HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-16, Page 3!mote !i°I>"Ieit*8I$y.
40 and try fete !till
Usk intelligent
!derive Arens;
' tint forth 40010
tits people to inter.
etestirilr whether
tri le ,'ver an tit ,
rnisteite we miens
power and }dales
urselves sensitive
the world six -
notice as to the
to take ''extra
decide front seine
de not tlihik faf.
make otirselven' •
and fancies rha't
,trtain for a mu*'
think outiselees,•
ICaUae w$ eotsr,
be eauae we art. er,,
sensitiveness, it.
seitia11uess, alldlr
fished, is utuplt;
i nieces cel the,
'!BMPERANCE cot -wear.
001enIICTBD + ' rG T. Ar. Cl. T. rr.
gone out walk -
take her •pt{rseb
coney in her
the met u littler,
her arm. .please
something ' from,
a variety of book
lsedle-books, :eta
pnytlling to•day,`
I Iieve not nuy,
,ur things �ook
Ip('ed a raoMitt,
words to the
as bile passed
ry entry 1 Ctifi't
roe. to -day. 0,
;ire, you've dowel
d as if you: hall -
meet say, get
'eta have, spoken
ne, and I feel r
:Vas Colssiderillj
,it 0061s to dn,
r spe,k, kindly
r and tueering.
se togise,let nett
• syeiptlthy.
.'t live a singlet
lot noiug exaet-
iu it, tend going
Ul beginning to
iy, whatever
and finish it Up
'!Then,' do the -
ettitlg any near.
It is wuuderfssi
a these people
a in 'ons d»y,.
up thn Ylm)neetit,•
And if ye
n. have s0 tinny'
at you. Hardly
:ell you a seoret t
f]itp; th•1t comae....
lid all tile rest
aupauy of wa.1-
an tirade asked
an tnuoli in pia
Aft, was the re -
ting to go au.l
siufront o)tv
any t•II;U t of lit,
l do will he
lit Master, an t
3. The trained
men as trees
thin.; (dearly
'he trained telna-
o►•k like a bated
advances' will(
ade of oonseiouti
so new, end
to rr enhooll h
+a. this deeper
I lifer, ens]" wit a
,i+ Newt! rt! milli.
Ii . , plat,
A social innovation in New York
City is the ,*Blueribbcni lnlita'don to
fn dinners, .indicating (bv a knot of
blue, ribbon in the lower left hand corp'
^nbr) that wine will not be tt'1Y(! ',
Clic NOW :'cork Tithune, in a recent
•editorial ou brewery strikes, eltysi "A
regular beer drinker spends, as•it,uoh iu
a swat to pencil his thirst es. would
Acilsetentlyecit the a family."
Messrs, Russet & Co., 'the large
-ship n.nildere, Greellook, have recently
itclapted an excellent plan on pay drier
s'it1 their yard. They have'utflxed �►
'notice at the grate stating Out change
,may be got elders by the respective
06trads, so that they do not re•
4tdre to go to a puhlie•houso'for it
vtrhich used to be the old way, and was
x fraitfel source of temptation.
At the last '3irminghaln meeting of
the British Medical Association, two
tlitt7inent physicians, calk'd attention
oto alcohol an a cause of functional
<iisor•dere of, the heart, Dr. Thomas
said ; A%eollol acts not only upon the
• l :part, but upon the nervous system
. generally. at acts at first las a stimu`
iratit, fetid lifterviards as a depressant
,.Mt, 1"d tilti►nstely by its presence, in the
1.)100(1 it produces a disease of vessels,
. a.lieart,ancl other organs. I3y inducing
state of chronic gastritis it gives rise to
indigestion and its eouseq'uenoes,uams-
ly, .pressure upwards against the
;tl hP)Presbyterian churches in Cann
ati•a;the great conference of Abe
)Iottrodist'church in Canada, and other
eburc1Leo have taken action in the line
of petitioning the Houle of Commons
and Senate for tt law prohibiting the
Manufacture,importation of alcoholic
liquors fear beverage purposes in Can
nerd. I a' itious to this end are already'
i.0 eirculattttu, and all members au.d
adherents of'churc4irs, eixttten years of
age and upwatds,'will he at liberty
to sign thein ,.l.t is regoested that
public meet;» ge be held in each eon.
euunity,when the question of :,he prolli-
'bition of the ligsor create may be dis-
Amaaon gild etferei11.'tion -given, l3',ev.
