HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-09, Page 8•
• aloe ol`tollot ArttdHir, I"•erfutat+,
0tJ• trta„at rii,yo a000...
y) I•r 'pw»N1>w :• 0141; fiA l
I • ' P and.GRANO TlIVElt TO r,IRET
• f ... ok'lraoe.
-rear 'hnreainsin clothing,•gents
;',4urnn,bings, boats and shoes, trucks and
;-•talieel et 4.J Ilomuth it ;ton,
-lite Goderioh ;goal, has entered upon
its 48rd year, and mprovea With age. The
36gaalhas•beeuuratlX improved the last
few•uioottta, and is joy ¢ie of the beat
urutils iu .Huron SuQoesa to you, Tiro
oGlilintuchly., •
Cttt.h for good eggs ab 1,t AYtiraham's
Market Gtooery.-
•-If your watch otr''olock needs repairing.
go t, W ' H . Wskllage,• watchmaker aid
jeweler. next door to post office. •
-Inatallatioa ser 1Qeft and teatneeting
will0e hale, in the tigregational Church,
Wingham,.on Wed esday evening, Jen.
14, when •addresses ill be delivered by
the Rev.' Me,#ars, award, of London;
Gerrie, of Stratford; Totten,of Wroxeter,
.and resident mini rs.Music will be
furnished by the oh ir, assisted. by
Friend and,membe ot'tho Presbyterian
choir, Tea served in the basement of the
church Troia 5 to 7 0' look .p. m. ; Instal-
lation t#eviet% and ft resses at 7:30,p, m,
,All are welcome. The anniversary sermon
will be delivered by t e pastor,Rev.W. H..
Watson, next Sunda , commencing at 11
a. m.
-A large stock of Fruits and Confection-
ery et nelteivie's 4tar restaurant.
#`irlly to spend 1
With intention fro
it g
cad e"ocl'4. are told, "1"P
,Q, and �_ s7O shrtsud was e'r ' 1
et eh 3 ` Oh, what a 4osgh.
Will you heed, the warning? The signal
perhaps of the, iair,i approach of that, more
terrible disease .Consutnptio i Ask your
solves if you eau afford for the sake of
saving ilk;., to run bite risk and do n.:thing
for it. We know frons experience that
Sh it ;h'W Cure will •cure your cough. It'
never fails.
fe hoarding up oh,
commerce to lock 420 Good. Cams..
i the past; ` * 45Jordan,
S rali el..,
1 459,
�� 411, Murray, Attnie..
f : 1a
le- Ur fiheai why
. w cwt w R 11041a.ala o money cretin
l s T keepigup th tier), of Qhte1".,ot
belieo @ a' i11r "
ta'lk.iraolrX i4WW04 110441101.14,:
044014 will fot}nd, the Penult of she
•.uoetikleftil eon dates who wrote,tt Cli»ton,
't3ea1ortb, Wing m, Brutiiwls and Wrgxe.
ter, an Deoewher ' ', 23 told 34
atAaita r!Aull 110119P.1•
443 AuderiEM, Aim iia3i ,.....,.13,13,th.
404 1$010 0430400.. ..... , , No l0 Hay
398.Beaoom, Nett e,.,,..•,No�10 Go4eric>s
41r,Brown, Jury , .. ,. Uuion No 5 Hallett
433 Beattie, ills gie,. , . '......,13ayfiotil
e.. e... .... No 14 btavuley..
