HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-23, Page 7Itititts 1iNL TRt Ill rT.A RIo,. itrtnowlves;M It; ihQQ'. lie eti 20 I WO twits, So, Est 1We iteseh sutyey*hrt- , loo. teretes F' roeququt Mee$ I tthrn 260 'rayed, tilt ntettni, ea0e004 4 lints txceeding i Mese, lent mouth red to Isuments, or! of dircetlons, will lei' cordingly. TPA* l in &Weaned , umais must tie is t order to *Aiwa* C Olt AND P.A.LtsiiLR r , ;T, lurgeone, Ontorlo. Huron-. WIngham, Ont. A University, and ua ria bUrgeobe of Centre and Pardee Iletbuue. Osr; 1, Eta.. Etc an at lox eat rates D►ortl akeo, total t amu suis'. UST Mario DICKINSON. 11 A. iy, Ere,, tau., 134 l,mumissiunere fur limen, ',town and 1. '.Stony (private itv at 6i per cant. open the be.s try expense 01 the - )ba amu the Aorth• UNALD, WINO/IAN D, Celluloid, AIl!y. tc., Plates, raegmg 0 upwards per est gowork. Teeth ex the use of Vital ' ,side entranceoll< 2y (Sundays except• be et 111yth every th—Olhce at Milne a )0 of each month— tg 26. cents. WINONA/t, g Celluloid Plater. of the ltestmaterial can be got in the tock warranttai. the use of E'ltfutrlo.. teeth for 26 tents tek, opposite the• E AGENT. onkar INE, • in THE CkfUNTv of the Co. CCrarire. An, Osr., THIS COUM11,03r • eaprotpptll•at el3i iVKTlaa bombe ,Ipir� • end on the sashes 3tion GUaranfwrd. sin 4r mads of 'tit 0» Milts D ,C)v)r, Ilt$a104 WHAM, the Tonle will •NI titre liter* iii► I]ilaa a0., ib *a ear lerllte-,-tiEitstr gob*, then drain oil kb l live from tiilue third pr vole untii tt1 •' huttex to It and, to Mouth, who :never says money vid' of every drop of tiutrer'tni;k••-then a id have nothing fold by for euterrn.. 'p,ere pt►l &Kybe tightly worlt,►d In cies, Many families, too, with a good with the utterworker, (.Salt. to suit incolmP, spehd as Choy earl, it, trod aro till Matti of the consumer 1 Cover a1W)kysont of money eloaely, 11'�t away until the SAIL ls I Every floe and girl stlou'd learn to Isave, a little, atwaya to hove a balance in their. favor. The hab,t.learned in childhood would prove invaluable in �1 should be of such A sire that it otter iife,prevent wady a crime as well as notch misery, eo be filled with one clinrninp. The To be thrifty is such a good thing tub ahonld he of the heat quality—' and brings more happiness than some oew, ligl;t, brine and air -tight and present a neat appearance. Scald the tib with brine, letting it stand in it until it is ocld,empty and it is ready fag' tht' hntter,whic)t should be packed flit firmly mud closely to about an inch from the top; Cover the flutter with a thin= white cloth ; fill up the , tub able, . with salt and closely head up to ex, Glade the air. If the butter be made in rolls wrap each one in a Olean, white cloth and submerge in brine. veil direct to consumer and sell in season. it i sf tills fl#t*Mil. It, 1a'reaily s�,ir'prising to knfaw,how arc, con gstiy Teeple ureic are who li. f all dissolved, then work over lightly Ito liberate the surplus brine.' It is ngok ready for packing into tube.or making into rolls,. If packed in a Soh p-ople guess. A prorninent mar, of ene of our large cities onee said ; 1 bad,rather have my boys hitters than Spendthrifts, Of course either extreme is bad, but it is not necessary to chose between the two evils ; wise economy is what is desir. Souoethtng Worth Thr Ong for! 5100.00 In This is what "The • Ladies' Bazar" wilt give to the person sending them thelarges number of Dente/leo constructed from words contained in the quotation : "What- soever ye would that men should do to you de you even, so to thein."