HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-13, Page 2ii�g�,nm �in�cs VlitTl:i'AY, llil.+BiliVAIVS! 18, !S61. What to Good. "What is the roil good?" t asked in rousing mood. "Order," said the law court ; "Knowledge, Said the school; "Truth," said the wise man "Pleasure." said the fool ; '"Love," said the maiden: ; "Beauty," said ,the page ; "Freedom," said the dreamer ;, "Home," said the sage ; "Fame," said the soldier;' 'Equity," the seer. fipalte my heart frill sadly "'.pbe answer ia, not here. then' within my b orlu Softly this. I heard: lEachBarth holdsthe se secret et - "Madness is the word," «.-Jolla Eoyle Cl Reilly: Linea Written Whoa Sick. 1" RANK moo. O'death, if thou oansa win the day I claim, though hence, thy prize The' in the grave ply gosh decay, J.k shall anon arise, T,t:tu this grave's dark arched vau1Cr,' Ye held: trey body there ; 'V:otor at il'esh let go, thou shalt,. Nur strike agutu shall Clare. The arm of Dttviri'e righteous God? Ontatretohtld, see shall 1; I'll rise triumphant by His rod And see' toy viotor,die. • tient Change to make is the leuaruingl of the amount of the grain ration, which ehoeld be at MAO cut down to oue•llalf the frill working one, and if idleness to prolonged, even loss will be aniflcieut. in horses that are partion• ferry predisposed to stocking if they have heath Baal worked tt change of diet will not srfllce to beep their legs. (droit, With them, if staekin 1 isto be avoided, they musthave some ex- ercise, even iF they have to be turned out i11 a yard to save trouble,—Dr. .'renside in the Canadian hive Stack and !('firm Journal. for February, Swollen. Legs iu Horses. Farm horses, at this season of the year partioularly,are liable to what •;;t^ueraily termede stoked -legs, I't is not the sHasou,bowever, that is direct. lv accountable for the condition,: but it Do' `Xtra' Want $75O in Gold. Or perhaps you Rant a piano, all organ, or other of the a geld rvwtl:lt. or setae one IOU prizes which the publishers of the t ]J j3orrtllalon Illustrated willdiatcibu .e among their hubscribers during the next eix mouths. The total value of prises to over $3,000, rangitlgfrom $750 iu gold to an ar- ticle valued at 5(i, the latter. being the etuallest prize. Ip view of the fact that many persons have been induced to auto: into "word competitions" and, after win- ning prizes, have been called upon to pay express charges upon worthless articles, the publishers of the Dominica Illustrated ant)oltnee that any prize wino er dissati stied 'lith his or her prize may exchange it tor the cash value Pained iu the prize list. For ample copy of the journal, with circular sarong forth the prize list and all particu- tsltwwwnwiww++a TbAst4a zliia in Iliilloit3. ` 1"ur1 et ry. (tettetean , t awe w !thug,) Tile ltlblOia Experiment iitlttloll • olfet'>p the following advioeto those )Alio tl le. t' dt til'r _^ ittl')'y, t'll him have patches of Cunntiti tbist a to ,. ti+f t (.14 t S ;y "1110, 1, T 144 ' 114100 ia,k,tt$tiUU' FL)id w tr IL 4,11 eradicate t 1.. Cut the thistles when t•1lltitl ;u ,(live tuiieurl two hi full bloom (July) as •close to the ,'141tbutl:'ll el 'lltnl.(la Lv:lafe,}:kki•i by ground as possible 0 Plow about surprhu, tet ha ,nada ahl,I,t+:il1U reply, three Welles deep end sew millet or , d' 1 l irllilcl their salvant, roid thaultitet ce tt rn•s, the tial i.11g"' at once QI after Soule tw p R eel(•s 111rwa y •rte s. L\l r.:� illtet a' wlltrle SOW tl.' In Se' )telnbeer' plow 'ender wild iu 1110 week, mid at nil .rai1$'il'd', teeter eU i ULe i uU 4 a delay. ► (_ 4" LtE Ve 1' fl,iullrtl -fruit! (lacy. t).UG elf uuglllo}r L Ju J t?U I z uuy„ l u„ the crop or, Itve it for fray, at cle;irad, bu'hmul whir}i st"etmt]I if ever shut , —Local anti of air cassia u b a.Libcu'ent+l, kt. ,aur flu a At all events, glow and seed 'liI)eret y� lcu�` k ,l entrap n, lie passed i .veil out of tbttt'•t•m,;tI Beet that, wlln eau 1`IJ, ti,iCti1HJwletm)d t0 rett(Iu•hla ser. LtCnt,,nt:r`t 111 -iii tbt' l+x�lll'(141011 Uf duvgrtiagwuutaull.ext,A.,+nit,r.t,«yr.i,n,tuurlu,•.;, d t have awl itllatileaa i)II II Vb ]] allteU, not tmccsainI $ Iiugh 1h Il v •tin•3h e;s t t ua E• i eu i,u et u h e "� 1 tare►rifigto tele, p'inarai,t I'9ule the seen. Iumgarian p,1'ass, S*'l� Ilrg; leave y i rhaln again Skirl lt+ ale( L"L' this ap})E0- harruw, Tlils may fellow the preul'll•. t ltaltt.0 t,t t,lt a> rot tv u 1 t t. `St1U6t)3'iip tiu14 jtl 1010, 11 I)t+r y liar#'r+is eli,t --4'r THS-- r i~NI2.; J()1 ,i.PHtNL 4t)VLRTtethe itA'll:t,f` b,Latu 1 yr _. 1 Dow. t Dau t e' Jw11T oud dU Ile. H It. " 8(r UU ." Uu 1' UI) with rye. 4, Plow eerier the t'ye: iu allay and seed, again with Millet, or' Hungarian ,Let: tae, or plant to $"lne C •o n' hoed d ra a. 1) n. tllrou�,lL cul g ed searching of, every..., 5 Oontixtue rile sharp loolto for Gast l,lel't V11, aha SO. Per 11114 turgaeabOUeeN.1Orlt tUagTtluu. leo„at 11000014 111 nonpareil t,,�Pu, lee. tel' lust 111 JJtlrt,us, ansa to. 1•'ur flue tor' each subbl.tluqut illlSattlt it NU lural notice will be. hall ell less tl a.0 «,q .1 li rl ItitlttLe, I:.IIi dEite►'ltllue O i,ellpurcu, ,1 per n), nt. liousCa cult k.+l'lua tel' and {;lye the u)OSt hp=y t uatlat�letelulleti Irnd phlut,d ee o,1:ur 1i.'+t Uwl,th, out.;,oi uauewynultt ntOJttu "yahoo, with L11 Il” Li•i'rfll' Ntlll i, -, a l)HtiPi' edni, !'1,1'. Tuuau teraux trot biz ati l'1l) •,.u'.teu Lu d i b'0 tui J•atox fur maser a(Uer'tisements, or rt lJ • 'tl k n ( tri lit 4tl :. sn )t Orange l 1l tl ,••• 1 ,u'id s. 1 it let tl A .l a' r, elm( nttLLCtW'() lit' 'tL ie' S t I I i l ly thinned out yuliusetuw,txuituoutbyglult u , re 4 ' • t'reg41011b will be 111:11111114 tl � � lsllil > has been {Ltwar hlbvrtuu telt toruid and char, eu aucoldluyl,'. 'Ludt,' lalary 1fy ,110X81 P.a., l�RC1l1 I the last xttuii eel euttibulllerlt$ tlu,xt l,0 pat.. in istounce ?i'F1 OtFI`tit'iYitiliti Soli l nuugus ter Co1.Ltoct Sul rL,,,Jl I l\ n ..st 1444 ul for thistles another( year. , On poor lulld.lubnr would no doubt be.i ball {(eine irfi. rounrd. Of th=ese sent saved by fueOur)uR, ii"giitninr Prefer- (' mut to the etl;tratien during the part ably in the e. •ly spring. of the first pee -1t1 leer %t tti'a. allt;liave !lasted. The labt better 1 the receding autumn, ; tiuir' 1'l'e'we re melt (int to 11orristuu,. Or, 1). to stthex p a liLl1 of wit in pdss* d,, utle Of them telt- be winter. cultivation need not til;( the silver (110(101 111111 mother the be deep at an time, ('utt)Lig rho tiers amtlul'd ; reaita.L number ut Illerk . 