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Wingham Times, 1891-02-06, Page 3
abliVativott mu to ft, Int mits.k i Gt. CAV Did 7a never area ohnti'itt it afore P 1 can. if he h. ally been mares ed-�•a 1 tar face,Tammas, time .d laxaolly as he was to Ye canna ask to and iota! groan, were nil direr in the poke :an' betrayed his real feelings. '1;'heee think if 1 had only gave nu added zest to Sally's. toad haft :made pleasure, and revenge crept slyly into t that. It's owrs . the catalogue of emotiaue. Already d need some scut !Toted, 'i'he only trouble efts, Joe wns so. tyre! ,y" tell ane exceedingly defile that in fi surllris, yea paroel•a' iiugly short tine the popoorn, omit- twins, n nheats, candlet cornucopias and tete lighter presents had Leen prt niiptly placed iunid the brenehes, and the Heavier ertieIcs.disposed about the base. That all ? sighed J. Oh, no, cried Sally, cheerfully. There are two presents missing. , Which Z asked floe with little inter, est Why, yours to me, and mine to you, to be sure, 'What -have you got a present: for asked 4 Jar with surprise. Oh. never ruin:!, said Sally ;. 1 won't. embarrass you by giving it to you if' yon haven't one for me. It won't . embarrass me in, the least. Well, it ought to. Tiler% don't worry,I was only joking..-see,1 haven't any after all. Yes, youhave, said Joe, who was just beginning to wake up a little you've got one for me upstairs. • Haven't ! nave ! Not if I've got one for von 1 Honestly ? Now I know you have. Gave 3 -our- self away that time ? Mean ! Go up and get it, .like a good girl., I think you're !Torrid, Well, please. Will you have your present for me on the tree when I come down'? Yes. Cross my heart. • On the tree 1 On the tree. Remember you've promised, and -Joe was left alone. He sat down on the box that sup- ported the true, took from his pocket a small bug ratter heavy package,, placed it beside hila and continued to think. You see Joe has been thinking for some time, for several months, in fact nearly two years arta more he thought the less able be seemed to be to slake up his }rind. The 'difficulty was, he was thinking about Sally ; and he. was trying to find out whether he lov- ed her or not. He had as et arrived at no •e e yet s ttl_df conclusion. Sometimes he was •sure he loved her very. much ; and other times he"saw clearly that it was all; a mistake, and that be loved some nue else a great deal better -himself usual- ly, 1. Then he usbd to tl4nk if she would only give ri ve him some sign of caring for. hire it would ;_Wake t;verything much easier, But he knew° that she wasn't the girl to give her affections 'where they had not been sought, tied he had an unparallel - hitherto hitherto carefully abstained from ooin'.. inittinw himself The dcor opened and there she stood • -a pretty picture, surely, but did he really - Suddenly she started, and turned pale. Her ayes searching quickly over the tree 'told her that nothing had been placed durins her absence, but there was Jos -404 sitting clove among the branches 1 It Was only for an instant, then the blood ruehed hack to her face as she naw -oh, the shame if it !-how leanly her feeling*. had let her affiliation play her f& ie, 1 hate you 1 sone! ow hoe '*r.,irc 'did not helve the playful rio„; sho tio•tintto give it, Joe 10(4‘11op, eb,o nisi or,,I rather pale. Her greeting onus like, a dash of ice cold water en; t,:p of his long VW �f"Jf• , mow•'. ifIt°lNtl• !erelK,'ht lything altooc it. us a Rey_queer use to believe it. re daft a'the health • uption,atthough lilt be wi' Very ! eat)' r the vo peas, As I terfero molest; 1 ia►',and if I lion_ is br-ieg up the fur child closer. wfte. Was ever 1 There's dell's ye put the pig astit far three sunt of gettia' •rget plyset' an' for your braw a bairn noo. tuna.. I canna sir as death,be's D mine. And chair, put en on that. Sandy iutgaedthrough alt, an(1 roarill' chs on a fit of for Bine. L'amu►ie a'the• poker, an' 1 to felled Sandy+ t hi he d m wa the hoose an' at it, but Tam_. Ie fun came in fair o' Sandy sae faur, as I hurt 'liaise'. was l►e,puttin' e, that lie wag- e efter it, an' Im.