HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-13, Page 8am (Li
RU At H Y 18. l891.
A 43.04I004*,>•ttj* V.
Wet know him well,
We brand ilitie are our eorttirxot
No ttiugue watt ted
his *Wful
The man who auye '1 bold you ae 1'
When things go wrong,
And troubles (aline,
Tie ones to help t,s, bear the blow.
Ria face nroVie long,
And: sad land glom—
'You know,' says he, .+I told yon so!
We know be lies,
But tlaat'A. not why
life sympathy augments our woe ;
r.,phougb sad his eyes,
Tuey're always dry,
When he declares,'1 told you so l'
We know hire well,.
Cot: oweliiis gall 1
•We brand hiaa :ia our common foe,
To duu,geon cell
We'll/loom hate all,
The mart who says ,1 told you so 1
P4'INNiG ktl;: , ,urlkkT,
It was a poorly famished ronin in a
Cottage home a snail cortege, that
' tree neither poetical or ritttfutirs,vmE�
eovervt;i, or to any ether way et,t.rae.
tine. The 2�ewtewn earlle owned the
row n'wkiclt stood arty of realty, all
small,meatt and scantily fnrnietteed,and
the !linos lived there This was Mor,
gag's eat tage,end it was 'Jack Morgan
himself nu.f hi'% stater ,Vie:;, wile wore
seated at breakfast, lingering as it was
possible only nu Sunday Inorniog.
The email house shared the one dis..
tinati' visible in the row,and making
the difference that the agent usually
mentioned itr renting theta :
home on 'ein's clean, some on 'am'a
Idirte ; but bairns' that they'reall
Morgan's we; nue of the clean ones,
althoutn.Meg was Housekeeper, ser.
vent knit one of the mill hands as well.'
;She win, a tall, weusformed, strikingly
handsome vitt of nineteen, as she Sat,
' facing her brother, who was seine five
reins: order; and upon her face was an,eager, troubled look; while his was
alter', and downeest.
Y•eeng as they were they bad seen
better dt,ys; been well educated up to
three years previous to that June
• .corning, and then been snddetily
thrown upon there owe resources.
J eek foegli s his way sullen_ and
i'eeentful, making few friends, and
,peeking none. Ne had no vices, be-
cause his pride held him above the, ,
'abut be wee bent and hitter, and added
much to }tis elster's troubles by fault.-
I`snrneg and.illa¢nntent.
She wu't the hrav eta of the two,
1ti'et:rtrg Their revers.es with quiet
courege, and bringing energy, trust
and cneerfnrnp,s to the mean cottage
leasee. Just w,ii t .wean hall passed
seiner, An emit, from whom they had
'atever }roped nit. Bird, had left them five
',hundred dol.Iars each, apd. J.'tck had
eesotvrrf to try his fortune hi
Cotoreda, While Meg taut her's by for a
rainy deny,
1'1l stay here ,lett' yein are sure of
fti ieee. Jack, elle• 5i 14 when be urged
"Aar to joie titins, inlet keep a leasee 1f;r
you ita nese put peed cue.
't Do you cent this- hate n, homehp
neked letterey 4.ild slip piety str;llpll,
•ttr'l enawl-reed;
A ehelter, titer},
last shee, wag not mining when -Rltfe
,tial tCt titer Smithey i,rrttkfast, 'eating
flttl.�, brooding staidly until sraddot};y
ehen rivet
J.tek 1 we roast do .something.
(Twee whet we owe Fore, i{ill*
epee, wen 1 $ believe. we have pa'Iri
every, owns, said Jtta'k sharply. '
►1'e paid itrru the money, I kt eros
ac we Bart novo. pity IOW what' we
eats trim still.
Iia ! 1) err'!, he rtentirrt"Itf 1w
v lent nit yore
itt grntitartlst int riot awrtrimenf
rntt. ,neck, /she repoateilt,
prf a of stove 9 Cern you
7ft''prre sins; mother
e liear'ied til
pauper`s grave? you forget each award divided its attendance.
who.,paean to us in that tore need, hero, upon to lots Iran cot bed, pale
paid doctor and butcher, and; then and emacieteed, lint evideutty on the
buried our matter Reside our tattler road to recovery, Tom Xing lay when
to the cemetery ? ( Meg Morgan come up to the ward
And do you forget, her brother qt:.. with a nurse, her face so grave and
awered, almost ttngrily,ltow we worked tender that the strong will and patient
and staved, starved and perished, tiutil endurance of its ustaat expresstau .vero
every dollar Wax in Tom Ring's pocket lost in the pure womanly eywpathy
again? - that rested there.
