HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-20, Page 3, eat John iborkt. knOl4t hava t.10,7 lioktL thitar ittb le that goimp, ttee le 'ft h tat Oar*. try ids to ion of r OWM. Jok$. tre trade' ,s Doi :fiber? bael, ere ktr, torP taCia•• ty uf ladott ,t mot frig satt,t mid es oothltu; teal;m11. entrap* Te le air d gh Witt7. ling Is o»e of Irmo la ruggistk cents a ,‘ Arshowe te a *telt looted )(Aid. :o.clay than Wane throw nonay • the draws.' it the ive a ry Of igly in 8. &Wile t11,15.•.; rio reak e life.. to t,.. adve and her •ahly ta, iorunta,. )re tam. uketity, patroes, it pride ver ne nem force ail tax. two. maid. tw pro, layera undid. byelaw ieipalL ot naesed tax i$ .1re'ar"--4,7 — — J , OW and Conu.ndrums. , toe spring, Bemuse t he Ilowersbeve Whet fth h always nude': foot t Oistolie, the trees shoot and tilt The kolft. Nob %."Vitat animal 'weer grow$ old 2 0 What is the ditrerence between an apple and a pretty 6irl 't One you en, What aniesal th toud C r weight ? TEte ounce. Vent' W hat onutrydJ. eats vow ? Perk.. i•Vbere la 114pol:wee found 1 In the dintionere, Where are Mateo Most et. home 1 lu which would you prefer, tu have IL •Where are ewe th r meat ph utif al 1 lion tot yeu or e heerl I should pre. le the am:cast:8, fir to have the lin eat the bear. All Wm, young, old, or middle aged, 'who find themselves nervous, week or exhauete eil, who ere brokeo down (roux exoese or ovorwork, resulting la many of the following tiymptoins !' Mental depree. equeeze to get older, and the other 1 akin, premature old age, lobs of you get 'bider to eqneeze, ,vitaliy, loss of memory, ba.1 dreaute, What is the darereoce biitween a (1, illfli.('8$ (4 eight; Peillitatieil of the cross road aoil the bntoher buoineas 1 '''eertt omission, Mk •of mergYs Pain in the kidneys, heitdake, pimplee on One is the matin g (4 Ways, 4(14 the the face or laxly, itching or pezolar other is A Weighing of meets, sensation about the scrotum, waisting if you were going through a WOOdS, of the orgaus, diezmees, specks before the eyes, twitching of the musoles, eyelids and elsewlieee, haslitainesS, depoeits in the urine, lode 01 will power, teudernee of the sdalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to he reated by eleep, constipation, dullttees of bearing, losa of voice, desire for solitede, excita- bility of temper, stinkers eyes ,sur• rot*nd"d With LEADEN OnteLE, toily looking skin, eto., are all symptoms of netTous debility that ted to inanity and deed neeleea eures, The spring or vital pow' er having lost ifs tension every funotion Wanes in conseqt1enee. Theft who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permatientely cured. Eend your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. T. LUBAN, 60 Front St, E., Toronto, (had Books scut free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint pells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not flushes, rush of blood to the heed, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the sec ind heart beat quicker than the first, pain about' the breast bores, etc., cats positively be cured. No curno pay. Send for book. Adureas M. V. LUBON, 60 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. Why is ft, oitt.e toil like the earth ? Ir is fur to the (ed. • 1.•\ hat kin is the dnortuat the •doror? it is 17. step -farther. When is a chair like a lady's &Peel When tt ie. eat in. Whima hound act a bonnet 1 i1hin it becomes a lady. •.WI•at did Adam tirst plant in the For every dollitr invested in moo. feetnritig there are et least Ottani ask. In re hi este,' in fttrlithig in Canada, The amount if money invested in farming; including buildiugs, stook, aariculttiral implements, sto., and. capital in hand or in bank, is in the the neieliborliood if $2 500000,000, while that invested in the protected gerden of Eden 1 kiis fem. t . Induetrtes annot exceed $175,000,000 What iitth wotild " 1°fO ),°k a 'That is, the interest at five per cent. Milli The Limon. What bird .