HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-16, Page 4eee e -- AND .., DRUGGIST • P. R. TICKET AGENT. AST, C. N. W. TELEGRAPH CO, Opn. Brunsw c t Horse, 'ua.g%.,>1, ., Out itC C.z gflar Vacs FRIDAY. JAN FABY 18, 1891. Detente/hie apparatus, try the aid of witiclt impressiotre web on the eyea of murdered persons *►ax be repro- duce(ae r amagit►g, i etineony against the criminal. Tan vacancies in tale Ontario Logia- lature in North Perth, North and •curb 2.1orfolk, and "East Durham will things that will 73t,(1re gniekly turn away be tilled 1, elections to ba held era the desirable intending settlers or investors . Y eecti 1 than the `2i3,•d haat. in North Perth, Dr, .from this: or any other' fawn. a Ahrens, who, vacated the seat, rather discovery that the rate of taxation is than diafl!•i4ncliise the riding at the relatively too high. Now, we do not mean to say that we aro a great deal comitlg EeBsion of the Legi'slatnre, is worse off financially than some of the DEO, Tnet economy in the 1Ciwn'aitairs is now, attsorbiug intents% ratepayer of the tow ing that hitt a mo upon the energy an pie than high t y Cu'root.. or wise On. Wednesday everting of last weep, of our a bright light may have been keenvs, otic of ' shiutn front every window in the litftll ` house of far David Mo17Uoweld, 8th 'lusVa c. 'Sandhi last wasp, grand dad for the de,iloatoly servie of ti'le new laietltodiet °hotoh.. ' presttlthlttt of the• Guelph Ounfere. tare IU(:v' 1).r r thorn isnoth- cert, tlulroea, betokening lialauO annals of''Gran, q #HdrtitHrt l t�xecla,it 10 His 30 eand inn dwas. to _dopres$irik effect t t some happy event i enterprise of a neo- . the family history, trod crowds hinuall � fine of thought and ti'i► piratt n. et .o There are few eraltle were to be seen owning na ear. J nn eloq y!t( and instructive sermon at pouits. of the compassand disappear. t �, 1 l d 2.80r and the 1 it eideut agent et tttgllG, The utTerinetti of the people were lance, and every eervie wile crammed to the doors, The inuei(:.al and literary en•4 terttil4aine, -tit, ;�'1f1aO taveil1tfl Wa's snpe�rb. Thl/te addt'esoes1lof Dr G.ritiiu, para: in and 1Zev James Li)ingeton,e" of Lis. once more the merry wedding. Peals i towel, were britt tail of mirth - and burst forth which briug juy and ;glad- wisdom. At the close, the Rev .1 13 ness to the hearts of. both old and I Wallwin, the Pester, atctnrninued that youne. The,eereutony wee,performed the debt of the new church had been byliev IT llialcuiut, the bride being wholly met, and about 8101) over, for assisted by Miss 1,tenlo% • Dever T PIA ' fence and the; (Additional shed. The the groom by Mr J•Button, of. Witte!, greatest jay and gratefulness prevailed. ltaln. After the usualcougratulatiooe `Tile music and singing were exec) ant.. t 'supper Next Sunda., Cooduotor W K Snider and u reseutatiuiis a buuutttu pP y was partaken of, after which thu even- , will preach at 10 30 aud.7 p on, awe ing was spent" in a very enjoyable 1 Rev Julie Soo%t, 'Al A, , in the ewe seeking re-election. He is opposed by Mr. Thos• Magwood, of Morniugton. The probabilities are that a Dr. Ali rens it b returned with a largely g ETaTORIai, NOTES. THE Ontario Legislature will meet for the dispatch of business oi,i Wed- nesday, tt e lith of )'ebrnary next. I is said that next 'Saturday's Can, - Lula fxz. ette, will contain a proclama• tion calling the Dominion Parliameut to meet an the 26th of February next. towns suvrounding us,but what we desire is—and what filo intelligent anal enter- prising citizens of our town. desire—ie Zvi e o ' that Win ham shall be the mostdesir- creased majority. able town in the county of Huron for a roan or family to take up residence' in, or Tao, annual meeting of the West invest their capital -be. Huron Conservative Association was Well, how Aali we eeQnoin:me and still held at. Smith's Hill, on Monday last, keep up the necessary local improve.: when all the old officers were reelected, merits ? 