HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-23, Page 44. fee , : ) t 4"/ eetee. • • ..f RUGGIST. P. R. TICKET MEAT. T. G. M. WAELEORAN GO, Brunswick Houses ,Winghariu, Out 4, ift T. r"f k c tag)aniClacs FRIDAY, JANUARY 23. 1891... $hun Harm Taxnerreeie enatetena, The sixth annual rateating of the East Huron flarmars' Institute weer held the Town Hell, Brussels, on onday and Tuesday laat week; There was's+. lai.ge and representative attendance at all the sessions Red a great deal of interest thenifested in all the subjects citsouesed, Freeitient McFadden occupied • the .chair, hie opening address he referred to tlicr work of this atisociation, the action of the County Council relative to the amiuse grant, And the necessity of Eileleteee letliciog after their owu biter- ests more eardielly than they bad thaw in the past, . • ... After Secretarte*HieloK had read 'the minutes c die last. annual dneet- jag, the election of oilices was' pro- ceeded with, with the followiug sults ; Presideilie`U McFadden; Vice Pres., Alex ,Gartenterele See.eTreas., A. ffielope NX.eiettitive committee— Howiek, It. Edgar and W 11icKerric- ber; Wroxitter,?..6,..sauders end A L Gibson a Tin elerry, T Musgrove and 1314014; Morris, Jas Sharp and S Walker ; Grey, 11 Dilworth and D lloberteon ; rueeeis, W McCrack- vo-L-,r-44,,;•cex..7,4444.,4444,•,444...gogm. oolt Le 3 years and tallest' they ere Read Onee they -41 *eel for very little wore. While the breeding of hollow is uncertain we have Maxie a nowise of the heavy draught hue In the light- er breeds we arebehlud. We should stick to one bre'iderend the sire should have blab/laurel, merit, %he 01Yde and Shies! hureee have hiegetrepresea tatives than any other, eTee many of the horses arcein9 rrow, smelt tura We have splendid country foe horse raising, but our light horses lace in qualley,, style. symmetry and ectton. Do pot believe in fermers raisioe, rave, horsee, better stick to what everybndy wait,o—p. genexellamrposee burse —add, they are admirably soieed for general work either on or thareeola There is always a levee delnaent 441 BEITOletalt NOTES. en stud T' Kinechtel T • eduereeneeer North Bruce eleciton I Ple El aye' and juo no•evbray ; nliett, • 1:4*04 aaturaday last, unseating *ir. George. it McMillian aid Jno Britton. Repre sentativee to central Farmer:a' In- stitute, President eleFadden and Alex Gardiuer, The President ' was also appoineed to interview the Jutee session of the Baran County Cenci, if neceseary, in eon/lemon with the grant to this institute. The first subject then taken up was "Frauds wed aumbugs in Hortichlture to he avoided by farmers," T ret Rem), editor of the Mitehell Record- er. "Tim orchard had been overlooked but no•v that n,ed forming ia the practice the &titivation cf fruit is a very important -maner, 'The Ameri- exeReeve of Blyth, :wale preeented .with eddrees and it goldelzeaaed °axle and seyeral pieces of silverware,by aneimber of hs admirers retently. to tiny, Mr Miehis pluokily alnalebu Is test however, "The pitmearesef u'nn" wee the subject of a pew retie, D Robert. Preeident Pres ; e e•.,„ Tortetiey .evenlr. a4& e tiles Wipe Atom -Winn asedtTEt 1,4444.4.4•4 '.„; son, of Grey township, 'lima althorn's' ehartm with .117 nedubeere, \Vrn a little out of the usual rnti of topiee Preiedem, Makeeee rattaaet ai theta gatherings:, the -gentlemen Secretary. • Proved quite conulnsively .tliet there !PP •••••••• "t this coutetient for go,o41 carriagehoreet, areaoureea pl. pleeenee f aft. Cuirnes- that are Often over -look edetiotarety by The 0 ennal. general, 'meeting Of menraddler of elle .soil,' • • members of Ihe Oulroee Melt ual Fire . The levet salijeet disc:eased, -end 'the Insurer:et' ColuleanY seas held in, the • ee the at ries, eves, "Who pays town hell, t.i.teeeswitter, 10th idennery. the ,thetyel" Aetniitle of 1801, at 1 p m.