HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-13, Page 4WILLIAM b*.,
" following resolution in regatta to pA5zwriptilm
, southwest That it appears the depu. 1.....r-INNI T I 1 W.' 1 I -N,‘"' ""
I Want sent to 0, tawa to support Mr
ST. Olarhe Wallace's Anti..Oombine Bill
faithfully performed their duty ; Rua
— AND — tka it would appear from the report of,
k *the deputation that the bill, having
DRUGGIST; posed the House cf. ocauactla, went
Opp. Bruswid House,
Wtngbam, - Out
(Ely Ciao
AII Mosgrove, of this town,
Ives no min ated at the Conservative Con-,
ventioa held at Bruseele, on Tuesday
Nat*o contest this Baling against Dr
M.aodonald,`the old nimuller. .A,fter a
couple o d ays,it is now antioanced that
Mr, Mosgrove has placed ,his reaigna-
tion m the hands of the president of
the Conservation Associationof the
1Uding4 Whether or not a candidate
will let'Lrought out to oppose Dr
hifaccionald, is not known.
Yee. Jorn MoMtheax, ex -M. P., fro
• been. nominated by the 11.9,forinere of
South Huron.
Tun Ontario Legislature met on
'Wednesday, ana Mr Thos Ballantyne,
M P P for South Perth, was elected
peaker. The House will adjourn on
ridey till after the Domiedon elec-
Tth Reformers- of North Perth have
omineted Mr. Junes Grieve, of the
ownship of Iatornington. Me. Grieve
s °fie of the beet farmers in his towoe
hip, and will ineke Catoital caudi-
before the Senate, and that body Wee-
tivtdy distroyed its usefulness hy
serting the words "unduly" and "rrne
reasontably", your committee, would
reco in men4. to your consideration the
necessity of, lotying an obstructive
body. agate as the Senate has proved
itself to be, removed from the path of
progressive legislation. Your come
•naittee would also beg leave to ,direct
your attention to the foot Haat this in-
stitute one yearago passed a resolu•
tion asking the Dominion Govertmetit
to place yowl the free list any article
upon which tltire, is ressoneyy, fair
evidepoe obtained that there is•at corn.
Pa, atAnnottann TWA stralloMin
93 GOODS it
eweat novel
tenant, in plai
oat oxpeecive
ur Dress
ae. este
t with, one of
ilka, Satins, Vol
tilde fold Dress Goo
, :If you want a OAR11
we have opened out a 1
'fronds, Wools id
we aro selling fast, aud
Don't miss seeing the
eeee extra good value.
Have you seen merit
Orloves and llosiVry
We have put on err
all. our Dress Geode* f
dewn, which will be eb
privet. You will find all c
Don't miss this thatee
Wei have so ething t
aboet Twee s "'tepee
Ste Jotter A. NteMeeeieve has issued
ittioral to Ow people of Canada)
Inch was publitthed in the Govern-
eut organs me Monday last. He
nes not Bay anything about Ilecipro-
ty with the United 5tates,Imb praises
le N. P., and says the country is
erosperous AS ft result of that policy
a the people coutentedand happy..
IT hes been deehleti to allow deposi-
ters ite the Government savings bank
ea -r to deposit $1000 in One year
of $301) as at- preemie, atd•
e o'er' in all, the present limit being
DOD ; rota. to issue 3!„ per cent. Stock
1 autrh f $1.50- co,r1,InuiLiplesPthereof,
Ile tn net under five, years,
neitoes being at liberty to transfer
p4sits' ut any tune to this . stook.
The convention held- at Vowels, on
• Monday last, was one of the largeet
and meet enthusiastio ever held in this
Riding, Every mouielptality In the
idi»g*as fully , rept usetited,, among
those present were noticed
Die'sers John Elston, \Vin I0.)ister,
U McClelland, T R 1UIr,3 Mc-
Laneltlia, It Armstrong and A Vi
Steen, of Nlorris ; 'rhos Straohan, •A
Hislop, Win !Wine,. t McNeil, of
Grey; Wrn Irwin, jes. Melettiehlie,
Thos Gibson, (3, Buruptc, JueBilente,
of Howtok ; Woe Gibson, M 1e,
W Gibson, Tito% bsole je, of
Wroxeter ; T A. faillete J A Morten.
Dr Macdonald, tel McIntyre, Joi,
Elder, 0 EUiot, D Me/enes, H. Clark,
Alex McGregor, John Patereoo, Peter
Deans, \V J Chapman, Jas Miller, 6
Gravey, John Inglis, Dr 'fowler, J ,
the Tailor
3 going out ofBusinesain Wingha
Between Now and Aril 18t
Wo will sell our large stock of
hari Cost.