1 *now l £ know I But think how Aly friend! she said taking the
kind he rias-eituw he helped you arid wasted band extended to her, and
cult to get the situations in t1,a,e ltliils Tom King wondered', if evertwo. little
—!taw tenderly he helped to nitre words hold so much as these two.
mother. and how del eately he made 1 Why, Meg, he said presently, look-
ing into her eye% misty with tears, do
the !Dello of Irtoary.
And now 1 Oh, J k ! 1 must do' not feel so badly. 1'au gaining every
something I { dray. The doctor says he will have me
what oa41 you :do? )f Tom 1 ing around in a weep, and I'm off to flair
chose to go Oalifornia and lose nis fornia,.
money in specutlating—if Ito was Again 1 When yott blare, been so un-
wrecked coming home and lost all he fortunate there -
owned --how are yott responsiltle 1
I eau not, but, jack, there 15 Aunt
1tit,e's money.
Every doliur you have in the world.
Nn, she answered. 1 have my
wages, <'
A noble tortunol .Don't be a fool,
Bob Meg was a fool in the sense he
meant, All through the luorniug, thing. lltotiAy of no use 1
while she pot the • house in . order, Aunt Kati left me fave hundred
while else dressed in her quiet mem- dollars. It oxine haat week , but I
itie; for church, even during the eery ice
there, she was thinking of svttat she
owed Tem ding.
When her mother; •crushed' by the
logs of her limn -mad unable •jo meet.
the change from comfort .to poverty, hz
sank down prostrated when Jack, yc
unable to get wort,, inexperienced and
.jest oat of college, was cursing for- • wi
tune, Tom King .came as their father's
friend, and under pretence of boarding he
with them, paid in a weekly sum that it
kept them from starvation. Meg's
heart glowed as she remembered how
often he had tau engagement, at dinner
time,and an -invitation to teta,when her
mother required the time it would
have taken to prepare the meal; how
often he iirought fruit and delicacies
home ; how thoughtful he .was about
sparing her trout,le,in ever way.
Ile was more than double her ape
and a breve, reserved man, whom she
regraded'Svith the affectionate respect at
she would have give».her father, but he
vitt, that saltie revereaort she loved iris
!lit deeply, And when the evholse m
town knew that Tom Mug had been at
picked up in all open boat with
four emppanions,yyreclted in mid ocean,
and lav itt Newtown ilosptttt.l, Rick
and pepnilese, the whole noble, grate
ful heart of Meg Mwgtu went out to
11 'tcny stories reeched her. He had
made a fortune Iry gambling and least
it ; tib had invested )n mines and
medxe ►nitltmsis, and .the resines hue
failed. and reined Iiitn ; he had .been
engaged, aeonrding to the Newtown
gossip, in a dozen different speculte
} tioi?r,winning yast mune oE.rnouey only
Ito lose their?. • But one broad, indis-
putable feet remained, if all the rest
were f'tlse be was lying in the hos,
pita! sick from the exposure`stiid star
vn.t.itrn following the wretlt that had
put the lot stroke to his ill lace.
Dinner uiyrer, flag put on her bonnet
I'm going -e over to the hospital.,,
,hype, she si>,id.
(nay a f rgdt answered her, but site
would not :be. put off by .lack's emir
nooks, and' wtl}I , nn her errand. It
Iwas uotesuotl''it �llaspital fax ft great pity
afforde that received the sick end in.
Jared in Newtown. The latest ittyen .
,ll ? Qlt,1 see 1 he rata with an odd
look in his eyes ; you've been reading
the-Nowtown Star. Ineluoky wasn't
Yes, "But Tout --I p }n�e to tell yell
—the words came slody, that I have
some money pat—amt. is of no use to
ltless me 1 I Stever beard of such a
pever expected it. And I'in getting
good wages. If it will stn.rt you
Srou want me to take it?
