HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-06, Page 5eats 53,13e {d and asiallaalj it. Griffin* st',eottdeti toy that Mary Lucy, of ldlgent. insole roat,h, 1 of the .cuuuty, itta- nance committee. )f Jailer Dickson stated eighteen confined in the srxteern of whom are wo females. Nine of flute and three Insane. tl1 the escoptiml of one, n trial for murder, aro rinaltal;, 3 fur Irr[UM ion of George Connors to be allowed to. attain Agrioultur.a:l t)ulllge >a` an we referred to tlitr teen. front the cou:ieil of n, i;1 tefereete to this ' in Nude, etc , 'las reef co the siurcild coal. - 1 ae,;ounl of Air Tnbin a a hor.to thief was finance committee, tee, on.:Fur a grant to the.• 'r t eitltrCiaClt r, was aE 1't'fe1LV4it committee. n Joseph Whitely in fpplyiug the breed re% opera in the gaol woe tot nee committee. G rte r mi e , tom Mr Snell and others. r,dlnr'e license ' for .1Ct'er1; recinrt•d rate was i'e,. fiance committee. ni eft Mason re Tore: is referred to the special n../ Tom, 1 P S, was, a:wool committee. f tliit' road eornrnissioner eferred to the road and tee, rs for this county prittt4 cd to the printing corn - Pr Sauders, seconded hy. Ion, that the county destructed to procure tit ik rjo Salutes for this tr each reeve and deputy ouuty, and also a copy 3 amendments of tile: •r the Dominion for last to he the property er ❑turrlpllJalitiea3 Oa3'rir'd,. Er Millie, si ottird. d t;,y Sat iu view of 'the ser- acottvenienco'.oceasion-, tut, producers u[ grain, tiler •products . of tho ;h the itemiser er 'in ,ay eornp1Lnies.'to supply tired, this council is of ie Railway Act •shon:ld. as to teak it cotuput, rt of the railway coni- ly cars upon reasonable ,t the warden and clerk he Dominion Govern, r the appointment of la issiun with power .to ry tratica,. and - further telegraph at once to lrcil3 : throughout _title sting their co-operation; Messrs Manning 'tandT beallowa33cetr, mem incl!. to $.8 per day, wile palartes coiamittee, lid council, granted. the Its pile driller to the . uckers:nith, McLean, seconded •that the •resolution of eased at jhe:June teet- he allowitnoe to leek -tip 11,0Ao $5,, be, rescinded, Iter the sum of $10 per to eath looktip•lkgeper, le 'fwryl.ishes a certiti- 'eeve of the, tnunicipttlity • okup is sittutted, shots- ills and ,ceiling of the properly, whitewashed year,arr'd floor st;rebhed , t year, and the 'premises y ,itt a cleat ootid iintt. lutes committee. -y, seconded by J'obn;,, , tat of $3,000 he, .raisait., for .the itup,rovernent; fes in 'tile rospeetive.. elle said sum to bit. . !Toted by,br.0 ay .for. Tiro mater tsar rev ixanee aowitnittee on of • granting . btu3Oottifs utrtp rsonstabh 5 was jail and court; house Meerzitsky lowi1ine .. aund. t ;he sura of , *i2a100. ter`, ,+ ereetten of a Oaru,nliyv. le,.ofi the ter ..t, y *ht .Ir ` , itts Mead( ,. wild iept,, *red 'tYo• `k 'ids '11Y71Li `..'a. ". Brice rite nttute tt*' to the salvia rian.ittee, i4its Nowlin% tr ;d to nllxatiola oautraittee. fikiP4It'r or sreOran (7oteatia'Tflifi.. fellows was adopted R Petition. of Co, of Middlesex in regard to in. enactors of milk supplied illi 'cheese irtt;ttrries t I.deemareend that the pot;.. tion be not granted, as committee is opposed to elicit appointmr,ilte and that a Golly of this resolution be sent. ,to the Lieut -Governor in Council and to the members for this taoitnty. In the petition of Co, of Oxford respect. ing eontrol.of gaols ; Recommend that the petition be granted. Appiieation. of George Connor to he county stud- ent at A I College; IZrrcoulineuet that no notion be taken as we have .a etudent there at present.. 