HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-23, Page 6a:. d lute Seeding, ol; Spring Grain. em e:deuce gained at the Oen- plteirostltat rartn, Qttawa,dur- t e past "seaeoitou this riibjPct r : its to, the great 1m,portanoa of early y cedjug.So vital a bearing does this Appear toxltave on the, profte of ,agri- culture:thatthe reaultsoltre deemed of '4ufeeisut intpertstloe, to justify their being brouglbt under the notice of the farmers of the Dominion in a special bulletin,. ' It is generally conceded that ,the farmer• who melte; a practice of Aetting his; seed into the ground at the earliest opportunity afterthe land is. in s iaufitable condition to receive it, Realazetr, as a rulP,the best•returns,but • n what extent the advantages on his Ode llas'not heretofore been submitted. `ire c.trefnl teen in , 'Canada. However, the eitperiments' undertaken at the • neutral "'Experuitental Farm clearly ebow the advantages of early sowing Thirty-six' plots of one. tenth of an acre each were devotedto a test of the felative advantages of early, medium find late sowing of barley, oats and rspriieg wheat, two varieties of each grain being sown. It was decided to pow one 'of these ranges of six plots every week"uuii ail were seeded,matr- iingaltogether six sewings.The varieties ttf grain chosen were as follews :—Bar- iey,. Prize Prol:fig and Danish Chevalier i both two -rowed sorts) eats, Prize gloater and Eery Race Horse; spring wheat, Red Life and Ladoga. The following table—gives the re- sults AS 0 CA 0 y N c 0, 0 m e e v a' • which deist of tete weeks. L i little over six and a bolt t+loltl►rtt, but the oal crop itf to very lade that every butlhel of Iked per *ore in Ontario alone, tekinll Oats dit 40 out* per bullet, ie wig to 11752,648, A Sorel corner. The age of 30 is a `bard corner for a woltian to turn,sa.ud 35' is still harder; She feele that, she le fest leaving her youth behind bee, dict there is no reason wily a woman abonld he faded and polo at 85, or .even at 45. The chief oauae of the early, fading of American women isfoend nt the fact that many of them suffer (row some form of female weakness or disease whichrobs the face of its bloom,.! draws dark circles about the eyes,. brings early wrinkles and sallowness,•, and stamp; the face and fingers with signs of ill -health, 1)r.1'ieroe'e Favor ite Prescription will 'cure all these troubles, will bring book the lost btoom,and remove the painsand ail. meets which make women grow old. before their time. Guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case, or price ($1,00) refunded. $Y r'ze`1'telide .. Danish B avalier OATS Prize Cluster..,. B;nrtyitae° Horse Nrai30 Wits&T :led rite Ladoga .. , Anglo -Canadian 40 2024 36'1 us22 14 03110 15 11 02 33 2t03 14119 38 15 10110 30 9 28 37 02 33 23 30 20 27 17120'10 17 22 — — 35 05 81 20 28 13 18 10 16 04 .100 10 45 5 50 0 00 8 15 9 161 8 00 4 20 2 65 8 00 2 36 260 230 The loss ou Prize Prolific Barley by a delay ut sowing of one week is near. Iy sixteen bushels per acre, and on banish Chevalier a little more than eleven Lughels, while a delay of two weeks shows an average loss in two ex- eriwenta .of mere'tltau Half the crop, r atrout eighteen bushels per acre. In tea .Statistics of Crops in Ontario for .1890 recently published by the Bureau of Industries, the area under barley is, tastnxted at 701,386 acres, and should one-half the average loss which rias' been shooto, to !lave occurred in the ex- ,periusents at Ottawa be taken as a basis ter an estitnate, it would appear that the fwrufrrs of