HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-13, Page 70 • ailor W.nglia :'3.1 1st MINIM (Jost , largo loss in. our st&Ok at F1OO n Sunday afternoon a e of penile t•4iowed hie he gravel. Six of the :he high school boatel heaarores, The teasel r@ts' and tate members -of tl:e. po.erd headed tiro four rel it Draper was a ,uatiee id was eixty-five years is a wife and tett child - buried in the Listowel he side of his oldest sots, seph Draper,' of Meet- lenfarroaa. tali has retnrlled from a aids tar �elresylt y'.—:fret Win•ghein, Junction, 'woe. Is here this week. ---Wert ived that John Green. J'r' from Anstralia, where lot last three years. His bora will lee last to ht;e. is long abseuet•.- Joker Ianitotia, (see iii -law cit le for the prairie province .r Chutta souk with liht borsk, wbich he bought in this vicinity.-1iugh rs J li'ortuue, jr amt aesday for N,aepaavit,Man. tattetld their labor in tun 'late. -2,1r and Mrs Bolt, d Mary •Eeddenay, spent Grey township visltitli; •. I friends.-- It is rumored o have a tea meeting in list Cburctl in the near" y it soon be held.—A. t here attended the he•- tntrou held in Brussels, St. Helens. • tf the Canadian Order or its instituted here on the by Air W G Strang, )rgatiniza r, acid It 'Elliott, u, assisted by several meta - rt Sherwood, of huiiknowt, wail be knowu as ()non ,alta '...G1, and the ofi'aceirs' for rerni are : i K Miller, 0 Webster, V •0 .11;* Geo ; John 13 Weatherheael, Ia . lerford, '1'raetts ; Jahn lead - a; Win. "labour, S on, J W ; Samuel Durltie•tt, Todd, J It _Thus Dump, Th The taew court srni'i 3. members, and the pros right for a targe iticreaae of taeh ,With Wolvear.. thrilling tale, has been idirl. re of a rare with the w'nlveass frozen steppes of Rtussira• oely the picked berme of s traveller pre 'found to bail In our own cottutrV thottee ngnged i,i t► life.nud-tiM:ay)t• 61 the wolf Otinatirnptict+:. vetipontt with whiul► to Hight Ur.i'fwrce's Golden Mediae!. Tile relltrww t,I retnediv inyriecla of caned wheel *A 'Dines end clt,rrttlra haul failed• ttreatest blood perinea IGilia streugth klarowra• to ter all a of 1 ai u� cefece nT nn' Zany: meafufeeturing or` wawa • • at nue-affil of its valtr Ile spoke -�" with especial etithusia: d'brought out in strong contriaat : rote poiute conceruing the comfrey, 'Pie first was its marvelous protiuotiveuees ; sec• mid, hs sparse pr!ptalation, and third, the fact that for building one railwaay is oifp@usava, can seen through it half a dozed then 'bud been toads ttlillionuiree, UIe told of the enormous profits, • $50,000 a year, mads, lay one woolen manufacturer daring l'870 and 1880, and oont,reeted this with a letter which. he had res calved from the same ri nufaotat'rer lately, "after the National Policy had worked out its natural result of even'- If you want a Ct1.E?JaT this sprinb z, ooutpetition," urging a continue and we have opened out a handsome lot in temporary cloying dawn of the wnitl5, Brueneis, Wooly and '11apeatrya, wlifoh `apeulring as lf a tonal ftl,cttrer, he de.we are sailik�.g fat,• and greatly, admired.. cine@d hiluiic reedy to compete in the .open► wmarket with eft Demers, and Donliaise seeing the full range, They showed how in opportixftitiije to buy .3' GOODS ite ' endlosi; newest novelties groomer tor. tweet, in plain, and fur)oy,ctheep tt beby ur Drees Goods trade has be- an extent that WO stand oat with one of the finest stocks Us, Satins, Velvets, single and ble fold Dress Goode, outeido of the ty. ate extra good