HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-02-06, Page 4Sw4s .: 4 PAD - RUG 1S .: P. R. TICKET AGENT, MO, H. W. TELEGRAPH CO Brunswick House, Ingham, - Qat Otingijim pRTDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1891. K 0 Cameron, ttxeM P, and J T G row M P P, gave brief adds ng 'iti1,e a fterheen, which were of ee most appiriited ofttore. G'htt.ifteformete' of West JEresl were MVO: so united and anxious, fat' the Battle s,l; the polls:' a o;; the.preeent oecaaioo, 1•aDIWOltUAt1 NOT,GS. Cita•atts 'Ener enon, the noted English. Radical, died on the. 80th ult. The Oxford County: °Minch has re• solved to ereet a comity pope house, to cost net more than $15,000. Mn E inw .p NNAGGE, of the. G T R, has visited.Qwen Sound and alumina. ed that tlia,,cotnpany is prepared to build a line From Hepworth .to that town •f a sufficient bonus isSranto d. Ix is said that the Conservatives of this Riding will hold :a convention at. Rrussels, on Tuesday next, 10th rust, to select a candidate to contest the Riding in their interests at the corn- ing election for the House of Commons. Among the names mentioned as prob. able eaadldates are Messre; Wm Clegg and II W 0 Meyer, of this town, : Trina- Dominion Gevernntent has de - ceded to establish it number of dairy schools throughout the country for the purpose of improving; the 31a011,ade of butter, making now in vogue, Corel: res. Loring-Canada'to'its old prsiticn of. fine butter, The basisupon v1iitilt thedairy sohonls will' be operated is quite simple.. For the current year itis proposed to estabiis'i one school iu ettch''of the leading. provinces. At these schools everyone wouldbe wek. comp and the greatest care will be taker to explain each step in the pro- 'cesti_ beim, carried, on. New, small, and fancy varietiesnf chbese would be, made. •Methods of developitg fine flavors would he investigated and dem. oristrated.,` Butter would be made during the winter in partieular, so that the statione,woold be in opera., tion 'the wear round;: The stations Would ,be. Ymoved periodically. That is to sa_y, after a station bad been in operation for a year or two in one log, cality, mid it had been found,that alieesetnsikers and individual €armers had availed tliennrelves of, the pr;iyil, eges; it, would be tnoved to another section of the eu"untry. LIBERAL CONVENTION. convention of the Liberals of. the Eat Riding of 1Turoe will be held, in the Tewn Hall, Brussels, on Monday next, 9th instant, at l.o'ctoukp m, for the purpose of nominating a candidate. to Contest the Riding in the Llbertll intert>st, et; the forthootniug, election :for the House of Commons.. .}clow, ick, Wroxeter,Turnberry, 't'irtghtim, 111 orris, Grey, Brussels and Blyth municipalities eonstitue,the East' Rid, ing of Huron. Each polling division is entitled to • send four : delegates to the meeting. A, pnblio, meeting wilt. lie held in the Town hall, 'Drusselst on Monday evening, to whiclx the public generally are invited.' Dr. Macdortald,and other, prominent Be•, formers will address the gntherin . I'ART,IAMENT DISSOLVED,, Acting, on,the advice of his lees • ta; onsilile: ,111iJru istera the Governor- general has dtsseived. the el --rote of Commons, and tla Cerny 'halve . le issued for a nr election, to be held ,...„„..,41,5400Aiogiarchnext,the nominations to he held it week. earlier, February 20th. The reason given for the, :aap-' peal to the people before the r:eguar _ time, is that, the, Government; are anxious to get.t ie opinion of the peo- pie es to the extension of our. 