1.33 re Torrrus laud slystem ; That no action be taken. ,ItaPORT oT FINANOit CO3G3rITTLi,, wee read, Mr McPherson in the chair. Itotion of i,'roudfoot and Sanders-.,. That account of John Aclreser,: it3 80, for matting, etc supplied the Registry ' cake be paid.Lost ou a division. 13alanceof report' was adopted as follows: A i3 Uorneit. fnrnicure,, etc. to Registry t , '30 Hart C Sc C. •]looks t'A Division Court, $5.10 ; .l ohn Gill, Exeter, $10 ; 1 lit' ltrL{rs ?iasis, 450 ; E Leahy, lookup, Seafbrth, $IO.; John Dlitulrell, for six aeeks' 5. keep of John A Mitchell, $1550 ; D f •ordon, Lrtriul cxlrt+nases of Mitchell, $18 Win; ham Axle -arms, $I.50 ; L ,deriub Star, $7,16 ; Jolrn Ainsley, ssuuariea, $5 18 ; township of Morris, foir keep of glary klays,$48 ; Inspector gni, sundries re exftalivations,$15,y1 A NI mire, gaol snpplre'r:, $15.4.0.. Motion of Stothers and Uiryin--. Passed i'iLSb that John iatMvPi]aon and Robert %1u lin be supplied, each, with a pair of hau.leuff.l, and that all county constables he supplied. with a pair $;300 is granted to Agrir:ultural and 11,ortici3ltural s"oiebes of the connty. Thos Downey, $2.50 for repairs to 14ilter Creek bridge;.• John Brophy, t5 75 Exeter Tithes, $1 ; West Huron Teachers' 'Inv itiite, ,$25 ; D Robb, E B.oron Scheel .Inspector, $88,98 for suudril's re examinations; (1 Hihbler, lock-up at Crediton, S10 ; (,]intoe Now lira, $7 ; Clinton News. Record, $1 John lute, 'lock up' at following substituted : That Auction- (>odt''.rich, $IU; 3) I itieuren, a county eor's License be $12, and that the tivdtci, $t00 per annum ;.on appllcutiun' Liceese year shalletltt ort the 1st of December In each; year, mid this;; by- law shall take r'ffect.froai 31st Jaw cry, 1891 -.Carried. Girvin—Stuart-•-That wire]] • this council adjourn it adjourn until the first We'cluesday in June—Carried. ItoAD AN•D. BRIDGE knrorm Recommend that Jamestown bridge be rebailt'rie soon as. practicable, the structure to be of pilo ,abutments and ',Queen Tress" plea. That Menzie's bridge, between Grey and Fame., • be. rebuilt o13 the :same -plan as Jamestown one. That the {.;oufinissioner snake the necessary repairs referred to in his report, and that his report be printed k the minutes of tins council —Adopted. senooL` A:iD PRINTING REPORT Recommend that 450 copies of the 'Combined normal reports of the county Inspectors of Public ' Schools he printedfor circulation "among Trustees and Teachers, and that the Inspectors leave furnished to them 100. printed schedule forms for the purpose of obtaining information from town- ship Clerks. That no action be taken in the petition from the Council of Leeds and Grenville having for its object an increase in the Legislative• grants to Public aticl High Schools, and to kine Councils power to enlarge or change,,, High School Districts. That the tender of J) McGillieilddy for the County printing be accepted. sUPPLE5it;N'.^AItY PENANCE rrroRr. Manning—Biseett-',That instead of clause of f3urtnes deport recolntnotttling a graut of $12,000 for a 'County House of Refuge, that this Council agree to provide $8,000 for said puri pose as soon as any ln.anicipality or person agree to 'give a like sum,. including tiro government grant for the i3amo purpose—Crlrried, Beacom—That' $15 be expended on flowers and plants around rite Court House tiering . the c trragt year— Carried. ear--- , , ( nrried. 