41 tle steins tlrlh'e inches below the stare Imre, gaud 12 oeuts in stamps to the vub• c The Derail—0o of PriaOlples. fere is a, effective as ,tt any greater tIJ1't'e Wt'l k0 It tIlIS tleurekteed from 5e'V' tl u'leuu Ly 1�'�eul,uelluy' 11401, i11 eiU44L Io 51,41104* Eli'() 1' fol'tV..+ ^r1�tlJe,tU1' 0, rural.tSciJct,l, t0.tltWM( limiters, 'the taabtstou Litho t$ Ppb Go, We slatted nett:r estimate file andel!- Montreal, dept!►',, and'lill;o► is shred. But the " obmast endeavor should l e Blade to in. ueaa Of I'riut:tl'll40 by our own al>iltty elude 111 eii(:ti 4', mewl every living t)Iant. to def' lei them. ur coustder an olejeL•- Lueikatow Grange. The Luokllow Grange, No. 7, not in Lucknow on January 26th. Ex- cepting itl number ofGranges wonting the various reports were very satififaa. tory. There were fourteen deligates La due to the fact that the horses are, present, besides' visitors representing' insittiluieutly and irregularly exercised five grangea in the division. 'Theee #l13)7 p1upHr, management, however the were a nuiub'ir of subjects discussed :legs can be kept itis' eleau as at any I among then; that of the Patrons of Tither SeasOA of they ear. Horses of. a 'Industry. It WAS the general ilnpres- 11yeephatio temperanlent,with a coarse, sion that if it were as represented, it beefy skirt,. are predisposed to tins should not cedilla with the principles trouble, aud, consequently, it is more of husbandt'y. It is evident that they -dithcult tt; ke.ep theta rirllb than ani- are lthovicg much on the saute line aes Smile whose cituulation is'more active, tee Grangers 'but differing from the Apart limn the uusightlyappearance. Grange inwelcoming all trades, but, it gives rise to, -certain ill results arc like the Gralige'in rejecting grogsellers %liable to fellow. Iff the legs retrliliil and liquor manufacturers. Whatever swollen fors some time, bur the swell, the upshot may he, it is well for the lug eventually disappears, there is al- working 0144111 to combine to ways alikelillood of its recurrence from' save himself fruln the rings and eeln• trivial eauses, such as a (auger period bines that rule the coutay. The di- cf iusetivrty . than usual, or a slight vision Grange of the Patroiis of Hue, - increase of food of a stimulating char'• bandry has evidently a kindly feeling teeter. While the stocking is present, towards their. sister associations, the if the skin becomes inflatrled, sores are Patrons of ludustly. apt to result that ate difficult to heal, Along withthe othersubjectsbrougbt laird from disorganizing the skin; give rorwerd,was that of insurance, A. half . flan to permanent, .Std, more or laser, hour was granted to John H. Taylor, iiusightly blemishes, Perin•tlient of St. Helens to `explain the condition awetliug occasiuna1. remains in site of the Grange Insurance Association. e y p of every effort to remove it, which D. "Currie, of Winghaln; explained the felldSILS a horse's value considerably in business of the. Iiincttrdine People's elle market. Considering these tittp Salt Company. There is every