HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-06, Page 8Dr's. Store ler 14.144000n* * examtall spo*trlbQ. and . • 'P en2zclal$ a specie". twf Toilet Articled, Petlune-1.>3pOng0I,;-- ltaotlGolas, eta; Siwe is in w eek»••', VSLB xo lE ::t c11:INTR4V.4 (}l krIC & 144014RP TCfi'tTK1 ;14)Vf \'TIOKET BltL5'F,• Ont: 1,as. Px the +a adistt Order be established here Gr Strung, of Gerrie. alt 1„/ iy. IIA { tl that a Court n Foresters w'illt lt. rtty by Dl.r W • • T11 `41:irry. 'f1r'e following is e standing of thhe e School in S S No ; Por January. names are in tar • r of merit : Fifth.. ,class• --•Galin (lot den. i'ourth c . e - S 'Mitchell. K.liardie, J John$tor, •W Hawke, Thiel Sr --J Fyfta, E Wade, W wanupbelt, A Ilomuttt, Third Jr -. NI ,Start~, • Se 'rid Class ---til J'clhn' Ston, T Stark. Pa 11. 11 Jtibnsto�n, 11i Cowden, Total n' tuber of names on register for the ung _th, 56,, Aver. ego attendance for th •' month, 40. J J W $-,1P8o',H,Teaeher. �`'`Lower '•' ttlgham• �, 1'y g adl)� . in« The followingi= the result of the examination to 'itllllletio held in 8 S No 11, Tur•nb rry : Senior 4t11 class —Florence Gr: -n,' 80 ; Robb Camp.. hell, $0,---Junl'r 4th class •— Bury Mot!wain, 60; din hili, 00. --Senior 3rd, class --Luke •ng, 80; -Jane Bur.. row,. 8'0; Marta Nterfiel&, 60; Liz- zie ling, 60; Attie Xing, 60 ; Bella, Morrison, GO ; Walter Graham, 60.4— has in town for he peat few days Junior 3rd spas—Jessie Mo1.lwuin,40; solicitiug members to rut a lodge of that Nellie Beckett, 40 ;; Norval Morrison, order in town. As Ili naive implies, it is 40 ; 1ova, Halstead., 40. -2nd class — a seven year society.' he .members being Jas Cher, 80 ; Tester Adams, 80; 'paid the amount the insure themselves Robt Currie, 80;, 1M' ah'4 Halstead, 60; for at the end of leve .ears, orsooner, if Jas Lockridge, 60; Nellie Martin, 40. iistiarlr occurs, Weeld sick benefits are l'art • II—Jets Leggat, 100; Jennie koso slut. Theiioad ee of the Order is. Campbel1,10C ; 1 itlnie Carnpbell,100; sat famous. Julia Linhlater, 1 Rosanna Johns- • on,80;,Geo Elio d, 20, Fart 1-- Oble , wnat a'Oottgh. , Christina A'etterfisi cl, 100 ; Iieirson ` �Wrill.Nem heed the warning? The signal Cruickshank 100. eo 0ltrtipbell,100i I+erh' ix (if the -sure approach of that more (a eo Ant l,•'r, 75 ; d Jelin Potter, '7t terra le cl1"3ease Conwumptioo,- Ask void selv4;01 y.ct. oan afford ter the sake of '!Fannia Green, 75 ,; Annie. Currie, 75 ; ,;av:„1g;,rrn.ta rot the risk anti itc uuthinfi Annie Graham, 25 ; Rhoda Elfotd,25. f'ir it. ;We know from experience • that Shilo1's,0ure will cure your cough. It ,$=lent• never frills, On Wednesday ening last the an., � Awlt pleal tea -meeting w sheld in the Con_ match was plays' gregational Ghurel , Tnrnberry,aui its Tuesday last, in the On aneCOSS, both in a :eclat and financial Liet;tioir,bettteen Win- polotof view, ex eeded the most sans clubs, which, after guine expeetatius of the promoters. game, resulted in fa After tea, the c'air was taken by the shots. Below ie the ; •r pastor, Bev .1 M. . , ton, and the meet• arserr4 r.. ing •was addressed` by tho Revs Me- Ino ghlin and Davi son, of Wroxeter, and. the Pev' 111r ' :atson and DJ.c ;R C7urrie,of Winglia ',' The performance ship 1'i 4f the Wingliatn ongregatitlnal choir and , the inane. to Club contributed FRICDA1,'FEBIIITA 6, 1801. r: LOCAL NEWee -d or Itionarcl 1374—ter.SupremeOrgo,ni- e out Society, atex of ills Septeutna B u ev lo Y, 00,000 FE T. flaying lulacec a Ba Mill in connection with ortr