HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-30, Page 4/ k 4 ft t'7-1, • ee eel ee, , tsteaael • lawattera. a. . Q khoivround tliat It need ohift, • a The 0,ipeteantit Minute eltileinttbn od given reopen/Jib/Rita but iih proper recognitiou of the home dativie aridaklee 8 5 daties had removed any etleh, °potation. The 8 8 Noon neeels, au a ettneadey afternoon, of shOuld not ineellowed o tellot the pluee last week, Ray W , Craile,'B; A,, of of twine trang, The pet it itleottid Clintou, (President). tit the ohair. not delegeteehio ot her deity to numb, 9e1TC1r. D „ A,fter the singiug 0 familiar hymns, er —not °venal/ the 8 8 -teaelier. - praj, er WEW offered by Ree 16,8ellery,16 Siesou eliould be teught tkt hoine I), of Brussels; -Bev J Iffilitipsoa. (1st) for thaparelit'e own eeke, (2nd) o.f Brucefield. and, W 1I Gray, of for.the benne of tlie ebita, (3rd) for 8eafortb, The follewing is a partial the impree4on of the leseou upon the CET ACENT mi3O of tae child, (4th) for lietielit to the teacher. Tim teiteller is p'eased to he a Nell prepared scholer iu las eiVie TELECRAPO 00. a as., avHad it wi I lighten the tem:eerie nswlck burden aini thas help to 'fulfill the !lenses` commaucl, "Bear ye one auittaieras bar- • (elite Smith. Belgrave—A M Treleaven,. 440." Miss As Littlefair, Wrn Bengough: Singine.,—"Wonderful• Wards. of .1 platheeltra,Eldere Miss Wateion, Mies Iife." "The Lessells tied the Tea61ter,", 'by Rev 3 A Wright, • of. Gearie—The teaeher's life must be la petfiet mord with the lessons taught, Theletrolier's A Mcatillati, J 0 (Nark, Goderich— heArt must have the insdwellisig of 3A1`11-TA•32" 89, 1891. •Mrs Lee* Miss Acheson, Sethesada the Holy Spirit and Haan the count:ie. —Mies:Reddy, .Miss Duun. Tbornas sion feed my lambs'. laielessowneist 4'EUint Baytield—Rev G Newton, be thoroughly studied, by the teacher. of the Ceneitty et 'Pure* 8111bis4h ohool Aetoeletion aegan its sessions Molvilto Peesayterian), Chute* :list of the delegateene atemulauce Walton—Be W Otteweti,. ?). 8. Welsh, Geo Gelete, Win. Pollard, ..airs 'Neal,. Mrs Berry, Rev' D. Forrest, David Campbell, Jus$wilIie,. fls Mo. Lenghlin, Mies MeKieben,. Miss zngt'am C1111 CS 01) Stewait, Missrafoffattel 8 McKiOnen, a McGowan, Fl Metaaarrie, Jacob Taylor, Mrs N' 11 'Young, Mrs • Heck. ' step. Anburn—J 3 Washington, Rev WEST ELLMON, 1 HoluriArille—Miss Pickard, Willtaiu Lesson helpa • sliould lie• studied at veotien nf the Liberals of Piokarde rlook—Jas Gorrie hotina but kept there. viuoh prayer should be made by the teacher to help him in stedeing the lessola aud for help and abaity to teach it to the ohildrene Realiee, the Divan) pressure in theS S. Have ftitthin the soliolers, believe fertheia; salvation. Have faith in the lesson, it is the message of:God, and if daty is done by the teacher the Wend, will nut return' void, but will acconiplisti that whereunto it is sent, , Singing—T lovete tell the story. The lesion and tae echolars, W M Gray, of Setiforth—The nilioster saoula do more to bring before the Miss leeatherland, Miss Rogers, Miss pareatatbeir respotesibility in.helping Beattie, Mies Spartiog, Mr. Sperling, thelechildren in •the study of!. the Mr Sproat, 8 Walker, Mr • Denuies. let:stint- It isethe duty of parente and Beemiller—Eml Brnee- teaeherd in helping to .fortify the field—Rey Simpeen, Miss JOWan, •,scholars witieBlele truths. to enable Miss Calder, Thos Boyets. Londese ,ethein to go -falcate to withstand the boroaa-Peev J Tergason. Belmore—e temptations. A • class of indinortal H •Pdet Hardy. Brussels—Rev S Sete lery, Rev R Paul, Geld Rogers; Dr Holiness Dr-Oavagagh, Mrs 3 L Kerr, Minnie Wore, EaKalaerr, Miss Me - Naughton, J .02Pepper, W He Kerr, airs J Stewart Mrs John •Stewart, Ws A ISIS:Laughlin, Ste, evert, ((eeen st.)