Ontario may lose it: a delay of, otic ,week. in seeding over rutllions of dollars on, the barley Crop alone, and, by, a deltiy, of two *Peke, tal5inktie,1 ave,*sge rot'ui S of rite two esceriiner>lts, inert) than, 31 r r 'BOOS,. estimating the; vfiiµe oaf, bar. yy at :10 cents per tusi7irlt The luta ineurred, by- t.i►nillee delay the prop of spring, wheat has proied partiorfxlly le<sf being about ane>sixth the chicle„where stoning heti been de. est oni4rweek, mord one•fourth where it bleu dererr d f err two weeks., while a Id weekr.'rtelay ri"ba8,a a ides of oodsid• more than one-half. Spring wheat.. tiler. owi nit teem ilnfavordle ' sea,lon, i�ten ttu tltft24tlall3i'lightCrop, and hew psaa recuts inight"bit tt odiiecl” tinder ealldit rictus. cyan ortlybecieteruiiuerl titer eliti► ftsckonintt the mtiae5. led of the heels Yiei s ilirnllar haste to this: the l'aye--tett id olfe.b.'tlt elf the *Ail tons tri t'her s,veraste of two expert ants; 'taking spriest wllottt itt 00 cent' 1bnaltel,'IVis fatted that a delay of van In kuirilte shown spassible sl riekttte aloe at the crop of Ontario of $4tt Weld ly eetityr of two weskit $4744.641e. oat *rt p uppeere to be lei* ilrfluwnt >luty iilrleeeding (hen either brele *heat; In the elver et the Pelle It Wee, hang of *bont thret Vete $r, the davit week, but'. 4 . a. A House Hung on Wires. " 1 One of Edisou's objets lives in New- ark in a house which is fairly hung on wires. As one approaches the front gate it. swings open and shut automatically. The visitor's foot on the steps of the porch rings a ball in the kitchen and also in the master's. By touching a button he opens the front door before the siranger has time to knock. An electric music box plays during dinner. When the guest re- tires to his bedroom the folding bed. unfolds by .eleecricty. Whenhe pate" out the gas a strange, mocking display of skeletons, gravestones, owls and other hideous phantasmagoria dunces about on the wall at his feet, reappear ing and distil peering in a ghostly elec- trical glary., This 'last device of electricty must be about as soothing to a nervous person AR were the rapid transforination of the ogre'magioien ih Puss in Boots.' etuek. It leaks like a greet nedsrtaltinti, But whatever may be the 'moat eniouat of the present low., or et the pesttihls guilt le future, efforts for improvement Ira Maur- taiuly is order. And there are other oouotrles tb.an Onterio in which many of the dairymen might pro,itabiY adapt diffgtent;lnetbode from those to which theyare lungaocestvwed,-A't orioau 1)airymeu, Got 'ant $Ixed+ Say, have you a lost, boy down therel a asked a voice :4y telephone of police headquarters the other day. No sir, 'All right. Boen gone a day dr two, but will probably turiat, up all right somewhere. Goiad.l2ye. Aland an hour later the eauiilllQice' sake¢ : Got a lost girl down there? No sir. . Excuse me, but I didn't' know but you had. Aren't you the man who asked for a loat boy about au hour ego f Yes. And noir' it's a .girl? ' Yes, but there was .a'mistake. I've just married a widow ` witir live child. ren, and haveu't got to know the latter yet. t thought one of the boys etas lost, but it turns out to be one of the gists. Give me a . week mud I'll be all right. (Good-bye. Soft White Elands. 'bn A little of GuI ort s Parisian i lou Balm a plied at Hight, will soon reuder the hands soft and white. Parisian Bairn is delight- fully perfumed. Sold" by drullgists. Tho Passing o; Viotorda. All the -English 'papers agree 'that the Queen has returned to Windsor perceptibly aged the gray hair has grown whiter, and the di.guitied walk' a little slower and more cautious. Great (strobes to be taken now about Her Majesty's movements. Not only are stairs descended backwards -mid very slowly, a stiok being in constant demand, but even in her own apart- ments Her Majesty moves about as little as possible. She does not ,walk a single yard unnecessarily ; and her physicians insist upon her taking great care of her health, as of kite a langour and an_oceasional alight gid- diw'ss have shown the desirabi ity of husbanding the Queen's strength tis much as possih'e, 'Wilson's Wild Cherry cures Coughs end. Colds.' • He Should get the Job. Mosquito— ,Don't .strike me 1 1 haven't mike to bite .you, but to ask a favor.' Thespian—What is it 1` Mosquito—My season is over now, and yours is oominenciug, tied for the sake, of old. acquaintanceship,' if not friendship, don't you•'think you might give me a ob. Thespian—As a singer in the chorus? Mosquito -(Waiting his leg depreeia- tingly) —Nothing solicit* y ! But don't. you thick 1'd he a success as a bill sticker 1- .Harper's Bazar:. An Enormous Loss. In a recent newspaper article Prof. Robertson, of Ontario, is credited with saying that as nearly as he can deter- mine the 250,000 °owe which furnished the Bream from which the butter made in that province:is obtained are kept at an average annual loss to their owners !of about Ave dollars per heafl. It is possiblethat ite was incorrectly reported, though other statements in the article indicate that his opinion *au, accurately given. If the faotiin the case are such as to justify the couolucion which the Processor appears to have 'forted the dairymen of Ontario, are to be pitied. ,flow the re able to endure a loss of y' a a !million and a quartet of dollars per year en a business which ought to yield a tine 'margin of profit we do not understand, And if they arts losing eo much money ton their cows they ought either make a "radical obaae in their methods of feed. Ing or else leave the deity bueinelle to :people who nnderetand it better or who are "lkier° willing to ootnply with the ? ondttl:one on which el(coe88 depends, The Peeteesor encouraged; his urifor- '•unAte cointrymen to believe that by proper breeding, feeding, sad ,geetrel 'management, they can august -their would loos of dive dollars to a profit •rob *rely dollars per cow. '1'o do this swill require radioal changes in methods and great Itilprovetneut in teener of the calk 1 • • It nulttatng a !shoe with the; peeeeut style of hook, the wearer must take the lauet entirely .atvayfrom the ho ,ke before the blue can be removed. By new41tr*ration the !cows on either side are axun itt raised eyelits. To take the shoe off, the weasel' aiwply pulls the top of the shoe open without reneoving the leen ,,front the booktl. When the shoe is pt en it is seou rely, fastened by pt bi g ^he upper ends of the two laces. The shoe is laced iua second. With chidepateut,'it ia'claiw ed, a lues shoe : MO he 1'as.tuuud tic quickly as°a wan CoA Vitt OA a Oen.. gresil shoe. r Than an In' Woo sAdel. The nteat•est man in the world is the one s, ,Who will not fall in love with a street; pretty girl, and. Who will haunt li"erlisntil Abe fan's in love with him, and Who will take"lier away from -a con tentied,'happy home, acid Who will marry .her :,and shut her up in d plane he calls home, and Who will doom hen to a life of hard work, and Bearing and rearing children, and Waiting up late at night for hila to come home `full, and • Saving out of household expenses what he agenda for cigars. or lunches, or matinees,: or cocktails, and ; Wirt .will then die and leave her without a life insurauco policy or any- thing else. k Taet,A,3,4.5. The Canadian Fireside Weekly is out with another 4traud' prize oempetitiou.;to increase its oiroulat_ott, in which. 500 Valu. tta�ble prime are offered. This is no Muzzle 140 trick, and regtlires no searching do dips tiituami's or bookis of, say;klub., .It 414ingeuioys but simple, and has uever betore been offered by any paper, kehild of eight may win as easily as s college professor, Among' the prizes are,, bioyolee,trieyeles, 800 ill all.,tr' 9ud ,at once S omits for sample Dopy with till, particutitra and list of prise to 9 Adelaide tit w; Toronto, Qat. 311E.• . V.. .S O _ MISS NET.LLLd flogARDY G RKGUATE sit& 41d Medallist of Whitby College, Puph of Mr. Ed$rd; Fisher and M. J, w. F Harrison. Plano, Or)Igrt::'Voico Culture aid Har• molly.. Rooms in Beaver; Moult, aquanaut... MU SI.C:'. 1$BTn0Orl0Ne ON PIANO AND OiteAN, ALSO PLUS 3N, HAastoNv. Per particulars regarding terms, etc, please call at my home, corner yr: Attie and Patrick sloe,ttu, FLOW LLA SPARLING. THE MISSES WATSON. "1 NSTRUOT10N given on Piano, Organ and Violin 1 Alpo in Harmony. Residence en oouror Josephine and 'atria Streets. • H P. CHAPMAN, ISSUER PUMARRIAGE BLIC, ONVEYAN CER, ErNOTARYA c C OYFxcs—" 13ig" Bookstore, RIPLEY, ONT. Money to Loan on Fernt Soot;rity at. Low Rates of Interest. No con,ntission 01=011. According to the last report of the Trade and ,Navigatioif, returns, the. amount of our exports to the United States were $80.000,000, iu spite ' of the heavy duties .imposed upon them,. while the aniotutt of our exports to Great Britain were less than $34,000,- 000t on which there wtis no duty what- ever; Iu the faoAlof this surely every ream...able titan will e me to the con elusion that .there must be some iat Ural causes operating: fear this large in. ternational trade between Canada and the Statt'e, mid that if .We had recis procitybetweeu the two countries Can- ada would be able to sell. r great, deal. more of her products to her neighs bora, A cirmular is flow being issued to steamship agents in Britain, putting in fermi the new systme of bonuses' for einigrMltt actually settling in Canada, D4 not, Smile at Mlle man who now goes about with gloves two sizwa larger than his hands call f.)ra It is needless to x' that Mote gloves were a iIeest. Inas pie scut. -04:40t wear poor boots at lith weasot orf the year for you will he sure to surfer for it but get a pair of high oat searnlem1 st)Nd kip boots. bald by Gntwds tt Mora• tt u at the price ehsrgsd by taker lames Ger airilowttin otYtjlf I DAVIS TS OFFERING 4 1h 2RQ1? Ef T AT VERY LOW RATES. SM.E 81MT OFFICE -OPPOSITE THE MARKET, WINOIIAM Ocrouna 411l, 1881 HALTED &SCOTT F-A_N'KERS_ Josephine Street Wipgham, Ont. 4 . A' IlAsrrtw, . W. SCOTT, Mount Forest. l . Idstowol. Deposits Roeeivod and Interest Allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, 00 endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought .1t a fair valuation, ouey remitted to all parts of Canada at reasouable charges. Special Attention Given to Cole leoting Accounts and Motes: ca mtiates Plan. up -- al's= lt'li't.Lt,4.X btOlt1'l 2`1R,;. --AT Ttx1Y-'•* t4 Y1MES OFFICE, JOSaPHi$t;% Trllt'I WINGHAM; - ONTARIO.. • SU12042*PthAillriae,$1lpnrye44s1740d,11n17e ADVERTIS U KRATES: Space . 1 yr. I is mo, 1 5 u,o i._...,. One VW -linen 1.50..00 824'00 1 6 fi ~ 91t Hug . , ' 34: OO1 A0 00 1x 00 0 4W 4uatter H 20 00 1'L 00 7 00 4 *1 op a 00 2 one soh 6 0.► 1 se u 1 } I i I Local end other weals advurtlseutuntr, So, per itne dor drat to trilon, tntd Su. pet' lieu tueeauh subeeq*vette° lururtiou, Luoit n'otioes,in nonpareil type, loc, for•finst.ier eatieu, awl 5e, per Bile for eaeh subeequtut iuser$(ts No Waal notice will be ohurged lets than 25c' Advertisements otl.ost, Found, Strayed,teltue4l.s , and Business Mimeos dented, not mai:waling O'uan• uonµkeib 51 our luuuttt llousee and Marius for Solo, not cxoeedieg Ii ilea, 81 for diet mouth, sou, per subsequent mouth These terms' will be sttictly,tdbered :to logger pgr Seeds! ioestdpe.! for longer udvortirewunts, ertlrx Adrertleemouts without spacing directions, will bar ineirtud till forbid and charged accordingly. Sral1• . ptiory' .adverHaumente week be paid- ill attvsnce.• that l;heugesweek to coutrsct adierloe leItts roust be is Min onion by tot noon, in order 10 appeal It. ELLIOTT Peer larva ANA r e.*t(sa % . ll. MA014ukiALl),, 1J •JOSEPIUNFI STREET, WINouAI, - 047/1100 Y�Y . B. TOWLER, /dauber College Physicians and 8un;eona, Ontario. --t:oronot for County of H.urou-,, Ofltcsxt'4Ttt5PpAan,AOr" Winglann, Qnt, R. J. A. Mt:LDRTJid', Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and btoniber of the College otPbysiuiuus apo outtru'oue of Ontario. Oiiicc and Ree dente --Corner of Centre and yatrlok streets, formerly ot:cukiud by Ur. Bethune. D 11tNOLeY 'n , - - Ue f) VA14sTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc Private and compel') funds to loon at. Lou eta rates Internet. 1`o eoutmissiiu uitaty:ed. Mortgupty, UAW* and furor propev't, buu:Lt 4400 4040. OFFICE --Beevor Sleek, 4 House. UF'C 3. A. M01ETON BASIRISTE1t Etc., lyinghaut . Ontario ills EY.Elt d D1p1iINSON, r.H. W.C. MEVER'Q. C. 1 E. L. D,CKINSON, D A. BARRISTERS' AND &nee -levee, Erc„ Etta., b lin:itur3tor Yank of llsndltOn. l,:v,uuiissiuuers fur tatciug aitidavitt for Manitoba. ' am, '102.11 ahli diltugu property 1/004*11• turd sold. ',Honey (private . tuucs)Weald on mortgage security at 51 Per 4001. Money iutested for private petrous, upon the boot' mortgage securities without 005 expanse to the' louder. Lauds for tale in Manitoba um. the North. west. Olfico—Kent's Block. Hingham. gontit is Canada--Thhe Moroballts'18auh or pauads. . Oitice 861'1.8 -Front 9 5. M. to 6 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Agent. WINGHAM FLOURING M-LLLS1 The tinders! lied wish to tender their best thanks tot the liberal patronage ,,.'vett to our Ann during tievorabyeere prior to the bu Hing of aur mill by in. aendlarlent, Berner the Lott cocoon we have re• moddeued the town mill to tits Iateett .pissed aye. keel. ofIlu ey An til DENTISTRY --W. H. MACDUNALD, }inmate Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alts' Silve, Gold, Ate., etc., Mateo, raugtug tlje�t' in prices from 5500 upwards per net orownug and bridgework. Teeth ex Emoted without the least painby the use of Vital ized Air. Head' Office, Hingham, side entrance on: posits the queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except- 441)11.01)19 xcept- ed)trout9 a m to 5 p in, Will be at lllyth every 2nd and 4th Saturday of eaehwouth—OlitceatMnnes hotel; Giulia:1st and 3rd blonduys:of each month.— Office at Albion hotel:. 420aetine 25 cents.' a DENTISTRl.--.1 S. JEROME, Wiawues, �p Is )nanufacturiuu Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the bestniaterial as cheap as ally can be got in the boutinlon. Alt work warranted. Painless eXtractlon of teeth by the use of.L'lyWtvie. ity or Vegetable Vapor. TANG Iviprtett.—I will extract teeth dor 9.6 .cents' each. OFFICE.: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick HAI. 1t'eaaii• JCIIN RITCHIE, • GENRHAL INSURANCE, AGENT. Winona/4, 1 OB1:itT etneenea1IAM, L INSURANCE FIRE ABB' MAIRINE, GUELPH. 0 DEAN, alto WINOIIAN, 140ENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE Cbtt$TY OF IIURON. Sales Attended in guy part of t►te Co. Chtsift4 . Moderato. JOHN CtlI,tItI , Wntdnrrs, Oar., 8.105148111* AVOT1040420 FOR TII coLfICTX,00' • 1tultoN: ' All orders lett at the Tiasr omoa prottyptit of eh ed to, Tenor reasonable. `TAMES IIENZSrtSON, Wotan Aocrtoxsia rot Q18p1(rt*e itfA4w AIM Mares, All !tales attended *0 promptly mid on the filrse$ea Settee. Chargee l►oderate and 8attiefactlon flbaran'tenti, Ali noebrrary arraugetneute Mart be made Irl tit T11f1Lt' ethos • WINONA* - Orie BOLtOlt Ss USAWKH I 1.. h b. i.. kiwOrtiOtte .440.Cttii AMMO" UIBTOW11L arse WINGIAitf. It order, lett at the tato cf the rum lof •rr vo prompt ttttsnttart PATEASON. i l0 ort Unita to BYtteltrr (40710t, lisle! clam Listtlrelait.. fef MAR w,qilte id0 eft#eeor 44110- !,(iota gl tly, Muni drain oil td tittle tine ?reels anti, via of eery drop of but 'pore tte. ►.ay be flout! with theutterworkii thee teete !,01 the coo eleselY, tit away MI all dieeblved, then wort ,to liberate the surplttli odew ready for paelthe =eking into rolls. If 1of it i4uou d be suck eat he filled with one 1 tab should be of the mew, "tight, brine and present a neat apps the ttth with' brine► let ft, unti'l it is ot:ld,ewpt; foie the ttutteriwhicb sl 'fir firmly and olosely ti from the top Cover i a thin white cloth; 1 with salt and closely etude the air. If the in rtlll'a wrap each d white cloth and sub Sell direct to eonauq season. Something Worth Try Gold This is what "The ' 1,' give to the person send) number of 9enteucer words contained Au the sosverye would that nal ae you even, so to the 'during' the contest they notes sewing machine" person sending them till .fvsntences that week. If, give the winner a solid of theewiug macbiue. boys and girls. They do t ties, The above will be letter. Everyonecoo, equal chance. No diet this competition. Set copy of ',The Ladies B etructions, The Ladies Ettreet East, Toronto. A LESSON WI SOW remit TUE. 0 SUBJECTS ADOPT EL Peter the Great � novel means to cont, that they should Dila to conform with moi Western Europe. Weil known histor future greatness of upon the facility wi made to assimilate al i t other countries, -Int inintroducing some tion into the half civ which he held sway had patterns of cloth gates of the towns, a }lot conform to the' where docked .publii Albeit this was do :w manner as possiblt ed in being good i people. They, on loudly demurred ant 1nen4 that what wa their forefathers wa them. Very well, Peter. In 1703 he blhssoow to celebrate One of Ilia jesters it ancient usage. T been a superatitio lighting a fire on Pater made them d Ile wouldn't give .beesuee their f°refat It.. When they re ,minded them that i that did not *OA PAIS ity his gooder wheedled his peopl id,eut the hardest dope with hutnaffit )ab4'1I Q:8 Mo>•Msae.— Yeti broken of your rtet b toner With pain of Ciotti vett and gots bottle of .YsrOp"tor Children Teal 4,14 It *Ill retlero Ittnflestetely. Depend n, 'tdMako sheat 11. It cure rtegmates the Stomach not ,tlgfteur the Gums, rednety .teat and energy to the w•i kk+w's Soothing' Syrup" Pleasant ftsdaeetM400 tbbode dee United States, and is tittcur1tut the world. TtBe dile Ind Si +attb Steer' .nd 1st M100)44 gad ltl ttio vi porous pl(tsth f