HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-13, Page 5'd
GOODS in en3toe
newest novelties groes a 'tor'
trneat, in plain and inrlcy,cheap
expenr ive, oan be .seen by;
ux Dress Goods traria has ro-
an esteut that we stand
t with one of the finest stocks
irks, SSatine, Velvets, single and
ble fold Dress Goods, outside of the
petxt,y 1'nauufeeturing or:
e at opae•llfth of its vs,l+u
with etipeu:ial enthesis
out in strong coutrs t,e tree poiuta
concerning the cuuutry. The first
wee ittt'marvelous productiveness ; ENC•
mid, its sparse pepnlation, .and third,
the fact that for huildiu:; one railway
through it half a dozen men bed been
loads nlxillioaaire ll. Ella told of the
enorno(Is profits, $50,000 a year,
made try one woolen manufacturer
during 1379 and 1880, and contrasted'
this with a letter which lie had reg.
coive=d Erato time s:►me mauufactn'tf:r
lately, "after the National Tolley lied
worked Out its natural result of over•
13 serum„ competition," urging a e rbtue end
we Lave opened out a hlandeaome lot in temporary closing (h>'Wn of the mills'.
iAlmada,. Wooxi and .'apeatry'a, which Spenkiu;; as a ttaatttifacturer, be des
Aired himself ready to compete in
we faro sailing feet,..aud greatly .admired., the #,pf,n 'market with eft bottlers, dud.
eltoweei how in opportunities to buy
good maehiiipry, it► efficient labor, in
wat••r power, the Canadian wanufec-
torer Steed tat least Una par with the
� mise only wan a>ln'g n tnar�
lirlaveen and ilosiiiyf kat, Ile armee in glowing teems of
We have put on ottr Remnant Counter (;-anotia a a land wherein he had
ail,oux Dress Geode from twelve yards.' found ltome and the Innfl of witch
l:e was proud to be a citizen the land
don, which will be cold at about half with u sittftatton and reesoitroes to snake
price. You will Bedell, colors and lengths. a future yet undreamed of by the
Don't miss this elsanoe.
most sanguine of persons, and urged
that the slre►okibs cif restriction should
Wei' have so •etmaing to say next .week ire, struck off and that the country
itboait,1'weE ts. 'napeotkmi invited. should Gave, a .ttaoce to groes and des
g velop. ,1- e pretheted raped dud steady
M. N. Cit cINDOO devetnpment if time pre:.eut restrictive
policy we+ire abolished, and urged the
people in their own interest and in
The ] otective System. the uit"'test of the coutetry to support
Mt 1" Boas, .a manufacturer of St the Liberal party in the; coining elm,
•tun ra
'd ba
f thea
Of the
lial,i VA
,t son,
rem a
u, wan.
rn. Jet.
cera he'
rim hail
law of
•ovinco •
bought •
jr and
a, Man.
in tutor
s Beit,
sting hi
rid. --A•
he Re-
der of.
an the' ..
.I meta-. . -
Curt ;t;
ere' for
,:ler, 0
lead, ;•
n ittad-
3 pram
reane o1
een t't<t1•tl
1 wolves
nneex of
d to tali
'' thoti*:
to fight
w hen til
d lftituyit'
kr Hata'
r 1
xf you want a 7:lEI-ET ill•
-Le spoke
d brought
Don't miss seetug the full range. They
ate extra good value.
Rave you seen ourLaceCurtains, Em
breiderie: ,'Aluslins, rints,L:aece,Ribbons Amerman., 1 t b
l'lyateuthf, Queteo, eitm.irioyiug 700
hands trod eager f:er free trade with
i'tau United States, spoke At a I{etorr
Jit:iselanlg at Oshawa, tee curer night. A number of the yuan; fulirs nti
told ouwte bud conte front tsar the float)
line went over to Mr Jamb
many sneeze twenty odd years ago, and Henderson s, on the B1nevalo Road,
plea -
sifter is blleilt, z't�anlltlllGe 111 1118 United
evening' last week and had a ulea-
,tates tixd come on to usmatla and sant titne.. The .tgoestinn is, what
s,,stied here bee cruse he sow enough to
bappejlHd the 61em'hhi— \1r tagd Mrs
I'Vd h1111 faxith 1n the country Thomas Grtlinour are in Stanley at
tad in time people; Lde de present attending the funeral, of their
'unwed that he hod waver been an
—Another pioneer gone. On:
autivr. Nntmtlt lain nod was not known Monday, February 9th, Dir David It
either us :a Liberal or ad a Conserve..Baugh, of the ninth concession of
five. avlu ; some prootic a1 know-
ledge '1urubeerry, passed peacefully away, ri
after reaching titer advanced age of y
of buatua ., he had some tbn&js seventy years. Mi .Ilauhh has betsn a.