'com4 inertia with the tInited Slates. It is .quite evident that,Sir John saw, the trend of popular, feeling,, and; 'he trimming his sails and expects , to e into power agsiti on the reciprocity ve, behoves. the friends , ogr the arid- cause, .whose platform is .free and fair tradewith our neighbors, to the south of its, to use every legitimate ':effort to place .men in the neat Dominion Parliament who will,support that platfor'm•.. ti WEST ETJRON. ' The a an& e&l;aneeting of the FL'est Huron I'Lr form Association was held txt Goderich on the 4th inst President Manning in the chair. A strong °e- presentation of delegates was present, The work far , which , the cony onion ewescalled was to elect.ofyicers for the. itartuiutr year and to select delegates to M. mud' the Ptovinoiut, convention •ttt r. tiro. Fellow.ing are the officers ted :--'resident, A H Meaning, nia Sect'etary, Wry Lanes, Dun- ; 5un..; treasarer, E .Martin, (code-' T;ie oheireeen of the wuniei,p al - were re. -elected. 113.0Mork of trrrizatioh wait then proceeded and strong committeve were reed hi every polling ettbdivision.. question of nominating a eendie was next taken up, and it was ed to pall a ootiveat on al Dip) on, on Thursday next,i2th ist,to ate a candidate to Contest the rg in the Reform interest Tire (di mitt held at Gaderieh was as Phustste'tiq arta, •nd ,rt rs gramme war} v. ell carried out Antl hip . e lenor- 44e44"r , $f 1a . Derr . g t l g Quartette Olub, a." ouple of solos 1ty Mb a Geddes., reoitatious liy Misses Ishiater, Geddes, and Onollean, couple of ;otos by Mr J 1i Friend, and readings MS Gtoc y. Glbyits> rlwarrrP ,*•ra Mc Ir Wea Dent ly and Miss Serail Gently, of Blyth, went visiting here last week. ---A number of our ynuug people, wlin were,epenclrnk a few days Stanley, have returned and report having had a jolly tune.- -The eevere. wound received by Paul Powell on hie turn is now almost heeled, so diet he will soon be at work again.- Mr Goo 13ently, of Denver, Col„ shunt a few days Beta last week t isi Ging friends andthe scone:,, of Iola former life, He has not ohanged much since he left, some two years. ago. George is of thn opilticn that TTncle Sam's dontaius for excel Canada, in giving a: start to youngmen of,euer;y and anlbitioh. "This, no doubt, is true, as hia own experience in.school teaching and busi- ness, i'ts usi-ness,;;as well,as that of others, has proven that there are more ohanees to wake a start that) in Qauadie--The annual tea.nreetingie connection with the Oongregetional church, held Wed- nesday, Jan 28th, like all others. held in that church, has 1ree,1. a dheidrd success. The weather .and sleighing wereall that could he desired, as by the riulnher who attended. it, addition to the splendid weather, the people were provided withan excellent repasst,to which all :appear to. have dene- ample juetieo. Following; the too,, was an excellent musical and Tit, erary entertainment, ',the music was furnished by the`11lisses Watson, and Mr Scott,, of Yin ;hanr, and was veru' rnuph appreciated by the audience, who always responded with .tt hearty encore. The several; Rev G«'ntienron present ;aye snorer and, splay addresses, which kept the audience in petals of laughter. Proceeds, of the evening amounted to $60. .A social for the S . S children was held the following evening: Gienannan. Miss Powell, Of t1.e Gth eon, was last week visiting friends on -the 10thi can.--Glenarinan, too,is in the tront as a musical centre. Mr Skilling, music teacher,,Teeswater, has a vocal. music class of upwards of 40 impibers, and is gathering geldeu opinions as a teacheri—Our literary society lain full blast; The tiekt meeting White held on Friday ,evening; as *nal, The snbleet for debate will' be -i' '"Aremen more intellectual "'than , 'Wornen ?" .Aiiirreetive, Me Robcrtsone; Negative, Mr .Iiartleyr Should• z''ttir Robertson succeed in carrying.,. the affirmative, that in esifrts, talepk,or ntti><inwueht, 'woman is infevi r,toman, the; ghosts of,•.departed female worthies, Bach as, Mrs Soibervilte,.in Science, acid George Elliot, in the field of . novel` writing, Will haunt