;}_nf. V;At,a »aft to
'nntil sharp sorro came, aur she
overt lying ill, In
poverty nttrl, �1it3 ,the tttlet'ratarwi!
that be took,t .a nova ehe plata aver
know away WI t * min
.And now, ?'tee; t
it shall ire aas you say. T lava Yon.
1 aur young and atmng, Lind 1 ilrink 1
part bo *anal)
aril not a burden torrrl
These last years have taught me how
W meet poverty and haw, to work.
And you think Tenon(' eel( yon tn..
take poverty and.. wort: from
Lightening both by Layer
Yeti will be arty wife, .¢1eg
Whenever von will,
Meg, did von think,dear, that T put
my fortune to my vest pocket when 1
left Clsitifornia? 1 lost by ,the wrack
only such harrgage as 1 welded for a
few ,weeeka, and your horn" is ready,
foryon when we return. Yon aen n0W
I hoped rlty dreamt was to conte, true,
I am a rich man, Meg, hat I mean to
keep this 1 arid hie hand eloped over
the mote. Yon shalt never have it
again, Mee.
am content 1 sh" answered.
And even lack was satisfied, rind
willing to aceof ipany them back to
California, and share in ti oar's basis
nese, something of his sullen temper;
being lost when once more he found
himself on the roadto prosperity,
Owing to the uupreoedented demand far
plate.glasH it has a lvtVuoeci csuusiderwt'Iy in
price. Mercers McCausland it Soi,,Tor„utn,
fortunately made a eontra,t before arse
"vanes for a very eoneitleruble quantity,
1 are thus, enabled to offer their psorous
s aeasou w decided advantage in price,
quality being superior to auy ever pre-
ugly imported.
heard et taint elle
When 1 went to Oaliforprt, nearly 1
three years ago, he :said, 1 went to .see
if could shake mvsetf awi}ko from a
dream 1 had. 1 dreamed that 1 cnulct
win the love of a child, p mere slip of
a girl,who Was forced ipto prematore
womanhood by trout*. She was
utterly unconacinus of toy love, this
(teeth( yet noble child evoman; but 1
knew 1 could not hide it if 1 stayed
1ieside her. Out ,,1 tier, sight far from
the spend of her v+aipe, the dream
instead of fading, became - clearer,
more vivid. I dreamed of a, hotue
where her etep merle music, where
her smile greeted rite wren 1 care to
it. 1 dlren,ined of a fireside where she
sett facieg- me, of a table over which
She presided. Day and night 1 dream.
edr stilt Profited as well. I rut what-
hirrtitoney 1 lied into investments that
promised well—but there, 1 with not.
epeltlf of that. • 1 started for home, be.
Bering myself to be a rich man, end
1tsll the dream followed ane. hen 1
jay in an opeii boat, death hovering
pear, starvation and thirst tearing at
my life, the dream woe most vivid, for
Mir face of the worsen 1 loved seemed
ower near me; and the bittetuess . cf
tions et science for the relief of pain' death lay only in the fear of losing
'were not Cooed there, the best aur- I her, But I'rovidenpe was merciful,
techs did loot apply fur a .position i I inn alive, at least I he paused there,
theret It wwes a chrerleess framej batt. a low sweet venal-, took up the
buldht divided inter long waled*, ,»stip (• story, h',
and fen1erle, where the mill handl And the dream will become reality,
itn.rtd blurt trentm'nt fret' of expenaa this voice Hdlg, tllq 'inti d Wowitn (lid
fin prise Of i110.88 or aeeteent, not reed her Bien heart, nor tinder,.,1 Wee" min of tfitettr Paid PI at1 011 trick• • stand why nothing in her lite hist or
ty ream lain the beeline!' fetid to 80.mra filled the longing there. she knew
its privilkttets. Clete hard ivrwkerf l'ur•3 retail that she had ,givers gratitude and
gear, end ti etude/it diel tate pt'nfete,itlrl• eneernneet where- they are citta, hilt
. 44 chatty rtijairi. , iu d throo nvirlda to 1i re 1 mi I a 1.,r1 ;rt',
The "Slaughter Market" I?ogey.