10 Say upou the question. new before rL 5uleot of Tnroberry kr over tweutr--.
the people which he believed they five series; and mistsi{rl►
highly Feted dli
wered consider important. ,Fie sold y les p , b S
he had.res,;;retted the establishment of
all who krrrw him. His funeral was rtea.
the prtste.tt' a :s»tem, knowing that lanhe?oue=,aLnd to. k place•on til edoeSday.
it -could not but remit hi v
injury to 'Was bony v"8411'torrHd at it iligha(ru
loyal cut >e,ts: Ile told howhe-diad Mr George Grray, of Muskoka, is vi: it rat
visited Oshawa in 1S78 lu the wiry of log at, ills Mrs Jolla 'Wil�on.:l
lxasitmass, :and f•tuud it a tlmrmviu� alisa 13e11•1 a'�'cott,who was visitutg5ii;
mai tufe cturiug tow.u,attr) spoke to an !wield friends in this part, has teatlie
audience who evidently realized tine turned to tier home near 1rt,swa.el.:
i ream oc what aril bald ; how one after \ir Jnmes I I f>,'mvlto has bought a
smother of the great iaiduotries had forte ol1 the Sat con of Morrie, is bosyhrd
;etre down, so that J+ltaivu turas trot „getting' out lugs for lumber to fix upeut
11(,;mv.Rs prosperous as it had been. his 110111344. ltissupposedthntItt'witl ,1
nearly Puce's years at;o. Ile:parte keep batch ---Mr John Johnston bad
some figures about. clothing, llagaty- a very succe sful woud cutting beat, on
c,i li.n„1is11
t'la `r. Afterthe, slipper tiaau1e (nohing in Canada isto a large
extent, wade, aclutiLi over, bytng
ladies appeared'or1 tate
1 hoe reraoovrd ow sowing ;toots), Bustnose to
mon, where Hawk. ll keep aofpull mei; of 'sank of Won.
Celebrates DAMS Sewing Iia -
A. well Alfa fcu,•ot the cheaper lines.
Can Supply -Needles nils and Repairs for all kinds
of Sewutg lfachtaes,
As I intend to start
Knitting 0 Kinds of Hosiery:
^-100840ra to It '1t Soharaaon,141anufaotur w•e at
1 � s ,
Customers can bra's their Stockings and Socks Xnit St f e+l p�} i
iu First lite and ontheshoraust.notieo, Sat-
lJ �r� �l� \ �� r
istuctlun y uarurrte,td. IIIJJJ eb { t :10 9II a d
Will alto keep a st3ok of the
"WO"12LD'S STAR" Knitting
Machinte's .
(beat In the' world,) on hand for sale, which will be
sold at reasonable prices. Don't bo backward about
tiling one, as they`will knit as well as can be done
by hand in loss than* the time .
Please give moa call, Duni %eget the place,
oppnaltetho wank of Rushton.
Yours Respeetfutly,
roc. a Quart,
at the
" c LI ,"
Wiz, ;°w
Toralnto, Ont..
