Wingham Times, 1891-01-09, Page 4-A
Brunswick Houser
ams , Ont
Milo muff:inns
l•:..;, _- _-.. rY. 3TL1'Afy a, 1891. •
supper and preseotatioti,. e.
. Stewart -having sold out his'
xt B+*lgruve and being about
a from the village, the seers,.
e oloanet clui, at cage issued
e tits cbe. weathers calling a
r to. t ri held on Saturday even-
27th ult.,and `it w decided
., watt ,et:idEd
at a highly esteemed member
clutr could irot be allowed. to go
out receiviriig some expression of
sari Ervin his ft tends, Consequent -
lie was surmised on lllonday even-
ag.ley having his house taken posses
on cif by members of the club and• .er friends to the number of fifty
.e.o s, and after the g was
coiupany lead'
t settled, Mr. Austin 13u C7
Budge ,T
,mat speei h explaiiaarl• to Mr. ' Steuart p
Otte reason of so uneereetoitiat►s an
rrtc'upatitn of'ti�r�.,itonse ;af c' which
Yee r:
'aatItd on Mr. C. McClelland, who,
-has Reuel genie/ and happy manner,
` eizulf of the coin peuy, presented,
Stewart with a handsome writing,
a betxrrtiful silver cake basket to
, Stewart, and tin elegantly dress
ed dolt for hat{o;Ca :rip, and at the
me time expressing his deep regret
t Mr. Stewart was about to leave
oaoi c'ogoet player, a jolly good fel
and a thorough out,letnan. Short
ole s were also tiirlle'byGeo David,
tSterling, And ,John dillies, all
ling Nit.. Stewart atuccess in what-
er business he might. ' engage iii.
'he'hecarnpany then tint down to a hours.
,Cidital oyster suppe�r.r. A•rery pleasant
wee -afterward -s spent for a few.
ire and: all dtpertec'd with the warm
s ,a kearttelt wisher# ft'sr'fhA bappinese
.1 prosperity of Mr and Mrs Stew.
t, -The young pt'orle of Trinity
curoli deserve goat praise for
beautiful and artistic style in;
'oh they decorated their church for
*stasis. Their Xmas -tree' enter..
irtiieet was It good success. The
esters hall was crowded to the
, and a good programme was pre=
d. TIPtree was laden with borne
costly prest'Ylts.•BOsiness men
at a good trade this year and
ti gtlixutit�ies sof graaiu and other
t;H1yte bring h,rrittIed uy our mer
The dedication of the new Methodist
hutch will take place next Sunday
e ,
ted to occupy tits chair and in a a
tar 11th.: The Building is now cone -
ere in every part, and is most bears -
toeear : ogete the
earl a lltstrili inegttable
telt moo r l►otraslt improve
our itai+l
nee,e14 ePrevbeterieneooial
of 1 tlrP 'visa the oroweir awes;
of tithe . Mtait'rl feetiv'elet bertr,*ltho.wglr
at tai befog held: The la,t'gs
hR tit
like olrttrelr looked as: though It -
feet uncomfortably uneasy with its
deoreratitarro of evergreens* eta, The
'motto, "A. 14''ersz Yetteti Greeting" Oyer~
the palpit, rias eepecisatly well got up
siicl radeoted credit in the "fair,`' Th'
eatables Were, sweet acrd so werethe
wrtitr•esai,a,-,..`V`he Royal ¶1 of T • Are
going to "hold a grand concert on the
28rc1 of this rzmntiz,ie the Town' Hell.
Outside talent is being secured as
nabob as possible, staid a good time i$
pe c5ed.' `''e dry recitations nor
lengthy dissHrtutron$ on the Temper -
Duce gaestion are to bo alicwed, butt
the beoefic of total abtttnenee will be
healthy look, hilarious of the members.'