pro• favorable sequels, v ble se eels it is not to be won- blibility of its paying since it joined r t, that horse owners frequently the combine. It should bo well kno ire erect u , q faa;uolue anxious to resort to treasures that the Grange has nothing to do t� legs get their hurde'0 ls into. their with n the salt eo l)any. The Grange !catered caddit ore If'a horses vitale. no doubt, was tile moans 'of starting ty'btsuoines a little lowered;• and ilia the company, hut it is now altogether elrculattjoll consequently sluggish,fronl under the GOntrol of the shareholders, over wcit'k,aud it may be underfeeding, and enough at, first, it .was oa1:t•d the and he is eel at deice tLrewnotf work,: Grange Salt Manufacturing Company, considerable atoekiug is liubleto•ccctir From 1'e Jetntt dl cutting oft till# uurird. tion as 0LLHI'tlrt:ral)•u LU 1111(11) we eel' l Y � parts, the iintlt•kr Jromid Barts errs sure 11111(11.10 'AIV. 1r. is illi absurd self- n die of cxhklustioll and mosey wLCL• 00tllidCIlCe, Hspsst•i'tl1g iu a youth„ per* ier the Iiun114 of one summer. elm, to Monition lite pl'ineiples 458 hum; Ls lie way fins i tlltusH•f worsted in This fean Easy One. argument. 7;Itere is 11U defence, against 1!"RisI:'rtum-41 3esaccessotour1statword• ilittpal t sophistry au effectual asau finding mutest, just elosed, euo,ar•agve 05 to offerr another fred'tkip Auousin the world, lbttelligPut IlI101iesty. 1iw ted. ate; ahie or its east) equivaleutt'o the person sending firmness 01 mind CUllt+lbts ri'atly irl tp tlltl largest list' of words spelt the same! forward and backwards, such ao o•Pip," Tiob," "Hannah." 'Tut''coutest clears i1.Iay 15.• Three daily pttze9 fol the three largest lists received. Coute:'t to open co the won%. Everyone stludilig tee words will get a prize. Nearly 1200 won . prizes in our recent 'contest. Rules and sample` paper 12 cents, together with a large illus- trated catalogue. Address Bell's Maga'. ziue, Oviltia, Ont. the Grange had no voice in it after it h Pioture of Lt'.ringstone, Livin st ' a, to bo sore, did rittlti" 'o. .' gold, e ural a if idea of The wily et1.0 L'y gold visible itbout li ut'was the -dld`of �,r his cllaritoter, and "a remarkable' Hat- band of the wale color he always` per-. Meted iu wearing,' whether ill Afrieit or, in Europa. .That gilded hat.baliU' bend' probably i110Ch to do with the conver- sion of the :,savage to Chrilltianity, which was; the ntrpose for'' which Livingst(ine traetelled, tolled aiid died, Ile (rad probably found it an. "open SPS41 me" to dietilletien in the 11Iibds". of the natives. 1't was a most aw'e• lisiiir- ing diadem, and if 11 avails on the- cap - train's head or the werclantlnan's'rleck, why should it not help discipline' and enforce awenn the children of Hkm 2 \Vhen there remained little to mark Livingstoitti a8 ale Englishman, When his skin V1'ftS burned dark brown and his speeell, liad become almost wholly IIle,kolnlo,that goitlt'li-bild remained to distiliguish hint outwardly from all others; But how far above any ordin- ary mortal's was that mtin's character. Norte more pure, more faithful, Wore unselfish, more calmly courageous and and'nerciful, wng'everformed1 by God. To