HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-20, Page 4—ANP.,. wUX. • _ 14 P. IL TICKET AGENT. T. C. N. W. TEIARAPII GQ. Opp. B. runswiGK Nouse, Wiugb,au , x s m ` Ont Mingljagitimo FBWDA:).. ke1 F3l►.U.B •'20`, 1891. MAST lEfUlt03., Br Aa a last resort, the Conservatives f this Riding have ooutieated Dir \V FIolnias.'of G•odeeleb,`to oppose ver � Vitae e Rid. 1 there e •'DicU a adA q hope of electing a Conservative Otrclr Dr Macdonald, in this riding, este reeigtzah;tion of Mr A.11 niusgrove, flet he lied fully considered,tha pros cls; dashed those ;topes 'to the ^ound. The only object of bringing r' Ito)mes into the field is to keep Maodooaid in his own cens:tituerlcy; (d it is hardly probable that he will to the :poll. , Notwithstanding the vleakness of e °oust:evoive condidate'dltd' cause, behooete " etrs1'y ". elector Who is in vet: of Unrestricted Reciprocity to e'evett legitimate means' to make s: ItcleITOILIAi, NOTES, • ' men.' who 0:18Ati' were the loudest. bfitre on:4 moattettro ex et 'E',..,is tlratttejrrl;'ti)nG it lira Nrltit nal Pnlie South tee heron, meld of course.is as gaatI as tion, are now ile:altttiug that unit+* elected Inthis "aria .iSta:'" ' :it) toted rr'tiprocity is ssnaatfeina, j'lao t no parts ,"0d 'the . Dolei),lotl cameo it meat bring about woe:twee. from Cha c�llrpira:, 1F it iH . tett;tltouta eantes the roost eheeitbg naw° of theto ta,lie otr ilt nilly, what collet it lia`tc sucuesaf►il meetings iu Tatar of thtt put on i an. •(.1,1;7.a position of these taboret. platform, and that iudioatio i5 min is, however, vastly different from are that the Liberals will be successful whet it waas int' 187'8. Then they at the polls, were ondeavoring°to •set;ure this Brite. 1 legal of taxing the eeutdu for their 141x, ti 0 CAbi titin is the Liberal private benefit, and i.atu,ally teouugh dand'ideta in \'beet 1lttioa, incl with they'dld not permit, senttt *f t to iu• nu'ited efforts ou the pert of etie Lib• leder° with. business. NO' th° acre endeavoring' to prevent the peoplt. orals of the l idiug, he will be return. Preen throwing off'tl,eir yoke noel are ed by a bnudeotne majority. l4 .rlitobt ready, in the Baine Y,f llatriotieul, to Porter is tigatiu the Conservative eau- have sou'teoixu Shot it that will bare ditltsto, • '• thous from Ii toe deeploileai, .. again the Liberal candidate in Sou would it1l111'Fk B3rltt'sal ^ lerttesttatl, tilt n lx so taut,» the worno or ligjtr sh colla he e • did Majority in favor of Dr pfscdotnaltt as targe as possible. By oir'; failed effort, his majority should' be tiJ ll up letc'the,huddreds. i121t JoNATfAN ELx.Is, a fdi•ther.pt'o- - prietor of this journal, has accepted PACT; I'v Qu F. , 'r;.Vit1 ltS. the Liberal nomination for South Nor. Dr. Shoats; of Blyth,Tier iaAieij &il' address to the farmers of Eturou; folk. Mr Bilis is the Proprietor of the leading 'queetio.it•ti *Witting til+ the Port Dever l.nittin nails, and gauntry et too pretktobare 1�Iaal,oivh employes npwarde of 150 hands. The that the exodus of our1eophefetiul this prospects are bright for aedeetnin bountry to the United �Stii'te:l has rgely increased, that Elurou county this ridia;, laaloife hits lost 5,000: of its inhabitants Ontario Government iiiilee de. siui.e 1878 , that the pt•iee of land bar depreciated if01ntrc25ta BO par tu t, that o ded ,o pt%r $1,000 reward for infore now it take� twei•6ftlrs• ot.the export:, nation which clay lead to the discovery to rim sift Rbvt;rurlhsut:, ,vvhiie au Nuc - and conviction of the mutiderdr of ken ie s time. it