HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-06, Page 7rod c ej ry ' ir'xe .-.
,t ball
a, intp i ;.:dt autirtaliewas mamas)
°e battens wee out at the mask
yearthe aweepstakeli anirual ow
nine cents. The trade ham °hell
tten,vy. very int animate are act
west; it be a single one for a
'OSA allow,, to fleck * stall laid het
'flatter end more palatable beet
c l
y tai uer and llgllter tt)rirneylii.
hibttcrs bed reooguized tide ttiottat
of yewrlingtf utas a pr*otioel Mu
At the bttngtlet, one: of the jud#;es,
roan Fraukleed, of Toronto, spoke
seine teat, and told the breeders
ere present, that the auifnatl with
the Ingiish market wa4 a young,
auilnal, weighing about twelve
hounds live weight, Not over tb
that for suola there wan an anima
meed at higher prides titan would
for heavier euimals. Re scivises3
the pelf well fed and growiug, and
the animal iu good rationing
vonng,.-R. O the Carmine', hive Stock
and Farm Journal,
alt% OP t auy prow fi:Dr
L lin VA.
ill' 11
hyr lager just b.. our eyes,
tall"t yell ride 2 rat/tottig , t,1,11111t1, lin
.the hex at Itis able.
t ly, to Iiia; s;tr 4'l; ht into his eyes,
only Joe, But y li ciu-you,•,•.
,Y d yi1u
..par.--put '•.-it ,..en,••,••ttte
Y's ; but it was slightly heavy to
hang � ou t1 a breu4e11es �t bo could' not
help smiling at her earllestrees,
Yes,of a'turse,her voiat;a sounded very
strangely, Joil noticed it, But what is
Oen% you Beet he asked,risillg from
11i8 seat,
Yes, yes, 1 SOP, 1 see ; blit whist do
you mean an 1 You're foaling me • don't
you stet whet a fool yell are making of
She seemed about to faint. Joe
held out his Grille towards ;her.
R0,1 am not; 'l fres never snore earn.
est 1n my life--d--d--darling 1
The it's true, it's trate Joe, she
whispered as his arms closed about
her ; and you're my present after all,
Joe, this is the best Oheistmas present
•1 ever had in all my life.
Jt's not half so good as mine.
And there was only one kind of Love
present at the Ouuter family Christ-
oras tree, after all,
-Is PCI bass $1)-a.
-AT Tette•-•
OFFICE, JOSt.PH.1Nk SiTrii ° 1
:t •Cx11,A'!t'yr
tptton Itrice, Si uer stearr lb ltdYeAtite
ADVLi1Tl$.4N& ittS�eI8;
se 1 l.yr. l ti mo 1 .4 me,. 1
d1�4+t ret. U :Ute 101t/1101(61, i $10 00 of 08
11 Jf, uU 1'.' UU ofout
.1 J:U UU 12 UQ 1 7' OU 4 iNi1..
1►, 6 00 8 U4 1 4UU 1. 041
mid other casua advertisements. 40. per line
iaser't,011, Mitt 8c, per ION fur ea4ti subsequent
notices, in nonpareil type, 1oc, for first in
,:tit{14 bo, per line WV uuob *ubsequ0at fn*IlKth,n
i! not4uu will be .char4o* les* thin 25c
rti*wuonta of Lost, 1, ouud, Strayed, Situatte/ 40,
moues abet 040 11 enbo41, not exceeding b ileac
'en, 61 per month
sed 41111 0r,.rnl* to* $ale, not exceedlog 8 Bork
Met Mouth, 6Uu. per subsequent mouth
4 terms wilt be strictly adhered to
ratee ter 10;4444.4 advurtitenieltto, Sr'at
ertiseinente without specific directions, will bel
d til turbid and ehar4;ud ucuordin$iy, Train
utiventsv in/um roust be paid I,u MIN 4114:0
*14411* 104 col,trtittt oat ernsu 4C)ite {oust he 4a
ileo ,.y Wedueeuay noon, In order to a414wu1.