-rwieinbles a ten montbd etld beh) 1 The iireaper. rt‘ hat fish would he moat likely to es - on the amount clrutpital iiirested ili tirteing--$171i,000,000—is equal to the whole capital invested in menu,' facturers. Why then should the ittr- saps ilio net The' gn by. were d the working calms. be the Why is hash like faith 1 Becaut iburtkar,hearers of stile filiation ',wiled a.l 'thinflo to ail awn. ' for th e -benefit of aa' rd Wil,y Is a mouse like it load of lia) ? eBeeause the eatll eat it, •Le tibia. key does a lover compose ? .14t the.key be min ail. Great 'quantity of buttons are now made front potatoes, It ie not gener- ally kuown that if the. strbstance of Why doee obt maid wt ar roil. iLL the common Irieh potato be treated ' tt'ael To ke'P the ell"' till.till.I with certain acids it becomes almost S.:then are you a household gni 1le - 1 1 itS hard ,t stone, and can be used for When 1 am a little pule, i many purposee for which, horn, ivory Whot stiolis closer thaa n brother 1, . . . • . and boue are employed, This quality At what time of the day k vostsge two", by gum, ' was A.citini it (iriflat.11pcinatawtot4d.gapootsa ittobutton.mak grade of buttons is now made from the well known tuber. The potato button cannot be MATTHEW AMBLER, IIABNESS MAYJM, bes on hood largo ow, ,94, licaan WARM; QITERMUIES,: 13AnAnKi, aunt OINKS, WINGHAM • The uoviarst )mt wish Ott 0000 Nit MO !AO Or the ilbeti4 juttronoge ft, in OM Ana p50 severe4 sant prier to the burning uf our tutu it otiouarion, puree; tire est sea.or, we hat e 11.4 toorldellect the tOW•1 Mill to the iattemppreved tem of Einngett*fr A011fir Puttee» MD ling. liars Wegan nog e Bette! atcritanto.tie.40/1 VALISES Ate, ever betera Wabliet` Wrilolt will be,* at bottom prIgm, Prompt DiePatait Pair Returns, st gSP.OTIOArs, TrAttentr,,S, double or single, made to **rep. g134,141TY 13E1(10N-0"N 11,11'4f1i ichrnotice, and eatiefocutios unranteed. area ed 1 Just before Eve. ,Whitt bird is a ledy fond Jf wearing around her neck 1 The halfdistinguished from others, save by a Why is a ti a pan tied to a dog's tall careful examination, and even then like eleethl It's bound to oecar, • only by an expert. Since they are From what country dii English co*lored to suit the goods on which eacimeY's horses come? ufistria• they are to be USDa v and are every Why does a Sailor kuow •there's a whit as good looking as a button of 'wan in the moon 1 He's been to sea. bone or ivory, their cheapness is a 141' great recommendation, abd will 210 What %hill give a cold, cure 0 and pay the doctor's bill 1 A draught. doubt lead to a much 'larger employ- -.When does a horse become teal es. in nt in the future. •tatel 1.‘ hen he is turned into a pas, NONUMENT to THE Dern haw Gre. What venomous serpents are fro. /ABB.—A. movement is on f,.ot /yes,. qttently. seen in oounting rooms 1 Ad- pactive of party, to erect a MOVE - dors. ••meat to John the late member Why are there no chickens in for Ninth Brno,. The promoters of Heaven? They get their necks twirltd • itt this. Why is,tbe freight of a ship like a locomotivel Because it makes the siet-go. What.is the Queen of beeel The trucking bee ; yott can tell her by her red ear. What two whole numbers multiplied together •make thirteen 1 Thirteen and Why in a crying baby in church like iegood 'resolve? Because it should be igried out. What name would you giye a lame boy 1 Thirteen, became he puts dowry tiro and carries one. Why is the Motive power of a watch owl 1 13ecauso the Xaine Springs are *finally chilly, 4 Why ie a woman mending her dock hips deformed 1 Derauss her hands are Where here feet belong, 'What aquatic fowl should always kave a Mato? The tern, because one to(td one deserves another. Why do you know .that the, crow ill te brave bird? Because I never,saw glow a white Feather. Why is the Most Dianna Way of leptinding the 'night clengeeotts? 13e, aKute (s) leeping, in the dark. Why do ducletjavear but one eye. To prevent them from geeing mere titan they can comprehend. Why le a oity official like n. elturelt 1411t Ont steels for the people and gm other peals front the steeple" . hy bt4 it chicken rooting on 0 fetnYe 31Y50ttp u117.1 Bevatitte the head b. tire one side end the tall le on IfatAto 411 KVA tO'Naito the scheme pay the tribute to his worth : We only now remember him who stood shoulder to shoulder with the pioneers of this country hewing out Iloorshing homes and fields, who was for years the chief adtniuistrator of our manicipal system, the Reeve of his township for a quarter of a century, the Warden of the county, the repre. sentitift of the people- in ,the Commons and in -the Legislative, the hospital, the genial and everareadY friend John Sillies. C. P. 1.1. TIYIE TA131.:81, trA oral colic:Bed. OP -Opposite the Dank otlIameton. MATTHEW AIdDLItit, ngnsun, Feb. tib, 1800. P, 011APMAN, ISSUES or MARRIAGE LiCENSES, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, Ere; Orricte--" Big" 