Wingham Times, 1891-02-13, Page 3G..
•Innedble cnnditinit. ( tis al.ri Aa wf't'
known that we llaavt' in 01e leadieg
hila: lift on a l alum ygl'!Iu of the x'(Itxn1 v, met .flint
d ]rile, import.
reyttl',IIE, ,int; lie tat( (1 Plt ly ;mine
r ItI" i'y eu• herd Lretieht. it:tes
Noe:iviit'i lig*builds of 11>Ih'+ i ,,,,,,„„, n t a ether Inn tI, we hate not
i1Nk ldiagri .inn 1'14° '+VUR w°°1141i•t lit tt ball Il le all these ,Te•Igli a sniffle le came Al 1 -.
elieel,te enn► '4atlutt with tlo hollatlig' htz "NSt milk fever, i dead t.o)n calf, t.rtiff. lit'st
Initial t18 er 1tfltSballd tut' , n ,
1 (Ay 8 ll case of abortum among, our eXI »ales
iiw0 Uv i
1.: 00
l UU 4tai•
Mint,. tit. per hli,a
r, 1U'.. ret 0144 414
Isuiucu t +uaUrtit c
a LIAM 14Str
41‘eeadnug S linea
caLomrtina 3 holes,
omit manta
t4u ie
tlbeniento, or rr
t4t&w ton$, WI» Jte
cardinal:'. 'Leen+
iu ie wtttAl4Ce
utwilh ,4 .14 ue W
It eraer 1.9 apilent
Wingttatf, Ont.
Ityl, l.'I,,'eratt'�, and
4144 and StIrtfuCtIat U
r eea,tlu Stra YuarAvit
. I! I
lin Itis., Eta,
ane at low est rates
4. Ido*1,il ai,co, W11't
it WILL t4u44.
.444 OA1'.
.. t?loltUsON, B. A.'
11US. Etc., Eta., ao
Commissioner's ler
lural, 'Row11and,. •
ld money tartrate.
arm' at 11 Pur 4eu1*.
ions, noun thebc,4,
rely expense tu' tyle
Luba MIA. toe hurtle
L 0 AL1), u'rnotoAu'
to, Celluloid, Alloy,
etc., Plates, ranging;;
upwards per 'Mit
d,;eworli. Teets* ax.
oy the use of 'Vital
u1 side entrance op.
ad (Sundays except,
be at Myth ovcrr
,nth--Othceat Milne sA
nays of each mouth—
ing' 2n cents. `—
E, Wlxan1n,
no. Celluloid 'Prates
I of the beistmater1l.
can hu got In the
y tea use of Electric -
r teeth for 25.cents
hock, opposite the
reit THE' COVIITif
of tin) Co. Ct iregel
r13AM, U tx.,
a 'Ii1i CoUltTY for
,rico promptly at anti
toultesise linos APO
ly and on tbo Sheiks
'action Guaranteed.
tau Le made . at tri
114» Crvn. lesere I*r'
'ING11A M.
of the lentis vitt es
satire, we* w f14+4
atnek. I own that this sslogular good
rnt how to airs }sting said fortune is no matter for Toasting any!
You ,,goat do the„ name ' more than one's continued good health
can be referred to in this way. It ie
,►ta 4e (lova. If itis comes home and
ti'iiiville4 ttlrllttnre, yeti take it'' poker
'twin help .111m. If he swrltra, you
swear worse wan he does. It he retia
efeilittt, yatt go and get drunk, too,
Y4111 tem stop hili, that way, for I have
!tir tees otheis the 8itnle Novice,, and
their int+b*tnde witted, and thiuge
were: ttfere*ifter all right. ,
A abort time Itgo a woman came to
ink and saili.ber llitet*s**d got drunk
affil raised a row At home. 1, told her
to sit) the earl*«+,, and she said she
would. • Atter leaving Iny office she
*Atm he bai''.eeper of toe seduce her
intsbltnd frequented, Bud told him
,filum if she eltine into Gets saloon and
Basked for drink he innst not stop her,
shut, do :as Wok wanted
The next evetnillt s1114 walked boldly
into the saloon where.. her husband
and some Companion+ were ranged
*Ione the bar, and said t 1 say, fellows
it's mighty mean weather. Have a
dirink, will you ? 'Yaffe one on erre.