Pit0r4t4irroit Asn Putmoniill
4os1 ruME STREET,
140144 •
Tta\ UKA,1t4 •4`•' '
llyr O41iggb ;'hyslobago and Surgeons, Ont%;l4
-saa'stronor for; Lcuuty of iiuron-
e at "T4411'nd4t4I1104 1• 11' InyhaniR Dot,
D tl'
It. J. A. lrl>~I, i � Df,
honor Graduate of Toronto Cnivorgity, and
Mier ut the Gulie,;e 4t 1'h) btuiuue 41414 botiteuns ok
nee and Resitlellce-Corner of Centre and i,'atriyle
eta, termed) nee,,piee by Ur. uetiinee.
• Itttlti'li.il SOLIC1TOle, Etc.. JSiP
at loo tat
goats and Company Muds to loon is vac,*
ores/. l\o 1outtnissIou chanted, 1lortgugeb, a4w1i
and !twin property bought tam auto.
FIO t44<;ttl Sleek, 01 u,oi.J)..et\•r
J. A. MOl=T01,1
'Whim n Ontario
t o F.V ;tt .
4. W. C. ellevae Q. C.1 E. L Grogeasott, fl• *-
eanturrati$ AND SOL1CiTVltd, Etc Jae., 8o
ieiter3 4444 Sank of Hamilton, (JOm1141isioners fust
aking tpty4davits tut, uauiwba. Farm, luwet• wok
Village iir044urty bought and sold. money (privam.
fuuus)10uaed en mott41440 Security ut 61 per cent,
4toutsy les (*Awl for private persons,: upon tho Mitt
mortgage sceurities without any expense to 1.1iy„
nosier. Lauds for bale w �41utauua4i,ru tow Aorta.
Deuce-Isont'e Sleek, 5in4hatu.
4014TiSTA1.Y -.W. II. MMACDONALD. SF n ouAt4
Maker of Vuleauite, Celluloid. Alto~, •
Stine. Gold, o4 4 , . 4.e., Plates, ranging
ht prices front' tiiUU, ttttiralde per set
crownng and. brisigq.work. Teeth ex
trooted without the least pgate by a nee of Vital
ized Air. .Head Oliice, • Wlhghast Side entrance op.
posito the queen's hotel,, open daily (Sundays except.
cd) from We, in toop m. Will be at.Ilaytisever/ •
hal and 4011 hotel; Gerrie: uudy n4rd Mondays of each mouth -9.'.
Oftic4 at :Albion hotel. 2.1tteetiuir 46 cents.,
ENTUST1oY.- J S. AE1*Ol4E, W)$ufl0n,
Is Mao ufactuting Celluloid t4lptes
Vulcanite plated of the Lestu4atetie
akche,4p.asthey can be got'iu the
Uou4niou. All work warranted.
Painless extraction of tenth by the use of Steetrie-
ley or Vegetable Vapor. •
Teas 1 u'oiteis,-1 will e.Xtract teeth for `25, mints:
o °i' the
OFFIC ;, In the, Deaver Stock, pp t,fp h
Brunawlc Hotel
T:CiiSI lli[TIiiE,
t3E$ERAL INS1J:1ANO,T AtrIzFTwiesceace, Weser
1 01;14 COJNICIXQUA1.1,
tine ANn MAftli�li'y,
I1f;AN, .Ta., W48o1adte,
Olt xiltliON.
Sales attet{iled iu aIle part 4f the Co.. mimeo .
f UIIN t TJ.ItIrllr;, Witiossaar, Cx1.;
k ctame Aucfroatzen horn ;rum COVtTr 0>F
An orders lett ut the Timis Dolce promptly At eget
F od
00, 'Corms reu*1nable.
.L�fosenee aett mese . roe Cinemas riveter 81*e.
All llAloitsttended toprollpt1y tad on the 4hortte
'charges Moderato and satietsot1o'n OtlarenteCL
An )40oea844Y 1rrangetuente two be trade at I14
Tootle canoe
1;01.T014t dla HAWKINS
r; L. k 0. Sezivttreas alae Civu, late is
.4ISTOW1b1, auris wiMGltAlf.
errAtordteco lett et the °nice of the Tilos s wile re
Mawr prompt atteutro# Y .. .
*man 141'
tiTo41 a al% logo or Nail
r. p
"La Grippe"
Is 4dlllply epidemic IUSuenza • Wilsou's.
it l
W dGze canal !
r .lcure i
Get the gee zine, iu white f'Wrrappersutonly,
, ,tad use it as directed for Iuflueuzs,
Speed iu Ocean Travel.
