HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-16, Page 7'`-•"4' ,,rt.,„7. v4,7",7 tf."? lirtsr7,4* nt2trsesr:,,,, err,,s7 .4.44444444' G. A. a re tar 11 rivets r cont. o belt /.0 thhl ISIOXCh. notitair ranging. per :tint reth Vittl 31100 6P- eiteepv. ct err tMiln)nit tooth-- , materna t uted, 2.5 eseit" mite ilia COVNIT o. Merges mutton 4160 the SIA$* 1.orruteed. ;node atqk OAS swinf gt„tn, 3. Iseerliag th.ent To liWi. OP est tin no aro r re awl "waittistful, WO) in thottweitifa; And Its parts of * tiestittfal flii intelligent whole. Smelt P. 143/4.141 do r 01),...s ii.‘ life �H4 hot 44 Aittsios he omit . ..likaemitmo. Know 1 Irr!ie is aboapl opening co•tt before Itim kok. wider expan3ti3 and more cora wand - log heighte, 'VI piof sure ot gros. mg in iinwlge itIld illereasiug power makes Ivory year of his life happier mid more 1,sepeful than the laat. aro.i*A moterse.,,,are Steittereiiull• A new play is to be galled The Idssueugse Boy, W.. (10;4 whether much of eon. ,The Drowned While Hkatina line may now tre taken out of pawn.— Bethlehem Times. Dinkle—I hear that Simpkins hi running his husiness in the ground, Wiuktle—Yes,he's a plow manufactur- er. Did you ever belong to a church choir 9 No, but I saw the. fight be- twe.m Sullihn and We nntioed eons e iIBnaUKa cases ern the lays: the other day, each of which was pls." Varded-"Plate °lass from McOduslaint f oils, Toronto. 'nits drrn deliver, at their amen risk, plates Ofitai,y sine to any part of Cattarla, and fiend ax glaziers to bob the glass when required. oi /94. At the beginning (If each year the intelli• gent rnan-especially if he be the heart of tawny •decides upon the papers he will ubsoribe for. This is a inatter of very sweat importance, and els the amount thus to be invested Is usually limited,not a little thought intuit be exercised if a wise choice is to be Made Next to the local paper -for }io publiospiritt dcitigen a ill fail to support oso (mother of Lida ame papers-the:journal which affords the beet value for the money in -the country is Grip,our national humor. elm journal. Its weekly visite freighted us it always is with fresh, bright aud cleanly 1,,11,t of peu and pencil, are events of the iltumt pleasurable cle,ecriptioc. In ',I:median •.+11.3t314 from the Atlantic' to the Pacific, 0.11110 bailed with delight by the childree as well as their elders, and for ell it ie a source of profit able itietructioe and health. fel laughter. The splendid success of drip, which is now in its thirtpiiiith -volume, is a credit to Ca for the vitt. 'ion of gond judges, an far as pith and pAi et are mu:3mM, it stands in the front rank of the v,orIcl's comio jeurealistn, It meta .enly BS per year, and, ff patronage were olvenye granted in accordance with tnerit, it would be in every Ciatiadian household , rittoo exception. Parents witswish their • growing bop: and girl:: to be influenced in at right :way, should not overlook thi,s Foweiful agency. Subwmiptions can he stet dtreet to Grip, Toronto. pnley szy.trias,. A cluck...of a mut p, enen,t1 ly Makes a ileolk of a husband.. The Alin who never smiles is a Walkikg protest to the goodness of (4od. 0outentineot is more to be desired titan a hor'a that can go it in LW° min - it's. The man that eau write love letters. .kithont'inalting au ass of himself has kept the matter very quiet. Ari Iowa woinan has named her twin ciAughtrrs GAsoline and Kero- sene. It will be dangerous to spark delplit'.. Times. I d, n:L think that dog...of yours- is very po t,te, sail the kkan-i. Why, asked tb,e dog s owtter. Because he nisde me get lip off the grass, and then took iny seat, answered the tramp, ad- ,insting his coat tails to !mike them cover tto much space its possible. - Pack THE SKATING oin. Now doth the gentle skater skate, Tim w h)le ad erS on her wait; Tier th s,inOr sister alot40 Per 'tili a feotto Mali/Chid known, That beauty's auklee are unsteady, To trip and totter ever ready - While wall flowere of the social hall Can skate without support at all. •••••••••••••••,....,,itenli I" 1 1,1 f 1 f L aLrf.ix quell MEDIOIN A 4 JOTS 311311,1/.0 , ' C.) UMPTION • MARTL7E"AW07111S: nth" Mat gargoolcMilI 44,44444.414•4.4,41.144414 We wish to inform the public: that we have these Woolen Mille in A 1 running order, and will this season, give special 40tentlou to .01i$TOM WORK In all ittr bran:theca:0 will keep in stock a Ilass of arst.class goods, such ad Tweeds,, Flannels, Eton's, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, &c„ &c., (Made frau pure wool onl,)) cheap for cosh or ex- change for wool. Something Worth Trying for! 6100.00 in Gold. Thie is what "The Ladies' Bazar" wilt • give to the person sendine them the larges number of sentences constructed from words contained ill the quotation:"What- soever ye would that men shodld do it: you do you even so to them.1'-Every week during the contest' they will give a "hand: some sewing machine" valued at $50,tc the person sending them the largest number ot aentences that week. If preferred they will give' the winner a solid gold watch instead of the sewing machine. Speoial prizesfor boysand girls. They do notoffer impossibili. tips. The above will be carried out to t letter. Everyone competing will have equal chance. No dictionary required this competition. Send 10c for sarrtp copy of "The Ladies Bazar" and full structions, The Ladies' Bazar, 4 Adelai • Street East, Toronto, The main -reason telly the gifted. are so apt to full is that the devi fq.eiris 10 give their Cass special atten• A Nov York tailor says every Till) Algal Id irate five. oyetenats. Not tt ha.t idea from A tailor's standpoint. 144ty wan nePts from where he looks Doer ors are beginning to warn pint hors that babies should tiot, ht. kite ell upon the lips, hut the sinnli boy it at the inerey of V.te old lady's itlipper. The velocity of light has been me - asrq and recoriled, but tha rapidity WWI Wide') ft Wutpt).A! Clift scatter bet 4.114ws. over ft neighborhood is sill piutter of g4.iesti1iork. • 11 The rt of melds= Su selecting all ailneha'r104- seek one that will tnateli his tetiffA, rather than his complexion. Ccirls over twenty are likely to feel, lifiullted if prese,itel with wax dolie If your bust; aid smokes insistUt hit shall Use the 10')X of cigars \chief you. gave him at Christina's. Thii ;nay eine him of thehabit. If you have a height or whose lovi of music keeps you awake ti flight h a polite tribute. tl his taste il yen gice his small boy a chum. Your in ther•iii law will bp ii,tonse' iy gratified if yon g4.o h"r-tber own A. C41w sheets of rytstago stamps tal, griteefully oirtired to strog,glia4 Your sweetheart wlit 01)1)41111y ha a, muult pleased with no engagement rh4 tt. anything you can aivt, her. GET A FLAG, 111088 10514.5 SCHOOLHOUSE The movement for hoisting the Canadiaa ilag on the schoolhouses on anniversaries ef doted events in our history is sproadhur ttpidly throughout the Dominion and evoking tbe hearty approval of all patriotic citizens. AI- Oady 7ftte emir bas done ire share in helping on this movement, by awarding a handsome