HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-09, Page 3A1V1, OtIT rtete,$),perYeargla YEItTIB/Di0 ItAllitt); i A yr. 1 4 um. 1 g mo._I - ---- —7ti liti ' 4 00 eau )OE aso uo 11 1315 (113 go on ,tx tgq 6 w sa 4V /0'i 7 00 400 S10 4 Qt 1 1 430 Aber esseual advertisement -I, ire, pro hue Oon, ON 60. por line foreacivubsuiptent es, in nonpareil to lie, iflo, for that lit 0. per line tor eosin subsequent aro will be chat g ed Jobs than -45e onto 044i44, k'sr um!, Sir twee, bittlations,, , tine:no:a SS anted, not 01+,4004111K 1i lillgo, L put month 4 It4.131111, AK S111,0,110t 0xeceding 8 lines. moth 600, pet subseipicirt Itufixth is will bo fict letly .11.011104,4 80 , tvd 10t !serge!' severtisottents, QV ),I 110141/ WItli011l. epoch* dirt:000ns, will be forbid runt eiter,ou etworonigly, !owl, liseinente met be paw in says once for tgadaet 4010r1,4411101)111 111008 ba in Wouitegooy noun, 00 00,10r10 aipeN It. ligitIQTr knerituvron Axe PouLtiniset 11/0biAl41), JOS$1)11Ilig griPrat OW1411. dloge khysicians and Surgeonto, OotelPo Coroner for County of Omen— Tun rusamsor Winemni, Out, A. 11EICLI/ftil)1, or Graduate. of Toronto University, and. t the College of kirysichum 11108 1100100000 of d 'Residence—cornered Centre and Patricia,. roily occupied by 1)0. hetiume. ,twa o ONT, 1,1ST014E, tRISTEA, SOLIC110.11., Etc., tre ni Company funds to loan 9.t Ion est retells 0011100solwa charged. Mortgages, towm nd tarot propert,5 bouaht and sem. BeaverIllock, M'Inuriasi, ONT. .3, A. 14011T01s1 src., Wingham - Ontario Ell. DICIONsoN, P. IlfisYgn Q. C. I Z. L DioloNsost, A. STRRS A N)) ,SOLIOITURS, Etc., Rte,, So for Bank of Ilagailten, Commits/loons fox affidavits for blaultoto. Farm, loos and propert,v bought,: SOK. sa. goo* (private loaned ou mortgage. security at Ail poo' 40418. fovt8ted for PrPOte.per)ons, Upon the bat sge ecourities wititent: any expense to the Lands tor sale in Nanitolta, ow the Bor.up itnt's Block, *ipghaut, .t -------- TISTIVY —W„ it.1.01)0144.11), Wilvors.04 1,Takettet Voloanito, Celluloid, 'AMY* Silva. 'Geld, etc., Ote„ Platea,1111441114 15 prtdoli fro111 c505 upwards per see erewhng ami bridgework, Tcctii Id without the least pain be thr) two of vital Lir, Read pliare., WI/iglus/if, side entrance op. the queen s hotel, open daily (Sundays eseept. om 410 to., p • An, Sviii bra at Blyth everY nil 4th Saturday'of each/north—On/eat '61701:1 , GOT 001 jot 411i1,1frd Xotaissys of each mouth— at Albion liote, • ..txtracting ge cents. a.seumes, WANOn m, Is .nutpufacturing Celluloid Platet„ Vuissiitips plates of ;he bestimstoriedi at/ 04111,14) an they can be got in the Dontirdon, 411.1 work tormented. Wass extractiOn oi. teeth by the use of Electric - r Vegetable Vapor. sO Nuturs..-1 will extract teeth fOr 26 cents ?FMB t In the Beaver Block, Opposite the liswIcir note'. ItITC111Z, CENERAL tef5tiftAtIOn 40E3(man, 'Ostatts 013ERT ctIliNttlenAlf fXSUltANCE • Ellt}INANI/ MARINE, ) 14,e,AN, wleonAti, olf5anp AncTIONZEIt Iron COLMTV 011' 011tJit*. Wes attended In any part 01 1118 Co. Chart aterute. WAN CUltitIB, WreonAtc, (Jyy,, 4istreati AtitirfoiltZli von tom, COUNTY rnr • IIUSON. 