The great drawback, saki Mr, Richard,
oue of the agentoof the Aanzburg.Ameri•
can packet et
C ab
R crossing
p -t
he ocean
quicker than we do at present is the ex.
•14enee ot coat, More poworfal engines could
be built which would increese the speed,
but these eugiues would require more coal,
The steamers of tile Hamburg,American
packet company now epu lat e° about 210 to
250 tons of coal a day ; if 1150 tons were
needed daily these seamen would be run
at a Ioss, for besides the coat and the vale
arable space required for the additional 100
toua of coal, more engineers, more stokers
etc., would be. required. But if we went
to and unlimited expense for the moot
powerful eugiues in the world, the gain of
time in crossing the ocean would not be
more -than eight or feu porus so long as
coal is used.
I have great at faith,how v
e er,in electricity
for some day or other taking place of coal
for the propulsion of ocean steamers, and*
when that is brought about they will be
run teach cheaper. The weight of the
*oat does not make the steamer slower;
that has nothing to do with it. Sonny -
times a
onne-times'a weighted steamer goes 'faster ,thau
one that is not weighted, ell depeuliug up,
ou the wield and weather,
Steemers can never go as quick as loco.
motives, because they have to contend
with water and air, whereas the 'railroad
cars ha 'o only air as a resistance. Assuming
the tnax,iintira speed of a locomotive to
be about sixty miles au hour over short
distances, it may be said that it goes
three tin
es as rapidly as a 'steamer, aI-.
though the average time made by the hob -
est limited express train is may twice the
average r n time made by a fast steamer.
"Lu, Grippe" or Influenza can be quickly
Cured by the use of Wilsou'sCotnpouttd of
Wild Cherry, the old reliable remedy for
1Sroueh1 tis, Whooping Cough, Croup,Colde,
Coughs and other diseases of respiratory
bystetn. Wilson's Wild Cherry has beeu.
on use for many years abrl zs highly rococo-
trieucled by all who know int virtues. Sold
by all prominent druggists.
Marketable Beef and; Mutton.
The last fat stook show held iia Ouelpb,
apart from the excellence of the abinlals and
of their feeding, lute some lesilona tot all in.
terested in live stook, The absence of aby
number of heavy cattle was a marked
eature: Ten or twenty years ago, there theseR
Were a whole.row'of massive. steers, three 141, Ox
e l i n
Y a
aS folio
been 0eautur many years. At this show $176,1
just plot, the feature of the cattle etleibit ford $6
*Its the long row of yearlings, steers toad
he: furl :til Doctor two years oirl,aad weigh, $600'1
cult ,uany ot th000 from ten to twelve Bun. Mand
Arte i. At au average of about twenty Liniit')
anotn.ust, 1,r the good old days the price
tela 1'Attach
++ ,-
a: r
I fret t
.. wag
t4 pG H
Or all ut ft 4
• Xt! fi seg -eats Pot bttlatece
p 1
aged that
et; !Flats
ate sold for
fled. The
l4 iioll: the
t the
'he ,ex•
Ill the,lat
Alder. We with to inform the public that we baro these
of flee Woob» ilep Jn ti 1 rue"idol; order, anti wet this
reason ithe tapeclnt attention to
a4 feed.
Jd Jty dri)lifi 0 of aaut 4y
.118404tlue, Warm* lett,
Etiroll Wolon MD.
teal, let C 4J STS,✓ WORK
well.fod �+�.�• WORK
lauild red lu ell its broncho..... d
at, and class of erstealase (roods, Such as
terl de• r
be pith/ �Y eti�ici,.1
s,an will keepInStocka
Reefing H'. tofs
while Blankets,
S eetings,
The Arises 4 at; Wer{,
Tile New York World tie
twenty dollar gold piece for t
answer to the question, bow
older should a llu8baud be the
wife. Out of many'inindteds, t
lowing won the prize :—There can be
no definite answer. Some men R•,
quicker than some women and Vy'^:,.
versa, CizetQtn and popular prejudice
say the wife should be the younger,
but the ntnjority of marriages shote
that • custom and popular prtjrldlce
are poor guides. Temperament, Intel
leer and, character are the ruling fac-
tors of wedded life ; compatibility in
those make marriage a success, tiro
want a failure. Extremes avoided,
similarity or difference in age has
tittle to do with a successful marriage
Love, born of respect and a kindly
heart, levels ate. In a marriage of
heart, l
a intellect 1Ie
r CC
0 character. h
a teCter, a dozen
years either way is immaterial. Love
will.alwaye ignore a moderate differ-
ence in.years.