1et. Dispense at once with the si11y and-unlecessary •exltenditt-re of tL 'rosolutiu►t" of cgnfid.once in Sir ea or WO a year on a town policeman. John Macdanald and his colleagues, We have no, need for such an ornament was passed, as well as age thanking in our midst, What we do really need' Mr. J. M. Roberts for. the able fight is, that every dollar expended by o'ulr% heacre in contesting the riding last town counoil will tell -upon the moral or 'o Made material .development net •our 'town. June age}est J T. Gar -row, 11i. P. P. find, Let theta be no illegal orunneceseary All tire" speakers laid great stress on grants raps by the oaurleil, as is. some - the necessity of getting the names of times the case. No doubt but that the Conservativeq••on the Doiilinion voters' .,present counoil, like its predeoessors,wiil. lists 'eat the earliest opportanity." be appealed to for grants to: assist "this i institution;" or "that enterprise," but a THE Be.vDr. Potts, of Toronto,, prudent husbanding of the funds of the during his sermon last Sunday, spoke town to be expended in pitblio and warmly in deprecation of the habit permanentimprevem,Ots,.isundoubtedly lean eo le of maligning the what the ratepayers of'the town desire, many p Ws send out as a supplement to the items, a +1ohip of the great speech de- livered by Sir Richard Cartwright, at. Chatham, a short time ago, It, will well repay perusal.' . . D1n.,A, M&Ti3nsos-, of the Stratford Hewn, has been appointed hussar of the Institute for ilie' Deaf and hums e. •at Belleville. s' Mi.. ' Matheson is a gentleman of ability,and. will .do honor to' the position. ' AT the convention of 'the Eastern ' Uutatio Dairymen's Association, held iu Brockville last week, a resolution eriee adopted asking the Government to establish ,three sohoela for" the pure sd of imparting • instruction in tying.' ,' Vnicnow, a noted'German stir- tto , "is\.of opinion that the experi- xitenta with I ,oeh'Q lythph wi,1I attest its uselessness as a cure foe consuwpe tion, and bases his' opinion upon the many.. failuree' which. have' already been reported. SPA% time ago it was. found • neces4 stir to expose William Jones,; the Y utenaging director of the (.tion Prove- &e -tit Life and Live Stock Association, 'rorouto, as a. fraud••Tlie government appoia acblurtii:ssinn to enquire into .. concern, and now the 'end t. e 4 J..nes' le missing a�. lite office is otos, rd, A Preerzapren coalventu tleiberale • ill be held in eliorontei •doth- ,' etrr e. will art+:. The near approalh of a g.eleeerak 'lection. and other. realions, has tlo`:. aided. Mr. Lawler and the represents. ire leaders of -,,lee party, in :Q Itario an Lis course. Wt - hope the liberal ssociatiotrs ; . in tl, is suction wikl, can eetiugs and select delegates,. to attend r:inportent gatbeeiwg ':The date the meeting will lie givers: >it a jutur s •rte. AT the last meeting of the 'Ontario rinuttural and Arts.:A,ssoc'i,ateon, it resolved That, this A,adooiation e to each electoral( distract Atgelpal. Society in the Vroviuce, once er and one bronze medal, tb be oepeted for upon each conditions d regalatione as ivay b adopted by h electoral district board;, and they id suggest that the oath epa ttons la tins" be that. thea v m. be `cope ethd Ek given fry tlle,ly h by` arrirels' owned within the dories tef' the iteipetstive'eleotorir,C ing