„.Salrs,Graliane G A. tv Deitaimia,Mies Annie Rosie Denuise, -Wiegtireatealteien; Agneev, ',Miss Mc-„ ,Qtkarrie, Mss Jobs \V B 'Hatton and wife, j. H. Friend ,D M Gordon. Toronto—Alf. Day. Hensall—Rev Cassen.• Whitechurch--.Rev W • H Geddes. • Two minute addresses awere given by Reyds Messrs Simple*, McMillan, Paul, Rosa' t.he President and Mrs Leech, and Messrs Aida:lady, Smillie, Stewart,. Gray,. Towrishend, Kerr, Foseera ellennis and ' Manning on 4,`,1tenimbf interest concerning Sabbath a 'whowork.' The necessity': of Teacheraetueethaas far the stodiv of the lesson was given a protainent.pline' • in• the:Isalf hear" occupied. The Oth et prinopal thoughts sug'gested beingqhat there should be more* children's sea, vices of the charelr; •the necessity of the children attendinia the mornitig ei service and Making the services in- teresting to thems ottani as to older people. Committees were nciminated by the President as follows :—Iiominating, A 11 Mittnilig, W 11.1ierr, ET Foster, Rev J 11 Simpson and Rev A Mc- Millan, ReSolutions—Revds Messrs &Boy and Rose, a,nd W al Gray, El MeQuerrie,- and ,T H ,• bit lierdy. Business—W H Kerr, G A Deudnian, A Stewart, tr Dennis and J &ninth. • Moved by Rev 8 Sellery, B 1), sec- onded by Rev J Ross, 13 A, that not less than 500 eopies of the proceed. iiags of this. conveution be priated at 5 cents each—Carried. Ilymn—'Jesus keep me near the cross." ° Tepid I. --"The Lesson" was then taken upeej Mel:lardy, of Belmore, speaking 'first on the sub.division, "The Leseenteamd the minister." He referred to thes 'high station - occopied by the miniatea and the greed service performed b'- him. The minister should be posted MI the lessons used Sunday lifter Sundaye Be should so ts..jd.uran as constituted for Do. atieau.rpoees, will, be hela at God, 6oh Wedbeeday. February ‘Itlie nvention will be held in the —W 8 Bean, J Rt Williams, Miss Ma,s,prie Dane, Miss 14a Rogers, Bev Mr Wright, Olioton—Rev Mr Craig, 11 Foster, 'Taylor 0 Stevensen, 'Mrs Bichlleeonthe, bliss Robinson, Miss parrince Hall, cornmenoing at 11 , Taylor, Mr Burley; Mr Bruce, Miss Tale business to be transacted1 Holmes,' Miss Bence. Mariniug th be e annual. election d officers, Jas Snnt6t Mrs Andrews, Miss Walker, Miss Moore, Miss Leek. Seafortli— W ipoointment of delegates- tee the. M Gray, Rev Mr Casson, &theta [ate etneventiou,- au& otherltepore J 0 Strada Miss Jones, Miss patters will be considered., Each ThoMpson, Miss Siameou. , Miss lioipality in the Ridingewhieh is Henderson, Dr Ferguson, W Hartry, rodeo: Eaet and We°:'W. eeees A Gray, Miss Willis, Mise •OW, T.? COlbonne, and Cloderich hips, HA Ohatori add Goderiela • !1iU' represented.Address- er%).he transaction of the. busi. ooaventioe, will ti deliver- • 0 Cameron, Q 0, j•TGarrowe M P P, and others. Math subdivision Committee should .e (moo and appoint delegates, -Ais uuderstood that all Lib. Will be welcome. 40, #trTATIO from the G -r; 4,,of Tradevisited Groc.