HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-01-07, Page 5bf Blenheim, Mr. 'and Mrs. Terry
North, ,Teresa-, Tammy and
Treitor of Fingal, Mr. Don Mc
Arthur Of-Newton Robinson, Mrs..,.
Jean Manson, Mr-and Mrs. Hilt
Laing and Danny of Exeter and
Mr. Stewart McQueen of Hensall.
Relafoxes visiting Mrs. Huh
McMurtrie during the holidays
were Mrs. R.S. Hopkins, Gretkn-
castle, Ind., Mr-.• and Mrs.
Charles Robins Bath, Ontario,
J. C. Cochra Seaforth, Mr.
and Mrs. Ale cMurtiie, Kip-
pen, Mr. a d Mrs. Ray Hillier
and- sons, Thamesford and Mr.
and'Mrs. Wilfred
Mr. and 'Mrs. R. A. Orr have
-returned after, spending the holi-
days with their son and daughter-
in-law Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Donald
Orr in Ottawa."
United Church ,Women,411.nit
4, 'will meet ThurSday afternoon
January "7th at 2:30 p.m. for
their January meeting.
Flensall Women's Institute
will have a TweedsmuilLhistory
evening in the Leglim Hall
Vi,ednesday when 'the roll call
will be answered with a eontri,7
button forA, the Tweedsmuir
History Book.
Mrs. Ken. McKellar
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner
spent New Years Day with Mr.
and Mrs; Wayne' Zurrell and
Kirk of Rostock. '
Mrs. Kenneth Moorehead,
Jennifer and. Chrii of Brampton,
„Mrs: Ed Knechtel of Rostock
and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Red-
head of Kitchener visited with
Mr.-, and Mrs. Alex Gardiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex`Gardiner
visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Burnell Wilker and family
of Sarnia.,
VLsitors during -the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker
were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cur-
Linda and Joanne of Dor-
chester, Mr. and Mrs. ,Robert
Hulley and family 'of Winthrop,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Walker of
London and Mr. Gerald Cqckwell
of Exeter.
,t i
A L shaped barn was completely destroyed last Wednesday on the farm of John
O'Leary, .11.R.1, Staffa. Loss in the blaze, which is attributed to faulty Wiring, is estimated
at $25,000.In the'top photo, a fireman. from the Seaforth Brigade soaks down a near y driving
shed while another-looks on. In the bottom picttre neighbours stand by h Pless as, th barn
starts to collapse. - taii Photos)
Set Plans Loss It" 125,000
5 —1970 Demonstrators
2-Door Hardtop Models
Over 70 Used Cars & Trutks
• f,
This Month Is Our Annual
Make An Offer On Any Of Our
Used Cars or Trucks
If We Don't Make A
Deal We'll Pay Your
Gas to Exeter and Home Again
Larry Snider Motors
EXETER 235.1640
LONDON 227-4191
Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer
. All-Weather aild' All-Wool
You litiniProof that Our Prices Are lower?
Raspberri14-in pkg. reg. 43c)
Weston's Swiss Rolls _ 2/65c
Christie's 7 oz. pkg.
Bits 'N' Bites ,2/83c
Bick's 15 oz.
Saner Kraut 23c
, Liquid 24 oz.
Thrift Detergent '39c
New Size 20 oz.
-Shredded Wheat
Light Blabs 4/69c
Fancy 14 oz. -
Delmonteleas 5/89c
Easy-off 15 oz. (aerosol container)
Window Cleaner 49c
All-Purpose Grind
Mother Parker Coffee _ lb. 94c
Mother Parker 10 oz. Jar
Instant Coffee $1.63.
Mother Parker 60s
Tea Bags- 737c
PICNIC 91661.DELS lb. 45c
WIENERS,- 1,1b pkg. 49c .
Fresh .
SIDE PORK _ _ lb. • 39c
HEAD CHEESE per'tin 89c
- _ .2/$1
Bayer Aspirins
. Philips 40, 60, 100 watt
% Discount on All
Regular Stock
Beef and Pork'
Rindiess -
SID E' BACON -, _ _
Reg. 89.50 value Up to 99.50 value Up to 39.ou value
9.95 Our price 9.50 69.50
with long cuffs Nis-
.Reg. 8.95 to Clear tI0,„95
Men's, Casuals, Corduroy
and linfd work pants- A
sweaters. One price 4.95
French Fries
6- lbs. $1
PRolit6E 1„
CALIFORNIA No. 1 "Size 24s
, (product of USA) .
