HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-23, Page 3blot toyettrptf tl it of ; ow becoming.e port , lendld on, aocann'raf� ,pportnniti'M +,Affonled.'to the h'rongh the NO?tb of E' la Hand. This spot la' riitt. y tits toarirlt, #rid • lite°,, tae,. re thorn the best of fnoilitteai. ng this point, et the low'. man fare for' saloon pas ' e New York and ;ha Un is he et etSt 'e a oft eLi. The d. Te i,� outposts of the State of Ostia 1,000 tons register;" theta'''ef e, 5,000' tons register; State la. 8,000 tone register ; State ua, 8;000 tops register ; Stater alyvania, 0,000 tone registaa:.;, Georgia, 8,000 tone regist *.;• ler is the agent of the Befits► Winghern, to whom apply for • nforination. A Novo offer, lte. that the publishers of The I Illustrated have originated. a rhioh over 83,000 mirth' .of prizes distributed among the subsoribe,ra Mier, gab}eat to their answerinf teseions on the current contents lumber; We learn that the Bret 1 be. 8750 in gold, the 'wooed ,A an piano worth 81300. and that the to many prizes in the competition, unusually costly and valuaylat ,re also offering a' second series at, r the beat specimen of type•writ- i to typewriters all over the Ve. very much pleasure in noting rel offers frotn our leading dine urnal, and hope that all our read - take advantage of theta. Iderstand that on receipt of 12 eta: to the publishers of The Dominion ed '(Sabiston Litho & Pub Co ,1) will mail a sample copy of that with full particulars of the plea,,, • BUTTER MAKING. tlZK ESSAY ON VIE SUBJECT, pious ' cleanliness in every d' • nt in connection with butter 1 is of the first importance. ble thermometer is 'essential.. iealthy cows with good clean are water ar d salt accessible at les, produce pure wholesoinie Cows should never be excited way but atteud`ed to q'tietly :idly, milked regularly in a dry.* and airy place. Aerate the. y pouring from one vessel to Ir or by stirring, strain trot n the milk room for the cream me, The milk -room should. i,`e siform temperature' of from 50t degrees Fahrenheit, moderately well ventilated and easily kept: The cream should be removed' n, as it has all risen and before' i1Jf thickened. It should be of 1, bright yellow color and of '1 consistency that it into be Te - 1 almost entirely without break - In large dairies churn each sing separately, in small ones or three Braes a week is suiii- Gather the cream in one vessel., t•large spoonful' of salt to the first sing stir when adding freely t, let it stand tit a temperature. degrees for twelve bourn t'1- ap the proper acidity or be espial-- �ene.1. If coloring be require to best in the rikarket A:ppl '• a 'cream just before churning' ding the cream with a little .milk e ohurning 'peettecte the grails tg (darning, It Makes no die- oe . in quality or quantity of butter kind Of cbw,rta tui used ,o long ars s the right 'principle of Agitating.: :resin. That is, the principle 9t anion and tett of friction. Paye'' to churning the churn shoald 4u Loa out, rioted with cold water tai emperatitte of eream,whioh ritould lent 1$13 tel 6 degrees according tb season of the year. When creelr1 he right tetnperatttre ohurnin • ild not take more tea ria treefl ' ty minutes. When the 'butter bat, COMA and gathered enough 10 y in oto' the bat.ttermilk, stop churn . The grainer of butter will bsi et tint Man 4f rein* of a liriltre r. s isatin gee .and , social coirditin.11# are to Yalu their wounds, and Bay, you made l e found in the lunatic asylu ii of altm. theta; And. point to their unalgettchatble t3nited Eiugdant. thirst, ,and, say,, yeti kindled' it; and _The ,unitary Board of Vienna i r*ttle their chain, and ray, you. forged lt., Then their united groins: will smite ui tooar s andi with the h yourrrids a out,of which •you ogee picked the sire panne and the dimes, they will push you. of the verge of ' great prroipices; while rolling up from beneath, and breaking among ;the crags of death, will thunder, Woe to him that giveth bis neighbor drink. 