The Huron Expositor, 1971-01-07, Page 9BEST RED BRAND BEEF Allen's Asst'd 48-ox. Tin Everyday Low Discount Price Everyday Low Discount Price with Borax 23i pounds 5 pounds SEAFORTH THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SION,SITH ONTI.J0041. 17714 • ' • / In, scanning the aoderich ,Sighal-Star we note that Inspector Hugh A. Pe,agan, son of Mr. and ,Mrs. Chester Feagan, was the recipient of double honors recently, first at an investiture of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusa- 'Wm and later by appointment as honorary- • aide-de-camp to the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories. Major Donald G. McBride, son of Mr. and Mrs: Cecil McBride, leaves Canadian ForceS Base, Gimili, Manitoba, soon to move to Royal Air ForceStation, Bagnall, England, the Royal Air Force staff college. •Three exhibition hockey games were played at Goderich Memorial 'Arena recently, between teams from Goderich and South- field, Michigan. A return tournament is tentatively set for February 6 between the same teams. The games would'be played in the two million dollar Southfield Arena which is nearing completion. The Goderich Recreation and Community Centre Board is seeking assistance in setting up a gymnastics program for area elementary school children. According to the Mitchell AdvoCate a traditional candlelight.service was held, in Trinity Anglican Church.Approxim- ately fifty snowmobile owners met at the Town. Hall recently to discuss the for- mation of a Mitchell and District Snow- 1 mobile Club, under the direction of David Jones Of the Stratford polar Hear Club, In the Clinton News-Record we note• that Royce-, Kellens of William Street, received a large Christmas bonus when his ticket was drawn from the hundreds of thousands of tickets turned in by Clinton shoppers during the Christmas period. The project was sponsored by the Clinton Retail Merchants Association. BillSinith, President of the Association, presented 'Mr. Kellens with his prize On Monday morning. The many friends of Mr. Laurie Colquhoun will ,be glad to know he was able to be home from the hospital before-. Christmas. Mr. and Mrs, Merley:CoUnter of William Street celebrated their 50th wedding annivetsarY on Monday, Decem- ber 28th. Mrs;-•Gounter, the former Mabel Swarts, was bern in Wingham. Mr. Counter was a native, of Seaforth, but came to Clinton when he was 13 years of age, He was postmaster for 24' yearg...). Two. year Old John Hillma,n, accerding to the St. Marys Journal-Argus 'was the' third St. Marys fire victim in a decade. John was the son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Larry Hillman whose home' was destroyed by fire last Monday. The St. Marys Rotary fund has reached $5,70'7 the past week. From the Milverton Sun we note that Mrs. Faye Love McDonald, Brussels, is the professional figure skating instruct- ress this season for the Monkton Figure, Skating Club which has an enrollment of 70 children. Chevron Awards were presented by Ken McPherson of Mitchell Lions Club to a number of charter Members of the Monkton Lions Club. A' 15 year meMbership award'was presented to Charles. Posliff. Mrs. A. 0. Schurr of LinWood, a resident at Martin's Rest Home, Elmira, was serenaded Christmas day by her grandchildren, on the occasion ' of her.94th birthday. - According to the Kincardine News Bob and Besse Jacobs of Toronto and formerly of Kincardine, won $486,000. Bob won $9,000 for selling the winning ticket to his , wife. While in Kincardine Bob worked for the Kincardine News as a.prInter. • The Wingham Advance-Times reports that Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowan cele- • brated their ,50th wedding anniversary at Gorrie on Wednesday.,- December 23rd. Building permits issued in Wingham during 1970 'had a total value of $520,625. The --- 103-year-old Mount Forest confederate has "beetillurchased by the Wenger Bros. of the Wingham Advance-Times. Outstanding, Values OA Ilapt4° teny; • R40 , . During Our January Clearance Sale on ALL SEASONABLE.ONES ' TEEN TWENTY ELECTS OFFICERS Teen Twenty elected the club officers for 1971.at the weekly dance Saturday