flag to ono schools la each county of Ontario. but the number of en- quiries from all ports of the Dominion este bow flags can be obtained by other schools LIAO determined the publishers of Tan mm149111'19 effee e. handsome CANADIAN FLAG eft best bunting, 12 feet long (regular prim $W, as a premium for 30 new yearly subscribers tn the WEEKLY' IIMPIIVE at 31 or eight, new yearly aubecribers to THE DAILY 11311413115 at $6 per annum, or a proportion at each. one ettbseription to Daily counting for NOVA Weeklies. ' '-Every school in the Dominion ought to have a national flag. and this offer .presents est op- portunity for each obtaining it without coat and with little trouble. Let those who ere• isodated in getting a flng. for their eeh in Huse join getting up a club, and while en bers get full value for their money in the t newspaper in the Dominion, the eeko4 nine its flat FUER OF COST. Mho IYEEILLY 11:113.11tC has recently beta ergen to twolvemegesand ie now, without abt.,the best weekly newspaper In Damn* . bile the reputation of TOE DAILY imBirl4m, the lending morning four:tat of the Dont*-. is Well known. nd for sample caplet and eneciel eintslains lint* and go In for a flag for your school. ,. Annuaire TUN sittriss, Ineepitne iikl rii f „ AMBLER Customers from a distance can have their rolls Lone with them the same day. 4:71Iighest market price In cash Merchantable Wool. INGLIS tic CO'Y., wiagium THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. ekings retroapeet ot my thirteen 41 fralrteett firt. business In WNW:am, 1 desire meet hearti4 to uder my thanks to my friends end the peblic got orally for the Ilberal patrouage extended to um in She past, may also state that lam in a pooltioa to offer better inductmonts than over to these requiring anything iu the Zine el Granite or Stone Monaroentu. HEADSTONES, WINDOW SILLS, STONi '1'11TAINUNGS FOR PENOINO, *to 1 would be pleased to bare those licalron pros curing any article:: in my line to callaud examine foods, compare prices and leave their o.ders, to that the goods may be secured and preptv ed rely In the season, You can selecklroi) the latLet lesigns and obtain the finest WOknlatldblj) at the meat far9ral1e prices, Mast respectfully, yours WM, SMYTI'I, WInghatn, Ont. CHAS. KNZOIr Wishes to intimate to the people ot surrounding country that kr hemp the harness business lately wstite) 4 4' ou by 14010111.44. liceenth " - k Son, aud will condtjet °. boil:ling one door south Or MP If A Pggalf store, D01.7131,E AND SniQua atangAs heavy or light, made to order. , ,. A tell line of horse Olankete, Sleigh 'tells, Whips tharjcorobo, nruebaso eta., altrayson baud. '' . v% Repairing meetly ea u pi-el:aptly seat. • , 1 The patronage of the public eolloitek anti Isatishs- Veuln actirk and material guaranteed, C. SNECIIVEL winebein, March 4 1890, groat Stock Taking Salt Combines All Broken, Ami tzo, are the price:4 of Goods We are bound to reduce our stock he f re Stock -taking, if prices do it, . so will bur the ODELL TYRE 1:11,Kil- A V TER with 78 characters and $18.