HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-09, Page 1t Capes, etts4 ors an: , pri. es. Scarfs, Wiantle ents for these t to intimate that we same, ne>tavitlitan•lin;. . rituxe,, a:nd use all the,, d to hay°tbcm, ou customers. , AND sHoE $1400,. ed the dustolfenusiness ht(flp% ), wish to inthhate that fl,ey ht,se e shop two .dfrors south of 'lc A tans 'oes made to order from Ms lkst, at notice. Itepairi»g neatly bad.1 t re, • THREE WEEKS :0014 ter -day we take Stock, and it enter we gave Genui Bargain*, we pro- pose to ch it.in these three week. We went to clear o sit the•Odde.a Pubs d`d cin the store, so Oft ie our oheace, Bemna,ate in Mantle [foods and Drees Oooda odd lines in.Gloveas uud hosiery. Rid Glovesfor 15o. a pair. Overeoatings, Overcoats and Far Cape. W have many, Y blte aa W $ bare go, You may as'well have then another. We purpose to have the shim bare of winter goods by the first day of Pebruary. Combs and help tis, we will do you good. You'll" think it rather early to talk' et ,Spring Goods, but if you want to . gat ��rrour ehirtin'.. and oottonades,ve'ver' of them and ',, .::.got thein right You may have ego me • to make theca up now than hiton. You know beet, ilOur Mot T gaining morethan a .local ndtoriety. . ave you, had a trials t it let? it's good! Isn't. it ? Kindly tell your neighbors about it, that they may try . it ale You will be doing them and, us a gelid turn. Ask for January Fashion; sleets. • ' �.ktR, t'' invect ltnporter. Tti,a BEAU,;' .a s. Lo AL, z7 3yEor . slaw, etevtod' or fried ; at Jas' eXieivro:s Star restatli'aut. • ` ' lti Brant ft on Monday last to a "th F e> the Military Sellout, y c , Iaou• I or 4lrii.�}t lick why `deur. Coro, lour 4i pease b •o.; ,o to =1laeeara Beattie• icor, li,Yeryn.en.intend ti - " m lir " a be c �Y• R Iirus�is pg spiitig. 'guest oreiatu oaudias' at. R Ifill's n -L er'ih:t;' irks Mason bi uk'$ attafgo of i�'lr W r P'titrl;eAdi> itei,j til resent.'' -�••1Vlouey to loan, cheap. en good notes r,r1 rugnrtga2t:i.. Robt.mgodoo Wingham, leo-leaver Blv¢lr, --The Tzars Car ier- Boys wish to re urn thanks to their numeronrl patrons for .t f e very. liberal man er iu which they were dealt with last week —For llrst•dines tailoring and cheap gents' furnfr1ti las, try Webster & Co,. .Remember the -piece, only two doors north ' thri stts,ud anal, between Ross' books r%'stasNt 13'alsted dr Soot*: bankk. ireter'bunday fills very early tine year, being Mx Mare Teets are only Arco Snudgy's after p, :hanv. Ask Weil: t,esday falls an•!eb ,od, Friday ou _pee, Brustitelitlo ins very geed health 11Z trains for Toronto and east leave %lint:wham at 6‘,60 RDA 11.10 a.m. end 3;40 p. tn., via Clinton and Guelph. --The municipal e Mates, taccessful anti otherwise. baie a found. a solution for their victory ot defent:' tone liat, The eureessful einfee in their oleo; the. knowledge tioiAth /eau give more time to their private, heti, —Oysters, taiir,:eteWed Or al —4 copy of RANI'S Cal ndar for 1891 bat theta received. It ia a 4 production of iboy4 itul, 4 girl aro. re resented playing Altus:att. 5400,000 co .4.441:11Studar 11•00 bees lestted. bettern it kit Out of tho Mar retail Drives ot uruiture here in haM, ant Yen eau ew .get Bed.robtn h 't cost for freight or ilea le 6'15 itr oh pay to tont 21), t fusion's Ifitc • ict Alex nest book re mit the leetaren a apeepckohl 14010 M i ea 400* F'' Geretec left town, • Magic (7 rgib `bail Reetwed sheel rt F'ar4wielt, owickt.towusfiip, au �utered Tial her fi � hilt see ou ices a l . d . crit ^mo ire drat and'eecoad prises in the flaw. ,ing doutest et the Wi tthitrtl' lair Were built won by rotes made by R l l.lo,nith A Co,-rtf• bG Catlieriues. 44 A Clitae'rk •Co are sole a utd e r• 1 fR ti a er leas i Sale n luii+,+haun» • •'t needier „of our to isl?aopleattendesd the Sabbath 'chool, ertt taiiiment'hi con. neoti On With. theBap tiet herd) ,Teeawater, 'last •week,: ecus a few linitis easy ohsirs rtiusie Zama goods r rao0, Beinhno easels. tub&o, &co, very! aui sable for Xmas acid Ne"; SJ- rs �presaitte! ^ome and see theinati+�y •N,--ClintonNewt• Rea d Orr Wednesdaywe had acall from T` royal jr,the ever.. goeia young lecturer Lodge 794. The Orangeorder is booed g in Winghan,. iii Coruyn is deeply lute ested. in the work and is determined to. eep `well iuformeand to:faithfulty carr taut the work of the office he' is,so well qua idad to AIl. --i' 3' k'Jbrnutb & Sou cite allow you the largest stock of clothing, gents lurnisluegs, boots said ebaes iu Wingharn,,,t prices that defy' the keenest cempetitiou.• —This being the an union. services have be Monday. eveniug, iu the Tuesday evening, in church ; Wednesday 4yterian church T the Methodist church ing will be :3iold •in The meetings so f r 1 attended. al week of, prayer, n I ld ws feilowe: tbtbodiat "church; the' Congr:e,4,ation 1., eniug,'in the Prake.` uraday eveniug,"''au and to: hts inset». ie' Be u►ih,', ave been --:Do not wear poet boRtts at;, this"114. soil of the year fo. you. Nils beiitore tit, #; for it but get pair of! blN)3rF, '�{t solid kip boots btsfi ;iby . p r� run at t e•, rroQ 410R. for oomnir ,�.�p;lo --Tbe '414'abre liedist obur:,l,4 utiday,next, - 1011 a.. Colling,»L'f Lire Mr T > '�Mploy'ert i,i the.0facie renngyed'where ho hRe rriage feetp', Hemphiriee, h Al' :par sari tgl:tioil to Ornate Ypf'e` r tatiro .gibe has beets e,n•foeepree yltate, mesa Miohiga y�iteetronin k"larre e sorry to lo$e'Mr ,goo4i citizetr;;bt di4. �i Ambler are t.ieby calla or note store be endo <;r e er, ' • Stu itaf,.. t w1in. •r, will aa. at'eeo a Pi8oA ° = in • of lice electors. o •ilih Eatit ,of ,trot, 00 '. WroasewFr rt'r. a ev sing next en tttu !rata uv e . rJ, dieeting 'tu coal. mence t 7 3o b Y ted talearp thegrocery b sir se. Apply t ia:otllee. — r ll7' VQ iii Wel .; r �� prover �, l► sign oi` the Far- mer's Advooater ail ;n, was aeeideatly drowned:ini a -wittier to k inn' his awn resi.•;t decuce,- on Sates y ening asst! 1t io supICsed he was ifs ptjiig telii:,a' till tire rape tht eolleeet the tank with the bads tank, when bo•si pped awl fell into the tank' head'th *. • r .Wield war! ' in his 66th year. 1•Ie )thaab 'shed the lotion { 'si Adyocate in 186t3; ' l' —4000 lbs C`onvorsrition Lozenges at It flill'e to iia cord 20 to 24 Pesti .er lb. . Jus civ or the 'Olin` ..-• _ trade a.yir1�1 ' �.�', IOp. A. 1)� O f mixed candy at 12 anidlii cornu pe •rib• Th �, meeting f'the Gast lduroa e Ileld;in the iglus Y cud' l'uesd' iy i the ;fofowiug. nt,_ and speak an . y Greeusides, V ci!1 ,Callege, 1str,: anarket, ," 2nd:.: B in. ' t1oreiee t':,.� -- a n:101, al e ' Faranera' Institutie trgi1 hall, ,Brussels, on Mon ;am 12th' and 13 3 geutlerlicn will be pros the atibaeete 'named 8'n f o4rtarro,Ar�ricu t horse •ttpd lima i Ab eaey Unu i Raynordit, B- Iw,st. '1.ue �+ervaees of thr farm,'•2nd; "Peeni3Tg of in iain.:'wilt'be l,elri ' Rues, of bluebell 1»t, •, bu 8 iu hOrrtrpyl a b .. u rnttt7 a sty. Qnin acerb; "2ri'i r +'Varieties o f e follow#rig. the aariquli3 te 'meetingg Raba :d,rrnatrarrg„ of Mo will be the duty 7"; 11 Roberts held in the'clitirch, wise, tea will be Served i"itleaeures of farming C from 6.30 to 7.30. Addr saes- will be,; de ,, », livered by Rev J •8 poi iris and y1',,410 ,• } 'rey,'v aids s. the roMl, ministers. fiuitabiersur,cWill bei'el s: rey, address.. i1t Met by the Church choir feu. the ubrio sleeting Will bep;y, Qrab at. 7.39 o'claek.: Acidness Admission tri aid 15 sen S. by Mr Gseentakies on ,! r • tire:• —Messrs 3' J Homulh & Son are selling their atock of boots and Shoes and clothing at such low prices that they aettmish every body. --The ,prograrnms .at he, meeting of Anchor of Hope Lodge, r T. lett meet - reading at Mr M Blaek ell • song by Mr ou earth is he ?" bythree membersi music by Mr aed Miss Ilaieten, The ledge room is nicely lit up with elect o light ancl there al a considerable increase 'n attendance. Jas. Molielvie has the largest,cheapes and best stock of eandies north of Iton don. Colt and eee. —Mr Thom Agnew Flt (1, set ef denble harness' and a couple of obes in the &eat Madden Agneiv and Mr over to Brussels that ey Ding, and had pu their horses in the eta le about half an hour before the alarm o fire was giien,and were taking tea with a riend. Waen the alarm Was given they re to the. stablesend Succeeded iu reaehitigt horses and get. Ong thetil out Of the be Ding building. —Jost arrived at a 111e, a fresh stock Salmon, tardines, lobsters:. &ce to be OM horse 11.1r Raynor talent, The first sessiot of the iastitute will, commence at 1,30,0' lock on ltfonday, game afternoon, —Best roller flour in Wingiume at A /3 eat 'life on: ratite; abni Oaa to eel tivate;' liohle,of Morris, 0.1% conmeuoing ;;;i:Will be given neatioe of the '44410.4iipa, of utltpap41 be'sbattionsonMe The different isktoda worked feeling prev4iled retinue . bad been found .that Wm Clegg e'l4uyor; Geo', CRenzi� Deputy -Reeve °Metier Griffin and Wrn • 4,tuna Ward 4, find Mr B (' (,'lark Messrs 7;Z Andersen, Thee Dawson, Councillors in 13eo Fettypieoe. School Tr Town Clerk made these' paverat'of the •; ewly elep the cis nfoil ,ad'dreseed rho ing them) for theauppo The folioed g are, the re toren CIeg 52 67 :47:*::eablit.deli:tgubootti iF.1b p tla, teeuyed, when i1, warsd been, cleated eeVa Tse 'err.,,kTnlnaea, Gl'fnr,oul3cillorpiuobool trustee; helvaard Alex 1. and►�r, Atte; thetraaaraeute,d Members of preseut,tlragk,t accorded' them. urns ; d Ward..1 Ward 2 Ward a W4r4 4 ' 82 • Btockenshire. .fill. 36 35 228 Majority' for Clegg, 66 'Ward 2 Ward 4 Ward 4 162 McKenzie. $9 •' 4u , • 78. ,•• 202 ajorit• for McKenzie, 20 'Ward 1 d Ward 2 X�, 'Ward 8 " 72 Ward 4 =l 200 ilujori : for Iterr, 22. COUNCILLORS. Tann 1. It Anderson . • ! F • . it l Agn4w . .. .. ,k 8�r A Dawson,;. .a..... .50 G Green',,, , ..; , ersou, T !i 's,u 'Da.wtai AR ll 2. 1,11911 ' Owuth auel a :;,emmex• by Car —.Oranges, Oranges—just received, 20 eases of Oranges for Xtnaa trade, at It —The follo.wing trken rem the last brother of Me John VOnerY,' .f this town : Idied at the resideede of It eatherdale, The dramas - r„ Leather. serying been at the ahop.on Morality p cedieg hie death, lent Wits,a0 feeling Vet, teart add, on Tuesday the attendagne of :physiCiaa Was necoestry. .In tote' Of all liat 'could he dote he gradeally isankunti death re. lieved him tram paim-Durin the brief illnees he spoke many eimottrag ng words to ,those bear hiro and eeemed Ore than oue proathe in. reference to wee g Cm the "other there." Alf was born u Morris township and grew up a bright, ateliigent young R3R110 Ho had the necett y foV tatehiug when .16 ye reef age.' -The funeral took placeon ,Stu laY aftsr.• tteCni) the interment being re e st elfille, A goodly number of the Royal Template, of which the- deo eta *as a Metliodiat Sabbath SelloOlt Mit hod at the The inother and other behtti Of the eethled have -the Sympathy of this cow. oreagee, lemonedtge, nuts; auger t sale ,for', the peat two. years, ',stung Net , Aft , The report sullenly tOotrtfe. Hstevsases grave ed.had been iu the emdlby of —A. Copy of the moven euppIement of the 146W York World has eeti received. It building, built by Joseph Witter, propri,.. tor of the WOrld, end roto 'which that paper is nOW leaded,. e building is the the fouodatioli to tho to of the ileksted it la sIsi toet: It ha twenty ids floors. The brief; toed would lid 250 ordinarY houset. The building eights' 68,000:000 reuuds. It it beilt 40 t the Walla could t betekeeeWet /act the mature still tinted.; reitkida Mal 14 Panay Drees Goods Laffitie , hoes AA lot./ shawk,(,;),„moiodlit.iny, —44 large mock of gob! fttentah luau mid Silk littniikerchiefdl'• fl underetutr ea taittO end will berlii Maritoills for 114.70, Geste 14 rob, *Mom 'prweant an Gregory bet 28 44 60 172 Cons, 22 34 .. 62 176. 11, SParlieg.,X A 3101. by acelates.tiou. 3'0 BIPtiettoWtbtiiPielii.:.era.e.r... '''''''''' ...... * * .........:..18; 6e,,s, woi,1„ balanee of bier winter MslogyillfoliCiLlarke• ', 6. --Gordon & Maar reale:tie 13, edre and Town is over and the rat a• nd W Armour ng the a great their stook er or early municipal election ayers of the town / y clearly -their views twat vishes through the ballot box. The 011 important question. who' 'are V> leo the. town fathers, and t e guardians. Of the educational in t of ,Our town for another year, lip h. w settled. Whether tho choice made,* ail cisme is wise or un - course of those whom the ratepayers have entrusted t of taxatioxa,to do, �natmcrediblyRearscif•Unp rsmalls toojfie 1inthe r ypeople who take �ini4#atii9isfa ollt' ,'�Boling, earlyIasied gate• ofthe]owehad to ilt up and f only vacant building; and thatthetownGWhich topayfmrra, ngemente,payrne�ntlaidOru lryl}eit,1i itr nunithbr the retiringemoting after. e omjlichallengedalland suxta ,y tm. tqrectnessandconple esa .report, rnor the Mayo -elect, ,criticisms on ♦,trheown.ahem tool9J:w•'goingCouncilha,r�ostheerpenditurof defeated coudda = forby the way, alaitito be abit t toast, ever Weferrs. to.this .n1uiv . we believe, and unprideclion1itlbiIBut, a closer glance a tiffs.'trio may offernonto0t aefor.':tor knowledge on thi in�namely, ' that neit3i s, of thea;" strikingeoiuCidenc. Y• or family interest . -the - ski; armywho eonStite T e tion, of our towYzn, Mora age oxaY nib ► in our • ; Board, It.y this eL we are Y +til the first: Mr; T. Fr. 13n ofc'wda-aintowv, 3ohii•$arper is ' Vr:ainttin s• .Tack in I astingg. fe , y visiting li ; pared'__ ='urued to that ci on Be Chas. Knecilitel vr' _ in•Bru ' day Iast.,�' rs. Gi lesl)ie an Blyth, were yisi r g frlena week.. Mr. S. B, r oriels in Brussels, .last ,Rose Cha en wf urs friends in Brussels in wank.. . Irwin and simmer, . libr k 1' +ir,', •C-0` vis, ins at.•11r. P. J. ''de's..Mr. 2 to ?+tins, of Corrie, •.a: vii;iting friends rx town, last wee ..X.Cr. D. ;1. Campbell' who has been spending tLe past t`- weelcis at his . o e, left for St. Thom co Thursday . - Mr. . = Masan. was t oroii-- lest,wcek visiting his ol,lter..li ra 34,E Kelly, of Teeswater, s2 out a feu* days =ax town last week, visit ng fij water Ross : The isges �" tam,, , f \Vingleart, and Life. fail, of 1raerriste, , visited. last week 'Mie.' W. Watson;'a... Miss E. Ross, of Wit -wham sus visiting with Mi: f; . I glint. •�,�,Q tites..Miss M: gsi8 Martin b� h ; visiting friends Iettckno�w.•Mrs• 1,64. swan, af. Listo el, who had' been sem» g a few tveells . • her ton,, rete... me on "Saailtrday last..lvli s Ma,„ giis,• whit as bee ! spending' her.lip1: al at her home, . - turned to Dock th W`ednesdey to er'uhiie her stu'die r; c Collegiate In titttte..Mr, Thos., as: home from 'russela.latst Ivo* !f his parents . Mr. T. T \Vatsoii wxaa , siting 'rola' es its Toeswator, , elc.. Miss E e. ma Campbell who meet) passed her -nal examintatic, at.: idol; makin he highest • • sr given in f linto Model School,,, Baur *for her school i ! Thedford - Ler, ..st;,Pi tea a position assistant teacher . rtha P0000lr • i visiting friends in svvatsr, last eek.. Miss Mc ltlauglatd•, Stratford.,spt - t Xtaas and New Yi tt'S h her sister is town..lriiss May Sitic3r ; :. Was visiting f finds in u?esstoti k.,Master 1, Caesar left last we-.. oIdaw on ' eeda.Iry twoin returne.1 to twist theListlwel High resume h,n is. Matta of !ih s ilitreri lies stowel, was frut4 teen t ie natty. Mr, G . } Swam, et uta few days in own last ; of Mr. Robt Swan. Mn of 'Halsted •` Seofft'et H Mt. I' or at on • octad ti• . �tt� wit ••• .� . • : affairs:for anoth r year. We think that. the result of the utast, upon the whole, may be fairly sa isfactory. Qf outgo, as almost- alwsy the ease, good men have as 1dt. Cline, tr. h hie wide experienee taining to the, liar* ok the townothould heve been clef bot, his continued tailors' must the only explanation. Warttungthe „loth. has turned a cola allOOMee On e potence arid vest services, Principle, 'n %Veep clean. ping that th Ixt Veen rest. numegemen we let Ma Tee of Wee for to Cht spe al 060100n sweep. can perform. neW wettahregreattooneraY in the 0.; 1.4444°0 00. of town. entre, it they rt.fri":4;n: 471446 Virnit 00444 rut ottnple thw street and '