requiriel only one fifth John. Ilaslop, the late clerk of the The Dr eaya :,Not only letve we Welt township Of Anoaster. An applieatioll enoemottsly taxed by our own (3eVeru has also been. made to the Dumioion aaout, blit we have been llluloard six or seven million dollars per adnate, Government to proolahu a full pardon*Wok we hays paid to tlac•Staites for to any of the party who should turn the priellego of seething nor Wilke* Queetl's evidence, ',oases• than the and perashtlble roods into. their teal- actual mutderre. TEE AIA.IN ISSUE. ntc . oh The triteeticn of the hour is, "Shall •s have free trade with the United 'Illex1 ' k?�;ith. _#see° ,nutty for oeei• le duete.to the mnartiets of this:'ti'nitad. 1 eivs.high.. uµti,,.�'1nt faruners,wot:ld rage • 10. • '0prices .for• everything they have.; to tai*,;, and Many things, : they require paid be purchased rnuuolecheuper than r ;,..y cab be•bought today. Sir,John t'c" geode/laid says his Government' ses es poses sending a deputation to I: shit tou•to negotiate. a• treaty in urat.prnduote, while air 131hine of t1 tilted States Government, says toe? 'would not for a moment entor- it- ti any siioh a prupostion:' The.ot.ly e ,lrpoeltion that will he acceptable tb ej1. Aresericafg04PrtiMeht is Tull . and i t. trade hetseen the tato countries sit that is What rv'ould be r,iost beng- al to both countries.. Our fanners, tie ce the adoption of the McKinley .•elehrave; iii a praetical. Way, foiled o tiio benefit of havieg the United eat 'tog ass a Merkel fdr their cocci is li yµiitiat's: 'Thee Will i`eto airs er tire tt :`tattle the; a rya's' ell' over the utry'tcr-peeth'a '-Canadian b"arley r the litres before the McKinley Bill it into effect. ''1'lio"platforixr of the erul .party iteucrestileted tettpro- •, end if they are plebedin power hi .w. U have nota oubt ut trtb iii ha e •' 1s d sane ga; trade relations with t'ie United itgii' sell the eieve'rrftitetit of that OSINQ:' 0 E ID, the miler, "It going out of Business in Winghamy As A sample of the kind of matter that is nein; served up by the (3od- erich ,Star, the following, from its last issue, is Riven: 'lie (Mr A ii Muse grove)'will be opposed by Dr,YIacdon. alzl, whose oaiyt1uaiifivation has been his ability to.striug. a ords and phrases together without regard •to their meaning or application to the+ question under debate. This riding Itas been worse than uurepreseuted in the late Parliament." CAMPAIGN ECSGIJS. The remarks made by Prof Shaw at the South Laurus: Parniera' .' Insti- tute •dc�orve'the attentidn of 'farmers all over ties' Proviuoe. Prof Shaw is stisfita, that the erdof gt•owtUg grain for selling is gone, and that the hone .of the farhlers for. the . ftitur lies 111 stock acid stools p oducts With pro. per attention to this matter he t,elieves that the value of our live stock could he increased from Z100,000,000 to 8200,000,000, and the export of live stock from the 'Dominion could tie 113, creased' to $70,000,000. .tf tee. sy Ment of fettling bit 'Po itlage 'thele generally 'adopted, he • says, two heed totiid'1ie kept where, outs is now kept. -.•,AND_...... etweeu Now and April 1st We will soll our large stlibk of TWEEDS AM CEitir iian frail MACS: We are willing to submit to a large los order to clear them out by th vt date.. Come early and get the pick cif` our `atbo k at — yoor Own in /' This is a GENU DI :§ SAL. 4 a, 14, .01 as kn8 kets.' 