}}n smawRm.,
Hoglund the cloth is salsa for . one, .seer►e and n.astc 5a1d dimwit; was the
shiaUug or oa.' man.1 six ponce r'-' .yard
of 60 to inches wi{ne.. -1t takes
about h S •3ards to. maka, suit,
zu(l this suit u.u1 lie lnaade up and sold
at what equals from $1.75 . to $4 of
Canadian money. lits cloth has to
pity 20 per cent. ad valorem - and 10
-:sluts per poultd,and these duties, wittz
treights and expenses,. ltrott;hb thi>
priuo to the Catzadian . dealer up . to
aebout 40 Bents a ,toad;: . and, wheat
profits were added elec tCrt goods.. it)
t he forks of a suit of 010111Pa • reached
tliee CtLtt~aditnli C0n1su11►ar, the quit wine('
Sort $.1.755 to $4 in Ragland- cost . in
Oanitada $8 to SM. .A. greet' dual wile;
s;rid against direct tairtttion,• bat :1St
`ie*st under direct taxation elle people
knew what thy ware paying for the
O bppott of (overuincnt., laud would
net submit to bring tt:xed es they:
Vero coder them indirect system: r.E'llis
slttatellotnt was received with treineti-
stout applause. Dir Boas produced' a
ttauiplo of wall pater. ' This paper,
be, said, WAS manufactured itt New
,Grk at 5 cents a roll, and was sold to
the consumer ;at Ci cents 'Tho ditty
iilm it, imposed. for the-beuef t of one
wall paper manufacturer, ,was 9 cents
a .•roll, and it WAR s yid to thee consumer
in Canada at from 121- to .15 cents a
roll. The firm fur whoa benefit the
protection te•;aa,� giveti failed the other
;ley and paid 50 omits on the dollar.
Then he spoke of the Megeg print
works, which were satal,hsbe+d with a
l;reiat flittr,:ih of trumpets some titilt'
Ago, Ile bad 14.3411 asked to subscribe
to She sweat of the eonipiany, 'but,
knowing lame- dif lault, it woe to carry
on toe!' null indut:try ill 8 restricted
tetationa liin tl. `liner are etiveays
oresegla f•m',t to - u 14 -to (laid ttind of
thieu tiro• wens on, s'f.l tart- $MO00't
s8 kip t 41 -47 t r,tw>4 Ras 1 et4Uo$tert T411;
!{t"Ifilt ibtrtl. 6141 u%r�t t+Fpph��w�p.p4 :11171
X65 4'. f '.�•"�i ';?' ''e.:'1a'u' Piero
result.— Mr Charlt>s, Wi;soii is closing
up his visiting and intones starting on
his return to British Colombia in 'a
few day.—Mr James � +liot had hie
Holstein bull dehorned test week. The
brute, thopgii` dint er ous before, i.{
quit? gentle, now, tt(lterwise the oper-
ation does mtot se)e have` injured
h•Clflamiy wltli'it� a•ano-ofthH
pioneers in 'lurnbe,, ached after a
sut+rt illness on i1uti�lii; w.nel:. The
deceasAd, Witll her husbafnl;.:naove:d
into Turuberry at out 34 yeah m,o,
settling on L')t 9, OOI1veesion 6,
have resided tlit>t'tt ' 0,ver . l tl1Ue " a
,was of i tlstrismue liiitittt ,' and VI
dispci'sit'on, tatz(1 was held in high. ,«:,rf
spout by all lle•r neighbors. Snit
C. P. $i. TI\1E TABLE.
Trains arrive and. depart as follows :
imam.; /,lint
5::i5 a.. m . . For Toronto 5'85
2:20 p.m
:20 p. m .. For Teesn•ater . LO
L0:30 p, m 10:8
laM.A_ N� TR'[7N'2K R2
• Through tckots to all points in Amuripa-1t
:West,Pacilie Coast, eta., via the shortest an
;pupila- routes. llagpago chetl>ed throng
08610: tion. Lowest freight rates to Bill pbints.
LRAtiX ttlhetA,t. - Aa5I4R AT WIN
u.SO ti nl.Tottl,ite, Gi, .,.., Pahiiorston, cc. 8:00
:40 p, n: .'3 Clinton,
:Lbp l ahuinston, %axed 10.1
8:45 a.In' ,t ondon,'6,ri.. ; 4 .11:0•
83�t p ,y. > 135
11:10 a.m. .....: ittncardino,'.bo - 8:80
S::10p .tt' " 11:1
10•.10 11:50
e�aoTA>'t3 SHOE SHOP:
moteitauLTY & HAttolt'
11:10 " " 10:1
llarinv purchased the Custom Business of :1f
treCormhek s Co, wish to intimate that they
opened ant intoe shop two doors south of T A
st^re, Wiutrham,
Roots toad Shoes mule. to order from, .th,i.
Money . to Loan on Notes.
of Discounted
Notley advauttrd on alorttsiree at 0>per runt. with
prh ilege of paying nt the cubo any year. Notes
ti. aoeouutaculleetc#1.