The admisasion is but 15 ciente, and was
hope there will' be agog(' house. Mist
boa and Me til aro Gibson, who have
:been attending the Owen Sound:
Bes'taress Colter, both lnade a great
success of it, -Mx Johnliavieg secured
the silver medal.-.11%syr$ Sruitli,
Macau' $ (, bttoti had .lately, 'quite a.
large order front the 0'.P 11, which
they have completed and leaded on.
ear. --Mr 8-Y'i'aaylor, principal of the
Public seli4 was eminently suooess•:a
ful in a local.letteroompetiti ,e;, Beate,,
having secured a .fine silver, wateht
The sewiug tnachitre went to Goreie
-Mr Seott, student uf Knox (7ollege
and eouaah a of Mr Ja'ines 1'ox, druggist,
000upied the pulpit of the. Presby.
terian church last Sabbattl,
ful and commodious. The work . of
graining and varnisltiiig, educe the
opsuang, ha; brightened and beautified
still ftzrtlter• the interior. The p rest-
det3rt ofthe Guelph Conference the
Rev W 8 Griffin, D I), will preach
next Sunday at 10 30, and uittithe
Rev ,John•$oott, i4I 'A,' Chairman at
the District, will conduct the 1)edica.
tory, service, • At 2'80 in the • after-
noon. Rev John Scott, M A, will
reach ; and at 7 p m, Rev Dr Griffin
w'1'rt again preach. Special offerings
wil•'tsset take3a to:be applied to the re-
mainder of the debt.. 4Qu, Monday
evea,ing» the leetlt, a lire uausiout and
literary'pattertatntrier.t Will be given •
addresses b'y Rey 'Dr Griffin, of Strat-
ford, and Rev James Livingstone, g tae,. of
Listowel ;, music by the choir,` :and
others.' .Adtniasiatr, aiirr;le, 15 eta ;
double, 25 etc ; children, 10 ctie;
thee° tickets for 25 c:te.-,.The follow-
ing is taken from theBrusselsPast of
test ipeek; Last Monday' evening Rev
1 E Wallwin, of .Bluevale, delivered a
very tliongittful "'and "•iustructive ad-
dressed the Y P 0 A' in counectieii.
'with 'the ...Methodist church an doll
the tendencies of the age in 'clevelup.
Brent of charr,ticter. .His points were
-al) An intellectual age.. (2) An in.
ventrve are. (3) An. ape' of special..
zation. Oa the other aide it ie (1) An
age of disintegration. (2) An age of
superfciaiisoa. (3) A wohetary age.
Mr wallwin was cordially ,invited to
and faxrnreiSsary We have one return and repeat the address some
most eatiefitrtoto markets in the time soon, •
Sandere was elected Reeve by
1 'tatiotr. The ccinte•st ou Monday
ouhoiliors resulted as follows:
Rae, 64 ; J B Vogt. .62 ; Thos
7hill, 61 ; "SVtu Leri,: 56 e Jas
r 48. The first four. along with
Leve Sanders, will constitute
kwaicii for 1891. The school trite.
tore &edited by acclamation. aa
was: titlattltew Sanderson. Wm
on and Thos Bas. .Sir Richard
Tight . iat to speak her on Tuea-
he 1,'3th unit, in the Att•ictttttgrat
1, and a hearty in ,ttafionle sxte,n4
all who wish to hear the Reale
y queatiorr ventilated'''and dia.
t in aril iia bedr1uge. We ere
that party spiiit is aeon a
r€aat fetoter for evil governn eat in
, hut was venture to dope the
*mouton sense. of the people will
the lelittdii g,.petitiei'out itt-
partyisrn rind ealirti1 shilli
position t'• -slay. For, have
c within as the Incest material
ttdlaat'tee to national wealth,
fnrrrurttsy ,stir
tomes, net Wooing
agenuoegh.tai freight
Aiwa of
'the world, anti
d al'aa lest perlielest eeoue
t*tvr pureeing till
lar the develop.
now f` a 'swami**
OritirelitIO I.
€afaWa� ., fraaint,
Bela ore.