2 for 37c -
12 for 79c
ONT. No. 1 - (Product of Can.)
2 lb. pkg.., 27c
Heavy AR,weei
Reg.• $17.95 • 9.95
To clear
Reg. $35.00
To clear at
:.„ lartd!14fal74iall'iid.PMPort7i:Cirriis.:t1ralewt1Th'.: -Ed. PtAi4.000. Mr, and Mrs, ferg4Segif •
Mr. and Mr4f, KtnAtio
and family' with , MT: p.4rOnt
,Mr,. Mrs. .4404P Kennedy.
and Mrs. Gus' Redmond
with ,her brother iree 4nti,MrS,
M David MacAllister had
Christmas with. Murray and**
Boyles hadMr. and Mrs.
Lyle aid Rita. of
Chatham, Faiher Plialen" 'of St,
Augustine and Bernadette Boyle
from London.
At a card party held in the
parish hall Monday, night eleven
'tables were playing and prizes '
were' won by - Men - Alex
Maclnnes and Pat Boyle; Ladies
Mrs. James Leddy and MrS:
James F eBnoey1 oe rn s. b rDgoeorir. p;rizoep!-
were donated by Wayne Red mond.
. Miss Ilean Poron of Montreal
.. Ann Foron of University of Wind-
sor, Frank Foron of University
of Guelph spent `holiday with
parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John
"rWcile welcome Mr, and Mrs.
Bob Woods, newlyweds, to St.
Miss Betty Devereaux is visit=
ing with Gus and Mrs. Devereaux.
Yes, if you:, :start
'regularly in:: a
imcfpr.O.T.rust OrniutlY
Certificatp, YOU pp Qnly
_get. 8a 7 interest on your
Guaranteed Investrilcilt •
Certificates•-..- whipti is hig1
• but, your iuvestrnent gOe$ -
right:on accumulating, liter-
ally •seetlijig it oyvn`groi4li,
See ti's today at Vietor4 "-
and Grey:
Tlold New Year Sti 7 ivicies
, Correspondent
Mrs. Maude Hedden
A special lieW Years service
• .„,.was observed in Hensall United
Church, Sunday morning with
Rev. H. F. Currie delivering a
special message. The choir sang .
a number with Mrs. John Turk-
helm at the organ consol. The ,
flowers in the sanctuary were in
loving memory of Mrs. William
,Forrest placed by .her family.
Guests with Mr. and. Mrs.
Harry Snell included Mig and
Mrs. Don it y, Mr. an, Mrs.
• Bill Knightstewart and. Jane,
,day., , , larid and family. , „'
' Mr. and Mrs. Norris ,Webb,
. I Mr.. and Mrs. Verne Smith
Julie and Lorie visited 'during of Exeter were guests New Years- ' --
the week with Mr. and Mrs. Eve with Mr. and• Mrs. Jack
4 William Ciago, Billy, Linda and, Smith. . •
. ' Nancy,,of Pembroke. ,
' Wednesday evening dinner New Y ears Day visitors with (Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Strahan, David . '. ' guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Robert, were Mr, and Mrs. who parked in a no•parking-area Parkinsan _Brenda , Margaret •
Ca -Strahan, Linda and Janet in front of the town hall ',while
and Janet were' Mr. .Leonard of Eighth Line ,and Mr. and, Mrs.' he went to,tne.nearby Commercial Thacker, Linda, Cathy,• Joy and - ,,,., Donald Strahan, Jenanne . and , Hotel to pick tip-a fare. When he
Jim Rowe of Exeter.' . . • • Cathyy, of St. Marys. • . returned,the found a ticket on his
Mr. and Mrs. George,,Webber Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Webb cab but what added to the problem ........,........