13ooketore, RIPLEY, Om Money to Loan on Farm Security al tow Kates �l interest, No of:remission charged, 1••1010111 kid by dale nweenel ettaalm to the belle to be spin toured wItb, a Ware; A1140 irionds and many new OW letire MOrlt fllodtav: aurrnx. A cite, wingtevn MW, Qat 18, vtJ. ',0 GOLLEY VETERINARY SLIROErIN, ' Honorary Graduate of OntaritLYOfferinary 90),Iege, Alm' Graduate of Otortletty Sohool, Toron Fared to treat all Miaowing clomettioeto Anitnale in the latest scientific inartuer. Calls promptly attended. to. Office and Infirmity. Moo's 07.0 Stet», Wingissta, tort.Callorally night wilt find hint atth otIlatv, ", . • • FOR THE BEST *VALUE ORDERED CLOTHING, Trains arrive and depart as follows: annuls° tetvlso 5:35 a. in ...... For Toronto ..........5:85 A. to 2:20 p. 2:10 pan 2:20 p.m...-. . . .... For Tocewater 2-20 ' 10:30 p. in •16:30 s G-Mb_ts.. ETD T1RaTINTIC A. C. STRATHDEE, AGENT, WINOHAm, Through Mots to all ,points in Ameriee-North• West, Pacific) Coast, etc., via th o shortest and all popular routes. Baggage) checked through to destination. Lowest freight rotes to all points, ivi E TABLE. GnAvii - ,LUIUVII AT WINDHAM. 101 :100 a.4i,n.TorOntO.Guelph, Paltherston, &o. 8:30 p.rn. 16:10 0:40 p.m. " Clinton, " 1:28 " PalmtnNton, .. ../.0:10 amt. " " .. London, " 6:45 a.m .ui 3:30 pAri• ' " 11:10 " 1.1.81:1:1:00 Pa • ..... 141. 1;41. L-1 tje' ; 43•... ............................. • AGk. TS et4 ANTED DOMINI LUSTRATED' It every Ca a town and village. Special inat meats re1 in addition ta.commissi roor pa E SAMOS LIDIO:\sti Publisher:, .. • real. '12000-r AND SHOE SI4OP. Mot'euottus it RADON Having Pnrchased the Cud= Business' of Meters MeCormiele es Co, wish to intimate that they have opened out in the shop two doors south of T A Mills store, Winghem. Boots and Sheets made to wider fro8i tile nest Stook, on short notice. Repldring nedey and promptly done., • The patronage or the public solteited, and Alf week guaranted. VoLKEJOHLIN & HAUGH, Property tar Sale in Belmore• GOTY— WEBS ER'S HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS„ COLLARS, CUFF 3L Cheap for KASH'. • The undersigaed offers for sale a desirable pee petty in the village of Delmore, consieting of a good dwelling house, office, 'stable And driving shed, witW one acre and whalf of land in connection. Splendidgardefl, garden, with alt sorts oU fruit trees. Will be sold at a bargain. For particulars. apply to • FREDERICK COOK, Belmar e. tars address, e, co., 11. DAVIS IS OFFERING NE 0 IV M AE a/C Vitt,i6 70, /1 AT "VERY LOW RATES. sn-m Pinvx I OFPICE.-OPeoeirrE "NZ MARKET. WOroft0 Odstilinn 4T:t, 1138s BARBER SHOP. Mt,. MALCOLM MoDONALD, (mrs or ntrtinr,) Dating purr:hatted the barbering business. of Desire Sebastian Bros., is prepared to give all old customers and De many new ones as patronize hinyeatisfaction in alt lines of the profession. SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are my specialtiee4 ts.(stroure a tall at the old stand, opposite Gordon and Meltityre'S store, M. MCDONALD, WEBSTEIt'S malaiimarromorsowasnr sInAmemn ER I I 1 Li Eli' Has removed to E. V. GArster's old stand, w Vero be hal a large anc nicely assorted stock of Watches, alcmkg, ‘Towellery, StlIerwame Ave. apeata,eleg, ANI OF OF HAMILTON, C41. Capital', *1,000,000. Reet, $450,000. President -eons .arteuer. vicd-eratieout--a, ,33113.1201'018S Three P11.00701C, 011&s. 1iu8tslty. , ONO 1808011, T Worm, A. LEE (Term:toy. Cashier -I, TURNBULL. SritrIlige Bank home, 10 to a; aotordeye, 10 to rates of Interest. Special bentonite .elso roodeet -it current stn. sof Eve escn lion in ran 2n mow 1 WU 1, Do iosits Of mid *Wards receive:laud interest allowe: X.t."iittt 00 Groot Dritain mul the Vatted Stator bought and sold Which he is selling evrey tlortvoin price, and ;vitt hp plee.gtd: have you call andtake a look through his SZOCICI amonnomimmotiora:riailY Repairing a SIDeolaity tairAu work warranted and done promptly. Ed Dins1e, . Mason's Block 11 --BacooseotIVII 'lirthinien.ritaburatturprety o14 - CO MOWERS, LAND ROLLERS, PLOWS, GANG PLOWS, titi 11. WILLSON, Acatee. MIAMI iIrDICKIMION, Sometime& (r VIAC'1 Please Wiser: • Wort neat Omelettes sn4t,,b6tt1 bot tlittLit cool.int) .1111.1 anti .Genortil lkomptil Attowld to6 AGENTS MR Ti. W HITE [W'S AG a tO I:LT-WI, \ L Iirgis "1160414t fl4YborrttILYvirk`al;:‘4' 'NS AND BOILERS, 0 14 EES E r AOT J11 1' EN .,V1,ti Si A the( Poet 0 Act:trot* i . BOILERS AND SUPPLIES, • •.,..1._ . ,