HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-30, Page 5be. t*f eta .lt& ea 1 ter. • of wpr lttr' ;cd the old. , and his ani4 a good dict mitteo. thgta 48 titeriteeik adnption of Man ring, of J H Sit>r5p• casidente--•W 13 .Hattori !intim), T 0 °hell (Gat illi sten..•-,'te v ty, Rev A Jr, Tl; Ster0113011 x OE ; &anierrel king and J 8ditition was nary.—Post, ices of the Held helve ;owl acted by, Kineartiin" , ions both. )11 Monday tired by the' tTtavels in ti attendance veer person ,er in .which 1 his euitject..' lows : morn- 3 45. Total )11 Monday the' lecture, 75.—Mr 1t• a puroliased Mr;'Woolfts age ill th0 r of a roan tu' towuslrip, track cit•: t week. lie " led by the rn i p it is. sup, nub Tasty fe, null . street, id occupied sstroyed by e to Smith ad .:11r Ed aE Ati.wood... 113 eOreigh t 27th inst._ a Sunday .1 our school ne'for theta as a San- t these. parts 411, who has' line paat,llas ifford—Mrs 1r J Ehles- ant. -There. natry society '„ ►set in Mr gave renters. cumbers al- a bit f: -r int` t Goderieln - rat OOP Ding 3i1..—Genl',ge. teams, Mort- 1'ordwich for her 'of the are spending- in pendingin Stanley. a pleasant and Mrs no have- been Mrs •Jack ill) returned ionday last. dent of the tri . his re- :, in the net, ,ir Gallaher 3 of 80 years, i Tong' and Mind a lame grown up literary en. se's ,>oburch, mit, was .a Isidering the ether, there . pastor of r/tyleyy,, ocan• ian11f1ie cone lacdonald,111 dicey. That aiti elt wee voila! •usual Cluh, Thr dement wt;-fus. a tiq trait - 117 ttiitoelat on of Patrontt of In y, entitled MAP oaf Associa, gots, No 2901, has the organized alt Ole Stone tiehool•bou larith the fol. lliwili$ udicere; J A Melt wen, Prost. dent i Win E.ston, vice-president; john Perdue, secretary; Jos Goltey, treasurer; Root Wiarwick, guide %ti/hn Oasi+cr ore, sentinel, The Presi. dolt an4'Qtlas Campbell and George kiannt+h were. the delegates: of the As, tiotii.eitionat the County Association Held at tat Eueleas on. the 2$th..inst. Maple Leaf Association meets every Monday. evening,, -,Mr Peter MuEaveuu, son of Mr Johc. Jelin A. life Laren, off the lst cone ession, ia home from f4fini- tuba on a visit, He has rented a *rot near Uelol•ainrt and intends reform lg abut the Taiddle of March.—The angal,of death visited . the hotrle of Mr A Colelast weelt,'and carried off• his infant daughter, Tha sympathy Of the u nrnrnuttity ia extended to the ttorroWing faintly,—.A'k good number of tli,e Good Templeta. of this vicinity - attended the districti'meetite, of the O G T M 131y1h on %Veclnead(ty.-,1f•' G 11 Biaoicwell's: pupils, in 8 S No 5 intend giving a public Pater tainuteni in the soll.uol houea ott..lr'tcb .T Smith and sister, of. B'l'ack Hersq have beers spending a few days at tile: residence of Mt' Johns Clegg,---,M•tss Annie Mklejuhn is visiting friends in Kinloss:—aev John Scott, of .Wing;; iTam, preached ntistiionary sermons CO the Belgrave circuit, on Sunday last, "and was listened to with marked' ap. predation. Gorda, followed. Ity the good ._ sill for their fuduto llaippilses prosperity, , The newly elected members of the ii ui]ioipal eounoil of Mortis, namely, H Mooney, 11,eeve , 0 A Howe; Deputy Reeve and T Oaidbick, Geo Kirkby and Jas :Proctor, Councillors, inet 'according to statute tit the town Vail, Jan 19th, 18,91, and subscribed the necessary declaration of office, and gtiliiifivation. The Reeve benupied v the chair, ' Minutes of last meeting for 1890 were : read . and. passed. 