- , et will e people .of thaeiti 0 the prospeoe of tae exteneion..of .Goelpit Tone -Mae Ettalwaye The reation met • representative of the. ispa City Commit etelathtel3Bard of le, .Col Macdonald,. one of.' the Prgref.theGJRi stated that he An 'continuo tea t ion • wielet.ear Ana and, had asihranceS, from '•,the 0 P1 would build the eon as cireamstancee would Ittewas decided to try .and , interview with •air' Van rly date,ley a delegation odericat Council and Board. d the GuetCh Council and jade, as to the best steps tete further the object in „ Mks (lesson, .1-.13rownell, Mrs Gray, • Wrazeter. t Temperance doncfart on ng last was largely attend - (seeps in.evary parties —end Beck, of amen degree to egramme, with t and', fantastic Gilesew never na •-be regretted o Club wet enot ie. the • mount of ,evhed. Threperfbrat.. dWich -orchestre was. inly and taken altegeth- eptunee Was well tarried out credit on the cominittie. *tide, tearnstee for T 4 J ited with having' drawn adaf logs ever drawn e. The load coteerised it pine in Sit togs,* and some twitter feet the in by MitteiMay, several came from the Topton,whore seals committed to the charge of a teadlier isn very grave responsibility. Thelessonshould be •tboroughly studied so that he oan give the child - r'% the very.best truths ilo th q lesson. There is spiritual truth in every lesson, and it is the teachers duty" to see the truth, aplieving for results that will •surely fallow: • The Home Sunday SchAol, by 11 Vester, of Clinton— Q,i4t a niiicher canhot possibly get to S 8 throug'h various al:labs. Com mit tees are forthe.d in the various' eliel °hes are sent out to etideavor 'to reach those who no no't ittend the tSS geitiirg them to study, the !taxon in the keine every. Sunday at the saineatime as'in ,the Sanday. Thee are visited at least once quurter the coma' mittee, and reports are rdeeived Of the werk done, records being kept of them. • Practical illustiations vvere given of the suecess of this 'depart- • ment of 8 8 work. • Many of' those reached' inallis way, after 4 time' join• inn the Se', S, being a 610 thereto. The' cineatIon must come to every 8 8 worker,'AM 1 doing 11111 ean to help those who' clo not noet borne to the ? To many homes Which have been opened hating vvat the pastor bas been • able to 'Teach theini where before hie eould aet•enter; 8inging—Rescue the poishing• "The Provincial Association and Country iind' Townehip Organization:: Alfred Day, Provincial Sevetary,, Termite. There has not been for the last tiventeative years such a spirit of ctinseeration and earnest effort to do work for God in the 8 as at present. Mr Day gave a very interesting mi. couet of his recent visit to Parry Sound, Nipissing and Muskoke, giving a statement of the difficulty of'sustain. ing Sundae, Schools in these spersely populated "distriets, the hardship they bad to enconnter fortleek of means, &c: There never Was such a.• Lima' when there was so inueli week tee be Slonce-ay the Provineial Ansoeiation, and there never was such a desire tin tho peat of the people to do more earnest wok for Christ,' We must levee organiti: tiou m eeltool, work, for "unity is strength," mania& •better Wok' is done by being joined together and yetiante of primeval study it as to be in. teach with the presenting a solid •phalanx to the rge Allan, employ. e S. The roi&ster • may not be world, ifearneet conseerated work is is home pie it visit, able thattend the 8 • 8 regularly done. We get a wider meet? of Chris. ritationed at but 'at ° taloa Ile •slioulddo so, tian charity and love by being joznea ria should • also' • haVe regular t tgether. The teachers Of to -day will be respontiele for the • (peaty of Christians there will be in the twene Vieth ;penury. The teachatva lehould •s mm amal in the S a by tho. congregation and wive to attein tt highero,stateat effi.. (00441 Patrick,' better provision. tieing nude. hy the ,tilency so as to eoinpare favocetbly ehuroli for the S S. with publiesehool tea:there, as seholitas Hymit--"Whiet a friend we /We la' W.11 ttotopare them and the 3 8 tomato! Jetess." aehauld not eutfar thereby. Mr Das owe:, ktrongly udvuoattel IsTeratal alesset for n, At week boWn, thus heiput* tii eke ft to tile,„alitsis,ietsctrers Vibe wade .rt .414„, /1.