3 • PiaytesfIl P.IS t.' An Englishman gives in Longtnat:'e Magezine „an interesting experience gr,AtiMPERAAL COLUMN. • coitaucreo woo re w, 0. ?f. v' done on, earth, , end you entefr the row ward of your.buoinese, all the ,Soule of the mer, whom you hate destroyavi willgrow ariun you, ancrpour their a nnAtpltt$s, d d 7,X arils of 80,000 women of var.. bitterness in yogreup.. .'hey will allow (Austria) has declared agaiu'tt the ee.' bli til 1 stun a+n . to fits 1 U ms forinebriate, res at Ytri er and in hong of all drunkards beins., as' pial° dttiugers, sentenced to periods of hard. labor, G. W. Bain says ; The difference between a high licensed saloon arida. few licensed doggt'ry is --one is the iota let to. {rivulets of moderation; the other the outlet to the river of drunkennefts. 1 'Ifould rattler vote for the low dog. gory, through which the drunkard are.. capes to the grave • from the deuton on .: witJi ii. tgaa+ltttt which hadbeen caught his track, than for the gilded gateway and carried. home by cue of a hunting which opens the road to destruction party. The writer found the members of the family gathered on the porch inspecting the curious creature, Ned was holding him at arm's ures'of the Irish annual Driuk Bill, !length by the tip of the tail. The During the past twelve mouths there 'possum was working itself upward to 'bas 'been an, increase in the consump. try to get at his hand, but by keeping tion of 486,938 ga lona of spirits and it gently. jogging Ned defeated its 1,13,963 barrels of beer, in Ireland,the efforts, As I appeared he began to total revenuefrom excise being a4,. do the office of showman for the un. 678,116, which does not take in illioit enlightened Britisher, and became so stills. Publio houses are by far the absorbed that he forgot to keep the creature moving. It caught the root of its tail with one are) and hoisted itselt thus, work- ed its way rip hand over hand, and when Ned caught Night of it its nose was . within' an inch of his finger. He dropped it with {•.yell, and then what did the little silly 'possum do Is Make a bolt of it'1 No, to my surprise ' he just began playing, possuul ; there he lay as if lifeless. . Now said Ned, keep quiet all, and ,we'll see hint begin to come to life again. For about a moment we were silent and .motionless and so was the possum. Then he very slowly lifted his head. looked in one direction out of a cunt.' ing little twinkling eye, then turned his head and looked the other direction, still keeping his body perfectly still. Seeing no sign of movement or danger he slowly gathered himself up on his short legs and made off ata slow, roll. ing ungainly trot. Ned let him go about twenty yards, and then started in pursuit; but tont; before he reached him, the possum rolled over and lay deathlike on the grass. Now said Ned. see him grin when 1 tickle him. He just touched him in his ribs with a little stick ; a striver went over the little creature's skin and his lips curled back over his sharp, white teeth in a most unreistakahle grin. It was the' finest little comedy imagine ab'e.--Exch{ lige. for young men. Attention is again. Balled by Mr. 1V'illiatrn Liresey to the appaling fig. Most numeroueln the poverty stricken localities. Archdeapon Farrar, in ono of his temperance add resses,rernarks: Ort;iok• shank. the artist, offered £10G for proof of a violent crime committed by a total abstainer; and the money re- ins uuclaitned.to this day. I offer as Much for proof of any one case•-... either in the church or out of it— where drunkenness has been cured Without total' abstinence. Under the preaeut circumstances,. • the only safe, way of drinking—as the Irishman put` it—is to leave off before you begin.' Crime and drul keunese have increas- ed iii u terrible proportion its Germany and France during the pasE twenty years. ` This fact disapproves the oft. repeated false assertions of auci total abstinence people that the coneump. tion; of beer and wine–light alcoholics --.tends "to sobriety, The report of tie last. International Congress for the suppression of alcoholism, which was beldin Paris from July 29 to August 1,1890, affirms that criminality and mental aberration follow a march par- allel with the consumption of alcoholic Beverages 1 have carefully