554 Cuuuingha , Lizzie A.,Nu 5 Hullett
431. kiluff, Mabel r .... • NA10 Goderioh
404 1,iliott, Susie ,...... o 10Ouderio4
48Q ,Lrrat , Dora . ,.`lilniou No 5 Uullett
483 k'airatiryice,,Mar .. No 4 Hallett
418 Ferguson, H.... ,Na 5 W Wawanoab,
429 Gramm, Eleauo Re 10 Stanley
397 4.0.01i4011, Ag i' r.No 4 I3yllett
391 Log u,. 'l cult Bl><th
527 Mustard, Aux' No 4 SLauley
465 Moore,Maggi...... •
466. Nixon, Muni •....Uuion No 5 Hullett
395 Nesbitt, liar. a.....,..No 5 Goderich
430 Thompson, t ive 'Bayfield
49$ Watson, Fibre.lilytb
480 Weir, Janet.... ...,.No 11 Goderioh
457 Wiggiogtoa, JeH;'e No 11 Goderich
399 Archibald, AUG.. No 27'uekersmitb
468 Brituell,Jas D,., . . . ...No No 10 Hay'
455 Brown, John.. No 5 *alien
4513 hell, Nelson ... lf4o 8 Hallett
398 Baird, Win No 1 Stanley.
482 Cown, Geo.,.. .. IIniou No 5 Huliett
418 Cuuuinsham, '�'.. Union No 5 Hulleat
484 Cbiirehilt, d a. FNo 11 Goderioh
485 Erratt, T W . ....Union No 5 I4ultett
523 Foote, John. .. No 10 Stanley
475 Graham, Mel 1t... .... No10 Manley
384 Hill, George No 4 Goderiob
434 Lizzard, Wm 1". No 11 Goderich
503 ;Johustoa, Fre'd.... ,......No, 8 Hullett'
448 Jervis, Albert' E. No 5 Goderich
395 Kelly, Rol* W... , •No 7.flullett
473 -Levy, Ile lYl .. ..Blyth.
544 McLean, John ...No 2 I uokersmith
422'Mo1£euzie, S..... .No 2 Tuokersmith
405 1,deLeari,,Jas B. ..No 4 Tuckergtn tb
448, Nesbitt.. Manzi ' Blyth
552 Ross, Jas• 0 . No 1Q;Btetuley
468 Steveuson, Her ie........No3Hullett
&iL4 (kit TJ :
3R7 Archibald, A4cli . ...No T McKillop
408 Anderson, Jatiuie. ..No 14Stanley
383 .Adams, Flora.... . No 8 Tuckersmith
393 Coleman, Mary, .. SeDior th:
394. Dorsey, Mary Seaforth
3,95 It' vans, Mary ... 5 McKillop
; 406 (lection, He..te - No 6 Mci illop
.. , aeaforth
460 • ogineruu •A
a ecu
1F1ts131ure to ec
°`8 Y b
4 . 6 Mcltstoeh. W...
Now ,that, our town elections are oyer
• '
for .;bother year, and t Ings settled down
to the usuabroutiae, l wish, to point out
to the "pciwertithtat b ' that it will .be.
n3ooabary for theta to keep a close grip,
as i the town purse s ,sings. As Mayor
:4.31,3,A Clegg stated in his remarks at the
notnialttion meeting, • ere is but a small
atfaottait„ of the mon: s corning into the
n treasury over hick the council
Stave tiny'control, and the strictest econ-
.# they must be practice' in its expenditure.
400, previous issues I • luted out that the
town ::au of along ithout a Chief
t olioe, and a saving seyerai hundred.
•dollars can be elfec ed, thereby. The
Council would receiv the, thanks of the
xatepayera were they • mistlxe a reduction
*tido taxes by aboiiah ng this office. The
present belllringEr tvo :Id, no doubt take
the position of actretii...rofthe town hall
far a small increase On his present salary.
Another saving oou . •lie aftedted by
'walking the taxes pay : ble to the town
treasurer, and if not id by a certain
time, • make the della, uonts pay for till
collection of their taxes bycharging them
a peroentage. Forty or ty dollars eattrl,
be saved in this way alio year. The town
financial statement issu • by the Mayor
and' rer was not • at it purported
t.r bo. .It wag not a "de : iled etatetnent
of the 1. coolers and e • :nditure of the
tnwrt;"`Winghant for; the 1ear 1890,"
The drat itelrt of receipts was dated Fcb.
1st, and .the IWst item
- rircictle ¢thin 17th of 'Mar
sone*> bf Moneys racei
trotrs .of the 1
Dee. , -.till the
And 17th Ifi'droh, 1890, espeenVely. if
tths' io aneattl statements : re to be of any
'boned* tlxirl'•ttlust run 'f tit the 15th of
•I.r aemito the ark ' tag 15th of Do.