• S leege Neorrfetwenehip, who haroduced this President, iu the elteir. , The MinitteeLxltuh , diecuesed questioae'ePeke tee of last annual meeting lievind been uptearas of 4U hour. He waS • replied read, it WAS moved by' Struthere'; to ley Probe Magellan, of.: seconded by,: Mr Ireland, thet dim •,... . minutes ae just read he adoptede-ae. •, Calved The Antittoreeelessrs Molise'. • ' , • qea Atom), were requested to bring in their report of the elate of boot,' and ace/mine •of t Mr leleRise read, • as follows ; "WO eltave eetennueel. the etate 0 affairs. • Niel accounte of, the Company ea slum, iu the Treasurers beaks and /lad the 4u10 correct, We saw proper vemehe,s f all expendituree. We saw drepbsit receipts 'fue $10.47 in batik of }Lennie ea ton, Winghetu, .tere also foetid oath' i n Treasurer's hand to the migrant of e $•149.61, such sons tiorresponding with • .. entries in the Treaeurerte books, The arrinunt .of Rialto marled by the Coin. . pany 8).st Dec 1889 was ;002,C1. r The, amount mow is' 1595,574 Tin, number menabere on p'olicy register at audit 0 1889 as 443. At audit ." • of' 1890 the number' is 444. ¶Ibo • total' tweets of the Company (indeed- reidine 0 premium notes) at, 31*st Ddc, 1889, amounted to $24,472 file • A.t.nudie • of 1890, the assets. • were $.2'4,840.37." (Signed) J ;Unitise Robt Watsop, , Mr. Jaxvis moved, a serionded by 011its Turner, Out_ , the auditors' report aa just wore read ha. adopted—Go-vied. The .Chairman their called for nominations for two Direotors in 111111 room of those retirieg vie ; (Messrs' Robt E Little and Geo , Armstr)ng), 111r Hettleitliy moveeir secondedaby Mi Struthers, that the said two g tidal -ten be re-eiteeted,— • There being no other nominations., -.ea Messrs Little and Armstrong were. elected Directore fur the mist:time turee years. Mr McRae moved, seoonded by Mr Strtoliera, that the Directors • salary for 1891 be at thereto of one • .1: dollar for each meeting. A show of „ hinds having b en taken on this' motion, it was declared -curled: The: &afloat meeting was then itiosert. ' Tile Directors' -met and . organized •immediatele after the anoint :meeting, • Secretary in the _chair, • 111eleettgne--.- • . Little—That, Mr Clerk be presioeut 0 •. • this Company for 1B91-0arried, let tle-01 ar It —That 1M r lc I an d • he' Vice President for 1891 —Carried. Kirkland—Little—That 'latrine ex- amiued three applications tied r'f,,tina then satisfactory, the President and Secretary are instrneted to prepare ante issue 'policies for sente—Oarried. Arinstsorig—Kirkland-ellat ree quested by Iver Psowson, policy No.. 13.81 be . intacelleda-Oarried Little —McKagne —Time this boatel do now' adjourn to meet again in Teeewater• town hale on the last. Saturday of January, at 2 n'elock p, m —Parriel. ALUX. ADAMS014, SeCrOtary. and the same is tiae Of the Old Wan- The *Jambe:re elect of the 'Tara. it ;,Go saddle horse& are always .saletible, At aboyee sale at grand's steble. Toronto, last sluing,. savage horees sold as high. MI 000. , T Rayner, 13 S A, Prince. Eawerd coenty, took the platform Old deliver., ed a 'highly intereetinerateeertation an "The Cutting, Curing ' and 11Itumgc- ment 0 the Ray crop." Ile strmigly advised his heareesto out hey direetly it Coutes in fulibleoin. Leeviag doe ver hay mail the heads are tO.