HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-13, Page 14lL
tory, we beg tqiiitilmtteiit
3eti for the game, notwith4tandiN
into rurnitarooknd use Ali Om
ve intend to bairethem,
to for you
0 •
; for yen.
13 roxstr..
,„$6 50
.„ 8 00
.., 8 00
•,,• 8 00
,., 700
till buying all clasees
utter yuu 23 cent i extn,. to intillee
0 satisfy customers. •
EN & CO.,
ion, manufttoturorers of--
- • -
With sense defflers to ask themselves ;
"What's the ,most 1 can get for it?" Ti
Ba.att does pot 'believe in. that way of
k,.. . , slotu4 husinees. We always ask our-
, ,
selves ; "What is the least I ca u affordto
,,,, l•
. en, tell it for 2"And that is the priee asketi
in irony ease. .
We have a few suits to fit little fellows
from, 5 to 7 Vara of Lige. If you have a
. hay' at aotif that figure, we will suit
him wi,t4- 4eult and we gastrulae the
pow 'v;(3- l'gpit you es avelL Wo have only
a tautl'eft tfnd when we got rid of those
w I . -vildho
IVA. a fow ends of carpet from 5
to yards, whieh w9 will WU °heap. If
you haw, a small room you tvint to oover,„
ow' your time, -.
Spepal inducements to cash buyers,
tion in Iran and ras
• -
1f FACTORY :ENU I .T1S--rAlCil)
• •, •4:4:gifltat,
seet e
.-if, 4 ".
' A ' .'
, ... ( ...
• ' R 0 D T. ORI,
I)ireet importer,
Taft,13matt, Feb, 18tb, 1801. -.
-Mr,B 1, Maki sou, barrister, ot this
towmbasbee imp iated Interning Officer
!for this iteling\
Foe. Seers -A P setae t home Min veni ent.
Ty situated, yi of the town, Terme
tesuit pure's:niers lr sold Cheap. A•P-
le oso Company
he a
ply early to D..*
Bev I)r Chetwf
tilt okurch, we are
-The spring ASAI
be held et Galeria
Judge Valoanbridg
• A large dclegt
attetelett the Coes
Brueself, ou Tumid
-At a meettog te,
Aites Aviy.
e -A, meeting of th
Bast SVawatmeli, M
Howlett, will be het
Wi Palpate. pit
ormot6 destitlug.
pttetor of the Dep.
rry to leant its, ladle -
•ee for this county will
Jou April 13111, before
toe of Coustervatives
-The Emma S ,
valve Convention at
will appeer istetti,e
, front Ode town.
evening next, nude stee
Faetory Bend, the Peanagere of the
le hell ou Wednesdae
-Just arrived et It ll'e, a t
of attuned goode: peas, coos, tei twit was appointed
salmeit, medium., lobeters, hacidiett, cite -
(lensed coffeeL ao. to be sal cheap. Trade Committee for
-Educatiovad sei one will be preaelted rris, Tternberry and
tie the Methodist 0 arch, Whighem, mutt' ' at the Queett's hotel
Sabbath by the Bev W F Otsinebelt, Col. ay, latit hat. Mee.
lections in aid of th bilumttional Fund. Privation reepecting
-For first.elaes tailoring and cheap °outs:mete with. the atreus of Industry are
gentsfurniehinge, try,. Webster £ Co. kindly luvittd to"at lend, I? ; Beetvzia,
Remetobertbe place, ouly two doors north Organizer
of °the old stand and between Bowe beak.
store stud /filleted it. Scott'e bank. • -Some of these p re/teeing legs in town
-Mr lobe Court , formerly of East have beee•Paiing fo them by cheque ou
Wawanoeheleft for 1 N home its Neepayve, the be,ok, arid, wele o that some of these
Illauitoba, on Tueeds y. teak a ear Wad of reeeiviag the asheyti Were under the i m•
bones and settlers effecte, Me went by pression that when hey endorstd, them to
(r T B .epeive their mousy that they were, en.