lift the dweller in heathen degrada- tion in, heart end body to happier con- sciousness and higher existence, and to learn the secrets of his landl' that it,. with hint, allould be open to betterin- fluenees, web his solo and sif f Ie end and ann. were rio'exert iSe is given. In the was fully organized. The lecturer,D, treatment of this ooilditiou, horse Agnew. instructed 'limber of those owners frequently pursue a wrong present, to have papers ready upon. nar:e iu feitawing the general practice suitable subjects le read et the June of giving a purgative ball. Dalin.", session: It was.dhcided that the next' Vile winter season, 1,11tys:Ioiug•. bade 'plate of meeting be .I ipley: sn(>uld be used with special cautioll,.:'1'he following is n list of tho oiliereis. particularly in casts' a whioh hordes ,elect have sorer throats or colds, or are ,iiia . 7lHater— Gavin '(Wilson, ' 'in;iuiatll: ttsbilttated condition from any cause. Observer=' -John Gillies,, 1i'llitb. if it is really neoessary to purge a h"'rob. ,, horse in eoid weather, gl;(at care Secretary- \y'rm, Welsh; Anberley. t,tvoutd he exercised in keeping hila ' Treasurer—G. S. Robertson, Luck- Ithi)roughl f warm, otherwise the irri, 1ww*ctureL D, .AgneLv, Lrl; ltnne*, /anon.. 1 the bowels that results front rrr1ys1e ul,ty become excessive, and Ch !plain --Julia Currie,. Winghattl. .*teller indaimm�aation of the F r4atts,)r Steward—D. Oart'pl,e1i,• tl rlmtrw. e►xcwitaiva purging, is likely to result,' AJrst Stoward—D. 1LeaL,te, Verdun. c 'Pnrging at any time 141 de.pleting,'but Gatekeeper—G. GiJas, Laugside. ft is partiuularly so in cold weather, Oe'res•-'-••!lira. H. Iteavie. especially if the discharge is profuse. Pomona—Mrs. John Shier. cfillu.rt be repeated too often that . ],{"lora -Mrs. D. (ieni ihe'1, attriOst bare 5h1)ci1 be ezeroised'ia fytieing, particularly iu cold cattier. When cir0umstanees are la that horses have to be abruptly, (rims forthe ('urea of Inilut•nse, i3ronrcrladtt$. containing; tlle.Iltrgeat alUou.Lt (1i 601. no oil work, the diet should at Booths!, tjeldi,Croupand 1( rtdred,118aLreb, Lady Asst l3tewatd---Mrs.W, Webb. ]?er Influenza or "Le Grlpre" Wilton's Couipotaud Syrup of Wild Cherry is a sure audeafe remedy. There iauo beetsr !nodi. habitual rt•'cullleetioii of oto own moderate power's and acquirements, Beet find or CONN, The writer has never yet attended Apamphtot of nformatton and ab- stractor the lawe,ebowiug Flow to Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade M&daru MCoil1NU 44 CO.hts, sent c. 361 Broadway, York. A' LAIIt on ilio CA to prove prop away. Lower W14fth LOST DOG. No4foundland r caw to my place of .Jaden':. The Owner is request• y expenses and talrehim Id1tS. I1cKENZtE. 