R Elliott, of Wingleou ; (T in
of enhancing its price, anti' are "Id I MoKimwn,DE Sloan, Win We are willing to submit to a large less
bino or trust formed wale the objed
recomnieud that this institute reaffirm clear them, out by that date.
Levy, John Moffat, of Blyth ; Jae order to
Come early and get th.e pick a owe stook at'
its confidenJohn Dtn
ce in that proposal as be Elliot, ieut, N Duff, R
ing an 'fleet"' means for the preven- Arrusernug, A Tipling, Juhu faartis,
tion of trusts itna cent blues. Arch Paterson, Wm MePliet•son, Thres
Oampliell, Geo FOrtAtne, F Pattrs.h, MOS
,r ( r
toe kto
Profeseor Goldwin Smith had a Elliott, 1) Metfat, Alex. Gemmill,Peter
weightyeoridettruttion of the Tapper
of 1 uruberry ; II Smith, S Scott,
neissiouary enterprise ina letter to the
W 1.1 Kerr, W 14 MeOrtteken aud D
Mail. He says:
Another breach of the rules Of,
public life which tile people, if they
had pot , been politicelly eoslaved to
despotism: of their own creation. would
,haralv endure, is the importation of
'the Ifigli'Oonaritissioner from Kugland
,to take part iu the election campaign,
Whet wo Old be said if the British
ss ot BrusselO:
The presideet, Hielop, occupied
the chair and with-TYpon the platform
welt: Dr Macdoualtie the worthy re-
preseutative of the riding- in the
House of Commons just dissolved,
Messrs Thee Gibson, E' P; S Gracey
1st vies president ; T W abente 2ud
vicepreeident ; Kerr, secretrtry
This is
in. the administration of public affairs servative. On Sunday afternoon a
itY the 110e .011 vex Nlowat and his axle
colleagues iu the Ministry.
Thos Gibson.M. P P
Ambassador at Ports or Berlin, catrie treasurer • J Thos Strachan, , wacalled up-
over 'to' take part in the eieCtion iaarn M Y Moie-tron. itoht &tier t, \V Ai on mid gave a' Spirited ilia bour talk
jaign In Eitglancl. 1 The • high Oton. 1.->inclair, Di Sloan, W 1; Dieeeou 044 . ou the neceeetry, of thorough organi-
iniesioner represents ' all Cmadialts othere. • rental] awl the necessity, for the
alilio, and it is hi o bounden duty to After the tbilltitSS of the October °°°"'Y'" sake,uf having it °hang° of
keen himself perfeetly o ear of pttrty. meeting had heon read the preeident k-Thvernment, :
He soya, that at .this er.isis of the caned far nominatioll$ tor the 1,„$;00„, . Tile Libra.s are united, entimeias-
, llin
national lustory the salvation of Iv ofstandard-bearer intltui tiewig to work, and fully in az coustitnency,
Country requires his presence, I..,et The following gentlemen' wf•ro picr.-. °°ra with iht' Piiiif"rin of their
he perfectly at liberty to save iliS rhos 1 tone
GI) N1 PP dal NI The large ball was packed to the
him resign tris office and then he will posed-e—Dr Maccloold, inovta hy —uurestrieted reciprocity.
, secon e ly v
regard to cotnui.rcial qeesbion bee Giber)), De glean., Tees satichlte, al there beine Illege number at lacliea
leo -We heve•not the Means of knowing, and A Ilistop:*" • , '•,',., •'
the prestdcat, Mr b. G-raoey, the first `v„158,,Lettln: i ti O'lea 1" e 'esil-'—'-• '4, ,
1. cL,Arei,,of Wingliain, Junction, woe.
but we know that ic ' most be of an Each 'of the persone pained, 'in in- vitle president of, the association, octal- 1
trtends here this week.— Word
affiliated member of the British aris. versp:ortier, bithdry addr,,s,,,4 (ix, con, pied the chair.
speaker, rind spoke for about t'cu'ty
large cioncour.e of people t,iilowed his
remains to the grave, Six of tit,'
unitribtts of the high sellout , beard
aced as bearers. The tentliere
of the schools and the members of the
public school hu i,rd headed the funeral
procession. Mr Draper was a alai VA
of 'Ireland and was eixty-tive yeure
old*:. He leaves wife awl ten child-
ren. He was hurled in the Lietowal
cemetery by Cho side of his oldest sou,
the late Dr Jusepla Draper, of
burg, Ont.