'Cook--Oliver-• • .hat the finance report be.o;rnetidedl and that. the WW1 of;$8,000, 9ouudarya rpeopria- ticli be granted as , pr r rnot1on, and that such grant be paid to ,tho tespeo., tive ]coal tilutlicipal trt'asurrtiain the c'runt, f---oa>;ried, Torrance' ,I 1i McLean --That tlae Warden and Olsrk prattler, the Local Legislatorto nnnnd the a,seatitnPh1. Act to 'that. township councils may pass by laws In rx',utl or commute the same ion . ui t . seep, wltico a ear e7 jaettrli tura +e more than eoui3terbalanoea by the under expenditure in the other aa000nnte. The total fuexpended iii` $58849.4. Only one note and that for Sa000, was fliNOOunte.d. 013 the .310 of lfeceixtber titin note had beenraid and there wee a balance in the bank of $9,723.80, t9A> ARIi,H OriallalXTTI:R. aaeofty Was adopted us follows a. -..'That Inr11c- 9111-aati• The Directorrr of the Cu i'.oaa Altatual Fire Ira urance Company met in the town ]tall, Teaswater, 8,1st, Jan, 1801. Members all present, except I%1rReed, who wasabsent owiug, to sickness. Af.iuutes of hist regular: meriting, as. also of special meeting were read and adopted. It Was moved by Kirkland —.Armstrong—That ell applicatiooe for insurance he laid before the Board MOR AGE' SALE Valuable .. al L. tate• • a IiPI TOWS pi of C•talros$'r in oho chary of LLur'on. littered Under a PoWer of /deco/gained in a cortatn Rer ON, to the Y ndors, wr by s rid by t t1BI W AUC: AUC- TION, at the CIF;t1+S QTEL, tt, Ow Town of WII DUASU On Tuesday the I' daya at 1.,30 n clock '►. . na n H e or tract o 1 and and pro,i,isea alto e, 1ylnN and. brio is the Tow i a .ruga coli• y Wiling rrer alit Hftydour.nares, be the sante Wore sr lees, bean, composed of Lot number oI' thlrtyflvo, in the Brat Con 's5Iotr pf tho said Towe- about 14 a res areAunolea 4 1. >.A,i. ex excellent a Frame n Hank Born. 80260, Soleil chard, a The soil is a elm, Iowa w Hood 1411 Fences, a good 1 le,aiity and dietaut trot Wingbatm six tiles. a good TERMS AN a' CONDITIONS. fFa thorfirarticulars )Id be in deyknown to be at iihetlwu et Selo, or May se' ;.: certain : I on application to ALIA T 0, J1:Fk'ERY, Voudors' Aelicitor, I I,onaou, Ont. up keepers receive $10 per annum in. for ' xa,rnu sago-- Oa tied. Little—o„l t of r of r k of rs as receive $10d et: the Jttue A'iv ti8iae-rl,'Gat having examined. •ty w iyr 4iia ' 1i llel.v; psrfahold raes0 srsslan by Mr rPorrt<i3oe"s rnoxicu, applicaitions and found tLez3t trxtisfac] nehlpoto a sl 1 the esu,; pareel K f lrltl intnity of rgPtnf,ers w Axed t tory ilia Yresldrrfat and riQq' t t3 mrbr adaneas, f B , wee xe a , . rear $8. per day, eummeuoing with this shall.prepare: and issue policies f session. Request of High (C'ongteble saute, -Carried, .LittteT--l►1cliague.- ailulfrty for raise of salary yo $125 per :'!hitt in accordance with resolutio annum to I,e reported on at June pas;ied' at annual meeting of 100session, January, ' re B 0 Wilde's clams Mannino ---•Briber pent mess" the treasurer ie instructed to pay M DIc1..reatr and Prondfoot be added to /Vitae .the sum of $4Q0-•-iu lion o committee ou revision of ruled govern- said clam", and an payment of said int; the donned, carried. Sum to get a receipt so framed that an farther reference to this ]natter sial R1.r PolLT to GOA;', AND .Covibr Roost . be unnecessary --Carried. Little- aaatntiTree McKague•-•.,That the beasure r is here Was adapted as follows; --That tilay by instructed to withdraw from the find the jail clean and tidy, the prison Batik of Hamilton, Winghanl, the ere satisfied with their treatment and auto of i¢20-_Carr'►ed. Armstrong-, th at certain supplies requested Llla b3' the gainer and matron be Wright, the sheriff be supplied with a tel phoue.