night. Succeeding Dan Cornish as President is Paul Patrick (Standing, left). Other officers are: Vice-president - Allan Coleman (centre); Treasurer, - James 'Henderson and Secretary- Ruth Anne Dunlop. In reports presented at the meeting it was revealed that Teen Twenty donated $1,150 to the Senior Citizens club, the Lions Club, the Optimist Club and fol• Christmas baskets for needy families. '(Staff Photo) ROOKS AND STATIONERY Krbi_w The Friendly Store in Seaforth "the friendly town" sitors :Enjoy' he CoTrespondent were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rickards, Mrs. John Templeman Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Wark, r • A,. • o' LIISKY'S :FANCY. ler And family Christmas Day were, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Miller and Ken,..Mr. and Mrs. .Ken Misses Joanne Worden and 4 Irene,: 'Kare:n. .and Bradley, Kil- , Duncan, Sheila and Floyd, Mr. Bonnie Miller visited Thursday . larne.y;, Manitoba, arrived to 'and Mrs. Jack DUncan ,an,l Den- " -with„,Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Hun- spend ,Chri stmas .. with Mrs. nix, Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. kin, Teeswater. Work's parentS, Mr. and Mrs. ; and Mrs. 'Don Richardson, Strat-. Misses . Edna and Janet Mil- Alec JameS.,' -Mitchell 'and visit , Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Miller,' "ic ler, London visited over the holt= . • for a few. days with friends and Betty Ann'and Bruce, Cromarty,; ARM with their parents mr. and relatives in the Staffa area. s Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 'Willard, MrS. Leslie Miller. 4 • • Celebrating Christmas. with ,Exeter, Mr. H. Willard, Col- euw I ,11(1 141:313` Darlene ;Templerner Mr. and MrS. Reg: 'Finlaysonand 'borne. LBO vrisitirdainoihe.holidlayarmith,Mikfrw 6Iice;•>SANSundtrY, w4re Mr. and With' Mrs: Sam:. Norris, and e' Mitt .Lome Finlayson, Mrs. Mr. and MiS: Bob Norris and . Miss Dianne. Miller visited over the, weekend with Miss Gwen Dougall, Mitchell. Miss Joanne Templeman was a New Year's dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ritz and family,. Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, Ron and 'Dianne visited New years ..Day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller. Mr.. and Mrs. John Tem- pleman and family, Mr. and Mks.. .Albin Cole and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Martyn and Wanda, RusseTdale, visited New Years, Day with Mr. .and Mrs. Wilfrid Annis arid family, Mitchell. ' • Mr.- and Mrs. Leslie Miller . and girls .visited New Years Day .With Mr. and Mrs.. George Mit- chell'. and family, Dublin. Rev. and Mrs. Eatoh and family, Orillia, spent a couple of days at their home in the community. , , Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Ken An- Mr. and Mrs . Graham Wark his and Kerry, Sebringville, mr. and family, Killarney, Manitoba, and Mrs. Dale Martyn and Wanda; returned home this past weekend Russeldale,, George Brodhagen, after visiting throughout the holt- _Stratfadr and David C apling, Mit- days with Mrs. Wark's. parents, chell. Mr. and Mrs, ;,Alex. James, Mit- Mr. and Mrs. Gary Finlayson chell and with friends and rela- and family, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. tives in the'Staffa area. Finlayson and Mike, Mr. and , Mr.' :Murray Haines' has re- Mrs. DUncan Scott and family, turned . to studies at ,the Royal mr, and Mrs.• Torn Colquhoun Roads Military College, Victoria, and Gordon attended the Scott B.C., after spending the holidays family gathering at the tame of with his family Mr. and Mrs. "Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Philip James and Roger. 