441 orders 1014 104 the Titres feet promptly at and to. Terms reasonable, 'AblYS IISNIMUSO*, *30080 .AfrOtiosnag.4igli.Cooyslite lennole aid 811 sales attended teeroteette and on the Shorteti 4108. f110110$ Moderato' and Satis%hatlort GuaritoteA ki1nocussary arrang,omenk eau he made se Us ow' eines Winanan Oas. notros neewante 1.A n. sruverosa Aso 'cum Zatuf<kit, XsTOWIIIZ.a)tn, WINGladg, 4.04ers left et this otthe of the Tin* will ro, vistkeMopt ottani:iota , 310001180/f, 3.0re ott lesets,,Oirnsios Corse, DIM" 41 '0. %MG .7. Ft .... .10{:t ?itic,l'aittr, 141, 1.1ActijitAi 4.41-0 1 L '••• .• • • • 7.4:2 t ASS# • - rf,01•!' 1. -yo •:_•1" , • • „ t, {E-,) - „ r C-1 k 11„ • / '11-1Akt.' _44 titervaved the riven, „ Iss:StOthered sob, 11,9 tabor story, There ' not realize what to the temperance work in oe the influence of a strong, d snob me Mrs Garfet's would the present time in inducting Sir 31.0epit tone ham 'lieartatte0 oex tittue peat the generel manager Ith has urging his reaignation t.the directors of the setup/My in que‘tion, but 84r fleury Tyler and oaten; hove eueceeded wtfIA I Iliekeon te remain in (ace &roe ge. The stillness was broken by the Presi- dent. AU she could find voioe to say 233°"ts' "wet"' have been c°14Pieted onthe other eicletand,ea before intimet. was, Sisters, let us. reader thauke unto Win who hath given. us the victory by 01'd resignation tb0 0010PanY` et• pinging the Doxology, chief official in Canada has been relit. vepraiseGodfrom whom aliblessiugnow." antly accepted by the boercl, Sir With tear-staincl facto ell joined in the , lee , e °sepia Alooson's successor will be hymn of preise, and, though rejoicing in L liargearit vice-president of the another soldier enlisted for life in the ' ' great army of white -ribboned sieters, Avery heart ached for her to whom' was given such a bitter. oup of suffering /Wore elle could say, Lord, here am I, talre and use me for this work as thou emit fit. 0140 Cottage Ar its eq uivaleut iu oaeh will be elvea to ith perclea clatectiug the greatest number ,of errore, (svorcle wrongly spelled er tuts- platmci)-10 the Deoenaber 188118 Ot 01 DM' 1,1011181A. ' tultlit)04 will be given two 00.913 prise!! of $1100 each,four of 4f100,eight of 050, ten of 03, tweet y-diVe of 410, fifty Pf 415, otto houdred of ff-, stud One hundred soud fifty of distriuuted in the order toeutioued in rules nod regolatious, whit* via bo soot with 41, copy of Deeember issue ext receipt of 15 oeuts au stamps. Special ea/L.1)mo given away almost every day (luring the competition which 010898 ruary 1st, 1801. A.ddresa, One Helms Puntennza Go„ laroolavtlie, cauada. • Caro of Oalitos In Winter. At is a common eEperieuce On many loins drat young stock do not much more than hold their own from fall to gipring. Whet growth they get is ob- • tained on pasture, and, too commonly thia becomes' appreciable only when they have entered upon their second enamor. Caves should be kept grow. ing during, their first whiter, for more than one reason. 111 the first place it is foolish *to throw away the feed of whole winter, and get no retort) fur it. In addition to tins it is unques. tionably tree that ealvea raised for the dairy are dwarfed titoir productive powers, and their future usefulness crippled,by the lack of eare and proper food for growth in their younger days. If it is profitable to rake calves at all it is most profitable to keep them grow. ing thriftily from the day of their birth until they reaeli maturity-. There are three points that should ,••-e he kept in mind during a el( 's winter• . should neve dry, clean.and warm AllitIkv,T; to sleep in, It should cot have