1), L. Brettitertr, . l`l,orold, general
secretary of the atinsding oomnaittoe
en temperance et'the Metilodi4tchurch,
rose, took up !lits over. ost, and glanced
nervously around, 'Tun he Amid
Young rean,T will be ranch obliged. if
Y'01/ will pulp rite oil with my oeer-
young. tel ,
themselves airy;
eel, 1p(rt are bro
or overwork, redo t
following syieptom
alrsll/ Cottrttre,.''
aged, who And
wre{t ur exhaust,
own froal exoe6t
14 in ninny of the
!;teff►al' ils.
The other rose elniekly and' gave diets, premature J Id ae, foss epreof
hint the assistance that was naked: vitality, loss ()flue .y, bad dreams,
for, tlitrinees of sight, ffal`fitation of the
There—ow 1 pal a little: stiff. heart, emission, lack of energy, pain
Thank. said the �ltl man. You aletothe kidneye, hottdake, potpies <uzr
the Nee or body, itelxing or pecuigr
kind. S lute: time You nilly bo old sensation about the eorotuan;, waisting
yourself, and then you will be glad' if of the organs, dirxiness, specks before
the eyes, twttelring of the muscles,
eyelids and elsewhere, Itasbfuinette.
deposits in elhe urine, lose of Will
power, tendernee of the scalp, tied
Tiny, weak and flabby niescics, desire
to sleep, faiiure to be rested by eleep,
constipation, dullness of hearing, loss
of voice, desire for solitude, excite..
bility of temper, sunken eyes sur•
round"cl with Lunen macs, oily
looking skin, etc,, are all symptoms
of nervous debility that led to iaartity
and dead useless cores. the Spring
or vital power having lost its tension
every function wanes in consequence.
Those, who t11r1 ut{h abuse eointeitted,
►u ignorance may be permattentely,
cured. Send your address for hook
ou, all diseases peculiar to 'man.
Address M. T. LU'13AN, 50 ,trent St.
Toronto, Out, 13ouke Ant free
Healed. Heart disease, the symptoms
of which are faint spelle, purple lips,
numbness, pal pitetion, rakip 'beats,
not (lashes, rush of blood to the bead,
dull pain iu the heart with heats
strong, rapid and irregular, the sec's'►
a young man's assistance.
The other laughed. Perhaps, sir,
he said, you wouldn't objeettto telling
'Me bow old yon are?
yI ? Qh, uo i said the oltltman.
sixty three years old••,-ullriost sixty.
four, lie slid ,4eitll a sigh.
Indeed I said 'the young man, and,
•now t'il ;tell you how old T am. 1
shall be seventy-one years old Aly next
11 was his senna; ago, but the first
man flatly refnsed to lielieve it, and
went ofl' with an air se if he thought
the other was trying to • ploy a rather
had joke.
Fanners, look out for a man that
wauts you to acct as agent for a barbed
wiretfence. He is sharper and wit'
beat y cite. if, you have anything to do
with him, He represents himself as
general agent for the Merchants Union
Barbed Feoce Co., of Lorlllou and,
wishes to secure local agents. He heart heat quicker than the !test, pan'
makes many promised and offer eaih about the breast bone, etn,, can
i+teut 100 pounds of the wire ''free. • positively be curled. ,No cure, no pay.
ide presents a paper for the person to. Send for book. Address M. V.
sign, vebiub he says is an agreement ' LUBON, -50 Front Street East,
with the company to act sm. agent, the
compaisy to sup} ly wire at • 83• cents
per ib, The agreement turns out to
be as order for a ton of wire at 9j cis
per pound, otily the llret 100 labs is to
be given the agent free. The man is
middle aged with hair someWbat gray..
He is slick looking and a genii =tts,l:er
and drives a -good outfit. Look out
for flim, I3e is in Essex comity and
may strike this se'etinn at auy time.
Toronto, Ont,
The velocity of souncl'iu stir at' Iota'
temperatures has recently been mea-
sured by determining the interval be
''tweet' the flash of a.gun 42 8 meters
distant stud the report. For tempers
*tures 10.90, 25.7.0, 87.8° anti 15,6°
below zero (Centigrade), flue velocities.