-e:toatxrelr. ,Ont audita or town accounts
.. r wad., ucdlt to and "and . 90 should
rlr�s n�ent to ttiate 'at. f am not
mi t the Mat. effi .r for not iv -
• A ' a sOttemen in. the as sip
y have n tmllow�m . the ofletom, lit
titan hate arrived to , apart ttn that
doing.And,,atl`• a temeht
improv neon by class,
or tier •per,
at tt glance
of expenditure
There. is tno
ed or paid out
9 statement,,
st of February • 'WIIO uTJ P..
. , Seaforth'
., .. Seaforth
�,\\9' McTavish, Bes ....No 9'Tuokersinith'
412 Parrish, Sara........�,No 6 MCEillop
469 •Prootor, Bet d.,,. ....No I Hullett
44'1 Pendergast, ..., .No .5 'Tuckerernith
383 Russel, Fano Winthrop
397 Iioauh Teresa... ..:No 3 Hibbert
510 Sproat, Jennie,.. •Ne 6 r'uckersinith.
42o• Tasker, Ellen .. ...I3arlgck
499 Winters,`.ienuet.. Seaford)
438.lVitlix, ji.unio...:. Seaforth
524 Cresswell,' H yv ....No 7 1 uokersmith.
11,.46 Ids%reuoe, Ear, it Seatortb
S98 McCulloch, Jo n......... <iieaiortb
407 Proctor, 'Lot ei ao No 1 `lUullett
401' Wallace, A .......No 5 Tuckeramith
• WI ' GUAM.
422 Buchanan. Josi ...No 6 E 'Nawanosh
414 Coventry, Berth. .,No 6 El Wawatiosh
460 Densmore, P No 6E Wawauosh
415 Frienl, Mary.. Win8hatn
468' Frvfogle, Miami =No 12 ift Wastanobli
406 Fleming, 111 « ..No 12 l Wawanoah
420 McCallum, M. ryN'o' 8 r.. Wawanoah
404 Mclteuaie, E ,• ily.......,No &entrees
404 McMillan, nnie .:Blyth
434 Sanderson, . ert No 4 Tnreberry
461 Ansley. F ..No it Turi.berry
515- Coad, R W � � ....`. WiuRhsin
461 -Friend, 1V ,..� ,..Wingbarn
546 Hartley, Fre Bluevale
509 D7oKinuon, Jo • n........No 2 Culross
401. McDougall, A •x.....No9 Turnberry
442 Martin, J 1... ...No 14 W Wawanasb
431 McCrea, Harr. i..........No 5 Morris
385 Mester. Molt uzie....No 4 Turnberry
502 Nethery, L ,;.,No 13 E Wewahohli
499 Sitnptton, E en.,.. ...No 3 Culross,
422 Warwick, ames...... ... No 6• Morrie
491 Hryan. 'anti,..,.. ..1! a 6• Morris
519 Cochran: Pozella No 6 Morris
466 Laing, Ti ... ....No 3 Grey
445 McBee, M. .Uuion 4 Cirey Q4 k$'111lm*
611 hlttcliell, Je iota ..•.Unica 1t (i.& OI(
427 Duncan, Its • ..... .. Na 2 Grsy
43tt. rear, Hart .. ..: .....170 '9 Morrie
,cal Hill, EA. •... . " B3,ttoseelg
471. l eruey, .Ti tt W .... ..,..No" 3 Morris
416 Mason, S this No 9 Morris
450Ittn.rltn .get
•507 Sanborn. W
541 Vogt, Fred.
894 'Wright, Ft
it , er. roxetBr
.ti.., 14o2Tnrnberry
.... • ,,.,.. Wroxeter
Isss.,....NA tTuroberry
415 ailniesan. , ..•.....,..b a:A Bewick
486 Miller. 14. `. .«.....No1: `urnberrqy
408 McG1ulre, Id B...,,. .No 18'Hbaniek
447 MoI went, An 4•.c.....No '1 Tut: caner.,•
J.Gr`C�J► lalsrt, , .