-thirds r"pe.is not as good ,as when. in 'the most sacculent from. At, tide , stage; it affords the meet eiatriinent and le almost wholly coneurned ley stogie. When left to ripen -the feeding . value is lessened • by , certain constituents going to produce the Heed. Beaver meadow hay ,ripens early and noir ,arrives at a•stage that ie.largely 0 a woody fibre, 1ln savhng. hey avoid rain or heavy dew, because .it is inectie ed by moisture. • The • albumen , its washed out, in good dry weather hay may be cut in the morriiine and drawn in before - :Under less favoruble circuirstaucee it is base to ent it he the afternoon rake the next day and put up in coils frank 24 to 48 hours seconded by Mr .Harris, that 21r to undergo the sweating precees. Tu Cruickshank expend $3 in pro Wing housing hay it may be Mired by them with wood—Carried, Moved putting in lime eo'remove tlarnpnese. by Mr lelaxwelie seconded by Mr. Lime is a constituent that gees to dee Diment, that the Treasurer pay into velop bone in growing eattle. the sinking fund the -sum of $e00, and answer to aviestion, the speaker ad- and interest, borrowed last summer— vocated cutting timothy hay in full Carried, Aeoved by Mr Diruent, blown,. if the dew is off. Theenachine seconded; by Mr :Maxwell, that a by- v�uld ViaTOV the bla4riOal. 114 die. law •be 'passed, appointing Douglas not follow ,that heves wsteee produced 'Fraser and Alex.. MoEwen, Auditors bv feeding bey that' liedtreee out . for the current year--Uarrieta Bo. thie stage. .ee * law read three 'times' and reseed. ltuge audience assembled at the meeeti 1,)5• Mr esemeet, memos,' by evening nieellitg, -wbiele tire fallow- Mr .Orttiekshault, thea a ' by law. be ing interesting progrenCwas present. passed, 'appointing the- members 0 ed :—Inetrnmental 'floret, violia and this ectencie Road Commissioners for organ; El L Jackson and Miss Abrae the cutrent year. By-law read three haute address by Mr lietyttor on "Ed- times and passed. Moved by Mr neation 0 Farmer's sons ;" comic Mastweil, secondrad -by •Mr Diment, song by Joseph illaion ; addreee by that John . MeTovisb be appointed Mr Race on "Farrner'a fruit garden ie Assessor for the current year, att a instrumental music bMr Jackson salary of '$60, arid no extras, and that a byelaw be passed in aecordance with this motion. Byelaw read three times arid passed, Mored by Air Diment seconded by Mr Harris, that James. Erliote Malcolm Lamont and Robert Denature be the members of the Board •of Health, and that Dr Towler he the'nedical Health, Officer for the current year—deeded. Moved by Mr Maxwell, seconded ley Mr Cruickshank teat the tendera for erection of briage on 15th Bide Hue. be now opened— Carried. The following tendon: were submitted : Robert Jamieson, $875; John 'Forstere$8 9:t• el, Hardy, $820. Moved by Mr -Barrie, seconded •by Mr Maxwell, that Mr iffardees tender of. $820, for the erection Eadites bridge bo acceptecl--Cerried. Movett by Mr Harris, seconded by Mr Max- well, that the Tax Colleetor's salary $60, be paid—Oarried.. 'The follOW,44 lug aceounte were passed end orders on Treasurer iseeed ; Sohn Iluegees, 86 60, regietration fees; Robb nifintt, $9,25, printing; John Mosgrove, $4 80 gravel and damages; D Sutherland, $2.75; assesser's box ; 1i Williams, charity to Jas Holland ; Wni Meleherson, $1.50, *account deed of 'and ; A. G leLcDoneld, $8, election expenses T Powell, $8, election expenses ; (1- 13 Seott, $8, election expenses ; John Burgess, $8, election eapenses William Andetson, e5, eriarity ; :11 Srigles, $6, elenrity.; Arrnetrong, $5, charity ; Wall Dttriette, $4. charity ; Geo Phippene$3, charity, Alex Geininill,. $2,• tollecting, drain tax; John McTavish, $1,50, attend- ing judges court ; Jae Witn-ty, $12.25, feinting. , &loved 'by Mr .Harris, seeonded by Mr Dimon, that this ommoll do now adjourn to meet iu 8)11104 Bluevale, on teonday, Feby letli, l'8el, at 10 O'clock a 11,000. to 1,800 pound% find reatly sale Wier, time and expenee put upon ne earned. Aeneral tiVernste quality. 