Furniture Factory, we hog to hairnets tthat, are will buy all kinds of pard and Soft Timber, and will l>sty the Highest Prices for the saw, Ilutwithatal}did a61y oeporta to the contrary, In thl Creat intitanee we mannllfaCturf) all our own Lumber into Furniture, and tts'e all the refuse for :fuel, giving us the advantage in every respect, We have advertised for 2,000,000 feu of Togs and we intend to 1 ave•the , so call upon us and see what we will do for you, t. ate, duos': bere.on rio Tankard COM - lam and Brussels closely contested. r of Wingiiitiri by 7 e ur.ussEns. Scott, S Scott, Jas T Ross, Fr vV Laird, L' Scott, Dennis, "Bois, xt.t:urrie, skip...17 our ou LOOK AT OUR RTC S, • A:nd patronize the parties who increased the priors for you, „ epic I,1010'111s, 13 ya .. Soft$60(0..+ ...,.,,,.$6 50 Nxaplu, •,.• . .,.., 0.91.••• * • ** •* h0 f, ...f,: 8 00 .Black Ash . . .............. *••••• 1‘ ** Oh * 7 50..._.,.,.....,... 8 00 Basswood 1 50 $ 00 Birch, 7 Go ............. 13eeoh 6 60 ,, - Notwithstanding the report that we are not baying Logs, we are List, as above, and will do so all through the season. But we do not to bring yourLogs from other mills. We deal straight, ..... 8 00 7 00 still buying all classes of Los otter you 2J cents extra,. to induce Rush 'along your Logs and we will endeavor to satisfy Customers. GILITO, 9 , °I•NGHAt . THE PRESS J T)nliieltl, J ftvelands. TV l'Apor on. - ' Dlnxiev, skip; .22 13 \Vill-on: A 1Iitoholl, F Pater a° e -c ,.39• 1l'tajoritl ihy-Winghnm, 7 abets, Tuts te stu Rimy Otie 14'IrtrA:Tais.*'k`he success or our last vrgrtl •, flu() big contest; just closed, encourages tiff to Offer wnother free trip-AnonND the world, syr rte eas11 equivalent to the person sending s t thi largest list of words spelt the stuns fpeivtii;L and backwards, such, as Pip,'> "Hannah." Toe contest ,closes 15. Three daily prizes forthe,th'rea ai lists reoeivert• Contest .is open to stns -l;vervo'se sending 'ten words Suitt „at -a prize. 13, early 1200 won :prizes Tndystr} at {)lien iu.cur reoent•contesr.• :I t fes .and f N 0 sample 'nariP trixit4t Ora -*per CPuta, t 1,lrrll'e`N i'1,itv, `t gas aArisr .Maga.. aomery, Preside •retnry.—On Ttte • elation Wail organo, 31 much to the este tainment of the even. (NEW YQ1ti;%) FOP. 18gz DAILY, SUNDAY, << WEEKLY, 0 met 1 cent; 20 pages, 4 cents; 8 010 pages, 2cts, The •,Ag resive Republican Journal Of the Metropolis,' A NEWSPAPER FOR THE BASSES, Founded Dee. lst,1887. Circulation over 100100 Capias 22).A2T.Y Tan NESS is the ortgan of no faction ; pulls no wires ; has no animosities to. avenge • The Most Remarkable Newspaper` Success in New York.. ',I'uE I"REttt' s A N";i..rrortal NEWsrirarr ing •avid were. •osaarvedly- npplirzded, Cheap rtewry Vulgarsonaixtione and The sumi' trash niiPla e v t1' taken as ,nnouuCed to t 1• h d -. ,i th polurtinsof'J,'Ixn: meeting, amounted o ;345.40,, which 1'Rrso. �.., :. twill be_deysoted to the payn1tnE Of the TinpRus:+h'ttsthebrightest hditorial rt'*t)s of the ehurcii, w• 'Aye ve:)att cgaa1+16viTerkr It sparkles With points lv 1 e i mate,. . On the folloWtlrg'evcrx r 11.PYtil s $vwnnyEnrrroN ie a splen' in, t1 social watt 'held in . connection d tit, tKenit,;Iage.paper, covoring every with the Sabbath School, the attend1n tt topic of;intterest. at>ee at which and the: iiltersst Maui.TimERnss WEir ` tortroly contains h all:the good things of the Daily and Sun- festedi were also • For those. hb cannot afford the balm. 00 Tn./ ry encouragwg: day editions. •- Y ST 'With some