10niverSity students in the community have all returned to classes after-the holidays. A good time was had. by all who attended the New Years Eve party In Staffa hall 'sponsored by the Staffa Women's Institute. The ,,,Country Cavaliers!' pro- vided the music for dancing. (Intended for last week) , INSURANCE' Murray Haines, Victoria,. - Auto, Fire, Ufe Col'o'mbia,British is home for • , a " - the hOlidays wit his family, Mr. and Mrs. •Philip James and Donald G. Eaton Roger. Ineurence Alincy - Limited' Home with Alvin Worden for _ the holidays are - Rogan= Wor- Office in ionic Block den, Toronto, Joanne Worden, Main Street and with them Chrlstmas eve • • &erth Ottawa, Hill Worden Waterloo Phe no.1127-1410 W Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller, Cromarty, spent Christmas with Mr. and 'Mrs. Lloyd Miller, Dianne and Ron, The Worden family spent Christmas Day with Mr. Lyle Worden and Mrs. Penelope With Mr. and MrS. John Mil- ALWAYS' FRESH!. I3EF'or PORK HEARTS PORK HOCKS NF I{ BONES ' OX'' TAILS, ETC. • Extra Savings at Peanut Butter tbr. TOP VALU HALVES OR SLICES SQUIRREL SMOOTH exiles CANADA GRADE UTILITY •ROASTING SMOKED PICNICS BURN'S SHANKEESS WIENERS BURNS HOT DOG , • • TOP VALU FARM SAUSAGE Fruit Drinks CARLTON CLUB ASSORTED Soft Ntin- Drinks Everyday Low Discount Price Everyday Low Discount Price Everyday Low Discount Price pro • trt ••: BRIGHT'S (front concentrate) Apple Juice 413.ox. tin ':',r0RUFA ar aggefffifidear:MANWV Powd. Deterg. Everyday Low Discount Price TOP VALU BLUE 5-1b, Poly Bog SMArtmoMOM,NWAROMUMPOrMOK :;%%ai:WakliOt Everyday Low • TERRY DOG Food VALLEY FARM CHOICE FROZEN French Fries Bay g Everyday Low Discount Price Libby's Deep Brown 19-ox, Tin WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE Everyday Low Discount Price Instant Coffee AMMOMM. Everyday Low DisCount Price FASCINATION 6-oz. jar TOP VALU ASST'D AiNalrer*C.4 AYLMER CHOICE ' Maxwell House All Purpose GREEN 14,ot.1 GROUND 1-1b. PEAS . • . tins COFFEE bag BRIGHT'S RECONSTITUTED LIQUID ORANGE 39c JAVEX JUICE . .4:1:1' BLEACH THERE'S AN IGA STORE NEAR YOU WILKINSON'S Don't miss the savings during 10A's annual January Colour. ful White Salo 250 Sheets Refills. 0,...88c lie tall Point (4 Medium; 2 Distssissi) _ PENS tir: 911t Windshield Washer '";', 44, ,•••• •AMA V :AV CASHMERE ASSORTED ANTIPUSPIRANTUTRA DRY MAUMEE FROZEN 2C BATHROOM..„ ARRID tr 99C ' FISH & 24...580 TISSUE . ;kr. DEODORANT CHIPS Pkg. WESTINGHOUSE SOFT WHITE , (40, 40 or 100Watts) KURT C LIGHT 39C BUFFERIN 99c VELVEETA 1 27 9 • Buts Pkg. of 2 TABLETS .0%0 CHEESE`.1; •:t•:i MMOSIMM&MOOMMEMOMMAMOW -GOLDEN'YELLOW LARGE 4 Henry Valden, Mr. and Mrs.Laird family for Christmas were Mr. Finlaystm and family, Mr. and, and Mrs. Eric Norris, MacDon- mrs. Gary-Finlayson and family, ald college, Quebec, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pinlayson Mrs. Jim Norris and family, and Mr's: and Mrs. Brian Brampton, Mrs. Ethel-Mae Finlayson. Lyall, Nancy . and David,.Agin- With Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Fin- court, Mr. and Mrs. John BUr- layson and Mike for dinner Wed- leigh and family Goderich and an neSday .evening were. Mr. and . Ross McNicoT, Hensall d Mr. Mrs. John Miller and family and. Mrs. Harold Longman, Lon- and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wil- desborough. .„ lard, Exeter. Mrs. Pearl Francis andJane, It/Ir. and Mrs. Russell Miller Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. J. anti family and Mr. and Mrs. Aston and family, Woodstock with Jack Hutson and family attended Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemp and Mrs. 'Stan Dow'sfamlly reunion Eleanor. at Russeldale Hall on Christmas , Day. ' With Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and family, Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole andJean, Crom- arty, Mr-.and Mrs. EldieMcNicol and Bob, London, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Annis, Joan and Calvin I FRESH,. EXTRA LEAN STORES CLOSED FRIDAYS at 6 P.m. JAN.-FEB0:MARCH Open altday Wednesday Wilkinson's IGA "THE TRUE VALUE STORE" Anti-freeze. .88c 'ton g:cos 5129c CANADA NO I PAO. TABLE POTATOTES ..111:49C pRICES EFFECTIVE JANUAlt 6-0 INCLUSIVE — WE [SERVE T t, RIGHT TO "LIMIT QUANYITIES '21Madia,% CAL. SUSIltift 1141/11L,(111.• 811A ORANGES' 12!0* 89 ARNOLDA STINNISSkN Life — Health and ,Accident — :Register*, Retirement Pensions — Income Tax Deductible 'Registered RefireMent Annuities Representing • Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 5274410 117 OODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH First Cleanly (knells Medium, law) . Panty Hose 59c