-Seottjsti- 29. wooing, R breast, Isere, flue, bion bg young fel low.,' and heir a fine.. . For the past a firth believer s Golden Medi - :d my youth,". the only bleed Iter guaranteed y promptly re.. ase, dyspepsia, ptions, and all fingering coughs s tun •aur X ofula 1E. ree is an ,00. ions,. ainong Joy, Envy, rief,l'Iatred, be' different Ona. Por in- s unrequited, 're. Gnnter`e rintended the the Grunter slid this year ale assistant man Gtiuter't 5dbeeauaaa elle didn't Dara a blv bored try thJit a keen MP -RAMCS C uONnuQTltO. M; slier v, U. wine %ill canalude that he is justified at1 drinking eider,« -•.Western Demi, TM (Tat Vail, `,phecttp of wined Thia is the Oennda does not dlluw a liquorsdee ler ur tedoou•kee per to hu,d a maid- Oilier! fiil'ioe, The education drpartu1ent of South Australia lids isyuetl a ',Ceuiperatitte 7,'!edge Bouk for use in tliesubo„ts, In oonneetian with, line I3ritislt Vuwen's Temperance Aseouia,t1Uii, a `,1'etupiirnnce Rouse for Women lidsthe girls of the wine=shops carry. been'Astablished,. t It glitters on the tables of concert Oxford Q'uiversit England) hap 1 saloons, It sparkles under the. jets y lrpt illuminated ignited: the adulissioo of wuuirir to etre gardens. It reddens vete of the feces. of its patrons, it inflames t) medical department y a aeveuty.nine to seventy live. the eyes of its votaries, it stupefies, it seem$ that in Eugiiutt� as well i it brutalizes, it depraves whoever r, 'Plunges lila lips therein. as in America, the brewers control thethink that I ext_ .*u young. old, or noddle aged, who And themselves nervous, week or oxtlt►oats ed, who are broken down free_ excrsti or overwerk, reeultiug in many of the tnagieiau 'tvlio Qhangep. Wren into fpllaWing aymptoins 1 I 1► age, t depres. sten, premature old age, lose of tautest ' vitality, loss of memory, had dreams. The cup of. wine ! You will and in dimness of eight, palpitation of the its depths all debauchery, heart, emission, lack of energy, pain The cup of wine! We have met In tho kidneys, lieadakg, pimples un the fair or body, itching or pecular it everywhere in our gloomy midnight sensationabout the serotura;, waisting explorations. of the organa, dirztness, specks before Itsparkles on the salvers which the eyes, twitching of the lnusvles,. eyelids and eleewliece, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tendernes of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep. constipation, dullness of hearing, loss. of voice, desire for solitude, excita- bility of temper, sunken eyes aur. rounded with LEADEN cilium, oily looking skin, etc., are all syuiptorns. of nervous debility that led to ieanity and dead useless cures. The spring or vital power having lost its tension wanesi 1 consequence. every function ►cot qu e Those, who through abuse cofnmitted in ignorance may be permanentely cured, Bendyour address for book on all diseases peculiar to inapt Address M. T. LUBAN, fjQ Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. Bootie sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not flushes, rush of bloodto the head, dull pain in tale heart with beat* strong, rapid and irregular, the secand heart heat quiiker than the first, petit abort the breast bone, etc., oan. positively be mired. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M, V. LUBOI, 5,Q Front Street E4aest, Toronto, (kutt You tun exaggerate 1 `Ask saloons, Of th<+'r,OpO iiertnaed houses the watchmen,. They will repeat to oI all except 201) are iu the iu Liverpool, p you all that I have said to you in this hands of brewers. darknibht, Almost all the men who The Woman's Tribune beaks+vee that I Ko to disgraceful deaths are :led there if the liquor tr;ttlic could be abolished l by drunkeaueas. The cup of wine there would be almost no crimes kills their intelliger►ce, kills their against women, such as are now daily energy, kine their conscience, kills reported. One who has kept a record.tliNir soul, kills their heat', and all is says that in the last two years two- said. thousand and nttrehundred wives have Young man, if • the wine -cup has died of brirtul treatment counnitted taken.ptiasession of thee, all is done, 1►y livalrands while under the iufiuer►uff All vices lurk at the foot of the glass. of liqu'r If ohoiera haul killed tis' 1) uukenness is not the only one. many in the Smile tithe, what: u, call When thevulture has planted his would have ;;nue up for repressive . claws ina human breast, he is inime- measures. I diatrly surrounded by a crowd of Mr J M Pa►nment, etlitt,r of the 1 vultures. At the first blow of his Temperance Caterer (London), in a beak they are there. Impurity, idle - private letter, says; I receive 'Tao nese, breggary,. fury, abjectness --all Union Signal regu:arly tied rend it With .interest, entl as f spent ' thrt e years in the Western States, and know something of the W 0 'r U, my sympathies go out toward_ those • who are engaged in what I cannot help thinking is the greatest movement for the regale of the perishing and up% liftislg of the fallen aulOe the days of the early Christian church. ft is sant that Governer -,ill of New 'York, recently pardoned a life cunviet from Sing Prison, who heel nerved since Je.78, upon condition that he should tote.liy abstain from liquor for five yearn, and that if he 'violates the coudttion, he shall return to prison to serve out his Iifo seutenee. Poor fellow t Satan himself will stop his inferno -machinery ` to tempt the convict bac!'; to his cups. Teiuperk *ace people should close the dram chops and then there will be fewert life sentences to serve. American wotnett, writes the. Lon - riot► correspondent of the Reformer. ins erance writer.gertitinly go had at t p and adveeacy in a way we know neth. ing of in. this country. , That may be in part due to the more advanced state of the sex as to public recognition, but it is also undoubtedly due to their 'far superior organization. The ' ristian Temperance Union Woman's Uh P is tt great power in the land, and: thein system of work, embracing" its it doer many subjects net necessarily !tart of teinpFrducework as usually understood, is for reackli g in re ult as well as effort. They, Invade every walla of life, and are Beard cif in enure!! and Sunday school 9onventions f;s well as in Prohibition eopferences. MATTHEW AMBLER,I • RARNB9s 3)/41M,, LOURIIG hat on. hand *lento ttgek at HORSE BLANKETS, QUSBY(OMOS,; TRUNKS, VAtis$s etc. Whloh will be sold at bottom prices. the brutalizers, not limiting one.. There are preparations made to open for you the two leaves of the gates of hell, -lay Jean Pierre lappet, in Union. • . "Faithful in'thatwhich is Least." I read the words over and over as " Be "faithful in that which is let," And whenever I read them they cheer me, And prove to my soul such a feast.