'We Were. promised, you win expedient that stepteshot;Id he techs, remembei, thitl..ltenv:y duties would be to ascertain ou what tenet uud $uCi: put on the Sttitee' produce, widish diriuns iterange newts eau be effected ould•cbmpel tl►:411'0 t .grant PS Lues• with the United States lar the 'per. b wrevity. It ,was tried, and failed, and pr:;e of securing full Uurestrlu',ad lie - we `.ert:'feCe to face With the 1111► eiprnciey therewith." • h.iuley Bill,' whioh letie); peony dntie;; \ttould 'that have done any hart» ? upon all,tlntt aluhost proltibitory duties we won d have found out •what the upon some classes of goods, for vi;1rieh ,States wanted, and if the price was we have n0 other ai.ailoble zitrii•att:t• too high we Twee lint ;;lee • it, ' But \1'e sllflrpeti Merit opal,, 18b9, to the' Sir John and the Uovt+tui snit would States, among other thinks 900 caste loads of horses, ,uertrly: all •, 1900 carloads of tettele ;,.303,000. sheet ; a,1 our poultry efil'e rsas,;' 1'2.,000 car• loads of letttav ailietearly ali our wool,;' 8000 o.,'ilh,Hci:s ; of hely, aIJ 1 your owu lends. If you suetein Sir 14200(1 t,nshi:ls sip ka slit ut:r P°' John and his Oovertrineut, wile say of g'!ing t4' 33rittala a.7r,1u11r4n" to ht,.. tatoes, 1.450 ''cal•1oeds , au.i, licit , in flies arts i*fYt7ila;rt'i : to 'complete Iieci- erre1 �7 r "aW ltn,ve: free trade with Ragland the face of line t duties' Wilielt nue }1ruc:ty, a. i4ili ;:tit ata.. it, bait wall falrrlere paid'f,,rl aiie. privilege,: Utie :, ri a co -pay life eunrnluutl • terxes now, Braila attilitits the produce of 10, t1 a p y the ;world free. oils aatu.sll,t the 1•.esa: llorua Crude, exec pb as"law: lush priced irotaetit'u• has llup0St:o. iipun you; ' n 'Mdntrenl Wituess—The Consnr- vetives may not y-c,onaider it adyis•1.ble to oppose the ['hon AlexanderMac- kenrCie in East York, but if they wish to obtain ail the credit they can for permitting the one Canadian politi elan who eoinnfauds the 'les lett and esteem of all: Canada to lith returned bynoclralnation, they should adhere. to the truth. The reason they Will 'riot oppose Klin is, that it•*iil hurt them to do so, not that he is in accord with the Government on the. trade question, for that is not the' case. Ale)tander hitttkeneie is show, what he was wheli he relused to truckle to the manufacturers tie sin a new lease of power, a tech, trader, and lee habil-ever and will never by votes word. of act, . support •the policy of 'commercial restriction and robbery, ;tot even rliacues the neater, and the motion wee voted down witll.�ut oer*- Are they not poeseee: d of Brhtid,i' pluck mid Eritteli tlldubtry 1 Have. they nut oheuiper raw istattriai ? Ciges any lhte ewer here 2 Would they not nave. ,t meet:et at toe door, uastend•` oar poekliti; The tissue 'cry was eels: if iii it:eel:tote when hi,et adopt, a free tratte, List the result show, d its beseleesaiees, saYd. the Mother Coait,try iltts. betel eteadiiy: xuvetiein ; a+, N'tiittn and prosperity: itis said teat bur tualltufnutirriiset ii1Ilillettiee whit be destroyed, `elaily of unr tnattufautul&ra stay they tete trete waling to eunlllete, wt. u ilea; Amaertcues, if they ;,et the earlaree i. luarkket. And wiry should :fel ltol' molly. 'Ai • ;\I r Porter both sp'ok'e and voted sgarlsst it, Fell.,w Electors ; The matter is in animals, hies pettetetaaty'-elided, :5111t•e. }. will CUlItlt,liH La)"Ile, bled by the Jolt she Uuly wat[t`u bralf at it and tws the adt:ent of .tire ....lielitraley• Bill. you and 113otlopolies Blatt sy,tesnh. Haut a ,tsarTiat fur ti,e other • half. Our barley•is inly el;tssetl as feed int Tat ntattki t is alt LLH dour tilts ba 1 British rniirtcets:" Nobedy beet the will have to to "f•:ct', o adufGtnii, the Sta.te8 needs our gertc a er:: wool; 'and foa1Eul exactions, of the Mcf iui•ay it Gusts us ten cents: a pound to { et it. 13a1t, for n8 1 have atiucvr., for many of there. Whitt else cali.we•do with our our geode we have no other ttiat`Iset. hayor otic otatties'? Sand them to threlIt loyal welt there ? 