hint as he sleeps, and woe betide hint. when like the,frog of the song, he goes acourting:--A skip ort the light fantastic carne oft at Mr Rob• ert llhir's,on the evening'of Friday last,. so that beels,, voice and brain are all well represented in this neighbor, hood.,=-ri )rete is a talk of':a court of Canadian Order of Foresters being in- stituted here, 'We hope,tboir endear- ora will meet with every,sueoess, • • East 'tiliawanoeb.. At Me. E. Lenmex's;ettle, on Friday last; everything sold well, the stock. especially bringing good prices. -A happy event took, place be the church at Westfield lately, when pr. 'Thomas Boo enbrielge, of Markham ,was united in marriage, "to Mee Fairey, of West. Bala: The church.was crowded to,the door; to witness th4 ceremeny, The Rev ltlr Swann soon pronounced theist Man and wife, After receiving the usual congratulations; u large number retired to Mr Jos iloover'sand spent the:evening in a very enjoyable man - Dere` the an-Wer..`the happy couple left for their home oa.Fridayy tlay loin life and Happiness lie theirse—Ale J M Currie, of this township, has recently, purohas., ed a• thoroughbred Ayrshire ball from.. Mr. Thos Gay, 'of' Oshawa, a noted breederof •this ,ttlass of rattle: The, brill ill coining two_yars and is i. very., fine aiiinaral and ie petered in the 1r er,. book as,General ;(•Mrdon,,ywo 872.. Itis• Currie Oho purchased' a thotoughbrerk. Ayrshire heifer calf ;from the genie herd,, exam (out Ceitsege Ingham two, i minrinte, viz Tt> agli y, 271, Jaatiary, urstitint to statute, trier Adamson to the chair. ,All the mein a hers were present, with the exception of Geo McKenzie, reeve of Winghaw, who was prevented by illness front attending the meeting, After the neter.here prt'eent bast presented their. eertifioetes of election, the clerk caged the roil and then regneeted the corm- cif to proceed to the'etetstion of their weirden, li ° laGtg k MIA ti registrrtr;-• avtcd' i'Tosr tivauce e. Ale • DIovod i;' r Mr Griffin, sacoud.ci by Mr' Stothers, that Mary Lucy;, of Ashfield, an indigent. insane person,ltr become a ward of the county, Re- ferred to the finance cOmmittee, The report of Jailor Dickson stated that tl.ri'e are eighteen confined in rite. jail at present, sititsen of whom ora males and two females, Nine of them are vagrants and three insane. rhft others, with the t xcN,punn .of one, alio h awaiting trial for murder, ' aro serving; abort srutaiut;es fur minor offences. An application of George Connor, t tr Chiselhurst;, to be allowed to attend the Provincial Agricultural College as a cranrtty ; tnr1ejj w^ s referred to tier • spc .Cal catriuut tee, A circular from the coq; .il of North Toronto, in tefei' , e to Ilio sulr•divisiorr art farm lauds, etc was read and reforrt'1 to the spool al coati •• rn tree A letter awl account of 1: Mr' 'Tobin for the arrest et it horse thief was referred to the limurve eetuuiittee, A» application Eur tx grant to tUo. Prisourr's Aid to ii ooiattan utas referred Lair the delimit! committee. A letter front Joseph Whitely it? ro omen to suppiyiug the bread re- quired for prisoners iu the . gaol was, referred to the finance committee.. A petition from r?lr Snell and others requesti1 a pedlar's license for Fred Jossman at a reline d rate was 1`e•. ferrFd to the the ace cousnittre. A petition f ui iMr l:Eirsm ro `Torte: rens system was retorted to the special, committee, A letter.frotn. J E Tom, 1 P S, was. referred to. the s:ltool committee. The report of the road eornntii sio.nor was read and referred to the road and bri.ge committee. Three tenders for the county piste ing were referred to the printing. cone. inittee. Aloved 1iy Mr Seeders,. seconded lty Mr McPherson, that the county clerk. is hereby instructed to procure to copy' of the Ontario Sittutes for the .present year for eaph reeve