- tor the SINGLE CASE ODELL. warranted to do better worts than any machine dtade. It combines simplicity with durability, speed, ease of operation, wears lotoer without cost of repairs than any other' m.?chinc. }Jas no ink ribbon to . bother 'the Operator. It is neat, substantial, Melte, plated, perfect -ant adapted to all kinds of typo writing. Me printing pr4 it produces sharp, clean, InAlealanuscrlitts. Two or ten copies can be made a one writing. Any intelligent person can become an, operator in two days, We offer 1,000 ro any op!nutor who can equal the work of -the POLIBL.:',7 CASE ODELL: Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. _Special nducements to Dealers.' ror Pamphlet giving Itidorsetnents, eso,, address ODLI.1 TYPE WRITEH, co., 11AB NtSS MAIM4R, ,,s443 hand 6 large stook of ° 4011.511 nt .11..10/com13s, . "qt1.13DES, MPS, TIVONICEI, VALISES ete„ ' "bleb will be sold at bottom priest. HArt. sttiA, (MIMIC or single, mode to order on hort o. 8:ktle(011140n 35 and 87 15th Are CRICAGO, ILL. 'EZETLAND SI, MILL GEORGE THOMSON, ?rode* Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posis. Car Lead Orders a Speoiaity. 1301% White gatida, te A little of Onih,ntrt`.. Parisian Dalai ap• . tl 1 . .. .0 1:1Wit -11 itAPIIICAl pies at blunt, Will 8,r4o41 render the 1i:4ii,1„ :tort sod white. -Parisian 11,4(413is delight. ,d.s.1"Intiti,/ a Ratakt, , fully perfumed. Sold by ail aruggIsts. '. ,,o , 6, A...Alba ° WOOD delivered to any part of ingh run. :tar Ornere by mai promptly attended to. °NORGE TH01180N, wing)'am P.° • is the time to paint your houses, and luoBE P AINT in, the WORLD ?Zona pren \tie Utiles!! Oanmed Itubber Paint Co, Clo$,Ouul, Ohio,' We 11180 hare 41.1t 'beat Mi irg 0 NOZOO, rains, You can get any abode you desire, to quantities. 'owing from 10 Oelltil op. Ver Whitmteshing and Xelsontining, Mtiov PLABASTIRg and don't take anything else. 1 ' • L Hes been doing a rushing business for the last three weeks, and the Sale still contkrlues. Such Bargains Were liver, Heard Of, If you want a Remnant of any class of goods CITE AP, come and see us. 500 Remnants of DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, Ste., must be sold at any price. Itts. & C. LLi)iVAlr I4IER.011ANTS, Go alt Marked Away Down 14'-'4"-. So as to mvelivery.osp a chance to secure a BIG BARGAIN. iy cb,Ap Flannels, Cheap Dress Goods, f, cheap Tweeds, Cheap Overcoats, Cheap Furs, c.;heap Blankets, . Cheap Ourpets, Everything Cheap. CH EA P IS NO NAE FOR IT. , Come and, see for yourself what we are doing for Cash. • Want; and for C • ash,. • Cash *gt 1,c0,11 can Buy Goods Cheaper 'fil;:n cygr La,ro, Stock and have 4 Better Choice. COME AND SEEFOR YOURSELF, We want to show the people how to SAVE MONEY, A dollar saved is a dollar made, so just try us and save the dollar every lime. T. A. MILLS; Ble.p.sing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S FILLS AND OINTMENT. These Tentacles ltaxe istami the test of fifty years experience, and Aro pronounced the best Medicines kr Fatuity use. TIM PILLS Nun) tile blood., correct all disorders of the Ltritit, STotiACIT, Xtrimr; ..620 1301,c aL3 and or ' 'Invaluable in MI complaints incidental to females et all e4rs. 1111-11.0 .0.11\1-111/1R11\Tril X4 theealf rehabi* remelt for had legs, rorrs, itloers, wet pad womit. t' -la titONclipt htt, S it T11120A`114, 00t7011'8, 1101,119, GoitT, 1•1CDATISN, OLAM1LAl4 AWRIXINGi ANLV ALL latsr..AgitS It DAN NO nquAL, Manufactured only at if, New oxiord. Late 388, (Word Street, lAualms, alai sold by all Medicine Ventiore throughout the world, 8.4"1'tir1i(4.sere should look to the Labe) on the loss awl Pots, If the adareitt,ie Oxford Street, Lundou, they ate epttriolut. E FIT I givrtilK??AtTna 13 Men 1 *eft 1 de °not ati , Jew. theta retern again. I hi cfitsa A RADIOAI.OU WAlermsy or lI1r4 loknaress a Iffeslorig stall Werst cares. 13.01tu4s other* have felled is no rows ce tr.-glee rood ?,••• ttottle of my rot . 0101,61. it Coir you nothirive for A CAM, and 14 otRit C:A.ofkikcfre