desist What's the snos 1314t18 does not ;b ,modesbusiness. selves'; "What is sell it for,P".and t ill every aria. We have a few from 5 .to '7 gears boy at about,the hili with- tt suit 1 prate *.11' yor' a fays.li„ft rirad wb w is., nvtaAl0 moi few to 2 yti.rdO,: whie{ you have a small t:x il't3 your time,. S•11etial induce: —Successors to R If Robinson, mnnufacturorers of - O _ ER - __ D ROLLER •,'.... • -. q.ANG. PLOWS; &c• o-: e� Ira ��� ��as��s��� s o� Every,� satia ilenopgiLiR00.04, Pro. on 1:4 05 -AGENTS FOR R. W H 1TELA W'S ACtRICULTtJ L` G1 4J S -. NI) Br 'I.fEPS, CHEESE FACTORY- 'ENGINES 101LERS ANU' SUPPLIES, • I -1o• ' or are prevented by distance from early• LCIL, rig F J l ennest or tion of Patroils Qf ,e Hill, to .be ' known tectioi.i." '3' J 14 cot. t;: P C;, Shearer, Sec -0 iy evening an a: So.. ed aG Redgrave, to $17'5"/, (It"' be known as "l a mpr'e teller. Ed ant a piano,an ,Organ, Herding,Presidets ; Renllell Harding, 000 or other of the Secretary. -On ednesday eveitir n an publ shers sf ' : �. the association was o' aplxetl'_„at Lal=eltrt, d widths rahnte among to be knower as ""i± riser's Prosperity," during . tha next •.six Jeremiah Mellen 1, President ; Wen; a1 value of prizes if' over Webber," Secretar 4'150 in bola to an-ar. 'fix ISA (�11111o11da eve receiving it ;'1's1; WEEKLY is a splendra i l . substitute.: r muitzed an associiIt. IIIPE fritttd 'catalogue. 1%e,-t)r'illia, Out, Do Y•oii. Wit t);.. heaps{you a to d orator sem 100 pri'tas which Dominion tllustra their -;nsnbscriher Months. '7'heto 8,000, ranging fro le valued at 186, the latter being the >3R1i;rrv. a}lest prize. 1 'View of thea Met that v ain'r—Ia.himrrls, 00 Jou 20th, the ,vbfaot Ja noes Everitt ; a son. ,• ly persons hav been• induced to epter t:�o-1n Win;tham, on Jan SOth, the Wife of 3 A '"Mita y'word coftlp t1tionsV. and,'after win- iitnxf; a uauelitor. 111AR.RXED. nit }irises, ItiGv bee,i.C:t11Ctl: upon to peyote ffgq g5STuax—dtl wingham, on the duh lot, pl"l>x4 s rltar,;es 1 Ino tvorthless -tiftieles, at the•redidenca at Thoinas tlregory, i1 q, by the a 1tA11etti Aft a ]Dcitraiuion X uatrated , Ites Joh', soott, M A, Mr William A Johns; to Miss the AO Angio 141Vest,uen, all oT Winz}tm,n. scx,ntstitxce that an prize rviniaerdfssatisfied nootutr- C.+sirocket, In tarok, Jan 20th, byIlor R' I?tui. littgli Docket, of hlcuieioro, .tau, to Elvis ftb his ev leer p ' e may excltaege it for , Casemoro, of 'tlorris, the .sv,s11'value n,t. ea ill tit3prizelist. For DI161), H e 0,m,.4 0 V of tb: . t1utuaL v ilii otroular se --I r the Totvns��ip of TnYuberrv, on the 2nd ort ebrn.i '. ElizabetiL 'Zoo, beloved vette of 'Robot s,, G�ttr:$ Ytli•she , r Y,G iisit etltl toll part84u Tao, sKaJ 04'S.ears, 7 Months anti 12 days, htr , *sad 12 can r in stamps to .the pub- ` • } ,4w,les, The 11 •istou. Litho & Pub Co, vaareal. • 1ielaYnnf 'h•4 sunlit a . eetitlir, of the Ooun",y .tt.•ixtio n at''f rut Eitarons'of Industry helm` Irat itliehoollionse near here i, \ is^1'allzsi '' , the 28tH ult. There ...,.a a vPq rhe attertrlance of dole. . a.-xr mid risen hers. important tines. . t• in a arefr$ rso ;tint3 nt o foseltea •,tl'eaic-t J iAga t wrist, after whioli the era was proceeded with, fellows: Jas Gaunt, trick Clair, Vice•?resi- r, •'S eer.ntary - Wivl• r®C',; Ger Wlhite, l vie + Aroh Arida.rt miisttee onl /;lrndb w, ittiee't JAd ti legatesto* Wird SHILOFH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. AS AN ADVERTiSINC friEDIUM,Oz, ALL • Tnu 1?ss$a beano superior in Now York, '..T IE a E"S.. A COVED GIVE N 1''R-i+�J with every book. pAroliased. Just & a C7 thin thyro of oi. The best and ch4ap}ict-DTavepaper the thing to preserve hooks' and keep them `clean : •. ' published in Aatrka• OA'tY tad SU DM1Y, ONE YEAR,,. ..25 00 SIX d. "405,. E 30 ,,, .. , ,+k. ONE n .. , .i . A5 DAILVtMY, elian,., „ 3 00` F Ua ileum t' 1 00 SUNDAY' OR EAR; . , .. "1. 