0 form dairyi "tun" will Pe ni*.ha ; the Old Goutitry but this class di A very animated diecussion ensued Jona Buitense, Olerk, to the puhlie pnlitte tend pr,„eintable tte horse Meal lied ready eale here. Our in winch oppmeing openions were very On Monday everibig, J beeriest, Plytil"ref'` '11"ffew's'°' twan 18 it innrkett is full. of a lighter grade arid prominent, itletarrs Stand. J R eligstitteer l'etrOns 0 Industry, dee , - we have apo many tted ecrubs er, T eleteinghlice 4 memi toe. vit itt Douglas' school wart yoting eon of Outer10, 'Oea gradaataa "I" our stook. To drop breed:tig is too • elieltice. Powthee, detrostronge Carat Hodge etteng Aseeciation was Metal .Ohilege, wed otie of the radical a eloinge, better raise good Martin. leluqrae, Saha Stewart, Me mg mite& including the leading then 1%44 lo True Goilerieh Board 0 Trade has aent a depatatien to confer with the Guelph Board 0 Trade and the Direc- tors 0 the Guelph junction Railway eonsider the question of the exten- sion or that railway to Goderich. s leve had the advantaee 0 the Lin year 627 miles 0 new railway can market in the pest, but the'''Cirnadian wet° COrtartletea ill Canada. This mile.« apple is tee. best growu in the world wit distrihutea as •follawa;' Ontario, e is • ane winning first place. wherever 92 ; Quebec, 57; Nova Scotia, 38 ; brought into compeition. Frauds leduns.wick, 22 ; Mitnitoha, 87 have leen perpetrated on farmers.' by Nsw and Canadien agents in British Oellteibla, 88 ; the territories, lec'th 'Yankee disposing of bogus 'stock, -The Fruit 816. At present 577 miles are under . .. Growers'Association had taken this cnutract. and 074 are projected. matter in band and had two objects 0 the before them viz : lst, the opening up Tim Ottawa correapendent market ; and 2nd, pro-. Dupre says the U nited States govern, 0 asuitablee teetion irona Iitrinhug• nurseries and _Merit has made reeeut approaches to agents, The Imperial Pro moo Co, Canada with the view of the establish- was now tnindling fruit, and their A • latat,„of e'oser trade relatiOns between operations were most satis'a 'tory. the tw,,a eountriss. Ls that. the Gen„ Ma) Altair, 0 Goderich was the out - e side agent, who would supply the adian Government bas requested the necessary information. We have a Imperial authorities to wove ia the market in the Western States, the Northwest and the Oki Country. 'matter. . With low rates we caunot fail. Two TIO dale has been fixed for the points tiY •(•_Insitlered are what .,„ greatLiberal Convention to be held in varieties are "suited to our ',reality, Tomato, Felmrary 17th and 18th are Many farmers have been grievousiy disappointed intim variety of ap the dates, and it is expected that the gathering will be the largest ever held in the province. The Aaditorium has been seenred for holding the meetings .io• lt will comfortably seat between 1 0 read 2500 persons, The Liberals `oronto are making arrangements he aecouttnodution 0 delegates. berry council. Akin at batiks hall, Bletivalteelonday Janaary 19th, 1891, aecording to stature, yiee, Win Me Pherson, Bettye ; WM.^ Ornickehauk, .Depaty-Reeve, and 'Robt Maxwell, .John Dimeut and. :George Heide, Cottneilleere. Raab. of the 'members sebscribed to the. deolaratien of quale- ileatiori, 0 otliee apcl'took their seats at the -temente • liaara. The 'minutes ef last .and special meetings, were read, approved and signed. ,Corainunica- 4,ions were read from the Mayor of CrangevilIee 4.4 Toronto, Grey end Beuee bonus—No setiem. Also from 11 0 Elay, Goderieh, re road work' on nnoeresideat lots- in - Wheelie:1i town plot, The Iteeve was instructed to' arrange Mr Hay's claim with county Treasurer. Also from R -Shrigley asking fur further. assisttence