341ovt'd by 0.A Howe, seconded by .)as Nructnr, that' t Wilt Cl. rlt be re- appointed Clerk, at sesalary of $125, and that a by-law be drafted to that effect—Carried. Moved by 8 Cald. bat, seconded by Geo Kirkby, that. John Watson be appointed Assessor, at a salary of $80—Carried. • Moved' by S Caldbiek, seconded by Geo Kirk. - by, that Richard. Johnston be appoint.. ed. Auditor—tried. ,The peeve appointed Chas McClelland, ' second Auditor. meyea by Jas Eloctor,; seconded by C A `flown, that Thomas Laidlaw, Geo Hood and W J Johns- ton, along with. the Reeve and Clerk, be appuinted a Board of Health,, with Dr Godfrey as medical health officer- Carried.: ,The following accounts were ordered to be paid, namely : McKinnon & McMillan, lumber, $7.18 ,'W 'EI Kerr, printing fin'ui. al statemeilt,4$; A Cameron,supplies to Murphy, $240; Jno Hays, keeping . insane indigent, $15 ; Misses Exford, charity, 01'.5 ;. .itnnissou of dog tax : A' Scott, $i1; • W G Nicholson, $1; Quinton .Ander son, $1; Jno Speirs, $1; Mr 0l70tt'nor, - $1. H Mooney, financial statement, $2 ;_W Clark, posting financial 'state- nient, $6 ; . his Gibson, acting ' as fi!"nceviower, $1 ; John Mooney, cola lector's salary, $85. Moved by 0 A Lowe, seconded by Jas Proctor, that. •ity laws Nos 1, 2 and 3, as now read, bi' pflssed—Carried. T11e council that • adjourned to meet again on the 23rd d1ty of February next. , 0. "' W. CLA•RZ, Clerkl Eo0Arick. • tixslsxlA -. One' of those' happy eifents Which characterize and' help to break the monotony' of our otherwise quiet and protracted`winter, "wag peril' formed at the residence iif'AfrAndrew Leagley, concession 15,otn Weiihesday • 2i•13t lust, The . ocoasion ; ' for titin triendly gathering was the md:rritiOe of Miss Mary Longley, eldest 'daughter, ot'1111''Andrew Longley,to Mr Webster 11.Lamlt, teacher, Yeovil P O,' near 11t%unt Fisreet. The cerenioliy 'was pettil`rtrlo'd .L r the Rev NI J Totten,, Conkrefiationallst minister at Salem, an'wlnth church Oars iamb.'•held the p(asition of organist;' and '`iii 'which capacity she Will be greatly `mise tl,. After the marriage•- cerettoiiy the Nests to the-1111InliPr of }ilfaut fifty *flat Wawanio34. ''F The Wears "4 atwaneeli Oininoil met accorn'rug to afidtrutlt 7m Jinn. 19 The followiug took the iateoessary de, ularation to qualify thein to sit at the board : Reeve, Alex dtufirt ; deputy. reeve, Jno Bowers ; el:mi.:Wore, Phos Todd, James Gibson and Win .Baine. The minutes of last Weoting of 1800 were read and approved.: Todd and Gibson roved that a grant of $20 be given to St. fle,ew Meeh'nie's Ink dtltute for the current year,—Carried Bowers and Bailie moved that the otlileers* salaries for the current year tie as follows iOierk,$120; treasurer, $ 30 ; oolleuttol, , •$60 juroi s' clerk, $4 ; retain and askiessorl, $8 ; and that. a by-law cnniirwtin;;'the appointment of the officers at the shales mention- ed be drafted.—Carried. Sowers and Todd moved that the proceedings of each, meeting of the council be printed in palnplilet forth in connection with the financial statement iu a full coma plate nionner,—Uarried. Todd and Bailie .niov etI••'that 11 4, Miilor he re aplloixated clerk,.—Oarried Gibson and 'Bailie moved that J G Ward be re,sppuie ted.' treasurer..-- Carried. Bower. and Batl'ie moved that W A Nilson be re'afipointed assessor.. Carried. Todd.and Gibson moved that John Webster be appointed auditor- Qarried. The reeve nominated J B Weathi:r,bead as the second auditor. The eJer .e and trpesurer'sbonds were presented 'and ateP lted. The follow - tug . wasr;;ipoinie+d ss a Beard of Health for•tiiie current' yew!: Messrs Gibson, Todd' and J ci Ward, 'with Dr Ouse as Mediolal Advisor. A''petition of Chas Nilson anit otbers requesting the council to take no action towards deepening Young's drain.' Tile petition was filed. 