- t1'litt. certain alterations be toede to wind•rtwr ees.h of Court House, and a new gate bo placed on South entrance. That Sat dralna, e ofgoal premises be loft until June session, That new carpet be isle dt)wu fn the Court room. That Clerk Adamson continuo his efforts to get Matthew Sheppard into some Poor House until this county has one of its own, Shep- pard's pension to be used for his keep as far at it will go. That Cotirtttid Little—That polioy No 1884 be can el andt t. that Secretary clada t3 c.ea• t I notify Y pArt tes Interested—Carried. The agents of the company complainer. that their fees, we too small. Kirk land--McKague-That Msssys Ire land, Haldt+ni.andBatton y be appoint ed agents (each in their present re- spective districts) and that in addition to their present fees, they shall it future beallowed], from the funds o the Company, the snip of tweety five cents for each application satisfactory to Directors—Uatrriod', Kirkland— Arnmstrong—That Alex Adanson 'be stoner Ainsley Beet tip pltkns for r'ap91poinited bes9ataryLTreasurer for the eulargrnaent of Dir . Mc1)cwald's 18, salary set:lr as preciously room and vault, %u this ()mitt lsouee, Uarried. Kirkland nd --- Arrllstroug— and hatio the same ready for the June That a by-law be prepared by Secre,. Meeting, That Mr Ainsley also draw tary (to be introduced at nextrr';;uier up plans' for water closets in caretak rneeting) defining the salaries t.f Di• Private Residence ° for Sale, Air S. R. 001ty it r. befog abort to civet/I) hoses gTa keopinl olfo'rsherPrivateBeetJe,,,, for Sale ill property ie gltUated on the corner of John and :VAtingle straete, winghnum, aa,d constets, of two•Ofthe an cera of ]and, upon ,vhlch fe erected te ane Twp. Storey Fr,,,, Houe , tvith Nt a Ro6ros 1105 Air Furnace, e Bard d n a , d bolt Water, t p drU. nl' t a goes a s r, tt, b a. F terms trite ,4 o. apply' .or rte to rcrnfsars t p v f' mut R. COftNya, oe to Id. DIMS. ol1 S"' 1.,. • 0) i -M.D .Ag,L.0.P.B.►«r ., ec s room and for sewers sufficient to. ,rectors anda other paid ollitsials of the sluice closets and lay thein before tl1 Company, and that by law No 11 ba Warder3, (ilorli and. .'Neve I'rourif"Ot repealed—Oari'kL'd. Arrnst.roug-- for their aypriival and if.suitable that , KB tills Board do vox^ ad- tenders for salve be lard before Cotins `aourrt til meet again in Teewater town oil.' at the June meeting. hull ottthe last b'aturday o.f .4'ebruary, tl'roudfoot—Bisset - That certain 'tt o'cloClc plir--Carried. former by-l;rws be repealed and theALEXtlnaltisox, Secretary. Wet ha,vt "been. having:quite a severe blizzard since a couple of days, which feels `unoowf•rrtnble airier ro ,uuel3 ntili3' weather. -,,How much did yon get for your potsctoes,iis tire:, geiaeral- salutatiou among. fitrglers just rice.. Building. 'operations' 'Ti1ihe pretty T forfeit 'ilia season, tift4 :. Marshall is ;making a,r Temente *to put up a large bit•tr, w.h stone • buselfibut, and Air W Dawson ,is going to add to: and: -raise Itis barns, but Mr Stoliie, on the fourth,is making a Clew' 'departure. He limo bought a•.iarro barn in Tees anr3;a►ply; wbenall others ftL3lerl;" of 'deputy reeee•Ke,rr, of 1i'irai h+tut, E card J Sadler were made . wards of the ,tore .ty mitt granted'. $80 per year each. Treasurer rr,p.>r'ted • that the County ;I.t etstr t; had paid all •fees, Motion of Gatlin and .Stothere--- was passed granting Mary Lucy $100. tryear as ward of the county ; T S rl'obiu, of,.Stratford was allowed $20 for arrest of .a horse thief ; a grant of 410 was paid to Prisoners'' Aid As- sbciation,.Toronto; $10 each was pass- ed for fade -up keepers --J Davies, Blyth:; J 13rebbour, Wroxeter; Gee . X ettypiceee, Winghe lir ; Brussels ;: W a, Clegg, Goerie ; \V J Paisley, Clio, - ton : lio,-ton: 13russols I'i;at, $1 ; L'I McGrattau 'Wood to Court House, ' $27.50 ;: W Baker, for keep -of.1) Xiinsulata, $5.50; ;it`raser &.Porter, stationery, $99.50; (xudericli Signal, $16.50;; Buchanan & Go, lumber,. $3 85; Hsrt & Co, 'stationery, $14.45 ; G N David, hard- ware for gaol, $13 89'; J Saunders & Soft, $2 92 E Huron Teachers' "In • atitute, $2:1; J Carey, gaol, $1.50 ; J 'Walker, gaol, .