The truth is that this country. never
,s a slaughter market.. 'Mitnufac-
etre the world over got the highest
ce they can for what they have to
i. And so,- as king as `'•tiley are
vent, they avoid sacrifices. But
was said they did this to kill of/the
radian inanefaeturers, so as tp
ain exclusive possession: pf the
nadian market. • This stilly hes
'Mt as much fotiedatfon in feet ns
ase formerly told by the slave
ders about the abolitionists,pt •Nf.W
,gland --that they were Rept 'active
British gold, as Cnglirlimen were
Brous of ruining the re niblio.
ear., hear.) An Ameriosn mann-
tures has•agreeter interest` ill kill-
; off new estabtisititteuts at home
pain he has in kiting off old ones 3
,;broad. (Applause.) Every newt
ipstitution has to pompete with older 1
ones in the same line of business. It
is .trot protected by a ta,ritl' of any
kitd as against the older institutions ;
it has to depend for snci:pss aegis the
good ;judgment ,and close attention of
the managers and the skill of the
workmen employed. 'Yet establish
mints of this kind are not destroyed
by their .older competitors selling their
goods for what they cost. Men don't
engage in hnsiness to ram their rival',
but to benefit tlreglselareti—f applaj)taej
—and so you filid In all the new cities
of the republic incinstriwat institutions
springing into existeuue and entering
ipto competition with older eatablisla»
ments. Can anyone iloalit that menu-
faoturing establishments, if there was
absolatte free trade with the nei} horing
republic, would thrive lis well in the
cities of Petunia. as in the near towns
and cities of the United States ? Flew
then elm it lie seriogifty argued that
her itn1 stria! institip,ione were heir};
killed in'sprteof a titriff of 17';,j• por
cent. --Moe. David Vilis at Coiling
''1Lq, Grl�ipe"
III nirrelly epidemic Inilneese; Wilson's
Wild Cherry will aura it pafely quickly.
Get the geuunie,la white wrappers ouly,
and naq it as directed for :luilue» a a,
trfarizeta y mon d,
New 'forkflaSuns
There Were 'five er -nix of rte bnya in
a coach on du Erie treint one day last
eurtuteer, when tl young man wea,ing .tx
Chia diamond pin came in. Art he
seemed to take, special pedis to alines
'ttfi` wr IreionItly brenan to tr ltr nhnnt
•tr te'siad trier Viler wsrr geeely
ed in ,Meier, end he stb onee
both sera and liPomIttr Meer
agent of a Bulleto Wan p
Mitt la tt:Iagottvrni; gteete wtl
wee eeleeoldeti turn use
ayltat, • Nine( we t:omit penis
pasefed , e lt. the $t apps qq itii.r
medium, nnet ,nett the et
oallAH frtt'Waled Awl tp.d
d ,tat+ your op►Iuuu on thi
Tgot it tat. what 1 fit,rtstiftr
Do yon cell satst► dlumeeed`1
our expert atter a long took thrvtl
tee glass.
Where anti von tret ie ?
Of art Rfivtt tOr la;4ett4 who w $Marl
And yon lttri'i— t`
Oh, well, 1;mein Re well tial yeti,
li its worth 111(3
I €,»•,. brill lFl 4t1, .a wl� .
or $300.
Is it? T shnrticlrt't like to /tiler th?2
$?t) for it. You • have been rj it i a,
What r Isn't tl,nt a rciamc t ra 1
Yes, such ra drntuunff as army boast,
sells by the pint.
The, stranger was !meeker! 011tis
pieces by ah + infirm talon, „and elftent
considerable awerartti g hr went offend
hat cloy rt by lfln•t H}t At 5tifnmtiltcst
he saw someone on the pls,trt,rtn he
knew" and hurried nit to tippet( wins
hien. When he returned the pin was
gone. and one of the crowd milted it
he had lost it.
Not Any host 1 he repii,arl. ''hen .I
found out that .1 had been taken ht:
and done for, I dpternrired to dg
somebody else. I have just sold ,tiro
pin for $10 to. a sucker friend of minae
end will charge tip the $105 to expeare
4,lvery one of as turned cold, but ne)
one spoke. That stone was a genuinti
Oat water, and worth a138O unset,
"Let Grippe" or Iui1uenza can he quielt1y
otyo d by the use of Wilaou's Compound of
Wild Cherry, the old reliable remedy for
13rcruichitis, WhoopiuprCough, Croup,Co*,
Combs mud other diseases of respiratory'
system. Wileet: s Wild Cherry haat bee.,
le nee for many years and is highly recoco-
mended by all who know its virtues-, Sold
by-utl prominent arug�„ists.. .