within the doors of the ig rte. house, which seemed for the time being to be the centre . of attraction. �,.t 0.15 the happy event took . plaeee, which waa. the utiiti.ug of Miss Maggie 111o1)ouald to Frank Dover, of Michi- gan bottle cf wedlock, and among, . mortal standing of the men in public andwhat they sincerely, trust that the life: ,As soon as •tri h . d appearsawe present :council will curry out, More a again.. • ' WAToHfiiaN. candidate for a public efface, the doctor declared,:a rot of 'little fellows ' tutu Forra nue ntanettoa, begin,barkin athis heels. 1 tell you,he The committees appointed by the East and West•Euron Teac h:ore Associations • i•xelaiitred with fersor;it fsa•pocr educe your .to"arrange for an examinatioq:for he fifth tionof gung to picture to forte of the Public Schools, met in Chin, then} our legislation and representives ton, on, Saturday, Jan.1,0th, and agreed. in Dominion, PreVincial or civic afiuirs . to the following regulations: as bankrupt in .character. The fact 1. TheQstitninationshallbeheld atthe is that in no bouritr.,y in the world are same time es, the uniform promotion ex=, the Hien in politica,} life of butter aminatioryti; 2. Eagle leacher obeli preside over his character, and: it, is a of pre°. own pupils and examine their papers. tice'thie crying down " of the public 3.. The.' inslseotprs. shall prepare and men of the Dominion, the Province or distribute the papersxon application of the City. . the teaele ice.a • t: - Irl is, recent address Sir Ticbard The fpiloWing are4the dt}tails `o t the . ', . ciouree regitireci :.• '. , (3artwlf ri",ht uuilde .a: otlUslirniC; but well- Reading -Sate as form 1, of High deserved,, reference 'to •the apologists school course. for cot-ibine rule•e who continually • Grammer—The public" school gram - lir to alaout 4isloya}ty of establishing man f eeritsn- a complete reciprocity treaty with 'the' •: neeitlon—The structure ot • cote and ;paragraphs, paraphrasing of nited the s ddI sa pie, expansion and`oontraotion of 'prose 1'4s for the twaddle about reciprocity+'passages, synonyms, correction of errors, being disloyal, I'hitee dealt with it _so themes.owfamiliar subjects and{the pre- often elsewhere 1 will not stop to do eoribed text, familiar and ixusinoss more than.glunce at it now, How • lettere.' (Text,for next. year °Iv'anhoe"). dare these men who copied the Atner- • English Poetteal. leiterattiro-Intelli- gent comprehension of and familiarity loan tariff in �878 whohave a1n P Oe ed vithtoa ollAee 'tests High School 'duties of 30, 0, 50, .ave, in some cases . `� reader, and ixie?nariz,ation' of the finest of 100 pet` cent an' i,'rttieh goods ; wire, patssages contained in the same : "The have driver about 1,006,000 of British Merchant ofenentce," "Rule Britannia,"- subjects -into . ax, ire whose watchword "The Isles of Greece," "The Glove and „ l; • a :few gears age was it the N • P was the Lions," "My .Kate,""A Dead Ross," ad Br:itieh cnn1ieetiou so wee, (`Cane, bottomed chair,' "Hanging of b_ the Crane, Return•• of the Swallows, the woyse for Rritesh connection—how . ie; Dawn Angel. ,'" "To " Winter," Le. Rot dare they prate of loyalty, to tea "-flaw Z Est Mort." Sr, we have had •a, • stir'teit of share Histo .:and, Gleogrephy—The loading. loyalty. It is riche to dee who are events. Of CAnadiaxi history, geography the real 1oyaliets of 1890 -the true of forth Airteitiien,and British Empire. Arithmetic anal Mensuration—Tnteeest, spiritual descendants,' if you ciente to • , diaeo, int, stoalts and shares, loss axed. .that, oaf, the men who, saved Canada gain, pattnership square and cube root for the British Crown ahundred years