I &•BT. 1viaXND00.
Urr:i;n.—l3tave1� lhoek. Wirit:bans, Ont.
.1, G, FIEL1Y
Wishes to state that he is stilling; flrst -lass nett of
all kinds as'low iu price as anyone else in NLrgham.
leaves a imtisbatid and large : falaily,
five boys and five gide, to Monne .tsei
loss, The sorrowing husl,aucly c3rild'.
leen Anti friends have the sympathy' of
the cow triunity.
1 e1rnore,
. A singini;ldlass ltas Ueen -organized
lwre by Mr Skilling, of Teesavaater,
'" a..,.
'� le cI Ss r t r b
i 8 J 11St, GO 8 • S Ga: - H
S aIt 4b pLAN
,pt 1 ':: Ifrw�i..i
and it is expected moth good Will be
derived cherefronr:•• T1wi'tr.bile Niko
been an, or1hestra.organized, With Mr
Skilling its instructor.—De liitrrison,
of this pladtl, was visiting friends at
home latit NN1s -..Air Aide') Fleming
was Beverly"kicked -•by, a' horse .task
w:>ek, but we are pletuttn,d,,r'to learn that
Mr i++ is rt»Coverilli;a ••--.' a'coed'-, of
l'ullerton, has purchased the Blamme)rH
saw mill, and hi fitting it up for tile
semasen'a work. -11r "lardy llfutiur(1y
was home on. it Visit for a few days..
Reis Mr Sellers preached an "ode-
ceationtal" attrition in the Methodist
ohureh, last Sunday —The sump*,
ri'eaa1Zwr+ti iii aun111441 etc with the
Delmore Methodist cbarab to to be
1.ur` .1 oto ttm« Ay-91ng of Oise $$rti inst..;
t .,f easiest Preotry •
to>'�",.y,m ►•t w.l 614143 0.144
atways on haliU,
on hand in emu.
At stsuat, meats delivered to all parte of the town,
1tthttmber the thug—Opposite the hank of
3. G. 'FIELD
Wingluer'•,. )loveurber 5614, 1800.
Nfilf Di
BUILDING itlATOIALd all Kinds,
--seek as
FRAME 'Stell,
Meeting. 113541, eat„ dreeetd IA *MO o err tbte
Iwrisol unties.
W. have over 100;041 feel •mtt'i1,y
t ember iri Our ,cont, a*A rwa wap.
)01y lwitiaad half of all t tnua.
a ate,tilalml,
• et,e '
Repairs o
litte to.
Private Residence for Sale. •h' . �.,�..... ..�..._ :w
Rnaeraateesd up house aceshr PiaRsincSale
This property is situated on the corner of John and
Minnie streote tringhaln, and consists of two fifths
et an acre of land, upon which is erected a fine Two.
Storey Frame Dohme, with Nine Rooms, lief Air
Furnace, Bard and Sett Water, &e. Also a ,;004
Stable. For terms ,&o .apply on the premises to
MRS. R. C011NYD, or to 11. DAVIS.
M. D., M. A., L. c`a P.'S.9, 0.0
M. 6. P. S. .,
Specialist for time treatment of all
Chronic Diseases,
Peivote Diseases, -
Diseases of the I3 rain and &tote
Diseases of the Heart and Lungs,.
And Diseases of' Women purii-
ti vely 'Treated suoeess'fu fly.
Jonathan T3uIcha t, ListoWel,:
says ; "A Iter isondititi.4 all my inon-
ey and property to.no purpose cmii
for what thiy trained a hopeless
oa,e of emosaixtption; Dr, Sinclair
t n •ed mo."
Mrs. May L''"dt]t�n;; \ 7oodbouse,
says : "Wien all others failed, Dr.
inclair oilreal' ute of te."
W. 14cl)smalcl, Laltetield, says:
"Dr. Sinclair eui•ed the of catarrh.
Geo. Rowed, Elytha saYit: "Dr.
Sinclair cured ino of hears disroba
bald dropsy, when all others failed."
Diseases of private nature brought
on by folly, Dr. Sinclair certainly,
DR, 511.1 will he at the
QUEE a HOTEL, Wing aril; `
Gflo. t E LW
malice to intimate to the people of %Ineh:ats. and
vicinity, that he has Oo01030nced the uut.•horptg
Beane s ag.,iv, and has Opened out in theu1dSt
a few doom North of the .brunswiett Clouse.