% 1e Mr. D. Weir was engaged lei'
ing wood in. Mrs, Jeffrey's bush,
chain that hot& the saw gave way,
saw; free from the guard, began
ribing a semi•oirele for a 'short
.W11eLi it soddenly broke in three
out• pieceyt;, taking an upward cod►r'se,
their return, one of them matte in with Mr John Terraif's. head.
gly garb was the resat. It' wasrat thought to be faatal,,btit it wail
ed otherwise on a close examiue-
by a physician. -Married, 25th
Mit F atillagi'to Miss ti Jetf.a
Ba Rev A .C. Stewart.✓ --'lair D
:ter, of Manitoba, is paying a paa-
An u
at fi
by ttt
*poet Whet
reef mar
T 00144 OfOrwttirl r+:t
WPrare home ona
reutr. They speak Wall life "tae weett,.
44 are delighted with the
clieate..,.- s;eae nwor bath, it that.
Jrratr will eat return alone,«--1tjr and
Mea .1'urrit, of Ilemilton. are the
guests of Mrs sdie -What the Glen.
amen folks are slaying , That ,Eadies' Arrkland,. Ulerk, Little, ltleKagtlle sand
';ta;k �f$
Phar IJ-hreotorer of the Quirosa.: iival
Fire Insurance Oompany mat XI the
towit hall, Teeswater, 27th December,
1890. Memhora protect-•-McSst'e.
clougregatiun is Imo a . grand A.ruastrotag. President in the chair.
entertainment some time this month. Minutes of previous meeting,, Were
That they are going, to aeofre the tar, read aid : ,arinstrotta; plrirk
Jif cf; k t e'
air "t c rl '� )},3:
lax, a:b
used p .gi.
for ilial PP 140 byt ,
and taliatovtereeer pereis,ted le
up ebe poise, eithoughin
was need for travel and t*"
, where*" elle
iimisager wee written to on the uyitjopt;
but has wade rio reply, he it revolved
thus the u ark write main b,y regiateta
rel letter te'quiriug the removal of the
Otte from the .vil age of rTepetrrprtee
r,trtir to. tin' 911x, Concestiafatt to the
tier side of the roma, otherwise it
PA n
vitaes of Dr Mat.tioui,Icl,. &i , Mr Gra. Titat all applications for insurance tits
r ra zll be necessary to take saliva iq'tl
and the Winghatxi Yooat stied in. now
'laid xtr.fore ilio D rectors fn'
strunzental Quartette Club. That exilaemetielle '- Carried, Coilerk
the people in this neighborhood ratty 4rnlstron:--»Thfit having exarriiued 8'
expect it treat.' That there have been apPlieatrous and found thein yetis.-
a few dancing pat{ns around factory, tile President and $t cietiir�'
this season.. Oause_simehitrg. hereby tu$truetr:s1 to prepare and
--Effect'- Ueadaches, r:olde,' e, Tubi issue policies for sanew.-earned,,
a singing class is about to be''gtartod, Little-..ileKague---That the Secretary
That .That it is touch needed, That is hereby`tustructed to have the inti.
the debate at next meeting .of the !natioaz of the Anuuat General Meet-
Literary society wilt he Axe vs plont;h, int; of hletnbera of . thia Company
That one of aur fair,flowers of the Rost: published in "A two issues ,cif the
g nus is thiel lug t;eriousl,y •of chem- Tf'aswattsr. rsYa us ,prrsaribed, by
ing itanarile. atatiitte- E}arrted. Little- ICtaKaguH
As you do not keepa speeial corner
in your valuable papfu rGoldsn. Wed-
dings, they being like angels visits,
few and far between, ;:hellos we will
expect you to favor us --':with a little
:optic° in your next :issue ,sirttoutioing
That having` exalniutd the follow-
ing Accounts, the Treasurer is instruct-
ed to :pay the setae, vie: --Directors'
ealarte+s, $47; Setiretery-Treasurer`s
enlairy, $50; Seeretary for postage,
$2.27 ; Tharteil, for atatiouery, t$125;
Messenger delivering lettere, 75 taut;
1da11 keeper, $1 ; O'elon4wr ,Sr °Von.'