13ai•lie• aril Todd moved that the collector be paid' $I for an extratrip to _Mauoliestter.—Carried 4A eommundeatian fromRev O.McGee re taxes onP P Glebe ro arlyYwas read and the clerk instruettd: to reply. A call of 50 per cent. of the stook sub. scribed in Dungannon Agricultural and Driving Park Association was read, 'Left over until next. meeting ; -the reeve is to consult ` the :township ,solicitor on the shatter;„ Mr 13ailie ti f - .;fir;. d'I1littce thine at neictl ''m.egit• tly,he. would move for the repeal of by-law No. 3 of 1889. The treasurer's re, - port far Deeember showed balance and -receipts of $4002 47, and expen- diture,$2808 68, leaving a balance on haitd of $1193,79. — Report tiled. G,tilie and Todd moved that the trees; firer notify all who have not paid their subscriptions to the 'Durum fund to pay the same on or before Feb, 21st or proceedings to collect will be taken. Cheques issued : A D Cameron, extra trip,$1. R K Miller, registration. fees, $°9,10 ; clerk, election expenses $82;25 ;Collector, dog tax .uncolleet- able $2,';., W Me Arthur, 2 books,85c,. 8 Phillipa, repairing scraper4 $2 50; Jas Brytutis,prilitino, $87.75; A Cant eros , c o;let,tiug, $60. Couuoil thea adjourne`W o meet Feb. 21st, R K Mxttii, Clerk. Ment glED. • orddeiu-Russell•-Atthe residence of 1$r David Sutherland. brother -In-law of the bride, on the 28t11 Mot, hy. the Rev I4 AlaZtiorrie, Mr James 'Gardner, umovale, to Miss Minnie NV Russell, 1Vinghatn. Addloy Ellison -0n l;he 27th !stat, at the Rectory, by the ken!' E laugher, 'Thorns Addley, of St Thema, to Elitabeth, daughter of air Philip Ellison, 0f Morris. . Reipet't-WernerIritip;Lutheranchurch,llowlek, on the 20Th lost., by tholreelie Brewer, Mr Fleury lteipert, of Clifford, to11laa'Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Werner, nowter. • DIED.' ' 9 Stark- Ttl Zetland, Tltrnhorry on the 20t) fist, Elizabeth Stott:, age&7$, sire) The funeral will leave -Ole residence of Telr Jelin Egleetone, Con B, Lot 18, at 10 o'clock, arc, an Saturday, 81st instant, .Jproceed r e td p ad to the iVinghgljt Cemetery. Thong Xn West 1Vawnnosh on the 19th inet,. Jame* Thom aged 24 years and/0 suenthe, send Win l;tt rtt, Esq, St Helens. r• Sriglei'-In Lower Wingham,: on the Rath Inst, Marv' daughter of Mr Richard Srigiey, aged 16 }e and 10 ars menthe. Mitchell -hear innerkip ()lithe lsiitlest, Illehard, yonso i est n of the late Wm Mttchoit, aged 85 years a 4 months, #tame" -In Culross, 011 the'17th Inst, it.liza'ooth M tomo, Aged 16. yearnaad i months. 11VING1tAttf MA.1IdiEr`8. Walnfotaf, Jan, 2 , 0 1800 florrioittt i.y p. Doane, Produce Dealer, fiche per 1001bn, , $ 2 10 to • '8 10 Fall 1a hoat,per bushel, . 0 00 to 03 8ptinlr ' ,. 0 91 to 03 sat down to a bountiful' repast, pro.l`2nit . • - 401.0 41 vided in the usual good' 'Style of alt I Peenr, ea 83 ouch feasts, 'When the fib), man Buttr,t,ttlb. • 14 to' 14 H' do It t1i.4, 14 to 14 laud ben ft lily satisfied, ''tf rl' guests shite niter a a, ' . , *' iso to x i n listened tole carefully prepared pro. T1ay. per to, r, a t to 600 gt$4111'iio, consisting of speeches by Dreeaadhogs •et'1tl of the gentletne'n' i'pitetent, in, eared with iris•rtafrf dial dctets, ono. Yells a`fBh(inar !it eitiolr e deckled soup it heist' .4li •t1 ttf the connfl'v watt alitp, e -'l 1.7 rhe Gurley th',t : Tfil ,. 