value. Have you seen our Lace Curtains, Ene- broideries, situs us,Priuts,Laces;Ribbone, Gloves and Hosiery We have plat on ottr Remnant Counter fouled a tlome and the learner of which ail•ourDross Goods from twelve yards' good. net biuwry, ineff'►'cient labor, in waiter power, the Canadian tuanufac• turer, stood at least on a par with the American, : his only want bein'g a mar- ket. He spoKe in glowing trains of Canada ate; a land ,wherein lie had tae was proud to he a oitiser ; the land dative, which will be sold at abdtit half with a saturation and: resni1rces to macho price.YouwilI find tai colors andleugths, a future yet undreamed of by the Don't hiss. this chance: (nest sanguine of persous, and urged that the shackles of restriction should Wet have sol ething to say next ,week be struck off and that the country abut;t Twe s Itnpootion invited, should have a ttiianoe aro grow and dee: velop. 13e`predicted raped trod steady H. raei g°. development if the present restrictive een•,yam eeaase,,ee as policy wt•r"e abolished, and urged the people in their own interest and in The Protect ve SysL'iiis.' the uiterest of the country to support Mi 1i' i3otts, a menufaoturer of St the Liberal party in the ,solning ehac Hyaututhe, Quebec, employing 700 timid. batone read eager fur free trade with , t'tt Dotted States, spoke at a Reform3urnperry Aeneetttlg at Oshawa, tile other night. otit r�r of the yoaitg folks.eb 11e told fnowhbeheti Conic from tree- the Aioof line went over to Mr,fama Henderson a, on the B1oevale Road, one evening labt week and hard a idea, &ant titne. The .question is, what happened the sirligitl--Mr: _and Mrs Thomas Gilinour are in Stanley at p'eseut attending the funeral of 'their farther --Another ptourtee Mane. On Monday, February 9th, Mr David IRF ugh, of the ninth concession of '1'urnberry, passed peacefully away, after reaching tbd advaueod age o severity years, Mr klaugb has been a if inane some twenty aria yeare ago, and ff:s+r tt short reeidenee to the Milted States had come ou to Canada- and settled here be.:ause he sew enough to l;•ve gun faith in the 'coientry and in. the people. 13e de attired that ha had never been an tactivaa penttciau and was not known slither tis u. Liberal or as a Conservae tive. faviug Bowe practical know•, ]0gp of business, he find some things is Say upou the question now before resident of '1Siriiberry for over twenty- the people .which he believed tuey five fears,. ail Was highly respected bF 'undid consider important. He said REMOVED 1 REMOVED 1 ' 1 bare removed my Sewing bfaoldoe Business to flontutt's Oka*, directly Opposite the Bank of Darn, Mon, where I will keep a full stook of rite Celebrated DAVIS' Sewing Ma- chines, allwho knt w him, His funeral wits a Ito had regretter; the eetablishaoent of the protective syStein, knowing that it could pot hut result in irtjtlry to local interests, '13c told h'ow lie -had visited Oshawa iu 1673 ,iii the way of business, and tined it a UiriVing ivatiuksnturitig to.wa, and spoke to au audience who evidently realized the truth .of w.haat he bald ; how one after tenothei of the great industries had gone down, so that ().thaws was Lot UAW. Its prosperous a;i it had been nearly ttvtuity years ago lie .rave large onY,andto. k plate:eou Wednesday. tits' hotly was iI*ot i:ed at Wini;h tat = Mr George Gray, of Nlimkoku, is visit hit; at his sister's. Mrs John �Vil„oti, —Miss Bella tcott,whn was visiting her old friends in this pan, has yea turned to her Boole near '1eeswater. —Mr Jaynes Fele, who bras bought a farm on the 1st eou of Morris, is busy getting out lugs for lumber to fix u his house. It issupposed the the will keep bitch. —Mr John Johnston bud "a veru saucesasfui wood cutting bee, on souse figures About. clothing. 