-The first and second prizes le the tom. dorstug the parties°tee who sued the
pg stoutest at the Weightem filer were both cheques. It „ts hart ty orwessery to say
won by saws made b I Sal" a; to of the bank voids- not honor the cheques
.bt Cathermest. Jae Cline & Coare ito
ageuts for theirsalkin Win tharl. uing them had motley
Dr Teenlysi reee, essd• a letter• from:Mbank.r
efts tile parties
o their credit teth
o i T -A. solesoriber of
10:1100L, 31117E-Liii
vitli every book imro.h.asel• Just
I keep them clean
Papers and
line, give eith ften are
, • • ,
canvas% cruet dist, Oistataim, saiinute
• lois Fur Dirtying Gloves alotwe fa
• eagle tecratv.
ea -.---Also, a feWoastes.a,,
11ettil buy a.11,66e, ti11
A kelstee Pt
'0. gip, nalemet
taaatitit,alwaysi ets
-Oystere, raw, stowed or fried, at
•Hill: -a Wpity •testituratit,
• ednesday last sing Ash Wednesday,
services 'were concha bed in the Bugles:1h
edtorolt. ,
--Oranw.torn-For geueral housework
Apply to mug J A McLees, lad wv.rd street
• -Thenext moo lily horse fair in Wing-
PATI1 will he helil hersday, l'ebrafkry.
-OysterstetIttieet stewed or fried, at Jae
AfeliCelvie'e titer eeststurent.
-,,Attentioe...is die test to the announce -
meta of Ileid, the t tor, in epetlier 006
U11111, '
. ' *Cosh for eggs MR A Gothene's Market
• -It is expeoted Met
will be detains:1 this-
• "A. easepetion.
-If your wateli or Moak needs repairing,
the neve town 'tali
ek, steel ready for
•ta • Wallace, watchmaker outl •
--quessrs Gicbri.
jaw ler. mill door te post office.
day for saw logs fe.I
All those who ere no
• ta13 lntd several incau escent electrie It gh be b ia
F Black, of Nehru kit; the other day, in he TUBS, who resides
which Mr Bleck stet a that Ws etablMortise, Menito
es on ni remitting Lis
his renal) wore recen lydestroyed by fire,' ei'll'iseril}tibb' writes :
causing a loss of o er 54,000, and tlfet • Mor O. F ruary 2.1891.
there" -was uo insuran e on thern. "Encleeed please ejl outr dollar subs
-Hoene 00ANTin1.--$Aturaity- night scripton due for ohe r's fksiss. I will
Featly Dress Goods 60, Ladies Fine Shees
51.60;jobtot of Sliewls,Goves gad Hoelery
Lines, sus Silk Hainikerohiefs. Getite ell
wool Overcoats for $4.76, Gents Tie 130 at
M. H. MeIsseoe's.
.-On Saturday, 21 t inat, there will be
offered fer sale at Pa, terseeahotl, Wing -
ham, at oue otelock p no., sita.iMparted M. -d
hoti:a roadster mar , st. three year old
polland twe top hti, gies, ct1t1r, harness• ,
ilto. One yesirea ered t. will be 41i0L0i1li
,e't &Welt itteel.8, mouths
be pleased to al leave Viet send your
epiey little pallet o i as tisiur3„ It's uot
until now that we ay.0 lied apy cold
L,,atifer thiivinter, with tliW:eaeepticnief hes been epeeis!' y solicited by comouucee
part. * Ise had meeer th
t ove :. guatiares of Itevs Dr
inter:VIlatehse Griffin mei John 8 tt, president mid setsre.
Eh nlledr0pPliig about tary of Conferee , respectively.;
V5 liaa littre or no 1 'Phut ill barn uy with the legisletiou
like good shdebiuse of the General ,onfetene, eleitteunial
of depreesiou, eepeeservices shall be 11 ia ie Ali our ehurches
alet.atidatet earl.te no 80041.Yt1oxl 3Lre - - -
rd. froze draught for • 2 That in tilos chnrches were ably one
The regular
l'ublfo 8tibool
evening lest, Pr
tiut DifOore, Abr
holm, Thee
mutee of tsr
approved, Ac
Smith k Pethict
AV 1 1 0 LIE NO
*boa Hoard. I hints from "Dore h
ably meeting of the wee arranged for
ol was held on Tuesday wide diveresty of h
sent -Messrs Bell:Met..