from the council. The Deputyalteove was in- structed to i0011 into the Matter • and, take what action he considered nen 'cessary. Also, a petition from 80 ratepayers 0 the municipality, was presented to the Loaned, as king relief fur George Pnippeil, whole in indigent circurnstancee Moved by Mr Unnent RTAnto is big provirece. A great of it has not been fully sarveyed, ranch that has been surveyed has the advantage of Os u nici pat institue ex, not helog enough .settled. rural area of the Province now ying utenicipel government cone e 22,278,638 aerea, of which 85,108 acres, or 51,5 per cent., cleared. There are 8,451,151 acres • voodliteed and' 2,842,840 in swamp, sei lir waste land. 'The vale of the feern lam+ thA'. provinte ia $432 829,488, an averen,e of _ :18 66 per aere. The value; 0 building, i•opletnents and live stock is $349e- 4431 251. Tbis represents nearly *1,000,000,030 in %mental in .0;lt McMillam Barrieand others. Ortitstio farms. - le' 0 Greensitles, V 8, 0 the Ontario „e- Ton appointment ot Mir 11 H Deans Agriculturel College introduced the ak4 PrOft.8140e ofdairy ila4bandl y at the eubject "Our horse 'and horse inar- 1 kete," in an off liana addretai. Our liorse market is not saeisfoctory and prices are depreciated. The crew Lae - is not wholly to blame. Amerie cans have polo:these& our best lir ood tlairy indueerv. Hon Mr Dryden, theet mares in past gelthe and are now elePe plying that market to alnee latent Minister of Agriealture, is dispreeediesns same may bo said o'f .M.I:rii-tob oti only extenu arm. 'improve the lane the N,,erti s 8,04.1 oey tareaa oreeniery area cheese factory systems. I, an to heeome. our strongest cermet:O. - an to deVise ineasttees whereby the', tors. Our toirse market will not ate ford fi Id 11 av horses ------------------------------- 10 their orcharde arid the blame and Miss Ahrahiru ddress by Mr largely lies in the nursery jobber, wool Greensides esu "Gerad 0 disease ;" buys from nurseries.. withont entriipe song by Mr Mason. On ,niotion • leek McMillan and Gardiuer a vote of thanks was given to those assisting in the program. It was a, good meet- ing and the address well worth heer- combining the orders and thus save a, in" espetially ihe last one. good Many (101.1ara. Too many tall varieties 0 apples are grown, as the 'winter apple is the one demanded. Don't buy in the fall, but get your trees 111 the spring from seine- reliable nursery, 6 varieties 0 winter apeees and 2 or 8 varieties of ,fall apples are pull:lei:0i Best winter 'varieties. are whether the purelraser stated or not. • Then the 'prices' charged for nursery stock is rxtortionate. The eustitute should buy for its members, Truesclay morning Secretary A His. lop, gave a Ptacticai talk ou "blieep raising" whieli tweeted quite 'discus skin, iMr,Greeneidesiollowed with an dress air "Hereditary' unsouadaelis in horses"; • Thies depreciated their valnee and often interfered with their usefulnees, consequettly steps should Northern Spy, King' of Tompkins, Baldwin, 20 oz Pippins and Russets, be taken to reduce then defects, he The Weaver plum is a fraud, but thol Imperial Governmeut, had' taken the Saundete plum is a good one. The matter in hand and nras doing. a good Baldwiti will do well grafted on Tole work, Tuere were tvo prinomAl man Sweet or Snow. There. eliould be clauses for unsatidnees, via exciting, very little rtigivenee between our mar- and pre•dieeoeing. In the case of ket than that of Toronto. The new the latter the speatter dwelt on tour style 0 paeking apples in (nines, four divisioes. (1) Pure heredity. (2) dozen in eseh, tat shipment to, the Defective formation. . (3) Defective Old Country is becoming popular and (virility. (4) Instifileieut