1$91. M/STTT*moi_ 11. w+610i`4' l'aurailaiet Ala l'LY•Lll,,. fie: DR. 11 AO1)l'N !ALA, l0aa l lllht tT1tLL'1', • Os 'A'tZftt MISS I' ELLO MoHAR1117, ILA LIUATE sac OOftledallist of Whitby College, Pupil of Mr, Edward fisher and Mr. J 0'. F Harrison. Plano, Organ, Voice Culture and liar. mouT. aoolnedn Beaver Stook, W14lghar. a Bary ccilvetition 'bele 8o1I12 one diduu'.t ask; Which is the best' breed. of dairy cows Professors atrdY otlier, platform lights rarely commit 'them% selves ---in' fact, flow eatr tllt'y'2 A. monopoly of broviue• virtue's are not wrapped within the skins of any breed. A. man roust breed or select his ce'Shve according' to what he is aiming at.. One of the neatest answers to. the Lai>ove couun+!mite was given at a i4itewt York lnetituIta by Otd Curtte,whe eaidi' The.cow that will make the most Milk', ]1'u.'uuASl, var, B, Tu11'L4.lt. Mun;ber College i'11yski,lous end Snrgconly; O)iufl4io. —Coroner for tounty of flut'On-••' Oflioe at Taokl1ARJ1AOz" • ?Fin tietK, 0n1, 11-111, J. A, A bli.01Ilib), it ironer ilrainitad so, Toronto Vidor 1111 , tutu !number of (tau Lu1 u450'QC l l0$l(iune and burltuo0a of Ontario. Ullioe:utd liesltleu, i—0ot not of E: seal u nun Pusrlvk atreutb, forms:n.1 00'J4l(d u,• ur. I)e11iu1 U. laIYOa.rt1 NT= T.T S T C. INSTRUCTIONS PIANO AND 01(0184 ALSO C4.1841 1x HARMONY. roe particulars regarding terms, etc, please carilat my Wine, uoru8r lit. mobs and Patrick sts eels. PLOW LLA SPAItLIlr•G. mused,! set Ile dregu ilrpelr. test the gaua;lle la ttLlitettatt mete t.. .... - .. .. .. •a tk :, 4101e1 s 'J1: t ti 4'G1i511 • t yy VM$'1'O\E, BAlitn BRISTLE, SOLIC3tQ11, i!Yts., 1!t0 rrltittl '.ill( Cempiiny hinds to 10)1,1 at Lowest rates iI4llirubt. No commission emirate. 110)1.4531414, town and farm properti 00ulrht ane sure, 0PPIDY.:-Buuvor t11oc1s, ]]inouArH, ultx THE MISSES IN A SON. • - a 1,NSTILUOTICJN given oft Piano, Organ and Violin Also In Harmony. Residence on coater Josephine and attick Streets. 3,i A. MORTON A:ltltleEll xc., 1Viligilam Ontario it,R EYER.ttt D1611l\SON, H. W. C. M€YER Q. C. I E. L.1 IOKINsoN. 8 A.' Beattlsetato eel) SOLICI1Ullb, lite. ttq., n0 bettor$ foe flank u« tiuuu,lmi, CoultinsalUnerrr Sur takln5" attidurtt$ for hteua,nuu kerns, 'r01,11( 1144 • Village propurtys'bou4bt and bold. Money tprirut11 fumes) loaned elr,mortgago xueua,ty at 14 Nur emit.. Honey in; 0at00 furpllputut4elauua, upon t110bese mortgage securities tlirlwut 1.l'y oapensa i0 t.te• lender. Landx fur sale iu ieallttuba auu tau l'10411- 1reat. Unite—Rent's Block. %%i ightail. BtVcr Vulcanite, Cellaet,:AtiENTIST1] V. 11. AIA0IONALD,,Wnu fAN ' , riceUsoAonett0it, 4tUo Upuadserparag1lg4 cr0wner• and bridgework. Teeth ex traded without the least pain'b" the use of 'Vital Igen Air. Lead Unice, 113nbhu?0 side entrance op - pole the Q004 s hotel, open %Miry (Su»tigysoxce41 ed) from U a in to p n1, Will he at Blyth er•er5 244(1 and 411$abtlyday uJ en0ltntontla- Ofltcoat'�liltie a hotel; Uorlie: 1't and tied Moltdass of each month-- 01f1ee at talblori dotel, xt,actht5 Vicente. 'j�L\TISTILL J' S. JEROME, wtaullAn, Is manufacturing Celluloid Prate! .vmeauite plates of the, bustnlaterml aa.hheap us they eau be got in 4444{11 t)'Qutinion. Alt)lori:'rvarrantcd, Painless exttUCtlon of teeth by the! Use of EheOtrfc- ity of YCgetable Vapor. TARE lltirtos•—L'tc)11 extract teeth for 25 .ceate oath. Uc'FIOE; In tlid heaver block, oppoglto the Brunswick Hotel' HALSTED &SCOTT iosepllille Streit IiingLha t Ont, .1, A, 1IAt,8Ttan, r 1} . W. neer!', 441001444 P'oo'rest. I IdstowII. beposits lbbeeived and Interest Allowed. Money Aci 'anced.to Variners and Business Men, Oe long or elfc'rt time, on endorsed notes or collators.' (security. Hale notes bought .at a fair valtfAtiou. stay remitted to all parts of Canada, at reasonable charges. Speeitti Attinttion ('Bron to Col-. 