man, Gordott and Chime
ell hi the cheir. The
sous meeting road end
cants were reed front
, 52.18, euppliee; itturray
a Co, 1/71.02, ting pipes. ()u motion of only 52 per ye
Blessre ALraboan mad Morton, the above Jessie:toe Dine at»; 1.3 Bast
accounts were or lered tv be paid. Cbeire New York , •
Vebr ary number of the Cana
Live Stock au Farm Journal (rubles
by the J j t Co, Ltd, Ile Bey
'a Trott
00. • burety,
teresta; but is MO
there are bright etorsea, and tbto
well -stored depar meuts, mid nearly't
imutited. halide me illustiatiess.
itilinat of Dm resst'e Family MA
briutes it e quot eleiteaut eurpritswar,
iwerY family hould, eujoy tetra.
r, anti ha published
man Bell inform Li the 13 tr.1 that the
principal. Mr as URroVe btt, hi copse -
quoin* of his ace ptauce of the nomination
as candidate for • 'est Aluron by the Con
soefrtzti;reiliposiirtt)suels ei sold:J:1;1e lisitethoroals.igswettbioeun avi4nlian,e1,10eft4iiilustft7tan:
it was moved b 1.) M Gordon, wooded able t, every ere ins oeereete,8, png,
at 8 riltook )it.
netiolethe appoie
pal, and the sante
The Board met Clyalesdettestel ious,Priuce ef. Byre
accordiug to adj and itleliab'e I eir (Sol XIII C Di,
Messrs Gordon, M property of ale rs D d 0 Sorby, One
and Clarke. Mov by Geo Pettypiece, (be Teeseleg 011 he easjitele:y tete:,
secopded b,y C Clarke, that the Canadian /are StEK; Kna Fwrill Zee
saleriee of leac en' and eMcers for advises farmer e to ow more of those
;statuary be pa ....Carried. Mr ides- allots .which -may till go to the 111
grove's resignatio was but Wooded in, states, such as tubs, go, ana to
and on motion, ti e Board adjourned at:
the eats of the oh foram cte'ree Itaitirdenbtei:fue 1);eits'.(lrejelici'ci
time to try stud , pen markets foe t
sheep, end butter
"ebotsis from Bogle
able article ou
a° pee or lft A f
interestiog to st
stud est -tied, that the • culled. The f rot tilec s oat:Kited b
Wednesday evening, engraving of so LugLub Prize Ieue
0 (muskier the syjd resig.
tweet of another primes,
•report for January.
Wednesday evening,
urruveut. Preseut-
too, Moore, Petty pieee
Beet, and the is as is still feusther
bellished b .uieut, consisting
• tinted engtavi of the pair of fine year
• Methodist entennial Aervices. poultry, •eggs, fe
At a meeting .fthe Special- Committee 1 Greet Brit:dee-lc
is tliehetigse of a
stock• reettere, from
donald, tvlifeli wilt b
(Men ; while. dairy ietteeeintopitet 0
useful inforinatio are provided *itl
ports of tits recee flitiryinents and C;t.
erica, Coe ventioe The eagesdev
Proonneut agricul uriets is tilted ty a
portrait of Mr a
• one of the meet pr
dairy interest, and
beets lutimelely cot
ee art tred T
pare bur (j4 of attl by Prof 1.1toefeba
Ortterio A.grieulturs laollegeadveea, le
the standard poi ts of Shortiscree
in the 'Veterinery epartiessist, Or C,2
Hide 'touches oui s-ao len legs in herees
gather with the tir ventive title out,
• treatments thereof The best rheas,
tueeing -inill calv a is discussed it
•Counsel Table, an 1 should bo of so
value to ferment, wiA1 koowo, bid
of the different vari ,ties all give thei
periences, Other re:sties' paper:.
rained ie the Dopar meths at Ilorrieuli
the fent , etc, all li Ip to form an at
• supply, from whip) each reader ni.ty
held Guelph
lowing regulation
-lug, the approach
The etteetion of
the Guelph Confe
January 27th, • the Ur;
were adopted 00000111-
Centenutel serviceee
inisters and pen&
pee to theeeregulations
v. few days in the erl
• a.• meet delightful
froetretreck esthe 3
28 below zero. 'We
SAoW, at 0014;11 to
Beatuess is irel aetate
te Miser ttiticles.41y 141 rfh4ruu MIt)
ea v trt Vie have buff
-Do not weer- poor boots Los this season -3- • '
Of the yearfor yt; will he sure to suffer the laet two. years in thie locality, butwe
for it but -get a easr of, high -Cat'. $0111104: are almost Peeofagt Abt: frost that IS4013id
Plid kip boot. bild bV GertbeN4 MON peeve an inferysto he crop. There am
TVIIS prioe oki4,rg6d by other hedsee e • • , e hes
ourimoti goothi, r gooe Illf I.C4t.11510S 4) I 101at116,' as wH.8A a
-Atr john Dinelev, f the Dinsley Erouse,
• y w; e pa y
pit in his limi‘e this week.
yap delivered before
pg logs are made up
tonth and pay meht
days or any time the
-71.14 finest ermine c.tudues at P.
at 30 ceuts per lb.
..11.1.r 13engougl , Grip's cartoreVi,
will give au eutertai raMit in Wirinhe
Awing the mouth of %roll. •
-Call at Alex klossbook store and see
• lee Leuratme speetecle. Sole ageut eieee
14 ls Gerster lett town,
--Mr Itobt Currie, of Beet, Wtiwanoeit
west in Londen this -week otteuding t
annual ineetiug of t e Dominion Greoge.
-The Reterning 100e0 for the West
`ding is lair W T fWLtiteIy1 of Chutes),
spud for the outh 1tdpg4 t 'Plies Heys,
: •
Gren & CO's pay
on Monday hest
able to call on tha
time thereaftet tor
the 16th. Aecounts
to tho 1.etli of each
wilt be naede ou these
-,c4ordou d Nroxotyze axe selling, the
balance of their winter stook at a great
reduotiou. Be sure aoa inepect their stock
if you weut anything in waiter or early
sp ' goods
-The pities of the 4ew Bank of Hamil
ton building, te be ee.ter1 in Wingltam
• during the comingtom
s er, have been
•prepttred, arid we haci
sporting them a few 3113
ing will tie three ator
store fecings, of the
tatr quantity of ran last fall aud are loolt.
mg for more durit the coming spring.
People are too extt usgaiit in this country
cluriug times of oeperity, and whets
timee of cleprgssion eve% such people are
hard up. I i.111511 TXUSs a prosperous
year and its editor a kappyt oue.” •
-The basket eocia given by the mere
bete of Court Maitla• . Canadian Order
of Presters, on Toe ay evening, was a
grand stioass. The arge rooms of the
were crowed t their utmost cepa::
city, but all appeared o enjoy. themselves.
The refreshments w lust excellet, and
were secved with ish hand. Mr 11 0
oliair in a happy
ist church orchestra
• Clarke oeeupie41 the
the leasure of i. remitter. Tbe Meth°
ego The buildits a favorite musical o .ganization 20 towie
brick, with and the reception giy I them shows t
aeauial tyle of they are os ng p
architectare.• It will p °sat haudetn
ee Mr 8 Grecey s rea gs, 1
I i ' e tit apularity.
seryice on the Se Atli der ist held, such
service shall be is commemoration of the
Oentounial of tit death of Wesley, end.
vvisauever practic tble, Yveek eveuing meet,
ings shall be hpl • in celebration of the
Cehteuniel of Ca adian
burches where tvvo ser.
u the Sabbath (lay, the
devoted to the conlease-
uteemitil of the•deeth of
'yelling to the celebratiou
1 of, Ottuagiau Methodism),
ulersta,nd that 'thee eer.
ednotecl by tire mthisters
•' •tame Maul biter
peril -Amplest of eachcir
with eaah buerle.y.school
iuiinilutr fiervices in each
oilections and voluntary
tit thesis services be
Otileial DoLtrd
'cd or connesional, us
• Wed,
-3. Tbal 111.8.11
vices ere -hold
mothiog 81141 b
oration of the
• Weetey,and the
or theOeuteui
Ot 6
4. TWi
vices ellen he 0
on the circits.