and deputy reeve of this bounty, and luso a copy -. .for c:atih of the amendments of the: criminal law of the Dominion for last year, the same to be the property r. ( rhe respective rsrunicipttlttie s,—Orkrried,„ Moved i'y 1 [r Milne, si'ohi,cled f1, Mr Graham, that in view . of 'the ser- ious loss and in convrriienee' occasion-, ed to dealers and. producers of grain, ,Iurrt.tier and other products: of the oodotr•y through the neglect or in ability of railway companies to supply cars when required, this council is • of opinion 'that the Bail way Act •should be amended ao as to mak it eotupul•. sory on the part of the railway com- panies to supply cars upon reasouabla notice, and that the warden and clerk memorialize the 'Di iiinion Govern. meat asking for the appointment of .a railway commission with p,wer to regulate railway ti•tttiitt,..anct further thtit tire clerk teli,;;raph at once to the other. councilo . throughout this, , Province requesting their co-operation, --Carriod, A. notion bg Messrs Manning 'anti Kayo to raise tits allowance . to mem- bers eem- bers'of the council; to $3, per day, wee referred ,to the salaries committee. (:fat motion the conned, gratlted the , use otithe county piledriver • to , the township: of,Tuckersinith, Movedby, DI ' )McLean, seconded by,Ff:.;Graham, that the resolution of Mr Torrance passed at the June rneet- ing;,.reducing the ailcwnnc:e. to lock-up keepers.from $lb o $a6, be; rescinded,. and .that hereafter the suint of $,10 per . annum be paid to eaten locknp.kgeper, provided that he •tarnishes a oerti5- cate Prem the reeve of the. tnunielptrlity in which the lockup is sit:anted„ebow ing that the walis•iznd ,ceiling of the cells ;bairn been properly whitewashetd e at least once a year,aird floor scrubbed ,. rot least •twice a year, and the premises kept ,con tinuaily,io.aclean couditiem. e. Referred to salaries oommittce. ” Moved :by, )hay, $eeonded by , Jaht3:., . tote that ehe sant of ;$3,000 be, .reieetl., by, this connect for .rho improvement of .boundary lities ill `ilia respective'. • mnsiicipnitsties,:,, :the said sum, to , be.. expen.aed.ns "directed , by, by-law , tar . that purpoee. tire matter was re. ferrt'4 to• the Cleanoe en niittee on try driisitlti:. .• .. Flits niatter.,of • gran•ting lltttitloli ii ; to, tseeerel countyy eoustab;es was , referred• :to, the jail; and court; house . Committee., ' A,.ntotion by, Meehis.., Rollins., and, i - 1:l %ening that tine sum of . $l'2,0 0, t,iw', A greeted fe_ ", the ereetton.of a County, aeturti"i of itefugevoti the ovine by antero , tIrn Meter t etninteve .. *I ret, 1t7Gie' a trrerd to;•, ,t 8x91 149,zr1s. Go Monday, n, ,last, while a son of Mr Abiahati .. aelcsou;a: was driving to Bleevale, 'tho'horse tuned to one side and the cutter was turned. The horse liecornitig fright., tened, °rann away; ,drs,ggiilg the youtlg !l man some distance, injuring int con- siderably. No bones were broken, his injuries being mostly. internal. The you'ng,man reached tlio, resideneo of t\ir.Oasemgre, near whose place the misliap•to4k place, and avas taken to his borne!, by that gentleman, and med- ical ,aid rocured.. The.. -horse, after getting its liberty, tnrneck anti .ran, fyr its 'horde, where it ` was f9Lnc1 some time after, none the worse of its run, and the' cutter and lrsirness unbroken. -Another of our neighbors departed this life Sunday, in the person of Mrs. England, ar. She was residing 'with her son, Mr. ,1; .Eng;land, on the 5th line, and had far sotnetiine been in ti very,.