00 WEEKLY PR S, on ?YEAR . .. 1 foo ae Send tor The Pinsis Oracle*. ' Samples Eros. Abouts wanted everywhere. Lib. era' coromineiens• AddresO, THE PRESS, soma It ii•.ulrlo, 3s Park Row, NEW YORK, FT�LL' L1NES. O)+ Window Blinds, Wall Papers anw Station Ili* success of this Great Cottgh Coes it isthout a parallel fn the history of medicine. All ddtr ats ate authorised to welt it on a poa- itive guarantee, s test that no other tore can sue. easefully stand, That it4 ai' become known, the Proprietors, at ton sl expeut;e, are dtttli .rsf `3at#I le >rfatrolatts " ery home •1tt :tie ' ted atesss 'itd C issfitdm * I you h ve s 3oe Int t it,dixe yrai. ' a xnd retie s When needing anything i13 OUT line, give "Us i1 cab. We sell ell NG ALLAN LINE ItOYAL MAIL STEAMS'1:1.hi'Se N WATT, .-Manufacturer of-• 11114 104 MATERIAL of .all kind Sx. -•such aa— B AS11, 1)00 11.8, iiLINn 1' 1t It 1Vl E. a, E t n. • INddilhs. Siding. etc.., closeted tt heedful entice. iVe have over 100,0n0 feet ot Pry s -der an the CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE. Portnlghtly tailings from Portland or Halifax. xis Derry or Liverpool. OAfIZN YtA'°IS, $1i),$60 and $tib, Single; $SO, SO and 5110 ltetunt,act rdi g to location of StateroNO OAx•'rX,l11 GA1t1'tI/Lill' INTEanlanIATE, Outward 48; Prepaid *20. Steerage ntlowest rates. AccOmmodations unsurpassed, ,#. pp'ly id M. 0 A, ALLAN, Montreal, or 11E/CRY DAVIS, Wn/GitAm, A few good Mon to repre• sent in this avid iSebidinA' �/il� f�,1�■tlounlib.ler sn t raga eiliiut. *t tI tth��,ate X"s13fi£al on Ci w&it o e wfrrts1 over. ),..tog li lttd Chalet it ks M1s v. swd50ntqq Outfit NEE; control of tart ory, and pay il�COslk *wok IfLl$eatoleoTerfullparttodlai's, $ Aureerznv WINO NNEIt GLOVE • '' J'CJi Olovesile Iluet 'Haat,, li.It,.24aj4,e .S+ai'Xfvfo, ,sod rtirDtlying [cloves e1wa,vo it Ste* nnWe•to•vrder. Z'. •DoIn+E sti,c' • bend buy a 1166e. tizri$tl 3w dioto Afltll�t iii Highs* ete, tavola Oil j".. cai) Toot, Beau, Febi LOCJ, —Oysters, raw, -flys elty•xestaui —Wednesday 11 services Weto cox oburclr. -Gene W.urrxa .ai.Nay to Blue —The next rx#s ham• willbe held 0sstl req, Afol(ulvie'a #heir Attetitiod is' patent of Rent, th --Clash for ry :ExLpgery.. .--It is expecte yi lL be finished.1 aceepaticu. --It your wn,ti tri to .W I.1: Ni jeaW Or.pelt dtlt �» it John Dii' ibot hall several, ,tit in his house —The finest . t4C. S0 eeuts per 1 -1,1rJ W13ei will give an eu ,dariug the mous —Cull at Alex tire Lturauoe sp 1>; F Gerster lobi ---Dur Robb O. waw in 7..ondeu� annual meetiugll " LThe Beton * >t I `ding is liar and for tlle,lou Shafer -•-Fres1 1 ant r fntius, ylalaga se foetid fu ta• fl flill'e,' r -The Wia h boturtl,; on Pride glob in the Out .41 theend of th teas, but, 1 i, play y was defeated b3 'White kid rnivi stains for Melt in muslin a Mid, the tailor'I Messrs '1113 err went to. "I look at a 'numb 40.t oity end to choral to be but Mart •..•tioisutitle most valuable "~miter is new in manufactures. Slott, it disclose what has been Aeatc the fossil O'var ar fortyIisa ya olloted bids psi Inventing of ps 1'be ieu 4 io' ra1J esialafieL t Vp *Would -Ire 1'as, a