to drink large quantities of ice cold water. It 8 if ci have au hainfauce of snob footles will promotp 'the groth •of bone and muscle. Pens are Mach • " better for calves during their first win- ter than statte/sions. They can, he kept wanner in this Way, they can have a *better bed to bleep upon. and they will grow better, if given a, chainie to move • about without the fretting caused by reetraint, When calves are watered but ones ft day, and then with very ..cold water, the whole system receives • such a -.shook that growth is out of the question. This 112084 be realized by every one who bas seen these little \ things shivering over a trough of ice water from which their thirst has coin- -. polled them to drink greedily, If old- er stook met drink this, at least let ft sufficient quantity' for the oal vela be teinperecl by a kettle of hot water from the kitchen stove. • Fine hay, of which part should be olover, if poeeible, with a little bran and crushed oats, and an occasional feed of pulped. roots will prove a de., eirable feed for • calves at this time, They need 000 fattening toods,provided they are hovsed warmly, bat pleaty of the elements that give growth.' lt airfoil mill can be spared •for them, it will bring goodreturna in increased sire "and in thedevelopment of the heifers.1t pays to keep the young thingsgrowfug, for when growth amuses, not only is there no interest on the investment, hut the time spent in Oaring for them is lost ale*. <16144. X It en an GlaRAWKr el Oblast, Graeltery, F, fti!Efff eL41 by sill uggiste. Chicago and Grand Trunk ritilwav,and the present traffio menager of the Grand Trunk., The saleey of the gen.. era! manager is $26,000 per annum. Sir Joseph Fliekson eentemplatea re- maining in IVIontreal and will. act in eonneetuni with the Caned iaa advisory board the Grand Trunk railway, Odd old Itel10040 Tinos. One of the early. 'religious books publshe, dbore the title The Snuffers ef Divine Love. In the seventh century a quaint title given to a book was High Reeled Shoes for Dwarfs in Holiness. Crumbs of Comfort for the Chickens in the Covenatit was the title given one of the early religions Works. A Pair of Bellows to Blow off the Dust Cast 'Upon John Pry, was a re. ligioas hook published in the seventh century. In Cromwell's time was pnblislied a book on charity whose title was Hooke • and Eyes for Believers' .13reeches, An old time pamphlet had for its til1e Salvation's Vantage Ground of a Loupins Stand for Heavenly Believ- ers .A religious pamphlet published in 16a6 is caned A Most Delectable, Sweet Pertained Nosegay foe Gett's Saints to Smell Ab, • An odd name given to religious publication in the olden time Was,The Spiritual Mustard Pet, to makthe Soul Sneeze with Pevotion. . Another religious writer in the early days called Ws book, A Shot Aimed at the Devil's Headquarters Through the Tube of the Cannon of the Coven- ant. •• An imprisoned Quaker published a hook which he called, A .Sighfor. the Sinners of Zion, Breethed outof a Hole of the Wall of an Earthen Vessel,' Known Among Men by the .Nento of Samuel Fish. An ancient work was celled, Seven Sobs of a sorrowful Sohl for Sin, or the Bewail Penitential Psalms of the Priucely Prophet DaVid, Whereunto ere else annexed Ramis' Handful of Honeysuckles and Divers Godly and Pithy Ditties, Now Newly Augmented, Another lengthy religions title was, A Reaping