watched the effect uP drink`upnn the wage earning por- tion of our fellovt citizens, . and I un- hesitatingly Hay that, alcohol is too strong•for Christianity and uplift the luass'of the people will be in great measure abortive. It is a strong. etatenti nt to make, but years of tem. ,lieraheework has convinced me that, in Zeeland, at least, Clsri.'Itaxt,ty goes down before alcohol. Beer and spirits sire too strong for the Bible. This statement from one of England's pronutietit Bend of elope and Sunday cutter)! workers—Mr Samuel Watson ••-is"a" strong one and worthy of ear- nest consideration. The Cincinnati Tim fis•Star 'gives the following instance of, a saloon timed by knitting: Never bat been one sae loon, in otir town and the ladies knit that one out,• said a gentleman who lives in Moor's Hill, Indiana,. What!' exclaimed the astonished delegate;. knit it out I Tees; when. -the saloon was itarted, the women forci;ied, in relays, told went and took their knitting to the saloon, Of `costate' tint knocked laaltinoss higher time a. kite. It was not long ng before that saloon had to be •c:tosed, and mace that time no mat hal ever had the nerve to start ane Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, in an address to ealoorr keeptirq, eloone with Chia* strong paragraph: 1 'tell yon pinin ly rii•ot eel) will meet your Cilntoarerai area *fey {.urn theta *ill he no (sniffler 1.4.100.It :till, When put w•ark is r Don't Be a Clain. When troubled with a iJough or Coid,get la bottle of Wilson's Wild Cherry and cure it at once, before it has time to settle ou your lungs. Why experiment with new and untried remedied, when this old and reli- able ours may be got from all leading druggists. Thousands bear testimony to the rettiarkable curative properties of Wil. non's Wild .Cherry in such 'diseases as Bronchitis, Croup,Whooping Cough,Colds. Coughs, eta. Get the pilules in white wrappers only, Reliable authorit ea en sloven and timothy seeds predict that prices for these grains will rulevary low later in the season. rho American mop with larger last year than for many yet;irs past, and foreign demand promises to be very light. In addition to this a large amount of seed iris born car rigid over front previous year. Some 0f the heavier dealers in Toronto and IluffaIorefuse to haute these graitis in anticipation of a heavy decline Ail Irani, young, old, or middle aggd, who find themselves nervous, week or exltaudt.. ed, who are broken down from excese. or overwork, resulting in fanny of the following symptoms:: Mental depres. •ion, premature old tree, lora of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams,° diuwneee of sight, palpitation of the heart, 'emission, lack of energy, ,pain in the kidueye, heedeke, pianplee un the face body,or 0 itching bn i or pearlier 1l p eux at 4 se s ati`on abort the acirotun:; watattgt; Of the organs, dimities*, specks before the eyes, twitching of the ' muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, depooelta in the urine,. 10ss of will power, tenderges of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire' to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, • constipation, dullness of hearing, lose of voice, desire for solitude, excita- bility of ..temper, sunken eyes sur. rounded with z.sADSN CIRCLE, oily looking akin, eta., are all. •symptom. of nervous debility that led to identity and dead uselaase cures. The spring or vital power having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed' in ignorance may he perinanentely cured. Send your address for book on all diseases' 'peculiar to Dian. Address M, T. LUBAN, 50 Front St. ,r Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms' of which are faint spells, purple lips,. numbness, palpitation,' skip beats, not flushes, rush of . blood teethe head, dull pain ,in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the emend heart beat quicker than the first, pate about the breast bone, etc„'•can positively be cured. No cure', no pay. Send for book. Address M, V- , LU BON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. C. P. B. TIkIN3• TABLE. Trains arrive and depart a@. follows; LRAvlxARRI\7Na 5 35 a..t In . . ......For Toronto ., 5.35 a. m 2:20 p. m ,.