‘. ..„,ta ,v44 8 Setervices tinge in a while—sey cab. ginirterly. These services would Atiteciation result in it grocer interest 'Wag taken '"Le•aeartrew , evening, •• erganizied t) -1 e • • Jaen.; w fe,Ar etas, '8e.o. (2nd) "The Lotion on Mobl Ham; Dot oheere wee to cse. eel , 14 4 ;a4, eals;,,ee eddrese „ilea eppreetietnealli the • Rev J 11 alfmption Stetiatioal Odann'tt of tele oonventi at Oe. per copy. , 1. The ucjh*e and ;ouch ttentime ported for the at the alinute$ proeured After siluoug the Doxology the Benediction was prottotweed by Rot Boss• . wiiDNEEIP4t NVaNiNn.• The secoed seselon Was held * Preisbyteriett allureli, the Peel:talent ¶ii theAfetiek:devotional• irexereises the choir whiell was a 'alien one, reedered very fine anthem, eutitled 'blooms Love Address by 4 11 Manning, of Clin- ton, on `tionte possibilities of S. well,' The possibilities of the 8 6 ore the same es those of the chureb, or aucceseof ame is the suceees of the other- (1) A deeper knowledge et the Bible. (a) Lieu:eating a loftier pa triatisneisial A higher gfAite of niorals ui pithlic life. Every ft;rni' ef ent eat,' vice should be denoneeed, and tile seliolars taught so thoroughly tha Obey will go ont hale the world to make it purer• and better, end to promot4 a 'higher oedema.. life. (8) lhe posei. betty tf Wag right thews of life— something more then making motley or beiug votaries of fasaion. The true ideal of moral manhood is Jesus Christ. Ile denounced every form ef wrong-doitig, and all through His life gave us a,n example that we should follow Ills steps. • (4) The possibility of sending forth a grand army of School workers into tbe World to spreed abroad tne gloriouk hl's ow, everywhere, of a erticin'an ed d ri,ea Savir eu. The address evae interspersed with soine practicel illuetratious, and was inucli Appreciated,,rp Sinng by the choir, There is a fountain tilled withblood. 'Elements of success S 8 work.' was" introduced by Alf Day, of To. ronto, Ptovincial Searetary. The S S, started some years Ago by Raikes has risen to twenty millioue, wlio are new engaged in S'avork. The reeog ninon of child life Is the barometer of fhwage. it.0 recognized in n all Christia, countries. The moral aud spiritual cuth culture of the ild is left to the 8 S1*a great measure. trite teacher should .know the gospel and the scholars he ie teeelling. slikuld have .eomplete faith in the Bible, or quitsteaahing until he has. The seholars should thproutddy comfortable in the S Saud have plea, sant stirroundiags, and success will he iii4e easily as'Sn red. The truth ef God's wtird mest be 'presented iu • simplicity dila love. Thellove of thechildren must be gained to . have an influence for h good over teM. Give the ahildren somethiog 'e to do, Our xamples should be such as will ennottle their !Ives, as they are ery receptive (bad is very imaginative, which can v. •A f be utilized or abused. • Three of the greateot iucentiees to snecess are im- agivation, co-operation