Some Horn Dont',
Pont hitch tae to an iron Rost en
railing when the mercury is below.
freezing. 1 need the skin on ney
Don't leave meallitched in my stall
at night with a big cob right where,1
trust lie down. I and tied and can't
select a smooth place,.
Don,t compel me.to eat ' more salt:
than I want by mixing it tivitil my
oats. I know better than any other
animal how innolr I need.
Don't think because 1 go free unde'a
the whip :L don't get tried, You woult.4
move tip if under the whip.
Don't think because I am a 1101.99
Mud iron weeds ana briar won't Burt
my hay.
Don't whip me when I get frighten-
ed along the road, or;I will expect it
next time tend naayb" ttreke trouble,
Don't trot Inc up hill, for'I have tit
carry you and the boggy and myself
too. Try it ynnrself sometime, Ruta
up hill wvith it tiig load.
Don't keep my stable very dark,'r'or
when 1 go out into the light .my rye:,
ate ivjnrhd, especirelly it snow be on,
the ;rotIntl.
TOO eay tvhua unless you mean it..
Teattjt me to stop tet that word. -et
may cheek nie if the lines break anti
save;! runaway and sorest,-np.
1.1ph't make me drink ice•evaler or.
put a frosty bit in my month. t• Varna
the bit by holding iN half t' ins ntN
sigeipet rely body.
Don't forget to file easy teeth wheel
they set ragged antl I cannot chew my
food. When 1 get lean it is le shoe
my teeth want tiring,.
Don't ask the to leek with blind
on. S aur Sefresid tie,
Doti', fret, nae dawn a Puce b1:1, fat
it /teething thuttitl give wry 1 mi ,ltt
break a•nerr melt,
Don't 1 it en ntt. Mind 1iwis 1Pi it4!
,liar it rreitettetee i iv men( or to leave
tier fore!, ,:k that it will he tr rnV epee.
Dila, t tin Pt earn.-r,•e of n"v llrtrn'aet
5* to firer 11 00..44 I•n•e+en. pee 11.4"1*+
rail *WWI toit.
vers li%1t,u1vttiu*or
f tna
t thde�nksha"lCfT,ay1run,t(1)Yj141k"Ink lesttlub
tutl`tlar. You
uutl If YtyOrz ahont
any text» or ver
1 know they wo:.
trireme, Ya u rarest
What 1 Say sc
tr.Skeri iii.* hrty, .o
eyes are felrevar s
wrve•r movittrl, he
and to whom ail
eriby. 1 'vn,1lrl, a
uzlhors wtiufd steel
L"c�Intrt�rlttr5oi3: rt
Nr.lettnsttii't, so c,l
•. L.ere fl felt. a tauty
Y•'s, sir.
+hepta 1—it is r
to il'e,tk on coot
* trntiuy+�cilnnl, ft
of opinion exists.
better for penpl,+
perali e they t
iter me toas uaf t1tc
the speaker mov
litre an it:t•berg dr
What did lie
Eddie, That pp
siren, tewpe rauc
illrs Attsyood
her painful thou
pray any.ti.ttentioi
Days, weeks, 1
fey. A hard wits
N Tricep
ciieutitar,. The
prevailed so .ie
till everything.
bags in the .vault
counters, and tit,
wits of capitalists,
tiaherti and sumo,
At Jeast, God ku
streain of"the a
nee poor home i
Meet house. A
watching by the
eon, a young to
A cold night, 1
Yea; this.
What lnake$ r
Seems as. if it ve
he maid, in a hoa
It is sllOwizg,
iih'e wens to f
down into the s
W&S.driving the
through the etrw
smother the lam
I can't seem t
mho muttered.
1 can't tell wJ
or the serpents,
Ile ie wander
tnotlier, bending
will be wanes sot:
Yes. warrlt so
11is laugh we
reg feats all moo
into a dark sea.
That evening
the door of a get
borboud, and it
There is a sic;
living in the dist
,street, They at
if ;vett could get
coal to night, 1
Itote frena o
Merry, :Etta leas
days prol,ablyr',
and Coal a''itli illi
wrotider if my get
lei it mei Re
e'04" ,freer dineric,
''The reorient
;fit tl 4.14