1oatitip .tiooants, aud Notes. gents ilo: {thins(+. -..rhe 7il"orohaatts" 8(11 of Cian0tttr.. 61/1..o Boors -mato s a, is. be B p. tri. 14.4 zrra.t, A'. (• , . ' ii, voilk f .1, 44 NI f , . >,R • e JOHN RITCHIE,' GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT' Wowing, • 0: 0.111 OLe1:1tT CUNIvINOI/ADM, INSURANCE 1' II E AND MMARINE', GUELPH. DEAN, Ja., Lt'14011I4; L1t;E\SEl) AUCTIONEER 'keit *ht. COP31TII 011 IIUItels. Sales attended in any pan of the Co. Cha age+ Moderate. OHN 0011111E, Wrimu nt, ONT., L1e iniszn rIOslF.a' (Jou T1s, coufTT Air I humus. All ordcr'a left at tho'Tocza otdlce promptly at oda edltu. Tering reasonable, i AXES I1I:NI)G31.3ON, LIOnXIIen Aucti0:1'cBrt Yon COrnmiia l;st)i01r 48$ 1114140) All sales attended to promptly and on the'Shottes NuticO, All necessary arrangeu Satisfaction aeau0 Lu mJruall. at rh Twice' mks: Mromixx Oxy IIOLToN L't 11A;TRINS L. it D. L 5naysrons Ann 'Curr. 11103r1:116 11STt)w$L Also WINGUAM. r.Aii'orders left lit the alike of the buss MIA N SONS prompt attention ii PAiIMSON,. Sway e r Haan Davie( 000, low* +ifi' bass tut, laasillia. f ereei't'ei5e- lut:it'iytt 1•i4Jr' t1es Ilt.(11 Sour 'Within WICll a High Irlult+l to sus xt* 61111-" i 11 ''y •ret how the illi,, . .1ii, YOU 44445 (1J (toes. If lir .*s -un rtes ttirllltit re, ltlrm liutp liter!. if auwear wOrkn Goat( II' VIeunK, Vol} go and Nl'ftt Ct111 stop hiiu t r e given others the $ their husbands w were tl iLf ,• ('r rail t tn A short time ago #Tia told saidlltrPlin And raised a row :at to do the scoot+, would, Atter leav anw the bar4aeeper jrul;brind frequents ,l.tiltt 11 she ounce i ;asked for drink he Ann do ea she want The next eveniu fine the meteor n' and some compel' tIoug the bar, Rod it's mighty mean dt'init, will you t? Bartender, give m1 want the hast. Looking tit th aghast, the womt belts'1 U11V0' a dul 7 1d1 t r a'nPd the h t rinln , nearly ,Invoked ,carte up to her atl, nvhv are yen here' se yen, replied the As a sequel to and wife left the 1 tiee bnshand tool(: to tt1Toh liquor ag now living` very better than a (11)51 Whaeu the oldie title, the ;roman t thing if it kills 1 1FOr Unix ;A body called vi.icial Aliianue_1 pot0Llcre, has been 'The members se) of beer, wine and from an unfair e a. of the Criiltttl` auorethan 01440-111 omit) is derived ft drink ; and this pewits, at less! lil;eint, loyal, la erultjects of tee Si They therefore IL' .ata ners shall be tell phare of the Inovetnent is n cu tine, but it is n cangbie result stated :by the in ( on wjhe, beer tun Half g million fat is likely to add a the armory of to Our rare lie.$e a great lee to pain the 1 anittivi. There no stat(: or ootid Gia tralismitted eninacils than til' There is beside rrnsran av11;y live ditiut;l in our lit the lease and sal fed ft, laales bri 1 am aware tin matter is direct 'generally b olrl I Sul>jeet. Itis 1 thelt'ss, and i11 s hope L may Mal j)Rd in ire elepli bard of t)oddir Stook Perm, stAneralty know Rift le) last. 11'1 ester hart tire's 41x,4 r