Bartender, give me a good stiff whisky.
1 want the hest.
Lonking lib the men who stood
Nilsen, the weren't sad ; What's 11p ; The Costlfeet St. luernard.
t)0V4 I Hove a (kin IC. 1'Rfty, fled she Philadelphia Pres$.
*Rifled ' the )lrinemeg.glaewm
, though it lilt was thought that when 3. K.E-
° nearly „Oinked her.. , Her husband met gave Sidney, Smith, of Leeds,
,Canis Up to her and said : Why, Mary, En ...:,,,- the sum of$5,000 for the St.
vuhy lite yeti here ? I'.v:e as much right Bernard Ptinlimmen that a record had
been made for anything outside ut a
coarsing greyhound that would stand
kr many years.:: flardlybad _Plinliln•
mon left for .America, however, ere a
new star appeared in Sir Bedivere, also
a St. Bernard, who has since carried
allbeforehim, in l\elle way:of prizes,
Offers were, act tinge made _his ;meter,
T. 11. Green, bate not a ven' a blank
check to fill up tb"suit. hinlself.would
tempt hint. Henry lialse.y,who made
the bid, subsequently offered $7,500,
but stilt no transfer was made.
Now, however, Mr.Green has agreed
to still Sir Bedivere,and to E.E. gentr8,
of. Bostoit; for the sem of $6,500
The reduced. price is Accepted for the
reason that, Mr. ,Halsey, who off'eted
the 47,500, has left' England for an
African trip, and Nr. Green's brother
who has &ways )lad the charge of the
dog, also going abroad, leaves a white
elephant on the bands of the Wallasey
druggist. 11#r. Sears, getting an ink
ding of this, made an offer of $6,000
for Sir Bddiverre which brought about
the following laconic cablegram : Six.
thousand five hundred' buys the dog.
Done, my mall starts t0•tnorrow.
As for the latter dispatch, 111r.Sears
representative is nlready half ,way itc•
roes the ;Atlantic, and is expected to
he back on January 15. Sir 13edivere
will be the great attraction at the New
York dog show of Feb. f34 Co V, 4
rather aeee,ethiug to be thankful for,'
although rift far asit goes it may. he,
taken as good evideuci+ ,of the truth
of my system and ,p1 the faltncr of
the danger's supposterl to follow high
condition in breeding atmime's. 111
passing I may say a word as to
abortion. prom varied experience in
the Old Country of tt,is terril*te
scourge, I have come to the conclus-
ion that it is not contagious 411 the
sense generally believed. 'rite con-
ditions which produce it in ono animal
in a herd may produce it in others,
even when completely isolated, sod
I believe looal causes have meet to do
with its occurrelice,. Lind none, more so
than the practice of giving pregnant,
females a great deal of exercise. I,
consider a loose box for two itud a
half months before calving in the
clue of valuable cows, to be the best
preventive of abortion as yet known
to seience.-3. G. Davidson in The
Canadian Live Stook and .Farm jcurual
'or February.
Flso'c RstrrrrforCatarrh is the
Lastest to 17so and Cheapest.
Solt by druggists or sent by »tallage,
L, T: Hazeltine, warren, ea.,
nE �ura� Wo�l�n Nib
We wish to inform the public that we have those
%V001e41 MOS hi A 1 tanning order, {liid will. qv!
season give special attention to
In all Its branches, and will keep to steep a
ohaqj of flrst•elass ;sale, anoh as
Stocking Yarns,
Svc., &c.,
(made from pure writ only) cheap !or cash or ex•
°flange for wool.
Customers from a distance cp have their rolls
home with theta the same day,
ss yen, replied the woman.
Aa a sequel to the story, the man
and wife left the saloon tooth sr, a d
the beisband took a .seletnn vow never
to touch liqnor again. The e.onple are
now living very happy, and it 'was
better than 8 dozed laweseits.
Neel the alderman got through his.
title, the woman said : 1�1 an the same.,
;thine;: if it kills tee.
FOr Ta*drift T'lers.
;A body called the National and Pro-.
vineial.All anue.fofr Taxation of Tee-'
s Piotalers, bas been formed in England.