• 5, That the B
cuit, shall urea
Committee, for
• lit d
Say sohol.
6. That the
offerings receiv
propriated by t
to S4O11 parpOsg
they may deter
appettranee, be ea ?vas/tent to Wing. Gides," and Itlerowl s get- his lfair Cut,"
eb4itis, elalagt, gravest, apd everything to
T treaag for 'Toonto and east asitWie Wee c0t0P011
--Fre1 anges, letnoetfige, nets, stugo.r • and
he found a fast °lase f telt etore itt haul. .• were highly apprecia
,,,-he Witnehant C
tetrol, on Fide,y, last,
slab in the Ontario
At tlis end of the
tis, but lo playing o
was defeated hy tw hots. •
-White kid • gloves, exeellent :quality,
114'w selling for 30 cents per 1,4•4rAISO Atite
Vett in 010511n and satin at cyst proo 'at
Reid, the tller', •
liesers T Bll,' It ;try Iterr and Wm
or went to Toronto en Wednesaay ter
look at a number a A Olean churchee in
ikat city mid to 'emu plata" for the new
church to be built her the oo Wag sem.
rlers went to Lief
o play the 1,1, alkerteu
nkard. competitiou.
th e °lobs were
se tie, ou e club
-e-ciptilie Amer m-Illvory week this
alma valuable peal peatteutes whet -
'tater is new in the' • Ad of eel
insluft.totures. Fal ill),
400 it diecloses t tot ouly
what has been atm Ise,ieritr,-Sitt Mee seg*
otitis the possellitliti bath to be revealed.
Oar/ary years ea .4 Or. battle con.
deleted elate paper Otort Wieb the
trAit# von tleree,
powering of paten
jel?,1 iirce"iieufetuttli:net colteettatal eubjeets, stud
elreent e'etn
*10 ra
eats ts ettleority en
ILivcetolold, es of
*Olio 0'44
LI leave Wingliam at 6,30 a.rh, and 11.10 am. Oneore, Miss LiOrne
via W G & 13 Division, and at 6.45 am. re,,eeree eeveret 53)
mid 340 p. M., Vigr, aoriliitC-u 11
ood cohnectiops ler all trap,.
tetions, whiell -veer
-The prinotpal's re ort of attendance 1/ lager* npegesee
at the Meehan) Pu 10 School for the ,the Ilarirsauica Ban
folloWs: instrumental eelectiot . Miss Lilly Fields.
. in'i,l'e Av0 gave ti; solo in, ottpi al voice, thud was
. 64 46 deservedly applauded Mr ties Masn's
tia 87 comic, songs tiouvulsed the audienee with
60 , 40 laughter. Ittr W 0 8 rong, D 171CH, of
62 62 Gorrie, gave a five min tes' address on the
76 (2 betsefite of Voreetry. Mr G hl Duffield
i 48 41
66 62 gave a eouple of solo , which were well
reeioved by the audi Pee aud the p00-
228 2 440 360' graftwie was brought to a elose by the
orohestra playing the atitmal Anthem
ea by the audience,
a te i•cpond to an I*
arephell, of Listowel,
os in eapital style.
IVOII couple of reel.
• heartily eneoed.
a Broeltresshire aza
oesstribeted eaves:el
month of January is a
•DEPT. AOlfS, 04
1 •21
2 et 11
• 4 f. 81
6 111
6 j 44.
• 1 9,4
13 57
Thiel° au also' ono.
Pais nur.-Thesuccesof our hot wordfiuding, couteet, just olosed, enoeurages us
to offer another free trip knoUND tile world,
or its °ash equiveleut to the person seeding
in the tweet liet of wards spelt the mime
forward. and baokwards, euell se
,Bob,".12." Tuseontest closes
May 15. Ily prizee for the three
Is.riseet 1 V*di riOnteSb is opeu 130
pstentaltrg ten verde
urtirlfgasiv""e, ‘ rlv 140 won prizes
111 ottr remote eneeteets OH 134 d tremple
Outs. to ,witb
•-. • telmette.
