HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-23, Page 5• '*itinsa tit, Seeye and, t4i- Noe atter:: need 1 belt4 Wrn Maleolin Laneoot, roes. . :enteed meeting of Ailrotel Mutual flue ny atm held in the' :ter, 10th Jeticiere. Rtreland, Beck, . The minittel t teeing lieviey been. d by. Mr Struthers"; Ireland, that .tbe read lie Ado ptede.e. ditore,Messrs McRae' 7: retreated to bring the 'tate of books , ttw Oen witty,. follows ; '"We ehave ;ate of affairs sed Company ae shown s beuks and flud the saw proper v.Q110118 roe. We sa, w depbsit a in Intuk of Rama. We ale° found cash f„ ,nd to the amount .of .nte corresponding with euertrer'e books. The earried by the 00M. S 1889 WaR1 r is • "$595,574 'Dm bars on phlicy register ,ves 443. At audit ember is 444, The • ie Oowpany (incturi- premium notes) at, amounted to ;24,472 - of 1890, the assets '." (Signed) J Mc:Rae 1r Jarvis moved, s Ttirner, Viet the as just luny read b. .d, The Chairmen nominations for two room of these retiring obt E Little and Geo Mr liettletiby moved,,, Steuthers, that the :lemen be re-electede other nominations.. and Armstrong were. 's fur the ensuing three Rae moved, seeendea 8, that, the Director& be at the.rete of one .1. ineetiug• A show of ,. b en taken on this declared otrried.* was then elosed. vs net end orgenized 'ter the Anuonl meeting, •le MeKttgue- dr Clerk be presioeut of r for 1891-0arried. -That Jr1\Ritkiand be it for 1891 -Carried. • ale -That having ex- applieations and Ilund ory, the •President and instructed to prepare and. for earnee-Oarried. Kirkland --That as re - .r Rowson, policy No. keelled-Carried -Tbae this hoard do itow' et again in Teetswater the last Saturday of o'eleelt m --Cerried. Anemson, Seeretary• t Wawanosh. • 1 elect for 1391 met le Jany, 19th, 1891. etatute, the members. . Taylor, Re‘eve,. 101alay Pretty Reeve, and Messrs e•son, Robert Shiell aed tsou, come:Mors, id to the declaration of and of oftleeethe Reeve in s minutes of last meeting. deo special meeting pf O 0, were read. and. pissed. Anatneon, seconded by n, that Mr P Porterfield • Eted (sleek fur the. current' • $80---Cerried, :A -loved by econded.by Mr Robertson, O napbell be again ap. icor on behalf of the eottti. 1, The eeve then eppoiet- :son the ether. atiditur. The. an assessor was defer- . ineetiag of the eouncil. if 11 eitlith same as lase year, dineve mid Clerk and Messrs lowen, James AleCallian tintoel ; Dr Wrn Sloan. or Fdedical Ile:11th offic. Num), con.`11, presented from AI Davidson, tinder-. <110W, 616.50, for coffin. for the late Peter Auld. ft it:eating that the tiottnei enine.--e-orehred to he paid. icertifieete was rteeivedi :egistrat• General,. Toronine that the clerk In 1800, had 53 births. 18 marriages tad and authorizing Minn toetee Ming eta etattete, $8 90 for The following deleiantaree • -• • e '• 3 werefr-pxtead wa$ 1rwi4"tlt Ish404" lug ituattalat atatfi - Tilos 11 Mithsfl reA d ept tat tax, 3890, $9; Nathaniel finest tie, refund • apecial tan, 1.8945,- 7.0;;AatItur 13-reeke, paprient for digging (atoll, lot 4fircrin 13 and, 0 $12; P Portertieldi'eervicee, as a elerk, poet este and atationly, 1690, $S'il 50 t P Porterfield, servieee as registrar, 1800, $8 00 ; A T Ihtvitleott, Iineknow, coilitt find shroud for the ht o Peter Aald, $16 00 ; George Tiutiall, Chet larn uElaril tor the use of the treasnr,, • $45'e John ektalerson• partpa:ye ment ae enileetor of :ttLxos, vivo, Resolved 41n tt,Lh council do now tieljeutia till Tuesday, 1.(ith Voh'rtlae!