1s a man p tt bat will be the value of .your sand Britain ? Britain • is now shipping in nye years more 2 Can any one nue lees loyal Leca►nal' ha hue some uioory potatoes to New Cork;, .so thaat for ar, ,,t • each duds the States is our only Is theso no way.. out 2 Yes. Mee proved t le fact that in the y minket, t V y p n tall to the eceasw" , d° as the "- thanof a heavy du,tytltey, tont more q hall one half of our,. ,whole ea ports I errcan farmers have done, and vote t1 last year, afti+xiust every man who ailuoouceEi y ties 'br .glia. into extste,toe, aiid yea ut is the key, 11(ul yt tt earl oPelh it if yalu choose. ' Are -we less loyal h. eanalr half Mir exports go to the Unite:. Suttee? - VVt.u1d we he leas .loyal if entry are in favor 'of'it. •r • The assertion that unrestricted r , ,, reaiproeity means discrimination e opponents of ualrestrlcfed feel- it ettemet Engemirpvolvees Cha ,teepeet r ty are introducing all kiiidi of; tion that the ban adian tariff would motes to distract' theattentlon of have to be assimilated to the Atneri The edit .tariff, t dllmn the pro osition. lectors from +lie main issue, i.Y1ab I y 1, p Hag" is one. Those wlio are: Rf'0iproeity can be Obttdi,ed ajpd�ti ata United States as would iasttlt in the r u otl fhb lu•ell duties upon trade be. ming freer trade with our neigh,' d tlulflluttort cif tar�ril's o ll removal of t t p l3 ash tweet) Clanade and the-ljrtited Steta•b. 130 8h511 appoint three 'comtmiesiouers to meet those.who may be appoilrted by the lloteurtiou of Oatiada, to eeiz sitter the best methods cf ,eittending the trade relatiotiaa between Canada and the United Sts t e,a'rd It a ter it n on What teams greater treedonr of in. tereuus,e 0511 Crest be;seenred,"a Id tilt': avid sl,;ntmissinnera shall report to the y of titin Liberal oahldidgtett id this hi 81.1011x prime; l,ut toroiPot rcelpr e' President,wt10 Beall1 lay the report rut r6aysrtr8litu are tdry rye11,414uf .d- st7 in advaneet ' before R treaty has be{u4'te CnngreF t" em.d rt is Heartily likely 'slant been Blade on acennut , f consr'quermee Wait that i.bt eau offer, and a fair stand h:p a dtoritttintt a pollee haat tFhi6lt bait spriest + ul'y iroaa a b+t bxist- one ? In at feat days after: titin in•etion Oat: present: Govei;ument finding their rot:di:atim) hied tteoe'FY«'ot on the United States, began iv1833 to searo tl for other markets. They ,eeut corn- missioners to Spain and. Peened, . the W'et.Iudies, Sat. They hate* sitbsi hi his pooknt ? if loyalty and euluty pouheta are eveonyl»oue 1.1 0 • fatiuers of Ontario are grtt•iul; pretty enthu- elastiu. - Doll't a:r"ow yuureelf ;oh ba from frothe (nideilbUll, Rec1, pro'.,rrty is' the alI ili:portant matter; himself a supporter of the present i the wnl'ds , f the poet, „t4 no wotllir be system rata aageitls;t Reciprocity, The Wet, ttn lnsvl:as u,ubl s«r,lte the 'buiw ' United States have,jinit made a treaty i witlh "I'rrtteil, arid Newfoundland, and are-arrunling for others with (tuba i and t..he 1\ est Indies, end stand ready l3elmore. i 4 Cnuduelof' Snider, of CVingllarn, will to do the. Wife with 08, and 'if, ' the restel anniversat' 801830ns ' its the dized lines of stednnsllips et- bogey s;k� L ftn itiorS vote tr.