Wingham Times, 1891-01-09, Page 7nee OF TU AT FAI*OVB s WI14 irldlaLAA trramaar, ler hear how 'hatrwauee ver' was written t Don`t, think t over did. fF'Sl+'.etl, Stepll, Foster—Stephen U. and applied over the toothache or Fodter was his full name—Ayes hi tilt+ iteuralgiLt will generally afford prompt zenith of his popularity when he relief, wrote the words, said a friend to ale. A strip • of flannel or napkin lQ'dit fie li.td written the song in a. frame leugthwiae and dipped in bot water lienee oli Satiduslly atree in Atte- and wrung . out awl then applied ilhttuy, but lie couldn't find the name 'IY ir.41Cki, t overing up tlthebaldtlas's• The oils is U1114140,ae, Ada'Ada'le8s •sucli interest that the . Men Is keptbusy receiv- ing inc'litiitiie visitors. A towel folded several times and dipped in toot water and quickly wrung around the neck' of a child that .has of a river that suited Lily. Finally tete croup will" usually bring relief in lw went over to the office of hie broth• tau minces Nr, iklu,riaon. Furter, sat dow11 on his 13caclache almost always yields to dank and said, ifiarriaoli I've, got a new the sitneltatieous eppticatisrisi's of hot dhrkey son histo; it's !complete ieteextoept wafer to. the feet and the back of the the name of the river. I want a n40k; Southern river with ouly two or three one, you, towel folded, dipped. i�) Lot water, eyliables. Give nue• one, y , Morrison sugvested several, hot wruop out. rapidly and applied to the they didn't suit, ','him he,took down st,lmaeh act like magic in eases • of col an atlas, ran his eye over the map of 1C Their is nothing that'Bo promptly the Southern States for a few minutes and finally said ; Here's a river r • an cuts congestion of the lnngs,sore throat Florida by the name of Sawa nee, how or rheumstion as hot-water when. wi 1 that 4o1i . 'applied promptly and thoroughly. „ That's it, that's it, exclaimed the —We have a larges stook of bill heads, song is riter, jumping from the desk. *itatediileuts, letter and note bead papers on Mau, and parties needing such should oat just what 1 want and picking up aiid htive them printed and padded to tacit .✓ 7 wir And the 1414il$:t^ ed, w ,o a. down from i ad�s .ai lr o6 ' 'dpi' ting in minty of the 'oUow•iug Vrjjtorns t AM,enral depres. ion, ' prounicure old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, haul dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emission, lack of energy, pain in tiro kidneys, ideadalte, pimples on the face Or body, itching or pecular esirieation about the rcrotuin, waisting o, the organs, dizziness,. specks before the ryes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, baslifnlness, EATs depositis in the urine, lois oft will power, tetluernes of the rctlp and ' spine,, weak aid flabby inusoles, desire to sleep, Where to be rusted by sleep,. CoustiptttiOU, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excite, of temver, sunken ere sur; rounded with, I.SADSti oinoiM, oily looking, skin, etc., are all ayntptorns• of nervous debility that led to ieanity and dead useless cures. The spring or vital power having lost ;its tension every function wenes in consequence. Triose, who through abuse committed inignorance gray be persnanenteiy cured'.. c..,eiid year address for book on all diseases peculiar to gran. Address Lie., T. LU13AN, 60 Front St, Toronto, Ont, Rooks sent free Rested. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple tips, numhiness, palpitation, ship beats, not fiuebes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the 'heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heartbeat quicker themthe first, pain about the breast bone, ete:„ can positively be cured. No cure„ no pay. Send for book, Address M. V. LUBOR, 60 Front Street east,. Toronto, Ont. d the , ._ f tt a r their business. Prices reasonable, and a pen he lunette la., name o the rive ytuelitV of sti,clt used iirst.olass, ab the that has since become the title' of one J:'xarnstl ce • n CIA f 1 sweetest and most •pathetic melodies, 1 believe that Stephen C. l3arnum's proposition to I"hiladel• Foster never thought dory mach of tllt3 for the j u1tvillhn tit of a tortake bonds • give contract that piece himself until after it had taken if tee city of 110,00101 a will btop its place among the papular songs of ceiling liquor, aid give me as much as the eouutry,--Ehiladelplua Press. itulea for Dy$J eptios, ])at two rneala a day. Rover eat a morsel of any sort be. tween meals. Never cat when very tired, whether. exhausted from meatal or physics! labor. Never eat when the mind