the fact
to daliu tilts Etc 1 ' nor, $2; Mr. ,Stewart, for Pritittng,
the pu
do occur. 1 had the t ono tdngs • $15 87 ; . rent of .hall, $10; Fire
pieasure of ern Inspectors :fur 1890. $4,60 ; expenses
invitation to celebrate 'nue of those incurred at W- ike o,
rt a, 95 Nolte -
events on New Year's evening a
winchwe sect# tPrJ> 7.'lzH happy ' R•irkl,tnc]--Clark--',Chat Mears Iiot►t
P ppy iVetson mot John McRae, be appoint
couple were Mraud Mrs 'David Gem-. ed to audit the books and ac i
mill, of Turnbeetrry, two of its most I'e-. co Huta oe
spectecl and worthy- Citizens. . Al- the C.unapalay .far ..89Q, end to have
said audit completed before the
though the weather was,vt=ry ulrfavor. Animal M:.ti ,,--
able, relatives and Maids to tile; nuts " nn Carried, Hoard ao
her of seventytrve, sat:e down • ,to .,a Atu'stlai3Q---That this hoard , do-
surra tunny diluter. now adjnurti to tweet sotnedtatet rafter
p biz • After disposing of the A b br{
called to order.. A r.�italrinan,'Was .ap„ Secretary, Jot
r The Co noil
pointed, and many of ,lle petty were; u met at TeeawatAr. I1ec. Can
N u b r 15, Members
rttattet . W eiwood..-Mo7;(,ty - Thee
tryelew No. 1$- be now Lead a late 2nd
and 3rd time, posed, signed and scale
ed -,-Carried.' . McKay-- We�lweesi,
Thtst inti+ printing cornruittee, have Sip
copies of the. bylaw for the removal
f toe,
s off road allotivaliun; panted
and posted up in uoespieraotts pluoesee-
Carried,: itleKey.-.Welwecal-That
the Reeve and mover be a committee
to inspect and report upon the .ne
'ri►ad at 111oicow and the edvisab"
of assuming the new road instead 'of
the old if fauiid eetisfautory=, and f'1:
communicate with Mr, Metean Oil
tite;sui;ject to she upon what terms
the eXcbange can bo made and report
to neat Unuucil tit its finita aittin R•
Oatr'ied, Tire fiazanee 4otntn isttetl rt�-
ported as fallowsr;;recotnineiadiilr
anent of the K pay-.,
a000unts : � Ysruetoire, gas" '-•-
culyert on bouudary, $8 . ,Pre
denby, graveling, con 13, .$20;28 ; Datil
Fallen, gravelling, eon. i;$,: 86.02 ; T
Brewn, crossway on 15 con, .,810.80 •
Ohne Ellis, covering crassw,ty, • boitizd,
ury, $2 i Jtnuea, fixing 'stele
hole, .$22; town ball reut,$49;care•
taker of toes hale, $2 ; 1l'rcibert k•'raser
statnie labour, C'P ii., $2,. Andrew
,4lcKague, statute' 29 yew
r%o n
$.2; Andrew ' Adauts,lat
ego, con . 6,' 2 5 fixing
� ,fie ; Thos.: BruWii,,
tuns labour, lots 26 and :31, eon .14,
60; Mrs. Earwaker, relief, $10;.
it McKenzie, timber 'fo'r' . onivert
4, $1,83; Wielev & Soo, lumber
culvert, lot 23, car A, 2 :' her
ire attending; Couxicil . rugc,seph
etiirgs and..
Hage, $32,60, letting mid inspect.
,.jeles, $4, selectiog Jurors,. ;82;
'ry McKay, attending Cluuncil
settings, mileage, 24,60, letting and
ecting jobs, $13; Peder Clark,'
nding'0outicil zneetiatgs, ,n iteu
a,75, lettita,� and; inspsoting 'j -p y,.'