—Every week 'during the contest they will give a "hand: ,some sewing machine" valued at $50,tc the person sending them the largest number of .s9ntences that week. If preferred thev will give the winner a solid gold watch instead of the sewing machine. Special prizes for Wye said girls. They do not oiler impossibili- ties, The above will be oarricd out to the letter. Everyonecompeting will have an .equal chance. No dictionary required in this competition. Send 10c for sample copy of "The Ladies Bazar", and full in- structions, The Ladies' Bazar, 4 Adelaide street East, Toronto. A LESSON WELL GIVEN. ROW PETER TUE GREAT MADE III8 BUDJEUTS ADOPT EUROPEAN ATTIRE. Every young person should have a little account book, where everything should be set clown and balanced once a month. Muny to penny would be saved In that way; simply by seeing it set down in black and white,reminds• you that money is being received and spent. Parents cannot begin to teach the habit too soon, of -carefully managing the income, no matter how small it may be. f1044 byerpgglats or seat bytpali,y)o. HT. fls$ mals Watts% Psi Lc 4. 14 Wast Etna Wools Mills, Wteoolenle)*1lls )in rA 1 rutte pi,ingaord that , We will this mama give special attention to CUSTOM 'WORK In all Ito branches, and will keep in etook a oleos of flrnt.olarg xooile, apch as Tweeds, Flannels, Etotrs, Blankets, Sheetings, . • Stocking Yarns, &c., &c., (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex- change for 'wool. In Milwaukee, the street show bills, before being posted, must bee submitted to the chief of police. If they do not shock him, it is expected they will pas* muster among the less suscepti- ble crowd, A Kansas physician sent a bill to a widow for doctoring 3 our husband. until he died. Peter the Great adopted rather a novel cleans to convince his subjects that they should Change their clothes to conform with modern cgstnmes of Western Europe, Believing, as.' is Weil known historically, that the future greatness of Russia depended upon the facility with which it was made to assimilate all that was best in other countries, be bad succeeded in. introducing some important innova- tion into the half civilized region over, which he held sway. At leugth he had patterns of cloth hung up at the gittes'of the towns, and those who did not conform to the fashions thus set where docked publicly. Albeit this was done in as pleasant wanner as possible, fur Peter believ- el in being good natured with his people. They, on the other hand, loudly demurred and used the argu- 'nient, that what was good enough for their forefathers was good enough for them. Very well, said the sagacious Peter. In 1708 he gave a dinner at bipscow to celebrate the marriage of One of his jesters in conformity with atlgient Usage. There had formerly been a superstitious custom of not lighting a fire on a treading. So Pater made tliem do without a fire, 110 wouldn't give then any wine .&because their forefathers never drank 111.: When They remonstrated he re - them that it was a poor rule that did 'not work all around,` and Alai by his good-nstured `restneee, wheedled his people into new coats -- Arent the hardest thing taht can be dace with humanity. Urfa TO Morraua.—Ate you disturbed at night kali broken of your coat by a etokchild suffering and ° b* with pain of Cutting Teeth? If 80 scud sO 4We e' nd got• bottle of lire.Winalow's Soothing rep" for Children Teething. Its value is incalzul- It *ill relieve the poor little sorrowfllNtiedlately. Dopetal upon it, mothers; there is no 101110ke about 11. It curet Dysentery and MNarrhanv, regulates the 8totuach and Hotta's, mime Wind Colic, •Wtees the Some, reduere infAmmntion.: and ghee 'etue end energy t0 the whole system."Mrs. . blrs. win. ''01'0 Soothing' Syrup" for children teething is *Wont i,,,t to the taste and Is thepreeriptimt of ono of 1ba olde't and bort female physicians ends Vora* in fll+ United urates, mol is for sale by ail druggists thtouuhnnt thu, world. Pride twenyfl tue (mute. a 'e, Ile euro rind ask for "Mail. '0 is.boom ;laTattto twice' snd toko no ether htud GET A FLAG tilClliip,4Q, said lath) 'Wille, nspaett t414,1)01'012* piastres are those holes It*Pot fits ++>!iu pazg 11 tough s Fon. vent: SCHOOLHOUSE The movement for hoist,nu the Canadian Gag on the schoolhouses on anniversaries of noted events in Cor hirtnry is spt•eadtnu rapidly throughout the ltominlnn and evoking the hearty approval of all patriotic citizens. Al- ready ' Customers from a distance can have their rolls home with them the same day. • 8'Iligheet market price in aaeh for Merchantable Wool, I'1\GL1S .t CO'Y., W ingham has done its share In helping on this movement. by awarding a handsome flag to one s houb to each county of Ontario, bat rho number of on 31111/09 from all parte of the Dominion as to Iiow flags min be obtained by other schools bas determined the publishers of THE ESIPI11E to cam a handsome CANADIAN FLAG of best bunting. 12 feet long irbgniar mice $15), as 19 ppremium for 30 new yearly eubseeibers to the WEt11.LV IIMVIRS at it or eight now yearly subscribers to TWE 0117 130?I1178 at 15 nor a4nnum. or a proportion of earth. one sudiecriptMn to Daily oonntfng for FOUR Weeklies. avert' school in the Dominion ought to hove a national flare. sad th!.a QQtror ptesent:3 an op - Immunity for own qbtadding It without oust, and with littlgtrdrble. Let those who are 19.1 tweeted tottlim a Beg for thele what* Meme jots jb oqg vvpp aglob. end while sub lb earere ;nifty I Valuef)er their more • in Iho best ne per tate DOotialon, the behold obtains it* � Or COST. The WENS T Y 11'1RR ►tab reeentlr been aalaprrgea 0.I�wwttelv�o weave. and tanow. wiitth111 aout wah[Io4best re0Wattlwon kof*sTit DppesACIA r1U as the le*Clog u00ening journal of tis Detnlo* ion dfgA. arid gqrtIn SOF aLtoy !rhos school.* is writ Mi Ipeolol da ibing DR WM SWIRL !seauta. THE ODELL TYPE " WRITER. WIEf69AM MARBLE WORIS I a➢$12.0 will buy tbo ODELL TYPE WR1- ` TER with 78 characters, and $1 5 tar the SINGLE CASE ODELL, warranted to do better work than any machine made. It combines simplicity with durability, speed, ease of operation, wears longer, without cost of repairs than any other machine. bias no ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat, substantial, nioke. plated, perfeet and adapted to all kinds of type writing, Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Two or ten copies can be made at one writing. Any intelligent person can become an operator In two days. We ofer$1,000 to any operator who• can equal the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special nducomente to Dealers. For Pamphlet giving 7ndntsements, &c., address ODELL TYPED.WRITER Co., 85 and 87 500 A,e p. • CRICAGO, ILL. MATTHEW AMBLER, HARNESS. MAKER,. lee 00 hand a large sleek of QOafiB 11LANKETl . CUHRVC0I,B8, ' II21.19HER, HIPS, TRUNE. , VALISES eta, Which wilt bo sold &1 bottom prioe'i. 11AItNNEC8, double or -single, msdo to order on short notice, and 4aHatamitlon guaranteed. jl$°A call solicited, -Olt—Opposite the Rank et tlarnlliob, MA1'T}I1t1rt ANlfl.Mlt, igne.nt, tib, diff. !n retrospect ak are R thirteen R of n: a m itRee or fourteen arsbgolp, In lo hand IderivemoatlitownlyRo oder my thanks 49 my Mende end the pubiie gen Orally for the liberal patronage extended t0101'IT the poet. I may &leo state that l am in a poritton to offer better induoceetN tbau ever to MOO requltiay anything in the Moe of ts. ;a1:AnsT�w ow SILLS, Granite or Mono Monttlnen STONE TRIMMINGS IOR P.IINCINO, ka ZETLAND SAW MILL x GEORGE •THOMSON, Proprietor. I would be pleased to have these tieelrou pre curing any articles in my line to