and cniaositara What are the :faculties peculiar to e. eibild's ? (1) Taith ; Great e cat e inoield be taken not •to • 'break', Midi avitn a child. (2) Love;shows iteelf in very inany Miami in a child's life, especialgato those wlia recipro-. mite it. The Lead will not -honor in 'delence. The teacher have a elOse connection with the true vine; /they must letae light to enilMe. them, • toainderetaial the truth; their bearta iniikt burn with genuine love' for the' salvation of the seholar. Invite them to your bone ; be Interested:4ft their everyday Wei, never give them up, no matter howenuell patienee and for. boatance is/needed. The adakees was full af very interesting and 'practical illustiations, mid was intensely. inter- esting, •Thisie the second vilait of Mr laley to the County of IiiironS Oone vention, and his presence at any future Convention NVIII be a 'great seuree of pleasure alai inbtruction to tkii-• •artny of S workers In the 0ounty,' SSwork indifferent world. The heighteet both the United States' ' were •to tat foniad therleinteh 1 felted le the great 8 School wor Simpeotiearoney advaeated the olds leg of theke 0LJreiiots, end hie dreee gantlet 110 have a goad effect on tifalaeh.gatee present, The7inninating Committee thet. nominated the following as the rfficeibe: for the. ensideg year, the aanptien of whieli was !newel by air blearing, of •Clinton :—President, Rev J 11 Sinp son, Brecon sla ; VieeePreeidente--.W I -I Kerr (13russela), W Hutton 1Wingliain), Jas Scutt (01intem), T 0 ' Kemp (Seeforlhaelats Satchel, ((od, erieli); Exeoutive Committee—Rev W 0raig,13 D, Wni. Grey, Bev A McMillan, Rev 0 Oteobler, yr tor ; Trrasurer, J 0 Stevenson ; Ntinate Seeretery, Teylor ; Ganerel„ SI;eretarie.s-- A. .11 Mituniug and j o A8fili elerthis'inging, the benedietion was pm:memo:6d ay IS6ellery.—Poot. • Listowel. The anniversary seeviees of the • Presbyterian •cherub were held here** on Sunday last and were omelet:tad bye the Rev J L Murray of Kineartilae, There were large ongrea1 ih bus bot morning end evening. On Monday nigbt, a lecture was deli'Vered by the' seine gentlemen on his "Travels in Italy " There was a large attendance also a thelect lire and everr peeson Seemed to enjoy the inaneer in which ' the rev gentleman handled his !subject. ' The tiollections were as follows: morn - lug, $101,35, evening, $48 45. • Total -1 fur Sunday $149.80, Ou Monday night $26Swas realized at the' lecture, malting a total of 4175.—Ur Brooks, of Attwood, has purcliaseit ' Mr R w.olfe's eeeteuraiit. Mr Voolfte gees to Stratfdid, to Pngage hi the same butintess,—The body of a wren named Wm Craig, of Arthur tawaship, was found on the railway track oita Wednesday morning of last week. Ha had been run over and killed by the train on Teefiday morning, it is sup, posed.—Oit Tkiday maritime ...last, a frame dwelliii,;,:ani Inkercrian street, , owned by Mr 0 Miller and occupied by Mr L Sebb, was 'destroyed by liree getlandaa Singing by the congregations" Work folthe nightais coming,' and 'an' anthem by the ehoir. „ a . f' interd,itiOnal D'o ye/1volt. Hotta' by Rev 'DE Simpson,' of Britue- field, 'who was,elie delegate to the in. teriintional Oonivention held. at Pitte, burg be' &meta 1890, 11e: gave an interesting detiiiption of the tourney, giving an nenotnit of two accidents whieh happated to the treble on which the ttEdilateS wea. BetWean tive and MX thoustind delegates were ltI COnstant attentleact , The Cott- Veution wa.4 opened by HAI Pot Win Ileynol who was eut, of Peoria, „fitl,,,- -elm his e - ,e • • , ; • 1,4,hp;bri:lie'd4:1111bosieWsios raised by 1 f 1 "weloonie,teita• given by the Goveraor "of • ee t..iz4ae * ettvilize of (ankirro leall,!tt,tI ie,,.,a0r tibol r n • i 'tot,. 4• .; ('' , A% ( ThorA'Aou has go.ne to South *R,Wer agate —Miss Ide end Mr Ed Pekoe are visitaig frin dt Ati wood. —Mr Eli Jacques and .1. MoOreight hacl.'a bee for logs ou the :17th inst•— It has been thought that a Sueday Scholil would be started in our scheol again,:' It is very neer time for them to be acting in this matter as a 5» - day Schoblavould not hurt these.paila in the least.—Mr E Cornell, who has been livitg here for some time peet,hae moved eway to near Olifford.—Mrs Starke who is stayin.4 at Mr 3' Eales- toue's s.very kw at present. ---There has been a Patrons of Industry society ' organized 'here. They meet in Mr Al Ian' houee,which they have rented. Tioay havnabout tbirty members al- re'ady, which means qaite a bit fee a/ • small town like ours. • Glenfarratir. Mr MePIVerson is et Goderich - this week atteading the first meeting of the new eciiinty council. --George Fortune had a number of teams, Moil- -day, drawing briek front Fordwich for leis new house.—, A. flambee •of the ,yenng people of This part are spending ,this week with friends in Stanley. Wehope they are having a pleasant and 'enjoyable tittle.— Mr and Mrs JecksPie of Winnipeg, who have been spending 'elev.. weeks with Mrs Jack-. isob'k father ( &Gem mill ) returned to the prairie prVvince Monday last. —An old pioneer and resIdent of the Heariek boundary aassed t . his re- %wird, Tuesday 2011i, inst, in the per. sobi Ot 'John Gallaher. Mr Gallaher had reached theripeeld age of 80 years, passed away after a long- anti severe illness, leaving behind a largo most of whom are growl up and doing for themselves. T urn, b eery. The grand muSical and literary en. fettainment given in 'Eladie's 6„taillirCb) on Wedavisday,•the ftIst hist, was ee thoroegit enicess, arid considering the melemetit state or the weather, there was a good turnout. The pastor of the ohnrell, Rev A It Hartley, oaatit. pied•the chair. The progrartime eon» tasted of a siva by Dr Mactionald,M. Pi Nodules by Mr 8 Gamey. The tunWil p.trt of the entertainment was p•Flied by the Wirigham vomit mid 1.1estrUnietita1 Qaartette Club, ltterary part of the entertainment Wad a a Seeteeless deeteription, Tant•Qetee take tifttfte °tub Ifideetheir pot to t feeetion of all, Judging from , latttstl aelelett fakeetanieatialk aaa'aa. ;stt .tirlete11 • , • Aets Altiettiation of t. ,Patrone of In le entitled Mee eaf Associa tiani, No 2001, lies be orgenized it ''.fleltiSat;olie°h ldielierairTliiiirit$ h"fol Miwen, dent; Win Eaton, viceepreeident jehe Perdue, secretery ; Jos Gulley J14.:ItilitlOr7se;rat,UsteletWi 1:404r1w, je'Plie grilrieti • dent and'Olias Oarripbell and Unttrgf Hannah were the delegates of tlie Ao • imeietion at the County Associatim iteld'at tit Helens on the 28th •inst ilia& Leaf Assoeiation meets ever, Monday eveninge—Mr Peter alegeven soet of Mr John A. MaIi1Weii, 01 tit Jet eoucession, to beetle fi•out MAW 'd . tehe oh a visit. He leas rented a tkel ' near Delorathe and intends returma sae% the middle of blarola—Th angelpf deeta vied the bon o . • " Mr A. Cole'lest weekaand carried o • laeinfant cleugliter, The sympeth • di the unemunity is extendea to the eorrosving fetutly,—V gooa numbe of the Good Templare of this vieinit - attended the distri e. meeting of