11ta.iy- inn tie clotbing ha Canada is to a targe bkXtetat mdelti of English etattu.• la Regaled the cloth is sold for one, 'lilting or Rey aati.1 six ponce r r Squid of 80 to 1`inches wine., it; takes about J Siyards to; make a suit, r n a .and this suit glen btu tottde up and Sold at what equals from $1.75 :. to $4. of Canadian money, This sloth has to pity 20 per cent. ted valorem and 10 t.nnts per ponnd,atid :these duties, with Frei ;tits and expenses; brouehe the lirieo to the Canladtag • dealer up . to about 40 r,eista a. rDid;,:. end, wham. profits were u.dded aiici. time goods: • ha the forma of n !Mit of clothe to reached that Canadians ecutaul'n4r, the suit which nee $1,711 to $4 in 1r:sighted` cost.. in °Amide.$8 to ;t,10a A great deal Weis said against direct taxation, tato- :at Ioaat under direct taxation '.lila people knety what they ;vete paying for the sbppott of Governmentand would drat loaned to being taxed as they; a'er:o under the ludirect system_. miyie etetemeut was received with trernene Blobs applause. Mr Boas produced a temple of wall parer. Thin paper,' he rigid, ;, Sts n.laa;tt'aututed in New able at 5 cents a roll, and wits sold to, lite cousumcr at (# cents., •Th:e d•aty. on it, unposed for the•beueflt of one wall paper mltnnfeeturer, ,was 0 cents an -roll, and it was said to the constnner in Canada at from 194 to 1u cents a roll. The 'firm for whose benefit the protection wits given'feiled the other clay and paid 50 rents onthe dollar. Then be spoke of the Magog print 'works, which were esttll,Jishe+l with a ;great floured' of trumpote some tiane ago. He had been asked to subscribe to the stork of the aotupnny, "but, knowing tole da113cult it was' to cam elan Stich nota lhdtnttry' ill ft testricted teotri,ee, be detalined, Tuer l are atwaaya Ectroolgh f•tole to go late this kind of M'onday, last. After the, supper was over, the young ladies appeared'on the Beene and n.nsioand dancing was the result. --Air Charles etosirig up bis visiting and intends starting on Itis return to L'ritieli Ccilnrubia in a few day. --Nr James Eliot had his. Holstein bull tlehorned last week. The brute, thOegli dtit1tagrous before, ie quite gentle noeS,°xtthurwise the opera ation does not =relief. n have' injt,red giro gray.--t'ilea It ea. one of the pioneers iii'tu"rubi ,;died after 61 alert illness ou W:ionri4 wA?el.°. The deceased, with tier heehaw', eiooved into Turnberry about 34 year ;euo, settling on Let 9, Concession ,#T have nc iialed thein ,'• ever 61110(1,, Ives oftilustritlns luRlirt ' and 1 .sa, d'1s.pdeit on, and was Hefei itt illy lt'.r ' sport by all her neighbors. anti leaves a husband and large family, five .boys and five {;iris; to tnrtura _',fuer loss, The sorrowing hushaud,r ch ld- ren and friends have the sympathy' of the community. M well an a fewa•.ot the cheaper linos. Gan attpply Needles Oils and Repairs' tor all kinds of Sawing Maohlnes, At I intend to start Knitting all Kinds of Hosiery;. pustomera can h.ti't their Stockings. and Socks Knit In h'irst Ohms Nty to and on the shortest notieo. Sat- isfaction guararltet; Will alga. keep a settle of the "WORLD'S STAR" Knitting N.iachine's. (best in the world,) on hand for sale, which will be sold at reasonable prices. Don't be haat:ward About try lug one, as they will knit as well us vim he done by hand In less than *the time 'Please give tae. a call.