25 ; Joseph :Welwood, attending
neil meeting•aa is()d mileage, $30.2(,,
ng and ilzspeeliag,tol,s, 8 • et t
tz,attend a Coatiell meetings , P- er
age, $'31:ti02 letting ttnd;ins antro
p g
s,, $8 ; ,lames Baptist, thither,. for
ert, $1.50 ; David Ireland, attenii-
surveyor, $1,50; ill Wilson os
trotioes, ,1.rjO,; Jose It Moir tlei t
p r. se •�
esti," tci Wailkerton,.,urilea 'Fi..i -eo
8 rl'•.
Inc with alit of Bryce vs t,ujrsi,Ia,
.20, one trip to Teeswate�r, ` tele -
rang. etc., $3 4.0; Samuel Kirk-
, Township Treasurer, account to
$84 98: _ George Wilson, Tp
k, account to,thtte, 87L60,. Me•, '
- WPlivoud--`Chat thieeciuned dsa
adjuurar� . _
nabs* Aleettug, of Members-.•
the eatables, b'ride'scaake end ail, 'to Carried. AL, 81.
their Ileums' sentient, ihe company was z:x. Auaetsuit; 81
called uport to give expression to their 1$90. 1E1en'b, s all present. for
aeutiineuta, to whish they oo'r+liall. Ile'Joseph IllQtr, gel., Reeve in :the ilH.o
sentitne, , to hiPleasant ode iallY a chair. The minutes of former meet.
. in were read and. confirrued. The tail
evezline;was the reading of all address Treasurer 1i'l1"
to the parents by Dut}can .CTeturiniq, u er appeared before H3oar;1• lieu
the youngest :mintier of 'elle 'family,with his half.yearly statement, wbiolr .
also an address facial rr was socepted. Kl n1z--Cis •k- °7+
byMr f a tlra,,t�,ur, �t : fiend, ix b - •law for ik r r Tlrat rose
Robiusutt, Niagara.. ae f flow, ti t e ,epu y Ree a and arts
tug is one of Glias. ad rP��p,.& reCir „ ., _ electiotr of a eraver Ueputy gaevn and ;1-
. l ... hhree fou c''1 $
1 n Oilers for?:ttio'yHtir' I891, be 81s
To Mn AND Mas DAyio G etureL, now 'introduc d
Dac.ait ritteNns :-:-It Is. with : eel rlgat' a and read a first . and. ecu
of uuteigned pleasure that wee '' rJfu second time --Carried, . t�elwood. {Hilt
you on this the Fiftieth Aiitiipvprsae Kuntz -That the foiiowing be the !rel n
Y Deputy Returnin Offfiaera ;for :thee ' l
of your wedded life, and extend to you lz" , Tabs
our hearty' :con rrataitatio • Alee:tion of Reeve, Deputy Resale and '
Y b ns• k',ethet C; ,uti illor;s for 1891, viz : John Job
�� ,,•ettty
Time has wrought great changes atiitoe Ii ' "p polling cru 1tiy
po rn div, No. 1 � L"'11
yon stood before the tnarriztvd•' altar' g - • g No.a Wilson,sy," ing
and mutually pledged:. tidHlit ; The polling div.. �: George ' lug
y polling div. Ido. 8 ; Robert Wallop,
coWpauiaiis•vf your youth have almost tar
all passes! or'e; to first, countryfrom polling div, No. 4 ; 'George Mayers, neat
w�bose bourne no traveller rturns,' polling div, No: 5 ; Joseph :9,nxttbe $1$
It falls to, the dot of but 'few t enjoy polling, div. No, 6, and their they be AO
fifty years of wedded life.A icy. paid as provided, in. by-taw---Oarried.• laud
-' n' Reiner McKay reported re Orange date
dear friends, we world ask you to 'ace Bridge, as follows ; ,,Accordingt
•sept our congratulation.; and Lire pray t I t Kay
as in the past ,to guide years since a tate was repao' d f
d I
nu, tuti:. wan 'to the Orange ,Bridge
'that our 'Heavenly Father will eolith'. and ,rias inf toned that, it iso ( Kay
'tri'! in the future
ln y a few now
and crest you to your jouruev'crf life. ''e rent
the tame plate b thecouncil Gyro tD"tl;sox, Clerk.