$8 ; G Grant, court house supplies, .,$'17.10 ; S Davis, keep elf Clads Liugarcl, $4.7.27; 1T, Tich- bourne, court laouse,$2 90; +'xpasiter, $G ; that no bomldary approprktion he made; 1+ 0 Neoli'n, county print- ing, $87.70. Motion of Ro'lins and Mannino— That $12,000 be appropriated for Oaunty 11Atlse of. Refuge . was not stlstait3ed. County Clerk to order •supplies for court House, Gaol and Registry office, and obtain tenders when practicable.: Treasurer's etate- teent, certified lay ;Anditnrs,; to. be printed in minutes. Dlortgaages held 'by county for money loaned are 'found to be duly registered and titles, eta.., aye certified by solicitors. No , change haviing ooeurred ilr security of Tres- t+urer, special reference tothis. le cleferrEd until June session, The County Treasurer reported that Chore lied been ,received eif invPst- n3ents,formeriy made the suin of $18,- (175, and there has been 'mined out on mortgages of feria property $24,410. '`X'Iia total itlyr+sttneitts at the, cud of the year were $132,227; wait a bal. truce at,.the credit of the sinking fund at'eount awaiting investment of $ , 870 72 The mortgages of 1890 all bear iuterisitt at the rate of f,, per cent later antrum, and sincethe oloso of the. :v!'Oi $7 Lir) adrltrtona:l luie heen loan. t ,i tit 1 lrw 5,1111,' t'i,t.• of ti,ttiri:ti`, hair finer] all over axpt'nrl tuts Iii Mar` s,ssaanrn• t.t :7ver.a feri..d net exeeerhug s iwrtntra, Tit: arinrinistration of jm-torr, list• yr•.tre-.List by a majorityirf 1f, . 14I.S. EeLxuir., ##1.4#,,###Lit aunt >ta.• ^'i' ,'Council a.t ouivretl,,, "rf 1111 M. G. P. 'r ' •rosy THg SCOT SPECIALIST, TORONTO, ®Oa ton+txoa3slIts1 tesf +w roa or buy se* loge, the market to dt, a2! 17!7 t .' oplw that may be of ased; alttia, to good mound les Vh* be the ZETT,IAND 11 L As I an) not bound by any rxassblityt $ not lit liberty to take all kinds of sittleir ,sd and pay' lull valga tar tboplhard ,or Bringortwooalong sols• loge. GSA. 11031 SOX Zetland, Deo. 80th, Mk, a EO ^LE'8 OPULAR AflTiES TO British h Columbia WASHINGTON Oregon and California eaave r o L ',C onto 11.m. o e p uFrid ay, as under: 1891 FNMA R'Sf' 6, 20; ' MARO 16, 2t). 891' $fi$NiNQTHRQUGH TO VANCOUVER WITHOUT Cft$o For Berths and all information,. apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent. LOG, LOGS, L!: Specialist for thet] treatment , r f all • Chronic Diseases Tlie Undersigned are i ^r! ra `t ,pa y.• f II psi •d,.o,p. Private Diseases. tine 3 (Ch1 A Rioted P d. ..S ISiesasos of the•13tairx and Nerves 1 Diseases of the Heart arnd. Lunirs For aitl k1,145 otOoe4 Sound a, And Diseases of Women poli.HARD' wN': ,w. tlVely Ti'eateclBtLceessfu11y. DeliverattettheirMilt1ard'tnWineliarri. Also for. Jonathan Tiaacliart ,'stow 1 • e' y I s• ey and property . to no -purpose on for what they termed a hopeless cabe of consumption, TQM' SAWING - cured . ' tf cured in t} su option, Dr. Sinclair Me.' none at LowesyirayLrK Pr]oos, and . MPS. Mary U urlong, .Woodhouse S•..GUARANTEED.,U a, , ATISFACT'tON says : "When all others failed,. 