'be members say that ,(10 elnsumers'
crt peer, wine and spiiitta fire sufft>riurr
/gimp an utlfair prepnrtion of the tax-
ei of tea country. They state dist
tilorethan one-third of the entire rev..
envie is derived fro:l,4tltles on alcoholic
drink : and this taxation is paid by
per, ons, at least as temperate, intel,
ligent, loyal, law.abiding and useful
'tiultjects of the State as teetotalers are.
They therefor* ask that the total abs
.stainers shall be co^ pay their
full share of the national burdens. "'Te
t1>04;elnentis ltduriotl8 and' interesting.
one, but it is not likely to have any
tano111e result ; except that the fact
stat. r .by the m emdiera that the taxes
on wii?e, beer and spirits would provide
half a million fatniliies with X60 each,
is likely ;to add a powerful argument to
the armory of temperance advoratee.
A lei int,
A°RKS 1'llaui
akin; ,'t retrospect of 4np thirteen or fourteen
ars busines.. In Wingl1arn, 141..arlre most heartily- to
niter myeeenlcs to my friends and the public gen
orally for tint liberal patrenaifo extended to me in
the past,
i may also state that 3 am In positron to offer
better inducements than ever to these requiring
anything in the line of
Gra4z19 or Stoneonnre.0ilte,
I would be pleased to have those deairou pro-
curing any articles In my line to call and examine
goods, compare prices and leave their n' deep, se that
the goods Alar be secured And prepared o trly in the
season, You can saleot from tie latest !ohms and
obtain the driest wo. kmanship at the most favorable
prices. Most respectfully, yours:
WM. S•MY'i'H,
Winghatu, Ont.
lte'ltlghost market price in cafe for Merchantable'
floor. • r
T:� GL'1S COT„
monwar bar tho ODELL TYPE 11V'F;lr
TER with 78 characters, and $1.6 for
the SINGLE CASE ODELL, warranted to do
better work than any machine made.
It combines simplicity with dbrability, speed, ease
of operation, wears longer witbaut cost of repairs
than any other machine. Das no ink ribbon to
bother the operator. It is »gat, substantial, nickoi
plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds 01 type
writing, Like a printing or producesit (harp,
clean, legible manusoril*+rp, Two oten copies can
be made at one writing. Any intelligent person can
become an operator in t;t'o days. We oiler $1,000
too any operator who can equal the work of the
Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted, Special
nduceraentp to Dealers.
For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, to., address
85 and 87 sot Ate CIt1CAGo, ILL.
Ottr Farm Live Steck,
I Iit$e a great dread myself of hay -
'leg to r'aiso the produce of a skinny
animal. There is, in flay experience,
no stater or condition more coetain to
be tratlsm4te(1 to the' offspring of
animals than this spare .}taint of body,
There is besides this another good
reasolt wily we should have high cone
ditiult in our breedieg stock, tlitmely,
the ease -and snfet. with , which well
feel fealties bring forth their young.
1 "aro aware that this view of the
.ltrntter is directly opposed to opinion
generally heal by the farmers on this
sue>j*et. it i$ trite, however, never•
thole*, and iii support to my theory 1
hope 1. iney> state the esiceeen we have
tad in its epplieatinit 1•o nn*' elmnlpirip
bard of I)ocltiiell at the il'lintioul Pari'
Stock 11'arm, 11 is, 1 think, pretty
generally known reit 1 have. frtitn
Ili riot tit heft, in nes *crs ftnrl lett o! Pea-
rt kelet theeloboeve In the lttgbetrt
eel MC
Wishes 10 intimate to the people of Witighatn
surrounding country that he bap rutrobased
the harness business lately carried
an-bv Messrs. J. J. Uotuuth:
e son, and will conduotit in the
building one door scapi Of Me T' d Milts'
heavy or Hatt, made to order;,
A full line of
Horse Blankets, 81011th Belle, IY11!ps
• Guru combs. $ruche;, etc,,.
Always* hand.
Repairing neatly enc promptly done
The patronage of the publics solicited, and sat1444 1
tion In work and material guaranteed,
Wineham, March 4 1800.