quantity, remunerittive. The fruit must be The hereditary diseases •were .given very choice. elm matter was dis, as: —Spievin, riughime, unsoiled feet, cnssed .by Meagre* Elliott, Garohier, It cataracts, roaring and its nrodificiation, and springilialt. Sound,, dams were a necessity. -We me too careless at oar shows foreeneire utrrele 'in giving prizes to defective animate. Judges should not be so aeesitive, in fact no Unsound animas should be admitted to the show ring, - `Mr Raynor disenesed tho • interest- ing topie 0 "reeding VVe Stock" and itt this asin 0iher eubjects proved himself tO he well • informed both in practice as well; as theory, 0 Miehie, of Morris township, ren4; et paper on " The teltiyation 6f the throne," iu which be expressed his epitiitat Wet the crop did not pay for East effeervanosb.• The ebunoll elect for 1(391 met in the council room, Jany, 10th, 1891., according to etetute, the members. beingThos li Taylor, Reeve,'rInlay Anderson, Deputy Reeve, and Itiessrs Doreild Pattersom Robert Shiell apd David Robertsou, count:Mors. Hav-• ing subscribed to. the declaration 0 qualitieation and of ofileiethe Reeve in the chair, the minutes of len meeting , of Dec 16, also special. meeting of DectS2ral 1890, were read and pissed. Moved by Mr Andeteen, seconded by Mr Patterson, that Mr P Porterfield • be reeappointed clerk for the current year, eatery $80—Cerried. Moved by Mr Sidon, .seconded•by He Robertsom that ()bailee pbell be again op - pointed anditor on behalf of the mine eil.—elarried, The 'reeve then appoiet- ed \V Robinson the otherauditor. The. appointment of an assessor was doter - reel tin next meetieg ot the council. The Board of lieffiltril S9,100 as last year, reel—The ve and Clerk and (sere Walter MeGowen, James le1e0allum and Alex Rintoul ; 1)r Wm. Sloan., 0E' of lielyth, nedieel Health er. Daum), presented en accoont trona AI Davidson, undere taker, Lneknow, $16,50, for earila, and ehrond for tbe late Peter Auld. a pauper, requesting thin the 0004. meanie the Saule—ordered VI hi, paid. Ptte animel ecertifiene was rteeived4 • from the Registrae General,- Tonent0t. eertiKering that the elork 1890, bad regietered 53 births, 13 marriagea and 23 deeths, and authorizing him rarte- ceive, emeording to estate, *8 90 for ell'e twee, The folioed debranteree lee soweeleals. • . Oetario letneritnental Farm and College. indisettee that the Peovintrial -eeevernment contemplates a "forward moverneate" reletiort to the greet Mr Joint Millar 11. 4 tom., • ' ; t • ; ants of Professor Robe, stook. It te.kes altont *75 to rates te Arthur and ofenties haWnig i 304, 4 , • , :44 t44 ee • 414-4.44 ' 44444. .4,44001' 41 .4- 4'a m• 414 wereepace`ed :IMO& "tit fug 111/041 TlIOS R Mi 1890, PI eel special Brooke, e (web, 10 4 rortertielri age and sti Porterfield, $8 90 ; A colliu and Auld, $16 lianati er, $45'4 J merit nir e6i Resolved 41 ackjonim till next; • J.Ben Industry, or three- S Monegerne on Monde. purpose of Patrons al School Sec bhipsnf H tleurishitie of Lanibt members at work in who have the ploug elir David and bear short thn neighbor kota.-0 a nunine iustall' of a great positia Ford wicl residence big to bit refitted, leseutifut friovvin To Ma. Dear friends 4 your roo the mem of days „ "of the pl tioneeof We can you takc 'welfare your ren power ti the ohm e•1 a me Sion ete looal you but respect liberal c are bles this coa gard, at becaase cause i teern itt hope 41t move a your hr cause o out Ili neer ma Uhurel earth's entrant you 11 Rest." ninny .; vela 0 dt'eche ter& h ance, 1 jug,. eleeter Dimee ton an Burge Crehan Alex I tress 0 it wa tile II 28th, will he redact in pat tite p it vere $150 ted aft Tim a the 'Aetna ()leer steenet wri raw Attila ' • Vi•teee