• Be faithful in that which is smallest, The master may ask uothiug more, And so on the wings of "love's service My spirit shall heavenward soar. He accepts each small service of ours, Not done that the world may applaud, But just out of love forthe master, The honor and glory of God. Ohl help me, dear Lord, to be earnest, Heap me to labor for thee, To hear thy "Well doue,gooa and faithful" Is honor sufacieut for me. L1rLux JAcltsor•. t•< IfA1tNN)a5S, double or single, wady to getter on short notice, and satiefaontion guaranteod., SWA call eelicited,. OF-Opposito the Bank of Hamilton, MATTIINIY AMBLER, ngaam, Fob. nth, 1800, H 1'.OliAI'IIAN, 'saliva ee M'ARRItOE TTQENSes, NOTARY}ionoraryGradueteofOntario Veterinary College. PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, LTi, Also Graduate of De,,tistry School, Torun Ola pre- - Domesticate r ai Orklc0—" Big" Bookstore, i•argd to trots ie vases of censer atg AI tat t n the l,ytesttcieartitiu manner. RIPLEY, ONT. Oaths promptly attended to. Ofieeand Infirmary:, Money to Loan on Faris Sccudt M Low Rates c 1BMA'S O .i STAND, 'B' iruglrazc, P yt interest. No o mas,lun chanted, d omOa Iaeabyne night find hitr at t the o iio e The underlt nen with iso Wider *Dir for the liberal ppaatrosase 1; •vee to GUI reveraly ares prior to the 1431'1 ina o1 our • �i'w.,r ir;. condlaricn. Durtiig etre ate 4el•.o5 w rneddelled ,the tole„ aril_ to toe lati:rrsrr�`` tgryt o tdnng:uian Boller f+roeeer utll Jl ltcrewaoan note (.'ire btttat atculrruwfbtili t cvorbefore %Yeom'r },'xonaptt I114,patoli, Pair Retnatar. QU4LITY i3ECOND'4'()NOfv.4 R TSIld $J:CTIQPT,• And by Diose personal atteni.rn to the busrne�yI hope_ to be again favt.red with a trial by ail o a Mends. and, R,any new ones Yours most respectfallvv' MUTTON & CAR Wintrharo Milt, tint 29.1b414. J. GOLLEY, VETERINARY SURGEON. 0. P. A. TIrt1] TABLE.. FOR, THE .BEST ITALITEI RDD E1 CLOTHING, Trains arrive Ila depart as follows : Lt1.tVIVQ ARRIVING 5:85 a.to......t ..orToropto 5i85a.nr; 2 p.rn „ p.ni 2:80 p, in ,t -...For Are . 10:10:20 p, m Teeswater... 10:se GEA N� TR'CTN.K R'Ya• A. C. STRATIIDEE, AGENT, Wi5elimt. Through ie1 is to all points in America -North. %Vest Pacific yoost, etote via the shortest and alt 'popylar routes, Baggage checked through to 1osttuation. Lowest trete-lit rates to all points. TABLE. LEAy5 wtsoiaM. ARSINE AT wi$tn1,A,(. NS() a.n,.Toronttl,t}uol}ih,Yaltoorstal, 11:10 •, 10:10 '• 5:40 pan. 'k "S Clinton, 7:25 " ...., tialinerstou, Ali,Ited. ; 10:15 a Ip, ti:4t ,in ,:.London I` ciao Want . ., 7:45 p•m• li:ld tl u1.: , . , Weal line, k,c. , ,. 0:80 a.in. ass 1141.1,11:111.11 i,tn•31:10 •. 10.10 a e:50 p.m Sonthantpton, Ont. Thi is aEasy One. Fans Taia.-The success of our last word. fiuding contest, just closed, encourages us to offer another free trip Ano>7an the world, or its cash equivalent to the person sending in the largest list of words spelt the same forward and backwards,, such as "Pip." 'tBob," "Hannah." Tun contest closes May 15, Throe daily prizes for the three largest lists received. Ooutest is open to the wenn. Everyone sending ten word* will get a prize. Nearly 1200 won prizes in our recent contest. Rules and sample paper 12 cents, together with a large illus- trated cataloaup. Address 13e1I's Maga., sine, Oriltia, Opt. SOOTAND.SHOE SHOP. MoI,AVCILIN^& BAUen BavIntr purchased tiio'Custom, Business of Messrs McCormick & Co, wish to intimate that they have oi ones out in the tamp two doors south of T A Mills tt"re, Wiuuhaut. Boots and Shoes made to order from the Best Stook, on short notice. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Tho patronage of the public solicited, and all work Iluarauted' McLATJGIHLIN & Se.UGB EBSTER'S ]CATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, C�OI4LARS, QUFF3, Mules To Hornless. -Are you disturbed at night and broken of your test by a sickehild suffering and orying R.th pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once sod get a bottle of "Mrs.Winelerett'Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value's _neat n,1• able. It will. relieve the poor little guffawimmediately. Depend upon 14, ljlpthere. t there is no mistake about it. tt,oures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, mutilates the Stomach *and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums redhens Inflammation, and gives stns and energy to theWhole system. "Mrs. Win. loow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and Is the proscription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and ndrAs in the United States, and is for sale by an druggists throughout the world. Price twentyilye cents a bottle. Be sure ams ask for "Bias. W145LOws Bowmen, Brune ..,.ri takn nn other kind Older. Is it right to snake ciders? le it light to drink eider ? These questitns are asked us. Certainly it is right to make cider, if the cider is used for vinegar. The drinking of cider rests right Here : It soon contains more alcohol than lager beer sloes, and more than some of the light wines, Besides this, the alcohol seems to be so COM. Lined with irjurlotls ingredients that it Operates with snore than usual effect, It is often: said that a "cider drunk" is the worst kind of a drunk l and it is, We Nerve seen tne11 druuk on bider who seemed; to be mote stupid than any tnan would even be come in the daunt'1'kCde of drunker, nest nil liquor. lu view uf theee feats wt. do not believe that any ons 'bel#eves it t rNei to Jr':ak beer oe ! ' . .1 DAVIS IS OFFERING AT VER"_ LoW 11A.TI!1S, • Property Tor Sale in Beirllorea The undersigned offers for sale a.desirable pro Pelt' in the svihage' of Belmore, consisting of a good dwelling house, orrice, staid') and driving shed, with one acre and when of land, iu connection. S lepdid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees. Will be Sold at a bargain. For partioular'c, apply to b'REDERICK CO ow o. BARBS:R SHOP. ()heap for TRASH. •AT_.�.�.. V T E B tS .A E R' S' tai(. EfielrE33 X • D k Has removed to E. F. Gerster's old, stand, where he,.ha'i a large and nicely assorted stock 4 Watches, Clacks, Sew diery, : , Silverware alul Specholeff;: ling awaydown in price, and will :be . Iemad .a Which he is selling � P � P leaveyou call andtake a look tthrough his-Stooit. . Y MR. MALCO:LM IstcDONALD, (r.A1`ti, oe 131x1.?,) Tim ing purchased MIA barbering business of Messrs. Sebastian Bros., Is prepared to give ell old customers and ns many Itew ones as patronize hila, satisfaction in all lhiee of the profession. SHAVING AND HAIRdiCITTING are my specialties'+ r'm,Gh o me soli at the old stead, opposite Gordon and Molntyee s store, M. MCDGNA,LD.. BA ,RI( - OF © ; II.T.1/1i OFFICE_.OPPoarr THE MARKET, wmallAM OCJl'o5tfa 4Th, 1888 Z r O3• Repairing a S Deeiaity t 'Ali work warranted and done promptly, E4. Dins1e y , uitter0 Mason's Block. gicttlsR, Capital, $1,000,000. Relit, $450,000. 1'roetdent-3ouse Sr ART Arice•Hresidect.•-A. t VI,\uNAV, bnicaoroiss 'roux Pa001. II, O,i , k ti xk (Toronto)., otcn, A. T Woof)Cat'ticr--J: `.rO[tVBIULL. Ba'vingpank sours, le be 8 ; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits of5t and upwards received end intprost • allowed. Special >Q;alrosit4 Also roccived at cliIteiit rotes of interest. • D. elft$oilOreatIlritaln And the United Statue bought and sold T3- WILLSc N, AGtniT. l4Cr41t * I ICI T HONr, 9 leas in stock atter .'`�'" .e�.3T-1�` e' NEW- CTT ►' � 'Which will be sold at ROO.t . BOTTOM P tic1S, FOR CASH'. call and see them, and get prices. kritiottlit tAlttEtt d TlRI5 leDITf''"tri aasJntbe : readers bbak 1` ti ve a p ru'eo'•-tart�he above tir:-•'r • ranee ay its traily we at %sass' of hopeless to vii pannanentlyr eared. 3 11. Tr R so4444i entl t lwf t�tuie 01 my r nt aPlis it to aYtty o[ , r .ear t 'nal a' 1!t!+ !fid J '1M 1MtIMEh dGINM $t., ,lt .r. - Sr a,... • .a • :r .: e..+es.-:,v„r• eelev v biaissoisisso All kends of' work made to order by First=t la3S Workmen, ur,•dee the supervision of the proprietor, Repairing, Panting, 'Top fid, &o, done t Short Notice. Thoto need d anything in pyr;Ane will save money by i t t on us before purchasing.