8Te„n1i 4 II-- :fill tress Itisysla Pl. fb, in Ina `: -reread* $' mei M • 11\ r ttr., • r",#Q tet 800 Private Residence fon Sate. c I1'aa i!prSa r' , erfptt Th sIs'a - . -ik tete ..LE Valuablei; Estate, IN Tuna Total;ship of Culross; #tt rho County of ueeee. Under a Naar fa Sal contained ontained in cr taih Reg, laterad 'Mortgage, made by .A41iawfANflEa O.4M1:1i• ON, to the Vw sora, will be sold by Z URI Io ALIO.Tlflly, at the (it ARRA ItOT1t1., by, the Toa'n of WINGUAAI An Tuesday, the I:Oth day. of. Feb,'9l rt 1. tq c Weak, p. tn., theft:Owing Freehold Proper. ty, namely; AU upd angular that, parcel or tract of laddnpd protniseesituate, iyine and being In the Tbwnalele of Culroea, in the County of .Bruce, con toning by admeaeuremeut fittyfour acres, be the atone mere ;or lees, being composed of Lot number thirtyflve, in the flrat Conooasion of the said Town- ship of Culroea,: About 40 aorta are cleared and about 14 acres aro uncleared. An oxuellent Frame hank Barn. stir i0, Small Orchard; good; lardl lfenecs, The soil is a clay loath withood drainage. in a good locality and 04;1,4 from Wt'ngham obi chiles. TERM AND .CONDITIONS. Ono•fitth e purehamuld down, Further rt(cuthlarsw•l11abeo masaoney knot0 wnhe a1Falietliion of Sale r may, lacers:tined on application to ALBF.RT.0. JEFFERY, Yondots' iiolicitor,, i on4on, Ont. NEW BUTCHER SHOP, c EO. & IAV►r Wisbes to intimate to the people of Wail/ham and vicinity, that he has commenced the (ltaeheritrg Business again, and has opened ent.in the uld Stand,. a fete doors North of the Brunswick Ilouee, SITAIE,10c•. per Ib. ; LAMB, AO,c, per ib. And other Meats in proportion, some as low as So. per pound. SAUSAGES, &c., always on hand. Meats delivered to any part of the teWe. The Patronage of the public solicited,, GEO. '• ,FTA W. LOST A LARGE h . gun ,L-),..' on the 4th o Ied. to peeve-ptope away. i Lowed Wit .nd Dog earn• to my plane nary, The owner is request. , expenses and take hint • MRS. MclikN2I14. am, Jan. 10th,1 HE PRESS (NEW YORK) 1~'OR 189 T. DAILY, SUNDAY WEEKLY, O pages, 1 aunt 20,pugea, 4 cents; 8oi•lOpages, 2cts. •The Aggreeive Eepublioan Journal ot'•t]ie Metropolis, A NEWSPAPER FOR ' ,:14AS$E$. Founded Dee..,,I t, 1887; ClraillatiOl Ver I.QO,000 4 'leS za.A._1.17_ 1, Inn Brass is the an of no a tion PFK ;..2. ,. r pullet no wires; had. no animosities to avenge, vr The 1bi'bltt Remarkable INTowspaper Success'inNew York TEM PAPAS IS A NATIONAL. NEwsPApER. •Cheap news, vulgar sensations ,ancl trash find no place iii the columns; oFtTica PRESS. 'gas PREss hast re brightest Editorial page in New Yorlc.','It sparkles with -points 'Ica PRESS ,SUNiiiAY EDITION is'.a splen- did''twenty,rpage paper, covering every current topic of interest, Tabu Pones WnnIDLY Darwin' contains all the good,things hiugs of the Daily and Sun- day edittonskr For those:4,1m cannot,afford the MITA or are preve ted by ,distance frolil early receiving it, ¶i na Wi I Y is t splendid substitute. AS AN ADVERTiSING MEDIUM Tits plume has no superior in NewYork. • THE PRESS. Withid the roach of 'All. The beet anti cheapest Newspaper pebtiehed in America, OAILY and SOHDAV, ONE YEAR, ,.15 00 SIX MORTRI,,. ,. 3 50 ., .. ., ORE. +' - . 43. WILY Oni,, ONEYEAR... .. ,. 3 00 FOUR hiONTNi .. UNDAY" ONE yeast,;, • .. „ 8, 00 WEEKLY PRESS, ORE-' YEAf1,.. .. ,,. ... 1 00: Send for Tam Pn5ese ircnlat. Samples free. Agents wanted'everawbarg. Llb• eral comrniesione, A'ddrose, ,• • THE 1'RLSS, Poria fluun1nQ, 88 Perk Rbw, NEW YORK. ,., TEN POUNDS I . i ', LOGS, fA NOTICE, 11 olrtluitesl i‘to ' til aglxtt As,T under ; tbhaa beau, ire ttW , Tb.a Uaclersiileert eve gra ares to a a t in the may aof t do that the t' pay oaaa4 t or buy saw logs, 1 mall to the market to do all the.