- Don't forget the place, opposite the Flank of Hamilton.. ,)(cure ltaspeotfuliy, n, Ross: CRANBERT:.S, lO,c. a Quart, ^�^t /may T atthe 4a:M C ■ ■1..J. S]fl;' JOHN KERr . IRAN fit ^+-siacatisaals to l it linblrtat>n, Aaapufactugarate t,f MOW: , , LAND. ROLLED PLOWS, S, GANGPLOWS, &o, CastingsD of Every OA.' Genoa aq f 1 ' a , • y Atte.; a. Q"AGENTS FOR I3,. WHjTb',,GA w'S AGRIijgL,TTIRAL EN: GINLsi AND BOILERS, CHEESE FACTOR)( Eerily E8 ANS.).:. f3'OILERS AND SUPP.LIES. Prime Residence for ar Sale. Money to Loan on Notes, Notoa Discounter` AT REASONABLE RATES; Money advanced on iro•tgii;'es at 6 -per rent. with prh•flego of pnyang at the eii$o any year. Notes and aceonuts collected. - 1 OB'r. r seattene, oereeenetwen Block. Witiirham, Ont IT' OLD .RELIABLE Heir ors. . A singitigi elesa has leen T • nrgan'izz tsd here by ir2'r Sit,lltng .,ajf Te@stvtitt,r, The class prolriisee to' be as •staceesa, aitd it as ex.pected intueli�1 good will bit derived therefrom', . There Blew also been ail, ortlhestra organized, With 1dr Skating• as ihstrcetor.—De IIaarrison, of this plade, was visiting friends at home last ripeek. Mr Juities li`Isnting Woe sevoriy`kicked •by: a• dorsa lust week, but we ere plistlaod to lettt'n that Mr Viz recoverinl;t --Mt tloetler, of Fullerton, heti purchased the Bei 1110To. saw infill, and is fitting it up for the season's work.— :r Barfly Meli,irdy Was ttonie t,t1 it Visit for a few days,—•- Tinny Mr $elisry 'preached an "eciu- cational" sermon itt the Methodist chetah, Iaat Sunday+ —The anneal . '.Crwae4leeti wt iii COntlectio11 with the thing tits west on, fTO thee f t00 t 0113ehnare 'etirediat claaarrla ata to be vet .ease rats«t flan 1' +spanned Tete i,tl 1 no fit evtaalinrg of OM Sfirtt ilta!ty liaWoan w:tttes• telirt qtr .e+ 7 Weir leas, wtritrw''lt1wu .tf the•Mag; *twaht► Pec• b'ata a xal rine 11f pit w I,a o4.) . G. FIELD' - \'ishea to skate that he is stilint, first•elass meats of all kinds ae'tow in price As duydne else In at inghum. FRESt' ME MK and LAM always on balsa, ' D•IIEESE �1� &o., on hand in season, .As usual, meats delivered to all parts of the town. Rlsitiember tits. .010p—opposite the ]lank of Hamilton.• J. G,VIZLD I ftughty , :) ove)uher' Sth, 1800. 1laiRS, R. onR''YN, being about to give op house 1.1. ja keeping:, oboes her Privato:Residenee tor Sale This property Is situated on the corner of John and Minnie streets, O'inghatn, and consists of two fitthe of an sere o1 laud, upon which is erected a fine TWO. Storey Frame Louse, with Nine Rooms, Hot Ai Furnace, Bard and Soft Water, &t, Also a POO Stable. For terms.,ato., apply on the promises to leas. R;. OO1tNy , or tea. DAVIS. SbIafr a M. D., . 4., IN C P.S., 0., M. C. P. S: THE SOTTISH SPECIALIST, onotiTO., 1511 pLA.11.1.1% MIUS. •.-P.{fiiittrtilutgfaen�;,,, BUILDING, ATEkIALdf all kinds, •-:bbch at�-- S a?I .S II', D O O 1t fie lilt 1 N D 8 FRAMES, ii;co. lrloorintr. 