mortality in 10 of the jpriucipel often bet eount me a reorient Mozart.
and towels in the Dominion, that if 1 would nrrt,when 1 could have only
the sable rate .prevails throughout the min (rook, choose a 'eoupicltous One
vt1t le of Canada, and medical then that would mark tee at the girl in the
red plaid,
i wuulu riot, bedause 1 was tired.and
nervous, give snappy, ill natured re-
ptiee to tlueething asked the by those
Who really 'care for ane.
1 worst not ,tet iu Om habit of
111 in a familiar way of the men
tion and ab-
of i11f0
A pamphlet P
of the lave, Showing How to
Obtain Patents, Caveats; Trade
Matte, Copyrights, lent free..
361 Broadway O.
New York.
p vANS'run1,
13A Sa115T11B, SoL1C1'A!ai11, Z1e.. 1'
Private laud lio,npuny 100.141 10 tool it ilia est rates
interest.aNo nd '01 commission pi foI:burue ,t Ilii ul„bee, il5.t+n
OFFICE—peavur Shite;, 1t"twattar:. uav
'a/Ingham • Ontario
_1_111_..----•-------.: �.._....------3'T--'
AMR 4 D1L'IitA80N,
14...-Ve. •C. ttil.., G. C: I E. L. DICKINsoN. 19 ilr
13ASNittk1tS AND 'SOLIC1TUIt8, Ltc., Etc:.,
iieltat s fOr..•)ttu,k K,f itu,ullwn,.t%Fat t., ToviFB'+u? `'
taking atlldartt$ our htaut,ul,s Fern,, rivate,
V1111i u property bought and eculd. t%luGtiypc[ ea.,.
huw0)Waned on mortgage ur4yue, 11901) the bent,
;Bonet' im ested Sur hri [oto p
l mole age securities withoutany t,ituhu Wei 1041 Dtort•4,
lender. Lamle for .ole le, l
t/11100—Konya Block. Win011t.nl.
L,'riT13T1:Y -'�1V. Il. 31i1OL0\ALi); WtS.tufr'X
hest tinker of Vulcanite., Oullttloid, ;aloe
SUve. Gold, etc., etc., Plates, ranging
in prices from eOOue upwards p'.
oroWaing and bridgework. Teeth VG
traded without the lel." pain Ingham, lids is cd' Vital
fried Air. !lead Odioc, b
s ape
poste the queen's hotel, open dally (Sundays e%ueytt
od)•.1tom 9 a m, to 5 p 1u, will bo at 111yt1t evah,
Bud• and 4th Saturday of cachmoutil—OtliceatMIMS b'
hotel111atoAlbi nflhotel. d S d.i: tractiuC 25 centsach wogt4 -
DENTlSTltr.— 31 S. JEROME, Wutoftam,
of whltbv College,
' id
CILAL l of a
x pupil of Mr.,Ldlvard'1'lsllbr and 'Dir, 3. W. r
Harrison. Piano;, t)rgan, Voice Mature and liar•
mono• aoome he lioaver aloctc, W inghant.
$or particulars regarding corms, c, pleats dill at
• HAitilON4" '
my botuo, contor 111,inoie,end Petrick 66,e.otd,
NSTIU'd lON given/ MY Plano, Organ and violin.
I Also In Harmony.
Residence en Gonne Josephine and' *Wok
1 11
iu toe miming election they wood tgenel'ally believe it Bons, 20,000 moe
rnugilarr that they have received the! human brings die in Ibis countryif the
mandate of the people nut tocouseutievery year than woulddie
b he
t., any ac,,tuae of ret:ipruc'tty with the mortality i,t it were rrdu , y p
l"un"ar 13.eetra ►tbieh would injure the per edncatiun of the people and 514,1
ptivt e,ei'ei of the protected nluttufac- l,►ry adtuil,isttatialltl, to t1' ' a%erngP
t iirref
roamers. of course init. John Thompson i mortality rate in 1 itglalit .
.romld,. nee have I.t ell explicit+ un , Appeals to be morn fur r, 'form in the' 1i uk 'bite
ur rwhen you l�iareS to y in
a themt ocreTom,
thrts peg' teed Ire 3eolr beers *ddreering'iaani .sry surrounding, of tile
people D yon ire leers, Ne 1 lir ;cart
..iartlts', every Mali of Whom, in' all over the country. Afterr
btemerelf 1 itase talipes rve*d V/ be wt r t, r,.tv 1 vrput leurt permit SA, air1 £(denote:ljry,l►'talf�ts ..;,
6 lid 0.. ^l, "`
;,111� `¢Y�t'v tit gra trp,ttglnf moha''r�atoalolyr i� tllua'a tit �R!i�;�1' 11.11_ _..