A Keoip° for Ceatoat.
A cement that will adhere perf
to glazed surtaces,repair broken in
ale or in fact stick to anything,io
by taking two ounces of clear
arabic, one half ounce fine starch,
half ounce white sugar, Pulverize
marabic and dissolve it in as m
water as the laundress would use
the quantity ,of starch indica
Di!issolve the starch and sugar in
gum solution. Then cook the mixture
4)4) ,,�
Akins A retrospect of my thirteen or fourteen
4r, business in 11 inghant I desire inose 8oartfly to
erslly fort the nliberalpatronage extended o o me in
MO put,
1 may Woo state that I em in A position to offer
better liuluecmente than ever to ;hose requiring
anything; in the. Has of
Granite. or Stone Monuments,
STONE T. 114111NOS
FOR >rN,NCINO, deo
I would be pleased to have ihoaellesirou pro-
curing any articles in my line to call and examine.
goods, eanipare pri008 and leave their redeye, So that.
the goods may 40 secured mud prepared 0 trly Jn the
season, You can select from the latest feellsnm and
obtain the /Most srOI knianshlp at the moot 4avoreble
prices, most respectfully, yours
%Ingham, Ont, I
�~• rrtt
Wlshss to intimate to •t4*• peolea r,f ypltegbata
surrounding °oust* ttha4 bei hat Par41040
the hero** haeinny,i 111:toI0 aIrtlito
en by Maw>u, .4. J. 1JQmeth
IK Son, 14,111 will oi'aadreat it 1i the
building Otte door 114464114 of JA[r T A
heavy or T1gbt, made to, order.
4 full line of
Howe Mankato, Sleigh Sells, ,,pHipe
4nrrpcombs, Brushes, etc.,
alwayson hand.
-repairing neatly ena promptly done
(The patronage of the public solicited, and sahisla0'
Henan work and materiel truaranteed,
Wing/Hun, March 4 1800.
roll lr
Stocking Y"
arns, t
ne hest SVC., &C,
(made fro, a
emelt front pure warol only he
.) cheap for cash or ox• i.•
n; his
change for wool,
he fain Customers from a tiistancq can huY4 tbcirro a
home with than~ the sane cin~,
u Ill
the GEORGE THOMSON Proprietor.
a[4'iIigheet Market price An cash for Merchantable
INGLES t1;. COT., ,
$20 will buy the ODELL TYPE WRI"
1� TER with 78 characters, and $1,15 for
the SINGLE CASE ODELL, warranted to do
better work than any machine made.
It combines simplicity with durability, speed, ease
of opgration, wears longer without cost of repairs
than any other machine, Iles no ink ribbon to
bother the operator. It is neat, Substantial, nickel
plated, perfect and adapted to ail kinds of typo
writing, Like a.printing press, it produces sharp,
clean, legible m u
d an eori
ts, Two 0
p T r ton copies can
be made at one writing. Any intelligent person can
beam° an operator In two days, Weofer$1,COO
to any operator who can equal the work of the
Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special
nduceu4ents to Dealers.
For Palnphl)tgiving Indorsements, deo,, address
85 and 816th Ate CRICAOo, ILL.
I] :6)1 •
ted.r Lumber of -all kinds,
the First-class Shingles,
and Cedar Posts.
Car woad Orders a Specialty,
W000 delivered to any part of
tz'ordere by mal promptly attended to,
wingbam p,o.
in a vassal suspended in boiling water
until the starch becomes: clear. The
ce,nent should be as thiels. as tar and
kept so, It can. [1e kept from spoiling
by dropping in a lump of guns cam-
phor, or a little. oil of cloves or sasea-
another Automatic Machine.
The latest automatic contrivance is
a nickle-in-the.elot machine at
Boston, U. S ,. which confronts the
equestrian,who alights at the sidewalk
with the legend written carnes the
front : Drop a niCkle in the slot and
!.`11 held your horse. He puts in the
nickel, whereupon the iron hands un-
clasp, the bridle rein is dropped into
them, and they close again. On re-
turning from his business he finds his
horse still being held, but the first
legend lutd disappeared, and ill its
place is the inscription, in clieracters
of living hg(lt; Give me a quarter and
t'1i let him go.