Hook, Well Teinpered for the Stubborn Ears of the ComingCrop„ or Biscuits Baked in the Oven of Charity, Carefully Conserved for the Chickens of the Chitral, the Sparrbws of the Spirit and the Sweet Swallows of SalVtitiOn. iatricanasincmosisrazrmumbassztongssessimsdriatiersicht MATTHEW AMBLER! EABNESS MAIM, hits On hand 0. largo steel of 101180 tsbablICIM, OtlialtY003111S, /311•USIIES, etrEl, TAC,YES, Vat,tsES ete. Which v#11Ibo sold at bottom pleas, HAANNESS, double or (angle, made to order on 00080111)4Mb, tatisfamnida guaranteed. •tOrto oil solicited. OP—Oppoette the tank of Moulltafe AULAitt, tab CO% 1004 tillskann 0/ tit Euro tit 11 Wa wish to Inform the public that Ws have these Woolen in A running order, and 1,41 this Session give SPeelal attention to CUSTOM WORK In its br4nCh04,1104 keep In stock 01484 01 lint<Clagti 4'0049, f111084 44 Tweeds, Flannel% Etofro, . Baan Sheeting% Stocking Irani% &al fftQt, (made from nom wPPl only) cheap Cosh or es- • .chancelor wool. Customers from a distance Can have their roils hone with thorn the sante day. ir4Iiighest market price in cash ler fderchtudahle Wool. INGLIS & CtDrY., winches!), TRE ODELL TYPE WRITER $20 wet buy the ODgLI. TYPE WM- Tut with 78 characters, and $ 1,5 for • the SINGLE CASE ODELL, warranted to do better work than any inaohine made. It combines simplicity with durability, spinal, OW • of operation, wears longer without cost of repaitt than any other nutohine, Ras no ink ribbon to bother the operator, 14 10 neat, stinstantial, nickel plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of typo writing% Like a printing' press, it produces sharp, dean, manuscripts, Two or ten copies can be made at one writing, Any intelligent petson can become an lmorator in two days. We offer $1 ,ctocy to any operator who 0411 equal the work of the • DOUBLE CASE ODELL. • Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. , Special nducements to Dealers, Por Pamphlet giving Indorsements, &o., address ODELL TYPE WBITEB, 00, • 85 and 87 5111 At o CRICAGQ, ILL. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor.. Lumber of all kinds, Firskelass Shingles, nd Cedar Posts. Oar:Loa Orders a SpeciaitY. , . WOOD delivered to goy part of WeriugerilLI:b!; mal* promptly attended to. • GROR01.1 2110118,0N, Wingham P.o S. .• ri 1 is the dine to paint vet= Itousei, and merwilsriokoroor<osonvlbonn1.1•10.nover.rewlve,sommoktrenr. RUBBER Y PAINT BEST in the WOIRL the— Ilene towline Unless shunned "Rubber Paha CO,„ Cleveland, Ohio," Wo also have the beet, CANADIAN You can get any, ahaiSo 3,ou done, lu quantities creamy; from ie cents up, 10C Whitewashing aral Xalseminiturf fad( for 1ALABASTIla I and :don't take anything 0140, a Cline A & oa 4 • HALD WAnt XEROX:CANTS, Wingham CHAS. KNECHTELL a..X1,11 4f‘ "01;piP 01, t!yilffilmlIA weeps to *Situate to the people of Wlmfbam sorrOunding country that hs has purchneed the harness business )14,4aly carried 0i bVMeesrio W. J ilormth to gen, and wilt conduct 14 *the building one door south of Mr 2' A Mille' store. ,17414E AND SINGIM liAltNEs end heavy or light, made 400014001. A full line of lIoreo Idenhete, Sleigh 'Whips Cum combs, itrusites, sta., always on bond. Repairing neatly Ana promptly done, The patronage of the public solicited, and setlefart- on in work and material guaranteed, • O. KNEOITTBL. Vachon!, Moroni Mo. ilting retroopect uty srpinfebrese Wingant ,n 1 donee oder my thanks to sn,V Loistotia &so - orally for Wu liberal pairowsga the past. I may Cso state that am in a posiguem butter intiumments then ever to those see anything In tile line a( Granite or fitone Zdontwx4p, aa,'ADI}TONEE4, WINDOW $ILLS, • STONIti r - Vat 1110401/03, I would benleasea to have thews tiestinou _ Pro. curing any articles In my lina to eat) and estanaltse goods, compare prices and leave thew r, es, so that tne goods may be secured and preps': ed eV* at - season. You oats select from the Jahse Sit$ RH: obtain the finest scot Ismanship ot the most favorudo prices. N.* respectfully, youre SIY1Y'Vno WIrashma, Cat. ISTMAS IS COMI And the Chri days. (.4 inas Bells will be ringing in your ears for the ai xt t are bound to reduce our Stock of D.T.y- Goo s, Groceries, Boots and Shoes:,• and Ready Made lathing BEFORE THE OSE OF THE OLD YEAR,. So ow is the time to secure a Big Bargain. • The rush/still continues at our res Goods Counter, and every per- son who has taken time to look :Air° h our stock of Drees Robes is satisfied that T. A. MILLS has the Oh apest and best stock of DRESS GOODS in town. ' Come and see 0 CHEAP GOODS, CHEAP BLANNETS, OffEJAP ARNS, CHEAP FLANNELS, CHEAP FLIPS, CIIEA.P M&NTLE oLorrns, CHEA.P 'WOOLLEN LiOODS of all kinds. Bargains at every eounter in our store. Ch pest FUR COATS thez7x:- in town,Iti Ladies' and Gentlemen's i<Ot ig argains 13 ots an: Shoes! People stand in amazement when we tell theta the p ice, and buy a pair for every member of the CHEAP TWEEDS, CHEAP SUITS, CHEAP OVER00., TS, CHEAP SHIRTS, CHEAP DRAWERS, CH AP SILK CHEAP FANCY GOODS for Christmas. 'PIM!twlat 40,61.t, .3.1 ' Now is the time to buy tel 11"tk 12y,„,11-93:2NE For your friends and foes, when you eau buy them at HALF PRI E. CHEAP ! • CHEAP ! ! Everything in our store yon can buy CHF.AP FOR CASH, o come and see for yourself, arid we are satisfied you will. go avva.y 0803 vinced that we are !riving the BIGGEST BARGAINS in Town. .4. trouble to show Goods.' • T. A. MILLS. A Blatsing to Every Household. 10 HMO An PUS AND DINT :ENT. These retnecies have stood the tod of fifty years cirperiento, and aro pronouneed the best Medicines fcr Family Use. TEJ PILLS Purify the blood, °erred on dia'.eelers of the blYEtt, STONIACII, AM) 130WZGS and are invaluable in n1100111)114)49 Incidental to footsies of sill nos. • 1111-1M.1 40.11\TTAIMI\l"Z Zo the Only reliable rcmcdv for bad ler, pores, 'elect's end old wounds. PCB IMONCIIrlIff, srml TilitOATA, COMMIS, . (101,1)8, GOUT. 11.P12111MATISM: SWELLINGS AND ALL AM? • 1)1611A817.g rr UA$ 100 EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 64, Oxford Street, Loudon, and sold hy all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. tV'Eurhaseret should look to the Label on the Boxsa and Pots, tha atlarees 00 Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious. fTHOUSANDS DE BOTTLES SIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I 5117 Our* I do not • merely to stop 'them foa 4000*, .j4d we that/trot! re I MEAN A RADICAL U rt. I havis mode thMtiti.eeilb01' ifpilipsy or rag altknoitil life4ong study, widirant ter roloody " worst cast*. BeCAUM) others have fallAd 14 110 rearatt,fer net no* 10 . O,pritl'ztosiet1;tat010810 ra10ti6 and Free Softiepr pay frfirliblaRotod‘, Post 0f4ao. Ittzyouutiito rot A WAi‘ will tzrrt: mot%atkrTA[4dtrte,at -4 tO•j..•!1.Nt:•••= .