.pees it
2s mm,nfacturing 7eltuloid' 1'iatf
' Vulcanite plates o! the Ilostmaleriu.
as cheap as they can be got le site
Dominion. All work warranted.
It P Itr eVegetables tVai of teeth by the use of Elept -
yTAtcr Nrtcs.--I will extract teeth tor is
each• opposite .tkt+
OVP'ICE: In the Deaver Block, pp
Brunswick hotel.
ioaepiiille Street Militant. Ont,
J. A. 11A
5IOnnt 11'0416411,
VlntolraM,. _ �• Yt`
ij 01311111' OUNNINOi3A1SS,
Ll+ 1NSUnLs-10E
I totrel.
Deposits 1.i,eoeiv"Ct1 and Thterest
Money Act' 'anoed to raretters MEd
Blettneee Merl,
On long or abort time, on endorsed: hetes
or collateral security. utile nates bought
par a of Coedit et reasonable abemitted
e c rn geed. all
kSprelisl ,�.bto itipia, Givtest to 001-
looting ;5;ao 11ts and ioterl.
? DEAN. 3a., Wiseitatl,
Sales attended in any part of 'the Co,ClbalveP
03 0 Miner% ,'[iittlnmti, t3NT„ •
d6tatEtl everIonen ron rue emotes or
All orders loft et the bass ouicoiprounaly at eedt
td to. Terms rewlona610.
A404101 ire Oaticu4«- 'I'bO Moro ti0tIW Took
of ostia.
Otte* slow ,'- +440 I I. *.
ag tt:.tA
(Anita linNI1Gdteoli,
Lioasin 0 AOOTIOsUk Bsou C00NT1SS 508011 Ask
All Belot rtteirlted to promptly and on elle rllloltea'
Charges Dtodorat6 and Satisfaction, Guateittesil:
All flummery arrangements eau be made est tl .
TOW' OweOffer
eoL'to)t dr' IL IWI{Itte wt
it, f., 11 1a, i. Guava dks nag „MVO. )matin
LISTOwai. Ass w4N0,11A14.
iC' All enters lett 01 the 00111 of tete %5$M 01 ry
%v„ prompt ataeatoen
T:ae WWadtlturer.l
41 e end of the drier
.srtssiri Wedcliut{.
At two years the paper.
At three the leather,.
At oleos of rive comes the•
ee the seventh auniveroar
etneetrtble at the woolen.
At tee comes the tie.
t12 vearstbe silken Rurt'I
15 the crystal wedding.
#ah. °t«S the married couple 1
true to their vows for #t (1011
'tnry are awarded with silver
this period forward the tole
'become rapidly More valuabl
Wiled the 30t1, anniversar
lfthsy are presented with pear
41 the 40th conies the rub
4t' the 50th cones the toltil
33eyouti that time the the ai
til'lowed to enjoy their in
lir/however, by any poi
sehtitiid reach their 75tH a1101
lire presented with the rerea
440400, at the celebration
ti' wedding.
d related Paragraph
lore people die from
'winch than eating too littl
'Winton preseuer q!lits
as gettieg ready to go to a
'i'fie devil has a good de
Ito find with the Salvation
The eespel is the onl;
•wi'rth that tate people don'
The boat 'hews that ewe
'w -ay. to this earth is that
�itl•'; '
It will puzzle posterity
rw.by same wen have been
'toe of the greatest viol(
itAhis life is to be able t
y'o"tlrsel f.
Water never rises above
atoll to man's lifeever
then his belief. .
One or the hardest teat
world to do is fur one won
('live another.
If your pastor doesn't se
lust right, it may be beoai
pray just right.
If it wasn't so hard for
take care of herself, there
sIlt many unhappy marring
If glare wasn't any tn01
world -it would be'hard "to'
IQw mean some .then etre,
There isn't one man in
ho knows what kind of
4d be if he had plenty
i is wrong to love a kit
or than,you do yourself,
;3a en s -la that you sh
V w a y i
est as well.
A 3tnaSiars'a Guiding
A,propee of the late 6
col}, one of the Pgrisien
islled some details abou
ade to the bathe of !'h
lot her book of confesstol
e the answer$ he wrote 1
What woman's name . d
ve—btleaase, thttnk8 4
04 woman,. MAP Bible
1'-kuow'. 'nothing 'lith'
a.p. to,rea4l it.
Who is :your favorite lief
,ft would be he who elite
'Wage ,oe„ver to love to
T satiis your political o
o aid a government
devolape all the good
*country, provided tier
votive and repected relj
j `,Welch is your favorite v
hb capacity of never
set that is not ''strictly
broadest conception o
hat romance do you p
hat of the woman
ve One for Ino.
here would you like t
mid those who love all
Jet ldiee, •
itt is your vocation
take care of art' light
hat whom do ,you Orel
11 those that eau maker,
but *quid you lilts to