couttbry. W 1114 his personal policy in John R Smith, of Brusstes,; 'I't, doors at the'ineetirg in the evening, •
rs Campbell has rettirned from a
ieed:,pan, ,meree,,,ees oraeey in the truilienee in
the abeence of
tweet Canada and United States may
IN his hate andress'. before the Olu
ario - oechers' Aseoeietion, on the
allie 'of agriettltritZ in the Public
sant!. Mr Bryant, N A, observed*
Arab a tire. full treatment. of manure
tould follow treatirtente upon the
lifferent•ettethoele of. tillage, including
rahnete, Foillowitig the preparation
.the ,artil eltontd eoturee, description
ofthe different crops, seetihtge. cantly
'Wort and lyarvesting, the' rotation
high should be employed itt distribut
ng them over the farm, and the best
s the t eon be made of them. Then continued confidence itt tile inteOrity),
4,0111,1 follow a short accotta Of thel the agricultural intereste represent the
Ittrge inejitrity ef the pnpulation ; that, homely and ability of the Tenders of
aissss`.4 l'e "jell ("Ile ere rel.,./jPet'' 4iTherefOre, tbitesthe Central Institute; tht'11
efOrrli party and to pledge them
d of the means of preventing them., do reppeetfaliy Ask the Government to acne carriest Support th‘thelertheetiling
13 the breetliog, care and manage, reduce the tariff on article's of prime. !election% as we be. neve the policy they
., have opouted, riz, unrestricted reei,
lIcent of live atm+, vorcrimpanied ., by necessity tite the fartner, mach es iron, ., , . .. ,. , ,_.. ( ...
11 tit instructions itt dairying, aieertieelLc,o_iLeo_t_toins,Awite,ollentr, ralahers, Prr'eltr In tlaaa and scr,11:c (-0011,?"'l in
te'eace an, ex., tile mAnt.kgelat*Iit of. goalie' afatrs, to
tystt contends that a better hetictil. htentgltara'a Z'rrIeyileuvef, th0 actrienittirist of be the beet policy to be'adopted tO ro.
eel allocation is of urgent Peceseity occasioned to this
the Unequal burden under which pair th"ililtrY
country by the National Policy and
Ontario. lie says the intelligent* lie It now laboring '2, .
Investors to our comae/ ;another. era
eepsoity of the Canadian toneher,1 , A z t
44.1e ';Mt Et6144iGn.Pfr th°Porainion of prosperity and contentment.
141 no t in his opinions ho btrYlim'a /1 Parriakent;'5ir •%II:Ackert' Certwright Ninved hY Mr E Graham* seeolltlea
dein to provide everything, liteee•fro foriboitiert‘the 'request "nf AA farthors 113' Mr John McOrlfik That 'this 6'444
I10 been received that johu Haven,' J.i.'
tocraoy, not tihrt, of a man whose in. • ' Dr Sloan of Dyth, was the firs t
teeests ande,aspirutious are Comedian. annotes, dealing with the cliff -rent
To liale tht British arietneritcy is irra• issues bofore the people'in a clear and
tional,*bot its politicei ,obje.die on this forcible manner, •
continent are not ';nurs.' `The real
1)r Macdonald, on comine forward
motive for Sir Tupper'e petrotic di- to address the audience,. was greeted
reguard of official reetraints re it:delft- with great applause by the huge atoll
ed by no human beiug, • IIeeomes in (nice, Per au hour and a quarter be
help in falsifying the national verse dealt with the triadequestibin showing
on the subject of reciprociiy, and to how the eouutry would be benefited
keep his confederates in power by by freer trade relations with the
debauching Nova Scotia ine he de t United States.- The meeting was
beached it before, with money or brought to a close with cheers for the
promises of money from .tha public
titleeo and Dr Macao:laid. .
purse,. This to MOT' .teint• MI friends.
end organs does not appear to be ins, Bluevale
oyai. E. -(IS comiug is a loud warning Mr Joseph Leech is spending a few
to good citizens that they aro fighting, clays iu Detroit, this week. Ile and
not only against monopoly, but against
ventiou 111 pit. iingtng speet, leS a 1
withdrew in favor. of Dr Macdonald.
The doctor, on rising to accept the
cou;ti not he heard for
Some time owiog to the cheers and
applauirt of the audience, who have
every .e,ouErdeuee ha his ability to
stkccessfully carry the Liberal harmer
to. vietory, lee did in the last contest
veheo be wrested -the constituency freatt
the Conservatives.