$.,. ,• P PeirrunviEnn,,Xlevii. :4) • J.Bennest„ Orgreizer Patrana • of ladastey, 411,4011ver lectured:in, or three,Sebool. 'Llonses. atetilld 'the menegetnery settlement coinineneilig 011 aleedey efening. Feb 2udy for 'flie purpose of organizing Associations t of Patrons of leiduetry. ;Minot every b'ellool Section in. the northern town- ehips nf IdurOW,.lias a growing and nourishing seenciation. The couney of Lanibton boasts of having 10,000 members and there are, 21 organizer. at work in Ontario, piincipellv men who have spent their days foilowieg; the plough, -We are pleased to' see Mr David Williamson looking so hale and hearty. Ile is visiting for a short time among his friends - and neighbors before returning to Da kota.-On the evening of Jan 14th, a a impeller of the friends of Wm Hely iustairof-Fordeiiele who has been for a great many years ablyfullfilling the positiVii of lecal preacher on the Fordwich eireuit, assembled at his residence for the -purpose of manifest. ing to him hnw his duties were appre qtstcd. They presented. him with a leveutiful racoon skin coat and the felowing addreseeee T'o M n. PETER- IIBPINSTALL Deer Sir and Brother,- We, your friends and neighbors, have met under your roof to -night in order to renew the memories of plesaut . aseoeiations of days gone by, and to remind you 'of the plaee you still hold in the affec tiona,pf your associates in the church.. We cannot forget the evident interest you take in the material and spiritual 'welfare oftoureelvee and families, and your readiness- to do, anything in your power to adviteee the cause of God on the circuit of which you are so honor - e.1 a member. Whether we think of eon ae. a citizen, as a Christian or as loeal preacher, wn cannot think of you but with feelitigs of' profound respect and gratitude w God for the iberi endowments -with which you are bleseed. We ask you to .aceept this coat as a s'ight token of our re. gard„ and trust yen will prize it, not 'because of ite lutrinsie value but be- cause it shows in -et tneasure the es- teem in which you are beta, We hope'it will keep your body, as you move -aroun(l am 'ng us, net warm as your heart has always been to the cause of your Redeemer, that both emir life Lind of your estimiable part- ner may long be spared to serve the Church you so well love, and when earth's journey .bail end, an abundant enteenee may bo ariministerecl unto you iuto the "Saints kvetlosting Rest." Signed Ou behalf of your many filende by, EDWATID. 00p11, Romeo FALLIS, A, 0. SOTEIBRAlt. • arithrougle the eangregatten the S Anclersou • on Tbersday tint o which be • held at M. even171A fiesidenee, on h oession 8, Tur tender not and speed' deuce. • , . %%Riders' signed, npth the ereotiou of • tint 22Hd nistent,-Mr Greene', of Manitoba *IR visiting et Mt Roberb. laSt weele--.Ddre Brownley ie visiting friends in tire village at "pre.. sent.e.-Mr kleardy; of iter bee seeurea the enntract o buildin4' Eedie's bridge from the. Tartiberty oouoeii at $820 -.-Thee has been more love 0010510 the mills at 13luevale the le t far days than ever Same eefere in ft:Wee:mate titiati:-Ilev Mr Lew, of Isergrave, nreeelied in the l'f6ebyteritin Ohl:10 Imp Sunday. - ,tietalefetor litilNer preached in the Mealtod I'd allot oh baerning aud 41014 in Sunday last. • Mortis, Mr Will littslam hue retnreed from 16400, .Daiehil/litlilleo Port Artlinr; torn:oily a Morris,, 15 bask on a vii e to Needs and neigh - hors -Mr Jas Watson losta valietible horse festweek.