11. Sinclair mired me of fits,' W. Ne,Utrnaldr .Lakeffeld, says: T --P.1,111 "Dr. Sinclair aired ire, of 'a L catarrh." Constantly on hand.,' Sinclair cared wood, Lath a Pri Barrels. adjoining Poste. tki'eCl mP .Uf heart disease Wood, ace Cull and get pr,ees.. klui .adfuinIn; U,_ says After .spending all to aloin ey therCoret. , Alt -ki hde of Dre'sed and Undressed Geo. Rowed, - Blyth, Saye; "lir. Also us T. 1L,, on Shuter St. " water, 'alr'sady . built, 'and finished. Diseases of pri vti,te nature brought Query -How is be going to get it on by folly, lir. Sinclair certainly home, five oi•'six mirex? The ulldrr`• rctlt'eta. taking will be watched with ititerest• CONSt L , + Sortie of our young; men, ill their. TATIq T FIiLL. little sleighri iing excursions, occasion,' DR STivTC,LA[R, t>vi11 beat:tile QUEENS.HOTELf Win Barn' ally get "left," At least we . kerne, tulles see an outfit on the road without au occlt.pant, nial:iog extraordinary time to thir,tune of'fiolneward Bound,' `Messrs J McRae and t3<, Adamson are tins week auditing the books of this nrriilipality. Settle are anxious- ly wnitin4 for their report, W IN Gliem MATiItI+,TS. Watortee, Ireb.3, 1831. Corrected h,y P. Deans, Prance Dealer, ' 'otir per 100.1un, & 2 60 to. 2 60 Wheat heat per bushel, 0 02 to 93 3prina rants, Barley Peas; Butter, tub do Balls, Eggs pet dozen tl sod_ per cord, nay per ton, Dressed Flogs 0 02 to Os 40 to 41 O0 to 04 14 to. 14, 14 to 14 2to 1 25 to 1 60 600 to fire - 6'00 to 000 TEN,POUNDS Et TWO' WEEKS "KINK`.uFIT At Hash Pro neer thorn earl bo no:questiots but that COT 'S LSI:il Of Pore Cod Liter Oil and E1ypephosphites CH hits] And SOOD ill it!i ottt iw sial.. ny bay.lifter titre;" a daft y th► tirarrt CONSUMPTION., C/10111 d t1M _ 1 tlwtt"Q 1 Teo, A' AL OF s 'nait'9; rt ON FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1891 NEW BUTCHER SHOP. ' G O. 41:I.A.Vit wishes to intimate to the,.people of Wlnl;hans anti vicinity, that lm has oouhnenced the ttutelree1n8 Business ng,7in, and.has opened out 'lithe OId Stant], a few doors Norte, of the Strut/svick Bocce. STEA`.. aLX , 10c.perEl ; 16A ll, 100. per a lb. And Other Moate; In. 1pro'Qpiortiwuntt.on,,sonte as hoe as. 5c. 1 SAUSAGES, &c,, always on hand. Meats delivered:to any part e4 the tat4a.. Tho Patronage of the public solicited. GEO, SFtAW, A B R zoo. a Quart, at the A". Q tips i," JOHN' XEMEL LOST 000. tRRORE Nittivtound aid SIse arum i0 10 p far the 4,0h al Jamey. The owner aro taut teniRRIt4irk t e pertiart+ McLean ez Son, , ltrtt,glaiut; Ont. TEM OLD .&EL1A LE.. if. tFIELD', k. r Wishes to state that be is;aefin; frrst•cla.ii iifp^,ra ob x31 !unap atlow In price as anyone else in WI/ FRESH DEF. PORK and LA. always ou baud. • SADSADES, HEADCHEESE., sr il t4t,5wi Ccc,, oti Plana in Season.. As usiral; meats delivered to an parts of tiro town. Remember the shop --Opposite the tank .of Iianditos. ¶Vinrl,et^, Ncl, veutber 501500, J' G. FIELD D Money to Loan. on Notes. "Totes Discounted • AT Ivl's'tr.,^>ONALiLB ltA'.ESS• Money advancrd on Tfor•Gtagea at et per ceu,t. oath . privilege of paying at the end o aay year. North and accounts esteem. ROUT. AIoT11T3Dtitt. on'kfen,-Reeser Block. Winchani, Ont„ , watovED I R MOVED j'; i have romoved sty sewing Mastatne ,lttaslftt,ees in,, 'tomtit/ s.I3lock. dirocilg oppposite tale ttAnkmf.Tutu- Ilton, where I will ]tep a.futl stock of tiro: • Celebrated DAISDefiVilli!!18eYrilialla»' As well ars p555 of thie0W. tet littalr,. Can supple morrtltoa, Otis and Repairs Ios a1k?IOW of clewingMatefinsse, . :As' I Intend )o.btarta aittof alt Ki da n flosibr Cueto,n,3rsHan have'bhet told/lei Attd, tts4 in First Claw Style and the .xtartsee$WAR is,sotton gt,aranteed. r '.• ' r y Willat9p h stole etzNe l ha (bei 1b him wot7 sole aut'raataooi wla 55