• - n ot chalk
1Vii$8 Ray, of Listow
darkin, of Hanover, we
Mrs. lIleted, last wee
ter, of Metateith, Ma,
her sister, Mrs. R. Ell
Seaforth, is visiting her
Ross .. Mies Magma
visiting friends in Bru
and Latt-
the guesto of
r.4ns, Wirt -
is visiting
tt Mrs, T.a34
tiler, Mx. las,
toLanahlin is
us •Ballautyee,
rtioent putIOSE‘
ho from ibis firs
petted -wih the el
tib • ter. (21'
'Tire! Fire I he sudden cry natueally
strikes terror to very heart; but Inodern
appliances for fig ting the mereiiese dames
bet.° been curie to retch a degree of per-
foctiou that the • nowiedge of their metal
tence insedres 0 nfidence even when in
peril from lire • he New 'Yok Pft-eDe-
pattrzienbiB wort ..renowuedforitefficieutty
and every ohe w I be ititereated to know
• a appliances for lighting
fire in the me rppolis, which are most
vividly describe •and splendLity ;Illustrate
It 'umber of Detueest's
0, just Arived. As usual
brimful and rutting over
of the Inetboda
ed. in the Mar
Family Magee(
this Magazine
with good the gs,-sornethlug of special
lutereet tet eah member of the tamity,
Those -with-art Sitio testes will be delighted
with the p ape op "'The Art Schools of
New York," w Jolt are most charmingly Toatetireli ow filetenth wsr.
• discoursed of b one who lute had intireete (we, 41,,e13a 1 t begoties
acquueutance i h thote most neut, Ded Mil the r e
et fall of 3141311.
and acco• eying illuetr
drawn from lif ; meaty a pleasni
ant eveng
*u he event in the hero° oitcle Ieartung
mu the espltcit ellreatibuls
iveu vuud
ho loofe.hs a ntry
eseld tly
Compao pd two'eleck New Year's ort,
*It05 MOOG.
Paresell, °la 20 r, farewell,
Than ivilt recur • co more
To briug joy or eie el heart,
To eitutie us gala oe hem the sinert,
Ye mime ascorn
With scenes of
With Waal ro'
LTC A 'dole of yore.
s the newborn year,
irth or falliug ees.r,
or lowly bier,
estive shout or fetal i
Thy tottering f rm does fade,
Thy rule is ov tthrown.
O'er uorthere . low and southern bows(
eThe belle, telt" t thy pertieg hour,
A s Wine wouotole.
Aria ahem ave iesern that thot 4yt f.164,
With tear dip nett eye, uneoveraz net
For thee lo th 31hast eilent mut
Wi feat eigh or Tetra
What great e ems its thee •
Did roll their tithi alfllui41
What mighty
What laws lut
WI at aped to thee belong,
What conflict been end 'feudal jar,
Hee tionteumet
The crithems
• The
houghte,„ what tee
e here, What wont
wpt. its :Ade afar,
od, the woe •of war, ,•
at511d413210 few
iona are Once girt wit streegte new ye. Me th
how te dItnee
and illustratio
Dour:ORO tlii)a
homy of their
• I . dramatis may b
Wanted 114) plartilltatO, etntm nf wollrlort
illart• &WIWI% stover 41 *ow. A 111W412)b340
theepee 4140giy )6
by readtsts
for testa 111141
it eurb bow their
Lte iu tee sileat eptub,
But atlornef tete daeet will it, ,
To tell your s in
Will mark tV
may lMil•What;
reulised Ltroall expense ILL:r1-Likim""Of 111114tforlatilere6rw;vilitt
itottizees 5I&1i3tl bu111 tan oble ittestattervellet:utrrai
le the pa r eitultItal velvets it vet am kftelli-
It es t" anti 1TtW95' I fer PANT
." • (nr.