We, are, Dear T'rreude i ce y ounat and 1
was as,onished at the accumulation of Teestvater.
r✓Incere}Iy ours, trees 10 ab
T logsand rubbish ish in such a short,. A new sine' g .c
5Y aseemeeenteS. time. I could not see what 1 could iated: for the„in leas bars been organ.
After a very enjoyable 'evening had .do. with it,if 1 couleadership
f Mr. Joh rit Iii linin the
been spent by ail, Etre, elr$prtlia'bl drew . it Cd get any one to Iriaderahi of Mr. John " 1
take o'ttt of the rivet•; to haul it on wishi p ,col . SlsaCllnst. tie
theatteutton :of the , estg to "the to �h him every success. -The Baptist
mac, valuable and uasesf'u4 ,pnnsrin#s of the road would hloclt the road, and nary cervicus of the A the owner of a small field adjuipiegt were held on, Sunday pDee, c2gtbi�
Which Mr and Mee Oertr'wi{l-were the resides in Montreal and would not Sermons a re ritete'to the occasion
recipients, .As the 'wee sma oor' Was likelygive erniiesiotl as preached p
lust appraauhiut<, the cosxrlran�y sale p part of the were rAacltarl urror',lruaa and eveuiilg,
r g former jatn"-is still lying tri the ' field, by the .ltev;fahe t,rray, .of Kiiicaidirr'
•r1,�eadC1 tang sync and then dia$ erseil;
p and it could not be burnt at present, Rev Mr Grayis an able and e•
each longing for: the time when their' and besides all t would get no one to speaker n Ids nd •farcibla
golden Wedding would coins, p r a d Ids weeds carry convictibr
A Gnat, ..leo into the water at this season of, the to the minds of hos hearers.- He wilt
years It therefore taeetnmend that alwaysbe sere of . goon audience ist
the °Outwit for next .year havethe Teeswater.--Business has been very.
cam 1'et5laveal next stinaalrex when
The annual meeting of the *hare. ,as ,geese have },sen the past two weeks, ..'t
holders and patrons of the Whits'. a cause of complaint for years, that it B, .;Hamilton " r Jr and Mrs
chttreit Creamery was held in the per,. would be well to have the reeert feared Christmas in • of 2heve bits spent
esters' fall, Whiteohureltf on Slant* of to1;e, and allparties failing timber a towf- Where Raza hseetx
d quite a "tuber of Ctaairsttnas sister.
dal, nee 'S.'7 till. 'Mere was a large into the river be fined itec,arding to taintuents iu and ,tiro ° lel
attendance oaf ilirnao'interested,` Dir A aEatute." Weiwood. KuntzThat -Miss tiI)ti:t., vtat!'iam
g clad ataC►tairman wha[st the report of .Iienrq I1Ccls,tx Deputy M h L7 r rigllatrt,
�SiiiliebllitrC2i• le
wen it brisk in our thriving..viiia o :durii
esti be buret and g g•
ti 111usfierve aM - tea Mattha octose if Wt
Mr els stonpson erforwed thet as ie . Reeve re s j i spent several elaye in toi4il V{agi las
l?d _t ,a, Orange13rdg$, as lust retire . friends. 'She returned .;roma '11 ax
of secretarJ7. kr R L '8euuderalon, be adopted nand entered , >on the Tuesclxv._,'[r W Poco,
1'reaaurer','read the atrdifees' . reort m+nutrrs,-Carded. WelwoOd`•,-4ltnts i'4cMi'arterRaft,t • h' student b
from �ivlritsht we 'take tltts fblhait+ru a . -2.1"h It by Jaw N. 15 be now read pulpit in the a ti t..chu occupied on, la
a third time, p dapp 1saE. •clartrcil on Sala
et passed, signed mid bath evening,,.,.Mr 4 titer t o
0xrrio;t, Moir -Clark --.That Airs, tit tow* 'visitinghis mat (needs,
Rarwuker he aa,llowpd the+uanal grad. -..„..2.1....,...,,,,,,,.1' ft4e dg,
of 'ten dollars oto.,) the looney to be *Hurtl,
paid teii.ob,ert Murray to , be beetled , SOhr report for 44116 6, Morris i
to her, she being in ittdtgpi tirontn rah. class 4 Rusted, deo 13eilby, 11 J+,
sinner s• -y arned, . Clarl;-Wetwood ' Ir'gft, 4th olapsa-•. l tallibs, M %irate.