.Ifoiio yflrIuate of Galatia. V y OoIlege,
Moo if of�D,,;rigor ry lt,chnot, r to pre.
i Fir t anal to era ail twiner rif tow 41 •Atlf&eir
ID the lit MMc.M 0 rn net
Ochiptortrprtlir tied r)fil 1lyniry°
ilia �l rlvafitw ] tM,p 1, �ijciii,stt
i/S1 brisk Ejpatallo l Valet > i, ill# f
lil<aa calx all lci.ag r .
i °
Ladies' Astrac : n Coate, Beaver Cape
,Stem Colla = .Astrachan Setts,
Long Boa i black and color
ed, Gre t .A. 'trachan Coat
rid F Caps
SEALETTES ail pri - s. SILKS a d SATINS, all colors and prices:
NOVELTI iti Fancy Felts, Table overs, Table Scarfs, MCantl
Dra s Chair S arfs in endless variey. - are Sole Agents for thea
goo • Don't ' : it to see them.
Having placed a Saw Mill in connection with our Furniture Factory, we beg to intimate thitt we.
will buy all kinds of Hard anrli Sett Timxber, anti will pay the El hest Prices • f it the;salve, notwithstanding,,'
any oeports to the contrary.
In the first instance we bnanu,tactut-e all our own Lumber into. Furniture, and use all
refuse for fuel, giving us the advantage in every respect.,
We have advertised for 2,000,000 fe.t of Logs and we intend to h e he
so call upon us and see what:we.vwill do' for ycu. , . ' '
And patronize the parties who increased the prices for volt.
ODD LENGTHS. • „ 1+i..okra,
Soft Ein, '
Maphi. ..7 ;50 8 00
Black Ash.. 7 508 00
:Basswood . 7 50.:,... 8 Qtl
+I3it c
1,. 7 50 . .
.. ................. ••
Beech 7 4)
1-telnhck cut 14. 113 and 18 feet. --$4.50 to 95.00
Pa inurite cut• ll' feet.... . . . ....,...... :.. 5 00 'i ,' 5 50 •
Pine and all other ltmhei prieee in proportion. • . .
Rush along your Logs and we will endeavor to satisfy customers.
ALLAN LINE q to Loan :on Notes.
Jibrtnightty, iaitings from
Portland or ilalifax,
To Derry or Liverpool.
CAB11Y RATES, 840,11Saand 800, Single, Oi0,ill
and .1110 tt1 ur o, aaeer iIn+t to locatioe'ot
Staterooms, ,
740 cpTR'I,'*' 1A11tRiED
INTKRMIrDIATF, Outwald 4E5; ;'repaid *St
Steerage at lowest tater.
Accommodation's iinsirrpaescd. '
Apply to 11. k A..e1i.t.slr llentreai, or
• . ' 11E141 Y AVIS, Wittafsaf,
�onnua eeting of th lues"aleCheeee'and
utfar Vag Or Cot•11. ' y •mill be bold in the
If$¢ggt,era''Iia1J, ly.a•- op,,Wetirfetday,, e . ry.
lite, itf J. at 4 V in"
.; p, alt., for, tip putj d •
sinal rr D,rec}� rI et ', r the trunsaetiidh bft..lintr
otrs,r i ush,e, i tic,t e3 a brought bi,fore the iu'rit-
l�tg: h� ardor. ao BUltort5S,
X. G. 11E.t,D'
ti`abo) to 400 that ha •t8,tefinx flxet•olarii' Melded
till ifindo w lots in Wife es anyone'olan hi W aghiW:
al+,•ayii en l3lFp1.
SAUSAGES,•HtADCNE $[,• &0.:.
cif furtwi,ulaaiugo: a •
A>r rt,iait, rrt.rile doilvatit4 to ell pkth Bt thrt #pa's• •r
ftenalchar .air ehot,Oppo,Ate ' the Eiel a t
ala►itrMiion. • . • �
.ft tiff ,;ter'
tt3irgalisr. lfq iefe 116kt
,: -- ,'.a• •i r :r, rich•
• is•• -
; i.. C.. ,• t �. . • i !lit . •r . 1 •
,s r •
f et7
Money advanced on Mortgagee at 6 per cunt. with
privilege Ofpaying at the a 0 any yogi. N
account. collected. -
Onnus.-Bearer Block, Wins:ham* Ont. - !
illcLAttont to & nsuan
ITavinz purchased the Cueton BUainoae CI HMors,
McCormick A, Co, wish to intlluato that they lie rr,'
opened out IIs the, shop two dopa, south et ?
ran.y, Wiukhau:d
,Mots and Shaft made to order from 0/e,
Stock, on slant notice. Ito ,irrttr firstly SFt
+ram ti 'done.