call and examine goods, compare prices and leave thew .n dere, so that the goods mal be secured and prepared a►rlpp in the season. You can select from the Wert leo gns and obtain thorniest wotkmanehip at the uu'st favorable prices. &tort respectfully, yours In tiro at no-; 11 int C11.8$. NN O iTZ WWisbee to Intimate to Ilio people or now, fuel, sprrouodtng sountry that Me 40 porehtiliwd the harper*. moanero lately *sow on br Mow*, ,1..1. Ilomuth II lion, Mid *III conduct it lathe building one doortth of 44r T A *151*' DOUBLE AND SIMMS S ddARN�FSN ,. heavy or light, made to order. A full lane of Ilona Blanket',. Weigh Delhi. Whips Curs) combo, Oruebev, eta, alwayeon band. Repalrin, needy aria,ptn.tnptly done The petronaco of the public solicited, and sattistae, tiouin work and material guaranteed, 'WM. SMY'TH, C. $NECHTEL Wlntrham, Ont. Winghmm, Morel. 4 1860, Groat Stock Taking Salt. Combines All Broken, And so are the price.; of Goods We are bound to reduce our stook be fore Stock -taking, if prices will do it. T. A. MILLS Has been doing a rushing business for the last three weeks, and they; Sale still continues. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. I Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part 01 Winghaln. " . tar Orders by mai promptly attended to. 0E0RGE THOMSON, Wingbam P.o NOW is the time to paint gout home*, and RUBBER %r PAINT -•-U the ---- BEST in the WORLD, None genuine unless damned "Rubber Mot Co, Claret..id, Ohio,' We *lobos Ib. bad CANADIAN Reay Mire&it': 1.01:10411 get any /Made you chairs, to quintttlee ,eoeting from 10 omits up, Per Whitemaehingand A leo oolnnlling,,iaskwfor LABASTMI I 1 '.1. and don't'takt'anything 0110. I s.&Olin°Col. AL IiiAI E M1+ UCH N.NTS, W ittglwon. Such Bargains -Were Neer Heard Of. If you want a Remnant of any clasiof goods CHEAP, come and see us. 500 Remnants of DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, &c., must be sold at any !mice. Goods all Marked Away Down Sot as to give everyone achance to secure a BI'G-BkReAIN 4 Cheap Flannels, Cheap Dress Goods, Cheap Tweeds, Cheap Overcoats, Cheap Furs, Cbeap.Blankets, Cbeap Carpets, Everything Cheap. CHEAP IS NO NAME FOR IT. Come and see for yourself what we are doing for Cash. Cash we want, and for Cash You can Buy Goods Cheaper from j our Large Stock and have' a Better Choice. COME AND SEE. FOB YOURSELFI We want to show the people how to SAVE MONEY. A 'dollar saved is a dollar made, so just try us and save thedollar every time. T. A. MILDS. A Blessing to Every Household.. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OItMENT These remade' bare steed the toot et fifty years experience,, n»4 ate prenotn ed the Met llladlc&os for F&roily UH. THE'LE1,S Purity ale heed; cornet 1111 dieorderis of the LIVER, STOMACH, RIONILIS' XX& liotb]It:r' ands sr invaluable in al1'compl&ints incidental to females of 11l alma T 0Ii T M..E T,,. Is' 1tR' HL15S the only reliable tamale for had tags, sore,: ulcers, and old wound's,Ff) IC ONC Slit* THROATS, C000118, fOLbS, GOUT. RHEUMATISM, ATISM, GLAI)ULAR SWELLINt1S' AND ALL IteMlt0 UIBMASES IT HAS NO F.QUAL. Manufactured only at 78,)4ew Oxfonl. Late 611E Oxferi Srr.80, l.eitrh a, aid sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world,. 1g''Perhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pole., if the. *dares* is °Mord' Street, London, they lite spurious, 4 II:CURE Fi, THOUSANDS OF.NOTIUS ' UYEN AWAY. YEARLY . .• What 1 rap Mitre t do trot; Merely to *ten them for alba*, *ad tawarete*. R IMEASAAal10ALCYNts 1bores-awe the dI..sskot Or Fd*IIln lteno e a Ilia long sandy. i warrant or rowed, Oto is trerat stow a have trilled Mt tin r.,.o for net a.w °M a 041444. iktsltMt lee tlylM "t.+ r a$.MS* T TTM IITS