•. 2:20 p.m 2:20 p.m .........1'or Teeswator 2.2o 10:3o p. m 10:80 ?MA Lq r '2'RT,T.N Ec R'Yc A. 0. STR4. IDES, Aewi , Wiseman. Through lokets to all points 'in` America—North. West pacific Coa,tt,. etc., via ''the shortest and aU popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. TitolE TALE. ----•- !MAIM n'INUIIAM. ARMVR AT WTYetUAM.. 0:30 a.nl.Toronto,Guolph,t'&4 nerston, &c. 3:30 11:80 "' „ ' , 10:10 " 3.40 p.m. I. "'•' Clinton . 7:25 " .., Palmerston, 15M4Xed .10111 a.m. 36::4405 .,,London, 4o 11.00' " p,ln, a' 145 pam. 1n_. ,:,Kinaurdine,a�o . ... , b.atnt. 118:30p•0a.tm " 11:100:50" 10.70 " p.m BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. Marmonris 8a fiouolr " Flavine ppurchased. the Oustopa Business of Messrs %rcCormiek k Co, wish to intimate that they have opened out in she shop two doors south. of T A Mills store. Winghetn. Boots and Shoes made to. order from the Beat Stock, on short notice, 1!tepairing neatly and promptly done. The patronage of the publiopolkaed, and all work quaranted. AfoLAUCHLIN x4t HAUGH Property ror Sale in Belmojn. Tho undersigned otters for sale a desirablepro party in the Village of Delmore, consisting" o f, a good dwelling house. office, stalale and driving e ' with one acre and {•half of laud In connection. l'endid garden, with all sorts of rtiit trees. Will;o, Bold ata bargain. For particulars, apply to F'IREWERICK Con, e. BARBED; SHOP. MR. MALCOLM 11cDONALD, (LATS ar, elPhIsr,) • Flavhlp purchased the barbering business of Meters. Sebastian Bros., is prepared to give all old cnstgmore and se Many now ones as putroutse•hiul, satisfaction in all lines of the profession, SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are my ape'olalticea endive me a can at tho old.stand, opposite Cordon and McIntyre. store, MCDONA7,D. BANK U OF HAMILTON, '`-•t Z MT G MX A. M Capital, $1,000;000. Itest, 88450,000. President—Jona ETuAar. Vioa.Prasideut—A. 0. lumen.' nritsgTOS$ from Puma, Can,, demurs. aso ltoAon, .1. T whop, A. B• Lan (Toronto). Cashier—,J. TUttVUlJLL. iiaiingi. Saint haute, l0 to 3; Saturdays, 30 to 1. Deposits Of $1 end upwards received and iutorest allowed. ispeelsl DdptNtita also reootred at current rates of Interest. Musson Steel lirliatn and the United States bought and sold ' MIt'Y'B1t dr 1g N> ON, L8O , Aosttfi.Somentere 0' 'cnm BT)z2't..te 1?lexa.inforr reader Isea•a Shit* thusly use t6 !suede of • atlas to send tireLlsottlei of sly r. , las w •r. art,.. M �•7 .ar .r ♦• • Aei�e t have a. •e y iva vi PRIM 8. any r A. It LURED for therbevo . i trrew riy eared. I cullsr tielasee w at ....•.si..'r '. .t t�...,. ., r.�. ,.e..8. S. L � POR THE BES'” A RATS; STER S • Q'S, . SMR GO,� T�e .LL # cram, Cheap for KASB, y&U • FEB 810, Has removed to E. F. ( orsteres old stand,' where he ba:g nicely assorted stock of a. large and 'atria, desks t' Which; he is selling' away down in price, and have you call andtake a look through his .Stocea will be pleased Io. Repaii ing spe •lo itYi' car A 11 Weirk warranted and donepromptly.. Masons Block Merl, ate _He's in stock.... Twenty -Five NEW - • O i?TTBEliti', which will be sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, FOS UA call and sea them, and get prices. All kinds of work made to, order bx . rira- i t 4,as~'Pork>yrn rider 4the supervision of the praalxietgr• ., n 'Repaixing, Paintttag8 Top B4114 Short 1'ObiCea Those in need of anything in our line will sage Money by alliin on, t;u helore purchasing. dye, clone o W. DOBE, • � Wsn . ,4AM 4 M U RA Sirtleseoh • It it Ito . neon, glanufaetprerere oh- AGRIOUL'TU W. have the pattdrne et 4y1 . no nags and qui 1•v.raksireIorailktttda:0 Iitl "tinea . , Ale t� Mtiy, itsl�F:ANI,1`r 411,PENEM. S ACM yyam•�,�, y� --�1. r1N�I.�2a•.�r.,i,.�p...W�c The petronsgio el the puha iwNcit al. t> "vitt ' TAR tty of old Cost troll S,;1a14),.,'w4nt , Valk iW sot .with lite aheve,1 w3e, tv ere diet t here ;rare . s".7*.es, yea. a Wnthaa re.tommentre selperlen Olin work toad mods* • r waukl a k tet rtr�.a♦ .ere' dMrtnih t iitoYelM R 3a R • y: