HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-09, Page 2trYtieishigsve 'almost every. vehe' salmi trailiting in the eleinentary blot of obedient*, ordee, eelf-eoutrol, patience and propriety¶fldgis much; and the time is corabeg when they will impart more of the wshetenee of iu tel leetual training, 'with lt•ss of the "procese." 1:• •‘, 11121DAN, JANUARY 1/, 1801. i'aula OF THZ ROTIOOLEC, TRACIIING CHILDREN. WHAT TiIPIC AL. =An ROW, A lady of wide eduoationat* experi. enet• told the other iiay, Chia story of a emelt school -boy whom she found great distress over his lessone. When Nile atiked what heti been his particue ler trouble that rlay, he stated this ardous problem If Sohn has two red apples, and eharles ttas two, how many rel •IPPIca illate they both together? Is that hard ? sho said. ,Tery hard, he said, sadly, . Oat surely, sins replied, you know ealreed.y that two and two make four ether(' he no tronlito about that? Of course not, was the pathetic re- sponse. Of course I know that well Mrs...—. But the process 1 the prooese'that wears me out sNo one who bas muoh te do with echools, and especially with Public eellools, can help seeing the trammed.. ous f mete of this infantine, sareasm. Multitudes of things, which come so naturally into a childs mind that they might almost be talon for granted, tire virtualle taken from him and given him again in sueli a formal shape, and tinvirooed with definitions and technicalities and "processes, that be ix almost made unconscious that he ever knew them. It is not •confined to arithmetic. Many ehildren who have grown up under educated nflu. offices write better E u 0812—aortal ly more idiiittiatio and often more cor- rect—Wore studying Euglish gran. mar than afterward. They write its they speak, by eur, and the rules cone fag() 11101.0 than th help. la the ar..., ..--.104,,Atly '''Oltilittlirra us ory " '0iife he*.rd 1S11,..4 eiteroiseS with "object...less " that seemed to me especially contrivei to stopify the human intellect ; and Ithis Bev, W. A. AlcKay of (Manners church, Woodstock, preached an able • temperance sermon to the temperance organizetious of that town lately from the text, Esther viii, 0, liow eels I endure to see the destruction, of my 'Kindred After explaining the cit.- cumeuancesUi which these words were spoken, he applied his text to the rain caused throughout the world to day by "the drunkard makie'g traific." Think bow intemperance be sots, degrades and ruins ita wieturos how it. afteets eaciety, the home, the church; how it sears the conscience, hareens the new, aud blinds Mall to all the interests of tune and eter, nity, There are $3,000,000,000 year- ly spent oa strong driuk • throughout the world, while only $12,000,000 are raised for the spread of the Gospel. and for this vast outlay the world has a standing army of 800,000 drunkards and 180,000 every year going clown to a drunkard's grave and a drunkard's eternity. * God bless Gener- al Booth and the great work be has undertaken. The ••submerged class," by -which ho means the pauperized and degraded, numbers threet-millons or one-tentil of the whole population. The driuk difficulty, says Booth, lies at the root of all. Nine.tentlia of our poverty, squalor, vice and crime spring from this poisonoue tap -root. Apr= MOTIIHRS.—Ars yon disturbed at eight • and broken of your red by a siekehild Mitering and • crying with pain of (hitting Teeth? If sosend at once and get a bottle of "Vire. WhislOW'S hoothiug Syrup" for Children Teething, Its value is Mauled - able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there to no mistake about ft, It ewes Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach arid Bosco's, eureo 'Wind Colic, softens theDunis, nations Inflammation, and gives Ono and ooergy to the w14015 system "Mrs Win- loow'H Soothing Syrup for children teething is *tenant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest nd beat female physicians and ntirJes in the UnitcdaStatos, and is _for sale by all druggiots throughout ithe %voile, Trice twenty-five cents a age. Ito sure aid ask for "Mae. WLYSLOWit • 002.111NO SYROP take no other kind especially in normal schools, where one young pupil stands up before :the others, making believect he knon's everything. and her classmates sit be- fore her making believe they know ' nothings Ij is necessatily all a form tired a "process" They go through the qnestione which the children are etipposed to ask about the object; and ot ceurse, if the children do Let ask the right questions, they must be tneght to ask them. They must wish to kuosy whit they plight to wish to • know, not wlntt they really desire, • 'When the young • teacher fares real • children, therefore, instead of study., ing their iteenet minds, the proceeds on a method previously arranged. it did not surprise me, in the dia. cession which elicited the aneorlote with mri,ich t began, when a later 1;Pealte'r, a inari who, had spent eeveral buceasful years 1t teacher and school to•Perintoutlent, eXpreesed frankly the tpielon that there were many schools w Welt simply etesified.their papils in. steild of enlightening them, und wheii estieeted as general proposition, lhat at. least thirty per tent. of the time in our retells. schools wrks devoted 141rnPLY0 tiPaelling over again to, eisild- ren, in a more elaborate and artificial way, what they had already known P`erfectly well in their owls way, the titre being giVen, in other words to ilu "pioCietia," 11tit to' the, real thing. it in something, I suppose, which all the best teachers will admit as tat evil, and something which they ell gitrititgle ahrtinot all the time. At seam. points"otrrtaitily there' haft been meek iinproveineni made; thus reading and gipelling aro taught far more eitsily dun t:litist 078404 were, and in a 111104 ineeherriell wily. The same is true fel elegy iteihciols, with grammar gog• teirplift, tool history ; and .wheli cowgirl, onlv yon wAil. filettliOct $1z.gett zahtref* o'er befgeflors in g to make tint teikt,,Ktho makers este What a Woman Should. Ic1ko to see. Being a woman, I would like to see mon,a little more unselfish. would like to see chiIdern a little more respectful, would like to sea servants do honest lied honorable work rather than eye service. • would like to see sensible fashions used., and not abused. I would like to see babies sensibly, rather than elaborately dressed. I aould like to gee people return hoiroswed books. • I ert;uld Ince to see simple meals well , would like to seethe pretty words "thank you" always, given when a serviee is rendered. I would like to see my sex 111101`6 interested in good than bad reading,. I walla like to see the millennium—. though it may be doubted if 1. Will, However,it is in our power individually to make it seem as if it had come, • and we ean each of us help by pre- cept and practice to bring about this delightful state of affairs. 1 am going to try. Will you • No one doubts that 1)r. Sake's Catarrh Remedy really cures Oatarrh, whether,the disease be recent or of long staging, hut the makers of it elineh tiller faith in it with a $500 guarantee, which isn't a mere' news. paper guarantee, but "on call" in a That reement is when you prove that its tortkookaan't core you. Tile reason for their.faitit isthig 8 e's reined s ro or! it lf he t 4F, tottials dais?* all, after thorn sag the 1,140X turaot tubereulo , erived tit the following eouolusi•ria; 1. And emphatically, that the milk from. cows atfeeted with tuberculneisfl any part o the body may contain the virus of the dieeasti. 2. That the' -virus is present in the milk whether there is disease of the udder or net, 2. That there is no ground for the assertion that; there suulet be a lesion of the udder before the milk (An contain the infection of tubereelosis. 4. Teat, on the contrary, the 'bacilli of tuberoulosie are present and active very large troportion of cases in the milk of cows affected with tuberculosits but with uo dis..ceverable lesious of the udder. Sett Nybite little of Goiboures Perisian gifetaa:trilitigt fully perfuneel, sold by all druggists. Hot water taken freely half an hour before bed* time is the beet cathattiO possible in the °Asia of coi:,tipatioe •while it has a most soothing effect upon the stomach and bewele, This t re °amen t co,ri t ecl a f nip n t is with proper attention to diet will cure any curable case of dyspepsia.— Hall's Jar:rind of Radtke Wilson's cherry cures Coughs and 40 • • DO yen read thri MONTREAL WITNESS? is e questiou which thoueands of moe and women are being asked just ut this thue,in Canada, The reason is tuat the value of this paper is alege all question. It is well written, tied is a compendium td all that is beine done or thought in flee world. le devotes itself' to fighting for the right. Whether you are old or aiming it will intereat 'YOU and all who live in the same house with you. This year it offers several attractive plans for •'naming its already large eieculation. One of these is the Free Lending Library plan, witerebli every sebteriber, by taking this paper 'may becoine a mem ber of a lending librsry winch shall have few or many good books for him to READ according as the plan •has been ener- getical lei worked or not. also oilers to its active can vassere and vents good cash commissions or valuable premiums which amply pey for ail the labor mut time put into w.•rking fnr, it, while at • THE same time eonfering a benekt, on all subscribers' who may be induced to read it. 0484, ref the meet attractive features of the WITNESS, which is peculiar to it alone in Canada, bet whieli has 'hem adopted in the United States on the game lines as 4rst itiid down by the MONTREAL WITNESS, is the prizes offered to seholare itt Nubile schools for the best true stories et life and adeentare in Canaan. Econi MONTREAL east and west to the Atlantic and the Paefic Ocean, including Newfound. land, the Iey island of the Gulf, have come stoeies, some of which have been written i at literary stiye benefitting professional writers, and of oontain new and valuable facts in Canadian history, Among- the many euthoritiee who 1r4TIVIES to the exeellence of these store e are the judgeg in each province wile award tlia,prizeii, and the hispeetors and teather's of salmi& in every por tion of the Dominion and Xeivfount. land,, as Well as the' newspapers, who speak kindly of them end republish come of them. In Addition to the Market Reports, the lively and sterl- big 4,4,jorinl Articles, the Serial Storiea, and, in feet, the whole body of the paper, makes it a welcome member ai the family hi every }mune. hold where it istaken, Itt November be Watenw, WITNIMS. Was enlarged by tnor4 Unto a page, thus making All ntargeohnit egual to two pages within ag P ge two *ling greatly to its value • RALIIJATE and Gold Mothillist of Irldttne 01.41) Puffi, el el.r. tAtwod. kir, 17 &wham. Ilimo, nrice Vulture and or- inuny. Reams In , -- mark. rve. to e 43, 1-91 j 9 Inxittiertoss PMWO ASO 010.1/4N, ASO MON klitet4OXY. rot. particulers regarding terms, ete, please call at my Moe, neruer ¥r An:AP Roo ktitruet sti vets, Vl.QUILLn. SPARLING. •iii MISS W.A.T.011, ()'744 and Vir'il" and, stria rsZtuelitgr""rI4"°' 'Weldon,* an comer 3 Josephine Street*. it " ' ,P, %LAMA ' ISSUES OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, NOTARY • PpLIcit), CVNVitYANUltit, Pa* ()FMB*" hies Lobster*, •RIPLEY,• Or Money ta Loan on vertu fleOUVIty At ;IOW Rates of •Interest, SO octundosien uhareed. . , . H, DA VI$ IS OF.PERINOr WI 0 i\i. M -cr ' ' .----ON------- 71A.'1•-gaVZ VP,OP ATVt:11).7- LOW X' 7.- T RATES. 1 MARKET. SZ TA ...FaCiiVi OFFICZ-0Pntsrrg• THE wv.cou,..,* Ocxonsa 47n, iliBts HALSTED &SCOTT izs. Joseph* Street — • - - - Winghain, Ont, J, W, Sc°11A„rel. and • Interest Farmers and endorsed notes notes bought remitted to ell charges, to Oa- 1 Votes, 1 Bask ' 1 5 p. ni. ' Agent. J. A' V'llailli•pli'Foroe I . , .. 901:404ts 11,eceived „.-• . ,Allowed. . , NoneAdvq,noed,to •Busines Men, Oa long or elio.rftitne,' on or eollatera,seourity. little at a fair valuation. oney pelts of Oardada at reasonable SPoolai. ,ittention. Gwen. looting Aceonntp ancl,, gents in oanada--Tke,NeVelinnts1 • of Canada. ---. Office Hours—Prom 0 a. ni. to A. E. SMITH, ' WINGIIAM BAMT MILLS 1 1 • & STAVE FACTNY. Efolleloan & Bin, Pgaeg., - Manufacturers t and dealerif in * PINE, , ,.... HEMLOoK HARDWOOD IX KBER, Pine and IINGLES -AI._ ..,Attl, Stav:es, Heading, 'Wood, 'Cedar Posts, tans adjobltpic 0. ''..r, Cedar Barrels gte. J I n. Station. \Vietnam. Out .1 • WINGHAM . I. LIJURING . till FILLS e The-)rod.>8 nod wish to tender their best tinware, tor thettherat piatronage given to our tiro! during re te 1O3.3. Int E 0 '11111 IgtAire *igdt it131t ga°4011 I12141 told !It. priirtigWf157 WX140-114140 ONT Subso*Iptiotiptioec,$1per yearptu • ADVERTISING %ATER; sear* t1 yr. i ii iii9. i 8 WO. i iiii4 'iiii0-40— -6-.. iiii,rvio 'tio— se ee I use 44• se Mt en 00 1.4 Ou b lei ktuarter " Su Se•1. tre I 7 So e 0 no iiitat. a an . 4 00 z on 1 00 •fiill .( i re lot p ,t 10 rottl 110 fer, . 4citeil titloaoldmvioilltnieoewiirmorattel;i0e gustri utettliiet Isnitd notice*, In nonpareil type, 10c. for firof in seventh and be. per dint tor each a ensenneet tilbtel,KA Ao Iola notice will he ellaigod tees theitX5e Advertisements (nicest, Vuunti, 4truysiu, munitions, and Busmess Chants* id anted, not exceetinig 8 Sues. nenpa,reii, 31 pet mouth •Douses nod Parties for Selesnot exceeding B llnes, $1, we Met month We, per eussequent mouth ii,liese wries wU, be lariats auttertal to bpecial rateo for tensor advertioffittents, 4U9 longer mew*. AdVertiSettiontS without opeolfic directions, will be inserted, tin what aim elutrovi accordingly. 31a». oltory advertisements Must tie pant lit lets mice t,ifittugeo for ettlitotet attSertesenie»to inust he in the entre uy WOOlieway noon, in order to apnee; that week It. ELLIOTT kers-lama atin PUNTAIIRa 1)11. ACLONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, , NTAIn.0 TOWLE11. I I Member College Physicians and Surgeone, Outtir$0. •• --Coroner tor county of Union— oftlee at "TunPusaliser . Winglarn, Out, JAR. A. MELDS,Ditt, LI 'loner Graduate of Toronto Voiversdy, and. Alen -Aber of the (lotlege of Pliyeicivms blite:t0118 OE Ontan. • Otaue and Betddene4-00r1101•01CenEreend Patrle1c. tros44`f*rmorly oucupied by Dr, Bethune. Wisono• ONT. r VANSTONE, X114 BAKIIISTES, SOLICI'1011, Etc., Etc Private 4nd Compauy funds to loan to Ion est ratert, rttereot. emumisstint charged., Mortgages, towm, and farm property brancht and Suet* FFICE--BeaverBirek, Wit -Mese, UM J, A. MORTON BARRISTER Src., Winthrop - Ontario EYES DICKINSON, . W. C. NIEVES O. C.1E. L. Diesisson, A. AIIIIISTERS AND SOLICIToltS, Ste,, Etc., So Miters for Bank el lianditeu, Coutudositoises for eking affidarlio 51anitobes. Farm, Iowa anti Wage property bought. and, sold, Venus (private undo) loaned ou mortgage- econrits at tit, Pot gent- oney instated. for proatektiptous Upon, the "Jett 1401.850ga securitiesf*Ititsedt any expense to the Muter, Lando rol'oule Idartitebe, atm the Neste, est. Officc—Ilenffs Illeeklt*ingtzein* ENTISTBY tiA01.0.1144,LB, W1401,411 Vultiartite, Celluloid, AMA, Stive, Sold, etc., etc., Plates, flanging prices from 13600833)148>4344 prr ee4 erowhng and bridgework. Teetn ex meted without the lewat pain W. till) tiSit 01 VItol zed Air, Head Officio, Whigham, side entrance ett- osi.to the Queen's 310801, open daily (Sundays (4xcept. d) from 9 a m t�ll In. Will be at Myth eV0efr nd and 4th Saturday el ettehinenth—011iecat "Kline s futel; Corti° : 1st and.lfrd Mondays of each month— flice at Albion hotett ..'.1%tractititt eeritt. Iffractv- .011,11111 ENTISTIIT.— .1. Ss 4.0110ME %Vixen AM, rr.S... .in4ilurnettirint Platet„, Yu! ago plates of the bestmateribh as chesk es they can be got in the • Dominion. All work wartinted, Painless extractidu of, teeth by the use of Eleetric-. y or Vegetable Vapor. TAKE Notten.-1 will extract tooth for 25 terits ach. OleFIOE Dr the Beaver Block, Opposite tiro runswick Het& 41,4444-i OTIN RITCHIE, • GENERAL INitifIRANCL AGENT nienAlt, OstAat 01311/tT CUNNINGHAM, LNSURA.NCE PIRE‘AND MARINE, • GUELPH. Ja„ Webie.tb, Id'ENAbl• p AUCTISEARuoltp Tnti colinTr Sales attended In any part 03 3.110 Co. Ohre e4cirate„ QUN CtittrirE, Wisomog, Osr., r4.015sigti citottiotticalt 44'�j1 TIM OotiNTI or smear. Ail orders left et Um Tins ethes promptly, at end Ito. Terms reasonable. Tmas nanntat4os, -Lioirsalso Anorloszat Pon Covitrigs, Isbox mar • MI soles attended topromptly,*. end cri the short** n tic • Charges Moderate oil, Sail stettion 44 Pars uteed. 13. 24rillmory arroniftenventk, eau he mode al Us ,540.418 right °tire for ninety-nine out of one and inteipai. a.tie ivsaaroe wirxtlea ttried plgl the tor till teporthe.aelsotescrp4174stani*.. ii',4100:" Os* IlUndreit adriott of, Catarrh in the tread. is mailed frs,s aubsetibeea oan„ 4:1,!eb gi,ialtiertt r°Leg: anion BOIITOS t*wititot • t.. n. Stuvriroses ASO •Chtt, Ezeticiia, c 0411,4rociorYILellttGert1DililL oAfilleeS32‘ WatilIG4tire**1154sese' rx eteepto*.mt attention, Aftwer n00011114 ettave btortlre ilftitike103017, and am Vitoria's yellowy *410388 ache Great Beitaiii and United State* ci*vrerobx.t pr4t.v,1061?'FIEL'teho PITIES'S •r - Association qan droll to dike the Risk for $1.0 a yor ; the Attty of you being thr, one hunkedth. for $8 00 lts ; and thy. ra,it UettitItts, Aillostomett fen: 00 e.ros th via*. The *fiumwonlY A406_141;11,, ottox,,lt kvr Tips Publishers are *mart Jon Devoliyila •, 6E0 11014 -i • & torctiv whom :eon limy yerr • a heeriptiou, or Om will fiend yeu le bevy or mNcor any • ). oreelinset freessegmea" t" willing to telt& timit,ilskt If so, lino rgAr 44. maw whom unipttaits le pas,. You pa yetir dr,rtggigg rre ' cents and the tria begins. you're. ay well wader that wanting the 4100 yotIM FL* staolat•tiR et they tto better.--iolort) . IV* , ,A. •," :1"Ar,it 4k, he nes* fa, rsd A to. c. *td bier, eel* ones cinpatit reseretfrinv, lesuate0 leanest fertivert tiornis hoe* or Moe • igAtt 140114141* • Arrnent.4 • : 1141:41,k VW, 'et t. •1 • Isif •• '1 • • , J 4- r' to the tamp z e the influence d life, stub. as M. The stillness was broiler 4,lent, All she could find wae, Sisters, lot us render 114u who heth given us ti pinging the Doxology, 44Praise God from whom all With tear.staind faces al Itynin of praise, and, thou 11110ther soldier enlisted fc great army of white-ribl >every heart ached for her ;given soh a bitter, *nip lietore she could say, Lor6 ',Wm and use mo for this writ lit. A 0/50 COrtagi tor its eq uivulent in ousli w Mae person detecting tile gr 41f errors, (words wrongly R pieced) in the Daoenlber i Ileums:" la addition will 4808 prizes of $200 08038,10 of OK ten of 03, twouby-,1 of one hundred of $2, al end atty of eis distrioate zueutioned in rules aucl re will be Rout with a copy of on receipt of 10 cents 111 cal4peezes given away a13 during the competition, WII rusty -lob, len. Addrese, Qua Horse Brookville, tasoade. care of caLresin it is a eatailion expe Items that young sto more than hold their o spring. What growth tallied on pasture, and • this becomes' appreci they have entered At) >suuuizer, Ottives shoe ng during their first than one reason. In is foolish to throw whole winter, and it. in addition to tionably true that Dirt dairy are CI warred itt powers, and their cripplad,by the laclt food for growth n th if it is profitable to it is most profitable t Ing thriftily from the until gal, reach ma There are three kept in mind dui should have dr, rollakmrs to sreep in, to, drink large qu Water, it 84ouid 11 of such footles. will • ssf bone and muse! better for calves du ter than StatiCili011iii warmer in this IV 'better bed to bleep t grow better, if give about wttltout tit restraint. When but ones aattY, 'cold ivater, bile whi such a Amok OW question. This livery one who I things +shivering water front Which polled theta to dri at stook must dri sufficient quantit tempered by a ke the kitchen stove Fine liay, of WI clover, if pouibl end crushed os feed of pulped aireble feed for They need 310 fatt they fire 1101S0, of the elemeets skim iniln eau ' w� bring good re 'and133thedevelo pays to keep the for when grow there no interi but the time is 'lost also. !UP! 1ff mends G