is worried or the thinper ruffled, if it is possible to eveid doing Eo. .. Eat slowly, masticate the food very thoroughly, even more so, if possibie,• than is required in health, _ Avoid drinking at meals z. at most take a few sips of wart unatimulating drink at close of the meal, if the food is very dry itt character. In general,dyspeptio stomachs man" age dry food better than that contain- lnnumtiuh fluid; so avoid light soups. Eat neither very .hot nor cold food. The bust tcluperature is about that of the body. Avoid exposure to cold soon after eating. Eat only food that is easy of diges- Lion, avoiding complicated and indigos• tib dishes, and take but two or three ''' .,s at a meal. y.. 3y . e careful to excess in eating. Eat more than the wants of the system regain. Strength depends not on what is oaten, but oil 'What is digested. Never take violent exercise of any sort, either mental or physical, just before or after a meal. it is not good to sleep immediately after eating. Most persons will be benefitted by the use of oatmeal, wheat meal, or Graham flour,cracked wheat,andether whole grain preparations,thou feu many ns was expended for her liq`ior Inst •year to run the city next year, I will pay all the eitiy'a expenses; no one hail give taxes ; there will be no in- suranee. on property,'a good dress. suit will be given to every poor man, woman, boy acid girl ; all the educa- tional expenses shall be paid; a barrel of flour given to every needy and worthy person, and 1 shall clear a half million, or a million dollars by the operation ORD xa •r. a >•'.4 016 -----�(a TO STER'Sw OA•P$, 1 S1 [IRT , COLLARS, C d"F `2, .er., *' ,$ "rl. Chep fad: . . WEB S T E ' S iirf`? • Vii. '011'tiv.„ Ilan removed to E. F. Garstolr''s old stand, where ld nicely assorted tock of hal a large Sav,n er I 'a?I o and The Canada Presbyterian has, no.w been before the public for nineteen years. Raring that time it has secur- ed f•+r itsslf the confidence and esteem of •thousands of readers in every Provicno. The twentieth • volume comtlefa:ea with the first issue in January. All the departlxieuts that ,have made the paper valuable in the `past will be couriunecl l and a series -.of able articles on the stirring religious questions of the day, by prominent writers in Europe and Aoiertea, will. forth a .special feature the coming year. The list of Oat»idiart coati butors has also increased. it will be the constant' aim of the conductors of The Canada Presby- terian resby- w rian to make it a welcome visitor to fannily circle ; and itt its .comprehen- sive pztges old and young will even find interesting, pure mid . profitable reading. The CanAda Presbyterian, in its enit-trgead forth, is the Same size us Harper's. Weekly, and one of the largest papers of the kind on the con- tinent." Publiahel by the • Presbyterian Printing ,S; Publishing Co., Ltd., 5 Jordan St., Toronto, at $2` per annum. Q, P. fl TI17.L TABL" 1 . Trains arrive and depart as follow: Lnavusa. 5:35 a• to ... ,..,..Por Toronto 220 p. 14 2:20 p. in. ForToeswater 10:30p:,'m Tun LADIES' Atemare—Gives a daily prize of a handsome china tea service. One dollar will get you The Ladies' Journal for out year. If you send correct answers to the following questions; along, with your dollar:—Wizen in the Bible are these first. found, 1, Money; 2, Coal ; 8, Wood' ; and. tvtllfind it necessary to avoid vee- if your letter rs the first one received at tables,especially when fruits' are taken. Tim Ladies' Journal office any day between new and 25tarch nel;t,ltontaiuilig correct answers, you will get a baudsotne china tea service of 44 pieties, There are also three large lists of other valuable prizes,, pianos, gold and silver watches, silver tea services, china dinner sats, silver dinner andtea knives, large crib rewards and snores' of other' prizes. Send ten cents is stamps and got a sample copy of The Ledies'a0Urual containing these lista, in fill, or better still sand' your dollar and auawerta 85 send 9a years of age,was bald of hair AaltivI• e 0:30 a. in 2:20 p,ni 2'20 10:30 A. U, STRATHDI;E, AoalT, w1NenAR. Through Whets to all points in Atnorim—North- West, Pacific Ooast, etc., via the shortest loud all popular routes. Baggage. ehael:ed through to destination. Lowest frelgbt ratio to all points. –=TIME TABLE. GRAVE WI: MIKA% ADAM; AT WINebAM,. 