meaatare eut of surface and reotangulea ago. The trite :loyalist is the matt Bolide,. - who does all that lies in his power to. Algebra --Elementary- rules, factoring tractions, simple equations of one tin. remove all goose of differdnce a(htl to k noivn:gnantity, simple cement by the mast friendly ties the ' Huolid-�•-Book.1, prop. 1 to 1(f,• easy two great divi>yions oik tete :Eng- deductions. " lieli race ; he: is the Han who $colt Keeping—Pages 1 tcs 86 of Mc, 'erill 'make it ;possible for Oauae Lean'ellook keeping. Writing—Copy beach No. 8 or 9. - thane to live and laroaper in O:itlada— :;DravOing--Any two hooka of High who will enable. Oenadiati fanners to Behoof eourae for p'oxm1. keep their farms without sinking into Optional Kornis—SAn�bjeotseit1 e) Tom'•. f,;anaut,a or sorbet he is the Mad who V 1 e ! uabeetB : Itea$iini�-gg 5,(►t;Grom- 1 1' 100Com�ppo sleloty 100 7Pestiogl ]',titerature100, Ilia rY and. A liner by all in a►nusetueets of ; noon at 2 80. various kinds and all went home at an early hour well pleased with ehe enjoy- ment of the evening. The following Z etlan.d.. Mss Mina Pelton and Mss Lizzie area few of the preeents received by Switzer from vicinity pf Attwood, `etre the • bride, along with oth[re too nulU- IS Kt blr Jolirl Prlton's."--D11. arcus to niontion :—Set af °ulna, t I/mime 0,eeenegee of E ulit'u, former- ly of () aliforuia, is, visiting at Mr ' G Thomst'u's., lie was engaged by a large lumbering conipeny there and zen teaspoons, I• dozen desert spoons, t spi,a'ks -well of the country.--- 4rs l,t 2 pair vases, wine -set, water set, 2 Qriis, from tier l3;uevitlp, is sick at napkin ringat, 4 tea trays. ser father`s, Dar 7.'evvit - 'ther0101 -was at (Intended as tttBtt98UOi) - tneet►u[� of the Patrons of Industry Our annua1%4, school 'tueethxg ns No 3 ,held at ,Nr Jaines Wilson s, ou elle passed oft: very_ nuietly, Mr J Mo:r evening of Jetnuary 12th. •--= ivltse being elected l;rurstee for. the "ensuingMaggie l!ilelf ghlfn, of 4irin'ghatn, term.—,1rs tOlow, relict" of the tate visited at Mr F Thomson's during last Jolin 01ow, and family, of 'Michigan, 1 week. --Skating parties are'prentleut aro visiting at Mr J Welwood's, and I in these parts, and many a beginner intend. speuding•the greater part of the • has suffered front it. clock, cruetsttiild, 8 butter dishes, 3 prelt.e dishes, -2 breakfast cruets, dozen knives and forks, dozen knives, k do• winter in •Ounada.--`lee enjoyed. a soft snap on New Year's day. --Our new teacher. eoan enced on Monday, and has taken up his abode at Mr J « l'ickell'ts. _Thea population of Culross is still on the increase, the last arrival is in the fancily of Mr Irwin Jackson. -=W S McKay wrenched his back . on New Year's and has not been able to get around since; : Mack thinksw• that he comes in feria-gore'"than a fair share of ntis€ortunes:ee r elfant. (enewn 9 riT Oi t„15C'I881Ti,•)., . Mr James r iojnpeon; sr, still con- t uueB in a v y�clow, ooridi.tion, and slight hopes art:rent,ertained of.his re- covery. -ielr W, Crosly,''. Jr, is at hoine at preieeti , He has been eu gaged at leis trade, blackeneitli•ng, in. the southern 'part of the county of Ox. ford durixig past year —Mr W EI idaabett is als8 •honie for his holidays. He is pttshin►„forward in order to bee come. air ill Deabortly. . We wish liim success,—Qhri,etmas: 'evening a tea - meeting was 'held iu •Hieckett's town church, whfeli4 rovwd a grand success. After satisfying the wants of the • tit- ter 11 I t04 0. tier mai-, thea ,dteuce wereeu • t k rs Rei N 11 s a e It. f. o i the I f; edbyt p l 4,, Revs Mr • e •[i 11, ,s Mr Crowel,.Q1.