The patronage of theputilioeollefted, and all, work.
en nted
ease^ -0
"1:`l O. ,2
'at Winter floods• We have lti few lett
but they'regetting fewer every day
Hurry up, if you want anything in this
fine, as we intend to have it alk out
nur way by the Bret of February
getting ready for Spring Qood' as fat
as weg can tvery cheap.the an We'1
eaking g gloves, so,
iaukltag xoom for the finest steeltof glop,
we have ever shown;, They're corai>:
direct from. France and we'll guaranty
every pair. If not as represented, we
• take theta back and replace them, wr
new ones. They'll be hero in Februas
and you had better wait for them,w V
'st your gloves are getting a little o
We very seldom talk of Staple Coo
bemuse every one expects THE BEAN
inre tndoia'tng' line,
•In wellgr,ey th;1':
white cottons, dgnimo, shirtings $
eottonades, Our 'stuck is full and pri
tttc,IiT. Next tiVe,you're IN, ask to
our whits cottons. Our 35ot. Tea
absolutely .pure, is of fine flavor
good strengh„ Those • who buy it o
never go bmok on it afterwards,
Special inducement to •cash buyers
11013T. 0 B
Direct lupe
Tri 4131 AR, all. 16, llldl.
yyters 13aw. etewncl or fried
0, 'ivie's Star esteurant.. _
umber of o r townapeopie a
c` igen by the aehelttre b
• oi: ;fiaaorth, pix Fri ay e1r81,?}rag last
•-•i5aeh for goo). eggs at R e
,xrket Grocery«
•''. -•The lilt near he Union fact
able f,or 1toi sleet
Been"atmtiatitni?, �
very sharply shod cags6ddbythe:«fi4
i•adulged in by a tuber of young
:- your wet 'oh or.elook�ieede
go to, ''i�7, ,H tVlegac9,. we,ta'ttnia
jeweler,i,ott :door to peat alfiad.
has resi
.tri ,pf the; istowel aucl
tissues d aocepted. a
gesttok of Fruiter and C
e1viB s Star restaurat
S t 0
A & , ON
r g. Stock and L
Eit:Iae'tNeek's'reFort ofthe
examiiiatioiis, in the y7ingharn
Vletrtiug and 51`Frytoale were ci
East;. Wtt\vsf,OBb, whe,
rhould,: have •been ,ore lit
-,Groat"' bargains in_ cloth;
fttrnixhipi1' ,'boots and shoes,. ti
• vaiikes.at J .1 Eotputh;& Son.
rclaims of
--,1)o not forget 1 e
triers; The peso who never
advertising column of a oleau p,
more than he or el e thinks.
ore reliable, and fo your iutei
• Interests and our i tercets, we
to ignore them.
.:•Gordon do 14e1etyre are
!•closes of their whiter stook
Ittiucttuu. 'IA sure and inkpec
it 3•ou,want anything in 'wtul
rl,ri'il goods
, Mr•H•Selin Gree , of Lowe
f 11 on the street tin Sunda
r,Jttiruing fromebu cli, and lir
,eatabout a week a etreett
very clangorous coo itidtt, but
Have plenty of s 3W, peal
araiud again with fe'ty�
I'rr'fresh buck wheat to
end pease biose, go
, rthorse
root, and
NI Bohr 5
Witwauoall, full ail th,a etre
Uuion factury,amd a •ortly aft
is thooght sustaf 4 eotle
...'lbs finest create. tendat 80 cents per Ib,
On Saturday hternet
rotate, while goingut her
pod and lath Thoth, she n
vtniteti up, she did t call
itagarror, Che acff NI cot
uca,4 on Eir'indtty site oott,it
2 Mitchell, Scott
by daughter of