- Mr 1) UnlieT:ison, who for several years bee been,resd. big in Maiiitoba., is visiting his sister. Mrs *A'tLdiidayalkq other relativesin kte ' Tur by the ttder- (1,) • 1 I h annuary,1091, roc I . niabing a a B44011/1. D, M. A, L. O. P.S. Ci,„ „being lot 5, coo- M. ,i, ,..., $. „„ ir. erry. The lower or any viej .t- 441140 cessarily Plans tione can be .4 at .'12'Y resi- tiiE SCOTTISH SPEDIA e / erry, bee, i'dth, Nth 'ham' P. a' TO":INTO NEW BUTCHER SHOP, SIL&W MAIM tointtmate to tho people of Winglutm andicLn1ty, vicinity, that he has commenced the ifixtehering ,Husintse aguin, and has opened mit ltithetnestasa, afew'cloers North of the! 13.mnswieir noose. STEAL 10c‘ per lb. ; • LADIEB4004 per lb, And other Ifeatk: in proportion, Some tut low as 50. 1 SAUSAGES, &o., always on band.; . — Meats deliveredIo any part of the The Patconage of the potato solicited. GEO. SFTAW. this vie114'y. leas prosper nAil and :Tellico in higle:levins of the • Spe.cialiat for tho treatino& .0.yf all Chronic Di4eases,.. '" Private PiSeases, L.. 4 Diseattes.of the.ettin ai t Nve's Diseases of the Heart and Lang* And kteeanes of :.Wninen Trea,ted saccesefally, WISC11111 country --Miss 0 itolicley rerurue this • LAN NG week to eesnene her se idiee at ' i1.01 - • 0 iderich Institution. -Mr Joeglegg, has been enefilied,"to the. lioti.e '. with j01 -1N .; WATT . , a severe cola 'for thA •,IfiSt. .row •ditva. •. Mrs Clegg hati7eeteereheete: setnewhat • • . • ---Alanufeeturer of - severely beheposetd, but both are now in a fair cqndition to recover, -,Rev BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds John $0..Itt, M A. of Wiugham, will MILLS' -sea .07 preaeh missionary sermons in Bel grave and Sunshine on Sun lay next. S IS. S 11, D 00 E S, B L 1 N D -Mr Williatn Armstrong hes been • F R A. Al ES, t severely iudisposed this week - .The • .Toutitliar! Misch:ea, ListOwel, says ".After spending all my ono ey and'proPerty to' .purpose or for veliht One. te:rmed a. hopeless cab° :coniitluiption, Dr, Simiai,r. cared me." Mrs. Mary rut long, Woodhouse, says : "When all others failed, Dr, Sinclair c urea me of fits:" W. McDonald, Lakefield, says: 'Dr. Sinelair cared me of catarrh." Geo, Rowed, Myth, says: "Dr. Sinclair cured me of heart disease and dropsy, when all otherefailed..". Diseasee of peivate flatlet% trough t on by -folly, Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION .FREE. As 1 etaderatenttel it hoe imemi eireailateel avour:d Wingtian7 to, the inju.ry of ray ass, Veal not in the szitairet to . ur buy saw kw., wuth to atty. the rearket to do all 'the Miami that may be offered; also, to bolt good sound loge that may be bra the ZEI'LAT,ID MILL, Aa 1 ate not bound by any eoniblete, am a liberty to Wee all ltitnis herd or Bort wood and pay full value "Der theme ;Bring along your have • • TilOMSON, Zetland, Dee, 36th. 1800. • eet • en ter. Flooring, Sd1ng, deg dressed to order ou the shorted notice. culatien tie this vicinity during the • proirt petaione limns be• DR.TSINCLAIR will be at the , QUEEN'S 110TEL, Wingharii, I REMOVED I REMOVED ! 1 lb.,. removed my Solving idaehine 13tisineas NI eiN • . 1 Romittles Block. directly opposite the Bank of Eta u; • , ilton, where I will keep a full stook of the . ' hour' . ,IS Sawing Ma- dines . • past' week. • The canvassers claim We have over 100 600 feet of Dry 7 , Lumber in our Yard. and ean sup. Celebrated DAV . that with a vigurous •house to ply sedoed stuff doll kinds • ONE , • 1...:.