That telieatieaa an account was pre 'son, ri Russell, Shad ulasil-..5 Wawa -u,
s . }taxi se.uied • bef oro tin* Board barn the 11 trsr ell, 1)„ ,�1lhsoa, tad„ alaar •;J
Mist ;V1 p as *molt visit o!r debf X100 lCl la nt Eiivitlpnd 'Cownrxhip Ot 1larrrelt,,. atrittttinti>yg to meet', al. 'tidal, a`.laa>graarrge,
Ilf!' rwia�tiimtiaa cut 13owrttarrvilha,•�.-'i i� Sud
rental wait,-.DilRar Annie Breen hay
arrived fro'rar i - x g pax,.
upset n few months with Iter heather err ee 51352 Y` h , Ar
d of
�i ehigan, .where «be 'oculars • 'tntnber of pounds of butter
Will. Mr D N McDonald rrrereslient, + e ice o tame orea'n-nd
* . pv908T 64, Airewawflo Price pew patttad
itprint a few days its Paisley;, hast %'eeke obtained 'l1' 8.6 otxnts; Cash Valid cot -
Messrs, Breen,Meteaif and & eriae)* trona, $74'84; Average prise per.
ill do aoaaeidere pound received by palm*. 1* seine;
Cost of Manufacture to patrons.' 4 3 5
cents. Balance on hand, 41384.30,
This Wart disposed et ati folios . "d,
can *hetes. $153 ; remainder carried
w d membered'
tlai. U
T' on Friday night.
'�i(e ae spent
' tit $31,01. and another from ti a ti Sumo*. -:•4 4 ala
iota aa. Moine from Michiscata,jforward to eurrr'ht rrt►cotrtxt, 'Cllr
whore tare bats beets vialtiitg fur the i Auditor*` Pelmet baax�itag leets a}1opted,
Met gates wtattlrs ...Mph J ,►ta+tuatone, tiles following riltP rtorlr were, sleeted:
1?ett Gtre, is rtviting her anotias, Mr, sJito Cllile�a lrie, 8 %leery, Gavin W'ii„au,
and Mrs' R Breen.- Mrs i'Vel b'argu Bitch lord Pettyhtieun, tri Martin. At
144 is ',fiddly* ertsrtidarla'Cheeefe.-.that* tit tap' rant not evinw of thy, dra�i'vtr,ra,
I d
11�'wra �r► eo ,-r pr,�i .Ist. z x• ree‘ rrwan+af ti��
master itt Foktno:cat for $80 86, ep•
'paret'titly trot tbfr nialutl work,th,e Town-
ship Clerk is regorietted. to wrote err the
l pareiee for ,i,n ,;,-* ttt+artttlnar art there
Aware to he a 'infinitive itn the rxts neer
--t s:reits,ri„ li't'er Qberk. -•'Chat [N O
,pots 1,)akwtr6, • . i~i i t t dew W til rt r dwwt3itra
_ , a y Elia til
'aper wheel* el filed t f rJel* etre° s �r In soot
�a r .p' t4woo '' x alie ,g the r rtleireil; 1 .T >ftrr tl5ef
mold, % 1, .c 'o toe.