ST (mA ,10c. per 1b..
LAME, 10c, per lb.
And other iivato in prapettion, some as !owns S.
per pound. -
SAUSAGES, &c., alwayil on htttzd.
Moab, tliveredto any pea bfthe 'toter.
British Columbia
Oregon and California.
Leave Tarsal: to 1l p.derm_ on Fridays,
11301 1116:A ,C I.0, O. } 1fil'a1
130Naieic Tanana TO VANCOUVER Wooer Camara •
Per 1 ertila and all information,
apply to ncarest C.P.F. Agent.
,is 1 understand it hoe been very freely
eireulated around aghnn1 shed viciasit s,
'to the injury of nay bu line is, toot It was
not in the alltttlt:,lt to do - eustu:n sawin'f
or buy saw logs, I wish to say 1 ±airs itx
time market to do all :slier custom saWing
that may be offered; also, to buy 4ll ti+i
good.eound logs that may be brought - to
As 1 am not bound b>' any eombine, 1
ale at liberty to take all kinds of either
hard or sott wood and pay fall value lu•r
them. ging along your logs.
Zetland, Dee. COth,
(NEW Y011,is:)
POR, z89r, -
Tito 1.aro9aao of tho irubito soylISctted. SRA*, ��y
(T cii,.)r' .S ISA. YY ,.
W 1 tit G,ItA ta TANNERY
,fid -
dtova wafts., -
itt Coat, :Cott, NrOnstt, srrsnad, lmi ;ep
and Pur /nit fes alovoe Its stook Of
mode to order,
Alt$ a regi,....__.
Domestic Bath'
1i)un't buy a ltobr until you
O'pages,1 cent; 20 pngen, 4 000te ; 8 or let pages, Tuts.
'Itte Agg2 osiv'd 1't0ptiblioa_n Joa_rna,i
�,y •,•� of the 3laelt�ropol�is, p,, i�.
.A:` 1V E 1 C*S1'APEE FOR THE WA/_Yw.IY,,..''ciy
Rounded Doe. let, 1887.
Qlrseiatim i nvor i iiil,eal CotAs
'Tait Pease- i i the organ of no foe lona;
pulls no wires;'liag uo An..aet3ait us tam -
The' latent ll:tslxkstrkabie trtrwspaper
Success in1,ti oVKr
T1t P11,7As IS A NA',1i11G.111, NIttvsiAr1~16.
Cheep news, vulgar seta•►ztiouo .tad
trash tind no place in tho eoltemons of Tan
r�tnaPsries llas 810 brightnat Vitoria
lenge in lv'ew. ork. It t.g,t,rtnea with points
'Pan Tows St11imt LilIT10Y is a splen-
did twettty, page pit u.•, siuvoiing over:
derrout til in• of irntereet.
Trig 13:Cch;Se Vaeuttrat le_+i)tittow coriteios
all the good thiugc el; the Daily anti 'Sou -
day (Altana). -
For thrtse who tynnbot tttfvrd the DALT.V
or are prevented by distance ii;'ous t:at•iy
receiving it, Ina Weetii.t is a sl lendla
AS AN A3VE flSliwg laiEDl �M .
Tia Pomace Liu 110 so nosier lu flea• York, .
T/11.4 1.1113713%
lylab fbe .*Ott if ill, ttt) bei, ford eb+spik 114vIYr: At p
pallitrl it a4hloe.
01,44f 4 "PP"' efts rEAa ..
vilip skeet. Palceratly, 6GlttAri .. .
s' r' r,/114 u1411`173'
t111100'JINt UM! ,
t arta Y rotas, sift 'rata;,., ..
I-en +. sn P r ti
Send .or T Poke') !yl r tae
:1 full skink et find, rrrolleh and twee etie Carat, mini kNutarleh bro. Agenpe %treerd ,rrw; *lose', 1,41+
Hip 1t.,rsrr+.n'tel Sole Fie Mos rot clime. mos id 444 'tlewl bolt 1114440"14.
tilak,.re, stAnye+ae .w.d.
dad teavt,
Orders ioltottE1. - •'