*;:'.1 OPOLA117'.,11 • WAY P ART/ES • TO British COlvirnbia .A" WASH INVON •• • • • Oregon and California. ..: Leave Toronto 11 p.m. on rridays, • ' ',. . as 'alder; '. ' • • • ' ' JANUARY..28; 1. :.. . , • FE 1691 BBarAttY 6, 20; 1691 MA.ROFf 6, 20, '. Retie's° THROUGH TO VANCOUVER WITHOUT CliAliffu For Bertha and all...information, apply to nearest C.P.B. Agent. • . 29 1891. eming the million 1.19.11ff es asked ter, Aorta solleited. Asvrell as a few2t_he Loper lines. se • mil/KU there ‘vilt be no • difficnIty in and invite' all true friends of teinper. JOHN WAtr. = ance 06.050 to assist in -swe11 mthe g eineharn, Jun13the ,18011 ts -A Wood -bee and a social hop IS SR. the evening, was the programme at 'Air Tuckers, Friday. -Mrs Nelson LOST D98. Thompson of BItteer le, WA.P visiting ATTE Newfoundland Cur cam, to nw pla. ei to ern t 4th of January. The owner is" retina: - her father, Mr Jas Watson Sunday porty, pay expenses and take him The Brislifield Post Office has cluing; • Lower Wingham, Jun. itith, 1139i "8'6: 4161"NZIE. post masters,. Mr John Wallaceeow tills the pnenion -Mr Jas FL'o hail bought the 'McCurdy farm, ou the first tide. Of (source he will be getting a partner to help • Wan. Ton it., -With the death of Mrs Wrn Wilson which took place at her reeident, on Jan 1d? the life of one of the oldest mid meet tespected of the pioneers of this town Batevaie. The annoal meeting of the Bine - vale Cheese Company was held 00 Wednesday, 14th insb.,j1 the Fores- ter& hall, r.i'liere wan a large' attend- anee, the hall being filled to overflow lug. The following officers were sleeted : R prosideut ,Tohn Diment Win lshister, Win 3 Joints' ton and James Elliot, directors John 'largess, seeretery ; Wrn Messer, treasurer, and Peter McLaren and Alex McEwen, auditors The busi nese of the meeting not being finished it was faltlid Ileac:mail to adjourn the meetiug Wednesday, Jaeuery 28th, next, et 1 o'elook p. in. when it will be lieely be proposed to further reduce flee charge for making chests,: to patrons, as the surplus earnings for the past year have been very lemic and a very large sum, somewhere between $1500 and $2000, had to bo distribut. after the elose of the meeting,- Tne amend eongregationAl mooting of the Presbyterian ehurch WAS held ' last • Saturday afternoon. Tot fillowine officer./ were appointed ; Jahn taagese, tateretaryetretiatirer, 110111(161Z come wogs., eeere 1 'let, i:Ai:411,m, Agin:sou. Peel l oiv , 1' tri I • , .h.iin MeNeughton, A' e. .Jai et• /1,4 1 rall.f, ‘V u.4 J. GOLLEY, VETtRIPJAMY UMorary &millets of Ontario Veteinary College. Also Graduate of Dentistry &boo', Toren 0 is Pre. ra-d to treat all Diseases Qt DOlnentleate Animals in the latest ec'nntifie me mar. Wit/ prelim:1y attende;1 to. O'll.e and infirmary. Ittr/.4 014) STA/D, lr:P.,.Callers by night 1%13 find him a the mile°. . . ship closed. Deceased was born in , L the county of Antim, Ireland, it: LOGS December, of the year 1822, and ere- igrated to tine 'country in 1887, set.. ling at first in the. Prev:nce of 'Quebec. Afterwards • slee removed to the ooun- try of Wentworth, in 1847, where she was married to the n iw bereaved husband in 18'41; ; In 1856 trey mov. ed to Morrie. township. Seven.'chil- dren were born to thetn,three of wheat are left to motet the lois of an :Mee- tienate niother,• viz : Mrs 3, Key- nighati, of the' gixtb line of Mom ilatthew, who is married and lives on the hbenestead ; and Mary, at horn., now caring for her aged father. -The ant:nal meeting. of the Morris Agri. oulturalSoinety was held at Blyth an the 8th just, The auditors report showed receipts of $3765.48 and capon diture of $730.60,-- baying a balance in the treasnry of $5.88, 11 Ross' was. elected president; N Me'Donahl, President, Direotorit,-..