A spleedlif speech, occupying aborit
au hour, was then delivered by Dr
•;The following resolutions were un-
animonsly adopted by the convention:
Moved by Me. Triotiaas • Gibson,' of
Pordwich, isecooded by Mr George
Fortune, that this convention, eon-
' demns the Government of Sir joint A
'Macdonald for .endeavorine this
time to snatch. ei 'verdict °front the
people without sufficient cause for the
d isso I u lion of Parliament, thus briug-
ing into use voters.' lists nearly two
years old, disfranchising. 100,000
About a year ego the. Central Pare
niers Institute of Ontario passed the
following resolution, four only out of
1 20'delegates objecting ;-- young rnen-who have come' of lige
oTilo Central par,,,ars'. ThAitate of • within that tithe and.conferring votes
Ontario de memorialise the Monition 1113°11 many others :vim ""' th6
Government that; eWhereasoye eon.,
shier the present Ilion; tariff' is- very
nj to the. Agricultural interests,
'taking what we boy proportionately
dearer than the products we sell ; and,
"NVbereas, the present high tariff has
given rise to the combine system, by
woich.eompetition lett). A great extent
prevented; and, "Wherlite, the agrie
cniturai iitterest is suffering under a
seriams depreasion•and unable to bear
the strain occasioned by the tariff and
the,combindsyatern aforesaid, and, as
interval lost their right to the saw. ;
and that we place upou record our
decided disapproval of the abuse of
the constitutional power rlaced in the
hands of the Gnvernment of advising
tIto Governor.Cioneral to bring the
Parliament to an end tinder such cit..
Moved by llfr.Toliti 5 McMahon,
seconded by Dr Towler, That this con.
vention improves of the course of or
member,Dr Maedonuld, Parliament,
We elan wish to place on reeord our
0314 Istbat m^rai t'he f.lc* in A riVeltitiOrt Which *Wits VOtotl down 11"t Mk" this elirellen'it, of'3°110411.'
tOat Of tt farthing. " P' botral titre**. Milltiones
Ottateui Institute, &env Roth Portia), Ottigfil Mast efootittnrot cad et exptstosing (Arai 7‘44tits.
4 the country will cot sneer by the Govittrarni.nt nos thpit, 14"ne ""r e'itril"*4 n4401'etr, t'llP
prstlerst stiltAgss Whom rre genre lets increased tratajtirl'y at the Julia
tifrtwis:%11., Inctiete with,
is on his way Franc Anstralia, where Ite
has epent the lest threat yeare. His
many friendsbero will .he'gled to hes
him after his long • absence,..—john,
°watts, of Manitoba, (son in-law of
Mr Greee) loft for the prairie province •
Tuesday. Mr Comte 'souk with him
oarload of horsk, which he bought
from fanners it, this vieinity.—Hugh
()teen and [‚.It's John Fortuue, jr anti
famtly,left Tuesday for lieepawa,A,fan.
'May success ottend their labor in too
western proYince.—Mr and Mrs Bolt,
Eva Bolt aud Mary &clammy. spot ,
a few days ie Grey township e
relatives and friends,— It is rumored
that Wo are to have a to a meeting
the Methodist Church in the near'
his brother spent Sunday last with 'Lorne, May it soon be held.—A,
friends in Trowbridge. -----We aro glad number from here attended the Ite-
teesay that Mr Ktreey Jackson is Able form 0o0,entiou held in Bruascht•
to drive out again, and bus almost Monday last.
wholly recovered from his late mei-
dent 4tIr Geo Haney isinoving this
wetaleto a house of ,bis tardier south
in the village. --The Evangelistic Ser-
vices in connection with the Methodist
St. Helots. •
A Court of the Dantadian Order of
Foresters was insttiuted here on the. ,..
7th hist, by Mr W G Strong,
elnareliltave been very interesting atel :provincial -Organizer, and II Elliott,
profitable, some Intviog . given t'iet 'Vie gh f1111.i Aasisted ley several meta . •
selvet3 to the Lord and His set* hers. of Court Sherwood, of hucknows,
and all bung antokened in zeal ':andATh.o Goan witl he known as Copes lit;
devotion. Oendector Snider preached, Helens, No 294, and the offieertr for
the -current term are : It K Miler, 0
R ; 'John Webster, It 0 R; Geo '•
%raid'', P 5 ; John 13 Weatherltead, It .
5; D Rutherf6rd, Troas ; John ltad.