•�ltiluteuliuu , Coiling, and M J intro❑, of '• Luoknow, Readings, recItati'ous and singing was - also in order. Tile prot'•eeds are . fur the benefit olt, the ,Sabbath Stiliool, Mr and Mrs, I eluCrostie and 'family are visiting friends at' the Nile -'this week. --Mise Maggie , elcOrugtie land Master Stewart Pritchard, of Forest, are the gi ata:of .Det, J. McOrpstie, Oahe Turnberry'• An association of. the Patrcite. of, Indnstry was organized .at Holmes' scbool house on 1Vatnesdny evening. James Silnpson (teacher), President, and Fred Hardie, Secretary, tt`ittrls, b to time of fhe murder elute Mc= l' d St., Helene. Tenders are asked fcu• the rebuilding of 13ethel church, which is situated on. the 10th concession of West Wayeane ask. Tile new .structn a 'vitt•.. toe a:. cntnrnodionb buildin=g, and will'; be a credit to the Methodist body. Draught Horse Breeders' Society. The. annual meeting of the Dotnin- ion Draught Horse )3reeders' Society was held in Clinton, on the 17th Dep. From the report it appears tlntt the Society is in a good,posiiion,fiudncially and nemerioatty, probably not. equal• led' in elle history of any other stud book on this continent. There is a membership in•good standing of eotne 275, and a cash balauoe in the; bank of 62,1,74, with cash in hand and.other assets, amoutttiug to some $300�more. The second volume of the•stud book,. edi rees of 'salts. o t a ra issued, cn t lust is t .d J u P 802 stallions and 598, mares, , maki»g the total number of pedigrees record- ed in.both volumes 1,059 stallions and 1,082' )nares. nee entries n•iw in for the third volume 'make a good begia- ning for a still larger book than either of the others. The total reoeipts since • last meeting have been over $1,000. Officers elected,:_President, .Icahn Meldillan; M. P;, Oenstanea;t, Vice -President, D. Miltatosli, V. S. B uoetield ; 'Secretary,Janles Mitchell,, Goderich ; 1reasurter, • John Aiken. head; 1, S., Goderich. Will legislate against monopolies— n-ar , . ,fir .an ra h�y who will vindicate yettr fteettont to." ,1.00► :Arithmetic_ and Mensuration 150, tray and gall fu such tilni.ltets tits sort igebra 75, Euclid 75 13ook-keeping 100, ' rittng fi0e Drawing 50, T emi}T@.taneetattd you, best , kLe t►rid clone other is the 1`1'ygierie 50, Agriculture true and gentile* loyalist, loyal to the r -• ' true ititereete of the Banish L;.p,4.11'►re• r A fatal fire ooccured at teledlati,l last a al which is et more cur;pal; Sl d t orning resulting ,a the l 1"" d 01 Dan ltl+a4ltllirtrayti week.. • ' lenfarxoW. Mr ,Tohn .McDougall and wife, of Kent, have returned home after spend ing a few weeks with friends here.— The Misaee McDougall have 'returned to "C intoe, after , a lengthened stay with -reeds here,— Messrs Aikeuhead, of Stiuiley, end Lomita", are visiting: frieuda "here. -••- John Geinntill,. of Mieh:igeti,, smiled on hisftieztds here, after being abtleut fourteen years." ilisseCeilaon, of Iiowick, spent it few days last week with•Mt..s Bella Wylie. .— lijeth Iliggins has' gone to Toronto to consult. the, nred-cal staff regarding the t;aatrdition of his hand. -As Paul Powell and his brother were felling a tree, it eai ht• a sap Inc which flaw up and ittrtwlc hitt in the face, The pule in some. way interfered with t ,,e praetor, An Association of 1 h Patrons of industry seas organized. at Zetland on Monday evening. Wit Currie, Pres• ident and Malcolm, Lamont, Secre- tary. • The detnila of the failure of the J R Potts Salt end Lumber (Io show it to have laeett the most disastr. ns failure in the history of Michig,lt.. The to- tal rlieect indebteduese is $903,846. and dee • totitl assets are $678,790,, leavtiitg a deioiency of $-:125,055.. Alex'lhylor, of lilt 20, Maitland