�getln'r, they can ileus I DCetLodi'ait church, of this place,On penile with our r►lauey,.btd three lines such a treaty Within ono year. 22nd runuiti last year tint with complete Sunday hest, 22nd ioet , at 10 80 aim, rd i 1 less IVb 13111 lost] elite r1311110n of dollars `and 48 80 p.ni. 011 11lond-tv evening fol: fai(itre eye est ut:t' less tdapa r , t p to I+r•etucel less to Brazil and less to lime 0ollect ail AmeriOau tmpartiitia,as, ipwint;,aigtXtiicaal :lndlitHlnryontert8in, the \Vest 'Attlee than ;vis did 12 years' ogo, The United .t3tata ifar'e sheep been, and aro now, 'willing to give us complete Reciprocity; but our Govern- ment refuse - tb meet .t:hein. Two'', .resolution • With • its .resale years ago theIi u passed uliittiitrlr:usly in Oongreaas. it rues thus : +'Ilesalvedr `chat whenever it shall he duly certified to the Vresident of ;:lie United States that the govern. 'dont of the Douai:ion of Canada, has delayed a desire' to enter into Snell ,eotorerreial arrangements 'With .the goes tine (i1104 think ale rnuch of , uIttron trf its orvu tarill. y eldt flag as those who have appoint- 000111ry. Reciprocity is a if.sttar of fe ivtiesselves cnatndiaane of it. 11, is t egreelmetlt to be attainted only by tnii l . t• twat roneesiiions between the two is rich that we .rill ruin our ' nfalnt ° **taring iminetries." litlndreae countries. Should the concessions eager rteihufao ,tr enito Nth in tnafluf'atur'it, demanded. for thepeopte of Canada in. sator'roi Chis tttatentprat I too valve consequea e0tt fiijnrious to their a `t%o to e.r'' illingIieSB 't0. -awn eta sense of honor or ditty either to them. tiers Amermana t 'r ,t, p if selves or the nettherllUtd, the people t:.fr . to graltt+yd tett inercnseii:market,, of Moeda would nob have reeijprooity b.it w* Will sta'e, the set million use l ►neat will be riven in the i httreb, wbe t now pray to -thee ��rttexicrtrl ersn+habe Gllry ou o.- addreaaes will be 'thF;trvired. by Revs, -the goods we send thertt, eaMessrs. \'a1lrVrit'� "fe11ery aria eminent raised three and a half mil-Iotlrer•s Music will les `fu'rni'shed bet lions trio much uch freta us last year,'. tee ehnruh °hal?. y whioh Wtas unneceeeary. ,they voted Some four 1011 ion darters last year tot dletiannal; t: build local roads in Nova Scotia turd: elsewhersl, Which lues uryust to us, us:i A. court of the Canadian dian Ordti'r' Pe eel built aur local reads ottrselv0e. i F0restel'a ways irstitiutetl hruro ne-i` This. money, therefore, •klionld have ,Saturday avenin; lasttby \V Cx tronar beets retemed, as it Was ail • (itlt,eueSti cry and iniquitous expenditure, beide made, as the -Boase well knew, to purcliaee votes tor4,t1IH Government, haul, and It 13ovrker, of Toronto. T e bril,init'these`people ir�.tlt spite lnouey, j . , ko snit Air Ilorter s<vIt byi and •1(oaerI Court wilt be known as ;Court Tura- objected nate suprotted this t1Hr•ry, No 300, and the following' ,l v, 1 r were hetet officers a r d and i vita - r w o!' c thou( l i fled 1'q 't a nil rtao tl user r t6 .r ' ` 81'(1)8 ruakrr thirteen and- one• tl)e eui'r•;ut loran : Win .Jobb, C lit ; .hese u itaif tll11IWh18 wltiob wlltild be saved 1'. \V llastinlgs, 'V' C It 1 d Ilartlejt,;J', S ' P llnstiv til It: B. 13 1lsrrir by earryin out the Liberia. Policy. a t S,•, larea e 130)081)13 is Attar on lieu• I j cease ; ylfa, C'l)atp ; 13 llenninr�>., sillolae a:ed SopHran-udatious, whioh 1 S W ; illiLoWi ncolu, d 11,; %ir ?5lelldrutn they .tare pledged themselves to stop '1381'17;7; lhy, Court etarta o with a g,tpa . -03 a wa8te Of public money. Then we to .rnbs•rship, at,d Prot). tits If ba.il:nt have a teranohiae 1.3111, ousnng half a largely iudrr•aaed dnrtug Cho lr5,it (11111 ou do Tara a year, whioh not sti 1330)1111 or alta. There were a ltarac+r toile who trawls elhis pan justify or de. uil,nl.t t of ttieitihear br u'ker -n aat 'tl Farad, as 14 is 7Vt'oily nnn eeesery. { lllatitlrttt111 elf ttltt t�i,ltrt frutrl 13*11. irla re is rid, lottbt tilat w t1 x tsetseMaier. Wtt.gtlam and other plants. e111.,, is,y and t(prinrlt* uf tinueoees8. ' 1mt'did ilU)41r ways 011eaby it7u Jiii, 1 ': my a.xponditull'ec ow reveuuaa would IVloKrlrir s uf the Saar masa) ,he twintevent fur whir wentis, 'N,tl4 if the I Me ^ a r ret, tai,r b)re 'tetrtnal'Gmase ..� ,:l -f •n .Y,u.adh• '� l • t 'lt i. 1a te'g ethic) #ill Cha revelves .111,en en.to of 'IL treaty le woulf,tsrrlr sea tl.' was-rna'de in the Otturea Howie , rtteettesrefer '" 10ara lir-br ht i,t 1 gIol to it is unfwlr.— rault gP ilir►st ,+ tnly t n0,4. iu the+ preseitti 0e41 math*. tr'ede with the, Lwutirc.t', dipyvru uhf % vrs, ,err itr Kik W4Oka 1t+ d d: a tray 1 It =la re naltrlt at pie elayr the. e irfosl,tree are tett filon • o'f bite on rte M. Provincial Organizer, of Corrie, 53-1 eista.1 by Messrs Il J Barton, of f3e1• mare, John Neelauds, \Vlu Smythe 111. Beckwith, W IS Louth, of Wing. A sgnsiaf:lora eta oarna p. We are'tix=epai 1j''gi+eltios and have at staaace this t)ot)artane>i through, and the .pr ittenleelv4e. Wo (fuel Clean- it relent'—Nt ,ctoods, 8mt.6i, Satin. Art Linous, .b.naltt,it ( 'loves in Button, ir; Colort)d. Quality ?pas, Ext:a qu alit '.+a.Ce • Curtains, Lir —Clovers in endless V1ar LIN? IT DEPA J Toweling, Natilgitit, I'1rti,x aaa,l .'r;,i;ailtl Gloves, tlna(ery, J•'. a3'hoes., Weli ar sot'tt; .'Je have lil:aua,t in o lour )oudh li• pis hal sell now at Sao. with anything iu'th' INSI).410111.0. 11112g) IP' T.Jelin. 1 fest J eitaot tllNairllti 'r 1i:'(1 �.s: .. ity by the d,:via lit'tweeu Lirurvn ttt 01300 of it Juu.•s'' Ueresttiuted til aipr.icity N ideal 1t, would 3301 UJ t Brod ides, but tvua'i il,auufae. urea of t i *til. tilverytlritig 1 ,tnttfauturN(l"ill - �. would N,1ss fret t)t' ,atul everythill„ ttitatnnfactuteu 111, -free 6 duty 11110 l 13roWu- :E'i1•Ut•s 46 1. nuva,'rs•(i+llif titin ibe ;10. free be -tri4.81No at ii4:'11018 t VYia.k 1081 fii'.pvw r)l,.ii11e and i;•lasbu Jones-- Yes, to clsaots and malt eia'.ttrtries Brown —119w ire() is a,rougIl int States frt»u mitt btu .pa,'s it+yn•.1 border ,tion(+tr--itis, ; ll) it the prO Invta. the two c•,.alul,ries totaled. If goon' 11tu the Utll -ed S1 the West Incites, eiluntry, 80811 not ta'prity puss • .free. they were fhrdt 1 tkley woo ►d„out United States, across our bards ply duty to Ctina the United Mute Ear, wu—'1 lien ljuited States w ,awn tariff, as ag tries. J ones—.Yt s. Brown—And •aiiltererlt Sones es. wake its owu tt lower it precise. Drown —\\ras ttI1K reciprocity jowls— It w t3rown— .;tit tad: a very hit tt hall a low one, l Jt)nas—That "liaued at the tin rebellion, 11114i 4,1i •tb'e tilde u ttew rfront ' t�p, 1 8 ro3100H, it'ot 'fipder,litioit this tlustotl) tariff all low--frarlt 10 t 'tits 'strati'' of 00 the United t.o rails* their to uild;60 per cels Their otlt,tolrm andi five etree sa Bruwvu-- Are litt3ncoe of the Jones -Y es 33let1 0otnuleroia IiritILin and Pr. %Pause. Eagle try. Out had hit' liquors, Frain Lively high tar ' 'Trait' treaty par of Preach WiLU: mea afaroatureral `!1rat loth 13ritla rate 'on •t' t•ara1