of •Warren, Michigan were Sat- of London were gtests New years was that he couldn't locate his
urday gli:estiWith 10::.and Mrs. , i with 'fare in the,tiotel. -'•,— ' "i
harry-Wfter• .1 ., r . Day witE .Mr,' and Mrs. Norris
-r. ,q1'..o9,1 ' a m,46.15br Airth aw&LoHK.., ,,,,-, ftrbtlfer busfhesS. bd..ti, cff "1 :-'
-- ' ariprOVed a by-law. for bor- Miss Cynthia Copeland visi:- , , NeW Years Eve visit ors ' tee Monday and Tuesday. with •
- . . Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland rowing up to $300,000
• Miss Joan Ross ofKirkton. • were Mi. and Mrs. Ted Brine - appointed E. M. Williarns, Clerk
Ill , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rob- , of Baseline, Mr. and Mrs. George treasurer, tax collector and
• inson and family were New Years Levy of Fourth Line and Mr, welfare' administrator at
Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs..John 1 Rodd.
• • Jackson Woods of Elimville.
. , Mr. Ad Mrs. Ross McCurdy,
..,,,... Terry and Barry had as their
' - guests for New Years, Mr.' and
Mrs. Charles Glanville and fam-
I ily of Hensall".Mr. and Mrs.
' Gerry Hartman and Pat and Mr.
Philip Hartman•of Dashwood. ,
Visitors during the holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. William
Dickey, Judy and Robbie, were Mr.
and Mrs*..,Clayten Brock and fain- ,
Correspondent , Miller, Mi. and -Mrs. Oscar
MisS Jean Copeland Brine, Mr. and Mrs,- LaVerne
Rodd , Mrs. Margaret Baker, .
a Mr. Jamie McC urdy of St. • Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Baker, Marys visited during the hon., Mr. Leonard Thacker.
day with , his cousins, Terry and , Mr. and Mrs. Don Brine had Barry McCurdy. as their guests for New Years ' Mr. J. C. McAlister, Jim and Eve, Mr. and Mrs. Jim- Mit- Mary of Sudbury spent several chell of Bt. Marys, Mr. Darwin daysi..yvitlik,..the formers sister, Lamar' o ublin, Mr. and Mrs. L Mrs. Harry,Webber and. Mr. Web- .,,, Jim McNa ghton and Mr. and
* • ber. — Mrs. David heeler. .. ' Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler , Mr. an. Mrs.' Edwin Miller
and Mrs. Robert Corsaut-visited and fami of Thames Road, Mr.
. Saturday evening, with Mr. and . and Mrs Charles Miller of Exe;
Mrs. Ray Corsaut of Ilderton. 'ter, • and' Mrs. Bob Miller Mrs. Vera Mountain of „St. " ' . " ‘ ondon and 'Mr. and Mrs.
Marys visited several days dur Jack Constable,- and boys orKirk-
ing the holiday week with M ss ton were New Years guests with
di ,Jean Copeland. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and The flowers in the Church on Betty Jean. Sunday were placed by the family Mr. and Mrs. William Spence
of the late George Arksey Who and family were Sunday viiistors
passed away suddenly last Thurs- with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cope-
. Mr. and.Mrh. Earl Tupper of -'
Antigonish, NoVaScotiawereSat-'
urday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis Strahan, David and Robert.
Mrs. Dorothy Hull of Port
Credit, Mrs,, Marie Mills and
Harrison of London and Mr. and
Mrs. Bryce Skinner of Munro
visited during the week with
Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills. •
$6,800 per annum.
named Clarksdn Gordon P.:,
auditors,at $2,500
- named John F. Scott building
inspector --at $250.00 per an-
- learned, that tax arrears in
Seaforth were low compared
to other area municipalities
and instructed "the Mayor to
sign a tax sale warrant.
ily of Elora, Mr. and Mrs. Doi-
MaSnica and family of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford and
family of- Kitchener, Mr. and.
Mrs. Newman Baker of Welburn,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snarling of
Londoh, -Mr. Clifford Whitlock
of St. Thomas, Miss DonnaDickey
of London, Mr. t,Fred Brock of
Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Morley and Danny and Miss San-
dra Dickey of Exeter, Mr. Doug
Coward of Winchelsea and Mrs.
Harry Ford.