con,, Huron 'roa'd, Ooderielt .township,, has tied for over 61 years on his pre& eat fart, coming to the township ai 1 f d 1 t Julie, }829. Luring alt these yearn axe; whieb fell upon- and penetrated :he has not been one month ofl thratlult• the muscular Pare of lii4 .li=ft arid, I sickness,, and to -day bids .fair to see cutting a deep gash itnd psrtialty err- another decade or two. When he ,aurin;; the boas. His matey "Errands I first catn,ts to the ninon tract but taut?. to. ring ay t a wish hire u speedy recovery from thfe.I father carried tltetr seed cord' : on lag, tlr6'rro le t!f ,Kincardine, but foe Rome 'striates accident. Lack all the way Erato London, driving is, near Cu!nbeilan y► �r feat» as be'1 that the visage the best interesta bat foment •al U ittd hint,` rite who strangled drew Canada ; and therefore. soh a, lojtt><ilst,, tigers employed t,u, "rite INidianti +'tee %• cat crib and *calf, the only :grit ti•to' tkte: • , i lte'uiideratandta the position, wil}, ha 'Press. MMGtliivray+ was rootnmg in ' ltrauk being the tstirveyo s Week marks Ott Pte-- rtktlsed on Ellra'i if the 01 it I ti e, 'and although firs W A, ; opsh, rtf li of Mci,t`:od,1 on the trees, ItSr Taylor Is one of the. g , " , ey'ira. This the meet ardent advocate of fail, f5e4tr called was 'unable to find hilt way out 13 W T, is home 'vhtl.iug her pnrtint•e, veterans who went to Wutpole 1814114 mdtrlh` ` wad with 00unci wasepl aced. The Isa. wadi. Mr and Mro.A`ilest.H4toot 1r 1.eecG daring the McKenzie trouble of 87,. 04 4uei labatrst anti itinattcren, the greatest to •oat:, bort watt' baldly'-burtredr M-O� ' II in eke employ of Sienseor teLaren,, arid' he helped to GO dewf the orient- . cilli leiett E ,, �yy y who h an ' • a r*.nilrat n ilftereetr :ria at -forest drat et'wd 0W alt .;. $ . ,...cS ,� 'G°lre frurrrlM�a �y lof l�n;gi'lalaKttptntking uativu twit thee ittoea i3t11itrray x. ,,f�,tltt:tr` . MO* t Td* . rt .k;,y . C�' . . .. c; .... ,. dtk, r wtr 1' Wrt l ,.;,.eft t. 4., t�GiP t'tttrs iatel-' , 1taie thea omt.11 ".• . • Diva. t ,. i 1 w ,tit: 4rt ,. Cir. .?i tisitis • •011 Alt atop Y L N. 1 t ax )$I04t ak. A4 alk ax Tho electors Jim Ott ..foam .d c neewithatendit, -IID uitmher of t, tut hear Sir tZ ct*. titeitnpurt, vccll}ostyhig the teeming wag ►.t, Hall, the large ht;;t•,% which a It td ktute l,liea a'. y tut' the oct. Sir Rielta;a. train ill tate tuft the station by l efurtnera. !1 teniae ace of 1! 1'., where lia•w along with ,4 in tubers of tin in.' the pieeidt lee.forirt .Aseo( lI i.lop0ccupii hiCit ati alta nib Lichee, whose 1 ,interest to the nl,iw on/ the p!a 'i'li�l$.• 1X 1't,tjrllin douaid; 11.1' J-i.v, J. U. Mt • l t twsa, Rev, , J. Tottea.t; 8. dent, 11144 7 Niue .rrestdent tion ; Tomei ler, Tilos Gil It'o,. \V.rtuatotil, RoWbintr el i.ler, J aunt Douglaa, Ant Jubn:W chips, J.itsou ].to; Eiger; R. 13 local Reform Dlr. re briefly, thanJ ),andsutne 1n returned hi seuibiyat tin An addre East Eiding Sir Richard that gentle; ous terms, Teview the l: .' ,• .KiwlinlbsoitOsntnakw1i,) train of the egricu:itural Sir'Rir:ttari relai,ions of ates, are conitxter of ltl " \VSthnaA, an the Malley former viol tJunadiatz t the clatter Tth hail :t :poral of tit iPtnleut at Washia powrr of tr Hntit s. amidBrea ljrMac &'few nein g:at nt w+ olriefy to the N P e act•cltiled 1 raised in tile- po1io) • • for ti oils( gt r,uthusiae was brou, for the Q Comte hon, rf - without of .Uatole ittetel ever Caul ter, law of ti: died at t 1874,) a; va ill of t died in declared Coulter void, as fraud an Anne .0 ter Ili fa teritativ, trustee, titin-dee'i i trustee ter to tl estate to lifetime �irtl ittinio out of t plaintitl fondant �► he. nitre C