-J B redly, John Shona, Reht Ilughes, N Cumin. inn., Goo Jackson,. 11. Reny, Julie o,t ...--_.- • The Undersigned are prepared to pay the Highest Cash Prices For allitinds of Good Sound ORA1413ERRIES0 3.00: a Quart, atthe "01.13CISTE:1," JOHN' KERR, ' f.! Can stiroly Needles, Oils and Repairs for all kitoW", • of 6`ewing Maoldnesk Ss I. intend to start Knittag 11 Mats af osier, , Customers can have tlibir Stockings and Sonka Knif in First•Cleto Style and on the chilliest notice, Sat, isfaetion guaranteed. Wtii also keep a stock of the 4rWiIRLD'S STAR" Knitting (beRtrri the World,) on bane for sole, which mill Se sold at, reneonableptiees. Don't he backwald abott trying oneas they will knit es well as Ctert bo CI( no bY hand in lees than 1 the time • ,Plense givo mo a4...D.11. Don't lorgist the place,mi 4r. opposite the Book of klainilton. • , Yours Respectfully, • .• • T, nenees, 4 HARD HD SOFT WOW LOGS; Delivered at their Mill Yard in Wingiutm; Also for Basswobd HeadirLa Bolts ny tett core. •CrUSTOM-SAWING • none t Lowest Paying Prices, and SATISPAOT1ON OI.T.A.ItA.NTEE -Suebettots to It St leoblitson, manufacturerers of-- , V" MO WEE S LAND 11OLLE1 / PLOWS, GANG PLOW S (Pt imporamendlinIMISMIIMIfeal Casthigs of Ever l OEScriptIon in ha and lass, tra.wenswinwchrs*.i.saws Hill and Garai .er irs Frorlptly, • D. AtiondflitG ,E)).GINES AND DAUM, CI1EESE FACTORY ENGINES AND TA411_kihde of Dressed and tindreacl rWAGENTS FOR R. WiitTELA AGRICULTIiR I, tY- BOILERS ANI) SUPPLIES. corst%noy on hand.• Wlbster, Betel:merit% Mason, 11 Taylor, nee Shingles, Lath, Staves. Barrels, Cedar Posts, Anditore.- A. Elder and Metcalf. T Shuter St. Wood, Wo. Call and get prices. Mill adjoining G. Befmore, At the annual meeting of the Bete more Cheese mei Butter Company held on Saturday, 10th filet , the following were elected directors fur the ensuing year : John Johuston; McLean & Son, winghtuni Ont. X teGh ?°.t' lodZk Sck, TOGS. James Olterk, and Win 111eKee. oVertd/Mnavitowiseaveitnow.hoonnrAttotanart4eirextbOotawenrostsat ) WING11Ael ManKtns. • ) ) Wittoltatt, Jan, 1- 100 . Corrected ty P. Decns, PrOlitICEP Dealt/. * i viola per ltiO Ws, , • ci 0 reef, .--s tio Fall Wheat per buhsel,• • . a 00 to 00 -Spring ;" 0 lin to 03 Oats, . • 40 to 41 . 8arley - 26 to 40 o Pees, .. ,, (10 63 natter, tub • 14 to 14 • do node, . 14 to 14 14o3e per &woo weed ece eerie itoy per ton, Dioned tioga - 18 to 18 1 tr, to 1 60 ilititI) 500 • • 6 40 to deo 1 /mom: IC take IStv :Meals tare ZICso itest, AVM 1 AM VICOUOUS tbl01.1011•10 ANYTHING 1 CM .1 LAY 1,(Y HANDS ON; getting tot too, volt soon Emuision of Pure Cod Liver 011 and HypephespniteserLimeand SOdA, NOT ONLY CURF,tr idY itief pa, 10111.11 CORISORIFIP0011 MIT utoLT Ma PP, AND IS NOW PUTTING ) ruast4 ON MY BONS tris ROE Mr A POUND A DAY. 1 AS t.N.S11.Y AS 31)0 NOM." 111•4*lott.4 Ilkorlelort It pot np may le Penton Atte, wita1per6. 1:101d hy alt Druggists at e eve. mai eine. 44"02121 dr, PPPWW,et Aellevar. t al? C^4- DOON TViril-T GI -I A_ , 0 N T. actuiaL EaTiiS SCHOOL, SUITLIES OP ALL IKINns. • • A. COVER GIVEN PREF.. with every book pnrchasel. (last the thin to preserve the books and keep thorn clean.. • • FULL LINES ' • Window Blinds„ • Wall Papers .:and Stationery: When needing. tor. ing h our iilie, give us' a WI., We well Afar. 4 Yr • ;•• • 14 4- • • • ' A.RO 4