111dlapi, nit„ d'roeeed to order on lire Ilaorlwf settee.. vita op, WI bane AVE' 100,0 M1 Tett 441 V, yer1.ioebor e'd Mad of all Mon • 4.. LE'S R 3iTl&S TO British Colurnbi WASHINGTON Oregon and California Leave nironto 11 p. m. on Fridays, its under . Specialist for the treatment of, till 11301 j MARCH t .6, 20. j 1891 Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Diseases of the. Brain and Nervels Ditteases of the Heart and Lungs; And Diseases of Women posi- tively 'i'reated suceess'.ftilly. Jonathan 13- i eehatrt, .Listowel, says : ".tl,Iter siending all my mon.i ey and property to no purpose on for what they, termed a hopeless ease of cnnsumptioh, Dr. Sinclair cured me." Mrs. Mary P tiiiong, Woodlouse; says': "When all others failed, Dr, Sinclair enreahae of lite." • W, McDonald, .Laketieid,'says:: "Dr. Sinclair cured .ine of catarrh.!' Geo. Rowed, Blythe sayu' "Dr. Sinclair mired ince of heartdisease Stall dropsy, when all others failed." Diseases -of private nature brought on by tblly, Dr. -Sinclair certsiniy cures.. CO 1'SULTATION FREE. DR. SIN., AIR will beat'the QUEE S HOTEL, Wi ig1iam; ON I�til l IT, MARCH I3$1 HEW DUTO i R S CP., GO. SHAW wishes to intimate to the anopia of W^inuham and vicinity, that he hos commenced the tiutehoriug Business ngnin, and has opened out in' the Old Stand, a few doors botch of the Brunswick House, b per STEAK, 0i0, plb..; LAND, D, lOc p r lb. And ether 1Ics.te in proportion, some as loa•tte 60, per potihd, , SATCJSAG•ES, tee:,. ail;vaya on haaitc. btcat ,llt1ivered to p part of the to vn, The 1'4trotm t of the public solicited. GEO.. SIA*, WW1 4.0,11A M TANI '&R' sad:... GLovs t+4iC s. 016res ih nitric, trent, wait, idai,pti, Sstst m Sheep and Pur llt7rinit raves alfrlys ib stock or made to order. - Aiac a taw Domestic .Buff l ,s... Doerr buy as Reba 1►ptil you war them. BaittllisaTseirees TO VANCOUVER WITHOUT C..IYA5RS• For Berths and all information, • imply ptu to nearest C.P.R. Agent, As .1 unileretand it has been very freely eireulatecl arourtd'Wiegham Need vieinit., to the Nary of taffy laminate, ii.nnt I"wee not in the'mericet to do custom waver or buy saw logia, 1 wish to stay 1 nun is the market to do all the custom sawing that may bo offered; also,to buy ell t:o. gooa.sunnd logsthatriay be broughtto the ZET.LAND MILL. As 1 am not bound by any combine, 1 am at liberty to take all kinds of either. bard or soft wood and pay full value icr them. Bring along yea togs. GEO. Tate,MSOlal. Zetland, Dec. Cab, I8a0, THE PRESS A Tull stork of It M. Ft neh and Dontestlo Colt, and lata, P,.rnt i anti so,Fame, tor Shia„aa l idot,:tco Nook ere, Merle ma yteasi. (NEW YORK`) FOR 189x. DAILY,SUNDAY, WEEKLY, � ► evage8,1 tent;; 20 pages, n cents ; 8 or let pages, 2cte, The Aggresive Republican .Journal of the Iuetrnpalie, .&•N WSPAPEif FOR TETE 'S.AuN ,,. Pounded Dec. lst,d381. Crrrnlntkon over 160,080 Ce Its Tun Pee is the organ of no fatct'fii'att snails no 'wires ;alias no anis ositto alvenge. The Mort Remarkable T' o'virspaper Saxocess lit ,)gip ew 1'o11: 111112`130.6S Ts n Nix. NirtVaml• 'is. Cheap news, vulgar eet,t.altions aril trash find= place in the colt mins of fie Thiess. Tete Parise has the brightest Editorial page in Nov loos, it bp:«ririas with/int/Its Tun Paws Solway h'o reio t is a splen- did twenty page paper, covoilag oveky Current topic of interest. Teen Y sss W.t •It v contelee d nil the good things of the 1114 and Sou. - day editlona. Pot those who eanliot afford the ttnit.Y or are prevented by distenete Sewn early' rerrelving,it,':iil>V W'aateret is u Rae:mita eubstitutts. AS AN ADVERTISING li I I. f: 't*t P*Li5 hits no superior In New Fork., • attain tai mal of ill, t":.e ben and ai+talst kook grill,: 4 it Matales, QMtRYer o 0111101iY, 01(!: YEAAt`.. iitAYoeaf, OGR 1fA+3 �, •, pautY�itaNtlli•., �: 1111111041. ONIE URN.. waclual ('uteri, clef YlCM4..; Stool lar Teo Potion Oirwitet, Umpire free. Ax•ntas w•,owq 04 ewe. antoitteiat. •