:WPM 820 1, 317 1, 309.7 and 805.6.
meters per si'coud. ,From tide it ap-
peurs the velocity of sound diminishes
and.Zle4, D. Sti.e.x Fraser, upritigvitie, /0'`x'03 dieter per second for each, degree
clJpper• 6te'+tiael,r,, N ti., convener of (Centigrade) of rico of temperatutt;.
Ordinary accumulatoes or storage
batteries for aalectrioal work are riot
very portable, owing to the liquid they
contain, In oousequence of this
trouble it has been proposed to add a
little sodium silicate to rile oell, which
has the etfYYetof turning a sulphuric
acid gututio,l into a jelly.
It is stated that in a tecentgale the
anemometers on the top of the .]Eiffel
Tower registered 630 miles per hour.
1/1 Maseartesays had this velocity •cc-
eul'en at the level' of the city every
ehinioey wound have been leveled to
the ground
The national powder trill at St !tie,
dtirilenJtal'r', in. France, has recently
been 1ighteti 11. nroanne.,eget 1awps,
and it is believed to be the first mill
of its class tilt t he (.'outtuent to ,use
electric lighting
Recent investigation into the cur.
ions question of tit' 'ase of an annular
drill by the ancients led` to the eon•
clusicn that jewel points were used .iii
both drilling ane' sawing.
telephone line a`isout five unites
long etas been established in Iceland,
Ana is regarded as a great curiosity,
being the -first ever established ou the
A new material caller! ''laetith' , has
recently appeared in 1`,ngland as a
substitute for :bone or celtniotd, Case-
in is the principal constituent,
permanent eowil ittee on temper,
'iL11Ce of the Presbyterian church, 'naso
•o!'iurl;e of tint work. Over thirty
thousand petitions will besedrt out to
the different d< teo1111natians This ies
the most extensive movement that has
yet been inaugurated for taking the
sense of the, o::t l,ittalall p ople Oa this
eaetly important gti.•stiun, end will Te"
atilt in a wiser estimate of a public
• wish then an jttlrii:ip; ;;et doue 1n the
tiriwe dlt'r'Utit,.1. °`4:" ';committee have
-every 1111 weir n,1i 'r,• perfected for a
thor.ttgkr selieebeeten, and thepetittone
wilt ne tat y to par;iament
'such slat. tii:,e4 . , a' ti he. slitlioult to
ignore thnni .It is expected "hat up -
weeds of a Intlllon Un n''a wilt he re-
setived. Intere;teo ,pitrtie't the, in re..
'•eeipt of petitions. van bemire ;.!fain on
jtpplteation to either t.I 10e above.
;don't Zona clam.
`When troubled Witb It Clough or Cold,get
a bottle of Wilson's iifild Cherry and euro
it at once, before i1h is time to settle an
your lungs.. Why experiment with new and
untried reulediee, w1re,1 this old and reli.
able eure may be got from all leading
'.druggists. Thousands bear testimony to
the remarkable curative properties of Wil-
son's Wild Cherry in sueh diseases as
Bronchitis, Croup,Whoopiug Coul ll,Golds.
ti mustily, site. Get the genuine en white
writsrpere sinss
What Walcott * Maxi Old.
nelson Tremsertpt, '1
' o"himselfya roan le as old as he
:feels to others, as old as 11e look*,
'tl,a'ere*'is nothing strikingly new in
the Obt.ervation, but it applied well in
art amusing caste the other day. Oh
*tram that was au»ling into Aoeton
it«r were r,Wo g*eel Mari, Bitting In
trittrttgar ws drwiftea. Otis elf hew( wait
WryiAlae,l Bette. A1{ bt'ae train rrp>
it4tCleattiir,+1 ' Asian
•. tai, .0.1,a ' t.. i
,COLLARS, OU111,. aro..
eb.eap for ICASII.
C. 2, P. TIM.B WABLL."
Trains arrive and depart ar+•1ollows :
teAvmw AF`D1rr:r0
5:55 a, rn .....:.... For Torouto
2 dD !tarts " '1'8) p.trl
ll4 p, m , .. • ........For Teeswater.... .. -2.Ed
10:50 p. 10:40
A. 0, STRATl1DEE, A0s5r, WlweuAa.
Through lokota to all points hi America -North.
West, ',oxide Coast, ,to., via the shortest and all
popular routes, Baggage oheciced through to
destination, Lowest freight rates to all points.
LIS8PA,. W1T'*1IA,t. AN�1t1,V.,t,AI w,SOII.UI+
U ^m) ,l.1ui'olito,LtUP.Iph,Nulmerstou;.aO 5:50 p.m
1110 "
" 10:10 ..
3:40 p.01. " ,' Clinton. "
7:25 " 1'ahnersten, .atixid , 1015 a.m.
6:45 a.In ..........5 cnslou, ScU..........11:te "
Sao pan 7:45 p.m.
K:30 A. m
11:10 a.m.. ...... Aint:ardine,atco
3:00 p.n, •
.14asremoved to E. F. t rster's old stand, where he heel a largo and
nicely assorted stock of
Watches, Clacks Smeltery, Sillvervare
Which he is soiling away down in price, and. will be plea .to
'hav'e youcall andtake a look through his Stock.
Flexing purchased the Cut=s Business of Messrs.
McCormick & Co, wish to intimate that they have
opened out in the shop two doors south of T .A Mills
store, Wingham..
Boots and Shoes made to order from the Best:
Stock, on short notion. .Repairing neatly aid..
promptly done,
The patronage of the public Olicitert, and all work
Atoll &UOIILIi+7 t4 I1 AU GB
Wilson's iVil Cherry aures Coughs rind
reasserts for Sale in 'Belmar&
The undersigned offers forsale a deslrahl0'pro
petty 01,the village of Belmoro, consisting of wood
,;welling house, mike, stable and drii'iro; shepd,*lth
garden, !tial! 810,1, lanoft fruit trees. conneetioWill be laoid
at a bargain, + For particulars. apply to
;3o1ino e..
(LAIR eP.iorLoY,)
TIM Inst purchased the barbering business of Messrs.
tsobtstiah Bros., Is prepared to give all old nustorer'
and a4litany nWW ones ae patronize hint, satisfaction
ter all lines of''trhe profession.
are my spec; Slties
1t3).eti.Ye me a cart at the old stadd, oppdsitenordon
and Mclntyre's store,
Repairing 'a `zeo a1 :
work warranted and done promptly.
Dinsle -
ison'a Biot .
Has in stock .
&INK OF Ab.CAVI`.I:Ad rl oN,`
Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, 0450,000;
President -.lona :anter.
Vice• L'rasident-A. O. lissome.
DIltttOTo1 5
rens NOMA, Cuss, Goaw1Y, Ono lISISie, A., T
Wow), A. i3' Lon (Toronto).
eaohioe.-J. TURNBULL.
egavingS Emig houts,10 to 3 ; Satttrdap9,10 to
1, fro colas of $1 and upwards received and interest
Siseowal isicaaotitts aito received at ourrant
rates of interest.
1i.&treesonGreat Britain and tho united Stated
bought and sold.
13. WILLSON, �Aeiaiit',
1‘11 =1.1. It & ISICI tNSOIl,
Which will be sold at ROOK BOTT011 PBICL"S, FOR CASH...
call and s
a them, .and get p
•3P 11•kinrls of ovork made.to order by ,T.rirst•,Ulasy' Workmen, nude'
the • su per v ision of the.proprie tor,
Repairing, Painting, 'lop Buildirig, &c,: done on.
;Short Notice.
Thns c, in need of anything in our line will stave money by nailing
on us before purchasing.
_G A '• ° F'O UT I
4M U R R A
-Successors to •11 M ltobinsoh, manutetererore 01-•
?i itI UL U tA L 1 P L . t
._. o .._..., ,.,_,
wo hava tho patternsotlt. at, 9obluspn and ens supply repairs fol ap kinds o trio
HILL rio0 Ia.ADKANi) :StIA :1UENEo,,
vrp.A.T.:Riszrck !. A ',+Zr fi1;:1 £ice'
"Cha tistreosita of the pttbllo,sollctraset..
! -Arty tluatitity old•*lt:i•Cast trot gortp.Witt.al:bcl,
15 '1'1itTi><mr qtr
Plutultt inform icor reader* ,bat I have a
ivores lily Its Weediest* ale :er.1.,U, of hopeless dales
,et iM,raid tv, lleedistiyof nay ice ran
tee, .._...
fs alstwwrlfoa with itir� i�r
1st yawns. They lotus 10 ATI
iss • tie' 15 mill Work. '
twilit to ►ay *1481',
iala highly tweeters
Ii! "W"drt i't