ranee, trl*ti -,WD ilaili4aav, Mahar,
Watson' .r,
rtXl, Rot E7errapltc+ll '•44liti•aa
meetingof b$ No 6 terartltt•rl lit
*bastion of Chas Lawton*, ars
Ins :1tnblra rebate . ..,p,,sitte, /on
aL+bta1soir A* A.ar1l 0, i
down with an attr'°k ' ° a rtr'hnti i
iii' at+tilrlrare>�:t.�4
taSovinfitirt 'u '
i 73
all 28
Majority to
.T i3'irrt� No,
! nt .85
0 Marais 29
1t Maxwell 37
K1 "Wilson 57
Armstrong 14
;-"Tire council thereto
Reeve, Mo,rberso
1'ruieksabatlk; Ont
I1fa w
and Ffarris'are ue
however, sat in the
!stir. -in charm, a,i•tha
8 53
N. 8.
87 •
7 22 .
e for 18;
; deputy
uoitlors, D
uteri, Mr D
uucil hof
i,t at won R.elly ; a son,.
Mont�omeerS'•^ AI reeazv
write orlrr D Me ltxomarr
firmer., -.;4t loeswater,
r.If< s IilsgeA; ae son,
11fr tY�ySperling--x�'eosawa1e4n
; F
• miss
bride's mother, by Ilia R
*Urea, of
Dep, bYrllto. i{av> Rbto
Ga ak, It,aga, teaarias
iy a rnosh. .
l RN-
R i I3
rr su,
� n
4aa. et the renthiee of the rnaseti - an .
l; esus, Mr John Pihuk;t5. , officiating
tshe ,.rarytp of 1SnrrJ4.iaty„ tail
ylia.-rAt4DttiAttn- .At , e r tidt,ncoof 0
r tI}aar, an Dee 8th, by.•R Jas nntcolni,
:Dever, at Port iigran„1430. can, tti slargere
tet of Mr Dared atabat,atd, s . auirose, .
oth December,
tor, obi ,Doe, 2
a son,
11 Doc rath, tate
Dee s7th,.the
t the 'residende
Toh,, Scott, M
iss Matilda a Emil
t. Whnttbam, on th.e
ta><rrie, 1Ur Jahn
tis Magregor
11rIritan .At ¥brrishank o
'1 1800..ttargerot Thompson,, r
• Thompson, aged ter years, sa'mna
'torment took piece on' Sat
"osier. -In 'Brussels, oft
,cry, aged 21,yeers, 4 naoiathe
the 31,t b
°het of tite 1
he and 8 dr,'e.
eddy, 'yid'
e getIi Alrre'
utt a day/. ,
1'rrgo1rtarreteqrri ly0 }bwDeet ProI�.rtra4o0&D#Si-LaSFNloc$D1'yy�.aaJ
nWI eat
ar, tab 14 a
do Rolls, 14
If1rgeper dozen '
weeper acrd, l
any per ton; . 5 00
:meanies llo;;s • 5 40
Tenders �.�.'
er will be received byth
:signed, up till the beth Janury,
the erection of and finishing or
Residence, on his farm,: being lot
cession 8, 3:'tfrttbe' ry The loaves
:tender not ;R0001417 accepted ted lilptzozansWeTngahtii tce Gi,is FOR
artrberry, Dee., 6th,`1.89e.
le the
Office of .•
ot Tray
nuary, D,
1‘70T..0 TO znitorp
parties ind,etzteaio
ea to inake Immediate s
ave clisposed of my pra
or erty, and latent] qeaaittg`
at, .0 earlykdate. All bet.settle
31 of January, 1091, w•ill -be
4treyed fro
scriber, Lot
..00, or about Novo
,lioge: One white,
eteere, and two ray
.recovery will -,,•laberelly
lees o
mem 11
gray an.
sent in this A
110110 variation It well kilo
le gait 4 *ova ankslixty
totOfe, CO.
itireulated around II/Anglia-in ti.!
14 the ineury of my beeineta, t
eet in the inerket to do 4311A
the triar et to do ell the mien
god be offered; to
Ai boated y
eels at 1 Mike%
;hard r 114141 11
taw giloug