New Years Day aisitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brintnell,•-
Terri and Scott were Mr. and
Mrs. Wray Sweitzer of Shipka,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dundas of
Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Sweitzer, Sherri and Rennie of
Avonton, Mr. and Mrs: lion Mill-
ion, Warren, Sandra and--Perry
of Lakeside, Mr. and MVS. Jack
Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Rundle and Larry.
Guests with Mr, and Mrs.
Don Brin-e and Cheryl for New
Yeats Day were Mr. and Mrs.
Willard Schaefer of Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson,
Lynn and, Dale of Fourth Line,
Misses Myrtle and Pearl lirine
and Messrs. Charles and Lloyd
Brine of Baseline' and Mr. and
Mrs. Osear Brine.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd,
Pamela and Calvin had as their
gupsts New Years Day, Mr. and-
Mrs. George Wbeeler,-Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia,
Ellen and Deanna, Mr. and Mrs.
-David Wheeler, Mrs. John But-
ters and Miss Jean Copeland.
Mr. end' Mrs. Don. Brine PA
Cheryl were guests Wednesday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Garret and family of_Edgewood.
Miss Jacqueline Beckett of
Galt was a, weekend visitor with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Beckett and Geraldine.
We Welcome' Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Lawrence, Judy, Elizabeth,
Michael and Danny of London to
our village.
r Mr, • and Mrs. Glenn Copu-
la d lfid girls and Miss Jean
eland visited Saturday after-
noon with M1'.4 and Mrs. Adrian
Pringle, Terry and Wayne of
Visitors fOr New years Eve
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred -Park-
inson were Mr. and Mrs. James
60MPf>till`"SiNCE 1ecsp
A' six session course is being
-offered at the Ontario Depart-
ment of Agriculture and Food
Board' Room, Clinton from Jan-
uary 6th - February 17th,1971.
--The course, progrararnedAayStan`
Paquette, Associate Agricultural_
Representative; Huron, will offer
study on ,NutrientRequirements
and Feed Compogition", "Ration
Building", "Beef Calf prodec=
tion";""--,Troduction costing-'',-
,!Gradingand'MarVOtiag". •
Course participants will, in
elude Ralph McCartney;. Beef
Cattle Specialist, Ontario Dep-
artment of Agriculture and Food,
Guelph. Graeme Hedley, Sec-
retary-manager, • Ontario Beef
Improvement Association, Dr.
Ron Ugborne, Meat- Science, De-
partment, University of Guelph
and Mr., Paquette. '
Charles Gracey, Manager of
Canadian Cattlemen's Associa
tion, will be banquet speaker at,
the conslusion of the programs.
Enrolment is limited to 35
For Beef
township. The L-shaped earn crop and a..qnantityof straw and ourse
Hi crop fire last Wednesday in
A large barn' along with all farm machinery including a 'wag-
on, an elevator and augers, feed its contents, was destroyed by • corn and -grain -from last year's
loss at $25,000. It was, part-John O'Leary, .41.12. #1, Staffa,, ially covered by insurance. Fau-located at lot' 22, cone. 7 of
° • lty • wiring is suspected 'as the Hibbert. cause of 'the blaze as all of Mrs. O'Leary noticed flames the crops were cool and dry.. in the upstairs part of the barn The first to arrive at the Nat before noon and called the scene was a neighbour,, John,
..seafortif fire department. Flames
. centrated on containing the blaze
-however had spread too far to
and. preventing its SI3read to near-
barn, were 46 hogs, some small
save the barn and firemen csin-
by outbuildings. 'Lost in the, fire, along with the .Pleted •installation" of steel sid-
Dearing, who said that the fire
thus ruling out any chance of ,
already was too hot to approach,
tents. Mr. O'Leary had just coni- •
this fall.
saving some of the barn's con-
ing on three' sides of the barn
Income Tax Returns Prepared for BusiAsses,
Farmers and Individuals. -
REASONABLE RATES: Annual terms only
File your returns early and avoid the last
minute rush:
PHONE MONKTON 347-2241, Monday to Saturday
BRUSSELS 887-5663, Tuesdays and Fridays only
which measured, 86° by 40' and Mr. O'Leary estimates his ' 52' by 24', was on the farm of
' hay.
Seaforth Ontario