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class Shingles,
and Cedar Posts.
Car tnad Orders a Specialty
Rules for Good,itloaltlt.
1. to regular with your habit.
2. If possible go to bed at the same
hour every night.
8. Rise in the molding soon after youare awake." .,
4. A sponge bath of cold or tepid water
should be followed .by friction with towel
or hand.
5. Eat plain food.
6. Begin your morning meal with fruit.
7. Don't go to work immediately after
8. Be moderato iia the use of liquids
at 1111 seasons.
il. It is safer to :Utes and boil drinking
10. Exercise in open air wnettever the
weather permits.
11. In undertone districts do your walk-
ing in the middle of the day.
12, Keep the feet comfortable and well
13. Wear wp1lo11 clothing: the year
14, nee thrat'your sleeping room and
living rosette are well ventilated, and that
:sower gas "does not enter there,
15; Brush our teeth at least twice re,
ASV, night ane, mottling.
16, Don't *nary ; it intorreree with
-bite heaathf ul iloblon of the atotnach.
17. Yon must have intore. tang o+ten-
paetien in viiforotat4 old ago. Continuo to
R ep the lode de aotive, t mats last
'WOOD delivered to any part of
6E -Orders by mai promptly attended to.
Wingbam P.o'
Is the tlmo,to paint your houses, and
Graaf Stock Taking Sale..
---i9 the --e
Combines All Broken,
And so are t416 prices of Uoods WA are bound to reduce our stook be
fore. Stock -taking, if prices will do it,
in the
Has been doing a rushing business for: the last three weeks, and the:
Sale still continues.
such Bargaills Were Neuer ileard of,
Tf you want a Remnant of any class of goods CHEAP, come and
see us.. 500 Remnants of DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS,
4c., must be sold at any price.
None gemtin0 unle4p stamped "Rubber Paint Co,
Cleveland, 01310,' WO alsohavo the best
11 f 1.1
`putt can get any shade you desire, itt quantities
costing front 111 eebte nil.
For Whitewashing and Nalsamining, Ask for
Goods all Marked, Away Down
p as togive everyone a chance to secure a BIG BARGAIN.
Cheap Flannels, Cheap Dress Goods,
Cheap Tweeds, Cheap Overcoats,
Cheap Furs, Cheap Blankets,
Cheap Carpets, everything Cheap.
Come' anll see fox' yourself what we are doing for Cash. Cash s'ri
want, and for Cash
You oanBuy Goods Cheaper from
our Large Stook and have
a Better Choice.
We want to show the people how to SAVE MONEY. A. delink
aved is a dollar made, so just try us and save the dollar every* time.
A Blessing to Every Hon.sebpld.
These remocies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the boet,'Medicines for
Faintly Use.
Puaify tka hlooit, rorinvaluabdisorders q )11 pte''ii1 identaltp females of n 1 swig \f) ROWELS au red
and don't take anything stile.
"las. Lt. Cain
A w.J pJ.11 IMAM E A1,O11 et NTS,
1 ,tieh
Is the nnly Imitable remedy for haul Tile. amts, Viagra, And old 4mmds. >~nit t'.aONCII1114, eft' f'v•
)1SENSFM IT IIAS NO INUAL. rtlannfactured. only at 7e,, New Oxford, Late pad, Oxford Street, I tuition
and sold by all Medicine'Vondore throughout the world,
L 'Pt1tbasers should look to the Label en the Baxss ana rots, If the stcllfa'ets
Oxfotd Street, London, they ate spurious,
Pitt at I in *vim t de- tot
,tart•cly to step thing forflue,
Attethin/trottorngrain. 1 MOAN AI%AblOAI.OU ,li:. Shit•ere4dnthin
pffo► Y or Ir.a ig tfokrta1+ss a lib lona study. Iwaives.'it toy remedy
waTit oases, Ilnoaliiee btt*err have f %lied is .4rl reason for rig t nave -• eteir �
ie it treatise goda ,too Sights c .rg 1' . lib! et'ltr,ari ilio
you nothinI� fel a t,tgl..uwt to111 , .n' ft
y . A',dal
„it , ora, tact Rm_sT Aotti.AU MI *'exitus . • nit4taire.