Tan last report of the Bureau of
Industries of the province for 1889,
just published, shows that there • were
,784 cheee sfactories in operation, ' Of
uron had I6,13ruce wl,Middlesex
ford 40, Leeds and Grenville
Hastings 64,' Iialdiwaild 11,
d4 t
and Lincoln 4. the
s1f the cheese produced in the
e!(nunt►N% for the year 1889 was
We: Huron $199,078 Bruce
18, Middlesex $437,297, Ox-
61,768, Leeds avid Grenville
96, Hastings $470,852, Heidi -
00,123, Wellettd $17,452, and
ice. & Metntyte are selling the
of their winter stook at a great
on. 118 sire 11444 inspect their Ston k
and four years old, that would weigh etich
considerably over a ton, Thie year there
ryas one. Fifty years ago there were
uuiuza[s shown ou Guelph market that
wouldweigh from tweuty..five • to twenty.
eight hundred weight. Mane such have
pouter I.te wfligT4": 1 flit Mining .114 reseed
tint epythingie Where!' earl
,ce'ttf!,i 44nr 400lsl .v t., s. +-lead let.er; for if yeti W
is the time to paint your houses, and
ill the
Non) gen4tin0 Unless detailed "Rubber Paint Co,
Cleveland, Ohio," Wealsohave the best
Ca(1� Mind Pasats
Yen den get Any shade you desire, In quen itie4 •
110001444 from 10 cents up,
Por Wbitewitehing . and Mal,ominfn4, ask for
ALA )li
. +�•811
and don't take anything Mo
las. As
WiflghasClio u
Combines All Broken
And 80 are the prices of Goods We are bound to reduce our stock be
fore Stock -taking, if prices will do it.
Has been doing a rushing business for the last threeweeks and
r tin'•.
Sale still continues;.
Such Bargains Were Neuer Heard Of.
If you want a Remnant of any class of goods CHEAP, eonle and
see us. 500 Remnants of DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS, 'I'LA,.NIVtLS',
&c, must be sold at any price.
Goods all Marked Away Down
So as to give everyone a chance to secure a BIG BARr,AI11fi.
Cheap Dress Go od �-
Cheap Flannels,
Cheap Tweeds, • .. Cheap Overcoats,
Cheap, Furs, ,heap Blankets,
Cheap Carpets, Everything Cheap.
Come and see for yourself what we are' doing for Cash,
want, and for Cash Cash
You can Buy Goods Cheaper from
our Large Stock and have
a Better Choice. ,
We want to show the people how to SAVE MONEY. A dollar
saved is a dollar made, so just try us and save the dollar every time.
A Blessing to Every Household.
`These reiuecl4s have stood the test of fifty years experience, And are pronounced the best 911edieineo for
Fancily use.
Purity the blood,; correct all 44Aordcrs of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND I30'vEt9 end sr
invaluable in all eompiainte Incidental to 4eutales of All ages.
Is the Only reliable remedy ter bad lege, Sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FO1* 11110NC111t 48. Sods
DISEASE$ iT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured Only at 78, New Oxford. Late 5141, ()teaStrewn, Londe*,
and Bold by all Medicine 'Vendors throughout the world.
t. Purhltso0a should lhok.:t* the Label ell the Bosse and fats. If trite a4d'resa ha,
Oxford Street, Loudon, tbey firs spurious,
, , ................................„.............. ____......................................,......,,,
1 cuRE FiTs IF OUSANDStr1at s
it When 1 qtyy1 1 do net theta
JivJive tkemretarRa�,in, M MEAN 440Abf merelytr. snag mhe rathan,mid*
pitassayhen: ater,4aga 10I8�itne CAILCU ter Ihavese4dfetfeadlsett+c,tttr,ie
i, sal a efe-long study. ravair the ype +:ev t
won* eausea. Blrenttre tithe°'•! hot felled Is tib meet ler of HOW "', el,r + , ; ;;.,•
tefor it treatise anti a Peent woe* of its. 4r'f&tffbfei ibiritlplit•.•, a ,. L`;.'sr o
OMt\;*It b. f oft »eth8nat fc x *ring, x .4 4' win tater •..z•, ,.l
001 lob *wet 11441844tla s'1't i�ea., tilt0ftltia- MIs, +4i, %t