°us tm s4* that may be offered; also to 1)uy all •good sound 1 athatmay1 be brought the 71GTIANI} 14.11114. • AsI am not bound byany atombei Rin at liberty to take alkinds of bees or soft wood and pay' full value for theirs. Bring along your leas. GEO. et t3MSON. Zetland, Deo. 306, 180Q. I"i :lest Cas • Cash ax1Ces. For all kinds of Reed Round NAND AND' SOFT WOOD LOGS, Delivered at their M ll Yird 1p. Wr ghti a. nYh a Alae fer B. assewooit Reading 13y the (lord.. CUSTOM SAWING (lone at Lowest Paying Prices, and SATISFACTION 'GUA1i"A1V'TFED. ” AR kklhdeof DDreefeed and: Med raised 11/ Constantly on hand, ..;: Alec Shingles, Lath, Staves, Barrels, Cada. 'Posta, 'Wood, ae. Cali, and get prim. 'Mill adjoining O. T, 11., on Shuter• st. McLean &, Son, Wingharrt, Ont. • TH OLD RELIABLE. J. G. FIELD! Wishes to state that he is selling flrat•elas meats of all kinda as low in price aa, anyone else in Wingltarn. FRESH BEEF, PORK and LAMB always on band, 1 EOPLE'S POPULAR W PARTIES TO British Columbia WASHINGTON Oregon and California Leave Toronto 11 p.m, on, Fridays, asunder : ism. rally /-206' 20; 1 1391 It2ARc1I e, 210. RUNNIMO THR000H TO VANCOUVER WITHOUT CHAhOE For Berths and all information,. apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent. SAUSAGES, HEADCHEESE, &c., on hand in season. As lienal, meats delivered to all parts of the town. Remember the shop -Opposite the Bank of Hamilton. Hingham, Novembe rBth.1890. J. Q. FIELD CRAB ER'u1E1y 10c. a Quart, at the Di CLIPSj, ' JOHN KER `. REMOVED ! REMOVED 1. 1 1 have removed my , Sewing Maehhne Business to , i Homuth's Block, directly opposite the Bank of Gam. , Ilton, where 1 will keep a full stock of the Celebrated -DAVIS Sawitn ` Ma -- chines, AS well its a few of the cheaper lines, Cait'supply Needles, Oils and Repairs for all, kinds of ,Sewing Muchii,ea. AS 1 intend to start Kltlttlitg:all Kinds of Hosiery Cuatomere can have thele swains and Socks Reims In Firnt•Cjase Style mid on the shortest notice, . idfactl 11 gu aritntaed. +• i1 Will also keep u stook of the. "WCD1%L•D'S STAR ".',.I achines« , (bet in the wnrTei,) on hand for salt which <ivllt ` l; sold,at reasonable prlees, ',Don't be bud. ward alio tryIrlgoona •alae they will knit ax well at au be dnr;e by hand in leas than i the time Pleae0:give; nib a call. Dnntt.forgthe: place, • opposite the Rank of 13amtltor, s Yours Respeet(uily, - t.., ?test'±. -Successors to 11 M Rob#iiecin.: Munufaaturerers of -- °WEBS, LAND ROLLERS, PLOWS, GANGL and CaIiogs` ofEygr Dcs ' cripiion in iron d d ras 'bell and.- Generil Repairs Fropip atter .t e G H1 .IJLA W; S AGRIC CTLTUR. A L 1,,N.. INES AND. BOILERS; CHEI*;SE FACTORY .ENuINES BOILERS' ANI) SUPPLIES, _ar ' • y TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT As a Plash Producer thorn twain sio question but that pu1F Uoo Wrz-c -.A til. o T tri, i mini i10 life a, SCHOOL. a tI ^ 01±w ALL i INb3.. •. nth raves, boons • llttri lrritHed, Jus the t(iint `'tk)' I)reeerve'the Boot e and keep them chill. 1 1v -LrN ' Sy 5 rearttc for. +13 of Jahn t' t tom t t. .01.1 a 'rivn- o aur. lint Air nl,..o it good on the met -mists t. YY, or 18. °RAFT?. Of Pere Cod Liver 011 and flpophoopiiites Of Lillie and Soda 1) 'urttbottt * rival tqauv haws Flai * ItaK t (14/ lip the r6 CONSUMPTION, ED All roamsOF IcAs AS 40.1,TANIAS. AB1ON1»I1TIS, CaU inrrda'br0o. i t&Boitirre9'btrevli is ors- Wen*. • Wall Papers an SttiQt i -Wheit:'Wedittg an..rfti►'itl il` 1 1%i1e, 'iv. aims h tri ll. 'e' 114l •