` feeble, condition. ' She had reached:the.advenoed age•of, over Ofe years Her remains were interred` Moltae's cemetery, ort a'l uesday. - Quarterly services will be,ls9ld in the Methodist church, on Sunday next. -- A team of colts l,plooging to Mr J Me Carter ran away, one day last eve ek, whiferretnrning from Brussels, throw. ing iV1r cCarte r•nut of the sleig;h,end breaking the Harness, but• no serious damage,—The,pupils of S S, No 6 taught .by Mr G I3lac;lrtvel1,intend giving a grand entertainment "in, the behoof on lrrida evening,.Feb 3th. They will be waisted by a number of their friteeds in the section and others, and no pains will be snared to make it a success, Mr A. Il Mueerove wilt aet as chairman tend deliver a short whiten. Admission; 1ti cents.• -Miss Janet Hood is visiting at the Rev Mr Tonga's, of Eiesherton.—•An crater- tainment was held at the stone school house on Tlatrrsdsy evening, 20th alt„ under the lauuspieres ort' the L'terary Society. The building was crowded to the doors, itntwithstarsding the lora favorable wwtttspar,k Dr-Maadonatd, try sry4..G ,,watt 'Ind t Ii i + rd 'e kellywad staltwet The Young l'eopbb'A Society, of Christian l;ndeaver, in eontiection. with the Peesbyterian chetah, aro having excellent meetings.. They leave issued a Moe venoatnrue of their meetings for the six rattathths , arrxrny with July, fur the* benefit of theta' messateers and mimes. Their tptinga are tepid every Tatteday &Mk, twin P,6'610144, Tr •tri-e,44110 A Messrs Manning and,,Rittz uotninet• ed Wm Milne, reeve of Grey, for tte wardenshrp, Mr T'.nrrauce and 1?r tellies named Joeeph Beek, reeve of Colborne, Upon a ballot being taken tweutad$four ballots were given for sir ,1'hiw, and swenty.live fcr Mr Reek, weerc'upon the Mark deel,ared. Mr Beek elected'. The warden made and subacrtbt,tl the declaration of other, took the chair and thanked the itouneil for ehe honor they had conferred upon hint,, 'l'ee minutes of the last day of the Jame meeting were read and approved, aleeers Either, Mooney, Key, Me.' Phertott aud Beacom wore appointed by harlot a committee to strike the s•4i idntg committees for the present yeah. Il'iehard,Rariciifi'.', of Goclericlt, vitas appointed Auditorby the commit and Lite .warden nominated Jaynes Puttee, of Goderich township, as the other uudttor, The clerk and H • Either were ape pointed members of the ,board of criminal, audit for the year 1891, Messrs:: Halls, Goderich, end Turns hall, Clinton. were appointed ou the hoard of county exau;iners of school teachers for the current year. The report of the selecting com.w xnittee of standing committee's for the year was as fn'leeve ; 1 uatlztctiore - ' Beacom, Britton, Taylor, livid, Mooney, Torrance, 4anuders, Weber,, $lierritt, Mc- Pherson. 'Firntulce -- Bullies, I+yalbfleisch, Pr'oudfoot, Bennewe'is, Nay, .herr, M Y McLean, Hamilton, Berms, Katz. ,Ltratt, Castle, Johnston, •Gritfio, Scott, 'Coleman, ):Road and J3ridge—Ei1bez,Milner, Kai, Cox, Oliver, ttloouey, Ortricke shank, Bowers. Malloy, Scott, Mo - Lean, (Tuekerstnith), Hess,. ee irvin, 8nerritt, Strothers, McKeuzie4 School and Printing Manning, Coleman, Ibolt, Weber, Cook, . Mor- rison, Howe, Kennedy, Kal}11eisch, Stewart, Anderson. Gabl.aiici Court .House-S'nunders, Graham, Morrison, Kennedy, Nay, Cruickshank, Erratt, Haruiltc n, Bow- ers,>Stothers, McLean (Tuelcerstuith),. Anderson, M "Y McLean. Salaries -- Rate, Holt,,. Stewart, Kerr, Itydd, Bissett, Britton, Oliver. Special—Cook, Milne, Proutifoot, Eit her, 13enneweis,MePherson,Rollins, Beacom, Bryans. • Warden -Taylor, Castle, Torrance, Howe, Ray, Graham, Ooi, Grifi;ii. an tnetien, Mr Johnston, deputy - reeve of lioivick, was added to the road and bridge committee, and A IL Manning to the equalization committee and the repor',t adopted with the ad- dition. of these names. A letter from Mr Totten, of the Provincial Secretary's o`tHce, was read, Moved by Mr Sanders, seconded by s1r Cook, that pursuant to the latter of,,Ilth,J'<aly, 1890; iii reply toe the memorial of this council re Scott Act balances; from Mr henry Totten, of the Provincial Secretary's Depart•. meat, this eolrnty