0:30 a.tn T,ixoUte.Quelph,Pabnertitou, 4o. 3:80 p,m. 11:10 " 10:10 " :40 p.ut. " " Clinton, 7:25 '1 Palmerston, Mixed.. _10:15 a.m. 6:45 a.m....London, &o.. 11;00 ` `,. Gincardine &o 11:10 a.m.. , 3.80 p.m 10'10 " ,:45 p.m. 0:30 a.m. 11:10 " 6:600.01 pea@g, Which he is selling away down in price; and bave you call andtake a look. through his. $,toctt. Normasomooneummorormmonwoo Repairing a Specialty. A11 work warranted and done promptly. Mason's Block. will he pleased •to E+ d. Dinsiev, erg Pl\re a logy, Physi Physi Remar rablo ltejuVonattoln of an Old Man. OwEN'S.onan, Dec, 8l,—Owing td an item of the Saturday Evening Tithes a oorrespontlert yesterday went to the cabin of a well known, negro citizen iiaitied Hall, who is a squatter on. the north end of Victoria Driving Park. The old Inan,who claims to be between Send Photograph and 1 will send you Character and the stating what pn Photo. returns and gat The Joann.) for 12 ruontlie., Ad. 011 the top of his hold fol; Teeny years, tdrass z;clitnr. Litdie's'' rlcaltual, Poronto,, While for a number of ye'ars,excepting Clatialio i`To whetter wlisare yoto u live, I a.1: Or two or'tltree grumps of teeth Ila have a ag itis tL first letter recei ma. deo line been forced to niuinble at his food. rain, About n'nfoltth since the CX Slave felt: Lis suing growing sore, and shortly atter lie was surprised to find a new tooth white •and perfect pterions out i, r thereon. Slued 'tile second child h ds first tooth seven ethers have c(te, all perfect and servieeable, t .A ',eller pf unllttl ` ea, tire of filo c,ld ‘at, ib ti.ttt IS,LetC lti utl.,uth. aft'. Late of Ursa. pr.. Photo. with c art. Q. OOozess, Murillo P.O. ria 'Ingham.. Yourself or Friend with 31, Written Statement of your you are marry bed oha also y PPS`• brenolo est, 'tut Arthur, Ont, Has in stock Twenty -Five - NEW - CUTTERS, Which will be sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, FOR CASH.. Property Tor Salo in\olmare. The undersigned offers for sale a desirable pro petty in the village of Behoove consisting of o: goad dwelling house, oiiiee, stable and driving shed, with one acro and a•half of land in animation. Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees. Will be: sold at a bargain. For particulars, apply to IritSDIr8RICIi cook, Dohme, e. BARBER SHOP. 11TI3i. MALOOLItI MoDONALD, (was or author,) l3avbl , purchased the ba,bering business of Messrs. Sebastian rhos., Is prepared to give alt old customers and as Many new ones as patronise him, satisfaction iu alllhpes of the profession. SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING aro guy specialties• ltt,oive me a call at the otdstand,` opposite Gordon and 3itdut•re's store., 1&, MCDONAL13. B* 1X OF 7 .A IX PO ,. Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, 8150,000. President—Joss 5't,ART. Vioetl reeideht—A. 0, ItAtISAY. • 13111.1GGTORS Ions r ooron, Otins. (icattiw. oxo ItOAorr, A. T Woolf, A, $• Lint ftorontol. Cashier—J.'1'tf 0Ett7LL. Savings Bank hewn, 10 to 3'; Saturdays, lo'to'i 1, Deposits of O. and upwards received and itterest'i allowed. " ilpeolat liepolilts also received at torrent- rates urrentrates of interest, •n;a,i`cs ai Great Britain and this Grated states bought Puttee% •it, WILLSON, Aorniz, 107(EI.i & DICKINSON, 0 VI Pgt 444 Crf14 liiiiensnsulniadilliOnnintssaimmussolesollAggegswell RES) ad T1.1111,'bl'l't`".lt pieaat inforr ; oar readers that 1 have i;poslttee remedy for the above tit 17,1 teener Sly Its timely a:e tbb saia2s eth�tseeeits c t* en S see permanently uAnently cub lis A A•~1 • 4 to ,se�'•d two bottles of my r,,,,,' :., r wvlX *cod M. thele' Moquette and Post Q e A.thir0ss. Ref<3ttetir t 9w•..... • 'l M. Wes* AssI$4l..t,. lipaC tt,Tt s. tItrt-WAJ11 t gall and. see them, and get prices. 411 kinds of work made to order by First -Close Workmen. under the. $U llervisioll of the proprietor. R:'pairba , Pakinting, Top uilding, Sze, done' of Short Notice. Those in need cf anything Inour line will save •money by calling on des before purchasing. ':.1%O, Wing hat, Ont. WING -HAM• FOUNDRY. 41VIURRAY Co., —Successorate It u Robinson, manufaoturerers of-'• AGRICULTURAL TMPD E N S.t 0 Wo have the patterns• of R. 31. Robinson and, c•tu supply repairs for ailkinds o Iiltplatn,eau. MILL riCICS cAD1i AND SHARPENED.. S .L . W GUMMING' Ea t>tr c 0144 .A.MITY, 1=INTID. S .,° ~ •,. 'be patronage of the public solicited. , Any quantity of old Cast Iron Scrap wanted.. JJ J1t IAZ -J Ort. to eentteetinn with the above, 1 wish tO nov iM x1• t�have ii:a,esd my foundry to the above Aria fort yemThe ronte'ti "ll'btrhtm Nether teeon•n,ai.deci ae ft -0.4f". on ••i1;r.:a.s,havine txvvaivi rx,ore ' of ,orie. Y enre to rntil wink rad rrpydrs. would ark fur theist tsnonttuwnwd ui the pan age t tdt.� t�rtl;f the Peet udluatSI Junu;t:b. 1490, ... ,