the , 0 G T et Sly th on Wednesday. --M • 0 II Blackwell's pupils, in 8 8 No 5 intend giving a public, entertainmen ia tbe school houee on. Feb 13e—M ,T'Sinith and sister, of Mack Hereg • have beet* spending a few days tit tit •residence' of Mr Jobe Clegio—Mis Annie bleiklejohn is visiting friend a i , latilleisse—Rev John Scott, of • Wiag° • iYam, preached miseionary sermons Q the Belgrave circuit, on Suuday last abd was listened to with marked' ap pi•onation. The newly elected members of th • eitleieipal council of Mortis, narnel IF Mooney, Reeve , 0 A. How Deputy Reeve end T • Caldbick, Ge Kirkby and Jae -Proctor, Councillor • met according to statute at the tow hall, Jan. 10th, 18,91, and subscribe • theriecesiiary declaration of offiese• au . qtlailgoation. The Reeve °couple e the °hair. ' Minutes of last ineetin for 1890 were read . and passe "...,•Moved by ,0 A Howe, Seconded b •'llis Proetor, that Wia Clerk be r appointed Clerk, at resetary of $12 • / and that a by-law be •drafted to th ,. effeet—Carried. Moved by 8 Cala, leek, !seconded by Geo Kirkby, thit • JohiaWatson be appointed Assess ' • •a by S Caldhiek, seconded by Geo Kirk ti . at a salary of $80-0arned. • Move by, that Richard Johnston be appoin se a. ed Auditor—qtaieeeed. .The Iteev • . , apeointed Chas erMcOlellantl, " secon • Auditor. Moved. by Jas Proctor - seconded by 0 Ae'llown, that Thome Laidlew, Geo Hood and W ,T Aline ton, along with tied Reeve and Cle0 • be appoluted a Bdard of liealtienvit Dr Godfrey as medical health oiffieer Carried. • The following accounts we ordered to be paidelarnely : McKilino • az McMillan, lumber, $7.18 ; 'W I Kerr, printing finendial statementa$ A Qamerceasimplies to.alter,phy, $4» ,roceliayteekeeping Wean° iddigen • $15 ; Misses Exford, • charity, $T,5 Remission of dog tax : A' Scott, $1 . W CT' Nicholson, $1; Quinton .Aal,de son, $1; Jno Speirs, $1; Mr O'laoitno . • $1. II Mooney, financial statemen $2 LW Clark, posting financial stat ment $6 • •• Jett Gibson, acting •I . , , finceviewer, $1 ; John Mooney, col lector's salary, $85. Moved by 0 Anwe, seconded by Jas Proctor, Mu , by laws Nmi 1, 2 and 3, as now rea , lapessed—Carried. The council the e edjorirlied th meet again on the 23r diet. of Tebruaey next. , "1• • • W. CLAIM, Clerk?: 11•••••••imy111..•••••••••1 • adwyck. • ea -of thoso happ eieenis which characterize an help t break the monotony' of our otlierwis • (Viet and protracted' winter, • ‘wfte pe • termed at the residence Of 'Ma...Andre , Leingley, concession 15,011 Wedttesda •It inst. The „occasion, foi tit' . triendty gathering was the miarriatie • Mies Mary Longley, eldest daughte • of -Me Andrew Longley,to Me Webste D..Lambe telielier Yeovil P, 'nett • 'Itlauat Firi.eet. 'The oereniotip 'we • petitirmod lr the Rev M J Tette *0d4regatioltalist'mthister at Salon totwleteh &iamb Mrs latinb• 'beld tb • petition of organist, and 'wide eapeeity she 'Will be greettY misst:1• 1 Aft et the marriage'. ceremony th guests to the 'number of atiaut fifi eat down to a bOtiatifall' repiiat, pro vided in the usuel good' *ityle of al fettstt. When the letffe4 inh had been fitly sethefied, lite •guest lietetted to* carefully ,prepared pre • 0'1131111m, consisting of imeecheit b, MI of Etifi.gentlettlett' ptetemt, in .with 1na*Yith11614a1 &lets LJ ono. - The Wetteit let •virteir • ioettdra coup e (ate heed. 4itF- sf tho orronfrv was ainp 1 by rile naqty to ft drr w_vN, 4 4.- fill twool,i241% pit tht n •Le abate 1 teendek 1111. toed IA