council do agree to assume liability for all claires,• that may in future arise against snoll. balances on condition that the same are paid over to the oonnty treasurers -. Oarried,, A,pr'tition from,the ,cen lty, equncil, or',.C3.xfcrd iir reference to gaol manage-' meat was tear).,. and , referred to , the special committee, ' ,p,. petition ftioin;i;l a county council of Leecls and Grenville in: reference to Additional Govet u'inent., :sttpport to Public and Bi ;h Sehootsewes read;nd referreai to the,scbeol ctauiinititye,., Moved by. Mr Milne, ` seconded . by. Mr Nay, that the tnaiptenai,oe., of David Kinsm:3n,, a ward ofa the,county, be paid haityearly at the rate of ,$100 , Icer anima to the order of •tle reeve of 'Grey.; lleferred,; to , the , fleeter' eo1n nittee., .. A . petition. of, thetamely, canncil. of 'Middlesex in reference to Am appoizii: fegieit, of inspectors of :cbeele factories CVAs, read and teferi;ed to the special Committee,.' )Medical certificates of the lunacy of John red Edward Sealer. of Wang - Melee indigents, rtl trferre l t.t the ligature Ytoi tt.tttitftep„ An miplieitti;en. of the sheaf 'for a 1., ial. cr`trt5 gaol, c•; ¢lu, at° $ rt conrpai ittar(i by 4 d ~ ar 4 f.',r jiN, gi it f• e hlif.t s to the' 11 ?Ur M man lag dlxation easem.itt gri?,alit ar sr'40 Xs t'Iluws w,is of Co, of Alidtikesee -specters of milli en fait: Curies : 1.'tet:ornlime tical be not, granted, opposed to euolh a that a copy of this a to the Ltt'ut,Ooverte to the ieetrlhers for the petition of Co, ol irrt,* oontrol.of hoofs the petition be grail of George Oonuor tc a+nt at Agi College; no action be taken as there at pt'eseiit. • 11 eystem ; That uo so diF.FORT o> T'SNA was read, Mr Mc1<?lr, 'Motion of Proudfoce That actiount of Joh. fur matting, eta. sine • c*dice be pard. Lost Balance of report. follows : A Ii Oornel to' Registry office, 'hooks fob 1)ivisinu C Gill, Exeter, $10 ; 450 ; hl Lusty, $10 ; John Mituhetl. keep of John A Mit ',rordlou, t,nrial- rxt'e $18 ; Winghaiu , tlotteriuh ,Star, ,7,11 rsnu.f rtes, ev" 18 ; to, for keep of ,Mary Ell tern, sundries re ext A Al nor°, gaol snpp a\loaion of Stotire Pissed that John Robert flu lin be su tt hair of handcuffs, constables be suppli $300 is granted. to 1l,ortic+ritural seoiet Trios Downey, ;»2.5; Silver Creek belch; X1"5 75 ; .Exeter Ti Huron Teachers' I, Robb, E Huron { $83,98. for sundrie (1 1•libbter, lock-up (;Linton New Era, A lt.ACOrd, $1 John Ali Guderie,h, $I(); l,)11 ward, $100 perrenni! of deputy reev-e•Kei ttxtd J Sadler were ae cue sty ano granted. 'Treasurer reported • iteeistr3t, heel paid' r Motion of Goblin vias passed granting iryear as ward of t °.l'ubilt, of..,Stratf arc) f=or arrest of a horse 410 was paid to Pri apcfatiou,.,Toronto; e ed: for .lock-up ke l;lyth ; J 13rethour, Petty piece, W'iughi lI, Clegg, (lorries t ton : 13russols Pust, wood to Court Il, Baker, for keep of. •Fraser &.Porter, st Godericli Signal, $ k Co, lumber, ;$3 'stationery, $14.45 'are for .gaol, $13 Son, $2 92 B Hu stitute, $25 ; 11 Oar Walker, 'gaol, •$8 ; house supplies, $17. of Chas Dugan), bourne, court house. $6 ; that no bound: Tie made; l! G Neel $87.70. ilfotion of Eo'lins That $12,000 he t)uunty Howie of sustained, Qounty •eimplies for Court, Registry office, am when practicable. went, certified by printed in Minutes, try eounty fur money to be duly registerec aye certified by solic. having oceurred in s sitter,. special tefot deferred until June The County 'Treat there had been Tea iitents.fornierly mad 07.6, and there has 1 mortgages of farm 11 'Thetotal investmen the year were $132,1 mice etthe eredit of areortut awaiting ine 1179 72 The ntortg, bear interest .at the )0.r annum, and sine year $7 •150 adtitnm +•i at i to, haat( r'i.tt t 11i81t trr,en an overt '> siesoniite, %1v: admit, 1 aGnue. 1(WawsNe l 9