Oa, Ohap ; Wm Dathour, 5
Wm Cameron, J W ; Samuel Durnion,
8 9; W G Todd, J B; Thus Durn
ion, J P 0 It., The new court starts
out with !NI members( and the pres.
peote aro bright for a largo increase of
last Sunday el, ening to it very large
omigregation, and Rev John &sou,
M A, gave no interesting dittoourse on
Monday evening. There will he
service next Sundal at 1,1 a in and 7.
p n1,—Johnston's runthal teoetneetutte
will be held next Weelnesdey evening;
A. line programme is provided..—Mr
Wm Mills, ton of Thos Mills, north
of the village, left for Dakota last
'..Saturdity. He made many friends
'duringhis short stay.
44,0tug Vith WohrOS.
Listowel, ManY 11 thrilling tale has been 'told
011 Friday morning lett the lift. of IV travellers of a ram' with the wolves
fleotge Draper quietly passed away across the frozen steppes of Rustic.
'after a IllitterinIZ tilnoto, Nfr 1).roper botnetiruks only the picked bones of
'was, one of Listowel's earliest riser the baldest; travaller are found to tail
chants, having started bnaineas hers the tale, In our own country thou'i.
tTimreee y*ifi.airrt'sYttY;)4eNEIIrallTr.apetle Ptootk anihn°olitItt artt •Itgi:Y9t,gtniod iv,d,ciii l0lf:;Ralutia;pdt'il4A:
active Part itt our town 'affairs, but 'the best weapons with which to fight
ni„rp e„imp:dueueiy itt her ethmational the foe, is Dr.Piercers Golden Medical
interests. It was largely due to the 1 isoovery. Ibis renowned retheittr
energy and enthutoasto of Mr 1)raper has cured myriads of easei when s.4�
that #4 -have as tine high anti pnblio otherttneateines sad dittoes had tailed*
setwol buildings as are to be forte,* ill it is the nreatnst blood purifier wait
luny town the tote el Listoita4 in thin restorer of strength ktrovn
,prateritvoto -4-In religion Ire *as itf the 'world. For MI f
;,,i,k'4.,:‘',,171"7:36."-.1.31',.P.t 1471'..),, Iteetli.)(lI : ' Alt4" 41111 ertIMd__' "17:41115,12: ' 714410-2',V44..1S-,,
1 0 ,n
" •
'Phe Protectiv
11 Botts, a tear
Eyateitithe, Quetee,
Imutis toad euger
the Ueited States, ep
ettemaug Oellaava,
110 telt] uow be had
many seine twenty
Itt er a bhort l'nRttilCr
States nod come an
settled here beoattse b
bun faith 1.1
Anti itt the pet
ortwed that he had
tettive pontichut anti
either as a liberal 05
tive. Having some
ledge of I/titaness, he
to say upou the tine
the .peepte which It
wOuld consider imp°
ite Inati .regrettel
the protective system
it <amid not but, iesul
local interests. 1it t
visited Oshawa itt181
business, and tqund
law U fueturiug towel,
audience who vident
truth of what be said
saother of the great
oolie down, Si) that 0
110,Was proliperous
nearly twenty years
rs'oule figures eland c
made clothing itt Oan
extent tnitdo• Hu
Ill.ngland the cloth i
*lilting or o,1:.qant si
of 60 to"( /inches
a 81- 'bout 83; yards
and this suit c,to be ni
&t what equals Irene ti
Canadian money, 1'
pity 20 per cent. aa
ctints per poutut,atid
freights and oxpens
price to the Oaixadini
tthaut 40 cetits a
profits were edtled an
the form of n suit of
th.e Oatkadian ornistnx
Coot $1,75 to $4 to
Oanatia $8 to $10:
said against direct t
least under direct tax
knew what 111);.1 Wflt,
SkIPPOtt of tiovernte
stet talbrait to being
were under the itidirt
statement was SeceiV(
gout applause. Me
satnple of wall par
'Its said, wile Tiailitif
Xerk itt 5 cents a rot
the consureor at 6 c
on it, imposed; for the
wall paper manufaott
atoll, and it wass31(
itt Oanada.at from 1::
roil. The Kruk for w
protection was given'
day and paid 50 cent
'Then he spoke of t
works, which were es
peat flatlet:ill of tro
ago, Ile lied Wen at
to site stock of the
knowing ',ow difilt.ul
on each and itulartry
Ilsaritstr, lie declined.
ronnsgh fools to gt,/1
thltre tin 'Kiln on, i
stfttti 4114 r4to.ift0